HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-26, Page 64h4+++4+4++•+++++++4.41'+1
Denting fatalities Are already report
) l the safe end of the gull,
fa the Now Ve k election case 10.180i
wi.11,,c.: ;,r_ ,utile t0 b� su.unumcd.
1Vira k c'013 fclr the hovyers!
An Ottawa Greet: was fined $5 and
tartt 1004 nrek for selling candy on Slot.
u t -
day, .is not vanity as muela a food as is
ice cream?
4 •
The directors of the Toronto National
Exhibition look for $10,000 surplus from
the big fair. It Is estimated that 760,000
persons visited it.
The situation in Morocco does not MP
prove; and more troops may be needed
to subtitle the wild tribesmen. Iu the
aevemlrol,r engagement of Tuesday about
800 of theta were killed, but instead of
dampening the fnnaticol ardor of ,liuliai
Hafig, it has decided hint on proclaiming
a holy war,
The Lusitania, the great $0,500,000
Cunard turbine vessel, has made the 2,-
r9" -mile trip across the Atlantic in 6
days 54 minutes, or at an average speed
of 23.01 knots (obeut 27 statute miles)
an hour. Her engineer expects to mako
it at a 25 -knot rate, now that her en-
gines hare their bearings smoothed by
The Church Union Committee does not
600(1 to dread the questions of doctrine,
but the superannuation question caused
at some trouble. Surely that should
bulk very small if the doctrinal diffi•
guides are really solved. But are they?
Are obstacles being removed or merely
evaded and ignored? Is the proposed
union to be one of compromises on vital
p Ji11ta?
La Pattie urges that 3Montrealers re-
fuse to take tickets for one, two or
th0te loaves of bread, as the case may
be, and "buy bread by; the pound," It
has found bread marked. "3 lbs" weigh-
eighing 51.4 °lbs., and selling at 1t: cents,
and other loaves marked "1 .lb.," but
which 'really weighed only a trifle less
than 2 lbs., selling at 0 cents, It thinks
the remedy is to buy broad as WO buy
butter, paying only for what • we get,
According to ac census bulletin on
manufactures of tobacco just; issued, the
returns'shoty a total consumption of the
fragrant weed m' the United States of
448,011,051 pounds in one year.; the year
alelected s by the statisticians being 1004,
t'jroba1ly because complete statistics for.
+t later_ peri irw're, not available. Ile
quantity use
cigar's and e
pounds, and
chewing and
WAS 307,491,55
the rear materia
cigarettes was $
of the cigarettes 3
total value of these
which 8190,180,372 re
1netell in the mind
ed over the, year 1900 was
and of cigarettes 0.
manufacture of
made into
apo and snuff
.The value of
cigars and
the number
,900,742; and
422, The
;350,051, el
igars. The
er Dent.,
Some very fool sla 00 wet
afloat the story that th t*S' {vlograph
companies,'to saws a costly i 01100"
in their outfits, have for years ' irried"
the l)arclay telegraph typewriter, which
delivers messages ty pe tv rii tan front' the 3
wires, and only not 5010 it iulo conn 10-
aion to bent the starting op .raters, That
is a very silly story. IIad the machine
been perfected earlier it would long ere
this have been i1 use as a mete measure
of economy, d155310ing nutny 01011. 'These
companies aro every F ready to adopt 'a
machine, when it pals to de so; and -it
10 1not an economical 11,0: iue 1f the in:
terost 0n its pride i; greater time the
saving, it effcete i1 wage..
The people of (treat Britai0 are not
doing 00 much drinking ,1s they fernier•
ly did. The consumption or alcoholic
liquors seems to halm reached its maxi-
mum 'about seven years ago, Iii the
year 1890-1030 the cunsump,iol of beer
1n the United Kingdom Was 110 less than
3220 gallons per head of the population,
Since then there has been an unbroken
and almost uniform de ;Ilite mail lest
year (1900-1907) the colsamptien was
only 27.81 5)110110 a dead The roc
au10511011 of spirits also 'appears to have
reached its maximum in 1850.1930. 1n
that year the consumption of spirits
averaged 1.18 gallons per head of the
population, last year (1900.1007) it was
only 0.01 of a- gallon per head. When
we consider that the periods intervening
between the two comparative yea's have
been prosperous ones financially over
there as well as here, the reduction in
the drink bill is "all alts. plore surprising
and gratifying.
