HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-18, Page 2TT '- A e 4,_ , w 3: 1 ' • .. I i �* 416 -� We will osend the New Era to new subscribers for the balance of 189`7 for 50 centrz Cash. _____ _W.._ .._' _ 11 _-_.-___.-.--. •--- _. _ wry m A Short History of the Union Irl' PAYS TO Crisp County Clipping§ coln� the separate colonial proces- Jack Professionaland0therCards sion, it will be noticeable that the ' -- * Ro al Ten, lite District Council will Oanadian troops are followed immedi-•4 "The flu of a oountr re resorts rte JAMES SCOTT. be held in U ,editon, on Jube 10th. ately by Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, who people se a nation, and ho veverindfvidusle � Sales. - .., 2o.,.)will be the first of the advance guard of u community may differ in domestic I WithHood'eSareapa- Barrister SQhcitor The army worm is Going great dam- of the Hoyal Horse Guards, while a olitice or in creed, or however +eo ra hi• ++ ++ age to orchards in 13owick and Turn- P i� g P rills, Sales To andTa ' -9 r ortion of the Canadian troops will call), divided such communities of a people terry. p i y P P show that thio meds- CONVEYANCER &c, bring up the rear, All the papers pub- may be, the national flag affords all the cine has enjoyed public confidence and The Canada Business College _ The wedding is announced of Miss lish editorials, welcoming the colonial common ground for united life, whether in W311 give OU a Minnie U'Uunnor, of Brussels, former- premiers and delegates, especially Mr, patronage to a greater Oommtseionerlor Ontario and Manitoba. r' np Y peace as competitors in the markets of the CHATHAM, ONT. Office immediately South of ollroy & Wisema y ly of Wingham, to Rev, H. D. Steele, Laurier, g world or in war as defenders of the general ed any other proprietary medicine. This g Still continues its successful work of formerly of Kirkton. The Times. in an editorial ttPon the interest. Hence, as the representative of is simply because it possesses greeter placing students in choice positions, Turnberry A ticultural Society's ex- evident design that is displayed in the, 'our homes, our altars our eo le throw h- merit and reduces greater cures than W, BRYDONE 110061 CouCSB j r arrangement of the processio I if P >; P g Between Jan. let and May 1st, four ■ (Jut urtiiun to the ode, Farm Gr lie] ph, on a s+LYs ,out file lens th and brew th of the land, any other. It to not what we est', but months, 40 of our pupils secured choice BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Jane 21. Pare, $1 from Wingham, that the Presence of the colonial pre- as well as those who re ose within the P P miers, headed b Mr. Laurier, aFrench• ( what Hood's Sarsaparilla dote, that tdlla situations Teaser Bookkeepers, Stenographers,, PIIBLIC ETC. 111 . with privilege of returning next day, y , soil, and who have confide to us the trust) the story. All advertisements of Hood's and Teachers in other Business Colleges. V ' ! roan and a catholic, testifies to the the emblem of a nation becomes a sacred Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it- Three others have secured places, one to Office -Beaver Bltj�ek I Mies Lizzie Bennt eb, of ,Itratford, ,breadth and soliditv of the constitu- thing, the simlTle eight of which should an - 1f you begin this month. who taught a kindergarten school at 'tional freedom the British colonies en- im self, are honest. We have never deceived commence next week, another the follow- Up -stairs Opposite � I 11 11 ate the true citizen with the noblest Foeter'e Phdto-GaLery, V beaforth a couple of years ago, has ci the public, and this with its superlative ing week apt the third about Juae Lbth. CLINTON been left a legacy of 05,000 b a joy. sentiment, banob. narrow selfishness, and medicinal merit, is whythe g y y grand inspire him with the loftiest emulation of people have Here is is where graduated of hose school uncle, who died recently in Galt. abiding confidence in it, and buy have a decided advantage over those gradu- :0--- - — 5— virtue," M• G, CAMERON ' �) Mr. Sadlier, who has been in the ro• OTHERS FAIL -IT CU shed from the average business college. . .111111 g Such are the true and appropriate words If interested write for catalogue and (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) lila/ — . eery bu iinGns at Seafor•th for some time that stand at the be iunin of the work intends leaving town shortly, He has DEAn SIRS, -From my own experience I g complete list of where these st.ident have can confidently say that Dr Fowler's Es- bearing the titl8 at the hes of this article,Hood'sD. been planed, Address, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.leased a store In London and intends Y reoen tly publiebed by the Copp, Ulark Co., Office -Hamilton tat„ o carte Colborne Hcttract of Itild Strawberr ossesses true MCLACHLAN aSi CO CLatLam Gn St.. O i taking up his abode in that city, Y P of Toronto The author is William Henry marl , It was the means of eavfng my , ONT Of ourgraduates, secured What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for Holmes, B.C.L., of Truro, N. S. , . , , g P little girl's life last summer. She was \ excellBllt ositions durin others it will also do for you. floods Sar- teethi❑ and -took violent diarrhasa Dr It in hard to imagine a Briton or the de- T ------- thl) g saparilla cures all blood diseases. