HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-26, Page 1VOL, XXI.
nt a good eatery nwnits
evory graduate of THE
COLLEGE Eoperltlnon
nrnVas thio positively.
Enter any time. Cgs,
Toques free. Write W.
11. Shaw, Principal,
Veep and Garrard Sts„
T Hnnto, Canada.
We have a
quick delivery
\Ve think It no trouble at: all to send
you your preeeriptiml to oonip0und it'
with our characteristic) palm --then to
hurrythe medicine to your teethe.
Let ua know, . ' t
Call on ue and we wi11 Attend to the
We're striving to have thls,t,ifppt the
Cl/08' useful store you knowt.of any-
Useful in fact -not theoryl
Helpfully useful.'
A oleo' where 1 coif
as alt the
time rreloome-the yea t if uod,,
A pleasure to prove It.
Wet Weather Spoils The Fair.
The Entries Were Larger Than Last Year
And Display Fine, Concert a Success.
The annual Fall Fair was held on
Motility and Puesday of this week
uuder very disagreeable weather. The
weather mut Mout have had it in tor
the directors for he gave them every -
thins; he had in he wayef rain.
Monday evening the 'Palace' wan
opened for inspection an a largo crowd
was there to inspect the displays:
Messrs, Poplestone & Gardiner, Slo-
Pherson Bros,', J. It Chellew and J,
A. Anderson had merchants displaye,
and [leo 11 iss Forsyth of knitted ware.
The Ladies' work wan far ahead Of lest
yen r both in fine work and large entry.
Tues'hty morning wasnot favorable
;for 'motile driving any distance owing
to the cool weather, and frequent
Showers. The judging took dip most of
tl/ahftetnoo,t. The Chnto ' 1 ife and
D t in iia}id ftarnistiedsthe trOkie during
,the ,day• ""'1'lte attrw tions were not
many as the horse rsheq wetecartc011ed
this yenr,'- thus shying a big of lay,
whit h wh'n'the Weather flume s ad,
Weatisbig lift off the; ireetore'',;a duld.
ere. 7. iio. merryg0•roand;:`shooting
gallery, moving piotel% sheen were
doing a grant business with the yourngee
*peoples Another strew "far teen•oliM'1
was -not' allowed to open up,
'i`he,list of, entries; totalled up ae fps=
Iowa ".c
Cattlet t. a .108
k 84
I'lPon y t nI i .102
I plementrtr,
Special' PritGes
ILonts: '(l
more pupils attending than
Spa year ago. Thi- spent;,
els quently e- to our p•,at
We educate to meet the
living demands of a pro.
lsre.'lve else.'
Oar S'eno,rrenhere and
Boot, keep •rs delight, the
most modern, exacting olty
DAV stridents ettend night
Meese, free. Gra=iuetee
pplac'•d In good eituattons.
divtduel ,nstrnotlon,
Now Is the best time to en-
ter the
George Spotton, Principal
O91tj{I the 1 A14 ~Cori t was held
on t1 ,}k 1lR3' .evinin33in 0u33 ly
me, 'ttt'i 'a sllcceea, hal' 0a a concert
i a
Voll wn
Wird iota money maker. o ft
H ro ram :-Qunrtetto;'' "Happy
Gate e Clinton Quartette ; comic
son ,. iT'ok$.:,do they know. brat I'm
Irish's' Will MoLood ; solo, "Somebody
waiting for you" D. 141e0i11 ; quartette,
"Horse and hound" Clinton Quarte rte ;
comic, song, ",Mustn't see cue all at
once" Will 31 clear] ; solo, "A son of
the desert" D. McGill ; nuatrtette,
'Moonlight will come again" Clinton
quartette ; comic song, "Fhere's an•
other verse" Will McLeod ; solo, "All
in, down and out" D. McGill ; quartette,
"Merry Miller" Clinton quartette ;
comic song ",Jackson, Jumosn[ and
me" Will, McLeod ; solo, "When the
Harvest moon is shining" D. McGill ;
Quartette, "Good Night" Clinton
Quartette ; "God Save tin King,"
'Pilo Clinton Quartette tva8 composed of
Mrs. Gibbings, soprano, Miss Gibbings,
alto, It, Downs, bass, and W. lie eland,
tenor ; their voices blended nicely and
they were heartily encored and they
responded with good seleetiols. Will.
