HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-18, Page 9„; BCITCH.14R SHOPS. .CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY Ie are doing business on the meth pried - and will supply our customers with best meats at the lowest paying prloes FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. ,angiiBigned desires to intimate to of Clinton that he has bought ering business lately conduct - Bros., and will continue the eeiteame iu the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, where by etriot attention to the wants of his customers, he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of patronage. He will sell for cash only, and at the lowest prices. Ohas.J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP wish to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher; and understand all the branohee of the business. We keep the very best meats, and a full +stock always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Clash Prices. Bring along your money, and get the meat at the Dash price. We will give oredit, but not at dash prices. Please come and see what you can do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchang e Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS We have a choice stook of FEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o .Highest market price paid for. Coarse grain, r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER :HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. l pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D, COOK.,CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON, President F. W. THOMAS, Genl Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts -issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. Serums Blurs—Interest allowed on teams of $1 and up. Money advanced to -farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton Q. D, McT4 GGART. BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT., Advances made to farmers on their notes at low rates of interest. We will send, the New Era to new subscribers fox the balance of 1897 for 50 cent ODMS PHO P WO $ 13ODINF�. The Great English Remedy. Slat Packages Guaranteed to promptly. and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Erntaefons,Sperm. atorncea, Impote eland aR erects of Abuse or Accesses, Mental Worry, omoeasive use Before and After, of Tobacco” Opium or =cou- nts, which Soon lead to In- firmity, Insanity, consumption and an early grave. Ras been prescribed over $o years la thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Alik druggist for Wood's Phosphodfnel it he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, one package, $1; six, $5. One wig Please, Stat will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists, For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKIN POWDE— THE COOK'S BEST FRIENb LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female irregularities and General Debility Laboratory, Goderick, J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVE:soN. —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. GOODS KEPT in STOCK lane . iitE n•)titmia . Fluid 11 • Splendid Hearse Residence over store OPPOSITF TOWN HALL CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nes to Commercial Hotel. orderThis establisnment is filed int the most tsan tiefactoull co' eyy way Ceme tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOO'ER,Clinton, ..ltter &llhIIiJ13I \UPStriS Trees, Plants, Shrubs. This continued ae usual,d andithose who want anything in our line can rely on the very best of service Choice i'lants for Spring 1ledding, Floral Designs for Weddings or Funerals Fruit and Ornamental Trees Spruce. Scotch at Astrachan I'luc "'"1 All cos of entire stock very low. All orders promptly filled. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM Sc ISOLATED TOWN ONLY INSURED 0 FFIOE RS, Geo. Watt, Presid,lnt, Hariock P. o ; James Broadfoot, Vice-Prts., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shannol, Secy.Treas., Seaforth P.0 ; M. Murdie Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. nu/Across Jas. Broadfoot, i'teuforth; M. MnrdiFe, Sea- ' forth; (leo. Dale, Sergirtli; Geo. Watt, Harlock; T. E. Flays, • Seaforth; Aiex. Gard:uor, Lead- , v• Chas. Carbutt, Clinton; John McLean, PROPERTY ARFNTS. Horlocic; Roht, McMillan, sea. mings, Egmondville, ous to effect Insurances or Iran- isiness will be promptly attended to ion to any of the above officers o their t•oapective offices. linter Planing !Mill. —AIdD---- DRY KILN. The oibearnlier, having the very latest : re- proved maohinery and employing the most skilled workmen is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest no- tice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION, CLINTON, John Stewart Estate, ,rcn,ntller WOOD and COAL YARD 1^rsfor ei herCoalorsWoodaondshottto finolicll aller Or ..•d left at Ht '1 & Joynere Feed Store will be promp.ly attet:u jd to. AGENTS. New Edition of "QueenVictoria" now ready. En- large3—thirty-two fu 1 page plater added. Best his ory of the Queen a•,d the Victorian Era published. Tho :mly Canadian book accepted by Her Majesty, Saes enormous: canvassers knocking the bottom out of all records. Easy t • make thirty dollars weekly from now until Liamond Jubilee. Particulars free. THE BItADLEY•0ARRHT.ON CO. L'TD, Toronto, (int. 'Selling F4lIl (JAS1-i. We are now offering our entire stook M .Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare aur prices with those you have been pa) big an 1 ,•t:o what. you an wave by ordering from no reg. our reg, our price price price price rorn$tareh,!De., 7c Coffee .•400..;30c Laundry „ 10c.. 7c, Lamp Glitss,ec,.ric Pearline, 10c„ Sc GingerSnapsI0c„ac Soap, 5c....4c Tea 50c ...Vie Pickles , !, .150. , 10c (11een) bbon ;tic , . 2.5e Extracts, ... iOc.. He Tea 25c„20c Yeast Cakes 10c, , kit fiends par phi ;o Salmon,,..IPe..l00 3i ib Rrt;sins,,..21c Canned Corn iOe..5c 31 Ib Currants. 2de 3 l Sodas -250..20c Hams, Bacon and IM ig Clear at wholesale prices, Fertilizer for flowers, lawns and gar- . dens, ilo Ib. Call and bo convinced JAS STEEP tt CO., Clinton ut �+ +i -van Luxury. "Tho thing I ospeoially enjoyed after a somewhat lengthy sojourn on the otber side was a real, genuine American grate fire,” commented the traveler. "In Lon- don I felt as If I was burning something very precious with the landlady charging sixpence a souttle'for coal. I remember sitting around a stove in an English hotel. The weather was cold, and the coal in the stove bunched together. I took a poker and stirred it up. ” 'That makes it burn faster,' comment- ed the landlord gravely. "'That's just what I want,' I replied. "A rod faced, hearty Englishman broke in, 'You Americans are deucedly thin blooded, don't you know?' "Then in Italy you shiver about all winter, and In Germany those big, hig, crockery stoves never seem to thaw you out. So when I arrived In America in midwinter I had a jolly big fire in the room at my hotel and I piled on the mai, knowing that It would not break my bank, in spite of the prices of the big, abominable coal trust. But after one has paid sixpence a ecuttle for a mighty little scuttle of ooal be'does not, feel disposed to criti tlse the trust. I felt like a lord, 'thin blooded American' thoughight be, and was just in the mood to reiand appreci- ate that agreeable little volume, 'The Rev- eries of a Baoheior,' Those reveries would not seem half eo pleasing when read before the smudge of a peat fire in Germany or before the little skimpy grate lire of a few pine cones in Italy bot the Italy of sun- shine, but tate Italy of the cold, disagree. able, wet days "—New York Herald. THEY ARE GOOD. Mr Jae Hagan, the well-known ex -alder- man o1 Kemptville, Ont„ says;—"For many years I have been troubled with pains across my bank. Urinary troubles caused me much lose of sleep, and I suffered from a tired worn out feeling. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief in a short time. The pain my bank has disappeared, and I feel that I would be doing wrong not to recom- mend them to others suffering as I did. They are the beat medicine I ever used." Willing to Camp Out on Papa. "So my little girl wants to get married and go away and have her old papa, does she?" said the fond father as he stroked his child's sunny hair. "Yee, papa, site does," replied the arch maiden, "but 19r'ed says it would be quite too crueL" "Oh, Fred saki that, did he?" "Vas, papa. Fred says that rather than lake one away from' you he'll be willing to come right here and live with us. Ain't it noble of him?" "Very. "—ClevelandaPlafn Dealer, Uncongenial Company. "Mrs. Chink has hiton a plan to keep her husband from smoking in the parlor." "What did she do?" "She hung tbo portraits of ber three former husbands there. "—Chicago Record, PROMPT, PLEASANT, PERFECT. Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt, pleasant and perfect cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, pain in cheat, croup, whouping cough* quinsy, in- fluenza and all throat and Lung troubles. 25o. and all drug stores. Tiresome Work There are few rnen who do anything of importance in the world but who have their share of what may be call- ed drudgery.. Even the President of the United States has to shake hands with strangers by the hour, and what is perhaps still more irksome, because affording less variety, to sign his name by the hour. A certain share of this latter work, however, can be done by proxy. There is one clerk who earns his sal- ary doing nothing else but sign the` t President's name to land warrants. Drudgery—routine work—of that kind may be easy, but one would think it would sometimes grow monotonous. Other government officials do noth- ing hut write their own names. The Registrar of the Treasury, for example may be busy signing documents from nine o'clock in . the morning to four in the afternoon. And the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, in the same way,sits at his desk and sign war- rants for money. These are honorable occupations, to be sure, but so is farm- ing, and the day -laborer ou the farm has at least the advantages of the open air and a measure of variety. Every man is sometimes tempted to think that other men have an easier lot than he, and it is well, therefore, to Icok sometimes at the seamy side of what are called desirable situations. Price bo cents per Box, or 6 for $2.50. At Druggists, or Mailed on Receipt of Price by T.MILBURN & CO., Toronto. Sarsaparilla and �°d9C�+� m COATI ) .` n, •„a The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and 131o()d Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR "Rheumatism, Giant and Chronic Complaints. . They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General, Dealers. THOSE WORRYING PILES One application of Dr. Agnew's Uintment will giie for three tlnight oes nights and ou comfort. ecure is alied ffected in the moat stubborn oases of blind, itch- ing or bleeding piles. Dr Agnew's Oint- ment na burn- ing diseases. It sots like and magio. itching all 36 cents. Sold by Watts & Co. A SISTER. Army wives generally have unman reed sisters. These sisters aIways eofne out to visit them, and the rrdt goes by itself. Mrs. Lorillard had an unmarred sis- ter. She was' very attractive. Stt.• was far more aUtraetive than ever Mrs. Lorriiard ever could pave been. Tse girl's name was Spencer --May Spaneir. She was 18 years old, if you to..k ser word for it ; and she was blonde and pink and white and plump. She. elm_ from some place in Ohio, and she visit- ed the L.orrilards at Stanton, which is in New Mexico 100 miles Ervin the rale road, serosa Dead Man's Valley (the.t is always a Dead Man's valley) anu scene steep hills, ani a lava bed a mile wade. If you have never seen a lava bed you cannot appreciate that. You might try to imagi+le :he .:cean lashed into a fury by a sim )On• then fancy its great billows and swells changed suddenly to dark greybrowe atone at the helght of the storm,' an you may form a vague idea. of what the lava bed between Port dta.nt.:n an : the ra,ilsoa.d is like. itt frightened Miss Spencer Ludly. The ambulance went slipping and slid- ing and coasting and thumping' aril bounding over the one passable par:, In the way that oary an ambulance conducted by a driver who has 'pe'nt his life on Arizona and New Mexico roads could pocsibky stand. It put all the laws of centripetal force and of equilibrium at naught. Il and the four mules were laws unto them t e i vas. Miss Spencer was not accustomed to that sort of thing. She stand it as ion g as she cAuld, at+l then she told Maj. I:oche—!n whose charge she was tree valing—that she meant to get Out en 1 walk. She had bothered the niajo•• a good deal already, and he was "et - ting tired, t o he did not say anyth!:ig but simp'y told the driver to "slow up' cr d let Miss Spencer get out by her• self. She f<1l behind after a moment un7 the am,butiulc.e went re e.,,le.csly • n. creaking, flapping its eanva ;, clarlian._i its chain:), its brake screeching shri.i . ,1nd :is it d ;app ::.