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry cured ecendant of a Briton who has not an in- Sarsaparilla, PROPERITES FOR SALE OR To LET D. L. IVIACPHERSON• ` e past month. g g her, and I feel that I cannot say enough in terest in the national standard. Many, Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try 1t - - -- 1 1� While assisting at the raisin at W. CONVEYANCING, i Fisher's, U. bo' ne, on Wednesday of itsfavor. therefore, will welcome the opportunity FreparedonlybyC.I. Hood &Co.,Lowell,Mass. Small House and Lot for Sale FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1NBIIRANCffi Our commercial course is last week, Friink Kernick bad one of MRS WM. ARTHUR, furnished by this little work of learning _ something of the origin and history of the , are the only pills to take his legs badly bruised by a timber fal- Teeteryille, Out. 1-j00(� 8 P��IS with Hood's Sorsa For sale, a small House ani Lot on Cutter st. ° j Actual Business from flag which, while it belongs specially t° Sarsaparilla. Will be sold on ver reasonable terms. Apply MONEY TO LOAN. ling upon it. the "right little, tight little Island," is to JOS. WHEATLEY or JOHN AVERY, Clinton � Start t0 [finish. Mrs. Erskine Nichol, former, of FOR SALE. Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. Y known on every sea, the banner that raonse Plumbing. �Vhigham, who now resides at Boisse- Ten Dollars A Lesson "Makes tyranny tremble "There is nothing about a residence We have the best Short- vain, Man., has been called to the bee:- -- I Bide of het father, James B �ntht on, of Farmer T- a careless, easy-going When borne by the Red, White and Blue.'' plumbing system," Says an authority, The undersigned will sell at a sacriaoe, Lot 451 JOHN R IDOUT. i or 12, Railway Terrane Clinton. Particulars hand De Department lIl "that a child may not understand and y — O1 Exeter, who is.suffering from a para- man, bought a handsome new harness, The name, Union Jack, which properly there is ever reason why a housewife upon application, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister &u CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER ntario. lytic stroke. far a few weeks it looked new; but he belongs only to the Denton in which the y y . ETO 5 Cook no care of it never, once wi ed or crosses are united but which is in common should be able to urhko her own periodical HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT y A very interesting event took place inspection of ull the fixtures of her borne." Fire Insurance. Mone to lend. Real estate Special eourse'for Teach- a' the residence of Mr. John Bell of cleaned it, and the result was t t in parlance applied to the whole flag, comes, The kitchen sink should be frequently 1A — matters carefully attended to. i Belgrave on the 2nd inst w hen his eld- the course of a year or so, under the ac- not from John, but from Jacquev, the Several houses either for sale or to rent. Full c tion of the rain, sun and dust, ft be- French for James, because in the reign of spected. It Is often con neetod directly with particulars on applioation to JOHN MOGARVA Offioe-HURON STREET, CLINTON ': erS beginning July. 5th, e't daughter was united in the bonds to look decided, shabby and worn. James 1 was brought about the union of washtubs, its pipes receiving double waste.` j Write for Catalo lie, of matrimony to Mr Alexander McGee, One da b Y Y g Traps under sinks and closets should have FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS g ofIiievale. y e met Farmer M-, a fel- Sootlani and England under one crown, a thumbscrew at their lowest turn, so that R. AGNEW, 1 With the blood full of humors, the hest- low town,ma,n, and,with clean, blacrr and therefore later of their flags. Se the the harness on his horse. very nacre of our national flag is a stand- Y can be readily examined and cleaned Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderrch DENTIST CLINTON ed term is all the more oppressive. Give " out. A test fru• the presence of sewer as Township. For terms and particulars s ww A. S. NIMhIO Pro PP How Il you swap harness?' said ing rebuke to the thougutleee clues Genco p g p' P P' ,� 1) the system a thorough cleansing with Ayer's Ing T- a is sugar of lead