HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-07-02, Page 6r,�1- M. Ar -t 109T 1W i HFLRLZsl3 FOR Six XVDIT 0. -� -- ..'t , N , ,. - 1 1 .� - , , , ,/ r . f" . D,snsine. We knave that �.l?d-l1V6r UNS 11 �� �i �� Rheumatism Hold slim to Chains—t3tfffer- oAnda hatttheho is dnto w tansd wlsou��������h9Y PIPS. ! u ���JJJi( 1 ed Untold Tortaxs—T'lte Great Loath ahs flnoy that the house luta etor h she baa Win{! (�; y},{1 ,�., y_____ — Oil is a fat -forming food lust maned war Inhabited he Defoxe she ed areaon ste vvtria American Rheumatic Cure Waged War yged and that already her nloelp cleaned or !1L SO with �,e A gha because takers of it sin rap- led. A snxc loath far A D g P and Wan A Complete victory—Relict! in r re Bela is benzine IO w111 At once + 4.tu• *iia r° idly in weight- under its us, a Few soars. . destroy Sal Imseo lite, and does not injure 10 cts osml. '�. b, ecveat deugnt. y g ] a y a � j moke 1°d' °' acid the whale body receiv ,s 7`llflt Seem13 Like a Very ,,i have been a groat snffexer tram rhea- carpets or furls tura Fill a long neclrad ��J—LJU Per Package Untimely and Absurd matism. I was completely belpiess for can with Oblr fluid and apply it thoroughly AwkARpolltiol"dC&Oquent t vital farce. When prepared y over six months. Itrie3 all kinds o! reme- in all cracks and crevices where the bugs .,p h4o tbo nation's preaid+xi Question After be Lea o the doors and Qscti +*late 4l sass$ and croak. as in Scott's Emulsion, it is strong bub got no relfet., Having noticed w their segs map v -I,% wa¢ta no, �� � argument, -- . strong testimonials published of the aures windows open and the odor will quickly Cigarettes �t s ac rat pipe nucha and quickly and easily changed effected by Swath American Blieumatia sea'pIo, Benains should be used only fa i lr�°� V�w� Iliwpkt� visit rtes q Once I obtained a bottle of it, and received daplighb, ar I1 ]s vary Inflammable and 11 to y- ALL THE TESTIMONY relief from pain from the Brat dose, and in must not be carried, near an open fire or a �d }sap dull es dull can ba, Into the tissues of the bad an incredibly short time I was entirely light 1iltoaessftillj' p s y absence see, As your doctor would say, treed tram my sufferings." Jae. K, Cole, --- ' 41st h,ttaay sat y A}monte, Ont. Bold by Watts & Co. Only about a dozen words of genuine .I�ht My pipe'and smoke sad etnatae ,, it Is easily assimilated." Ensile, origin end with the letter "a," bw toy sa taw outdoor a}r, All the tests, and the thousands ttivo down with the !sitar "o," and nearly DERBY - s 'hep forth s arses easy chair Perhaps you are suffering q g�{ 'y U�D 6,000 with "y." "ough" has eight I rc stoke fou of Absolute and Un 1105- sonuds, std up, an o, oft. uff and ant pig "t`o t� comfort �• from fat starvation. - + �0� r and s,noko and amok.. tinned Cures that have It'}tght nu pipe take fat enough with our ��� FRESH 5 Sts j' beeIL, made by MUn- sroln o� A �'* i'b Ye raid that iiia oast of living to f3a- MAw snug X`sa !a my iagle nook, FROM 1?04'1' OLD som mea is two or three timer ar great as in AND Vi) thoughts at trouble do X brook• food, but it either isn't the yon in Canada the United states. Per Package k • -W4toh the brightly burning coke — _ Or lose myself to some rare book right kind or it isn't digested. w Sob&nae eo sea M the am. xts,►t:xaAti OLD GOLD Aird pate and puff and smoke and smoke. ' `Dir John Morrison, No. 152 Euclid Ave. St Marys have orders ,William 4. Kemper is chicago R000rd. You need fat prepared for ,, rte, caw -rat gold ny N,rrlw /3L tin seats & .