HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 2ADAM LODWICK
Should Have Been Under Restraint Some
Time Ago—His Murdered Wife Ob-
jected to Parting From Her Hus-
A 'Whitby, Oct,, despatch: A verdict
that Adam Lodwick killed bis wife,
but was insane when the deed was
oommltted, and true bills returned by
the grand jury against J. la Cook,
conductor, and Hugh Kyle, engineer,
0. P. 11, employees, for manslaughter,
were the events of interest at to -day's
sitting, of the assizes.
When court opened this morning, the
grand jury returned a true bill against
' Lodwiuk for the killing of his wife at
Velletttylte, on the morning of July 20th
last. The prisoner, a dejected, care-
worn melancholic, when placed in the
dock was the picture of despair. Ho
le 45 years of age, and had been inaeried
18 years, and has five children.
The story of the finding of her mur-
dered mother was told by Alma Lod.
Wick, the eldest daughter. The mother
lay, dressed, upon her bed, a tiny in -
font, a few weeks old, on her arta
and her head blown to fia5menta . and
splashed over the bed and upon the
crying baby. The father was found in
the kitchen, and a double-barreled shot•
gnu lay on the table. The day pre-
vious to the tragedy the mother, for
the first time, had felt end expressed
fear of her hueband, who bad been
acting strangely for months, The
child said her father had ben hurt by
a failing limb last January, and had act-
ed queerly since that time,
Dr. Blanchard said he treated Lod -
wick for nervoueness in 1005, and
again in 1000 He had recovered, In
March of this year the doctor found Lod -
wick a no nus wreck, Rad suffering
from melani 1 ilia,
Several other witnesses added de-
tails to the story of the tragedy. For
the defence, Mr. Robinette called re-
latives to show Lodwlok's changed de-
meanor during recent months, Morose -
nese instead of cheerfulness, silence
and lethargy ineteed of aetivity, fear
of death or an insane asylum, these
Were the symptoms. Four medical ea -
parte, Dr. F. Warren, Whitby; Dr.
Bruce Smith, of Peflerlew, Inspector of
Prisons; Dr, Boenter, Sthperfntetdent of
Mimlco Asylum, were put in the. box,
To Mt. Robinette they agreed that
when first examined by them in July
Lodevick one insane, and was insane to.
Both defence and Croton waived ad-
dresses to the jury, and his Lordship
charged, asking the jury to find, first,
Was Lodidck insane on July 20tht Sec-
ond, Is be insane to-dayt In forty-
five minutes their reply was an af-
flrinative. The prisoner will be kept
in jail here till the Attorney -General
?aces him in an asylum, The grand
jury struggled all day with the chargee
against Cooke and Kyle, members of
the train crow charged with causing
the fatal wreak at Myrtle, and this
evening found true bills. They have
yet before them another indictment, that
against J. W. Manson, train despatches
at Toronto.
cupied for some hours in turning away
people who had cone to deliver the "or-
dered" goods. In many cases it was
with some difficulty that the people who
called on hila were induced to regard the
affair as a joke, but on being satisfied
that it Was so, they contented them-
selves with remaining in the vicinity In
order to se others conte up and be fool-
ed, and incidentally enjoy the humor ate
Meiling to the situation.
Abbey street et this particular spot
soon became impassable with wagons,
carts, drays and barrows, while hundreds
of people—the news having been quickly
spread -enure in from all directions to
join in what apparently to them was a
Boureo of groat fun. There were ninny
partioularly amusing incidents, notably
one occasioledby the arrival of e porter
from Billingsgate market. He pulled up
es near the house as the congested state
of the road would allow with a hand-
barrow containing three bushels of
winkles. Having stated that he had come
to deliver these winkles as ordered, the
victim implored him to go away, saying
"It's all a hoax." ,With embellishments
such as only Billingsgate porters are pros
verbielly said to be gifted with, he re-
plied, "It ain't -- oats I've got to de -
neer; ft's winkles," After some argu-
ment the truth of the situation was
borne in upon him, and the merriment
occasioned by his arrival and argument
was added to when by some means or
other hie barrow was tilted over and
the Winkles were scattered about the
Passenger Steamer Mongolian : Badly
Montreal, Sept. 30,—Messrs. H, and
A- Allan received a telegram front
Faure Point this evening, stating that
Undertaker Arrives -Band Ordered to
Play, on Non-Eaiatent Lawn—All
Sorts of Jokes—Wedding Postponed.