McLeod, who is well known here, wee
as popular 00 ever and besides his songs
he danced the "Irish Jit," and "Sallor'y
Hornpipe" that brought down the
house, Mr. McGill Iv08 in good voice
and gave encores for all his selections.
Miss Courtice, of Clinton, Mss 1I. Mc-
Caughey and Miss Peal Gidlev, of
town were the accompanists of the
respective singers and did their part
Horses.- Heavy Draught. - Brood
mare, Laidlaw Bros„ G. T. Dale ; foal,
,loepti Shipley, Laidlaw Bros, ; two
year old gelding or filly, John Scott,
Laidlaw BeOO. ; year old gelding or
filly, G. T, Dale ;`team mares or geld-
ings, John Denholm, James Leiper ;
hest fouv colts, Wm, Morrison, 4Vm,
Agricultural. -Brood mare, A. Mos
d+eod, A. W. Sloan ; foal, A; McLeod,
I Mal3rien ; two your old gelding
SS filly;'Leidiaw Bros,. S. Don ; year
old fielding or filly, Laidlaw Bros.,
Tobe Brown ; team, John Fells, Jas,
Genteer,al Purpose. --Brood mare, W.
J. Itlo}cion, H, Godkin jr, ; foal, 0.
W, Taylor, S. Don ; two year old
gelding or filly, M. Lockhart, W, G.
Ross ; year old gelding or filly, John
Brown, M. Lockhart; team, 0, W.
Taylor, M. Lockhart,
Carriage, -Brood mare, Adana El-
liott ; font, Adam Elliott,
.Roadster. -Brood mere, Thos, Bleck,
Thomas Archer ; foal, Thomas Archer,
David Cook ; two yenr old gelding or
f111 Lorne 1, Butt ; year old gelding
oe fitly, Jona Lockhart ; saddle horse.
James Tiernaj' ; best four colts, John
• Special Prizes, -Single driver, Levi
Lott„ Robert King, Van VanNorman ;
ream roadsters, 18 Mande or under, S.
f ; carriage team, 11. A cV1tate 0 g 10
hands or over, Charles Welker.
{tattle, -Pure -Bred Durhems,-M iloh
cow, John 'Bluer, A. W, Sloan ; two
year old heifer, Johu Barr, T. H. Tay-
lor ; year old heifer, T. H, Taylor,
John 13a31' ; heifer calf, ,Tohh Barr, J.
L. Scott ; year old steer. John Barr
and 2 ; aged bull, John Barr, R. C.
McGowwt ; bull 2 years and uudcr, '1'.
H, Taylor, John Barr ; buil calf, David
Cuok, A. W, Slone ; herd, John Barr.
Aberdeen -Angus.- Mitch cow, Win,
Collinson, Adtun Elliott ; aged bull,
Adam Elliott ; bull, two years told un-
der, Win. Collinson, R. G. 11eGowan,
Grade,-Mileh cow, John Barr, R. 13.
Laidlaw; two year old heifer, John
Barr, J. L. Scott ; yaw old heifer, Jno.
Barr, R. B. Laidlaw ; heifer calf, John
Barr, J. L. Scott ; steer coif, J. L.
Scott 1 and 2 ; two year old steer, J
L. Scott, A W. Moon ; year old steer,
R. 13. Laidlaw, James Tierney ; herd,
John Barr ; fat ox or steer, John Barr
1 nun 2 ; fat cow or heifer, R. B. Luid-
luw, John Barr,
Sheep -Cotswold,-John Barr took
1st for ewe lambs and sh-arling,,ewrs.
