HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-12, Page 7Sur!day school LESSON SIIh-SEPT, 14, 1907: 11evi.eo,-Read Psalm go, Su ye Lessen I. 'Topic: The ratan. n t atype of Uhrist, Places: tees Elint the Wild-etues of him. :the Israelites jouut'y from elite to the Wilderness ss of Sin; they murmur h amst l]oaCs and Aaron; they tear they will starve in the wilder• nos nod king to be beet( in Egypt; the Lord profnis.s to 111 111 bread front Ilea - von; directions arc: given regardiug the gatlaiing of the 111111110; the Sabbath is to he observed; flesh is to be given them, also; they ,ire nnnnutring against the ' Lord, cot merely against :110913 and Aaron. 1}, 1upie; liaun's duty to (rod. Place: :Mount Mumu, Gud speaks to the people with His own voice mud gives them the ten • epnuinndnieatn, This lesson 0 (1- hraces the first four commandments: 0ndments: 1. Thou shalt lotto no other gods before 10e. 2. Thou Khali, not make unto then any graven image, 3, Thou shalt not take the mune of the Lord •thy God in ,vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep bread which the Lord 'liar given you to eat" Forty years this miraculous sup• ply offood continueddaily.So the Lord ever given His peoplo their "doily broad." TI. The duties we owe. The Turd thy God" is the, supreme lawgiver. He is self - existent, i« depeedent and eternal; the source of all heim(1 and lwwer. The crea- ture has no obligations equal to throe he owes to his Creator, Other obligations are secondary in character aidgrow :out of the relationship We sordid!' .to ear.11 Other. The commhnd to glorify God in o'tj!, bodies and spirits, derives its forgo belong •> a stated act l' fumth t edf Ant they to Thin. The duties we owe to God aro of a moral character, and cannot be accept- ably poi:formed in a mechanical way. Ile will not be worshipped by meth's hands ns though He had meed of anything; 00' tiler are meg heard for their `lntlah speaking" when they pray. If we passedd that spirit of entire submission vvhioli. reeognizos the supremo. rigiht off our Creator to worship and obedience, it.wilt result in the devotion of the whole heart and life to IIis orrice, We have dudes to our fellow -newt that spring from our relation to God as our common lather. There are duties we are underobligation to perform to each otherethat arae imiin our social relations, and would exist if we could suppose man had no Creator. These duties have not been left to the light of reason for diseovery, but h.n'e, poen clearly defined in the law of God. While the precepts are few lord simple, they extond to all the relations existing between Wren. The priueipleo laid daze touch bentan conduct, in thought and in deed, at every twilit. 111. The effect of strong drink, It is not improbable that the sin of Nadali and Abihu was unused by "strong drink." Under its influence they committed iia great sin, and "died before the Lord." 11 unbalances the intellect and prompts the individual to wicked ami rash acts. 'the brain fevered by'txcesaive 1011410- lion does not perceive apparent dnntrr, and often: rushes its` victims into dime and death. Witte or strong drink dis- quelifies for the discharge of duty and the perfor'ul:utce of sacred and business obligations. The Lord prohibited Aaron and lis 0000 from their use. He knew these beverages destroyed the power of mental discrimination. The ,power, of example for good end the ability •to ' teach" holy conunandntents are destroy- ed b y alcoholic driii{ts. Danny have been ruined by the bad example of those at the head of families and la official posi- tions. Then toachiug to live sober and godly lives Lau been neutralized by their r(ttemperate enduet,. 1V. unbelief i3 disastrous. Unbelief 18 not 0mttent to rest alone upon the word of God, but demands evidence of its truth. kraal said to Modes, "We will send Ines before era and they will search out the lined." Rather than at ono to trust and obey God, they were willing to spend forty days in proving their abil- ity to do what they cere emmnanded. How couleseendi(g the Lord, is to human 1 t T1 ll d t make III.Topic: Alan's duty to his fellow :nen, L'loce Mount Sinai. This lesson embraces 111, last six cumm.utdma uta, Si, Ironer 111y' fattier and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land, O. Thou shalt not kill. 7, Thou shalt not commit adultery. 6, 'Thou 811011 001 steal, 9. 'Mott shalt riot boar false witness, 10. 'Thou shalt not covet. The fifth is the only one with a specific prom• i00 attached. '11ne tenth deals wholly with the inner lifer 11'. Topic; A study of idolatry, Place Mount Sinai. after the ten eionmuwl- : na 1 Ise manta 000 given to the childrenof 8 Ida Lord calla \lasers up into the Mount where he lamina for forty days, The Isree;ites persuade Aaron to make a golden ot11 which they worship. Here. 000100 from tate mount broke, e, the tablet; of the ler n, calls those who `Mei on the Lords side to thine to him, and pnia,.hze tine people for their great gill.' V, Topic:Cita1 10)00 of aplriteel wor- ship.'Moses' cola - maidsPlaice,_ Afount Snnti,c maids_ that the 1 1001ndo ba set up; the ark and the•furntue are to be put in the tnbernacic1 the altar of leout• offering and the laver are to be put in the court before the taleracl0; Aron and his son; are to be wnahe1l with water; Aaron is to be clod with the holy garments, anointed and sanctified; all is done as God' commanded. 1'1. Topic;.Terribleeffects of wine - drinking. Place: Mount Sinai. Nadab and Abihu, Aaron's sons, put strange fire in their' censers and go in Before the Lord thefire of the lar, devomra 1 thou; Aaron gives ermmnantlnunt that the priests are not to drink wine or strong drink, God puts a diffe 1 ,h bee tweet the holy and unholy, anti between unclean and clean, VII. Topic: Christ typified as the sin - bearer. Place: The Israelites are still encamped before Mount Sinai. Great preparations ore tirade for the Day of Atonement; the high priest enters the holy of holies, first with incense, then with the bleed of. the sin -offerings, .011 atonement is;made for the sonetuary, the tabernacle and the altar; the scope - goat is sent away. into the wilderness.: VIII. Topic; Qualities of our life pit grintage. Plaees1 Mount Sinai; Pe ran. The efoud is taker up from off the tab - made 03010 and the children of Israel leave the wilderness of Sinai and journey to Piton, Moses invites Hobab to aecom•'- pally them, but 11e ('ef0ses to do so some things indicate that he changed his. mind and went with them, IX, i'opiet Qualities of our life caro• pnign,. Plnee: &ndesll•b000ea, One man Ylmn 00011 'tribe is sent to search the land of Canaan; they are gone forty days; they bring back some of the fritlt of the lend; they report that the land is good, but that the people are giants; and that the eities no trailed; only ("atilt and Joshua 't ink they are able to go up mud possess the land: S. Topic: God's gracious dealing with the sinner. Place: The Valley of Ara,• bob. The Israelites are obliged to go to war; some of the Israelites are .taken prisoners; journeying from. Mount Hor; the people are discouraged; they mur- mur against Dioses; the Lord punishes them by sending fiery serpents among them; the people come to Dioses for hila; Moses goes to God. and is di. rectcd to make a serpent and put it on a pole, and "every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live." XT. Topic: Aids to a happy and blessed life. Place: East of the Jordan, oppo- site .7eriche. Moses makes an address to the neonle: he tells them that if they love and obey God their clays will be pro• longed wind they w1!! increase mightily; it ie their duty to teach God's word To the children; they are warned against idolatry., and are told to beware lest they forget the Lord. n• tee. XTT. Topic: Dioses, n great character. Place: Mount Nebo. Dioses goes up in- to Mount Nebo end views the land; he could not go over into the land because of his rash net at B]e•ibnh; he dies o1. 'Nebo and the Lord Innes him, ]tea Coil's testimony as to Moses' character 'in Dort. 34; 10-12. PRACTICAL APPLICATION'S. T. Gee Lord provides, It was not abso- lute cant that caused the Israelites to manna at this time, but distrust for the future. Ilow soon igen forget Gon'., deliverances, and repine in nnticipntion of evil to 031110. Groat ,waw their blind - 1100 tbat they. could not percen•e, that it was the Lord and not Pis serr001,3 who had oared them from Egyptian ene- mies menial sahery. Tbov . end i h n ' S p 1 r HIS RAKE-OFF. DUBLIN'S MAYOR DRAWS la,soa YEARLY FOR A SINECURE. He Counts as a Captain in the British Army -Would Not Fill Job' if He Could, But Takes the Money Never- theless, Dublin,, Sept. 0, -Attention has just ' 11.0 stir - rivals those c f 'ofth u 'n drawn to one been often taut •,r•- h are t clue q vivito of past sacs with in lriolt and English goverttme 1t, The Lord Mayor of l>t1bi111, it lino been discovered, 111118is front the B0101011 Gov-' eminent e, special salaryof32,500 a year as a captain in the British army. The official title is "Standing Captain of a Company of Foot" That the position is ono of some, special kind is at once as• cured, for $2,500 is much u(er0 than mere infantry captains is the arnp get. The artuy.,appointmeut goes \vitt the Mayoralty Of 000r8e, there 000 now'• adays no duties to be performed, and the present Lord Mayor, 11', Naanotti, is too good a patriot to have aoythiug to do with the British army. The sal• ars is u' relic of the time when the Lord Mayor was expected to 001.1• Main a cowpony of foot for the pur- pose o' keeping the "wield Irish" in check. It has beeninserted in the anneal estimates every year, and as regularly voted by at Parliament which knew Nothing about it, Nov that at- tention lids peen drawn to tie matter it is lhkcly that it will be dropped from the estimates. The discussion 011 this curious eta - viral has drawn attention to tin feet that the Lord Licutcunnt of Irelan,1 owes Itis continued `existence to the, Lord Mayor of Dublin. About 1850 the House of Commons passed a bill to abolish the Lord Lientenancy, and he: Si cut it in various (0111)5 of extrnva•1. IS SHE CRAZY? "anee. Re arrived In Now York from `d1, Y . Toren 0 hi:the early part of 11lly'-1md ____ tnuh,a expensive flat at 43 Madison nrelit0 cone room of 0hi01 i e used As an Rochester Woman Arrested in Paris office siltudieg his mornings in dictating, c•oflt+pr ielen(,r• to his two Clerks, Chal'ged With Being iultiane, Ile iwna always fond of display and Twenty-third Psalm. ,) ; t And lost no eppor tt eitv to rise ; I'atts, icpr, !, -•.1. dual;. w )o (,Scotch Version, by John Moir, Bridge of to ere 1p C. t., i' imptossinn tont hr ens � h B horY Aberd-oetawhire) ' vi i^ deli. 'Many of bbs large cheques dimwit on the Fort W 1111010 branch are soiree -red to hove bee only drawn on to W finttt r his Imla' lel to create in the !Minds of those 16 therm they were pay- able c cat ; bre spa tl em tan n a0 imlres_i a a t 1 Is of mune a It o v r1 that he lull large s t �t ili'ponal in several diftHrl'-itt places, for in the early` days of his career, when 1 is wonted the affairs of the bank ware i11 a proper condition, he would repay the eh1gl's'to Fort William from his New York liccoilnt. Towards the lost he grow very extra• regent, and; in the three weeks which he spent at. Bin' Shoe immedintety before leaving for Toronto, ho wasted money iikc water, last large 0111110 in gambling, teener got tate reputotion of being. a mil. !inactive. Significantly enough, !le left l paying h,is apartments therm without the landlady, Mrs. Gray. his board bill, His New York Landlord, Mr .110111, tlionght very ]tighly of the young man, iufd believed his story that he hail been robbed of $14,000 in 100011to. Gionnetti head arranged a five•year tensa of the penises at Spring, street, paying n. 01111111 dcpoSit 01001)). brit so a matter of fact the New York bank was never opened. 