HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-10-03, Page 1VOL. XX'I,
for a business or Shorthand oourae.
Positions assured to graduates. Six
menthe will fit you, We provide 24
teachers and best faonittee. Write
no. Central Business College, 385
'rouge St., Toronto. W. 11. Shaw,
If we
could talk
to everybody in town at once to-
day do you know what we would
say first of all ?
We would say
Come here for Drugs
Why come here, you gay.
For all the reagens that enter into
the arguments of a good drug store
with an Al stock.
For the exactly right 'geode.
For the precisely propel' measure-
For the promptness that you like,
And for the quality of druge that
your doctor likes,
Waiting t0 prove it.
more pupils attending thin
one ;rear ago, Thie epeake
eloquently as to our past
w' nrkk.
We educate to meet the
itVlirg demands of re pre
Rresdve age.
Our Sgeno,cra hers and
Bookke.p,•tw delight the
moat modern, exacting city
Dns studenro Rt'rnd night
elaaaee free. Gradustee
placed In Rood ethnatlone.
I dividual hatruotlon.
Now Is the bast time to en•
let the
George Spotton, Principal
furrabway and cotomere,nl wn.rlt k
well tnugt,t by us. Oar m w talent,
••G+rvicd b> Ole Kay," expl des. S n..
Ort lemon to nay applloon on
reerlp' ,:f four cents In titanic, Al.
dress Cct•tral School rt Tsleer_ephs,
8Gerrsra St. East, Toronto, W. 01.
Slee.", President,
PEESENTAT10?,—A very pleasant
and large gathering assembled on the
evening of Wednesday last at the rest -
dance of Henry Young, This wan oc-
oasioeed by the resignation of Norman
Murah, the popular teacher of U, S. S.
No, l2, 61.orris and Mullett, who has
t.onducted the school in a highly satis-
factory manner for more than three
years. The chair on the occasion was
Ably tilled by Wm. Jackson, of Blyth,
who in his usual felieitious manner,
called on a number of the ratepayers
for addresses malty of whom respond-
ed end spoke in glowing tertns of the
efficient manner in which the school
had been conducted. Prominent
among those were Messrs. Watson,
Young, Watt, Wells, Bryant, Morris,
Sanderson and others, all of whom ex -
reseed deep regret at the departure of
Sir, Murch, The most important event
of the evening was the reading rf en
address by J. Watt and the presenta-
tion of a gold watch chain by Mr.
Young, to which Mr. Mtttch mode a
suitnide and feeling, reply', -After par-
taking of rite bountlfel -supply of pro-
vteions catered by' the lades' and the
moving of a hearty vote of thatlaa to
Mr. Young for his Itoseitality thot e-
rired to their respective homes. ,7 01,,,
towing le the eddreas ;-Mr, Murch,'.
Dear Tesoher,-We. the puptle of your,
school, view with regret and sorrow'
the thoughts of partieg with ,ono who
always hal our future welfare, and
highest good ever before him, and Who
did not spare either Ills time or himself
in bringing into realization all that
was dortnant and unmatured in us
No doubt we were sometime very an-
noyin both in regard to our studies
and behavior, but we trunk you;tgill
overlook and forgive all our past 'un-
gratefulness. We all extend to yoq
our best wishes in whatever palling in
life you may aee proper to engage, and
ehoutd you see fl', to; again assume
your teaching prb eesion•we wiil be
only'y too glad' to extend to You a hearty
tweloome tc our school. Though this
latter wish may not mature, yet we
wish to have youyfeit us at our homes
whenever the opportunity preeente it-
self, As a token of our esteetn and
best wielee wo leg you to accepOlais
chain, net tor;' its worth ,tn dollsrB wnd,
cents hut its a slight token of the very.
high esteem in which vonr,ate held,by„
us.>, ((Ilthel redia Pupils of :Your
'1Soitin, atureh, of :'Stratford, has
calf lard tq hill the position vacated
by 'fk7tpl(nlhasalready been Warm
iy entartatiddl
The, adieu', r5ilt of the NI
ahnr,lhu If hold , tea•meet)�atigt»i(Ire
'tour Nave, .i Yf,
furry Hooper, who Marl ]lis hands
pals,nte3 with ivy or faille other poie-
on011a substance, fa quite,well egairr.