Leicester. -John Harr took first for
torn, rentu1 lamb,
shearling ewes, aged ewes and ewe
Sluop..h;rodown -Aged ram, Jatnee
Alton, D. Laidlaw ; shearling'ram, I).
Laidlaw, James Alton ; Duncan Laid-
law took first for ram lamb, aged ewes,
sltearliog ewes and ewe lambs,
Any Other Breed Not Named, -Aged
ram, Janes Chisholm ; shearling ruts,
Janes Chisholm, It. Corley; ram
Web, R. Coley 1 and 2 ; ewes, Tames
Chisholm, R. Corley ; shearl;ng ewes,
11. Corley ; ewe lambs, Janes Chis-
holm, R. Corley'; fot sheep, owe or
wether, John Barr, R. Corley.
Piga,-Yorkshire.-Aged boar, James
Alton ; brood sow, Junes Alton, Ed.
Haggitt sr, ; 3907 boar, James Alton ;
1907 sow, Janes Alton, Ed. Reggio
Berkshire. -Aged boar, Thuell &
Nichol, Janes Alton ; brood sow,
Thuell St Nichol 1 and 2 ; 1907 hour,
'1'huoll & Nichol, Adam Elliott ; 1007
sow, '1'hucll 4. Nichol, James Alton,
Poultry. -Bronze turkeys. E. Hog.
mitt ; geetre, W. Carter, E. Haggitt ;
Mona' ducks, W. Carter 1 and 2 ; any
other ducks, E. haggitt, 0, W, It win ;
o'pingt0ns, E. Haggitt, A. C, Leyy ;
white leghorns E, Heggitt, G. W.
Irwin ; brown leahorns, E. Haggitt,
John Fairsnt' 100 ; houdans, W. Cen-
ter tend 2; hruhmas, G. W. Irwin,
A, C. Levy ; black Spanish, Sl re. 1How
vie ; in;norcas, E. }leggin I and 2
spangled hamburgs, W. Cater 1.01d
2 ; pencilled homburgs, W. Carter 1
end 2 ; langshans, G, W. Irwin, A, C.
Levy ; dorkicgs, G. W, Irwin, W,
Carter ; silver wyandottes, 0. W. Ir-
win, John Fai10130(ce ; 80 other wy-
aodottts. G. W. Irene, 1 Heggitt ;
aulalusiats, Sire. Howrie, E. Heggio;
block breasted red game, G. W. Lwin,
E. Haggitt ; buff cochius, G. W. Ir-
of Ready -to -Wear Clothing and
Men's Furnishings
Never before have we sold goods at such a reduction as we will for the next
two weeks. We have in few words got too much stock and have to make room
for New Fall (foods already corning 11 ,
Reedy-to•weat' Suits at as tow oe $4.00,
Ready-to-wear Overcoats at as low as 86.00.
These Overcoats ere suitable for winter wear, different patterns and blacks and
blues. 44'e bought, 0 job 101 and with what we had have nitogethor now about
200 pairs Odd Pants nod are going to clear therm out at lees that half price, also
many Overalls nt as 1118 a reduction, Men's Odd Tweed nod Fancy Vests and
Bovis' Knickers less than cost, liens Rainproof and Cravanette Overcoats ;
we are hound to elem. these out regardless of cost. In everything front Hats to
Shoes you will see these same reductions,
Just received our new line of Ellis Spring Needle Ribbed
Underwear for fall --best on the market,
Now is the time to pick out your Fall Suit or Overcoat. Just received a
large shipment of Black itud Blue Worsteds and Cheviots and finer Worsteds.
hlso our new Fooltion Plate, Cone and hove a look, Perfect lit guaranteed,
Clothier and Gents' Furnisher.
win 1 and 2 ; hantnms, E. Haggitt,
W. Carter ; polands, 0. W. Irwin ;
h;rrerl rocks, John Pairservice, 19.
