HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-12, Page 5THE RIGHT HOUSE u A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRIDES FOR CARR AND FARM PRODDOE, SETEMBI R 12TH, . t907 --THE BLYT Ease ►.1 a `A A FA1 Highest prices paid for Farm Produoe. tier E. BENDER, BLYTH .� rif, Everything in ready for fall business. We VA are showing the newest shades in Priestley's rr New Dress Goods for fall, 1Vo are showing the newest styles and shades in Ladies' Gar- r il ments for fall in which line we have given our closest attention and made extra preparations. In Children's and Misses' Coats we have an PTAendless variety. You will be sure to find in our assnrttnent just what yon are looking for, ,•, We have prepared array of Staple and Fancy kJ Dry Goode ever shown in this store. PAYou are welcome to look over the new goods ,r, an [line and as often as you wish. No need �i to buy uniess you aro satisfied. la For a good black dress buy PAI Priestley's Dress Goods ku 4.1 Wanted --Live Chicks and Hens for which we kTi pay the highest prices. H u FALL GOODS pp►►,�- Esq�[t �q -�.� � py,r!� ,,..��kv4 tai. m gs raf t" ' m � is :rin.ia16a"..►�d kki i ,P . ,. P , ,I , P P I r tinint�' : INEENE ENEEM �:f?,? ra lir NEWS AROUND TOWN I READ the ado. in THE STANDARD, BLYTR Fa11 Fair Sept. 23rd and 24th. LoNnoN Fair is the attraction this week: THANKSGIVING Day next. We MAKE your entries early for the Fall Fair. EXTRA Farm Laborers' excursion to the West next Tuesday. See advt. in this issue. Conde to Blyth Fair on Sept. 23 have all much to be thankful for, and 24. Write the secretary, Frank Whether we are or not. Metcalf, fur a prize list. THE rain we have been getting during the past week is just what we have been looking for. Los'r,--Between bth eon. of East W awanosh and some plactein Blyth, pair of gold rinhined glasses, Dr. OLD papers for sale at this office. We must get rid of them, 3 cents a bundle for the next two weeks, MARKET REPORT.— Wheat 85-85 ; Barley 40-40; Cate 40-40 ; Peas 74-7.5 ; Butter 16-17 ; Eggs 16-17. MILL1NEIIY opepiugs next Friday Mi1ne's Inline nn case. anti *replay, Sept. 20th rind 21st, M MED -During the past week Read the advertisements fur further we have been busy moving Tal: tiff nourleementa, STANDARD to our new quarters a d Driy'T wait for us to call on you, as we are getting nicely settled we but hand in the manes of your visit- are ready to do all the job work ors aR early as possible. We are that is needed in this section at nilly ton pleased to publish them. reasonable prices, To our friends THE Westtlel beech:ll team came 'around town who helped us load and to town Tuesday to play the Blyth unload our machinery they have juniors, hut the rain spelled any our sincere thanks. This Issue may chance of playing a game. ON Monday a foreigner while be - leg driven from Lucknow stole the not be up to the mart but we ask mer readers t0 allow u8 a week or 80 till we get into running under. Our rtmmg off the driver's lilted, He paid tclephune number is 4, so ring up if 4,"le eters and was allowed to go, you have any news for 'THE STAN. LAST week Iasne Brown and Al- CARD. beet. Wilford were et Wingham mak-1 ing preparations for the starting of the evaporator there which they will operate this year. BAD ACCIDENT,—on Monday after• noon Joseph Heapy received severe injuries owing to the team of horsey he was driving running away. lits right shoulder was disloeated, he - sides being cut and bruised all over his body, It will be sometime before he will be able to work again, Pneene Y SoLn.-This week J. G, Moser disposed of his house rind lot on Dinsiey street to James Cutt of town for the sum of $2300. Pos. session will be given about the first of February. Mr. Moser intends to start right away and erect a new house on his lot just east of his prop- erty:. LAST Thursday owing to some mistake Brussels and Wingham howlers •carne to town. As Wing - ham : had 4 rinks and Brussels 3, Bluth played one rink. The first rink of Brussels was up 6, the 2nd down 6 rind Doweiug's rink was a tie, an extra round being played Wingharn..won by two shote, while the Blyth rink lost by one. limns! wingham won the tournament by 3' shuts on the rutted. Ws, notice in the report of the