�3eale, Falkirk, a [�.L p P Toronto, Canada, enyn: — For several you, as In Scott's Emulsion. years I was troubled with a severe form of ojacers of fila company s>rr >Hsen Thea $� the granite monument. They ' TE WRONG MAN. kidney disease, and for the pant year with c�a» � the coanterstjja. are also engaged on a $450 red swede * rheumatism also, a iter trying a number Cigarettes � ��� �� jrver soma prince ora a table. "The eut►6ou of otlTer things and not being benefited, I city Meseo�ger QPopoly �I'RWartimios on he�seman, Harrietavill Robert Facey, la exotrmatbon—a horrified scream— here, id there is a season, is almost over." wa+ induced to take Nun ne - tittle b -the t a . bas a g • FF Nellie Joyce back bright Jack glanced at his brother before re- and Kidney Cures, One tittle of t&s tap. In Me ail st'r Worcester an ret, which plying, and it was Dick then who an- former and two Lottie- of the latter reme- was recruited at as pi went to CANCER ����� ltlil+r wishing that the earth would ewai- swered foo, him, alrily remarking that an dies entirely cured me and I am now as tins front fttottn tboro was a Private who RCTAIL EVERYWHERE EtiYWHERE .her up tben and there, while before bour'a stay ought to be sufficient, If it was well as ever. I can heartily recommend might have been nomad Patrick have been t n ;'like a culprit, stood an astonished business that bad brought him there. the Munyon Remedies and am doing so but wasn't and who might have been .—AND A— �•h man, Nellie iooked from one to the other, and daily to my relatives and friends." French, but was Iin name And ciab And he was an p ,.; ;f:40ood heavens! I thought"— And then wondered at the uneasy expression on toreltove in one anto thrematic e hours, and urea s in that national oharaotaristie of tavlttp re- ut LIFE SAVE® -- - - - — - j3]lii3 stopped short, suddenly realtaiug the face of her flunoe —wondered sill{ morei tort and peculiar denseness #n some di- Dy the Persistent Use of �+illf ,l I impossible it was to explain to this why she bad ever thought him good look- in Manny nae s• Dyspepsia' Care positively , rection- T . .*pnger that ]t was for another man those in Whatever the nature of Jack Vereker's cures all forme of indigestion and stomach � ore the company was io the barracksAyer's Sarsaparilla It is, 9gsroshad been intended. troubles. Price 255,; at Worcester it was the PaeLion fez the men �v t '°'�I am the wrong man, I perceive. You business at soonae Dick appostrevor, It enrodas not to think t DIunyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia 'to run the guard and got out of the lines �'' mistaken me probably for my broth- y g I was troubled for years with a _ •+ }to remtirkocl, with a gravity that would be, for two wcolts passed and he 25a• breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price I through l y rohrroiavtng the nailatthe bottom �� Pleasure `"'a , highly eunimundcibit under th'e air- was still at the closet erjAside resort. Mrs. Bore On lay knee, which called a Several , „qurliatanoea, and thinking in his mind Joyce Was hospitality itself, constantly DZuuyon's Cough Cure Stops coughs, of a wide board and swinging it to ane """!Tat a lucky fcllovv was Dick. inciting the two brothers to luncheon and night sweats, allaya soreness and speedily side. After the men had got through they P]incer,atassuringlme`that� nothing 7?res 5 t 3,t1e1}]e rttado a frantic effort to recover dinner at the little hotel wham she had I heals the lungs. !'rice 2 c. ; would lot the board swing back and there could be done to save my life. As (' " y �'i�,+ 911 r, ,. lost dignity, but merely suocceedod in put up, but Jack seldom made his appear- �a�'pBnIT°thS backeSioT b or groin I undo all disco erednthis method of prrooceduflre finally a last resort, I was induced to try � "•,g pearing what ate was --a horribly am- ance• idem to Nellie that it was she forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. � determined to put u stop to ]t They se- � gip, �9� �� i?