HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-19, Page 1VOL. XXI. IBLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1907. No. 5. 11022111111111111111~Illaumunguill A SITUATION at a good salary &watts Prery graduate of THE CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Experience proves this poeltively. Enter any time. Data• ingues free, Write W. 11. Shaw, Principal, rouge and Garrard Sts„ Toronto, Canada, Ba We have a quick delivery We think ft no trouble at all to send yon your prescription to compound It with our oharaoteristic pains—then to hurry the medicine to your home, ; Let us know. Call on us and we will attend to the rest. We're striving to bane •this about the most useful store you;know of 'any- where. Useful In fact -not theory. Helpfully useful. A place where eva y le all the tlme welcome—the year round. A pleasure to prevail. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE 663 PER CENT more mils attending than one year ago, This speaks eloquently as to our past v arlt. We edueste to meet the living deteende of a pre- erosive age. Our Stenographers and Bookkeepere delight tbe meet modern, exacting city ofcee. Day students attend night °lessee free. Greduatee placed In good eltuattone. I dividual Instruction. Now is tbe beet time to en- ter tbe WINCNAM BUINESS COLLECE George Spotton, Principal Londesboro. (Intended for last week.) Miss Whitley is visiting Belgrave friends, Quite a number ere attendingLondon fair this week. Mr, Bowcoclt is having his house ve- neered with brink. A. fine new cement evaporator is being erected here by Goldthorpe & Graham, of Snitterd, Mr, Marshall, of Meatord, returned Monday after a month's visit with friends here, F. end R. Taylor, of Listowel, spent a few days es the guests of John Laeh- am this week. Rev. Mr, Colbourne preached in the Methodist rhureh last Sunday and Rev. Mr. Young in the Presbyterian church, On Wednesday evening Rev, Mr, Cothourne gave an excellent lecture on "Front Childhood to Manhood With- out Sight." The services in the Methodist church on Sunday, Sept, kith, will be with- drawn to give all an opportunity to attend the anniversary services at Con- stance, Udsraiva Eddie McLean has gone to Toronto where he has secured a position, Dr: Hamilton, of Belgrave, left on Mendel" form six weeks' course in May Bros.' surgery, Ro`qhester; also a trip to Chicago forport'grad tato course. Dr. Boyer; of.the.Sick Chi'dren's Hos- pital Toronto,}will take charge of Dr. llemilton'eprebtfoeuutil hie return, Jetnea' 'erguson, qn tlia gravel road north of B&t'fave, IN two sietars via, itmgltl' �fr'om'Ma hnsetts, This is the fir, ',tilde -they avo;Ault in 50 gra, nd•;+nattral tit e y feel over- joyed`atsuch a1fitating }tavhng+perted. when they werer jlte',.voting . ' Word reached lgra't 01 the death' of Mrs,m W, Gregg Bance Mines. Mr. and.; Mrs,, -Gregg lived' on `the 4th line, Morris, about a mile .(est of Bel - grave, ithottt .years ogo.priol'to-their removal to pop Mines and will be well remain)* the older settlers, Mr. Gregg pease way about 26 years ago. tit--.» ,+ Walton. Folin, Watt's 111)100 is nearing com- pletfop and stir, Watt will 800n inose t0 00 village, Mies Brooks and. MissJohnston, of Toronto, were visitors at It. 11. Fergu• son's recently. Rev'; tlr, McLean and wife, of Cookeville.„are at present visiting frieudeintls vicinity. W. \r.. oy is improving the appear- ance of ilii home by a fresh coat of paint. He 'is also having his house raised and new timbers put under it. The many fiends of Mrs,' McNichol will be pleased to learn that she is making favorable progress toward re- covery and we hope to soon see her out again, .John Irwin was unfortunate enough to lose the end of one of his fingers and had t,wo others badly cut. It appears he was cleaning out •the cutting lox attached to the threshing separator and came in contact With the knives with the above result, He ,will be laid up for some time, of Ready -to -Wear Clothing and Men's Furnishings Never beforp have we sold goods at such a reduction as we will for the next two weeks. We have in few words got too much stock and have to make room for New Fall Goods already coming i Ready-to-wear Sults at as low as 84.00, Ready-to-wear Overcoats at as low as 85,00. These Overcoats are suitable for winter wear, different patterns and blacks and blurs. We bought a job lot and with what we had have altogether now about 260 pairs Odd Pants and are going to clear them out at less than half price, also many Overalls at as hig a reduction, Men's Odd Tweed and Fancy Vesta and Boys' Knickers less than cost. Men's Rainproof and Cravanette Overcoats ; we are houndoto clear these outregardless of cost. In everything from Hats to Shoes you will see these same reductions. Just received our new line of Ellis Spring Needle Ribbed Underwear for fall—best on the market, Now isthe time to pick out your Fall Suit or Overcoat, Just received a large shipment of Black and Blue Worsteds and Cheviots and Fancy Worsteds, else our new Fashion Plate. Come and have a look, Perfect fit guaranteed. Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. S. H. GIDLEY L. GUELPH TO GODERICH. Big Celebration of the Opening of the New Railway. From every station along the new Guelph & Goderich branchol' the Cana- dian Pacific Railway thousands of citizens joined in a monstrous excur- sion to Goderich last Thursday to cele- brate the formal opening of one of the most important branches of this vest railroad system. So great was the de• hand for transportation et each station that the passenger department was taxed to its utmost to provide sufficient equipment for the conveyanee of the passengers. Nothing hut first-class coaches and parlor cars were nssigued for the trains, and the motive was of the best available o11 the system. Three special trains wore required to provide accommodation, one of which (tuna direct from Guelph, while the other two stopped at intervening stn. taaite Advertisements in the STANDARD PAY BECAUSE THE PEOPLE BERD IT. GROWING IN POPULARITY EVERY WEEK. Our Job Work Excels CANADIAN PACIFIC ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG and nil points In the NORTH = WEST Special Trains Leave Toronto TUESDAY, AUC. 27 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 • TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 R turn second-class ticketefrot Blyth at very low rete., ranging from Win- nipeg In•nlpeg 832, to Edmonton 842.50. Good for sixty days. TounI81' BLEEPING CARS on each excur.lon, Comfortable bertha at small extra cost. Obtain tree pam- phlet, rates and full Information from J. MrMurchle, Agent, Blyth, or from 0. 13. Faster, D.L'.A., C.Y.R., Toronto. We have just received another large consignment of elegant Dinner Sets We have 25 sets to choose from ranging in price from $6.60 Up. CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT Mons Long before the first traiu ar• rived from Guelph hundreds of citizens had assembled at the depot to welcome the visitors. The jlfeyor and Council,- lore, ouncil.lore, Board of Trade and Citizens' Coni• mittee of Goderich wore in charge of the celebration and exerted,every effort to provide the necessary accommoda- tion, During the afternoon the crowds assembled in the Harbor Park, whei'S. the Guelph and ,Goderich hands ren- dered sons excellent concerts, 'J'he steamer Greyhound of the White Star Line arrived the previous (wetting with the Detroit excursion and 05(15 pitted at the disnosnl of the visitors for excur- sions o i Lake Huron, This proved one of the most enjoyable ettrnctions to the visitors fronttheinland towns, Speeches by several officials of the Canadian Pacln10 Ilailvn,y, Guolph & Goderich Railway, Guelph Junction Railway, the Mayos and Citizens' Committees of the various stations along the lino Were given in the park during the afternoon, all of which laid stress on theimportauoe of the opening of this branch, The representatives of the Canadian Pacific, who arrived in their private car, were C. 13. Foster, district passen- ger agent, Toronto ; Geo. H. Ham, assistant to preetdent, Montreal ; C. Murphy, superintendent western divi- sion, Toronto; W. Ran ford, greet al height agent, Lmldoli ; W. T. Dock - rill, travelling pesseltger ilgent,'l'oron• to ; T. F. Savage, travelling freight agent, Toronto; W. Marshall, assist- ant superint.eedent telegraphs, Toron- to. rho engineeri ig staff of file Guelph & Goderich Railway who wore in at- tendance were P. Alex. Peterson, chief engineer ; J, Grant McGregor, assist- ant engineer ; V. M. Roberts, divisional engineer ; '1'. Heeney, accountant ; George Dew, resident engineer. The Guelph Junction Railway was repre- sensed by W, Bell, president, Guelph, and Col. Macdonald, solicitor, At night Use Council of the town tendered a bouquet in the British Ex- change Hotelo the officials of the rail- way and the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Guelph, Speeches were given by the mayors of the terminals and by the railway officials, The visit- ors were loud in praise of the effective- ness with which a1i the arrangements for their reception and entertainment were carried on, The last of the excar• 01011 trains departed for Guelph about two o'clock a. In, All advertisements must be in this office by bfenday noon to insure inner - tient in issue of current week. Morrie, Mrs. J, Manning and Herb have gond on a drlvleg tour, visiting fiends in Mt. Barest