Wm. Geddes fins reluriid alter
pending two or three weeks with
friends in Lanark county,
James end Mrs. Vsilkirsou, of Es-
canaba, tiich„ are visit mg their fathom'
end other friends in and around Bel -
George and Mrs. hf,Lettn end daugh-
ter, of Spokane, N'ashieg'on, are
spending a few days among their
Needful specialties
If there is anything special in my line we have it, for
we always buy the best that money can buy and the only
way to see this is to take a bok through our most complete
stock of
Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, 1
Shoes and Rubbers
for Fall and Winter wear.
Blue and Black Beaver Rnd Nee Cloth Overcoats, special $6,
Perfection Brand Suits, single or double breasted, $5 to $12.
Black Melton and Colored Overcoats, 57 to $15,
Crayetetto Overcoats, reduced from $12 to 59,
Leather Coats and Frieze Pee Jaekera, 52,75 to 56,
Men's Odd Pants and Vests from 81up.
Moaeherry Special Winter Cape, 50c
Ellie Spring Needle Underwear, 51 suit up,
We have six different linea of Socks that can't he boat and we handle
these lines exclusive,
Reeve Top Shirts that will open your eyes for quality and low price.
Ask to show von our line of Men's Only FMShoes and 10 different
styles of Maple Leaf Rubhera, Best for wear to he had.
Our Made -to -Order Department is busy making Overcoats and Suits, end
our stock of Suitings and Overcoats le complete and up-to-date. Take a look at
our new Fall Fashion Piste and you will be tempted to buy,
Clothier and Gents' Furnisher.
13 I,. Y T H
Advertisements in the
Our Job Work Excels
many friends in this vicinity. Mf,
,McLean is It on of Hector McLean,
,formerly of the Ord line of Morrie,
'Haying Left Morris for the west about
'St -years ago, naturally he will see
tnany-ohaugesabout the old home.
fY)IENEAL,-The home of James
Wilkhtson, Belgrave, was the scene of
u happy event on Wednesday, Sept,
18tlii' whenhis daughter, Miss Caroline
MaC,lldn gees united in marriage te.
RoUbert J,'. McCrea, also of Bolgravo.
Pioniptly at 12 o'clock noon the wed-
ding party entered the parlor where
the ceremony was performed by Rev.
0, W. Rivere,13. A., B, D. The bride
was given Rway by her father while
Miss Laura McCrea played the Wed-
diig March. Miss Pearl Anderson and
0, G. McCrea acted as bridesmaid and 1
groomsman, respectively. The parlor
Rnd dining room were nicely decorated i
for the occasion, the bridal couple being',
married under a beautiful arch of
drapery, After congl'atttlutiorls about
130 guests, near relatives of the con-'
t"radius,parting, sat down to a boom'.
fill wedding breakfast. The presents to
`04 bride were numerous and beautiful.
They will take up their residence in
R,elgrave with the best wishes of many
Seat th.
The town solicitor has been instruct-
ed 43"ihatltute legal proceedings in order
topr4,oet the town's interests in the
woolen mill agreetnent,
It is reported that. Mr. Plnkttey hag
sold "Queen of Woodoliffe,"
A very sudden death occurred in Co -
hong on Tuesday lest when Mise Vary',
Munroe, eldest daughter of James
Munroe, of Seeforth, surcutnbed to an
attack of appendicitis, haying been ill
only a few hours, Mr, Munroe receiv-
ed word on Tuesday of her serious ill-
ness sed at once lett for Cobourg. A
few hours hatter a message came to
town announcing her death which oc-
curred before Mr. Munroe reached Co-
Phe death occurred in Seafo'rh on
Tuosd,ty of lost week of one of the
pioneer residente of the community in
the person of Robert 'Turnbull who
platted away at the age of 87 years
from the infirmities of old age. The
late Mr, Turnbull, until a few years
ago, reeidd on the 2nd con, of McKil-
lop, and was one of the most prosperous
farmers of the township; He is 600:'
vived by his aged partner, one son,
George 'I'urnbull,'of Seaforth; end one
daughter, 1rs. James' McIntosh;, of
Mr, Broadfoot, of Seaforth, is the
new manager of the WIngham factor
IPS of the Canada Furniture litre, The
Alesara. Bell tendered their reeigtatibu
sortie time ego.
