HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-26, Page 8wr-�'1`I E ]9I VT1 STAN DARD-Sc?rRa 11 26Td, 1907,. !r' Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Dond. mien Lands in Manitoba. Saekatebe• Ivan end Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, rimy be homesteaded by any per - sou who le the Nola head of a Mattis', or spy mato o'er 18 years of age, to the ex- tent of ohe•gtanner section of 160 acres more or less. Entry must he rondo personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situated. Entry by proxy may, however, be made on certain con. diplons by the ;ether, mother, son, daugb- U ', brother or stater of an lntendlug hoteeateader. The homesteader 18 required to perform the homestead condlttonannder one of the following plane : (1) At least six month'% residepee upon ane cultivation of the laud In each year for three years. (2) 1r the father (or mother if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon stem in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to resi- denoe may be satisfied ey Mb person re• sl&lets with the father or mother. (3)3f the settler hoe his permanent reel - done upon fanning land owned by him in the vicinity of Ws homestead, the re- outrpptnente ss to residence may be earls• het by residetce upon said land. g ven Six tuoutha' notice hi writing should be o Lands at Ottawa of intethe ntion to apply for patent. W. W, CORY Deputy of the Minister o' Iuterlor, N. B.—Unauthorized publicatlou of this advertisement will not be paid tor. CANADIAN PACIFIC .Time Table TO TORONTO Ooderieb S. 7.00 ant 6,00 p. m, Auburn 7.25 " 5,23 " Blyth " 7.80 " 6,311 " Walton 7.49 " 5.49 " Milverton " 8.24 " 0,24 ` Madre. .. ' 8 67 " 0,57 Guelph " 0.22 „ 7.23 Toronto . Ar, 11,00 " 9.15 " FROM TORONTO. Toronto ;Lv.3.00 a.m. Guelph Ar 1000 Elmira 10.23 " Mlirerton ,•. 1100 " WBlyth n 11.49 " Auburn 1200 " Goderiob 12.30 p.m. My Hair Ran Away 650p.m. 7,43 ' 8,08 " 8,39 " 9,10 ' 9,29 " 9.40 " 11.10 " Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. 1t is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Tor a maires— IlUds gpaiatzWrie. sOasArnau,A. ersPr PT:MILL e„ Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and for cleaning the Blood. 200 days treatment in, 30 days' treatment 27c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL. HERO AGENCY Ktecardlne, Ont. GRAND TRUNit SYSTEM Statistics of Part of Huron. In Nnvonober 19041' joined the Rts s ad, ministration as commissioner of 'town lands. Dwlug hie short term it office he was n Moet ef}leient admit118 Niter. 111 Opposition he has beau ake'n'and unsparing critic of the Whitney Govern - meet, The following table shows the pope- lotion, assessed values and taxation imposed for 1985 for some of the muni, cipnlities s0N'ounding Blyth, It also shows the amount of debenture debt outstanding for all purposes, including schools 'and local improvements, To- gether with sinking funds as they stood on December 31st, 1908. The taxes imposed in the mnnioipalities ere for all purposes including the county rates nod all focal improvements, sea 01 ess tetr� �N m n e: 0( 14' TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH, $00'504. NORTH.. 40 (1 9(1 Wtngham 11 50 7 36 6 43 3 33 WingbemJet. 11 48 7 26 0 52 3 44 Belgrave 11 40 7 13 708 350 Blyth 11 28 700 '1 14 4 00 Loudeeboro 11 20 6 02 7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 16 11 06 0 85 8 05 4 39 Bruceaeld 0 58 8 19 8 15 4 47 Klppen 0 50 0 11 8 22 4 52 Henan 9 44 6 05 8 35 6 05 Exeter 9 30 5 51 840 5 13 Centralia 0 18 6 43 8 59 5 20 Clench! 009 6 34 006 5 00 Luokit e( 9 06 6 30 912 6 37 it 1 8 55 5 25 921 640 It `846 515 020 664 Ede ">; 825 507 9 33 5 58 Hyde Parke . ting 8 20 5 02 037000 Hyde Par d, -8.24 500 1)45. 010 Lon r.`; 815 450 Connections are mar c�Vinghatn for all stations' on the Pek on,and Sia• cnrdtne branch. Commotions are made realer all stations on tho Ruffs ti Goderlob breach, and all stations f,ij t;r trattord to Toronto. t:„1 .,; Connections are made ,fr Crossing for all stations west to' � Connections are ma iii , for all stations east and west 9 @ tt lfna ur nig R To all new subscribers from , now on . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jane ist, 19o8 :for the small sum of 25c Subscribe Now 0 pins nceinccorot.a Ap i es, P o u ic. 0, e�v-5.10011u�(0 . u ^7 N,4 r•' si t a,C CS 1� a 0 0 ,. ,0,4 a. c a '� 11 L'r'^m.712'vwp tz oxamm �., a? 