end Fleshertmt, Joseph Sntiilfo, 1st lino, has gone to British Columbia oft a trip combining bussness and pleasure. We wish him a good 01105, Phis week J, E, Maunders left for Detroit where he has entered the medi- cal college and will pursue the course. We wish him the success lie desires, Mrs. W, IL. Cloakey and son Johu, of Toronto, were here during the past weekattendingthe funeral of the for mer'.y,father, k,tutoie MtCutcheon, Oth line, We are sorry to hear that Peter Caurelon; lith line, woe Seriously ln• jnred last week, He fell from the mow and struck his aide on the wheel of the buggy doing ae'ious damage, As Mr. Cttntelotl is over 70 years of age the accident trey be difficult to ov rcotne. We aro sorry to report the severe ill- ness of an old and well known resident, WIS. Michie, He has a combination of ailments but we hope he will soon be better. Mr. Michie is in his 77th year and has resided in Morris since the fall of 1850, Ilis rugged constitution will help tide him over this illness if any- thing will, Wednesday forenoon, 4th inst., Jas. D, Grashy, a prosperous young farmer of the 5th lino, and Miss Lizzie, second daughter of Win, hiiehte, Oth line, were united in marriage by Rey, J. J. Hestia, of Belgrave, at the home of the bride, Owing to the illness of Mr. Michie the contemplated arrangements for 011e wedding party were not carried 'out, The happy couple tools a short wedding trip eastward with relatives and have now settled down to house- keeping\on the groom's fine farm. The many friends of Mr Grasby and bride wish them a long, happy and prosper- ous life Thursday, the 6th inst. at 6 a. m., the barn on the farm of John John- ston, of B. C., 6th line of Morris, was destroyed by lightning, The temmt was George Stevens. Barn was 86x60 and was struck at the westerly end and burned instantly, The proprietor had 81000 insurenee and Mr. Stevens 8700 on contents in the Howick V utull. In addition to crop there was a seed drill, pulper, fanning mill, cutter, etc, in the barn. Fortunately there was no stock in the building at the time, Mr. Stevens was standing at the kit- chen door at the time the bolt did the derange. Joseph Smith, Oth line, is Mr. Johnston's father-in-law and hie agent also, • For quality and uantity aslr your Beale, for the new big pinta of "Bolls” "Stag' and "Currency" chewing I3LarVT'X t tobarroes, Autumn Millinery Openings We wish to call your attention to our Grand Autumn Millinery Opening of Pat- tern Hats and Millinery Novelties on Fri- day and Saturday, Sept. 20th and 21st. Although our formal opening is announced for Friday and Saturday, Sept. loth and 21st, we beg to notify our cus- tomers and friends that we are now in a position for early orders. Miss Baker is in charge. New Fall Dress Coods We have this fall the equal of our former displays so far as regards values, qualities, selectness, and we have even greater variety. The almost infinite variety of shades, weaves, textures, weights and mixtures possible with modern looms has never been so srtisfactorily demonstrated in Canada before._ Novel- ties exclusive to us are here by the score. Again. we may say without fear of serious or sincere contradiction—our Dress Goods are supreme. What we say about Dress Goods applies with equal force to our Millinery. It is unmatchable for beauty and variety. G. M. CHAMBERS & CO. Hundreds of Students of the Popular and Successful Alliott Zusiness 6ollege Toronto, Ont. Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. have secuaed poeftlone this year. De- mand Is far greater than the supply. Educate for business positions and you will get them, but the educ+tion nwet be first -ole(.. Students admitted at any time. Write for catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal. MODERN SCIENTIFIC EYESIGHT EXPERTS Who have the most complete laboratory for the manufacture of line lenses in the Dominion. if your eyes need help, don't delay, but take advantage of our free consultafios. Our specialists have made the eye and the correction of its defects by glasses, their study for many years, and are Can- ada's most up-to-date optometrists. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Donau Strut • • • • London, Oat. Subscribe for ME STANDARD. Our big Otto To all new subscribers from now on THE STANDARD will be sent till Subscribe Now CAPITAL PAL* Ile: TOTAL MARTS: *assess. Pate; 12,600,003 natty -two William Dollars 11,e0,soo BANK OF HAMILTON A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of 81.00 and upwards rewired, aid klghest cirreat rate et Interest allowed. p4 Brandies *imaginal Cicada, We kindly solicit your account at our agency, Blyth, Ont. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT.