HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-18, Page 5June 18, 1897. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW ERA
June Sessions.
The Jnne Sessions of the Peace for ti e
countyot Huron opened Tuesday We Hon-
or Judge Magoon presiding,
The following gentlemen were sworn in
as a grand jury and addressed by the judge:
Joseph Beok, Salttord; John E. Goely, Da •h -
wood; Peter Fisher, jr., Colbornr; W. B.
Fisher, Colborne; T. Henderson, Hallett;
T. Lovell, Turnberry; Wm. Messer, Blue -
vale; J. Menzies, jr., W awanosb; 3. McGee,
Bayfield; R. MoAlltcter, Grey; H. MoNaught
Grey; W. Weir, Howick. Joseph Beok
was chosen foreman. There wereno orim-
anal caeee, thelreoord showing only six civil,
t ro to be tried by jury and four without,
the following being the jury oases:
Stanley ve. Grummets—Au aotion to re-
cover a town lot in Clinton. E. Campion
for plff.; Garrow & Prondtoot for deft.
Poetlethwaite ve. Beacom —An action for
illegal distress. Cameron, Holt & Holmes
for plft.; R. C. Hays for deft. On the court
opening both these cases doth these cased,
adjourned to tue fall term.
The first case called Statton
an action action to compel delivery of a promissory
note. P. Holt and L. H. Dickson appear-
ing for plff. and R. H. Collins for deft.
Judgment was given for plaintiff without
Tbe Caswell Co. vs. Dancey—An aotion
on an account, was settled out of court.
Cameron vs. Elliot—An action on a bill of
costs, was settled by the parties to the
Robinson vs. Johnston—An action on a
promissory note, judgment was given for
plff. for $540 and costs. R. Venetone for
plff.: Buchan for deft.
s following is the presentation of the
The grand jury for our Lady the Queen
summoned for the present sittings of the
General Sessions of the peace, beg to con-
gratulate your Honor and the county that,
in this the year of Her Most Gracious Ma-
jesty's Diamond Jubilee (and whose reign
we pray may be long continued) no crimin-
als are in jail awaiting trial. We found
osnfined in the jail three prisoners under
sentence for short terms for trivial offences,
owe vagrant, one on remand, one, awaiting
removal to the penitentiary and one com-
mitted as insane. The latter has been
awaiting removal to proper quarters for
over a year and we feel that such should,
if possible, be done at once. As the unfor-
tunate inmates of, the House of Refuge are
so helpless and are gathered from all parts
of the county, we feel that some means
should be provided to allow grand jaries to
visit thet in-titution, We beg to express
our thanks for your kind and lucid explan-
ation of our duties, and also the crown at-
torney for his courteeyand assistance. All
of which is respectfully submitted.
Martin Faublet, >f Athens,a stonemason,
while building a wall under a house, was
instantly killed by the hnildingfrom its sup-
port and fallin, upon him.
An attempt was in1tde to assassinate
President Faure ar Paris while on his
way to the ,, .tub was explod
ed close to his carriage.
Canon Mulock, late of St. George's
Cathedral, Kingston, and uncle r.f lion.
Wm. Mulock, died at his home in Win-
Charles. Brown, the colored man who
shot Detective Mahoney was to -day
sentenced t� life imprison tnent. Moot e,
bis companion, wasgiven twenty years.
It is reported that Barney Barnato, the
"diamond king" committed suicide by
throwing himself off a ship in Morocco was.
ere. Another report says he accidently felt
overboard. He was worth $100,000,000, and
was at one til ne little better than a London
street arab.
Harry Whallen, the "human ostrich,"
wno was operated upon at the ,General
Hospital, Kansas City. Saturday last, and
from whose stomach the snrgeon took two
pocket knives, three knife blades, tree
ounces of tine glass, tacks, nails, screws and
staples to the number of seventy, died as the
result of the operation.
A gratifying contrast to the exodus from
Quebec Province for many years past was
afforded by a group of 22 French-Canadian
families who arrived at Montreal from
Michigan on their way to Lake St John
district. They numbered 180 persons, and
had about 2120,000 in personal and settlers'
effeots,and were induced by the agents of the
Quebec & Lake St. John Railway to return
and settle on lands granted them in that
Mr Jesse Stover, who occupied a farm
nbont 2 miles from Norwich died, aged
84 years. He came to this country in 1811
from York State. He cleared up the farm
upon which he lived for 72 years, getting
his deed from the Crown. He was a prom-
inent member of the Religious Society of
Friends. ands notable figure in the -com-
munity in which he resided so long.
Six miles of London streets resemb'e
the amphitheater of acircus. The shops
hotels,ui residences,ings acre
hidden, parks and I Jackson .Jackson,
public buildings are from view
behiud utiles ani miles of pine board
seats. Not one foot of availahle space
along the ft ee route for the Jubiee pro-
cession is left unoccupied. The slop-
ing roofs on the churches, the tops of
the lower houses, the gaps between
buildings, every conceivable place
where there is a possibility of seating a
human being has its mw of seats.
w �
PO ct2
tw 4.
O .tet
Clinton June 22
And celebrate the
Diamond Jubilee
And while in town call and Bee us.
We have the leading place for
Ice Cream, Cool Drinks
'Tobaccos, Cigars,
Bananas, Pine Apples,
Strawberries, and all Fruits,
and Confectionery.
Fine assortment of Fire crackers.
Bread, Fancy Oakes and Pastry
Wedding Cakes are still our leading
Janes 11IkCIacherty, Clinton
A Bicycle
That will give you satisfaction and
stand all kinds of roads is ,what we
have to offer you in the
Massey4Narris and the
Brantford Red Bird.
For one of the best Cheap Wheels
see the
Griffiths Leader.
Our Repair Shop
is in fall blast, and remember that
that we guarantee all out wdrk. We
parry the largest stook of supplies of
any house in the county. We have
just added a Vuloanier to oar shop
and now are prepared ` • . o all kinds
of repairing on robber g. de.
-o amts the Market.
Our Program for June
will be one of great interest to shoe buyers. We are going to hold a JUNE
REDUCTION SALE that will mean the closest prices on Boots and Shoes
that have ever been offered in thio section. Come to as for everything you
want is our line this =kith.
Onr June Leduction Sale
will mean the balance of our spring stook without regard to profit. We
caauut enumerate prices here as we would like, but come and see what a
few dollars will buy now at our store.
Jackson i& Jackson, FINE CnROlintolti IIES
Do you buy your goods from ups, if not, why not?
When you can buy from 20 to 26 per cent cheaper
than anywhere else.
one in the regular way can give you prices that we
e offering. We could not do it ony we are going or.t
business Low prices and bargains will be given as
long as the stock lasts,
We are determined to clear out es erything,
and tho,e that come first will have an advantage
in the selection of goods When we commenc-
ed to sell out our stock was large and well se-
lected. We have sold a large quantity of goods,
still we have plenty left yet, and almost every-
thing you want in the way of staples.
We have not space to quote prices and you would not know
much about it without seeing the goods. Come and see us
and we will make the prices to suit. Dcjn't delay as the stock
is getting smaller every day.
Plurnsteel & Gibbings,
The Latest
JUBILEE VIOLET is a most exquisite perfume, sold by the
ounce; manufactured by John Taylor & Co. Also a full
line of Stern's Recksecker, Seely and French Perfumes