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The Blyth Standard, 1907-09-19, Page 4
• �J fe �81utlz ,9tattbarb. J. 1., KERR, PUBLISHER. JAS. McMUROHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BEATH, on. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to tanners on their own notes, No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Carrot Rates We offer every accommodation con. slatent, with ante and conservative banking prinelples, UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Hittite at lowest rates of Interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persons wishing to Bell will do well to place their property on our list for sate, Rents collected. CONYEYANCING Of all khide promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading, Fire and Lite Assurance companies, and teapot. fully sollalt your account, OFFICE HOURS 10 A.nt, to 13 P.N. Business eards. A. B. MACDONALD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Tito. Sue• ceesor to G. 1+. Blair. Office over Stan. dard Book, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro. poiitan Bank. FttUUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc, Offices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs. Cameron and Holt, Goderloh. W. Proudtoot, I .O. ; R, C: Hays, G. F. Blair. D. E. LONG, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University. Office over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Birth, At Auburn every Monday 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. W. J. MILNE, M,D,C,M. Physician and Surgeon. 11LD.C.M., Unl• veratiyof Trinity College; M,D„ queen's University; Feitow of Trinity Mediosl College, and member of the College of Physiolana and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor- oner for the County of Heron. OlFioe, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. - F. s. SCOTT BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for et the dive of The STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND.,.. Sale 'tables 0 ©0' Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. D First-class Roma and Riga/or hire at reasonable rates, Beet of accommodatlo%jea a aterotai Travellers and others req Veterinary office at KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, 'WE TEACH TELEGRAPHY • We have three departments, Calmer. sial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We employ the best tea:hers that money can htre. Our courses are thorough and peso. tical and we assist worthy etudente to positions. Those who wish to get a taoneymeking education should get the best. Write for our new catelrgns and gat particulars, Tide is the best time of year to enter our *lessee. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principals. THURSDAY, SEPT, 19, 1907 6, People We Know Mr. Robert Sloan spent Sunday in Lotion. Airs, D, D. Crittenden was visiting in Exeter this week, Inspector Tom, of Goderich, was a stiller in town on Friday. Barrister G, F. Blair, of Goderiob, was in town on Friday Inst. Miss E. Steinhoff, of Toronto, is visiting at her home in town, Barrister Dudley Hennes, at Wing. ham, was in town on Tuesday. Airs. Brydone, of Clinton, was vis. icing Aire, McMurchie this week. Councillor A, Baekct, of Brussels, was a visitor in town on Sunday. Mies Lizzie Brown, of Brussels, is the guest other sister Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, Mr. F. S. Scbtt and Barrister Me. Donald, of Brussels, were in town on Tuesday. Mr. J. C. Brown, student at the Medical College Detroit ie holidaying at his home in town, Arise Etalka Hamilton returned after visiting with friends in Toronto during the past week, Mr. W. Seott, of London, a former resident of town, is visiting his brother, Mr. T. W. Scott. Miss Dora Phelan, oi'Goderich, and Mies Annie Redmond, of .Westfield, spent Wednesday in town, 'Ir. T. W. Scott, Manager of the Bank of Hamilton hero, niter n holi- day of six months is once more in charge of the Branch here.' Mrs. J. H. Cheliew and son, Stan. ley, returned on Tuesday night after having a delightful outing et Tor. onto, Niagara e'ells and Thorold. Mrs, W, H. Kerr, Mrs, Geo, Brown Miss Margaret and Mr. Russell Brown, all of Bruseela, Were callers at the Editor's home during the past week, This week Mr. J. Meliurebie tick: eted Mr. Chas. Barrett to IZocanvife, Saskatchewan, and Mr. Daniel Mc- Gowan to Minnedosa, Manitoba, 'by the C, P. R. Mr. W. J. Reid, who'.Gas been re- lieving as manager at'thc Bank of Hamilton here felt on Friday hist for the Head Office. Mr,, ;Reid made many friends while in town, The many friends .of Dr. Tait, who a few years ago practised Isere, will he pleased to hear that he hos a very large practice in Torontoas en eye, ear and throat specialist, and thio year is to be one of the lee. turers et the medical college, Myth Counoli. (Intended for last issue) An adjourned meeting was ttcld in Industry Hall on Holiday evening, 9th inst. The Reeve in the chair and Councillors Gerry, Johnston and Cheliew present, Moved by N. B. Gerry seconded by J. H, Chellew that accounts as follows be paid C. P. R. height. $4 10 1t. Sellars sect 1 98 STANDARD—SEPTEAI.DtR 