Ottawa, Sept. 30.—The Government
have under emiside•ation the question
of sending to the Orient tt special coo•
missioneo• to ittveatigate and report
upon the whole problem of Asiatic i0,.
migration into Canada, and also to
urge personally at Tokio Canada's re•
quest that as annual limit of about
six hundred be placed by the Mikado's
Government open the number of pass -
porta issued to lmoiigraijts bound for
this country. It is fait that tho . Can-
adian viewpoint in regard to Japanese
immigration can be more effectively
brought before the attention of the Ja-
panese Government by direct presenta-
tion of the cuss ht personal interviews
with the Ministers at Tokio than by
the formal exchange of correspondence.
Mr. laid, the Japanese envoy, who was
recently in Ottawa, will of course re-
port to his Government, but a strong
Canadian representation to impress
upon the members of the Government
at Tokio the representations made to
Mr, lehli by the Canadian ]Ministers
will undoubtedly have great influence
toward bringing about the arrangement
desired by Canada. The Government
also realize that the problem of Oriental
immigration is bound to become an in-
creasingly important ono, as Canada's
advantages and opnportunitlos become
known in Japan, China and India. To
deal with it will require a thorough
knowledge of the character of the Asia.
do people, their adaptability for eosins -
Hatton with the population on this side
of the Paoifie, the conditions tending to
direct the overflow of the population of
Asia to this continent and the best
means of chocking and controlling that
immigration, The economic aspects of
the problem must also be studied at
first hand. The responsibility of the
commissioner to be charged with this
task is evidently very great, And his
mleeion will require o. thorough states-
manship and fine diplomacy. Just who
Will be sent is not definitely decided,
but, according to the present views of
the Ministers here, no time will bo lost
in appointing and sending a eommiesion-
er. The Government are thus preparing
to solve in a statesmanlike and adequate
manner ono of the moot difficult and
complex questions now confronting thein.
their otoamehip Mongolian had sig-
nalled this afternoon that elle had
been in collision with the freight
ship Huronia, of the Thompson Line,
and had been to seriously injured that
she was compelled to return at slow
speed to Quebec with her 150 pnssengere.'
The Hurona, it was also stated„ is re-
turning to Quebec, Further portico -
tare have, as yet, not been received, but
it is believed that the oollieion occurred
sone time on Sunday, in the Straits of
Bello Isle.
The Mongolian, which was under
command of Captain Gavesbell, sailed
front Montreal last Thursdayy, for Liver,
pool, with 150 passengers, Including a
number from Toronto, and a general
cargo, Tho Mongolian wits reported from
Father Point on Friday evening, and
it is believed that when the accident oc-
curred site must have been passing
through the Straits of Belle Isle,
Mr. Andrew Allan stated to -night that
aecording'to reports received, heavy fogs
were prevalent in the Belle Isle Straits,
and it is likely the collision 'occurred
during a fog. Mr. Allan left for Quebec)
tonight to await the arrival of the Mon-
golian, which is expected to reach there
London, Sept. 30.—An extraordinary
hoax has been perpetrated in Abbey
street, Bermondsey, the viothns being a
number of tradesmen and a young couple
who were to have been married on Sun-
day, but whose wedding; had to be post -
pored until Mentes), owing to the inci-
By the first post on Saturday the pros-
pective brodegroom received a number
of letters in which the writers expressed
their pleasure at being, able to accept
the young couple's idltation to be pres-
ent at the wedding. No invitations had
been sent out, because it was the inten-
tion of the couple to haye the ceremony
carried out as quietly as possible.