•rnssed !stilt girl. it was evident er's Sarsa arilla, and, after tak- rl`o keep your' lawn loo ing �'.. , '"''mean—sou should have stopped mo !n whom he avoided, and considering her Dlunyou's Nerve Cure stops nervousness !stied as sentry at ilio crucial point Fla- Y P` �j� Vv;,;, g- and builds up the syStem. Price `lac• ! herty. Ile hnd impressed them as a man itlg a Aulpber of bottles, ills sono beautiful if oil !lave the we" — she began, reproach peeping from hatred of him, it was strange how Inds p who would do his dot at whatever cost, latest tiling in ' liar violet oyes, and then she tried to glut nant she was at the thoueht. Munyon's I3eadache ('ore oto a headache y - jiho wretch, as she saw that his gray His eyes haunted her continually; eho in three minutes. Trico 25. into seven one sticking a ayhole �^� pisea'were twinkling. found herself perpetually longing to bring Dlunyon'e Pile Ointmen125ct positively cures him with an ,x�I apologize, but yon sea you took me that .look to his face that it Itad worn ail forms of piles. Price era , alsouelaborated a e stem'Ofocountersih a J- T ••a n I.. 6 . +;aitrprise—and when I realized that I when she told him he was to "forgot," Munyon's Blocd Cure eradicates all im- i which they p p g i.8 I ty►Ag the viotirn of a blunder, it was too and then she was always comparing him, purities of the blood. Price les forced. proposed to have Strictly en- . � ? i 4 fi late The—the mischief bad already been unconsciously, with his brother, a cam- D4unyon's Female Romndies are a boon It ohnno¢d that one night severs} of the ` ,fie pa in which, strange to relate, it was to all women. I men ro rod to run the guard. The pass- Mowers hIun en's Catarrh Remedies uoverfai . p pa z � ;Nellie drew herself up to beg full hoSglTt, her Banco i that Suffered. y word that night was "Ticonderoga." It . , I ioh, to tell the truth, was nothing very "Jack is coming u One a ht i say good- The Catarrh (Jose the 25c and was guarded ver careful! but b some y y a "remarked Dick one evening at din- the disease from the-yatem, and the Ca- g y y, Y j iCtung, and regarded the culprit with by, means the men got hold of it and planned _a A cutting way is a habit our 60, ;hat she intended for chilling hauteur. her, and Nellie was certain there was re- ' tars, Tablets—price 25c.—cleanse and heal s.o make use of it in getting outside the Lawn MOWers have, and a �# '"Then, since the `mischic£' "—with an lief on his face, but she allowed her grand- the p II ton's Asthma Remedies relieve in lines. So a party of Your or flue started to - "Th , _ jilt;: spphasis'whichhinted at resentment—„is and longed forethewoalpto be avenge three minutes, and cure permanently• .man} the paint in the line where Flaherty �� ��—,, Utting way 1S OUI' habit Ol ,�,` rablo, the only thing now to be don y was on picket. For safety's sake ono of • t C y w a _ - It was easier far, she told herself, to Price $1. P . P ��i��//// _ _ ;iA.�-to forget it.” g the party started ahead to ex eriment on , � �_ �_ /�4 1 10dUCing p17C08 Oil ,yam " 3aak Voroker }coked down at the win- climb to Roetrevor stores in the gathering se I ilunyon'a Vitaliser restores lost vi or. i Flaherty with the password, while the rest �� y P ��� } ., y ri�„l sface, at the long lashed Irish eyes, dark eeseuteasier thhan to e stiffest tt tbO giscent thanof azeoto PrA separate cure for eaeji disease. At all staid behind to watch the outcome. If the • :ttlnd:the rosebud of A mouth, the sweet, gray y gg Moatl 25c a vial, advance guard got through all right, the U,arue(] wire, Cut and Wire Na11S, Palllt5, 0115, Scls d'Hllis rq jtrypfp.11ps that just now had pressed his, utter a formal goodbp to the man who had drT�ersonal ]otters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and rest had pretty good assurance of going it r pp y 1; Doors and Will(lowS, llilk Cans, Poultry Netting), all .,,til tdiao wished it were possible ^to obey shown her her own beart4 through aim The soldier approached Fla- began to disc ear and m eneral11 a .fir,Io was no lady's roan"—into his She was engaged t0 Disk, and Dick was 13 Albert St., 7'oronty, answered with free herty in the darts and trhe latter brought health improve. I persisted in this ' > > •,k sues up to feet ill t�'idth, Paris Green, Calcined �; "MtR -omely lifo•vvomen did not enter—and ho grannte's favorite, anti the Joyces never medical advice for an disease, I his musket to charge bayonets and about- 7 7 „� not known en now the thrilling power broke faith—but she must be away when treatment, until the sore WaS en- Plaster, Thorold Ceniitf�, �c• Jack came tonight, ed: tirely healed. Since then, I use i u w a kiss. "Who be yeoi" We have leased thousands, we can please you. '1'rrib u.