We havo just received from tho pub -
Ushers, A. McKim, Limited, of A;ontr'eal
and Toronto, a copy of the 11)07 edition
of the Canadian Newspaper Directory.
This is the fourth edition of this valu-
able work, which' is filling a very real
need in Canada, and deserves a place on
the desk of every business man, It is
the only Newspaper Directory published
in Canada that hits gone beyond a first
edition, and it has now become the
standard 'work of reference for all in-
formation about newspapers:
It' not only lists and describes fully
every periodical in the country, giving
full particulars, but it supplies, as well,
a con?preheneive Gazetteer of the Domin-
Comparing this edition with former
ones, we note a large increase in tho
number of papers which Have supplied
detailed statements of circulation sup-
ported by affidavit and thereby received
the Star of Honor. This is as it should
be, and helps to put newspaper advertis-
ing on'a more businesslike basis, The
rapid growth of the new western pro-
vinces is very apparent, for they are
credited with fully twice as many
papers as in 1006.
The McKim Advertising Agency, pub-
lisher of this work, has been formed into
a limited company, capitalized at $200,-
000, to bo "known as A. McKim,
Limited, with headquarters at Montreal,
a branch office In Toronto, and repro-
sentatives In New York,' and London,
Eng, This change has been made to
facilitate the handling of their steadily -
increasing business
Ever sines this business was founded
by Anson Mcliim, more than twenty
years ago, the McKim Agency has stood
high in ?aver with both publisher and
advertiser. Their methods are right up-
to-date —enterprising, progressive and
systematic to a degree,
The firm has won an enviable reputa-
tion for fair dealing and prompt pay -
meets, and is undoubtedly at the head
of the profession in this country.
Ancient and Modern Alchemists.
Mr. Berthelot, a noted French actent-
ist who is dead of grief over his wifo's
death, claimed to bo on the point of dis-
covering the scents of the old alchem-
ists. Did the old alchemists know things
unknown to modern alehemista 1 Is not
mach of the talk of their knowledge and
mysterious performances akin to witch
tales? The aged alchemist in skull cap
and dressing gown, among his retorts
and crucibles is a familiar figure in ro-
mance -and he is always about to do
something very wonderful, but if ho
ever did there is no proof of it,—Nash-
villa, Tenn,, American,
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
. (From London Punch.)
From morning tali evening, from evening tib
I preach and I Organise, lecture and write;
And all over London my galtered legs fly—
Was ever a Bishop so buoy as I?
When writing my sermons, the best of, my
Be done la the trains In the underground
I can write one complete, with a flue per-
Between . Charing Crows and the Manston
House 0301011.
For luncheon I swallow a sandwich of ham.
As I rush.. up the steps of a Whitechapel
Or with excellent appetite I will dtscuas
A halfpenny bun on a Waterloo 'bus.
No table 1s snowy with damask for me;
91y cloth G my apron that covers by knee,
No Man -servants serve and no kitchen -maids
dish up
The frugal repasts of this Suffragan Bishop.
Removes all hard, soft and calloused
lumps and blemishes from horses, blood
spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, Sweeney,
stifles, sprains; sore, and swollen throat,
coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by drug-
Damaged Jokes.
Customer (to news dealer) -1 mint to
purchase a book of jokes.
News, Dealer—I'll sell you this" joke
boort for half price because it's a little
Customer (examining book) I'11;take
it, but I can't See where it is damaged
Dealer (pocketing the money)—You'll
see it when you read the jokes—they're
all cracked. -Somerville Herald.
Minard's - Liniment for sale - everywhere.
Soon We Will Add a Wonderfti Reflect-
ing Telescope.
One by one this country is equipping itself
with a group of the greatest obserVotorlea
In the world. On the summit of Blount Wil-
son, a peak in southern California, 1s a so-
lar observatory which will outclass any oth-
er designed for that purpose.
It is under the palroene of .the Carnegie
Institute at Washington. The lutentlea is
to spend at least )210,060 upon Its equip-
oeat. Mount Wilson was selected as the
site because the aunosphese there was ctoer
and tranquil fora greater number of days
than at any other place tested.
One of the most important subjects of re-
ecarch willbe the apparent decrease lu heat
radiation from the min 7n the last low roars.