sprinkled on blotting pa- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton -- ae who look with disdain upon the people p pipes of closets AT ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY OF gig- r` Sarsaparilla and a good cleansing with per If this is hold near i iI Farm M- looked at the grimy, and the langua,e of Quebec, and who flip- and washrooms it will quickly discolor i1 CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE EACH MONTH 11'.t tr&,*,W)rfe q a Ayer's Pi]!s, and you will enjoy summer shabby esu collie neighbor's horse pantly talk of fighting over again the con- _ ,,_ti as never before in your life. Just try tbie and re Five dollars to boot." sewer gas is present~ r _ - _ _- _______ once and you, will never repent it. -It's p quest of ore forgetting thccasio Bsptr-te Subscriber offers for sale a two -acre lot situate Office Hours -9 to 5, 1 11 . a e, farmgr T- said. So has on more than one occasion thrown }n the Bowden Survey, Onta•io Street. The The friends of Mr James Bonthron, the harne chap ed` hands. himself ready to shed hie blood in defencq Strunk by Ltghtntne• lot is fenced, and has thereon a number of . ,' The Dominion'government is taking g A German statistician says t choice fruit trees. It is a most desirable lace . , (j of Exeter, recently postmaster and But Farrtier 'T- treated the second of that ting which to Dim, as to us, is the y that of every for building, and win be sold either in one or �R Z' C BRUCE, Y, "steps to secure the return of French- merchant at Rudgerville, who has been harness no better than the first, as it type of protection, liberty, self -govern- 10,000 chimneys three aro struck 'by li h't- SURGEON DENTIST Y, g g two acre lot. -THOS. HOLLOWAY, C,intou. , aynadians now finding it hard to make so seriously ill of late,' wi!1 be pleased was an old one, it soon looked disrep- ment and justice. ping, while of the same number of towers Graduate R C D e of Ontario, and Trinity + l' to learn that he is now somewhat bet. utable. After some months he met and windmills 60 and 80 respectively are verstty Toronto, y - living in the towns of the Eastern ter, and will hope for his com tete .re. b'armer N[- with new harness on his The plan of Mr Holmes' book is very struck. Beaullful Property for Sale. Special attention given to the Preeervatlon 1 Mates. The intention is to place them p aim le. He devotes' the Bret ,es to a ' 4fo7) the new and fertile lands of North- covert'. horse. histor of the ori in and forma ton of the the natural teeth. :: y g Nineteen" years after the patent office The undersigned i The sad intelligence reached here a I say, howl! ye trade:" he asked. Hued offers for solo the eligible Omce, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store ern Quebec. g "Sartre's before `-five dollars to boot" national standard, For a Dentary or more was • estatblisha}i in Washington the first and beaut,fu ly situated residence occupied by N, B,-Wlll visit Bl t y few days ago of the death of Mrs. Vt'm. after the Norman conquest there was pro- stent was lasuul to a wonan 3r 1ii1e3e himself ou Hmon 3t., Clinton. The house con- Bayaeld every Thursday afiernoom darty and 'li'`' Firmer M- answered. P 7 , tains every mocern convenience for good sized summer ng the '; ,*f Mustard, who passed away oil the 3rd bably no one national flag, the king being who secured it for n method of weaving family,.is well built, with stoiefoundation,fur- The Montreal Star, though generally inst., at her borne in Manitoba. Mrs. The bargain was made and the bar- regarded simply as the chief of the barons, silk or thread with straw. This was in naco, hard and soft water, stable and bearing ( 4u Ortin the O Mustard was the third dao hter of Mrs ness again changed h+Lnd.. -By the every one of whom had Ilia special banneret trust trees. Particulars upon appplication to ,''x g JOHN CUNNINUMAM, Clinton. DR, WM, CONN, L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S lip. g Opposition, admits peter McTavish, of the Mill road, near /way, said Farmer D,'-, a he was driv• or pennon. But a time came when th® 1809. p +! khat Mr Laurier "has got together an Brueefielel. She was about, 30 years of ing off; "you've got the same harness king had grown so much in importance Paris has a factory which annually tnrnri Night urgli, Office -Ontario Sreec, Clinton mphatieally qo-ahead Government. age and was a victim of consumption. now ;,hat I had in the first place." that he could use the kingly "we" as re- out 20,000 000 uill,tooth icks. bury St-, Opposite Presbytot residence erian church Rattan Ttdoes things.' And candid critics Mr James Coleman, of Tuckersniith t•You don't say sol" Farmer T- ex- presenting the kingdom, and hid'banner q p 1 PERRIN BLOCK 11, it that it is working for the pro- whose illness we have