HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-26, Page 4PACE POUR TI II; 13LY JAS.McMURCH1EIglici titNaltbarb. d. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, SEPT. 26. 1507 BANKER. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. MYTH, ONT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a Speolalty. Advances made to tornler'a err their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Currant Rates We offer every accommodation con• itistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loon on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to sell will do well to plane their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCiNG Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect• fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M, to is P.M. rj'usinsss Cards. A, B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto. Suc- cessor to (L F. Maw. Office over Stan- dard Bank, Mussels. Bolfoitor for Alett'o. polttnn Bank. 1 1 (JUDF0OT, HAYS & BLAIR. Bavvsters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderirh, W Proudfoot, K.0,; B. 0, Hays, G. F. Blair, 0. E. LONG, L D,S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. .An honor graduate of Toronto University. Oahe over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth. At Auburn every Monday 0 u.n. to.5 p.m, W..J.1fILNP,, M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon. M.0.0,M ,, Unt• versify of Trinity College; MLD., queen's University; Fellow of 'Trinity Medical College, mud member of the College cf Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor• onor for the County of Iluron. Office, one door north of Conunerelai hotel, Queen street, I3tyth. F. R. sCCog til BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the ullLo of Tar; S'rArennnc, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sade . stables firg (go 0 Dr. J. N. P due, V.S. PSIDPRIR'OR. First-class horst l i?y' evict hire at reasonable rates. Bost of accommodation' `l vommerolal Travellers and others requiring riga. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, WE TEACH, TELEGIRAPIIY Central tratiordt Ont. We have three departments, (Jammer - e a , Shorthand and Telegraphy. We employ the best tea:hers that money can hire, Our courses are thorough and p:'at- Cleat and we asst,t worthy students to positions. Those who with to get a money -ranking education should get the best. Write for oar new catalogue and get particulars. This ie the best time of year to enter our classes. FLLIOTr & MCLACIILAM, Principals. 1-„0-4,,vmer r People We Know Cr tv, 11[1.. Ed. Mason spent Sunday at Dunganncm. Miss ,Tussle Barton, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the Rectory, Miss Nellie, Haines, of Wiugham, was visiting with friends in town. Misses Maggie and Mabel Odd. well are visiting friends in Guelph. Airs, G. Barton, of Beltnore, is the guest of her son, Itev. W. II. Hartley_ Mr. W. W. Tainan, of Exeter, was a Ilolitiay visitor in town this week, Editor Robt. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, attended the fair on Tues- day. Mrs, Dr, Tamlyn, of WIngham, was the guest of Mrs. Powell thls week, Mrs. Frank Bainton will be at home to her friends Ist and 3rd Fridays of the month, Miss Minnie Wallace of North Battleford, Sask., is the guest of Miss Mabel Johnston, Miss Beatrice Johnston returned with Miss Dever to make a visit of a month -or so at Shelburne, Editor Robertson, of the Goderich Signal, was tt visitor at the fair and also called on THE STAnDARD. Mr, A. Cook and Mr. G. Pearson, of Clinton, visited their friends, Alr. Ind Airs. Jasper Cook, of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Hartley and Mr. Wilford Weir, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town renewing old friend- ships. Airs. Steedman and son, Percy, of Innerkip are guests with C. P. R. agent and Mrs, Spafford. The two ladies are sisters. Mr. H, Pfaff and Miss L. Tuss, of Zurich and Miss Reickert and Mes- srs. A. and G. Reickert, of Hillsgreen are the guests of Mr. henry Pleatzer. Col. Kenward, mannger• of the Merchants Bank, Watford, in conn pally t+1th his sister, Mrs. Clegg, of Kippen, spent a few days with their cousin, Mrs. G. Powell. Mrs. J. 