The Blyth Standard, 1907-09-19, Page 8Not Irattv-THE ELYTcH
STANDARD- SEptt:n i t t91111 R9o7.
ll tow Tnwt trs "Currency," Bob"s'
and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big
plugs. Quality always the same.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations. CHEAP READING
ANY et h$Mb ed section of Duni-
mlob s to Manitoba, S;akq(ebe• OUR CLUBBING LISP.
wart find Al t'tl<,exeepthtg 8 and 26, not
reseited; may be homesteaded by soy per.
Hoa who is the Hole head of a family, or The Standard $d 00
any male over 16 years of age, tn'the ex•The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tent o1 one -quartet teat= of 160 eeres I riser 1 65
mere or Iese. , The Standard and Weekly Wit-
ness 1 60
The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85
The Standard and Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1 70
The Standard and Weekly Mail
and Empire,, ...... 1 65
The Standard and Hamilton Semi
weal ly Times 1 80
The Standard and Weekly Free
Prase 180
The Standard and Toronto Week-
ly Sun 180
The Standard and Hamilton
Twica•a-week Spectator 1 80
The Standard and Toronto Daily
�ar Standard and Toronto Daily 2 26
News. 2 25
The Standard and Farmer's AdVo-
cate 4 2 80
The Standard and Daily Adver-
tiser ,,,,
2 50
The Standard and Evening Free
Press 2 70
The Standard and Toronto Daily
World, 3 25
The Standarand Daily Free
The Standard and Evening Globe 8 60
The Standard and Evening Mali
and Empire 8 50
The Standard and Daily Mail
and Empire' :... 4 50
The Standard and Dally Globe... 4 60
Send all subscriptions direct to
Entry remit be made personally at the
'midland Moe for the district in which
the land Is situated. Eatry by proxy
may, however, be made on certain con.
(Miens by the tether, mother, son, daugh-
ter, brother or sister of an Intending
the homesteader le required to perform
the homestead conditlonsunder one of the
following plans :
(tl At least six month's reaidepce upon
and cultivation ot the land in each year
for three years.
le( deceased) otetherhomestadere esldes
upon a farm In the vicinity of the lend
entered for the requirements as to reel
dents tnay be setistied by such person re•
aiding with thee father or mother.
(8) le the settler has his permanent real
dynes upon farming land owned by him
la the riololty of his homestead, the re-
quirements as to residence may be setts•
tied by residence upon said land.
Six menthe' notice in writing should be
given to the Commiesiouer of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deputy of the Minister o; Interior.
N. B,, -Unauthorized publication at this
advertisement will not be paid tor.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomach, L'rer, Kidneys and for
cleaning the Blood. 200 days treatment
$1, 80 days' treatment 25r. For sale at
Dr. Milne's Drug Store
Wholesale from the
liinosrdine, Ont.
(Charlie nen now nnderetand what I say
to him without reducing the speed.
41 On Thursday last the residences ot
Win. Hopper, Ord line, and Wm.
Stubbs, 4th liue, Morris, were struck by
lightning but neither dwelling was
' burped, though that of Mr. Stubbs
caught fire hut was extinguished by a
few palls of water. The damage on
either building is not great, except
some holes cut, through the walls and
Score broken up. Mr, and Mrs. Hopper
had just gone into the kitchen. other-
wise it might have been serious,
Hixon—Who invented gas metres 7
Dixon—Judging from my last gas
bill, I should say Ananias.
"Say, Hugo, don't you get pttnishod
at home when you're naughty 7"
"Nope, Papa and mamma are both
lawyers, and they can't agree on ,the
A Welland man found a stick of
dynamite' in a potato petoh. It was
noticed that all the potatoes in the
vicinity keptthett; eyes peeled.
Burglars entered a clergyman's
house at Yorit-Mills, As the family
were absent, time visitors promptly took
up a eoliection,
Jenny gave a (tarty,
Jennypte soros jelly,
Jenny gut a little pain
In her little ---
Now don't get excited,
And doter he mislead,
All Jenny had was
A pain In her heed.
"Are your neighbors obliging 7"
"I should so yo. They alwava let.
me use our telephone whenever I want
Prue—Do you think motoring has
improved your health 7
Dolly—It hqe made my lungs stronger
My Hair
Rcin Away
Don't have a falling out with
your hair. It might leave you!
Then what? That would mean
thin, scraggly, uneven, rough
hair. Keepyour hair at home
Fasten it tightly to your scalp!
You can easilydo it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. It is something
more than a simple hair dress-
ing. It is a hair medicine, a
hair tonic, a hair food,
The best kind of a tsstimoata1—
"Sold for oyer sixty years."
3Ws1N, oL»aMrNrit, Rms.
satSAPh L1a.
i f yrs 65 T recroaaf..
A convenience much
appreciated by every owner
of a Pandora is the towel
rod :attached to the range.
As one-third of the rod
is made of emery, it makes
a splendid knife sharpener,
It's always there handy
for you. You need waste
no time hunting around for
the easily misplaced;"steel."
Bright idea, eh ?
An accurate thermom-
eter is a reliable guide to
successful baking, while an
inaccurate one is a"cheat"
of the worst
Every Pandora ther-
mometer is carefully ad-
justed and undergoes a
practical test by heat—is
proven correct before being
tent out.
The figures, which show
the required degree of heat
necessary for the successful
baking of bread, cakes, pies,
etc., are plainly inscribed
in black on a wbite enamel
surface, so that they are
easily readable, even when
the day is dull.
If your local dealer
does not sell the Pandora,
write direct for free
McPherson Bros. Local Agents.
�I� nt, t 1,
'ill�f ' �ih��all
.0 of , 5tWyuu,0f0a01,1 u. `I0 t, ,50 ;.aims, W t.Mtr1YYi�,r1i
t1101Ii'i( ;1Wft
The many, friends and customers of the Locar4ranch o.! the Bank of Hamilton will be interested in theabove sketch of the
handsome new building recently erected in Hamilton;,fair transaction of Head Office business. Ninety-five Branch Offices through -
Mit Western Canada are directed from this buildiug,•ttpbieh fittingly symbolizes' the strength and solidity of this progressive institu-
tion. The fact that over Thirty-two Million Dollars are entrusted to its care by shareholder and savings depositor, illustrates the
confidence of the public in the conservative, business -like management that has always marked its successful history.
Did it
strike you
That an easy way to receive The Standard
for one year free is to, out out the coupon
and mail or bring it to our office.
We offer The Standard free to any
paid up subscriber who can guess
nearest the total number of people
who pay admission to Blyth's : ig
Fall Fair to be held on September
23rd and 24th,
All the coupons must be in before Saturday at six p m ,
Sept 21st, 1907, or they will not be counted.
The person coming second will receive The Standard
for six months,
Everybody who sends in a coupon must be a paid up
subscriber or it will not count
The total number who paid admission last year was
2156, and in 1905 the total number was 2355.
The surest way will be to send in your coupon every
week. The first coupon that comes nearest the number will
secure the paper.
I think the total number who will pay admission to
Blyth's Big Fair this year will be .,,,
Don't mark here
This contest is open to all our paid up sub-
scribers, whether in the Manitoba, Ontario
or our postoflice lists.