1?ittiops of a cheap quality were ordered rind arrangeieenfts made for opening the honk on the Stitnrdny previous to his death. bet the opening never tool( place. Even tlivafe Wil8 not paid for. and nes nntintio .I with the Itelian•Anreriean Trust C party, through their Treasurer, Mr, Baits, with whore Giannetti 0105 tfnsions to' open an aeeount, did not ora• it w•:'0 °bout to be prised by th terlilOco, p (1lamlettti's Christian name tens Archi• Lords when the Duke of R'clliugtnn pmcdh affil the Ttcflko Consul at New pointed out tint if the office were York said his father is a prominent abolished the Lord Mayor of P011111, (-ame'al in the Italian army, It is who 1nigh1 bo a Tuan 111ie 1)01101 thongit tit the fear and disgrace O'Connell, would 1110 the supra 1430. power 11hidi Glannet1i felt when Ile read in a in the capital of Ireland. `1110,116030, wore paper 0/111011 lie bought 011 the 'train 011 (13)1.013' Rhymed x11+1 killed tlr6 hill. .,his wily beck to Hamilton that It war. • . ♦ rant was 0111 forhis arrest was the t 1, ern00 of his turning front his expressed D.' P m'poso of making what reparation he �R A ��CiOHS could and of his committing suicide in- , stead. IIAWK TEARS MAN'S EYE 'NEARLY • OUT. . i BLACKMAILERS CAPTURED. Killed Inflicts Frightful Three Black Hand Leaders Taken in New Practically Irl g Injuries on Gustav Wallman -He I York. Surprise. New York, Sept, '9,-C'auglit in the Got a Surp ; put of taking Money from a victim ug , nuc hr.ed 111.3. Amy i o, t, of Rot halter, .t, 1'. Who 8 1110' opherd wool I ken, who nit Sept. 3 was sent b; the local Tho iilutsul' Is hu; 01:11.t 10)140 me whaur the gfrse is 540000 police to the police infirmary as n result An' borates quant that be. of her eccentric behavior, has declared if oats are being 1 � insane. Ltf 1 her to ,t t m11(10 to enable the 800111011Who is With - Mit 11.0n0y, and whore truths have been seized for unpaid bills; to return to' the Aft time I fain astray wad gang, An' wasnn'r far awa'1 Ile fins me ooh, Ho pit mo richt, An' brings mo Immo an' a'. Tho' I pass through the gruesome daub, Fin' I ken He is near; Rochester, N. Y„ Sept, U.---Roeheter His munklo crook will mo deter', friends of 1102, Amy Root will take son I bee noon( to fear. Ilk comfort wbak a sheep could need 0115 thooht fa' care provides Tho' wolves an' dogs may prowl aboot, In safety me He hides. Hie avidness and His mercy balth No dost will bide wi' mo While (settled on the fields o' time Or o' eternity. Notes. Converts are multiplied in a praying church. Temperature, as Well as seed and soil, enters into the question of har- vicels. There may be good seed and good sRoothas suffered in the est from soil; but if the church thermometer in- Mrs.h p nervous breakdown. dieates 0 nearness to zero there will be no gathered sheaves; the soil stiffens; the. seed sleeps waren the temperature is low. Converts take on tate type of the church in which they are born. -Selected, The world has, 111' room for cowards, We Hurst all be ready somehow to toil, to suffer, to die. And yours is not the less noble because no drum beats before you when you go out into your daily battlefieds, and no cowards shout about your coming when you yeturnvvith your daily victory or defeat. -Robert Lours notion to assist the comae. Mrs, Root's singing and dancing en tables fit restaurants and cafes in Paris led to her arrest and confinement in a police infirmary pending an investiga- tion, as she was believed to be mentally unbalanced. >lIrs, Root is about 45' years old, A few weeks ago Mrs. Root obtained a leave of 01001100 from the McCurdy- Norwick Co,, of this city, where' she had 'been employed ars buyer, as she was not in good Health nod intended to take a sea voyage, visiting London, Pars and other European cities. whom they had tlu•eetened with death, Winnipeg, Sept. e -Attacked fiercely by a three Italians, who the police believe hawk, which he had shot at, and wh1eh at- are loaders of the Black eland Society, sail - t9 aB,9 after t or of Ietcctive t Int •�n byt o the to -day though womtdod, got w•er, captured t y w a :u'sa. They were n owe o t a , alit hi a terrific encounter, Gustav Wellman a wild flight on a trolley car in 5eeond c 1 y nee In sr. Bonit000 Hospital, and win probab- nvcuuc, in which ono of the Italians the search, lands fhepot 1. 