�. ""t a ''•'''t'oiir wishes are commands" bs d¢- Roatzovor Steno is more easily climbed t;arre,s• „A Mend." flyer's Sarsapazllla occasionally as p �t"vi il�red, with a curious lock in his express- in broad daylight than in the dusk of a ahnre end yez can't Set cot o' this a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- i '' .y,;,Ige grz,; oyes, "and now permit m¢ to in- sate autumn evening, and presently Nellie, They r,lly civ; the roost useful articles ++ T T A BROS09 �t()r(5t 171ardlta`tre,�'g w]daut do ooantersign." Tho soldier ap- deed, it seems as though I could notf•1 ARL�aN-+o8uae myself and explain my presence whose thoughts were far distant, found , the h°ilizin d (nn hoe Amon 5U ..iu J., ,, ,,nye aP utilizing thr;m here is ono,: :preached the picket and wLSaportd in his kee }louse without it."—Bice, S. A. Cilllten t •3,ore.; 'lam Jack Vereker, and have just herself embracing -Mother Earth. Sas the woad "Ticonderoga. Phut did P 4iu;;00-e from London to see my brother on etIfer her will, the In lonelinessIng so ofthe iy Take outn Ili tthe uPlWre I,ower loue to fallow shelf y0z say?" "Ticonderoga," repeated the FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. business, and failing to find Lim at his gj,e Suard runner n a louder whisper. "That �>" tkictei came on here, where they told me I moment nand then—then er eaher mostos for a wandor- of ow the line e in the barrel, iexceptinguOn ain't the worrud," said Pat, and as the sol- �a { h y `' g j1,ould be certain to see him."4 digs madeamotion towlthdraw, he added, AYER'S Fol 11�le ba�a��e of tills lo� i �i i'$e was to have heom here now," said ful thing happened. Strong arms were •ne ells, whore the circle to fist be squared. approaching the point of the bayonet a lit tl%`Ieliie, struggling with the shynoae which suddenly p3de¢d round her, Ler auburn When this shelf la rotors! set , again a n tie cloaer to his body, „Don't qez' msec /� q l j+wt;tt fast overpowering her. "I am Nellie head ane otllineffable dontenderness shat, andoice tighten all the hoops. hoops. \orrel head w saw outa gen- I wan step, or by the holy mither I'll stick The !silty World's Fair Sarsaparilla, WE WILL OFFER '10 CASH PURCHASERS RS t�.�iiiype, Mr. Joyce's granddaughter."this inter yea' The soldier knew Pat well f t" `7 "Li'l ,"Sao I presumed—and now, Miss Nellie, whispered in her ear three little words— krone sized door in the center of Its the ris, the shelfsqua . enough to know that he would do 1t Ind Ayer•S plus Regulate the Liver. Iieajltlflll Decorated inner Sets, �w it you not shake hada with me on the but three words whish roads all the world Dido should stand acs ss tbeim'iddlo afutb second if he made a motion, and so he Atj - �i4St ' s :�- gth of our future relationship?" seem glorified. 1 g g stead there passively while Pat yelled, Iiandsonle TQllet Sets, ' !