'Winger, of Elmira, spent Sunday with-- Air. and Al's. Wm, Jackson and elilo Spent a !'ca' chits with the Jackson 1't}ntily in Morris, The lady is a cousin'to the Jackson family. Mr, David Moore, of Rainy River, was tt visitor Tu town ibis week, Mr. Moore was a Brussels old boy but has been in Ita111V River the. past two years clerking 111 his brother -in hays' store, Mr, McQuarrie, formerly of this'town, Mr. John Wilford was called to Toronto last'1'lmrsday on account of the illness of his son, in the city hospital with typhoid fever, which he crntrae'ed up in the Nipissing district where he spent the summer vacation. Ed's, prospects are favor- able we are pleased to state. We, notice by Afonday's daillles of the first annual games of Gordon, Mackay & Co's etnployes at Toronto, that J. 13. iVildfung, traveller, and well known to a great many in town was second In the fatman's pee of 75 yards, ho tipping the scale ht 203 pounds, while the winner of tie race, Knowles, weighed 205. A race will have to be arranged when Af'. Wildfong comes to town against some of our heavyweights. East Wawanoah. Miss Curley, of Lindsay, is the guest of her brother, R Corley. Jus. Vaneamp, of Loudon, is heti-; Baying at his home here. The marriage of Miss Rebecca Chantey to 11. Routledge took place on Wednesday of this week. One of the saddest accidents which has occurred for a long time happen- ed at Galt on Friday when P. and Mrs. Reid, who were married at Goderich on Wednesday were killed by a titin while out driving. The bride was u daughter of E. McDow• ell, well known in this vicinity and for many year's It resident of the Sth con The bereaved families have the sympathy of the endive eoin- tnunity. Ilse Altar. lIncxNEY—Ksatnu;x ._At the Manse in Blyth on Tuesday n1011)ing, Sept., 24th, by Rev. J. L. Small, 11. A Al los Susanna M. Kernick, of East Wawanosll, to lir. t„tirt,w TLickttey, of Rihert '1'uwnahIp, Perth County, at lug STAi1AItP cum , 111 1 STANDAR--SEPTEMBER 26T11, 1907. Brussels. An advertisement in Tn>' S. +NnAItn pays, Afs. J. L. Herr end Mrs. OM.Turn- bull are back from an enjoy obre visit with W A. and Mrs, Matthews at Caunington .1. J. and Mrs. Gilpin have taken ad- vantage of the Western excursion and gone to Michigan City, Ludiana, to visit their son and his wife. From 27 to 29 loaded flat chars are hauled on each trip by the two engines on the G. T. R. from the Duncan -Barr gravel pit. A telegraph operator is kept there also so as to avoid accidents by collisions, The Livingstone flax mill, one of the oldest landmarks in the town, was cont plotety destroyed by tire last Wednes- day night. The Methodist church was several times in great danger, It is generally enpposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The Grand Trunk Railway has put up a water tank west of the Main street to supply their- engines with the neves• sary aqua pura, Water is pumped from the Maitland river, an engine room being erected in tv ick the power is located, on"George Kerr's farm, The Committee on Attractions for Brussels Fall Fair has closed a contract with the celebrated 9iet Highland Regiment Band of Hamilton to supply the music at the Fair on Oct 8 and 4. They will also, assited by well known vocalists and Scottish dancer, take ohtarge of the program at the annual Concert in the Town Hall on the last everting of the Fair, While theexpense is heavy the Directors never do any- thing by hares and are determined to provide the hast to he had for the plea- sure of the thousands who attend the Fair, This well known Band under theleaderghip of Bandmaster Stares, n talented musician, is worth going many miles to heat', Fall Fairs for 1907. Gorlerieh.... Sept, 25.2927 Sept. 2C-27 Sept. 20 27 Oct, 1-'2 Winghaut Milverton Atwood Brussels ,...0ct, 11•4 Tecswater.,.,,Oct, 8-4 25 Cents gets The Standard balance of year leneAenas Advertisements in the STAN DAR PAY BECAUSE Til,,, PEOPLE READ IT. CROWING IN POPULARITY EVERY WEEK. Our Job Work Excels /0.. 0...1.1.....1.1..1..• • • • Tell it to the • • STAN IDA IU) •• • ...•••+••••••••.0•••••••e \Vhile the Public is Invited to makr use of this column for the expression of personal views on public matters and public men, personalities are debarred and In all ruses the suitability of the oom- munication for publication is a matter to be deelded by the Editor. Without differences of opinion then would, of course, be no correspondence, and fur the opinion of our correspondent and their dtfarenees with our own Tut: STANDARD must disclaim responsibility. Subscribe for Tux STANDARD. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries. Ua ear i'loe.r. We ontployno agents. WiLSON & HUNTER i'RUSSELS — — ONTAIIIO. ROBERT H. GARNISS BUIEVALE — — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. th, Cnrgt(it NOTES, On Sunday 00' ning next the Pits for of St. Andrew's will close his series of sermons on the Holy Spill by preaching on the Unpardonable Sin, The congregations of Auburn and Smith's 11111 ole to meet at Auburn on Monday afternoon next for tin purpose of choosing a minister 1 possible, Next Sunday morning at I o'clock, in St. Andrew's church it children's service will be held. The offering will go to the "Children's Day" fund. The children will oc- cupy the centre pews. The Pastor will give the address. 1.ticTtnttc.