Hardly had the pelmets gone when
the young man answered at knock at the
front door, and was ther met by the
representatives of a local kin of under-
takers who had come to' mcasur1
"deceased" mother-in-law for her coffin.
The young man pointed outthat he was
1o1' yet married, and const],,,{yquentty had
another -in-law, and that trio caller had
been cent an a fool's crcand',
The tradesman went awd', and for
about an hour after that the j+oung man
was left in peace. But before nine a
brewer's dray laden with barrels of boor
drove up, and the drayman announced
that he had beensent to deliver the li-
quor' for the wedding. Following close
upon one another tradesmen came up
with vans and•barrows laden with all
kinds of good's,` ouch as groceries, moat,
fish, three pianos and coals, the drivers
all stating that they bad been sent to
execute orders received for the delivery
of rho goods for the wedding.
A local doctor, a, district nurse, a corn-
ebnndler, a fish porter from Billingsgate,
and men driving wedding carriages and
chauffeurs driving motor -cabs also fol- peddling was mistaken liq hie fren..
lowed to carry out orders. for a moose and shot dead. When, iia the last twelve months to stump opt
The young man's' whole time was ec- friend teethed him life was extinct. ` tuliereolesis among tits monkeys, in gets anything done, nod are attendants at h'i lett) gam -s.
the last throe menthe three of the small.
er monkoye have died of the disease. In
captivity they seem particularly sus-
ceptible to it, and it was the aim of the
two experts to study the canstvs and
remedy the conditions. In five years
tuber ulosis has coat the Zoological So-
ciety many ram specimens.
Though the two scientists realized tho
danger of working among the infected
monkeys, they believed they themselves
could avoid ideation by care , Together
with his wort: of curator of reptiles and
mammals at the park, Mr. Ditmars has
been at work on a new reptile book.
Isis lest book on the subject is just
off the press, In his enthusiasm he car
fined himself too closely, weakening his
health and giving the disease a chrome
to gain a hod.
Capt. Frank Bertrand, of Steamer Nim -
ick, Left Behind,
Buffalo despatch: in suspending his
license for 30 days, the local inspectors
at Buffalo probably saved the life of Capt.
Frank Bertrand of the lost steamer Alex-
ander Mutat. But for the enforced idle-
ness during his auspenoion, Copt, Ber-
trand would have been in command of
his steamer when she was wrecked Sat-
urday night in piece of Capt, John Ran-
dall, who lost has life. The Mimick left
Buffalo of Sept. 11, in command of Capt.
Bertrand, but was forced to return to
port on account of heavy weather.
Whflo returning to the harbor the Mim-
ick collided with the steamer S. S. Curry,
resulting in tho suspension of Capt. Ber-
Port Huron, Ont,, Sept. 24. —
dirs. Randall, the wife of the Algonao
captain of the ill-fated vcssSl, was ap-
prised of her husband's drowning Sun-
day night when she was a guest in the
home of Spain E. Pearce, this city,
Mrs. Randall has been in failing health
for some time and came to Port Huron
to recuperate. It is thought that the
shock may prove serlous to her. When
the captain left to take out the Nimiek
he said to his wife: "l don't believe
this trip is going to prove a very fruit -
fol one. I just feel it"
Invests Dollar in an Irish Church Lot•
tory and Gets Big Estate.
\Vephani, Mass., Sept. 30,—After in-
vesting $1 for a lottery ticket to aid a
church bazaar in Ireland, Miss Nellie
Mitchell, an Irish servant girl, received
notice to -day that she won tate first
prize, an estate value at 520,000.
The girl was at her kitchen duties at
the country residence of the Mlsaes Pin -
gm when she received the news- She
burst into tears and then laughed. "Af-
ter I have given to charity for many
year's,' she said, "Cod has retarded
The property was donated to a church
in lloseommon, Ireland, by a scattily
land owner, and le known as the Knock-
meano estate. Thoilsands of tickets for
the lottery were Bold in this country.
?lies Mitchell is said to be the first per-
son around Boston to receive a capital
prize fropa such church drawings. She
has been in America ten years.