+Trills was furious with herself for the "My little girl." It was all he atria, but opening. put hinges tz the little p, And , Carp ral of the guard y� 4f1�, rig then you have a comfortaLlo ]!iiia pantry + ardl" In a moment or China Tea Sets, • • and �n��w , g a •tialor which, in spite of her etTorta to look Nellie lay still with closet! epee, wonders or If washstands are not , two the oorparal came run➢tug up to see ;,aagol, would persist Sn invading her cheeks; could heaven hold greater rapture than for o ifulb"e ttiac invention will serve -dmf- what wag bbd mutter, but he was balted by �y,e gecret of Atahing. Fancy hand painted China�i are e , , yet teas she not accuatotned by this time thi.. 1 pat, Usha sill+!, "Give the countersign." Zbe secret of brook fishing for trout lice �,,.,, ,; ` Ticonderoga," said the corporal, and `� hefng pointed out as Dick Vereker'e minded him f hia3trea et eyes yp his b other, shapeaalono 1S$ clue tva iDl ©Zurklshe t wei, in inst two rules: Fish slowly and avoid Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bona fide offer. Having tfi�t,. g started to approach nearer, "HowTd up," in ©vers way frlghtsning the 13sh. Tho bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our eueomeris �,r y Ti6ee no necessity far doing so," she and the nextreoment the two stood facing or, better yet tostelin cut �n a pircio, int�posecl Pat, <yez haven's eat it sighs ]nit©r rule means that one's ahndow moat the benefit. Butter and Egg- taken as ass`,. ' ni;a` below.—Hrit•per's Bazar. i sytbar, at ail, at sail" In vain th000rporal : 1� �c pgwered, taking refuge in an attitude of each other In thg_dusk, and au anguished iha 9co�tPmver pbe barrel Lop nice! flat roteo ` not be teat upon tits seater, nor any move- �T r1 1 ,, once, and telling herself that Bho hated cry burst-from�Titn. protested that that was the word that had RQ�SONy� r Clinton. i3 tnever went made in hoar view of the stream. at -mss man, "for I am quite sure we aball know," looking into to the swam young foto been given out. Pat would not let him Ap�ych the poo} stooping, if there is s t 1-41.. tbut move either way, but kept the corporal and _ _ — +.",/;- "VerA b° f cell " „ brush to- form a screen; in the open crate �' -- _ --- --—----- I _ 1 Y "And wily not—what have I done? which now reflected a his own misery, pbaentminded i the psi veto eGandkng there with his bayonet Herein lies the advantage of a long --- �,t7v.: y going and l forgot myself." _ thein while he shouted up' l "Xou know what"— And than again Ism cin away, g y S uy{({1 7 STmm�ne hos the shortest vibrating betHreen 's y;'; tit Btoppec� short, for the curious Smile on "it was not your fault," ahemurmured, Tneloo o all the men I know. i for the t of the guard. The word rod. It ,obviatand es the necessall the parts of ity of approach - 1, NU`v IS YOUR CHANCE Ft�P ?.+,e -:•.Mitt lips and the odd look in his open ware while despite the pain of the awakening isiteMc,3willIgim—Indeed? (i was passed ng and finally the sergeant the stream wlith'in reaoh$aQrcat care must V ., ullcli r Yes. i~otnetimes he even for- ' P t rl ` ,Oings that could no longer be ignored. there thrilled through being lovede'sbut 9 6— arrlvedon rhe scene. Meanwhslotheguard )� exercised in moving the rod over the "But I must ask you to remind ins, gats L1mself.—i'ittsburg Chronicle -Tale rnnnar's,compansons began to edge swap water; a quick motion means a quick Clothilac ,ttvhab I have sono—my memory has be- I e1° tit9 to dn�for©grannie, and do as graph. Ito await' deVpl4pments, remaining, haw moving shadow, which must be nvoSderl.��� ' e a }'?Ir$eZl bfanB.• ever, within earshot. Every ]stile obstruction in fife stream unFS - ' �eIlie flushed a swift, wrnthful look on "It is the second time you have told me London's winking Houses, i I "what's stli this trouble?" 2Amanded the The number o!' public houses to London eatit �,pkheg over the group. dor which the currant hies washed out the �` jhiw -then she turned and fled ignominl- to do so—thou as now, I am the wrong serg Sdnd and gravel mTay harbor a trout It +';,_, Having purchased a large, up-to-date stock Of ';vi.