HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT --THE BUY
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua-
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But k does more
-it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 80 years.
+/reeeP.aIR e. ?Waal
1 a,aaar r.. m t 11 .nods, .o.
...r.n .eek u aaoe.o.t., I fui
tint I o-. - I .vita wm 1/11 oanew
�evp.rwr.11-wrutax a Tatm-a, e..,.
HaMWa timoym7 Moping the
Mobrels rapdar mine AyoresIIs.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
NY even numbered notion of Demi-
-mlon Lands Manitoba, Saskatche-
wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not
reserved, may be homesteaded by any per-
son who is the sole bead of a family, or
any male over 18 years of age, to,the ex-
tent of one-quarter section of 10 acres
more or less.
Entry must be made pereonelly at the
Meal land office for the district In which
the land 1s situated. Entry by prosy
may, however, be made on certain eon-
ditIone by the father, mother, eon, Baugh.
tor, brother or slater of an intending
The homesteader is required to perform
the homestead condltionaundor one of the
following plans :
(i) At least six month's residence upon
abdcultivatton of the land in sash year
ter three yearn,
121 It the father (or mother it the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm lo the vicinity of the land
entered for the requirements as to resi-
dence may bo satisfied by euoh person re-
siding with the tether or mother.
(3) 1t the settlor has his permanent reel-
deaoe upon farming land owned by him
in the violnity of his homeatead, the re-
qqulrements as to residence may be Wis-
hed by residence upon said land.
Six months' notice In writing should be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Leads at Ottawa of intention to apply for
Deputy of the Minister o;Interior.
r, B, -Unauthorized publleatton of this
advertisement will not be paid for.
Take Rival Herb Tablets
for Stomaob, Liver, Kidneys and for
cleaning the Blood. 200 days treatment
$1, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at
Dr. Miine's Drug Store
1Vholesale from the
Kincardine, Ont.
Geduld: Lv, 7,00 a,m,
" 7,25 "
Elmira ..... , " 8 57 "
Guelph " 1)22 "
Toronto Ar. 11,00 "
Toronto Lv. 8,00 a.tn,
Guelph Ar, 10.00 "
Elmira 10.23 "
Milverton " 11,00 "
Walton " 11,37 "
Blyth " 11.40 "
Auburn " 12.02) "
Goderioh " 12,30 p.m.
1.30 "
" 7.99 '
' 8,24 '
5.00 p, m, "
5.36 „
5 50 p. nt.
7.43 '
8.06 "
8.39 "
9.1(1 "
0.2)) '
9.40 "
11.10 "
9onTy01. IrOrtTli.
6 40 3 30 WIngham 11 50 Am 7 05
6 43 3 33 WinghamJot, 11 48 725
6 52 3 44 Belgrave 11 40 7 13
706 356 Blyth II 28 700
7 14 404 Londesboro 11 20 0 52
7 47 4 23 Clinton 10 15 11 05 635
8 05 ,4 30 Braceileld 9 58 11 19
8 15 447 Hipped 9 50 0 11
8 22 4 62 Hensell 0 44 6 05
8 3.5 5 05 Exeter 9 30 5 51
8 40 5 15 Centralia 0 18 5 43
8 59 5 26 Clandeboye 9 09 5 at
9 05 5 30 Lunn Grossing 9 05 5 30
9 12 5 37 Denfield 8 55 5 25
9'21 5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15
029 5 54 Ettrick 835 507
9 35 5 118 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02
9 37 6 00 Hyde Park Jet. 8 24 6 00
9 45 6 10 London 8 15 4 50
Connections are made at WIngham for
all stntfoue on the Palmerston and Kto-,
oar4tne bn*noh.
Connections are made at Clinton for all
stations on the Buffalo and Qoderioh'
branch, and all stations from Stratford to
connections are snide at Leese Creating
for all ststlons west ta. Barmen
donneotlotte ire Made at Widen Sof ill
• e141tlai a 1441 811d *Sat Ole the Alia liar
The good housewife always feels like bestowing upon the
Pandora a cheerful "good morning."
Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed
of hot coals as a reward for chucking elf the dampers
closely before retiring to rest,:r
'f �• � e
In live minutes after y1
turning on the drafts she will _
have a good, strong fire.
Should she sleep
two or three hours longer
than usual there will still
be a fire ready for her.
The fire•box, flues
and dampers ere so
scientifically arranged
that the Pandora can be
regulated to hold a fire
from 24 to 36 hours,
Pandora owners
never have their sleep
disturbed with dreams of
making a new fire in the
If your local dealer
does not handle this most
perfect of all ranges, write
direct to us for Free Booklet.
Leeds., Tomato, Montreal, Wl uipl, Vane..ra, 51, Jobe, manias
McPherson Bros. Local Agents.