Prof.: McBride, of McGill, Reports Cam-
bridge Experiments Successful,
Montreal, Sept: 30.—Professor Mc-
Bride, of McGill Lniversity, has just re-
turned from Cambridge University,
where he investigated the new process
of wheat 'crossing, Ile believes that
the question has been solved, He
claims that the qualities of certain kinds
of wheat are clue to heredity and are
not the result o Ptho climate. By a
process of cross-breedilg he has got a
product which combines the good
qqunties of Manitoba hard. with those of
English wheat. The large, soft heads
of English wheat and the hard qualities
of Manitoba No. I snake an ideal pro-
duct and one which will double the yield
of the Canadian wheat fields.
A Pennsylvanian Killed Near Lake Ed-
ward, Que.
Quebec, Sept. 30. News reached town
this evening from Lake Edward of a
fatal shooting accident in Lake St, John
district, as a result of which a man
named A. Gaston, reported to belong
somewhere in Pehgsylvania, met death.
It appears Gegen was hunting with a
friend at the Triton Club, and while
He Will Be Hanged on Nov. 15—Crime
for Which He Must Die Was Murder
of Priest's Sister—Took Sentence
Reconstruction of Trunk Murder—Dra-
matic Scene—Infuriated Mob Hoots
the Prisoners..
London, Sept, 30, --"Sir Vero" and Mrs.
Goold have been taken from Marseillos
to Monte Carlo to stand trial for the
murder of Mme. Levin, their wealthy
neighbor, whose body, it will be recalled,
was dismembered and carried to Mar•
seines in tho aeeused's baggage..
On Wednesday the Goulds were driven
in closed landaus to the villa in which
the terrible crime was perpetrated, for
the reoonstrttotlon of the murder.
The woman's Rrliszly hair was bate,
and to was ghastly pole. She was im-
mediately taken to the flat, her husband
being conducted to a wine and wood cel-
lar, watched over by two stalwart gen-
darmes, to await his turn.
On arriving at the lending Mrs. Goold
When she had quite recovered be 6441-
denly asked, "Now explain how you did
"I have already explained," the woman
exclaimed. "I did not kill Mme. Levin;
my husband did it all."
"You, both of you together did it,"
said the judge.
In' loud tones, so loud no to be heard
in the street below, the woman oriedt
"No, no, Monsieur la Judge, a hundred
bines no; I swear that I am innocent;
it is he who ldlled. I neither helped to
assassinate her, nor to out up the body."
Step by step the judge led the woman
through the scene in every detail, With
growing anger and vehemence she replied
doggedly: "I've nothing more to say;
I've already explained I am, innocent,"
Finding that he could get no further re-
ply the judge had her led' awayto an-
other cellar to avoid meeting her bus
band, who was led manocied into the din
Wtten naked to explain, Goold began:
"I opened the door to Mute, Levin and
she insulted Inc." "Bah," interrupted the
judge, "enough of that -old -lie, We have
abundant proofs that your victim came
not to borrow money from penniless
People, nor to limit you. Come, the e
To all interrogratione Goold eaid re
peatedlvt "I alone killed Ler, not my
wife. Sbe wasn't there."
"Dud you drink liqueur with 3tert" ROC -
ed the judge.
"No, I did not," was the answer,
"Oh, but there were two glasses need,
Then your wife took some With Mad-
"Well, yes," Said Goold,
"Ah, then, you confess, at last that
your wife was with your
C,loold saw that be Lad ittrandered, Hn
blurted out: " ,1y wife beta her while 1
stabbed ter, but ,ore did' not finish her
here. We dragged.iter into the room.
and finished her there. After that I
alone cut her up and placed' her in the
The judge then ordered the wife to he
brought in to oohfront'the husband,
"Your husband has eonfemsod that you
were present, and that you held the vic-
tim," remarked the judge.
"Miserable wretch, what hove you
done, what have yes, done?" she exclaim-
ed, with a 1110100 movement towards
her husband. Then. turning violently to-
wards 115. Severd, her eyes hhnsint, end
luokim( as if she longed to s4snnit him,
she cried "Yon maks ane stiffer cruelly,
but I am innocent. 1 shall appeal to
Envland, end England will claim me."