„;'.;,Otte1 —and in the seclusion of her bedroom mu—it is the fate in the life of soma." diva fisc czTdntersign," said Patrick. is by faithfully fishingevorp poasiblo nook, ,I ; y "Life itself is wrong, I think," eho !s 5,109 s adclltluu to M,J9i beer houses, „Tiao➢deroga," replied the sergeant. instead of trying only the obvious pooh, TweeCl t�>U1t1L1-S and Trouseringe s. ,,ir, gptilown to think over the situation. WOISted anCl °s` iyhat a ascii, he was, to be sure. ---a cried, struggling for a moment against 918 ,°tele, 1•ta clubs and Alii restaurants, "F b aad yez haven't got it right, that every one finds that one wins success. �? tasty, conceited—we11, no—he didn't look temptation to be true to her heart at all malting a total of r,9Oh licensed Louses laytiher, sell pointing his bayonet aG{Yt the bait along under a bank Iver- for the Spring trade. ata Very low price, we are 1',V' mudelted exactly—and then she wondered costs; "but there—let us go home, I am Blind -told, J the seiQeaao bung with grass, even if the water ss ehal- prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton and iw3Tat Dick would say when he heard of it tired. "t "yes, !t ia, you fool," answered the ser- low; do not neglect An place that looks k,: '' .—aS hear of it, of courat, ho would. �iiavo you heard the latest?" exclaimed A woman has pz%;sM s ki `' at. "`X`hatitSwhatallthepicketSLava„ g y v1C111}t Ordered (clothing cheaper than !latae 4 g p no right to "go v ,�; �� r at all likely. Do not espoot the 13eh nl- Y 3j Refiectlons of this kind were no longer one Desi to another ria months later. : '�1 , s'�'- ; „It don't make wan bit of difference ,, ways to ,Ito at onto; as a rule they do, Over yet been offered here. } ,t ;endtirable, ao, changing their nature, Nel- "you know the firm of Vereker & Co. a" 2 YIi said Polk If yez don't gigo that counter- but sometimes they da not. lie bounded to Lor Peat and carefully in- well, it turns out that one of the nephews v /-�,"�',,�,' k:t '-�rj*1 i sign and yez move wan step, I'll put d hole ,rhe average trout brook bas a good, stiff 11,1,1 1 i; ted herself ]n the mirror, to see ]f her of the head of the firm—Dick Vereker— i y , t' -' through yea," current; therefore the best plan is to 4° has-been for months defrauding his uncle u"", g g g b this time and wet t the lino. Three small split shot iasis was "tidy." , Pat was ettin angry y g}T P SUItS t0 Order from X10 up. , , t ` to put it all down to his brother 'r ' p,r F' It was not, of course—being of that re Jack a account, taking advantage of the le b3inod' life an nd y I ;ltd;. r,, the Protestation and threats of the ser- securely tuatened to t,e shell to the best Gill. $13.50, ���j and •P�ij Suits are Leadcl'S. i' ,, ,, , 4*Ulous order of chevalure which laughs health. She Iias \ , ��' y goant and corpora{ did not move Limn method. T,en, when the bait is dropped rP ;r 41'' t combs and brushes— et for all that likeness between thew. The fellow was ;., y, whit. Flaherty called this time for the lieu- carefully in the water and allowed to sink We use Nothing but first class trimmings. 'rc. , y lr t o taco {atter reflections gave her more tom- engaged to a grotty heiress In Ireland, and no right to shut \ �� _ tenant of the guard, Ifo was by this time just ahead of an obstruction, the current ' ;. '"tart than the others, and she congratulated thought to have got her before anything her factstof ber i F;`r t surrounded by a pretty respeotabla sized carries it under to the lair of the fish. If A perfect fit and latest, style guaranteed. f x .''' ltera¢{f on having had on her "pale blue." was found out, but the bomb ,as buret Lyrical being -,. crowd of puzzled ofllcere, all of whom he the trout is there, he will, 1n most cases, 7 4" It woo so nooessary to create a favorable and everything is known.' „ and the const �� a was holding ab bay at the point of his oke it quickly and viciously; You must ^lsl''`, slog at first, she told herself grave "And the gig} h¢nrtbroken, 04 course? quencea 'of nag- \ 4. '� mnakot. The hubbub soon reached the than avoid a common fault. Do not jerk �.:.,.r ly. orrwhen one was about to enter a Yam- ,,By no moans, for this morning her lett. She has no \y �\ �� your line with sufficient strength to throw S/•-1 ir,N ,,,.,, paper. ri ht to be wretch. � \ Sara to rile lieutenant, to ,and he came down • COATS {{�`�J t t.