Hogan ; whito rocks, 7,, Hnggitt, 0,
W, Irwin ; guinea fowl, John Barr,
.1. 14'. Sloan ; pigeons, 1:, haggitt,
Mr, J. 1{. Wise ; white fall wheat, J.
K. Wise, Wm, McGowan ; red spring
wheat, 3. 1{. 1Vieo ; six -rowed barley,
0, iV, Taylor, .1. If. Wise ; white oats,
J, 1{. W100, 0. 44'.'i'aylor; black (ats,
a. IS, Wise small peas, 0. W,'J'nylol',
3, K \VIoo ; large pains J. 1{. Wise ;
timothy seed, J. K. Wise.
Boots. --Collection garden produce,
W. 11. McCracken ; early patatoee,
Philip Willows ; tete potatoes, Philip
Willows, J. J. Mason' collection of
potatoes, Philip 41'illouy, W. H. Mc-
Crecken ; field carrots, W. H. Mc•
Crockett ; gnt•dou carrots, 3)..W, Ham
ilton, L.itliaw Bros, ; Swede turnips,
John Burr, W. H. McCracken ; any
other variety of turnips, John Barr,
W. FL 11cCruckeu ' six beets, W. I3.
SleCroekeu, John Barr ; sugar beet°,
Laidlaw Biqa„ T. H, Taylor ; mange,
wuizels, long, W. H: McCracken, Ed.
Hnggitt or,, menisci wutzels, globe, W.
II. McCracken ; mangos wurzels, yel-
low intermediate, IV, H McCracken,
J. J Men ' pumpkin W, 11, Mc-
Craeken, Ed. 1-luggitt sr, ; squaish, \V.
H. McCreckep ; red onions, W, H,
McCracken ; yellow onions, \V, H.
McCracken ; silver pickling onions.
W. II. McCracken ; field corn, W. H.
McCracken ; citrons, D. W Hamilton,
W.11. McCracken ; maned cahbnge,
W. H. McCracken, Philip Willows ;
pickling cabbage, W. H. McCracken ;
cauliflower, W. H. McCracken ; celery,
IV. 1I. McCracken.
Dairy and Provisions, -Crock but-
ter, Adan Elliott, Win. Plunkett ;
butter in 2•ponud rolls, Wm. Plunkett,
Adam Elliott ; butter in 1 pound,prints,
Adam Elliott, \lite Plunkett ; cheese,
J,1{. d'ise; extracted honey, Alfred
Carr ; honey in comb, Allred Carr ;
home-tnade bread, D. W. Hamilton,
Wm. Plunkett ; tea biscuits, Adam
Elliott, James Potter ; maple syrup,
A. W. Sloan, Laidlaw Bros. ; canned
or preserved fruit, 0. W. Hamiltnt
Grains, Ila fal[wheat, g. Tay•
W. 11, MoCracten ;grape wine, 11',
H. McCracken, Miss 11•vrtlo Living-
ston ; tomato catsup, 'Win. Plunkett,
J.1{. Wise ; mixed pickles, Miss Liv-
ingston, D. 4V, Hamilton ; any other
kind of pickles, Wm. Plunkett, D. W.
Fruit, -Winter apples, A. W, Sloan,
James Potter ; fall apples, James Pot.
ter. A, Vt'. Sloan ; Baldwin, A. H,
Jacobs, It, G. McGowan ; Kitrg of
Tompkins, A, W. Sloan, lt, G. Mc-
Gowan ; Northern Spy, A. W. Sloan.
N. 0, McGowan ; RhocleIeland Green-
ing, A. \V. Sloan, A, H, Jacobs ; Rib -
Atop Pippin, A. 14', Sloan, John Scott ;
Musset Gulden, A, 44', Sloan, 11, G.
M,Gttwau ; Russet Roxboro, A. 4V.