—A lecture will he given in St. Miichael's church, Blyth, on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, by Rev. D. McMenamin, a former Priest of the parish. His lecture is "Five years on the Sea Shore." Admission 25 cents, HARVEST SERV ICES, —The annual Harvest Thanksgiving services con. ducted last Sunday 111 the Anglican churches in Blyth, Beigrave and Auburn, were most gratifying to the members of those churches, Morn. Ing and evening service was held at both Blyth and Beigrave and at 2,40 p, m. service was held in Auburn. Large congregnti,tns were present at all the services and the responses and singing wits of the most hearty character. In the morning Rev, W. H, Hartley, Rectory of the, parish occupied the pulpit in Blyth, and took for his text, I Owen. XXIX 14 preaching a sermon appropriate for the occasion. In the evening Rev. A. Carlisle, 13. A., of Lucas, who conducted the morning service at Beigrave, preached in Blyth, a very largo congregation being present. Be took for his text II Kings XX 15 and preached it very eloquent and forceful sermon. Those who were present were very tench pleased with his discourse and will he de- lighted to hear Mr. Carlisle again, 'I'he music throughout was suitable to the occasion, In the morning Trinity choir sang the anthem, "Praise ye the Lord," and in the evening Air. I). McGill sang n solo,, "Hold 'l'hou my hand" 111 good voice, In the afternoon Mr. John Motive assisted the Auburn choir and sang a solo, which pleased everyone very much. 'Phe collections throughout the day were the mast liberal for years. In Myth the offerings e- n -muted to 5210 ; Beigrave 598 ; Auburn 567.53, over 5375 for the parish a creditable and generous thankoflering indeed, WILL KISSING BE PROHIBITED The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dangerous—How the Dan- ger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on by some of tho best scientists as to the danger and "crime" of kissing, led by Dr, Somers, Health Officer of At. lantio City, and Dr, Nalpasse, of the Medical .Faculty of Paris. They charge the kiss with spreading grippe, scarlet fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, typhoid fever, diphtheria, erg. sipelas, meningitis, tuberculosis, and many infectious skin diseases, They suggest legislation on the subject, and the posting of notices in railway eta - clone, street cars and other publio places, but they say it would bo use. less to post then on verandahs, in cosy corners, porches, shady nooks, or moonlit lawns. They also propose compulsory legislation for methods of disinfection of the mouth and purify. ing the breath, especially with a view to the protection of the innocent babies who are particularly subject to infec- tion, The greatest and most effective purifier and germ destroyer known to medical science for the mouth, throat I and breath, as well as for the blood, stomach and lungs, is Psychine that triumph of the medical world that is attracting almost nnirersal attention because of the wonderful results at- tending its use. One of its recent tri• umphs is told as a matter of experi- ence in the following brief statement: Dr. Slocum Co. I em sending you photo and tecamonlal hero with for your great remedy I'SYCHINS. Your remedies did wonders for me, I was about 28 or f0 years of age when I took PSYCHING. The doctors had given me an aggro incurable wnsump- ttve. My impend every organ of the body were terribly diseased and wasted. Friends and neigh. bora thought I'd never get better. But MOMS aavedme, My lullgsbare never bothered m• dace, and Psychine is a permanent cure. MR 518 tH itwnt 011411 ndon, ent Psyching, pronounced Si -keen is ad• milted to be the most wonderful of all disease and germ -destroying agencies. For building up the run-down system and curing all forms of stomach troubles and diseases of the chest, throat and lunge or head, it is simply uuapproachnblh. , It is a reliable home treatment. For sale at all druggists, 600 and $1.00 or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, To. ronto, esoccm • 1o04 ' 40x°00>'0 •00 • !H'ewFurs r0, o • sl • We have a complete stock of Fur Coats, Caps, Ruffs, Etc, Q1 Call and see our stook before you buy. Our prices are the lowest. Yl oJ.A.ANDERSON ESL YTH O (0N GOO 0 (op 0 0) l0 O 0 0, 00 O 0' 0 (0) 0 0 O ea-comaoinagewe zx THE BLYTH STANDARD JOB DEPARTMENT Our facilities are complete for the prompt product ion of general Print- ing and Binding. We do all grades of work and solicit the business of firms or individuals desiring '`something better than the, ordinary" at simply a consistent price for the character of work We turn out. The following is a list of some of the lines we print : Letter Heads Note Iieads Statement 13i11 Heads Envelopes --all sizes Wedding Invitations At Home Cards Calling Cards Business Cards Tickets Shipping Tags Programs Posters Pamphlets Memorial Cards Sale Bills Circulars Catalogues, Etc. Nae carry a full line of papers, enve- lopes, cards and all the necessary ma- terial to turn out the above list. Colored Work a lEipeoialty SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INVITED aspttt111110 INTEREST PAI D QUARTERLY BTLTH BI-?,.ANCH