The Blyth Show
Special Prizes
Special by J. M. HamiltQu, chemist and druggist, Blyth, for the best herd of
Grade cattle, consisting of two steers and twp females, one 26 -pound
pail of International Stock Food, valued at 8)1 75, This prize is given
in oonjunction with the one given by the Society for the best herd of
Grade cattle, Sec, 73.
.Special by J. M. Hamilton, chemist and druggist, Blyth, for beat herd of
Durham cattle, consisting of 1 bull and '2 female', one 25 -pound pail
aE Carnefac Stock Food, valued at 58.75. This prize is given in con-
junction with the ono given by the Society for the best herd of Durham
cattle. Sec. 41.
A special prize of Rose Bushes, valued at $2, is offered by Stone & Well-
ington, Fonthill Nurseries, for 10 largest apples, one of each variety,
which may be obtained frotu any source..
Special prizes of $8, 52 and 81 are offered for 5 each of the following 10
varieties of apples, Viz„ Northern Spy, King, Baldwin, Ontario,
Rhode Inland Greening, Golden Russet, Bendavle, Wagner, Seek -No -
Further, Canada Red, which may be obtained from any source. The
object of this prize is to collect apples for the purpose of assisting the
county exhibit to be made in Toronto next November. All exhibits in
this section, whether awarded a prise or not, are to become the prop-
erty of the Secretary of Blyth Fair,
Special prizes are offered for best business men's displays in the hall, viz :
a -General Store display $5 00
b -Dry Goods display.. ........ 6 00
c -Boot and Shoe display . 5' 00
d -Grocery display 5 00
0 -Furniture display 5 GO
f-ISardwnre display, 5 00
Exhibits must all be in place by 8 p. m. on first day.
Organ or Pinno Competition in the hall on the firet night of the fair to
eommencsat 8,80 sharp, Music teachers and professional players
barred. Prizes, 52.00, 81,00 and 50c ; full particulars on application
to Music Committee.
Special prizes are offered by Frank Metcalf, jeweler, Blyth, of 82.50, $t.50
80.00 to the pereon under 18 years of ago who will correctly name the
greater number of a set of apples placed upon a table. 7'o obtain 1st
prize at least 75 per cent must be correctly named, and for 2nd prize
60 per cent, and 5rd prize 25 per cent. This conteet will take place the
first night of the fair at eight o'clock. The object is to encourage the
boys and girls to carefully study fruits,
Special by McMillan & Co., produce merchants, Blyth. Prize of 58.00 to
party awarded the greatest number of first prizee for butter as offered
by the Society, the butter to become the property of McMillan & Co,
by them paying the market price,
J. Leslie Kerr offers The Blyth Standard for a year for the best two loaves
of home-made bread; and The Standard for a year for the best 5lbs,
of butter, both articles to become his property,
Special by Blyth Percheron Association --J, E, Ivllie, Manager -for best
colt aired by their celebrated stallion, "Gervais," slid foaled in 1907 :
1st, $7 ; 2nd, $5 ; 8rd, $8.
Special by Wm. Hugif, Constance, for best colt sired by his celebrated
stallion, "Hackard," and foaled in 1907: let, beautiful silver sugar
and spoon holder valued at $8 ; 2nd, beautiful silver cake basket
valued at $6,
School Children's Competition
This Society offere the following prizes for writing : (a) For children under
10 years of age, tet, 500 ; 2nd, 25c, (b) For children under 18 years of age, ist,
50c ; 2nd, 95c, (e) For children under 16 years of age, 1st, 60c ; 2nd, 25c, Each
competitor must be under Lite age stated on the 23rd day of September, and
must have attended school at least 80 days in 1907. Age and attendance to be
certified to by teacher on the back of the paper, Following to be written in each
class :-
865 A-1 Write each small and capital letter of the alphabet once.
2 Make the nine digits once.
3 Make a drawing of an animal or bird,
886 0-1 Write this address on an envelope :
Messrs. Jones and (sates;
Home Office, Company's Building,
14 King St. West,
Toronto, Ont.
2 Draw a map of the County of Huron, marking main towns and vil-
leges with railroads,
8 Multiply 674026 by 4906.
867 C-1 Write short essayof l5 linos, subject t, "A Boyle or Girl's Experi•
2 jird* t u4ati df flrttiith N tilt edtiatingl tht`llifig It Minified;
N MAN N a b94d esilia ri hist NOM;
- -THE - -
;RM S§::E
A Toast.
'Here's to the 'ealth of your Royal
'Witless ; hand tnay the skin o' fin
gooseberry be big heough for hen hu:, -
brella to cover up all your honemes,
A shocking thing happened is one of
our nearby towns. One of the popular
society wotnen announced a "white
lephant partyy'.° Every guest was to
brine something sh could not find use
for and yet too good to throw away.