'i4 IFFEEESEIEMEE d -- THE GAY WORLD si l REBRIERIERifil Love next peagon 0 Ivo 1` The End. Tea, verily, girls are of few days. and fni(.02 misotiitif,.and tshosoev0r.Is deceived , tilereb' le not ',wise, When the fair otte 11(eweth lzutn with much 110510 and etampeth her toot with vig• Or then be aware, Rho cometh forth in the evening with low neck and short sleeves, but in the morning she lieth in bed while her tnother huetl'oth. She eeteth all winter of the devoted smithy man's oysters, anti partaketh with glee of hie sleigh rides, avid when the Spring cometh she winketh her other eye and goetft with e new bene. A Busy Week. Tbeyear 1103 gloomily begun For Willie Weeks, a poor man's SUN, He Was beset with bill and dun, And lie had very little MON. "This cash,” said be "won't pay dues, I've, nothing here but one's and TU Es,', A bright thought struck him, and he said, "Tho rich Miss Goldrocks I Will WED. But when be paid his court to her, She lisped, but firmly said, "No, "Ales 1" said he, "then I must din." His 1101(1 Went where they say souls ERI, They found his gloves and coat and hat, And the coroner then upon them SAT, For quality and quantity ask .your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing 60(10000110, A story is told of a Scotch minister who said one day from the pulpit with o dry smite : "Weel friends, the kirk stands urgently in riood of a Biller and as We have failed to get it honestly, we meat 11'00 see now.. what a boner can do for us. -*— Brag. An Englishmen, an Irishmen tied a Scotchutan were one day arguing as to which of the three countries possessed the fastest trains. "Well,"said thn Englishman, "I've been in one of our trains, and the tele- graph poles have been like a hedge," "I've seen the milestones appear Tike tombstones," said the Scot. "Ho," said Pat, "I WAS one day in a train In my eounthry, and we passed a field of turnips and a field of carrots, also n field of cabbage and parsley, thee a pond of water, and we were going that quick 1 thought it was broth 1" •-0- Five minutes after the tardy gong had 01080111 the principal of the school WI" walking through the lower hall when he saw a pudgy little fellow. scampering towards the first grads room as fast as his fat lege could (. carr ' S him. "See here, young man, I want to talk to you,". called the principal to the late comer, "I hnint got time to talk to you ;'I'm late already," replied the breathless.beginner, es the door of his classroom plotted, _0— A Summer Romance. Summer maiden, Full of fun. Summer fellow, Chapter one. Moonlight evening, Naught to do, Tender topics. Chapter two. Sparkling diamond. Love will be Ever cherished. Chapter three. August pisses, Girl no more. Likewise diamond. Chapter four, Young man wakens. Heart to mend, Liberal Caucus Chooses Hon. A, O. MacKay as Leader. Hon. A. Cl, 'McKey, M, P. P., for North Grey, was elected leader of the Liberal party in Ontario at caucus, of the Liberal members of the peals' lature, Mr, Alenander Grant MacKay wee born in Sydenham'township. Grey County, in 1860, of Highland-Sootch parents. l:fe was educated tit Owen Sound Collegiate and at the University of Toronto, graduating in 1883., For fonr years be WAS principal of Port Rowan high school, and during' the next four years he studied law, Mr,. MacKay was called to the bar in 1891, after a brilliant course, and so speedily did be make himself known as a pleader that in 1804 he was appointed crown attorney for Grey, an office held by hien till 1001, when he reslguedtomiter poetics, Mr. MacKay was first return- ed to the Legislature in May, 1902, and Glasses Properly Fitted is suit the eyes are a blessing. itapreperly Mod, they are very injurious and worse than none at all. We specially solicit the patronage,ol those who nava been badly fitted by inexperienced optician& and traveling fakirs. Corte to London and have our Spe9ialiate make a thorough examination of your eyes, The lenses prescribed by them era ground in our own Laboratory under oar' personal euperviaioa, thereby ensuring absolute perfection. Appointment by mail' or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dunn Stmmt, L,ndsa. Ost. We have just received another large consignment of elegant Dinner __Sets • We have 25 sets to choose from ranging in