• el, s•.)mrtirr., , 4g' to sight In a great bellow, soaritim° tilling up a smo..t'h face of la -'a, Spencer fe;t herself abandoned, h'. d- t in a New Mexico desert under that ter. ''bio midsummer sun. The neat wa.a I 1.3, scorching; parching.. Th k�• v:ne like hot btu: giat;s, She wund're,i why, when the lava was hot clrang to burn her feet through the :roles ,f l••r shales, it did not melt a; r:ru :Oft. 1-3/1•P kept on walking bar: us ah was afra:d to .top. Twlc. she Flipped id full and cut her hanii,. t':i.: ,r tee parous,- iriled-up rook, rabbits an t,wls and ooa.il \v,re hidden; there wcr t•iislces, ta>, aril liz.tt•s. At f1: sl td was frighten -d, when they ss-urrie„ 1 y her, but s• on, with her head rinc•ir c rend her eyes dazed with cur tr Lla>tl and lit l' n'luu: 1 open and a,. 1 as flour, she did not even no..ce them. She reached the end of the hug rocs: raver at last and :aunt the ameinteee 'ailing The dri'. er lyase asle.p anu le major was at inking beer. Ho of- orc(1 her SPItte, and when she had rusk It eh, held out her bread et. "My sl ocs aro all ^ut to piecca, , g''1 ley wars new and a heavy." ".You shGuld have kepi stilt," ht: tit. w• red. Now, Mise Spencer wanted 'sytn- thy, anu when she didn't get it sh- ook a d;slike to the major ; and b -a - use she disliked him, site eventually ale him sorry - For the first fortnight of her vi,it e was not pretty. She was sunburn - from her passage of the lava sea. er face was red and swollen, then otehy a.nd lastly peely. Alter 'hat e returned to the normal pink and ite. She was the only girl at the Poe and there was a bachelor. a. bre- t bachelor, a young contraet sur - on, and Maj. Roche's son. The ehelor officer was studious—the kind at have much faith and think that great fathers in Washington will ward lieutenants who pass high ex - and have ideas on Indians. He no time for yoteig women. He d hes one call and retired. The bre' bachelor Is peculiar to the service. wife is back east visiting her fain - He differs from the real article y in that he is ineligible. He was oted to Mies Spencer, but he did count. There was also the con- surgeon.- Of course, he was only Contract surgeon. Stilt, he was end blonde, and had a beguiling them drawl. He fell in love with se Spencer. let the exciting part of the story gee on Maj. Roche's son. He was but Ise was of no use on earth. He just a boy and never would be thing more. He had failed . fn rything he 'had ever undertaken. couldn't even dance, and he Was ald of a three-foot acequia when he He depended on his papa for ything, and he thought he knew en through and through. Provi- e sent Miss Spencer to show him he didn't—hut the ways of Provi- ce are inscrutable, and I can't be ell, the contract surgeon fell In love Miss S'peneer, but, like Viola, he w 11 f d fo tl pa +a 10 sh ed H lel eh wh ve ge ba th the re ams. had psi vet His file. onl dev not tract the tail sou Mi B hin 20, was any eve He air rode ever W0111 dere that den sure wit h never told his love Now, a.s the• bachelor vias hidden, Miss Spence, couldn't fall In love with him, and n, one could have fallen in love with Teddy Rothe, S+> she reel procate.j the contract surgeon's pass' on. His name was Randolph—Curtis Randolph, to match his nlce blue eyes and his charming drawl. His c•+ur,• ship was of the eternally -on -hand Fort. Tile life of a garrison offers even groat- er advantages for this than that of a t•outhern town. He was with Mar Spencer from guard mounting ni11!' long after taps. But Miss Spencer pined to SOP more of him "Mr. Randolph, I believe you're • lazy 1" "Oh now—Mists May—why ? T}oot isn't Idnd." IIP g-a.zed at the flag on the flagstaff tenderly, and dwelt rnusf- eally ora each word. R ecau se," -It is the p'rivllege of a lady to give that reason_" His eyes sought the terente court in tender, blit -e at,strect- ed nea.e. "Well, I know you are." "Won't you have pity on me, and tell m.' way r •. "Because you never are up Until al - guard thount"' 'O yes I ar,i. I po over to CAST ' RIA For 'infants and Children. Tbc fao• timllo olgnatuo 01 