1011f will iimke on evil report of n lend lY lase Cho sight of IIs right ono, watch wa; v,,,, chat while diving through the car p almost torn out by the Infuriated bird on window in a filial. effort to escape. Ciro "Which saw with milk tad re," and ,Thursday evening last. Arnaud, at wealthy barber, has been re. They saw "mtn t great 1111 0 of The extraordinary tight took place near cchvhnd letters demanding ii000 fee more yet .declared that `the hind en0 10 it r take inhabitants thereof." Infidels admit Strasbourg whore Waltman, who is a young than 0 yetu, lac was told that his phaco the excellence of God's character, and doctrine, and at the mance titre under- take to prove that the ryas an dotnoster. Only nice with faith in God ern see truth in' its true character, • V. Ga'd's remedy for sin. God's ways ere nut our war's, liow Unlikely that to look at the image of a serpent would heal its deadly bite! 'erect requested !loses to "prey unto the Loral that He take away the serpents." It. las ever been the cry of humanity that Ood may remove their' afflictions from then, This he does not always choose to do. The serpe'itts remained 0100(03 the Israelites, lima the Lord gave thea n perfect remedy against their fiery poison. 'God was rho author of the o indole that cured the bit0- of the 001)10nt; it was the contrive. ante of infinite 0visdonl that procured salvation fez' sinners by the donthl of Jesus Christ. 'i'he brazen serpent was unavailing to 0n0e iife Unless looked upon; Jesus saves only those who by faith look to hitt. 'There was no other way to 00c0pe ldentli. L, II. n n. in God 011 a ,bcllvcr- w•0rn n•ithout faith ear. hence could not trust him as a pt•e- 0cr0cr. (01114 not Ino who had opened ,1 pee �i.e thrcl(h the Rod- Zees brand frau h0ayetf" This Re really did, st0e11 company to exploit the instru• is still a mystery, but it is supposed diet apart. "and inoses said unto them, thiel is the meat, TROOPS'TYRED OUT. Ten Austrian Soldiers Died From Ex, haustion and. Hundreds Prostrated. Vienna, Sept, 0, -The long list of case. ♦-♦ LEAD RIOTERS. WOMEN TAKE PROMINENT PART Iii STRIKE AT ANTWERP. Freight Cars Flung Into Canal and Lumber Yard o11 Fire -Twenty Riot- ers 'v Police. t. t P c ' Fight With ars Wounded in > t Swede 0mpl0y011 011 a 0. P. B, 000500000100 would be blown 1(9 and los family aline. gang, woe, working. h(131011 Unless he heeded the demands, or Thursday, after work was over, ire Amamiinformed the police, and today sounterssi out of 1110 camp, a gun 011 ids it was planned to lay a trap Or the shoulder, with the intention of shooting some Mod:mailel'3. Wane for the morrow's breakfast. Ho had , '. The barber met 111$ men in Second not proceeded tar when a huge hawk flewuvetlile, paid over the motley and gave past; Gustav fired and the bird telt, 'ap, a signal to the 1101000, who were conceal. parently:dead. He picked it up, but 00ehlg ed nearly. The tlu•eo Italians sprang it was not quite lifeless, ho threw it downon a passing trolley car, 0101 might have Again and Intended to put 1t out of as misery eseeped, but the motorman stopped the by sending another charge of shot Into 'Its cite, Two of the Italians jumped from carcase. 1t apparently did not occur to him tato ear, and after 0 short sprint, were that he might hove wrung the bird's neck •captured. 'rile third Italian made u anal so have saved -n cartridge, long dive through the cat' window, and While he cats In the act of reloading "flue shot white 111 mid-air, `ha hawk, glging Yeut to a shrill cry, rose ; •'- from the ground and dashed straight 100 ' DEAD MAN IDENTIFIED, Ina face, fastening its sharp. claws tote his (will, sad began to pack savagely, linter. 1 of (0)101013 0110 of the hawk's claws stuck into Body at. Woodstock Hospital That Woiil0an's right eye and nearly tore it out, Toronto Printer, The poor fellow was so astounded and be. wildared and € 100,00 such agonizing NM, tYo tlstock, Ont., despatch: The Mem ho could not explain how he got rid of p his violent assailant; but somehow this wad lits of the maul Who died at the hos- done and he was at once sent fn t0 St. Boni• pita!, after being picked 09 in 1 dying idea Hospital. where 40 1s 10W lylug, .With coulitioi, has beets established elmust both eyes bandaged and his Ince badly lacer• McLean, tears that the sight of hie right ( .