Author problem will be that undertaken by
Prof. E. E, ard, . wnbo o notfVie
with rho theorBarny of the nebulartori0108'10'11'f rho
earth and who will try to determine lime
much faith can be pot: In tbo nebular hypoth-
The popular opinion la that the astronomer
pointe his telescope'directly at the sun and
Bros hie vlatoa point blank across the damn
of millions of mhos, .Instead, says a writ.
er 1n the Ohio Magazinethe errant sun
rays are (waned by. a coelestat-a great clr-
ctUar mirror driven by clockwork in each
a manner that It throws Its light into an-
othor-mirror above, and this in turn sonde
the long, concontl'ated beam for Into the in -
Thethe telescope houeo,
Tbo taro mirrors. move In automatic ad-
justment to each other, so that the solar
beams may be shot into the bu11131ng, no
matter In what portion of the sky the duh
may be situated. At the further end of the
building the reflected sunbeam strikes a
concave mirror which- catches the light,
and flashing It' back toward the opening
whence it first eutrod focuses It Into a
Perfect Image of the sdn.
The greatest reflecting telescope in the
world is to be tbo climax of the equipment
of this observatory, A huge lens five feet
111 diameter, eight Inches thick and weigh -
Mg a full ton 14 being perfected at the
Mount Wilson laboratory In Pasadena.
To such an exact nicety must its surface be
ground and .polished It will require three
Years to complete It ready for mounting.
The glass 10 the rouge costa 11 a pound,
With great patience and the highest meohan-
Ical skill It la being fitted for Its moment-
ous Work.
When completed it will be traneperted by
an auto truck up the narrow trail to the
observatory and there will bo mounted
under a rotating dome fifty feet Iu diameter.
With this monster eye. It will be possible to
penetreto further Into the depths of space
than by any Instrument ever before de-
signed by man.
Thousands et tourists from all parts of the
,vord vlelt this observatory 'every year. So
great is the papular Interest in the work
there It has been decided to establish a mu -
seem of astronomical photographs In con•.
0001(00 with the observatory, to be open
to the public at nil times.
Mob vs, Society.
(Montreal Gazette)
It le a serious thing when peaceable men,
because of their color, are lawlessly assailed.
It maybo a costly thlug when the victims
of mob wrath are subjects of a government
whlah has both the power and the will to
proteotihsm. The nationality of the victims
is, however, a metier of no Importance. The
law of the land has been outraged, Its power
should bo vindicated, and this not for the
sake of the yellow strangers morethan for
that of the white residents. A mob that 1e
Permitted to persecute one class of the people
will Noon think It can tyrannize over any
class, and will become a public danger that
only the shedding' of blood may check.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,:
Deal' Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor on
my face for a long time and tried a num-
ber of remedies without any good re-
sults. I was advised to try JIINARD'S
LINIMENT, and after using several bot-
tles it made a complete cure, and it heal-
ed all up and disappeared altogether.
I3elleisle Station, ^King's Co„ N. B,,
Sept, 17, 1904,
Making Telephone Poles Picturesque.
For some weeks past the aesthetic
soul of Epping has been aroused to fury •
by a threatened invasion of the National
Telephone Company. It was felt that for
a stranger to emerge front the dryad
haunted glades of theforest upon a vista
of telephone poles would prove as disen-
V emitting as if the Venus of Mile sud-
as l no vdbeen effected+byre h h
only five poles are to 1 to erected 1 and
these will be relegated to an ebecurity
where they cannot spoil tho old world
i charm of the little town. "On Pragmatis-
tie principles," as Prof. James would
any, there seems no reason why telephone
and telegraph poles should remain un -
picturesque when they might so easily be
Wreathed with climbing roses or creep-
ers. Ilop pules, the most prosaic objects
in the universe, are being' transformed
into the most romantic beauty nt the
present moment throughout the hop gar-
dens of Kent:—Front the Westminster
Gazette. -
A woman to n paradox. It is when
she's fair that she takes a fellow by
The Decay of Glass.
Few visitors to the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of Art in New York are aware,
while admiring the iridescence of the
glass bottles, plates and other ancient
articles of ornament and nae discovered
in Cyprus, that the prismatic hues dis-
played are a result of the decay of the
When disintegration seta in, the sub-
stance of the glass splits into exceeding-
ly thin laminae which, ns the sunlight
traverses them, .gives rise to a splendid
tday of colors.