Edward and Mrs, Lynett will have
the sympathy of many friends ie the
death of their son, Edward, ori Sunday
last in NI fourth year, The child had
been 111 only a short time with couvul•
Ou Wednesdoy of lest week the resi-
dence of A R Rantoul and Mrsn pal Wag gay
with festivity, the occasion being the
marriage of {heir eldest daughter,
Miss Jennie, to Fred McLean, eldest
son of J, A. McLean, of Wingbaru,
James Pinard, of Huntsville, a for-
mer resident of town, and Miss May
Linklater, daughter of tire. `Phomas
Linklater; were marded in Toronto on
Monday of last week, The young
couple haste many friends in Wingham
who will wish them hon voyage on the
sea of life together.
A meeting of those interested in ag-
gressive temperance work and local op-
tion was held in the Baptist church
last week. After considerable discus-
sion it was decided not to submit the
by-law at the approaching municipal
election, but to defer it for one year,
and is the meantime to prosecute an
active campaign of education along
temperance lines with that object 'in
view. A considerable sum of money
was subscribed to defray the expenses
of the preparatory campaign, secure
literature and engage speakers.
Alex, McIver, formerly of tost'n. was
married in Winnipeg to Miss Ethel
1.1nLaren, formerly of Mitchell,
Thomas Rickey, who was charged
before the police tnnuistrate last week
with stealing a suit of clothes, this
week entered a plea of not guilty and
elected to be tried by a jury, NO ho will
be tried at the December sessions
which open on the 18th of that tuonth.
A meeting was held on Monday night
of last week at the residence of G. F.
Blair at which what is to be known as
the I{nox Church Young Men'a'Club
was formed. About 25 young men
were in attendance and the electiorof
officers will be held next Monday even-
ing, The club's meetings will he of a
threefold character, first religious,
second social and literary, and third
athletic, The idea is that the other
churches will form similar clubs,
which could unite and eventually form
oae organization along Y. M. 0, A.
C. H, Weide returned on Monday
last from the Best where he had been
for several weeks, spending part of the
tithe Ih Edniton, Ho dons not bring
very `giowin 'reports of the crops in
which there will ben decided shortage,
1Vhile some workmen of Harland
Bros, were tarring. the roof of the
Morrish & Crooks block a small blaze
was started in the rear of Mr. Beaton's
stere by the tar burning. The tar in
he kettle caught from the fire and set
going a box filled with straw packing.
Phis was spreading to a number of
hexes packed beside an out -building
back .of Mr. Beaton's and would have
made a serious fire but for it being
promptly checked,
Rev, W. D, and Mrs, Magee were
surprised one evening lust week when
the members and adherents of the
church closed upon them immediately
after the prayer meeting, requesting
thein to wait. A uicely'wo•ded ad-
dress expresotve of the love land esteem
in which they are held and regretting
their departure was read, and Mrs,
Magee was presented with a case of
table ware and Mr. Magee with a purse
of money,
Clinton lost a promising and popular
young business men of Monday of hast
week by the death of Norman McLeod
Fair, of the well-known firm of J. & N.
Fair, of the Clinton Flouring Mills,
His death was not unlocked for, be-
cause he had been ill for months and it
was known that recovery could not,
be looked for, but he faced the outcome
bravely and with unflinching will.
Ho was a native of town, being f he
see.ottd'eldest s0n of the late James
Fair, and on the death of his father
went into partnership with his elder
brother, James, and continued in the
practical management of the flour mill,
which has for so many years been un-
der the family oonttol,
blfs, 'Phomas Maunders has leased
her 100 -acre (arm to Day d Badgley,
6th line, for a term of three years, The
proprietress will hold at, auction sale
next March and will trove off the farm
when the tenant takes full possession.
Nelson Maunders is expected home from
the west for a visit In a few weeks.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 1 for Sept, :-.4111 class-hinbel
Colclough 288, Florence Rogerson 158,
'^Thomas Phelan 100, *Luella Parrott
47, *Bailie Parrott 8. Sr, Srd-Ella
Rogerson 156, Maggie Phelan 159,
Robert Wallace 122. Sr, 2nd -Ella
Gertie McCall 218, *Melville Taylor
1131, James Brown 174, Harry Howlett
175. Jr, •2nd -Olive Aiken 195, Part
200-01ga Colclough 219, *Joseph Aik-
en 167, Willie Phelan 150, Tillie Roger -
eon 144, Boner B own 109. -Mary
11oArter,'Peacher. Those marked '"•k"
were absent for part of exams.
A pretty wedding took place on the
lawn at the residence of John Roe, 2nd
con., on Wednesday' afternoon of last
week at 8.80 o'clock, t e groom being
Frederick G. Taylor, of Howick, and
the bride Miss Isabel Caroline ltoe.
They were unattended, Her. G. Baker
performed the ceremony, The bride
was p,owned in pearl grey silk trimmed
with chiffon and carried a boquet of
American Beauty roses, She was
given away 115 her father. Mise r
Sanderson, of Bowmnnville, cousin of
the bride, played the Wedding March
and after the ceremony, while the con-
gretulntions were being offered, Miss
Simpson, cousin of the groom, gave a
selection of music. A very fine lunch
was served in the marquee on the lawn
Toasts to the bride and groom were
proposed and Rev, Geo, Baker respond-
ed to the toilet to the bride and Mr.
Davis, of Wingham, responded to the
toast to the groom, Among the 150
guests present were Dr. Roe and his
brother, the dentist, of Philadelphia,
'Phe bride's going away gown was
brown chiffon broadcloth with hat to
Match. The presents were both nuns-
Brous and costly testifying to the high
esteem in which both are held, 'We
wish them long life, prosperity and
MARKET REPORT.—Wheat 85-87 ;
Barley 48-50; Oats 40-40 ; Peas
73-73 ; Butter 17-18 ; Eggs 16-17.
READ the ads. in TRE STANDARD,
We Have Too
Many Fruit Jars
Owing to the scarcity of fruit, we find
ourselves overstocked with fruit jars, so to
thin them out we offer them at very low
prices this week.
Imperal Pints.... 70 ets.
Wine Quarts 75 "
Imperial Quarts 80 "
Wine, half gallons 90 "
It will pay you to buy them now in
anticipation of your wants later on.
An advertisement in THE STANDARD
For Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitls,consumptlon, And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
• Mr little boy bed ► terrible eourb, 1 tr1M
ererfth1ag r e0o1,1 hear or but to vain anal
I trued Ayer'e Cherry tw;torel, The neat
neat hhee wo beer, ply 0we140—Yaew4.araa, Atlee, 111.
MMe by J. O. Astir Co., Lm.wll, SAW q
Also maauhotar5,, of
ors SA Q 01OM
keep the bowels regularwith Ayer's
Pills and thus hasten recovery,
All the errors of refraction are revealed to Si
by our wonderful methods. Come to London.
Take advantage of our free consultation.
We are the only eyesight specialists inCanada
who take the entire responsibility of your eyes
from the examination to the making of the
glasses complete on the premises.
837 Nadas Street • • • • Loaders, Oar.
Hundreds of Students of the
Popular and Successful
�9ldiotd Zusirtess Collage
Toronto, Ont,
Corner Yonga and Alexander Streets.`
have secured positions this year. De.
mend is far greater than the supply.
Educate for business positions and you
will get them; but the education meet be
flret-elase. Students admitted at any
time. Write for catalogue.
'W. J. Elliott, Principal,
25 Cents
gets The Standard
balance of year
To'wINNIPEG and all ponrtsnt the
specie' 'Trains Leave Toronto
Return second -plass tickets from Blyth
so very low rates, ranging from Win-
nipeg 532, to Edmonton 512,50. Good
for sixty days.
on each excursion. Comfortable berths
at small extra cost. Obtain free pant -
Wet, rates and full information from
J. MoMurchta Agent, Blyth, or from
C, B. Footer, ]S,P,A., C,P,R„ Toronto,
We have just received another
large consignment of
We have 25 sets to choose
frons ranging in price from
$6.50 Up.