Stoan, R. G. McGowan ; Seelt•No-
Further, R. G. McGowan, A. 1V.
Sloan ; Wainer, Wm, McGowan, A,
W, Sloan ; Bendavis, A. H, Jecohe,
Wm. McGowan ; Graveetein, A. H.
Jacobs, A. W, Sloan ; Mam Doth Pip-
pin, A, W. Sloan ;'Talulat Sweet, Win,
McGowan, 11, G, McGowan ; Mann,
11. G. ,Sl0Gowse, A. W. Sloan ; Maiden
Blush, A. 1V, Sloan ; Snow, A. W.
Sloan, James Potter ; Ontario, 11, 0,
McGowan, A. W. Sloan ; Pewnuke0,
Joh Scott, R. G. McGowan ; Canade
Rod, R. G. McGowan, Jamee Potter;
Oalverts, John Scott, James Potter
Alexander, James Potter, Alfred Carr ;
20 -oz. Pippins, A. W. Sloan, James
Potter ; any other named variety, A,
II - Jacobs Alfred Carr ; crab apples,
T. H.'r0ylor, John Scott; collection
of apples, It, G. McGowan, A, W,
Ed. Hn 1 tar
Sloan ; winter pears, gt.
John ells ; 011 pears, Frank Met-
milt, Ed. Haggitt sr. ; plums, Frank
Metcalf. W, H, McCrachen ; tomatoes,
Frank SIetcelf, J. A. Anderson ; grapes,
Miss D. Symington, Hiss P. Nott,
Wooden pomp, Philip Willows.
M0nu(acturms,-Wool flannel, Miss
II Wise ; union flannel, Miss Nett,
Miss Wise ; wool blankets, James Pot-
ter, Hiss Nott ; union blankets, Miss
Wise, J. K, Wise ; coverlet, Jsnlee
Pott r ; rag matt, Miss Nott, MISS Sytn•
ingten ; yarn met, Miss Wise. Aire, L.
W. Hanson ; rang carpet, J K. Wise,
Miss Wino ; stocking yarn, Mise Nott,
,T. IS, Wise,
Ladies' Wotk.-Lace handkerchiefs,
Mrs. Hanson Hiss Symington ; button
holes on different 1Ylaloriels, Airs, R.
Stevenson, 44'm. Plunkett ; pate ing,
D. W. Hamilton ; gents' mitts, Mrs,
St venson, hire, H. E. 14', Tandy!' ;
pillow slums, Airs. Stevenson, Miss
Nott ; patch quilt in cotton, Miss Nutt,
Mrs. 'ranllyn ; patch quilt in cloth,
S1 iss Nott, Mise 1Vise; silk quilt, Air's,
Stevenson, Mrs. Tamlyn ; crochet
quilt, W, H. McCracken, Mrs, Howrie;
knitted quilt, Sliss Nott, Miss Sym-
ington: woolen socks or stockings,
Miss Nett, Mrs. Stevenson ; aratscene
work, 11rs. St, venson, Hiss Cott ;
einbroidery on bolting clot , Mrs.
Stevenson, Miss Symington t embroid-
ery on silk or satin, Mrs Stevenson,
Mrs, Pamlyn ; kensiegton embroid-
ery, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs, Tamlyn ;
Romer embroidery, Miss Livingston,
Mrs. Hanson; perks. screen, Miss
Nott ; sofa cushion, Mrs. Hanson. W,
A. Carter; fancy panel, Miss Wise,
Alt's Stevenson; pi0no or tab.e scat,
Mrs. Howrie, 11 iss Nott ; drawn work,
Mrs, Henson, W. A, Cater ; honiton
or point lace, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs,
We ' Have Too
Many Fruit Jars
Owing to the scarcity of fruit, we find
ourselves overstocked with fruit jars, so to
thin them out we offer them at very low
prices this week.
Imperal Pints.... 70 cts.