+ V .. yi,in the aggressive capacity marriage }e #m the der. She has con i in a tearing hurry to eco what the trouble the hook into the surrounding trees. It eg and ill when all in lues—first impressions were die- soled barself wit, fh w �°eneali tht world she mi ht be hap- was all about. Pat LroYight him up short to diftloult to gat,er a flah Yrom ovorhang- �tt ,� "Just the way g with hie bayonet and demanded the noun- leg bxaaches—if indeed the Yorce used duos 't as otly valuable. over," la the sententious remark of the py and free from — •�"" �� "" r ,..i •'My dear Nell," exclaimed Dick aforeign, although be know well chane, not tear the hook from its moot,.—Phila- „�.�.��... jF lour Suter, as the panne Indy entered her man about v°wranda of n, but nd foreign starry der a clear,p W°men who drag through life weig]ic8 i who the officer wile• delpLia Press. THE BEST +'�,' andater, afiber's private young room down sky down by some torturing, dragging west:• "Ticonderoga," said the lieutenant. tai si v_, Vitra, "I hav„ been waitingg 4or you for violet eyed girl to murmuring to her hu-- ness or disease of their sex are not doing g P tusarly an ago and my brother Loco--Jaok, band, as be bends fondly over her slight their full duty to themselves. They ore not "Dowty smoke," sighed Pat, "bo ain't a�j p H iss g taking the means which enlightened eci- got it right ayther." And be pondered as �M ��vr��iseUll� '� t Q8r Nollto Joyce—had made up his mind form, "Nit the moron ,ter dile time, encs affords them of being well and strong W who be should call out next. Illi Y that you must belong to the race of Jack, thank God." ung and capable. "Ain't got it right?" said the lieutenant ' myths „ These special complaints from which so angrily. `Why, you fool, I gave it to you ARE ;f. .4 ea said Nellie, with a cold bow A ca,sP of local interest. wits tried at many women suffer are not necessary. Dr. myself." This is an advertisement which tells TAKEN BY *s 11':e In the direction of the tall figure In the S,-,tfol,th divi.ion Court sittings on the Pierce's Favorite Prescription positively „Sure thin, yez forgotten said Pah. the truth about Milburn's Heart and i i lxtckground, and wondering why she had lh.h inst,. Goo, A. Book was stied by cures even the most severe and obstinate „ 'rticonderoga' wasn't the worrud yez Nerve Pills. /^� �+ �j �j .y waver befaro aatieed what a provokingly �Vni. 13iilra, rt la,d who had been taken cases. �}►�(�P�E �HR S�F�ER H 1 ] r . 1 E R , domplaeonL smile her fiance's was. "But out of the Stratford Boys' Home some It is not a haphazard medicine. It is not gave." L A u know you were to have been hero at years ago by Adorn Cook. In the spring a " cure -alt." n is a scientific remedy de- "what web g then?" asked the liouton- f ]Sari he made a• httrgain with Mr viaed by an educated and experienced eche Ant, beginning to sue the fen. from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness i half pugs 4." And then she sat down on a „ cialiat for the one purpose o£ curing the "Bcdnd, it tuna ' Wroang kind of sago of breath, smothering feeling, palpiia- ii jstool at her grandmother's fent. Rock's eon to work fora year for his special diseases of women. cry,' "said Pat, and a about of laughter tion of the heart, "Dick, will you ring for tea smiled bon rd. clothes, P25a•nd what over spend Tens of thousands of women have been went up from the group he had standing pains through the the old lady, softly stroking her darling's ing money he should require. After restored to perfect health by ibis wonderful around him. Flaherty,, having roaently brew"st and heart, Djamond,Jubile^ workinti "Prescription." . In