mentioned in claimed with chagrin. "Then it looks was ragarded as that of the whole nation. `" ' ` . YI' Ylotion of the whole people. these columns on former • ocoaaions, as if I'd paid ten dollars to have it This first national banner was the cross AN ANTfDOTR FOR ASTHMA, Wz FOR SALE DR J- L. TTJRNBULL, M. D. TORONTO``,I passed away on Sunday at the reef- cleaned." of St. George, England's patron saint. Mr A. Reid,A nna, Ont,;waefortwo errs $300 cash andi2omonthl University, M D. C.M., Victoria Universitt a': Sir Donald Smith the Canadian dente of his mother Mrs Robt. Cole- "Just so," said the other, laughing. The reader re materially aided in this p.irt g Y y payments of 313 each M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of theObstetri-a man 5th con. of T�uckersmitb. Mr P Y a enffererfrom aeth:na. Aholf bottle of D J CAMPBELL, Hamilton SocietEdinburgh Of ghHos Hospitals. late of London, Eng.,, �,"?$igh Commissioner in Britain, says + Let us hope the lesson did Farmer of the book b the handsome colored pliuoe Yellow Oil cured him completely, and el• EdinburghHospitale. Office, -Dr. sold I Coleman had been sick since about T -ten dollars worth of good. formirg the frontispiece. Here we have office Rattenbur 8t. Clinton. Ni ythat the union of Newfoundland with February last, and for the est six the red square arose of St. Geor.e on white though it was ago, he has never CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. answered at theeamaplaca. got bel t `* P g since been troubled with the same com- arlada is bound to come. Canada will weeks or more he had been confined ground which formed the flag of England plaint. -- to bed. TOBACCO HEALT. till 1708. Here also is the diagonal cross P Choice fa m, "7 acres, li miles from Clinton �--, welcome her belated sister to the fam- rod con xnllett, parts of lots 19 nn,l u. A good R. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, 6IIRGEOIf ;.'il' home ben the It i uitp evident that the members GENTLEMEN -M heart4roubled me with of St, Andrew -white on blue ground- frame house and three story bank barn 6rx48, DAeCoucheur, etc„ office and resident t'' Y preliminaries are q which was the Scottish flag. The union Nicholas Awrey, .Registrar of Went- sto», . cellar with modern corvenTences for tario St„ o posits English church formerly : Satdsfactorilyarranged. of the (loran council ate not sports. violent palpitation, shortness of breath and of these in 1708 -from 1603 there bad been worth, died Thursday evening at his fee ting: hand all clnared, soil'the very Lest oupiedby�r.Appleton, Clinton Out erly o0 Last Friday afternoon the council ad- sleeplessness. This was caused, my phyeican one kin but not a completely united kin residence in Hamilton. Mr Awre has clay loam; good balleareorchard. Easy terms. "' The Oanadian hen is on the top. 7ourned Bran haurto permit tllemem- advised me, by the use of tobacco. Since g p y g y For fnu particulars and terms apply to JAS. ": bars le attend the base ball match be- advise M e, by Heart and tobacco. I is the dom--formed the first Union Jack, The been in feeble health for some months, TREMEF R, Beanisville, out, oi• blrs Washing- J AS. 8, FREEBORN, M.D., L.H. red diagonal arose of St. Patrick was added and for the ton Clinton,Out. &Q.C.P.L, M. 1. ,,;;Von. Mr Fisher, Dominion Minister tween the Varsityand Goderichteams. distressing symptoms have entire, disc g past six weeks has been Coll e P & S. U.; Graduate Rings and Queens BY P when the' union of Ireland with Great confined to his bed. He was member trate ge of Phroicians, Dublin, Ireland. Linen V iof Agriculture, has been advised by After they returned, an animated dis- pasted. They have cared me and I am Britain was consummated in 1801, for South Wentworth in the Ontario C HvTUE idiOUS>N, rU RENT OR eneral Medical Council, Great Britain Member of Coilsga Pb era g 'the egg dealers of Western Ontario cussion arose between half a dozen of glad to testify to their good effects. The re Legislature for a number of years, and For Sale tarto. Former, esidenans ana Surgeons, on n '' " the members as to whether it was a Si sed W. J. JUDSON greater Dart of the book is given to was a ointed r v c of Rotunda Hospital s;='that they will require 60 cold storage base ball match or a lacrosse match g the important battles �fougbt in these three pp egistrar about two (Ding -in and Gyaacological)Dublin. Residence 1 St Thomas, Ont. years ago, on the death of Dr Lewis That comfortable and well -situated bouae on - attenbury St, east, next door to Ontario 8t e. cars during each of the months of some contending that it was the one _,- stages of the history of the flag, from Crecf g Huron St , occupied by Mr Dutton, is offered parsonage. ;''July, August, September, October and and some the other. At length