price from 56.50 Up. CASH FOR ALL BINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT i3LYTI3C All advertieetuent4 must be in this Mace by Mond., y num to insure inser- tloe in 1.,,ne 81 current week, Hensali. Frank Marshall and son Johnnie left for Belleville where the latter Will enter the Provincial Institute for the deaf and &heli, Mists Mary Hobkirk tock 2nd prize ns Exeter 1 She drove btdy driver at )!,a er 1 n r, S t Jack Ireland's outfit. Wm. Glen \AS fitted $10.00 and bound over to keep the pence for assaulting his cousin, George Glen. They were tried fit Exeter. Both parties reside near Lumley and are well known here. C. Sarney, son of Mr. Sarney, pub- lisher of t�te Parry Sound Canadian has; taken K. White's place in the Sov. erei{tn Bank here Ile has been on the Sovereign Bank mei! for sometime and comes to town highly spoken of. Our esteemed townsman, 11, J. Drys- dale has a fine collection of postage stamps nuns(1eeing 12,848, including Caeadian and Foreign, taken from letters and papers addressed 10 the postmaster during his term of 32 years in that position at Drysda1e. GIANT TRIPLRTB "Currency," "Bops' and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs, Quality always the same, —Subscribe for '1'ttB STANDARD. CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard . 01 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 05 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 115 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 Ile Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 60 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly `Dimes 1 80 The Standard end Weekiy Free Press . 1 0 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton 'twice -a -week Spectator,,,.. •1 BO The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News, ...•.............. 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Miro- ... dvo- '2 90 The Standard and Daily Adver- titter 2 60 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and'Poronto Daily World , 3 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press ,,,, 8 60 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 50 The Standard and Eveuiug Mail and Empire 8 60 The Standard and Dally Mail and Empire .... 4 60 The Standard end Daily Globe... 60 Send all nubseriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, CANADIAN PACIFIC ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG sad AN points in the NORTH sa WEST Spoeial'rrain* Loire Toronto TUESDAY, AUC. 27 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, 00T. 22 R'tura seoond•olass tickets from Birth at very low rates, ranging from Win• nlpeg 3(32, to Edmonton 3(42,50. Good for sixty days. TOIIBIST SLEEPING- CARS on each excursion. Comfortable berths at small extra cost. Obtain free pam^ phtet, rates and full Information from 3. McMurchle Agent, 13101, or from C. 13, Neater, D.B.A., C.P.11., Toronto. Hoe,' George P, Grisham seas elected to the`Commonk' by acclamation for Brockville, and Hon, William Pugsley, for St. John, N. 13. k�l Owing to the flue con- struction of most ranges it is n rather difficult feat to cook and bake successfully at the same lime. But the arrangement of tl a Pandora flues differs consider• ably from others. They are so constructed that the draft for baking is also the best for cooking, the hent circulating around the oven twice and under every pot hole before passing up the chimney. The Pandora bakes and cooks perfectly at the same time. Do you know of another ranee`lthat does? If your local dealer does not tie!! the Pandora write direct 50 us for Free Booklet. CCI; rVs London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vanco'over, St. John 1V.oPherson -Bros. Local 4.gents. p141CIAL CLb LABEL Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits— LIGHTER Pastry— MORE DELICIOUS Cake, And there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking—no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR, Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. O ►��r0 0 OFFICIAL rmrnlsam LABEL "Made in Ontario" 0 FLoua '�sOC1A��� Subscribe for The Standard. Catalogues Booklets Programs , Periodicals Book Work Price Lists FA( (Ci( AR 11)) 1S 8 Producers of good work —a little better than most. Business Cards Office Stationery op, Wedding Invitations VI Posters --all kinds Dodgers Horse Bills