man instances they anxious,morbidcon- surly head, and then, turning to the silent r about half his time, M left ori loan bad not heard of Ttconderogn, ,kI i � I flgtue on the hearth rug, observed that she Ikis own accord, and now sues Mr Rork' were actuallyy elven up as hopeless by shy- comp over and not being d of Tic in Amer- dition of the mind, b t' -l. er seen so extraordinary A likeness £fir $50 for wages. The defendant of ascii h,lvnttakenn bothdyourorGolden Medical Dia. and had mistaken the word, although they o groundless fears of coming danger, This important event is engrossing the attention of millions of our race bid nee fore between brothers. fered the hop $15, although defying all covert'' end ' I+avorite rrescri tion' for cbro,iic had drilled bbn carefully, trying to g anmmia dr impoverished blood, after at present Ca{} and procure one of our JCuff Pins ao that you well be inflammation of the utenis an It appeared to Nellie that Diok seemed liability upon theRtcri ll. bThe pla111" Mra. M. A. 9coty of Park Rapids, bbard Cog him to pronounce it. Not long afterward effects of la grippe, general debility, in the swim. See our Cuff Buttons and Cuff Links also. Sea ottr finer anxious o change the subject, but when failed t0 prove h 12 rind JuMr d a Do le Minn. I also had stomach trouble which was the ragirnent waved to the south, and etc., should range of Neckties and Straw Hutssuitable for the Jubilee. nate was once launched on a topio it consented t o gi e $ R y terribly dlstrenstng. 1 have been cured of an, I with it wont ]i'laherty, saes zeahristonod 12, had suffered untold misery for tour years prc• " It Stook to R� iHEaE P1A..1.S We also call your attention tothe'fact tba'we have takentthe agency for that famon y y recorded this cccccc###### t7j,A ndt easy to arrest her, and present] Ulcus w taking your treatment, snit began to feet wrnag kfad h hgu�•' and Lo got so T brand of Ceylon Tsa ALADA, and have it in half and one ponn i Na' '` . dito was g1vi.,g her opinion on the mya HERE IS THE WAY, the good effect at once." him all thr cure to oval; cus tie vi,,gexistng between twins, and the Dr. Pierce's thousand page Illustrated used to it that lie responded to it as his asthey stoogee isatisfactionbor ox you will be eargee at s o buy if yon trylt- Any respmixed and ectfully u of Butter 80o and 40 andE1990 wonderful love they had for each other— To cure all heart and nerve troablee and book "The People's Common Sense Med, Nam*•—Springfield Republican. mo y refunded through the party from wanted either for trade or cash. Atrial reapeotfnlly-oliatted. Dick endeavoring, meanwhile, to Anter fn- tbat weary, weak, tired feeling, sleepless• icai �dvisev"contains information of price• whom the ills were purchased, and we a half whispered convtrreabion with his nese, hereon -nese, 8ta, do as Mrs T. Glover, leas value to women. A paper -bound copy ��$T�� p AjjAj�/tS EMPORIUM s �� Y authorize tEl to do so on the strength t .EEE... § fl ncoo, an endeavor that was distinctly a Chatbam, Out., did. Says Mrs Glover: will a sent absolutely the cost of icustomi of the above statement. "This offer is i ',[btlgtrll. 'Ona box of Mifburn'0 Heart and Nerve one•cent stamps to pay iia limited to the first box used by any one y �AT1�jj SBOR0 "Attd how long are yon going to romain spills shred me. I was So bed that 14eared and msillag only. Address World's Dis•s,�le 11 65 {/ ttiat,� a+ peasary Medical Association, Buffalo, Pi. Y, sipAtws 'j� `1"VP& person. T. MIL13URN & CCs., Toronto. '11Ia gostrener}" asked the old lady at las„t paralysis, bur am now atzon and well, 8or a cloth•bound copy send yo stamps. ;,„aNrltitLn�ly looking at Jaok, as be tushes thanks tc these wonderfnl pills.' . , i9 ei•- -.. .• t . . ” I I I � , a I � � . � ,. :i . - .. ..,.,. I , . I � , a r 'l5 .11 ,, y - 't ... .,d�m•Ts' .- k.f.:.�. rbc._ .,.lf_ " . .,.i .i - .t ,. sem... . rr. _ _