• � " 0y0 is gone for ever, but he says he will an aged printer, who had been living in ceno01oi' bruise(( 10rt100(5. under. th0 0lreum- Toronto, Two families in this eft': of stances If he retains thefull - f theother• declarer! positively that a picture of the for a oertamty its that of Jos McLean, u use o i ♦,40 V7 110111 hleLenn w'ne a distant relative, OIANMETTI A FAKIR, dead man was that of Mefseau, «Tine Toronto friends were communicated t attics among the troops engaged.in the y, 1 b hd a shstcl tot1 s also two brothers tors • a n1 , yearly army mauoeu0ros, now in pro•' MR, EDMUND BRISTOL, M. P„ COULD Mrs, Atchison, in Brantford. TRACE NO MONEY. • 3410L0nn 00ns n prints by trade, end ,I195illthe parous deid of adWeiner:bbe had beerier Woodstock several drys Netstadt, Las aro110011 widespread pub- --before he tya3 found in a dying condi• lie indignntlgn and concern. Is Son of Prominent Italian General- tion, near Tavistock. 11e was umuar• Ten deaths from exlantiot already have been reported and hundreds of n1en 111.0 been prostrated. In the 26th 7legiment of Infantry alone 150 1015011' tions have been. reported, The over- working of the troops in the excessive heat appears responsible for these many casualties. In 1110 01400 of the 25th Infantry the men were a0O115011 one 11111011(113 at 3 o'clock and marched, steadily for twelve hours, while the the 14th Regiment of In: fantry, which also suffered heavily, marched 32 miles in one day. •.• A PIANO TIl11T WHISTLES. Invention of a ?Dung Negro Minister at Richmond, Va. New York, Sept. 9. -Tho Herald has received the, following despatch from Richmond, Vit.. '1911 Rev. 100)00 0. Early, a 3olin3 negro, has been granted a patinat for a whistling piano -of 1111' own invention. The instrument has a keyboard arranged on astale some- what different from a piano. It is cap - nide difficult notes. nbla of whistling the most di approached Early las already been ai 0 Bir. by a northern man with a handsome offer for the patent rights. Ile hopes to induce men of his race to 00311ize a New York Branch of Bank Never ried, Opened -Posed as Millionaire at Bay ----r......0-.. Shore, and Left Without Paying HIS FIRST TRIP, Board Bill. • - Youth Leaps From Cab to be Crushed Toronto, Sept, r, Yesterday lir, I?d. i1 Under Engine's Wheels, Antwerp, Sept. 11, -The ilnllithn. con- Stevenson. 'there are times when human sytn- 10011ed the situation here to -day, though 10(1111' is of no avail, and 001011 dearest the rioters collected a number of; freight cars and threw sweval'of them Into the canal. 'lweuty' voters (('ere u'olil°Tod last night by':.the police. The tutu who 1001: pal hn the recent dh00111els here have largely beim led uy woolen. i'eet "unnlas to the i•esclict on thest 11 of the militia, the evening passed in comparative quiet. the only incident was the '°setting on fire by the strikers, himself with St, John's Epistle, and as - with the use of petroleum, of another smite that Jesus is the Christ: There is Lumber yard. no other. -Rev, Arthur Bourne. The !ember, covering throe 110 (1,and sgnrir0 yards, 1, blazing furiously a this writing in spite of the offdrts of the Ho- menreinforced by put f t b t to Int the trleids may sleep in the presence of our greatest sorrow. The only thing to do is to slip away and be 100110 with God. ,013,1 even though He may not remove trio so rote, Ile will give us grace to bear c it, Every Gethsemane has its angel.- ..elected. The modern anti -Christ asserts that Jesus is a Christ, The true believer links mond ]histol, M. 1'., retailed from his Clcvelaa00 1 111 90011 0111, Plseks ft yesterday ae a tn•empn on tt:u l:rto Bnih•oad trip to New York, where he had gone was his Inst. Alarp,ed by the harmless axploslou of thea on'boltalf of the creditors of Banco Giant- eiAesi w00100 gaugeetie 18 hien white t o t min udtti. No motley was fuuad there by was speeding, ho Ibaped 1° Carbo nab and was tad ler death beneath tae wheels o4' a gee a hint, but the inquiries he mule were paring locomotive, soars nidi 1st run 1 hSmt ccs set careen_, Ile lived fruitful Ino to Giattnettt's life and buss• wllh his unrealo at 30. 