Wine Quarts 75
Imperial Quarts 80
Wine, half gallons 90
It will pay you to buy them now in
anticipation of your wants later on.
Tamlyn ; novelty In fancy work, W,
A, Carter, Miss Symington ; crochet
work in silk, 3133, Nausea, Mrs. Stev-
011800, cricllot work in cotton, Miss
Symington, Mrs, Hanson ; ho(1room
slippers, Mrs. Tamlyn; Mrs. Hanson ;
fancy toilet set, Mrs. Stevenson, Mies
Nett ; footstool, Mise, \Vise, Miss
Nott ; applique work, Miss Livingston,
Miss Nott ; fancy pin cushion, Mre.
Henson, Miss Livinaeton ' fancy bend -
kerchief case, Mies Nott, Mrs. Howrie;
mould work, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss
Symington ; knitted lace in cotton,
Mrs. ' Stevenson, Miss Symington ;
knitted or crochet fancy wool shawl,
Mrs, Henson, Miss Wise ; crochet
table imus, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Sym-
ington ; d'oylies, Miss Nott, Mrs, Tam-
lyn'; battenburg lace, Airs, Henson, J.
A; Anderson ; glove cams, Mrs. Man-
son, Miss Livingston ; tatting, Mrs.
Stevenson, Mrs, Howrie ; fancy net.
ting, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs, 'Tamlyn ;
Queen Ann darning, Mrs. Hanson,
Mrs, Stevenson ; gentlemen's collar
and cuff case, Mies Nott ; table centre
Piece, Sirs. Ranson, Mrs. Stevenson ;
table cover, Mrs, Hanson, Mrs. How-
rie ; tray cloth, Mrs, Stevenson, Mrs.
Hanson ; tea coney, Miss Nott, Mrs,
Hanson ; picture throw, Miss Nott,
Miss Symington ; lamp screen, Miss
Symington, Miss Livingston ; laundry
bag. Hiss Symington, Mrs, Hanson ;
shopping g bag, Sire. H
anson Mrs. .
Stevenson ; etching,W. A. Hanson,
Tainlyp ; knotted bed spread
Mrs, Howrie, lilies Symington ; mantle
drape, Miss Nott, Miss Syleingtotr ;
slumber robe, Miss Nott, Mrs.
tic, toaereft0 lace J. A, Anderson,
; braiding, Mrs, tiowrle
Mrs. 'inial n
Mr• Yg•
Mies Nutt ; couching, Mrs. Stevenson,
Mrs: Howrie ; collection of ladies'
work,' Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Benson.
Children's Department. -Work by
child under 18 years of age, 11. G. Mc-
Gowan ; crochet work in wool, 11. G.
McGowan : plain or ornamental work,
R. G. McGowan.
Pine Arte, -Ornament or vase, Miss
Livingston, Mrs. Stevenson ; hand
pitinted plaque in oil, Mrs, Stevenson,
Mrs, Hap on ; piece of burnt work on
leather, Mrs, Stevenson, Miss Living-
ston ; piece of burnt .work on wood,
Mrs Hanson, Mire. Howrie ; picture of
Huron county scenery, Mrs, Howrie,
Mrs. Hanson; painting on bolting
Sloth, lire. Hanson, Mrs. Stevenson ;
hand painted cups and saucers, Mrs.
Hanson, Mrs.'l'stnlyn ; hand painted
plates, Alm, Stevenson, Mrs. Hanson;
collection oil paintings, Mise .Agnew,
Mrs Stevenson ; collection water color
paintings, 5105, Stevenson,. Mins Liv-
ingslou ; figure painting in oil, Mrs,
Hanson, Mrs, Howrie; figure point-
ing in water color, Mrs, Hanson, Sires
Livingston; m(1111018 fn oil, Miss Ag-
new, Airs. Hanson ; animals in water
color, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hanson ;
landscape in oil, Miss Agnew, Airs,
Stevenson ; landscape in 3013301' color,
Mrs, Stevenson, Mrs, Howrie ; crayon
drawing, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. Steven•
son ; pencil drawing, Miss Livingston.
