HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-18, Page 7• Learn ... ern And (Invariably Digest 'PatHave you seen our novelties in Opals, Diamond and Pearl Jew- elery of all kinds ? They are all the rage thie season, and you will find it to your advantage to gall at my store and inspect these new and fashionable goods. Our efforts are to keep at the as a0 pf the procession as re- t uality, style and price. :r you the latest London, Paisian and New York Novelties at prices as low as you oan get anywhere for good goods. We have Diamond Jubilee goods as low as 5o for a single artiole. 1J. B.Rumba]1 Jeweler, Clinton. R. S. -We still have a few of those 10o. blouse seta left. Ask any person that bought a set to.%about the value of 10 cents, roVilo SEASONABLE �. GOODS DIAMOND JUBILEE i The WOOL.�•� B1.yth MARKET IS BOOMING , Opposition is the life of trade. There are three buyers on this mar- ket this summer, and higher prides are being paid here than in any other plaoe in the county. We are not buying wool, but we have made arrangements with Baiuton Bros., who buy the most of the wool here, to accept their orders from persons who want to exchange their wool for goods. We got a great enap from a woollen mill up north, which had a stook made up to ex- change for wool, but owing to a failure of a private bank they had to shut down, and we bought what we required of(their stook at sixty cents on the dollar and we now offer first-olase goode at 'PRICES LIKE THESE : Yarn in two and three ply, worth 50o, for 40o a pound. Special line Yarn in grey, blank, white, red, grey and white mixed, 50o a lb Wool Tweed worth 50o for.35c. An extra heavy make, will give satisfaction A line of Wool Sheeting (white) very speoial at 30o. A fine line of Blankets, etc. We are showing extra value in Cottonade at 20o and 25o. Bleached Cotton, 37 inoheq wide, worth 8o for 6o. Wool Tweed worth 60o for 40c. Fine Tweed worth 75o for 50o. Fine Tweed worth $1 for 75o. All Wool Flannel, oheoked, 25o. Special Line of:Cotton Hose worth 20o a pair, two pairs for 25c. "Nothing is Cheap that isn't Good." McKinnon & Co., Blyth 000000000.00000000 000 • MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. 7 • CLINTON MARKETS The British cattle market were somewhat Corrected every Thursday afternoon better triday. A private cable from Liver Thursday, June 17th, 1897. Wheat • pool quoted choice Canadian steers at 50, spring 0 67 a 0 68 Wheat, fall 0 67 a 0 tib as compared with 5d last week. There 019a020 o25a080 037 a 038 1 75 a 200 0 0 a 0 10 0 8 a 0 0 7 00 a 800 0 25 a 0 25 018 a 018 400 a 425 025 a 25 550a550 were abou t 350 head of butchers' cattle BarOars, 150 calves and 300 sheep and lambs at peas eas the Eltst End Abbattoir today. A large FlouPea I number of butchers were present, .with a Butt per cwt. Batttt good demand and small supplies prices ad- er Bat geper doz Elay new, $7; old Sheeepskins Wool No. 1 Trimmed Hides Potatoes C lover Seed, retail Timothy Seed 2 50 a 2 50 vanced all around. Epecially was this the pins and SOUVENIRS Also Blouse Sets, Belts, Belt Pins, Cuff Links and the latest in all kinds of Jewelery. In our Repair Trade our Watchmaker is giv- ing the best of satisfac- tion as an A 1 workman $ ligiJ.Bithilicomlooo to" CLINTON lvd %Sly% case with prime beeves, which were more• I tilt; n+c per Ib. higher to -day than on last Thursday. There seemed to be a brisk demand for anything fit for shipment to Great Britain, and up to 44e per pound ' was in some cases paid. Large fat • cows sold at about 34 to 4c per pound, and the common half -fatted beasts at from 24 to to 3+0 per pound. There was an active de- mand and higher prices paid for good cal- ves, prices for this sort ranging from $5 to $7 each. Shipner+are paying about 4c per pound for good large sheep. Lambs sell at from $2.50 to $3.50 each. Fat bogs are scarce, and no sales were reported to- day, Prices are quoted at from 5+c to 54e per pound. Common calves sold at from $2 to $4 each;. W. S. Finch, 76 Gerrard street east, one of the old residents of Toronto, passed peacefully away_ at his residents on Sat- urday night last. He was connected with the Metropolitan Church from its incept- ion. Instead of the usual emblems of mourning, there