2701 D 15th street. 11000 methods. ']he train, a fact freight, was pulling Into C. ran;; at Prot rprad yesterday s 1(11(0 Dari uric Armour, partner with Ilr, 0a anoon, Jn-t 0s rile (100(054 at 10 711111 Bristol ill the law firm of Bristol: $ Ars etrcet was 100ctaed ther0 came a slava tiles-. moor, stated last night that ora of the I"t sound from the water ganga, which is r(0e1 in Cho h0(100 oenr the fireman's .ant. re011110 of the inquiry was to make it '('tore followed an explosion, accompanied clear that the varioa0 sums which were i by n report sari a shower of 01)10, slaotvl± ort 11100010011 Express Company T c'lievt00 the 0ngaa ens about to e0- 19,1030, and hoodt0ss of the, cry o4 0/0010010 forms in the Toronto office, as if 1110)' ioitn 310301ll, who attempted to 00101 'atm, had been transmitted to their destine- i the boy jumped froth hie seat, tushed to the tion by that company, had merely been door of Cha cab, and jumped headlong to Cera parallel ten rales. made out on the Express Company's I Por a 0ecmut ?kelt Ins stunned and help. forms for convenience in the Glaunotti ' less aerea0 the rails. Thea be was 'crushed office, .iufd that t),e money' was actually Iifeles beneath a switching locomotive 05 it thundered by In Cho opposite dG0et(on. ser.( to Now York by cheques drown of t of 1 Irl 80 ' r the raa hent r,`. walls t1 Y m Over the ' auk. 'grow v Merchants' B ht _ the 111nc n ,I had nryis0d at New York, instead of b) • renders the struchuo: cool in smm�i,nr in3 drafted to Italy, it cps drawn on y 1 and warm in winter It also I ^rano the Ginnnetti, usually in very 10070 sums• t walls dry. Tt f0, lmwe0(1', 1•ea1' destrpo. What Ginnnotth did with those sums Lice to mecdw-Ctk, deecir1 •'be ‘icii'ib Ruin and Rescue.' One Christmas night a broken-hearted , flames out. The rogtdnt• Infantrymen woman on the top floor of a large tens - have been taker off to goad the pc- went house in New Fork cried out to hokum reservoirs. ' her husband; '1 lope 1'11 ler: dead next Ctn•istnets, because when Christmas DI. Embed, Minister of lather. cnilcd u ma{cu on the Burgomaster of Antwerp 1,1.430' 0011100 and everybody is happy, Yo thank: 11ed your p my life doubly crate by y 0003 told hila the strikers \retold rete 18 to Creek 0)1 the usual tein Of the Federation of Labor, if the Federation would consent to arbitrate. The Mayer hopes that this will shortly bring tam strike to an end, The strikers ere in n most furious temper, es free liquor is being giver then( in the saloons, 0440 ILLUMINATED FALLS, Lights, Aggregating Over a Billion Candle Power, Visible for too Miles. en eonduotl" 'iie cursed hes and rushed downstairs and into the street, The wonitn determined she would end her life that very night. She rushed to the window, threw open the sash, Ind was about to dash herself on the stoup pavement five storeys below, when. stud dealy she gave a shriek{ Iter frightened children ran to her, told clung to her skirts: "Look' look! children, what 13 thath" '171e frightened children and the despairing mother fixed their eyes upon n cross of fire 004 eagerly gazed upon Niagara "1"4, N. Y„ Sept. O. -For tit symbol 01 redeeming love standing the first time last night the power of ' out against tho (luck outline of the sky. Niagara Falk 01)00 turned back to ilium- The woman called to a neighbor across Mae the cataracts. Lights, (3300331013 1,115,000,070 caudle power, thrown from the hall , ''Looe: at that; what is tato meaning of that wonderful sign in the ilea yens 'i" ahte• 1104;111m'refitted, "Oh,. t 10110ed reflrctms, changing the that is nothing but the (0000 on. the City' 30 grey tumbling mass Of waiter into sparkling 111 'lel Church m IlioingtonlStreet; t lithey t irridesoeut beauty'. are celebrating Ghtistnioe, a d h cataracts e t0) el n lift - Twenty -one t in b and es, which h see,' ed is tithe motion ofl>G d torture, searchlights, act in batteuas, which were it scattered 0113 the gorge rival the cliffs 6h at cras oss to d an awful kin Sold above on the Canadian side, convey II their rays first on the American Falls day evening site was at the iniSSiou,'Ilope Sheabe .ope and then on the Horseshoe Falls. and faith came into hbeg aa first the light lens white, but god: to work and platy for her husband, and wally turned to 0 rose tint, then green, soon the whole family united With the yellow amd blue, until the• foaming wet• church, ors glittered with all of the soft tints 1 of the rainbow. So well were the lights I Out of the Depths. managed that even trader them the aa.'.• 1 1h0te axe mouutaiu tops of Canton Iiia twat ere en of the Falls did not sulf'�l so exalted that the clouds never gather hat 001010 enhanced. on their sunlit crests; there are lower Occasionally all the lights were turind upward, their ray's forming at great est• levels where cloud and sunlight alte- ored Inn, visible on a clear tni3ht for 100 nate, where the light and the d,irknees miles. share dominion; and there are lower la - The lighting was designed and the els of life, depths as deep as the 0)0(110• plant, the largest in the world, by W. D, tains are high, so deep that the snuli,ght A. Ryan, of the General Eleetlie Cum- shudders to enter. and night hold, sway. patty. The scheme of lighting the Falls us be thankful these tat feww of ludhave was eoueeivod lis Mayor A. C 1>on„lass, eversoouches them, yet en of Niagara Falls, the expense being borne human life sometimes depths. by the biisiness men of the city. The 'lie presence of these awful eXpe(icnces lighting scheme will be continued at philosophy Bolds out no refuge, eav3, least for 30 days and perhaps pernla,i. possibly, self -murder , But a truer Odd ently, osoplty, the highest philosophy, chuff We A .large crowd witnessed the illumine. call Christianity, stoops to the lowest tion to -night. level of these gloomy depths and w•his- g • _ • pers, "Proyl" And into the Payless night CRUELTY TO HUMANS, hope shines, then faith then love, and �- then eagle wings are born, and l lieuven oot Observations Made in Annual Report of thol es depths, udnear, Godseuls swifthenvo thes help; n His Consumption' Institute. clioriots 1(1000 faster than thought. His No01(1011)1110, Sent 0. -Whiskey net. 111000330 swerves stars from their path, ihu cures not per+ve;,ts consuulpuon art and eval s new snna in Mucci lnfrontn the mn10y. 701800' leliete, (1ce.eding n the primeval Wold still CChuea annl(01 lepo11 of the fleury Phipps In- throne of Jehovah, and into the depths curate. mac of the leading wstil:Mims in of human dail.a,.s rings the 'word of the united States for the treatment of pow a ii It thele be light'; titnd the tuhooulo-i;, rayl io0klbesa 1000000 radiant dtiy, it is lei out that rte l,l;y un . h ,{f lu Cho depbits, as on the mountain -tops, of the 1)11icnta tre;ttld nt t+e 1 .1( it (sod nule0, 1comet in wesildt lei i follu0rce{ ,nate occupatum ahilc :1,r;a,. dlnn�a eco 4o swings out its of His cnr hol; going treatment, beclu.e thzi1 rove'• and aro human life in all its tt agie. misery t0, 0roeld not adnhht of their net 11 hila„ ' ever touches a point where Gods love en. This filet nrouses nb''rv,ltn1 in t'ceases or (nods power fails. Out of the the tepid: els society lom3 (18 May 1 depths, s(111 Den cry; and God hears, h0 these people' Sick horses ale not i andsaves. 101111tled to wort( and sick cats ale l' carefully mit t' and" 'uunah;tly Med for. Sick brothers coal t ,t ' permitted, tad, 1 t are a ratty t 0 n v : a r not however, ] 1 n are compelled to ce., even at 1,t coarse occupation=._ Bow iitrnu},i that there nye no societies for 1110 p02,'cn• 1100 of cruelty to human beingsl" Massachusetts is the first of the tett s the Am- t, of 1 g Stat vt>1 manufacturing t en leading of i, c And of s mono Union. a 1 g Ste te-, shalt together produce 95 per cont. of all the woolen goods made in thio country, sex are New England Com- monwealths,