Like forest leaves, these delicate
glasses signalize their approaching disco.
lution by becoming stere beautiful.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
4 , M ------
Carefully Concealed.
Zhicago Tribune:—Tho McStvatts had
returned from their vacation. •
"Now, Bllliger," said Mrs, MoSwatt,
"where did you hide the ,jewelry that we
didn't take along with us."
"You hurried ale 00, Lobelia," ho an-
swered, "that I've forgotten just where,
but I know it's either stuck behind some
of the rafters in the top attic or buried
in the coal pile in the basement"
in your spare Limo at home, or
Take a Personal Course at Sehool.
To enable all to learn we teach on
cash or instalment plan. IVe also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons teaches how to cut,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate dress. The whole family can learn from
one course. We havo taught over seven
thousand dress -malting, and guarantee to
give five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot learn between the age of 14 and
4o. You cannot learn dress -making as
thorough as this course teaches if you
work in shops for years. Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This Is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country, %Vrite at once
for particulars, as WO have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Address:—
31Erie Bt., Stratford, (hit., Canada
Have you ea some part of your body a sore,
or eruptlou, or 0000maus patch, which, hidden
from the game of othors, yot causes you holm
and hours of pain and inconvenience
If so don't overlook thin nornfortingfact-•that
tom-0uk is dailyring Just such chronic
415e9 as yours! Imiring
heals akin nisea+ee, ulcera,
teetering soros, ringworm and eoree duo to
blood poison. Write Zuni -Bak Co., Toronto,
for free trial box, sooting la stamp. A.11 stores
and drngglets sell at 50 cents a box.
Words of the Wise.
Never give up to despair. To regret a
wrong is good; to stop to think; of it
too long, and to piuuge into remorse, is
to lose the power of reparation,—Charles
Sobering, almost alarming, to some of
us is the thought of Christ as Judge. On
the other hand, what judgment could be
kinder or fairer? We are to face the
judgment seat, but let us never forget
that it is the judgment seat of Christ—
the Christ who ]snows man, who secs
Mal svnmpat)hizes with every individual,
who, 'having himself suffered, being
tempted, is prepared to make allowance
for human Infh•ulities, who judges us
not so much by what we are as by what ,
we want and strive to be,—Iloward Al-
len Bridgman.
If to be true in heart and just in net
are the first qualities necessary for the
elevation of humanity, if without thorn
all else is worthless, intellectual culture .
cannot give what intellectual culture
does not require or imply. You cultivate
11,0 plant which has already life; you
will waste your labor in cultivating a
atone, The moral life is the counterpart
of the natural --alike mysterious in its
origin, and alike visible only in its ef-
feots,—,T, A. Fronde.
Red, Itching Iain
Continuous itching with Eczema, Salt Rheum,
Tetter and constantly acralthicg until the akin is
,awand bleeding?
Nothing gives relief ? You're wrong. just try
14440k 8001070010.
0, such relief, as thio wonderful Ointment is
applied I Inching stops --red, angryplaces heal—
and in a short time you will not have a lige of •
skin dbenae, 50e. box -6 for $2 50 --Triol
iec 25c. Al druggists or The Chemists' Co, of
Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. so
The Army Worm.
He's a notable pest.
Ile ruins the crops.
In 1743 be appeared by millions.
That was in struggling Yew England.
Dr. Bouton, of Vermont, saw ten
bushels in a heap,
Tile last very serious onslaught was
made in 1806.
He feeds on the succulent stalks el
wheat, corn, oats and the like.
Fortunately he has a host of natural
IIIc mamma is a light brown moth,
who lays her eggs in 11100101v grasses.
In his six weeks frotn egg to moth-
fla he does Ids great damage to the pre-
cious crops.
He's a juicy morsel for the meadow
lark, the bobolink, the blackbird, robin
redbreast and many others. Tho black
beetle also devours' him wholesale.
spanking does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There le a constitutional cause for
thta trouble. Mrs, M. Summers, Box W. 8,
Windsor, Ont., will send true to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
instructions. Send no money but write her
to -day i1 your children trouble you 10 this
way, Don't blame the child, the etatwe8
are It can't help It. This treatment also
curds adultsand aged' people troubled with
urine dttlloulttea by day or night.
Three Great Waterways.