When the Goolde, were brow:li t from
Marseilles to Monte Carlo large crowds
gathered nt the statiena eel root' stid
greeted the pissing of the train with
erten of "Down with the naa5asinsl Rill
them 1"
At Monte Carlo a determined atteek
on the Analis was mndr, tlin polies
with difficulty hustled the prisoners into
the wnitinn enrringes. The pnl,lle es -
premed their opinion of Mfrs. Coeld 111
no menanred terms. "Down with the
ghottl1 To the guillotine Kill her:"
were the cries hurled r.t her.
Great Quantities of Peaches Destroyed
in New York State.
Rochester, N Y., Sept. 50,—, tentage to
the extent of thousand% of dollars wen
eaused by a hail storm that swept the
Irondequoit gardening and fruit section
to -day. The storm wrought havoc with
all drops from Lake 'Ontario to the
ridge road and from the Genesee River
to Irondequoit Bay.
Reports received here indicate that
thousands of baskets of peaches have.
been damaged and will' be a total loss.
W. T. Rudman, one of the largest
growers in that territory, reports that
the storm was the severest that has
over visited Irondequoit, He said
that after the stone, which lasted thirty
minutes, hetistones could be ehoveled
from the ground like snow, He es.
tirades that fifteen thousand baskets of
peaches were ruined.
Hopewell, N. B, despatch: The third
trial of Thomas F, Collins, for the
murder of Miss Mary Ann McAuley,
sister of Rev, Father McAuley, of New
Ireland, ended to -day in te verdict of
guilty, And the death sentence, both of
which the prisoner received With stolid
The murder, which was of en unusual
shocking nature, was committed a
year ago last August, Collins, who
was employed by the murdered wo-
mon, and who had disnppenred, wee
suspected, and about a week later was
arrested near the American border, In
his posseesion were found some; things
stolen from Miss McAuley's house.
The first trial ended in conviction, but
a new trial was ordered on technical
grounds, and this resulted in a disagree-
The third trial has been going on
for the past week. The ease went to
the jury tale morning at ten o'clock,
and after four hours' deliberation they
returned a verdict of guilty. Judge Hunt-
ington stated that he entirely concurred
in the finding.
Collins heard the verdict with abso-
lutely no show of emotion and kept
his eyes fixed on the judge daring the
whole proceedings. At 4 o'clock the
court reopened and Collins was se,ntene.
ed to die Nov, 150.
Was Too Much fox the Wealthy ^Pitts-
burg Man.
Pittsburg, Sept. 30. —Rather than go
to St, Francis hospital and take treat-
ment for the liquor habit, Thomas Mo'
Dermott, aged 05, a wealthy resident of
Agnew a fashionable suburb of this
city, threw himself in front of a train,
on the Fort Wayne road this afternoon
and was ground to pieces.
Some time ago McDermott's wife,
Catherine, Bought to have her husband
declared an habitual drunkard, alleging
that he had not been Bober for thirty-
nine years. On his promise to cut his
drinks down to nix a day the cult one
withdrawn. He failed to keep his pro.
mise, and so it was decided to take him
to the hospital. Rather than go he
threw himself under the train upon
which he was to have made the jour-
A. Beneeseor, of Cowat, Ends Life With
Paris Green,
Middlemiss, Sept. CR—A. Beneeseer,
an old man, 00 years of age, committed
suicide at Cowan today by taking
parts green.
He had been in bad health for soma
time, and today he seemed to be better
then , usual. At noon he talked freely
and cheerfully. At 2 o'clock he went into
his room, took the dose and drank a
half cupful of paris 'green and water.
Dr. McKillop, of Dutton, was innuedi-
ately called, but could do nothing, and
the victim died at 4 p. m.
s -♦
Minister of Justice Deals With Every
Case—No Undue Influence—Tracey
Did Not Disappoint the Warden—A
Wrong Policy.