the in 1346 to Tel el-Kebir in 1882. These are Springer, the late registrar of that fur sale or to rent, The house contains accom- '`November, for the carrying of eggs to matter was referred to the senior given in Lobular form, the names of the county. modatiou for a large family, having six up -stair be ship ed to the British market. And member for Divisi m No. 5, and he };ave A Little Traveller. bedrooms, with all other convenience. Hartland Dg gTANliURY, GRADUATE OF Tlallt battles in the left hand column printed in soft water, cellar, with stable, etc, A few bear- , 3 the Lr e, under cold storage facilities, as his verdict that it was a base ball red; in the other columns the names of SALT RHEUM CURED. ing fruit trebs. Posseseton elven 1st of May, Medical Department of Victoria Univer is,.but beginning, match. A pale little lad in a west bound train commanders. dates, opposing powers. Aptly to W. W. F ARRAN, Clinton. Dispensaries.pronto, formerly of the Hospitals fo and glanced wistfully toward a seat where Then are added historical and explanatory GENTLEMRN,—YOWr Burdock Blood Bit. New York, Coroner for be 1' A healthy appetite, with perfect digestion a mother and bet, merrychildren were tore cured me of salt rheum three years County of Huron, Bayfield, Out. notes written by the author, or collected axe. It_waa so bad that I lost my finger r' ARM FOR SALE Let thane who areinc,ined to become and assimilation, may be secured by the eating lunch- The tears gathered in from various sources. These notes are , I , patient decause of the progress made use of Ayer's Pills. They cleanse and his eyes, thou h he tried to keep them nails, and I can truly say that I know o' 'tire p g Y g p full of interest, giving much information Lot 25; Con 5, Township of Hullett, 100 acres DR AGMEN/, `w ,4n the strengthen the whole alimentary canal and back. A passenger carne and stood be- that cannot be found in our smaller his- no more valuable medicine in the world 86 acres cleared and in a good state of cnitiva- Londesboro, succeseo accomplishment of moral re- remove all obstructions to the natural side him, than R.B.B. I bevelled no return of salt tion, excelien+ clay loam soil; 12 acres of bard- r to Dr Young, tortes, As might be expected, much space rheum since. wood bush. There is a T, ACNE rv, 1N. B„ Toronto Universit orpsi�in Canada, take some comfort fauotionsoF either sea, without any un- "What's the trouble?" be asked. good bearing orchard y, M. D. O haeant effects. sir given to the battles of the third stage and a good au ply ofwater. Tho [arm has never M" Trintt Untversit Member of College Pb ri• P "Have you no lunch? MRS J. SANDERS, p eioians and Surgeons' Ontario. Office o y a from the position ..the Dominion Y (since 1800), and here the author has done been Tented. The buildings hefarncomprisa a good pposite "`holds when compared with other states. The many friends of Miss Jean Mc- 'Yea, I have a little left and I'm not full justice to Canada, There to besides an Emerson, Man. frame house, barn and stables. This pro art Methodist church, N}got calla answered at the G P y same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a.m., I to 3p,m w Take the question of respect for the Dermid, daughter of Mr. Angus Mc• so awful hungry" added chapter on Canadian Battle ]'ielde is situate on an excellent gravel road, 21 miles to s a marriage vow. There was only one Dermid, of the Huron road will be "What is it then? Tell nre; perba s I from the Town of CiiutoO. Terms easy. For p.m. "I Y p and their lessons. further particulars apply to the undersigned ! ""' ill for divorce before the Parliament pleased to learn that she has recently can help you.' on the premises. ._ of Canada this year. In the little State graduated from the Farrand train' "It's -it's so lonely, and there's such Altogether the book is one of great in- B 1 , , MHS THOS, HILL, Clinton P.O. J E. BLACHALL VETERINARY BURGEON g rarest, and appearing ae it dose in this•HonoraryoraduatooitheOntartoveterinar'� Vit. f Delaware, one hundred divorce ens- school, Harper Hospital, of Detroit, a lot of them over there, and -And Jubilee veer when Canada's Parliament is, FOR C ollege. raryoTreatall duatodiseases oldomest eters s ea were disposed of at the last sitting having passed a very creditable exam, they've got their mother," by opening wider her doors to Britain's O ALE. a e or) the moat modern and scientificprina of the Legislature. ination, graduati with honors. The The young man glanced at the black 0 g „ " eommerce,doinq her part to strengthen plea Uffioe-immedlate]yeouthoftheNewEtr i training lg to connection with this hospi- band on toe boy's hat, Ah, he said g , , ' A valuable fruit and grain farm on a good office. Residence - Albert 8t„ Clinton. Cal f4r.., At the Conservative banquet in