was hung at the door a wreath of red roses, signifying everlasting life. Pill -ETON FOR SALE. A Canopy top Phaeton strong and well -made, good as new, will be sold cheap, Apply at BIDDLECOMI3E'S Jewelery Store, Clinton PiANO FOR SALE. Fovery r cheap. good Applypto b'EA.LE Piano, &eHOOVERnew, Clinton ilarlIe Works, Tenders for Combination or Ce- dar Bridge. Tenders will be received at the office of the Township Clerk, Mullett, up to 2 p. m. Satur- day the loth .lune, for the Construction of a CedaS. R.3030atgt�dr31, CIon;on.e ridge over Plansheand itland I spec•ifica tions may) be seen nt the ofiee of the Clerk . any time after the loth of June. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES 1 CAMPBELL, Clerk. IeT': RIS THE GOOD Z?uh1 g Dia,nondjubjiee .R London is t Mr LaurierFilling up , the Social Lion r� ALL THE WORLD INTERESTED People gathering from all ends of the earth to (lo homage to our beloved Queen. Clinton second to nolle in her Mammoth Celebration. A perfect Panorama of Circus attraction. Crowds coaling from the four ends of the County. We expect Ten Thousand People. The day is sure to 1)e hot, with Warn' Win(ls. We have provided against have 1 � � fl,illst the people being taken unawares on this occasion by laying in just such a stock of Hot weather Materials as will have to 1)e worn% on that day, and all the newest lovely WAISTS only 490, 74c *1.12. All the latest patterns and choice washers. Wash gcto(ls in endless variety. IL . 1aY WI • Pwwm wAm1 V 1 Jackson Bros., Clothiers and Furnishers, Clinton SPECIJ4L PRIE SALE. "WHEN WE DO I•F, WE 1)0 IT RIGHT." Il 4 `The cold and backward season is the cause of our having so muchstock on hand. To lower it, ►►'e are giving Special Prices on our entire stock, which meansthat the people of this section will be given the opportun- ity to wear good clothing at prices lower than they have ever known before -you will make a big mistake it you don't take advantage of the Special Price Sale that will last until the 30th of June. Our regular prices this season are lower than we have quoted before; our Special Sale Prices are still lower and have no regard for profits. All our Men's Tweed Pants, our own make, reg. $3.00 Men's Tweed Pants, our own make, reg. 2.50 CC 1.95 44 Men's Tweed pants, our own make, reg. 2.00 44 1.65 Men's Tweed Pants, dark and light colors,reg. 1.50 44 1.15 CC Men's Tweed Pants,plain & fancy patterns,reg. 1.25 46 99 CC Boy's Knee Pants, our own make, regular, 1.00 44 75 44 Boy's Knee Pants, our own make, regular, 75 Cc 60 Boy's Knee Pants, our OW11 make, regular, 50 44 40 CC Men's Cottonade Pants, our own make, reg. 1.25 44 1.00 44 Men's. Cottonade Pants, our own make, reg. 1.00 C4 85 44 Men's Overalls, our own make, regular, 1.00 GC 80 CC Men's Overalls, our own make,• regular, 75 44 80 44 Fine Worsted Trouserings made to order, reg. 7.00 44 5.95 44 Fine Worsted Trouserings, nattde to order, reg.6.00 “ 4.95 Special (40 Male Pelee, CC CG ine Tweed and Worsted Trouserings, reg. 5.00 GG 3.95 Sue Tweed and Worsted Trouserings, reg. 4.00 3.25 Tweed Trouserings, regular - - - - - 3.50CG 2.95 ' €' Tweed Trousering, regular' - - - - 3.00 GG 2.45 YOU WILL MAKE A MISTAKE NOT TO BUY NOW Clothie:r:!nton .Iackson Bros.,Furnis Ja elothiers and Furnish ros., rs, eiinton ECCI�IL P':IeE "WHEN WE SAI IT WE MEAN IT," Ordered of All our Fine Scotch. Z\veed Suitings, regular, GG LG LG LG Fine Scotch Tweed Suitings, regular Fine Canadian Suitings, regular Fine Canadian Suitings, regular Fine Canadian Suitings, regular Canadian Tweeds, regular - L.& $22 - 20 - 18 - 16 - 15 12 The above will mean made up in the best possible style, or it will not leave our store. SPccial$1 9, Bale Price .17. 15 11 9. GC LG GG CC Men's Hats and Furnishings Caps %Ve cannot enumerate the many special prices on our big stook y ng r of Men's Furnishings, but the carne prices � . � _apply to evea�_ t�� we cairry. ' Our determination is to lower our stock. Our offer is your opportunity. We commence next month to prepare for the largest fall trade we have ever hadk. In the mean time we are preparing to finish the spring season by giving the people a chance to wear good Clothing at almost their own price. Jackson`(�t+CGhrsnd Li �S� Furnishers, Minton;