It is reported that the German Gov.
eminent have under consideration the ex-
cavation of tree great waterways, one
connecting Gruhl, 011 the Kulser Wil-
helm Canal, with the River Sehlei, an-
other running from the mouth of the
Elbe opposite Brunsbuttel and thence to
Jando Bay. The dimensions of these
canals will permit navigation by the
Largest warships, The third canal will
form a channel from Wesel to the River
Ems at Kaionfsch, Silesia.
The Official Estimate is soo,000,000
The forest area of Ontario and Quebec
has been estimated by R. II. Campbell,
Dominion Superintendent of Forestry, at
40,000,000 square acres, or 12,500 square
miles of pine, and 120,000 acres, or 197,-
000 square mdse of spruce. The forest
area of Now Brunswick, according to the
game authority, is calculated at 7,600,000
acres, or 11,720 squm'e miles of mostly
spruce lumber, In Nova Scotia the forest
area is plotted at 5,000,000 aeras, or 7,912
square miles. Canada has therefore, ire
eluding the rest of the country unmen-
tioned, a total forest area of 000,000,000
acres. At 3,000 feet to the acre, which is
a low average. there aro 1,500,000,000,000
feet. In Canada the forest area is most-
ly situated on rocky elevations.
There is one roof that saves money
because it will last 100 fears.
Guaranteed in writing for 25 yearn.
This roof saves you work because Rs
so easy to put on (do it yourself with a
hammer and snipe), and save you worry
because they fireproof, windproof and
weather-proof the building they cover.
Write us about it and hear ell about
ear ROOFING RIGHT. Address
The PE LAR People
ecla vadtonhcal Ottawa Toroatn London w100) 1
The lmnitlrauon statistics show that la
LMH Immigrants came from the British Isles
numbering 59,374: 10 1908 the number was
05.303, and In 191X1 the number was 86,506.
rondo up fie tallows:
Eoglleh . and Weis); 86,G04
Soot li a,. :,10,511
English and Welsh
Irish ,3,998
English: and Welsh a ,..65,951
Srotch-'r ., .. 15:046
Canadian Hair Restorer.
Will restore gray hair to Its natural
color. Stops falling hili, causes to
grow on bald beads, cures dandruff,
tteh:ng and all scalp diseases.' Contains
no oily or ;greasy' ingredients. Not a, ye.
Price Ia cents—To Introduce mill Zan carat
order for 30 cents, coin or postal note.
Address THE MERWIN CO., Windsor, Oat.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, eta.
Don't Shoot
(13y Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
Don't shoed Canelder this one fact,
The lack of manhood In the act;
How could a creature of yourf size
leoaref ao helpless; and thset small!
Tho vory tiniest boy Is tall
Compared with us. Put down your ,gut,
And 'seek some manlier kind of fun.
Don't shoat l Out there an tree and glade,
In pretty nests that we have made,
Otte hungry little blydllugs watt.
Ah, think of their unhappy fate
If wo came .act at sot of sun!
Put down your gun, put down your gun.
Don't shoot! But leave us free of wing
To build, and nest, and soar and sing,
We ask so little, just to live—
And for that privilege
w elve
Our souls in song, le
Put down your gun, put down yaw gun.
Don't shoot! Earth has enough of joy,
Of space, and food, for bird and boy;
Enough for both of light and aun,
Put down your gun, put down your gun.
"Dear father," wrote a youngster of
twelve, "we are all well and happy. The
baby has grown ever so much and has
a great deal mole sense then be ►xoI•
to have, Hoping the same of you, I re.
mein your affectionate son, James."
What Papa Said.
Tommy was stubborn, and his teacher
was having a hard time explaining a
small point ho the geography lesson.
"Tenuity," teacher began, "you can
lean, this if you make up your mind. It's
not one bit smart to appear dull. I
know," she continued, coaxingly, "that
you are just as bright as any boy in the
class. llemendaor, Tommy, where there's
a will there's---"
"Aw," broke in Tommy, "I know all
dat, I do, Me fuddcr's a lawyer, he is,
an' I've heard hint say it lots o' tines."
"Yon should tot havo interrupted ane,"
reprimanded the teacher, "but I am glad
that your father has taught you tho old
adage. Can you repeat it to me?"
"Sure," said Tommy, copfidently. "Me
(adder says dot where der's a will—der's
always a bunch o' poor relations."—Lip'
pincott's Magazine.