The party would have been a success
but for an unlooked for development
which broke it up. Eleven of the nine-
teen women brought their hu. bands.
A matt who believes in the old Bay-
ing "See n pin, pick it up, and all day
long you'll have good lack," one day
saw a pin in the street. Bending down
to get it his lint tumbled off and rolled
into tee gutter, his eye -glasses fell and
broke on the pavement, his braces Rave
way behind, he burst the button -hole on
the back of hie shirt collar, and he ell
but lost his new false teeht, But he
got the pin.
All the modern improvement.
"What makes it fly so?" asked a
little Weatmount maiden se her mother
brushed her hair.
"It is the eleoiric ty. Don't you
know that there is electricity in your
hair ?" replied her mother,
''Well, Mamma, aren't we wonder-
fully made ? Here I tun with electricity
is my hair, and grandma as got gas
in her stomach !"
Relative values count for everything,
a woman will eat her breakfast in a 850
kimono, but she will kick like n eteer if
her husband seines to t e table in 50
cent pajamas,
Reader I've left a world to you,
In which I had a world to do.
Fretting and sweating to get rich,
just such another fool as you.
How could He.
"Say, Moike. hov yez iyer read
'Look in' . ackward ?"
"Ave, g'wan ! Phwnt do yez t'nk
Oi am -a contortionist ?"
(Intended for last week.)
Rev, H. E. and Mrs, Curry, of New
York, are guests et the parsonage.
The former preached an excellent ser-
mon in the Methodist church Sunday
The services in the Methodist church
a week front Sunday will be cancelled
on account of the anniversary services
at the other appointment, Constance,
Misses L. Whitley and It Riley, of
London, spent Labor Day at their
home here,
Miss L. Yonne returaed to Brantford
to resume her duties at business col-
lege atter spending the past two months
with her mother here, Mrs, (Dr.)
R. Carter, of Gorrie, visited friends
here on Sunday.
Master A. Snell, who had the mis-
fortune of getting his arm severely
cut, le improving as well as can be ex-
Mr. Marshal, of Meatord, and A.
Morrell, of St. Thome, are guests at
the hone of R. Morrell here at present,
Quite a number are this week attend-
ing Toronto fair.
GIANT TRIPLETS Currency," "Bobs"
and "Swig" chewing tobaccoes, in big
plugs, Quality always the sante,
The Standard 51 00
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser 1 65
The Standard and Weekly Wit-
ness 1 60
The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85
The Standard turd Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1 70
T1,e Stiuidard and Weekly Mail
and Empire 1 65
The Standard and HamiltonSeni-
weekly Times 1 80
The Standard and Weekly Free
Press, .
The Standard and Toronto WeekI 80
• 180
The Standard and Hamilton
Twice'k•week Spectator..,1 80
The Standard and Torouto Daily
Star ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 25
The Standard and Toronto Daily
News 2 25
The Standard and P'artner's Advo-
The Staudard and Daily'2 80
tiser .
The Standard and Evening Free 2 50
Preae - 2 75
The Standard and Toronto Daily
S andard'anti Daily Free 8 25
Press .., . 860
The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50
The Standard and Evening Mail
and Empire
8 50
The Standard and Daily Mail
and Empire 4 60
The Standard and Daily Globe. , , 4 50
Send alt subscription direst to
Nt1itti) owl
Did it
Arike you
That an easy way to receive The Standard
for one year free is to cut out the coupon
and mail or bring it to our office.
We offer The Standard free to any.'
paid up subscriber who can guess
nearest the total number of people
who pay admission to Blyth's Big
Fall Fair to be held on September
23rd and 24th.
All the coupons must be in before Saturday at six p.m.,
Sept 21st, 1907, or they will not be counted,
The person coming second will receive The Standard
for six months.
Everybody who sends in a coupon must be a paid up
subscriber or it will not count.
The total number who paid admission last year was
2156, and in 1905 the total number was 2355.
The surest way will be to send in your coupon every
week. The first coupon that comes nearest the number will
secure the paper.
I think the total number who will pay admission to
Blyth's Big Fair this year will be
Don't mark here
This contest is open to all our paid up sub-
scribers, whether in the Manitoba, Ontario
or our postoffice lists.
Our Big Offer
The Standard
will be sent for the balance of year to all
New Subscribers, in Canada only, for
5 Cents
We want 400 New Subsoribers-
and this will be easy if the parents send The
Standard to their children in the Northwest
and other points. Figure it up and see what
the postage will amount to if you send it
The Standard' is -the only thoroughly in-
dependent paper in Huron County and the
circulation is increasing steadily since last
Do you wish to reach
the people?
This is the first consideration of every
The next is what, locality to cover.
The homes in Blyth an
surrounding country,
bar. re mill it each c l ' tit t0 ' oitir i> eli't