11 on - - - wiaum the hospital at sick call, you know "Why don't I ever see you, then "Perhaps you haven't risen you �T in always up at reveille." " No ! Goodness ; why do you that ?" "I believe you go over to the hoep the back way and aren't half am and don't even have e. collar on." "Now, Miss May—holy unkind." "Isn't it true ?" "I always have my collar on." told a future truth. After this would wear a collar, "I hate lazy people." "Oh, Miss May—how unkind, don't hate me, 1 hope?" His e were on the pink ribbon that fluter from her belt ; he took hold of it wound it around his finger, gett gradually nearer to her. "I do, if you are lazy." "How can I prove to you not ?" "That's easy enough." "Do tell me how." "Just prove it," "By rising early and letting you me ?" "Well—yes," "I shall do so to -morrow," "BM 1 always go for a ride bef breakfast." "May I not join you ?" "If you like. I don't care," ,R'ht is feminine for caring very much defied, So Dr. Randolph rade with M Spencer the next morning., and breakfasted in the Lort•ilarcts', and sat on the Lorrilards' porch, to w•at tguard mounting, and then. he play ennis With Miss Spencer, and ',vli It was too late to do that any lone they sat on the porch again, shall by the crowstoot and morning glen vines, and read a .loud by turns, Th parted far luncheon, bit, Immediate afterward they went again in the Lo ritards' sitting -room to practice t mandolin and guitar. Randolph din with the Lorrilards' and then hr, a Miss Spencer walked up and down t line until taps, and after taps th sat on the porch once more and talk in undertones, Occasionally the Roche boy made thtrd, a.nd, though he was far fro welcome, he never guessed it. Now, It may Scorn lncred.ible, bu It is true, that though this went a without a patiwe for ten solid month Randolph still modestly doubted• if h were toyed, ,a�ad dared not voice h passion. Mee Lorretarc1 began t think that site had done quite all th family could expert of her., and sh grew hopeless and weary, morebve of boarding free two hungry young pe pie. She told ?Mss Spencer as gent! as possible that s,he might go the sex time the ambulance went over to Car thage, which was the raieroad station Miss Spencer told Ran$olph she v'a going—and wept. And Randolph r -on soled her from afar, and actual, thought she was weeping at lesvin her little nephew and niece and he sietes-• There are men like that. The ambulance went a week later t carry Maj. Roche and Teddy Roche t• the railroad. Teddy was offered a posttion at Tuscon, and was fining to take it ; the major had government business at Carthage. The Cart -page road is a branch ; it joins the main lin- of the A.T. & S.F. at a station called San Antonio, The major would cha- peron the young woman to Carthage, thence she would go to the ma.'n line arta east, and Teddy to the main line and west, Only Teddy and May com- promised. They both went to Socorro which is on the main line a very 11111•• northeast of San Anton:o. The contract doctor and Miss Spence had a harrowing parting. The latter lost her tAkper over her procrast:ra• tion. and Most Into tears. Ir near!., broke his heart and entirely si:cnc his tongue. After she was gone, hopelessly gore he determined to reveal the secret ct his heart, by letter. But, being name.' Cnrtte Randolph, he put off doing it. Instead, he swung on h'e hammccit al day, and thought of her blue eyP-, are.: pretty face and gu4lek'ty smite, an 1 regretted his erstwhile constant corn panion. 'Phe ambulance would raturr empty of its lovely load, in five day•. he knew that. He would write whe:. it returned. So, on the afternoon of the fifth day he sat, still swing'nte ii- the hat -emote: and smoking a pipe, the ashes whereof besprinkled hi•s coat, when the fact mules and the ambulance rattled into the poet, They stopped at the major's quarters in a cloud of dust. and two men and e. woman alighted. Ther' was no doubt about who the woman was. In hie delight, Randolph Iorl his head. He strode down the bread walk to the Roches', Mise Spencer was still standing b the ambulance, hunting=with the driver's help—for something under one of the seats. The major" and Twirl) had gone Indoors. "hy, Miss May 1" said Randolph and this time there was no drawl "how delightful ! Wheat brings you back Y' Oh ! my husband- Toddy and i got married in Socorro, and joined the dear old major again in Carthage the same day." "How delightful," Randolph repeated weakly,. "Well. Teddy seemed to think sr) hut the dear, eweet old major didn't Anyway, you know, he was so horri about my shoes on the bad lands the. day," She smiled demurely. And that was all anyone ever knee about it.—Gwendolen Overton, in Sa Francisco Argonaut. nselt " do Star" 'eke He he Y01.1 yes red and Ing ani see or, c r. in hr h•' eh o..i cg' ey 11. he ,t1 �cl hp y e.! m n It e er.3 t v r that I THE PIIRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our corresprndence Elbows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and haliiiness daily. Try our, - .Rheumatic Specific or Itidiiey and Liver Pills They are absolutely pure and hetvlthful. Guaranteed to euro Rheunatisrn, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, Beware of Spurious Imitations, - S. a R, , Itisa Pleasure To keep your lawn looking beautiful if you have the latest thing in Lawn, Mowers A cutting way is a habit our Lawn Mowers have, and r cutting way is our habit 0.. reducing prices on Barbed Wire, Cul and Wire Nails, Paints, Oils, Screen Doors and Windows, Milk Cans, Poultry Netting all sizes up to 6 feet in width, Paris Green, Calcined Plaster, Thorold Cement, tic. We ''ave pleased thousands, we can please you. Try us. HARL tiND BROS Staves, Hardware, At Clinton C. • t1� Barlett, FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER, Huron St., Clintonl (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. CHIDLEY). We will always be pleased to have a call from the 1e eo le of 1' to P Clinton on an P d con am retry to inspect our large new stock of up-to-date Furniture, which will be Bold on the ivery smallest living profits. We buy and sell for Cash and defy all competition. , ' We have new styles in Bedrooh►' Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining ('hairs, Parlor Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Mattresses. Butter, Eggs and Goose Feathers taken as cash for Furniture. UNDERTAKING , 1 Our Undertaking Department is complete with the finest outfit in this part of the county. We are becoming well known by the very low prices we charge for the splendid service we give; don't forget this when it is necessary to consult an Me dertaker. All Sunday and night calla answered from residence, Huron Street H. C. 13ARLE TT, Clinton Hub Grocer Tea was eold in England in the year 1660 for 60 shillings per pound. To day we can give you a dandy for 25c. In 1772 it was denounced as e slew noia,n, hut now it is considered as soothing to the nervEs, and "ti will find it so if ou try some of our Ceylon, Darjelling, Ben Hor or Japan, G'EU. Sa`W A. sr -II f:')17117, ( Aititon Diamond Jubilee This important event is engrossing the attention of millions of our race at present Call and procure one of our Jubilee Pine so that yon will be in the swim. See our Cuff Buttons and Cuff Links also. See our fine rangeof Neckties and Straw Hats suitable for the Jubilee. • We also call your attention to the fact tl a iwe have taken,the agency for that famous brand of Oeylou Tea, SALADA, and have it in half and one pound packages at 26o, 30o and 40c, both mixed and black. Ask for a sample, .you will be sure to buy if you try it. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs . A trial respectfully solicited. F TIME article. Soap is in daily use. Any Soap must be good. e e years; to -day it's sale is larger than ever pleases and satifies the users of soap. Wool Soap for washing flannels? Hot f goods dispensed with. We have it. MAT STAMPING Tho undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stamping for Mats Persian Rugs and arta- elm of like nature. Work done promptly and at reasonable rates. MRS A.WOIRTHINUTON Huron Street. GO., Phone. The Up-to-date Cash Grocery. , l A thin oily fibre -food fluid, which P\'!IL�. • velvety burnishing film outside. ,� Rub this friction coat a -'&�, •^o little, and lo 1— a brilliant eQ02 fir!!� lasting, Iustne dawns ,} t`"= /y through it. Neither varnish, turpentine, nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in -1 SLY ER hi 1351i 46,040.12,ex5,0,01,"„ W.TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOB CLYNTO\``