Mange. Prairie Stretches and every form of
contagious Itch on bum= or salmons mired
in 80 minutes by Woltord's Sanitary Lotion,
It nevsO' fails. Sold by druggists.
a 4.
Changeable Electric Signs.
Brilliant effects for electric signs
aro now to be readily obtained with lit-
tle cost by the use of small colored
transparent caps, which fit over the
rounded ends of the incandescent bulbs.
This permits the owner of a &Inge.
able electric sign to alter the legend it
will and to indudge in the use of colors
without this necessity of keeping on hand
a large supply of colored lanlps,'fame of
which are very expensive.—Scientific
ISSUE NO. i3 3, 1907.
11 light sewing at home, whole or spare
time; good pay; work sunt any distance;
chargee paid; sand stamp for tull particu-
lara National Manufacturing Co., Montreal,
98 ACRIOS, 1 , MILE 10110(10 2 RAILWAY
stations, school aod. churches. Good
new 2 -storey frame house, collar under whole
of house, Frame 'barn, 25'x 06, good repair,
So11 sand and gravelly loam. Price KO,
86W down, balance 5%. A bargain. THE
"Why is a Hen?"
There is an old and foolish conundrum,
"Why is a hen?" and to t11l,s there is no
logically satisfactory answer. This con-
undrum might, however, have been ask-
ed recently to some purpose in a London
A hen flew into a bicycle, 1t up-
set the rider and smashed the ma-
chine, Was tlm owner of the hen, liable
for damages? One lawyer contendedthat
ho was, for the hen Waw trespassing on
the highway. Tho other lawyer said:
"No," for there was nn proof that the
hen might have been expected to act in a
violent and'•dostructive manner. The
judge agreed to this, and gave judg-
ment for the defendant,
But should not a bicyclist feel reason-
ably secure on a highway from unpro-
voked' assaults of domestic fowls, A
wild fowl' 3e capable, like Hnbbakuk, of
anything. Sµppnse a cock should peek n
hole in the tare of a standing devil wag-
on?—Frena'; the 'Boston Herald.
Lame Horses
certainly do need Keadel)'o Spevlrt Cute.
'Whether from a Bruise, Cut Strain
Swelling or Spavin, latliDALI,'S win
cure the lameness—quickly—completely,
Cornu; SA80., May 16th 'al.
"I have 119001 Kendall's Spavin Cure for
20 years and find it a sure cure."
Paasa:U, 0.110.000.
Priced -6 for 95.
Accept no subeti-
tete. 'the great
book— "Treatise
on the IIorse"—
freefrom dealers
opt 6. ), Seddon Co.a
EnslarB falls,
Dual. 0,3.0,
A Romance Spoiled.
1110 beautiful girl waded into the
yeasty stuff.
P000011tly'she uttered a shriek of ter.
"Save me!"
There were seven men on the hotel
piazza. They conferred hastily.
Then the one with the clearest voice
called to the struggling maiden,
"Awfully sorry,' ho shouted, "but
there isn't an unmarried man, among
Then the lovely girl ceased her strug-
gles and presently waded ashore.--Clove-
land Plain Dealer,
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
--safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest
—cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 4s
Cures 23c.—at drug -stores,
National.Drug & Chm-
im1 CO.,1lsnl1:d
Diarrhoea Montreal,
No Paper Money for the Indians.
"There are two traits about the Amer-
ican Indian that civilization and contact
with his white ;brothers cannot over-
come," said Frank L. Campbell, who has
spent several years as a school teacher
among the Sioux and has learned to
know them well.
'Those Peculiarities are his aversion
to paper money and his appetite for dog,
An Indian will never take paper money
1f he can avoid it. Ile weans, in the lan-
guage of the Sioux,'muzza aka; which
translated means white iron. The red
man cannot bring himself to believe that
a small pisco of printed paper can be
worth as ranch 00 more than the metal
itself. Strange to' say, an Indian would
also rather have ten silver dollars than
ono ten dollar gold piece, I do not know
whether it is because the ten pieces of
money appear to be more or whether it
is simply because he lilies to jingle the
coins."—From the Waahington Post.
Toilet pers
Are the VERY BEST values going. WE invite comparison as 'regards
QUALITY and QUANTITY of paper supplied. Compere by actual count
the number of sheets in the so-called cheaper papers with the Eddy manna,
and you will find. that you get mare fes the same money in Eddy's.
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