Mrs. Howrie ; collection of pea and
ink sketches, Mrs.` Hanson, Mise Liv-
ingston ; specimen " china painting,
Mrs, Hannon, Mrs. Stevenson ; hand
painting on sick, satin or plush, Mrs.
Stevenson, Miss Livingston ; pointing
on glass M oil, Miss Symington, Miss
Plants and Flowers, -Collection of
foliage, Mrs, W. Fenwick; geraniums
in bloom, J. G. Moser, Mrs, 4V, Fen-
wick ; fuehias in 1)100111, Mrs, IV, Fen -
wink, J. G. Moser ; hanging banker,
J. G. Moser, Mrs. W. Fenwick ; dia-
play'of plants in flower, J. G. Moser,
Wm. Mason ; table boquet, J, G, Mos-
er, Mrs. W. Fenwick ; dahlias, Mrs.
W. Fenwick, Miss Livingston.
School Children's Competition. -(a)
R'bocca McGowan, Mary McGowan ;
(h) Earl Kaiser, Rhea Ronatt ; (c)
Clara McGregor, liable Swan.
Special Prizes. -By J. M, Hamilton :
for grade cattle John Barr, for Dur-
ham cattle John Barr ; by Stone t.
Wellington : 10 largest apples, A. 1V,
S1onn ; oslleotion of apples for county
exhibit, A. 4V, Sloan ; general store
display, Poplestone t& Gardiner ; furni-
ture display, J. H. Chellew ; hardware
ay, McPherson , ; naming
applesdisplby 3)03501) underBroe18 years, oAor-
od by Frank Metcalf : Bell's Potter,
Maggie McGowan, Walter McGowan,
Mona 11. Potter ; by McMillan & Co, :
meettirst prizesfor butter. Adam El.
liott ; by J. Leelie' I41orr ; best }loma-
mado bread D, W. Hamilton, hest
butter, Laidlaw Bros. ; by.Blyth Per-
cheron Aanoeiatian : hest colt eked by
Gervais, H. Godkin jr., T. H, Taylor
2 and 11 ' by Wrn ;Hu,rill : best colt by
Hackar'd, Thos Archer.
Go Brio Fa r
Oo Yo d h
Goderich I0dastrial Exhibition is
making a special effort to have their
fair an event of the year of the opening
Guelph n
n n the G lh ad
the opening 1 f
of e 1
p I. p
Goderich branch of the C, P. 11. Their'
exhibition on Sept. 28, 26 and '27 is
being made up-to-date for a full 11 days
show as an agriouiturul exhibition
with attractions. They are having
Wineherman'e fatuous Acrobatic Bears
and Monkeys, the Sugimoto Japalloeo
Acrobats, a large Ferris Wheel, happy
Emma -the fat girl, the Ossified Man,
0. H. John's Glass Blowers, Moving
Pictures, Merry-go-round for the ehil-
dren, Band concerts daily by the 813rd
Regiment Band in full uniform and is
full 2 days moven of races of Sept.
28th and 27th. Single fare tickets aro
issued on both lines of railway and
special trains return after the exhibi-
tion on the evening of Sept. 20th 1.)
Blyth and Seaford),
MARKET RaPORT,-Wheat 811-87 ;
Barley 48-50 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas
73-73 ; Better 17-18 ; Eggs' 16-17.
RrAD the anis. in TRE STANDARD.
Hundreds of Students of the
Popular and Successful
Ziett 'Business college
Toronto, Ont.
Corner Tonga sad Alexander Streets.
have secuaed positions this yenr, De*
mend is tar greater than Ile nnpply.
Educate for business positions and you
will get them, but the educstlou Sella be
8retelsee. Student, admitted at soy
time. Write tot' catalogue.
W. d. Elliott, Prluelpal.