Toronto despatch: Dr. Gilmour, war-
den at the Central Prison, node the fol-
lowing statement 'to the World yester-
Many Lives Lost at Various Points on
Coast of Newfoundland.
St. John's, Nfld., Sept. 30.—Additional
reports by maii and by const steamers
from remote points show that sixteen,
and possibly twenty-four lives were lost
about the Newfoundland coast during
the equinoetinl gales on Thursday last.
Seventy-five flatting vessels were
wrecked and mach damage dote to the
wharves and fishing gear. The finan-
cial loos is estimated at+ a quarter of a
million dollars.
The' equinoctial gale won the greet -
est recorded bore in forty years.
Wires were blown down along the
western and northwesters coasts, , so
that 'the full extent of the disaster
to the colonial shipping fleet was not
known until to -day, Notre Dante Bay
coast steamer reports that of thirty-
one schooners In Tnillingate Ilarbor
twenty-nine were driven ashore. Twenty
were smashed to pieces on the rocks,
Ted of the crew of the schooner Effie
were drowned. The s-,hooner Matins,
with a crew of eight Wren is still miss-
The Curator at the Bronx Zoo Has
New York, Sept. 30.—Ctlrntor Ray-
mond L. Pitmans, of the New York Zoo-
logical Park, the Bronx, is stiloken with
tuberculosis, He became infected during
his work in the last year trying to
stamp out the disease among the mon-
k sy's in the park.
Curator Dltmnrs and Dr,' W. Reed
Blair, veterinarian at the Zoological Parl',
have beau working untiringly during
"Go my return from attending the
Prison Congress at Chicago I learned
Hutt there had been it tempest in a
teapot over ex -.Prisoner harry Tracey.
Tracey was received into the Central
Prison of October 7, 1005, for twenty
three months for attempting to ate
"11'hile Tracey teas in the Ceara!
Prieon he was under the dully obsurva•
tion of George Taylor, for whom Tracey
worked at the prison, a keen and judi-
cious observer, and Mr. Taylor agreed
with me that no man could do more to
redeem the past and give promise of a
latter life for the future. MrTaylor
emphasized bus opinion by giving Tracey
very substantial fiomncial aid on his re-
"ot Tracey left the prison, he re-
ported to Inspector Duncan, Tracey
then yielded to the temptation of re-
turning to his wife and home. Tracey
advised me of his address, his work, and
his employer, and when Tracey was
ensuing anhonest living in New York
`tate, two prominent officials were in-
sidiously circulating the report that
Tracey was in Teterboro unci Oweu
Scorn. Perhaps Lmpector 1)0,1¢011 +and
Wrote Officer Archibald could nano the
'It attempting to pielt pockets a
greeter sin` than trying to push a n
lurch: when he is struggling to re'. sin
his loot foothold of the causeways of
touer,tpttot? :InTracey's last letter to
me lie says, '1 could not report again
to the 'Toronto office. Their manner
of accepting my prole made that im-
possible.' 1 have_roason to believe
Tracey here.
"The Minister of Justice duals with
every, application for parole personally,
and l can constantly surprised at the
painstaking labor of the lion. Mr. Ayles-
wertlt bestows upon then. If the lain-
isterconsiders an applicant entitled to a
parole a reconttttextttittiofl is made to his
hscellency the Caveat/Mt-General.
"Whetr ono understands the method of
,granting a parole, the charges of 'opine
influences; etc., only expose the lament-
able ignorance of those who make
"Tracey did not disappoint me, but
returned to his home, obtained honor-
able employment from those who knew
hist and desired to help, him, and hutsg
been leading to reformed life. If tbtr ') .+
New York officer's and their Canadian
allies have their way, there is not the
slightest doubt but Tracey will ho drfvet '
to destruction,
"Penologists are agreed that it is a
wrong policy to arrest and try 0 mann
who to endeavoring to reform, for an „ a
offence that was committed before bus
last terns of imprisounent. Encourage- 'i
meat in place of prosecution might save
Tracey now, while the reverse will damn
"Alas, the rarity of Christian char-
9o -YEAR-OLD FAN 111A?.Pie,
C. S. Smith, Aged 5o, Strikes Contain
Prentice, Aged 7o, on the Head.