19T[i,'tnc7, Carried $6 08 Moved by J. IL Cheliew seconded dy N. B. Gerry that the Rip `ve and Treasurer be empowered :til borrow froth the Bank of Hamilton $' 00 to meet current expense' of this Cor. poretion. Carried, It was moved by W. Johnston seconded by J. H. Cheliew that By - Law No. 8, 1907, as now read three times be passed; Carried. Moved by W. Johnston seconded by N. 13. Gerry that a rate of 22 mills on dollars. be levied' on all the real and personal property and tax• able income liable to taxation within the Village of Blyth for the year 19Q5, and that ri ByLaw be peeper - ed confirming the same. Carried. Moved by J, A. Cheliew seconded by N. B. Gerry that Andrew Me. Nally be •appointed inspector of sidewalks and crossing now being built at a salary of 62,00 per day. Carried, A special meeting was held on Monday evening of this week. the Reeve In the chair and Councillors Bill, Chellew and Gerry present. This meeting was called to con- sider Sidewalk petition No. 31. It was moved, by J, H. Chellew, seconded by L. Hill that petition No. 31, for cement sidewalk on the South side of Westmoreland street between Queen lied Mill streets be proceeded With and that a Court of Revision respecting the same he held on Friday evening, October 4th, 1907, at 8 p. in, Carried. A special Meeting was held on Tuesday evening of this week,` the Reeve in the chair and Councillors Hill and Chellew present. Moved by 1,, Hill seconded by J. II, Chellew that the Treasurer pay Joseph Carter One hundred (8100) dollars on account of cement side- walks and crossing contract. Car. tied, The Cradle. Jeciesofe--In Ponolte, Alberta, on Aug.26th, to Mr, and Mrs. J. A Jackson, a son (James Tudor,) Tho Altar. GRABBY — Mi0iiitt,—In Morris, on Sept. 4th, by Rev. J. J. 43nette, Mr. James D. Grasby to Aiiss Lizzie, d;lighter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm: all of Alorrle Subscribe for Tna SDAUDA RD. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the carload direct from the queries, Get our prloee. We employ no agents. WILSON & HUNTER BRUSSELS — — ONTARIO, ROBERT N. OARNISS BLUEYALE — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Sates arranged for et Tilt STANDARD office, Blyth, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF REVISION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the sitting. of the Court of Revision ort Friday, the 4tb day of October, 1907, at the hour of eight o'clock p, m. in Industry Hall, !Myth, for the hearing of appeals in that behalf respecting the proposed cement sidewalks and crossing, as defined in the following schedule, and the special assessments of the costs thereof upon the landsimmedfately benefited, pursuant to the reports of the Engineer, now. on file in the Clerk's office, and is NOW open for inspee. tion during office hours, The estimated costs of the said improve• inents are as set forth in the following schedule payable in 15 equal annual Instalments of principal and ltitereet combined, interest being at 5e per cent"per annum, and the lands proposed to be specially as. sessed therefor edrisiat of its set out in the schedule hereto annexed. Blyth, Sept. 17t1, 1907. A. ELDER, Clerk. Petition No. 111 for a cement sidewalk on the eolith side of Westmoreland street between Queen street and Mill street and also part of Mill street east side, as reported on by the Engineer, September 17th, 1907. The estimated cost of the fetid improvement is $2a1.72, ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE. PROPERTY. OWNER. FRACTIONAL PART. McDonald's Sy, lots:: and 89,.,,.Tohn Nivins 628/1930 McDonald's Sy. lot; 98 and 90 Mill Property 7leer „C. 11. Beeso 690/1933 McDonald's Sy. pt. block (4 Wm, .Lanes Sims 38/193,6 McDonald's Sy. lots 86 and 87Blyth Estate "2s11988 Corner tillew,tneeCurporation of Blyth 214/1938 Engineer's report to the Council uponcrossing on Mill street, south side of Westmoreland street, ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE.'.. PROPERTY. OWNER. FRACTIONAL PART, MLI street Corporation of Blyth,.., 201/201 Cl1L'Ilnll NIl'P$t3, Yp`d4&1GSfii!e4e+/Y<;`` •� ..w.- �......W.., The Pester of St. Andrew's began a series of sermons on the Holy' O� Spirit last Sunday evening, • e •C Rev. W. A. Findlay, of White. (4)) church, occupied the pulpit in th Methodist church hero last Sunda and gave two good discourses, K , St. Andrew's Christian Endeavuf were entertained to refreshments it; the close of their meeting on Totes day evening. A pleasant time war span t, 4,AM Rev. S. Anderson was on tht Whitechurch circuit lust Sitbhatl preaching lhirveat•thanksgiviog ser mons and delivered an address ai the tenmeeting on Monday evening t 0 * Rev, W. G. Richardson B A„ lin declined the call from Auburn ant Smith's Hill. A meeting of the tie congregations was held at Auhttrr last evening to consider matters an possibly to choose another man. * e This Sunday the Harvest Thanks giving services will he held it Trinity church. The Rector, Rev, W. 1 -L Hartley will preach in tht morning end Rev. Arthur Carlish B. A., of Lucas, will preach in the evening. Special music will he rendered by the choir find Air, 1) McGill will sing a solo in the even ing.' A thenk.oflering will be taker at both services. gliftlEEMINESINEW BASE BALL hg signmirm The third match in the inter village league between the Brused Juniors and the flaps' of this tows wasplayed last Saturday afternoon on the Park here and resulted in t; victory for the Japs by a score of 7 5. As the score indicates the ganlc was a good one to watch, Jack Elliott, of Brussels was the umpire Following is the :more and names of the two teams Brussels— R 0 ' Lerkie Williamson as ROAR lb i Holmes c Jackson rf C Scott p W Scbtt 11......... 