Ol- 'Cal is of high standing, and we predict gently, '• and you have lost yours." that bond of union typified by the common road within six 'miles of Clinton. The to nicht orday attendedto promptly flag; it is, we feel sure, certain to have a is No. 67, Maitland Concession, Goderich Town - fur Miss McDermid.a successful future "Yes, and I'm going to my uncle; ship, and contains 75acres. It yields annually 11 "c taws last Thursday evening, Senator wide circle of readers. from so to 100 barrels of winter Apples and is in her profession which she infante bitt I've never seen him. A kind lady, The author fe a cousin of Mayor Holmen, n pP OHN F. MILNE VETERINARY BURGEON Allan presented to Sir Charles Tupper practising in Detroit. She is a most the doctor's wife, who put up lily y good grain farm, the land being a No. l clay J . I ' of town. loam. There is a No. 1 frame house o.1 the lot. has returned to l limon and opened an office i:.' a•n album containing the signatures estimable sown lady and her many lunch, hung this card to my neck. . a at the Queen's Hotel, where he may be con alt- . Rp g g good barn with stony stables urderneatu, and ed for the treatment of all diseases o1 horses, t� frienas wilt be g ad to hear of her suc• She told the to show it to too ladies in it is well watered in every field. A Iarge per• cattle, &o. All calls, night or day, promptly at- aenatootographs'df the Conservative cess. the car and they would be kind to me; tion of the puechasa money may rsnialn on tendeato. ,t, Senators, together with an address mortgage. For terms, etc., n T ly to THOMAS On Thursda last brit I did❑ t show it to anyone yet. YUKON INDIANS. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE H[)ItNs, Carlow .P. o., or t°'. w, FARRAN, `" .`,+congratulating Sir Charles and Lady Y Winchelsea was you may read it if you like." ClinLo». Tupirer on their golden weddin Sfr almost the scene of a fire. Men work- The Hartbarto Manner In width The Cures all Blood Diseases, from a common TOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON g The young man took the card and s $• Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Vetere ,. Charles made a lengthy address in re- ing at the creamery n Driest smoke ie- read the name and address of the boy. II■ea to nosh Female infante. Plmple to the worst Scrofulous Sort. H u nary College, Toronto. Treats all diseases ply, containing words of cheer f lr his suing from the windows of F.. Cook's Below were the words; There were formerly many curious traits o use and Lot for Sale Domestie Animals on the most modern and r: followers and denunciation of his o residence on the corner farm, The up'- ,. r p er And whosoever shall give drink un- of character and weer customs that pro- --- Scientific Principles. lDayoo-Ra ten bury St.,prompt ponents, p art of Lhe house was so filled with q P THERE ARE AiANY Toe frame hottse on Rattenbur ly answered. Resideuoo-Rattenbury 8t., west 1' smoke that the lice could not. readily to one of these little ones, a cup of veiled among the tribes inhabiting the up- y sweet, Cltntou, Y cold water only, in the name of a dis- per Yukon country, Perhaps the most H immediately east ,of-Dr.-Tomlinson's, is ''+ room located, and considerable in one bed ci le, verily, I say unto KINDS of Sl10 S offered for sale on very reasonable terms, c.' Hon. Mr Wark, the New Brunswick room was burned before extinguished. p Y' Y You, he shtzll barbaric of all was in the treatment of the Toe Ilouso is centrally situated, being only MARRIAGE LIUENSE, JAMES SCOTT, SR, veteran statesman, who made the oras- The fire started in aped room in which fn no way lose his reward." female infante. Just after the child is tsetirer of Alarriage Licenses, Library Room, The reader brushed his hand across born she is intrusted to some of the o s minute's walk from the buemeso centre, and Reaideuoe, Mary street, Clinton, Mr. Cook had slept, but as no matches ct a has stone cellar, lar a dinin room, parlor, N ,terly address in the Dominion Senate his eye and was silent for a moment. site sex of advanced age, who has selected g g P.. Is,or lamp had been used the origin of the Th1. en, "1'll carne back soon," he said, her for his future wife. During rho time11 bed room and kitchen down stairs, with one the other night in favor of in every fire is a mystery. During theprogreas iLnd made his way to the mother and before arriving at that age when coo be- °~ large and two smaller bedrooms upstairs. JAMES CAMPBELL, UBUOFIN LRRIAGE MC possible way protriotin closer tela of the fire Mrs. Cook and family were Good •sized summer kitchen and arden, tSBUEIt OF Sf.1RItIAGE LICENSES, I g working about the lower, part of the her children. °°ales a wife her male guardian, for such Gory conveniently situated for boarding No wltuesses