Lawton, Mich., Sept. l0.—Cresol with
rage resulting from an argument over a
baseball pante, C. S. Smiith, of this plane,
struck Captain G, II. Prentice over the
head with a bneeball bat, inflicting in•
juries that it is feared will cruse Pren-
tire'n death. Smith is 50 years old, and
Prentice is fully 70. Both men have re-
sided here for years and have beer' afe-
long friends,
DYING FROM HUSBAND'S BLOW, Saturday evening they differed over 'it
point in it local hist till game. Starting
Probably Fatal Est.re Demcstic Quetzal es it '•'alit," di't,t ere ani itartheit•
Near Montreal, conversation developed into t tca t
Montreal, Sept. ' _.—Mrs. John La-
pointe is lying at the point of death
at her home in 1ettgneuil, opposite
the elty, as the result of a domcstio
quarrel to -night. Her husband ar-
rived home in nn intoxicated condi.
tion, a quarrel ensued and the husband
wising a shovel, struck his wife over
the head. knocking her unconscious. La-
pointe then drove off, leaving ids wife
apparently dead, The police were noti-
fied, but Lapointe was not placed under
guinea, and finally into a furious quar-
rel.Hot words were bandied back and
forth until Smith could no ionger curtain
Itis temper, and picking up a bat felled
his i:lends with a blow on .the fiend.
Brought to Ills a^nsen whet\ he realized
the terrible thine he had clone, Smith
fled, but inter gene hitnmolf no to the
county sheriff at Pow NW. Hoil being
held pending tits result of Captain
Prentice's injuries. Smith's egad and
invalid mother is nearly frantic with
cc, r, ; Fla, grief over her Sons +t•nnbl�+.
arrest. The woman is not expected to Captain Prentice served in Company H,
recover. p seventh \lichiehe Cavalry, during the
4 - • cavil oat', and hod. on ec zl'etut recent in
The man who never has time to do t;,, only, Bath reetein Prentice and
anything it is noticed generally naval Smith aro entlooissitie 'tiavel'7il fans,
His Arm Swelled and De Died in
New York, Sept, 30.—lie Ttii)me
says: Two weeks after he was vacemv,ted
by a Board of Health physician, Waiter
E. Brown, 7 years old, of Brooklyn, died
yesterday, Dr, George Barney, the phy-
sician who attended him, said death was
due to the vaeoivation. He refused to 'i,
give a certificate arid asked the Coroner
to make an investigation, {'
The boy's father two weein ago deeid- `.
ell that it was time for his sotto enter
the pttb1ic schools. \Viten he made appli-
cation, however, he was told that the
boy could nod enter unless he tans vaccin-
ated, The father objected, but when iso
was irtfornted that there was no other
way he consented, and took the boy to
the Board of Health, .TWO days after-
wards the boy's arm began to swell and
he suffered front oonvulsbons. Dr. Bar-
ney was milled in.. He said the boy had
blood poisoning, and tlutt the poisoning
had been caused by impure vaccine virus.
Mr. Brown says that he will proses rte
the hoard of Health.
United Stales Reaching Out for
Mastery of the Pacific.
St. Yetersberg, Sept, 30. --The comic -
tion prevails here that war between
Japan and the United States is inevi-
table in the distant future. The mown
Vrcmya to -day publishes an article en.
titled "The New World Power," pictur-
ing the marvelous growth of AnBf icon
sea power' during President Roosr,relt's
administration, wanting Russian diplo-
unary "not to lie caught unawares by
tenting events;' and adding: "The day
when the 'Suited States fleet passes out
of the Strait of Diagcllan and sweeps
into the waters of the Pacific sill open
o new era for the'easternworld, Offi•
tial courtesies and the temporary hull
in war talk do not conceal the feet that
America is reaching out for the mastery
of the Pacific, and already is strong
enough to' attain it"