0 Eniigh cf.,. 1 Henderson 2b 2 0 4 0 4 0 4 t 2 2 0 5 27 0 Blyth— 5 Sithe, 2b,,,, 2 Coombs, p 0 Carter, a 2 J McComrnins 00 0 F McCaughey lb 1 E A1cConneins cf0 Denholm lh 1 Hironeaf ' 0 J McCaughey lf........,1 4 2 2 4 11 3 2 7 27 Brussels. , ..0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 0-5 Blyth 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1-7 Westfield. IVestfleld Methodist church An- niversary will be held Sept. 22nd and 23rd. On Sunday Rev. G. W. Howson, of WIneham, will preach at 2 and at 7.30 p. ni. On Monday night John R. Clark will give his celebrated entertainment Lecture "Hits tend Misses." The choir and quartette will furnish appropriate wusic for all these services, John Yule, manager of the Guelph Light & Power plant, is deed, Albert Dagennls, of Hull, was shot and killed while examining n rifle: Odilion Leseard fell outofa bucket in the Might of Way mite at Cobalt and was killed, Bishop Ingram preached dieser- mon at the jubilee celebration of the Diocese of Huron in St. Paul's, Lon• don; Ont. John Wilton, hurgler, was sen- tenced to fifteen years' imprison. merit andthirtysix lashes by Judge Bole at New Westminster, •••• ••••♦••••♦♦ ♦♦♦ •♦♦♦••• • • ' Tell it to the 2 • STANDARD • •• • •••• •♦•♦t• ♦••♦♦ ••••••••• While the Public is invited to make use of this colutnu for the expression of personal views on public matter's and public oleo, personalltlea are debarred and in all, casesthe'aultebtlity of the ern. munition for publication le a matter to be dectied-by the Editor. WIt4 et bifrerenoes of opinion there would, of course; be no eorrespondenee, and for the opinion of our correspondents rind their differences with our own Tas STANDARD must ditclaitu responsibility. all Zispiczy 1 y� t. Millinery & t �� �' ' Dress Goods 0 j ✓•rc t ree.l ,.i` f tie ' to 1'' j'� A'�� You are invited to visit our 0 y "-^;,'':. ' display of Trimmed Hats, •4c, New Fall Snitings and 0 e? �``r.- Waist Goods on 54 �� { FRIDAY r • rr t fi� K �J Ae ,, ,% , ! AD . o :i k� SATURDAY 1 o )V ' September 20 and 2 i, I1 N 0 IJ. Ara ,ANDERSON of BL.YTH I • :2 • asooemonortemezaessooeme i i REMEMBER I BLYTH'S BIG • FALL FAIR MONDAY and TUESDAY apl , 3 and 24, 1947 Please notice some of this year's interesting features, Monday, Sept. 23rd. All inside exhibits must be in place by It a. m. Monday afternoon, awarding prizes by expert judges, Monday night, the Fair Hall will be opened at 7.90, This will be CITIZEN'S NIGHT. - Admission to hall, 10 cents; members free, Good prizes are offered for Business 3l.' 's Displays, and we have promise of some fine displays. A good program of music is assured, as good prizes ere offered for piano and organ competitions. FRUIT JUDGING Fruit Judging by boys and girls is a new education) feature and will take place at8 p. m. Mr, frank Metealf will have charge of this department, lie offers three good prizes, Any person Under 18 years of age may compete free. See prize list, Everybody should cane and have a pleasant evening. T'u.eSIIday, Sept. 24th. The Hall and Grounds will be open be spa, to the public at 8 a. in, A11 ex- hibits of stock, etc., must be in place by 11 a, ni, Expert Judges, provided by the Department of Agriculture of Toronto. will award the prizes for stock. The amount of prizes offered for stock hes been largely increased this year and will he sure to nttrnct owners of the very bast stack. Hove are some of the prizes offered•:— HORSES . Single Driver, prizes $10. $5. 52. Team Roadsters, prizes $10. $5, N. Carriage Team, prizes 510, $5,.$2, Lady Driver, prizes 81, 51,50. The following rules will govern ;—A four -wheeled vehicle must he used. Soundness, conformation. style, action and speed will ;ill he considered lo award- ing prizes. The speed of each animal will be leered twice around the track. The fair will close at 4.90 p, it, The Services of a Good Band Has Been Secured for the Second Day. A ca -rand. Concert In Industry Hall has been arranged for the second night of the fair, Plan of hall and reserved seat tickets no J. A, Anderson's store, Admission, .25 cents ; reserved seats, 85 cents, The Grand Trunk and Canadian PeriSe Railways will issue cit gle•fere tickets for the round trip, Good from Saturday, Sept. 21st to 'Wednesday, Sept. 25th. - Adntissioti to ¢rounds on second day, 25 cents ; children, 10 cents, Mem- bers fres. Prize lists end fill information on application to the Secretary.-, Make your entries early please, J. B. Tierney, Hon. President Rob art Forris,.President T. W. Sloan, 1st Vice Pres. E. Livingston, 2nd Vico Pres. Frank Metcalf, Seoretary.Troasurer Subscribe for. The Standard.