required •tions between the motherland and the house, and were not aware of the fire And presently little George felt a be now is, has to contribute a certain por- ,� I house. Apply at NEw ERA office. until alar toed b pair of loving arms about him and a tion of his oils of the chase to her su .;colonies, is too father of Parliament. y the bucket brigade, p P �' �� W. FAIINCOMB, MEMBER OF A68'N OF woman s voice, half sobbing, calling Port. If before she arrives at that ago She • P. L. 6., Provincial Land 84trveyor and ' ,M, a has entered on his 95th year, and him a poor, dear little fellow, begged displeases her lord, or he tires of support- "-- Ciewar a ineer, Bio ea Clinton.0aiee at Geo, �! p, a@�been a legislator in his province or ALWAYS FELT TIRED. him to come with hilt to her chfldreu. Ing her, she is given no more food and is � � A3� T PP j� �j �j �1 jpp j�jj r.a m%arber of Parliament for the long And for the re t of that corns at starved to death. Should a female be born �'� AI KE' RBUR11 T1 �1111Ull mills erfod of 52 years. Senator Wark is I suffered with severe headache andthe � 1 Y ' `%/ YOUR S1'AItL TIME. p lose of t ppetite and I always felt tired. I least•, molhtgrless Georgie bad no lack and n° man wants to provide for her and �/ I11,I' '/ I� r •'%.ht' birth an Irishman, and he is a fine of motherin claim her as his future wife, then she is i (',.; sty tt'ooI On `till 1? rn,l,linly PIIII })ill ( iLlhl I aril L R• concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and 1 1 propnrrrl to pay the highe't. price in cash or \1i »• "O11'eIt to oon,lucC business at IromeI type of the progressive citiz(•ns which after taking one bottle my oen9ache dis- not allowed to live. All the mal° infnots �,11 I/l I `1 twits for nn r unntft of cod cyan 1V0n1 I t�•{ ,"It's "i3Ople writinx e.u,l copying lists of t at island has given to every I'n fish- r1 y_:l� 5 t 1 R 1r1'NHl'1 roroiveJ stem lural ndvartisin,;. to g are, however, brought up, as they will yA 1� Bove in suc] manuPactnre nil kinds of '':'speaking country in the world. appeared. I• continued taking it, until A GREAT BDDK FREE make good hunters. Conac wont, it is �/ �\ he fm•waniv-1 to »s ,lolly. Nu rnnvassin,;: uo now I am never troubled with headache, g q Y BEA BLANHETB t'r+'�' +nts oxperienco rognirrol, hot plain writ - and my appetite is good." LAUa.A GARLAND,. 7 estltuated that for every female there are ors vion.A re,l. 1'ncnanout work to those tun- -( When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., 100 males. 247 Claremont St., Toronto, Ont. /�, FLANNELS unr ro „arn ?i or rngro ,v,•ekly in sprue rima. Leet Week nine carloads of stocker pu TlishOd the first edition of his teat :,,;;�. "c+a �i R'1'OUIiINCU TARN ti,ply to PUtn.tslusas" ,•,uu of ]sLMI'\•D g Curious as it may seem, the two eexos . h,: r+1,E-40N, Ilex z, ]ln.yliul,l, 011f, cattle were shipped bq way of Port HOOD'S PILLS Got Basil and tom t_ work, Tho People's Common t3enao Medi live Separate a greater portion of tiro Bute, i, i r � ���f'r TtVEEUS ANll ) a Y P p cul Advigor, he announced that after 680,• Doth Hien and women dress alike, and ono ,7(z, ` ,di, lril i) �. 7 HORSE RLANKETd. Huron from Canada to -the Western ly on the liver and bowel,. Cure sick 00(1 copies had been sold at too regular 1 W y y headache. unacettstomed to thew', is unable to distill- 4,, • r)' (L>. `�^� '% All g pens, Pree hon, goocb uaranteal to be Walited :; $rates. The will he fed there b the price, $1,b0 per copy, the profit on wltiah K rf �' j'`Fq + y, orj shodd I'atronngc +nlicitra. Cn•tom wcrk n kren n» ,i \1'omon wbor„» work lin t, ur' �+ '• wish one from the other unless very close. (, ' , tit yy g "anter ricin farmers and shipped to would repay him for too great amount of r, r sp cinity. 1'en0c coming Prom it (1khmev tai' iunl writin p g pp During the winter those people travel to- , t r; ,ix huurs,hl;ly, rorsix Jaya IL, Especially Honored. money expended in producing if,, he would gather with (logs and sleds and in the r.>w' havo the}r rolls carded and lionio with4•byln. and will be euntent with ten ,101411•, weeluy, ':'(att`eatBtitain. Whyslluuld our xgri- distribute the next half million free. As 8 R. MORRISON, Auburn P.O. Address, culturists'not profitably feed these ani- this number of uo Ties has alread been Summer by birch bark toucan. They also \1s�V IUIsAr t'rT„ 13rantfe , , r ' ', Imals themselves, and market their) in The London Times gives Lhe offleial I Y convert their dogs, and even their squaws, Rt3t the best ,rind is the ki,1d especially tie- _,_ - _ ry prografrtrne of lot. pruressiun for Jul. _sold, he is now 'giving away, absolutely into ]mel: animal9, rind it isacurious Sight si3;ned for all kinds of weather, AiiOeS that __ 11 the motherland? Once the sierras ruse )•iiid. Diatnond .Jubilee Day: ftve;-- 0tnvl'0opies of this most complete, to sec: n L>ndc pack train of dogs luadoct with frighten the b'it'er swap becans0 0f their �y u 7 f T ' ;' that there was no cheap feed, and that An lulpo'dlig nrnty of logitlars, with interesting and valuable common sense zu or 30 pounds ciioh and too flue v g P NA jjj'j,� Won T Fj Ti T RORER � DO yv +� � ,Mrs why thousands of half fed animals bt,kt.n hi h rices have never had a phu•e ,n our Bla !1�19jAIPjR 111JiJ-f11J1'1N l�!!Jt � r Were Merit to the old counlrt' or Lu f.ltw hands, and swven batisries of artillery rustics] work over published recipient q. 1 here tool there with n humnu boing ]nhor- store. We have ' shoved" away high }bites CLINTON, will furut the vnl1g1larrl, 1,11,11 will only boing required t° mail to Lim, at the ieg r1»dcr hrr prick of 100 pounds. Their and only renaonable prices are eLnrged fcr As vaunt f shall br pr, pnrrd 0 3,urrhn.o 11'vn Status. Now, with corn tax fret, the conte the royal aidi-s-(Jo comp, t he field I above address, 31 ono -oast starnps, to cover calves aro ver dl f r 0 the hit_he-t mnrkot t,rtro f,n• ,,;, i1 , m wil• '11„1 -h -tour and l',• w •r.,r toe the hest ftA feeding conditions itrr+nsitrlvatltit,rennt+ tv ru nutive 1n Sizr+ nd of. our footwear. W BLliadi4 as in the Unit,ed States, Imo shals and their wrinerrie•4, tLa for- I cost of mitiling only, and tke Look will 60 1nCt riur const.ructio 9 uxc,hnny o cur mi nunnitn, i„•,.1 :n i,o1,••, ar It. I, ,lou it ,, g n,; a r Nr ,, ,, .n: • rl a, - n, and 1t is nn inll,vssi- Ilosides a full lino of k oP n, ,n,,,, .'r ti,,, ,r,r s i"u < I , ri x'r Air "•, i ltl C e litter,, and sign 101:1chrs and rleputal,inns, t Le �ielit postpaid. It is a vuritab;o medical bility for one not accustonlad to their use .. n , ; , c,xn. : I I: a r! . t .,;r, lin;, .I it seerris a short-sighted policy to )est' Q,iwen's fi ii rAan Urn goons, the lord rary, r ,mplete m one volume. Cortaiics I'U(,.� l oc it i'.t It Vii, ni„ nr i :, . ,: rt ,,. ,ire. { to sit fn thfTtl w1LhOat ulTset;ting, ThOy 6^c ��ll �`/ 11 themelling ,hewn agencies iws rfed i a ntn,yor,thirty-six En lishiuttl futei'ii 1001 paf;os, profiraoly illu:,trutrrl. Tho foots e°Lnd Shot s IB(➢i�?�h. BBs.: @ a ccs :s , from salting Lhe Mnitr'.iLl tv be feta Ina g g i are built to hold but one person, rind thea 1N1� .l, , t , 1':,,,rnr,. , •1r.r, 1<r%ns r'I, ;1fA- I prinec•s, the fnclian escort, ori, MLd 1• r(1 fire orbtioif is prO,Tis.ly thFl stone ae that Sitting 1!.,t. ern thehottomwith hneesenrlcd n r:an lit rout n 1 mi.Ln'r,n ti,,t .,An ,�• f(irefgti country, iLnrl afterwards serol `.Vnlse)ev, thr t•onituinndc'r-in-c:hir+f, sold at 61.•70, except ()lily th,ut the books under sv,,.s to occupy , the lonst S n. r W” have n gond supply' of vi"kN'N 1;L`a, S.i'r,srt, roic A t '' I JL,x�rr,. tO the bit rountry iu he sold in coni- irnnredinlely Trc•cediil * the (nwen,wlltT ase iu strrTng manilla paper covers, in«tend ble• ]Y p rn pTesi- r , + , » :,»„ I,,e n,nia tnrri. „ l } h 'Ce4"(?B':I)i incl ar , ,`tletitian with aur exp r s f meat. will otter IiIc Pubke a CMmhritlgw on of cloth. hood Now befno all are given l ruidis, V%lla,,es, �Ldrn ss, „ nutd «nl., r , n,.a irI•„:ri Chase IncHltns rirro very winter, in their v 1131''1) IBh�tK Ia i '1', I,.u:i. tu;,n,nra ❑nd I t,, o } l” q --- hfn leff. Then will follow the gold- away• hnhlts anti strictly honest. If one is hull- shill:t;ies, d1''d'• .t n, wry 1,i11s turd I,p Oil it) 11„i�;io stic'ks•in`wahin th(• ni;ls1(.•s oi' the rand fits iic nvw ermplrt^ n, dirwv:mtrr, mnnufnrl rlrr',, C 1, nrgos nu,dera to, g F 3 & a cache of provisions, bo sol- Red and White Oedi'.r Shingles. ;les, of IIOME r'l.l:l•:cF1 awl fret from -hors' > 01 0LJJa- ez6WC>X=LX.LA;. horse, Mill thw ntaelei:.4 c,P buekhuunds, dom molests it, but when ho loos ho al- any de,criph0n. -- �.A_M (0)X1X �- Call and lice them. fltlia ire• with t hwir c'gnerl ieN, Grit, too royal nriyS logycS full value in skins for what Rqp Don't forgel, I boll 1'AY (:A(i}! fm WOO indust.rioaa tlTnile is on grooms. A large body of horno and Gas fao• food he n, n•o ,riates to his own use_ � �y r r� y� * at th0i:3gheyt prion to the ntiu9cot. rt' A TED. tbor sax w}tl Rorni ollnra ti• pone pato 1s eta } 1 1 JA TIES �'�1NI itVllEi IJ er nn.l common school education, can obtain pilraatAlO I�% G� y colonfa:l troops will carne next the cul- K ( sooty Alaska Nowe. 1 L ! .IiNSH, GLEDHILL. mployment for two months in this com- d tarappor Dula, troops forming,the 6aaturs'.,; t Queen's es. of , wrappsr. - - _"Mr - w"o-A'.- , Victoria Block, Clinton. , Benmil}or, Wray 2A, I897. nrttnity, S. I11, FRY, Toronto, Out. H' , • • ' . , , ,« • w : 1 �, 1. I,, (11 - . 4 , -. , 11 -.. � - 6t' +4•„ue�,pr:: - '• - ylM,.,rw�_:• Ki !.,: •__ e. -_•amu. -}" "--. - _ -_ - t -. -+I . u.. .A'.i �.A1r: ik.Lrr ....,b - �L