Posttuaster:Geperal a suggestion that people writing letters should sign their full name and address to their letters and there never would he a leper hut what could he re. turned if it felled to reach the per. son for whom it was intended. A' better way still would he, for every', fatally to have envelopes wtththe' name printed on the corner. We'll print themMryou 81 THE ST NDA RDD , say [fl (at, If you is not great. BUTTER & EGGS W.A.NTT 3 D As we make a specialty of handling produce we are paying the highest cash prices toe Butter and Eggs at our store: When you have any of these for sale get our priors before going elsewhere. Grain ckeoks paid alter banking hours et our store. MQMILLFIM & CO. OInsley Street a Blyth This is a Watch Ad. There are many things In our stock that we feel WO should talk about, but a ben e look nt th„t great his stock of Watch• rs WO droida 0 give you a little Watch tolk, Our Watch stook le unusual because of its,dze—more than 200 Watches of all size* and qualities are showan and be• oausn we bought so many the prices are unusual. Then the stook is unusual because of the care with which It was selected. There t,n't alunworthy time-pleoe In the toe, There aro chap watches of course— $125 ones—but they ire worth what they vie: and lease your boy right down to. e ground. p For older people we have more expen- sive patches and every value Is unusual, You are 1, vlted to our watch stook. `METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. THE hill on Drummond street East has been stir away and the earth used for filling -up for the new side- walk to be erected on that street, 'I.'HE progressive management of the Winghanh Business College re- ports two-thirds greater attcadanco at their opening this year than lust, They aro certainly growing in the favor of the people. Isaac BnuwN will commence op- erettons at the Blyth evaporator on Sept. 16th. The plant has been im- proved and enlarged and will have about it third greater capacity than formerly, He is advertising for five thousand bushels of apples. ltraticeR the dates of the Guelph Central Fair, Sept. 17th to 19th, The best after -harvest holiday, Single fares, good going on p. m. trains of Sept, 16th, good to return up to Sept. 20th, 11. Lockwood, President ; Wm, Laidlaw, Secre• t41'y. THIS week the milliners arrived back to their old positions, Miss Baker with G. M. Chambers & Co., Miss Anderson with J. A, Anderson, and Alias Porter assisted by Miss Brown, of Shelburne at Poplestone &Gardin er's. Read the millinery announce- ments in this issue, THE ladies of Blyth who played on the bowling green hest' Wednes• day afternoon had a good afternoon of amusement. A nember of the oppcsite scx gave pointers during the game. A supper was served oe the lawn in the evening. It is up to the ladies now to challenge the ladies cf Seaforth and other towns for a game of bowls, `PCE Brandon Sun says : Children that should bo at home in their beds are roaming the streets after Clark picking up slang and feel language tend gradually breaking away from their home ties, A parent who per. mita his offspring to spend the even- ings. after dark on time streets is either too careless or too ignorant of the result to do the right thing by his child, -Wonder whether there are any such in Blyth. THE following were ticketed to distant points by 0, P. R. 'Town Ticket Agent J. McMu'chie :-Miss Mary McElroy to San Francisco, Cal: James end ,1L's. Jackson and Miss May Jackson to Boston, via Now York and return. On Farm Labor- ers Excursion were William Logan, Walter Jacobs, Robert and Mrs. Ferris and Miss Ferris, David Taylor and Miss Taylor, 61. Lumsden, An. drew Anderson, Thomas Taman, Ed Ward and Mies Taman. THE Ontario Government is call- ing for tenders for tihe flags which are to be supplied to rural schools, amid for the purchase of which the Government recently granted an appropriation of $5000. Each school is to receive one of the flags which is to ee exhibited in the school on the flag days specified hy the Gov- ernment, and on the flag staffs of the schools at the direction of the trustees. The lig will he a Union Jack carrying the Canadian coat of arms. Blyth Counoll. The regular meeting of Blyth Council was held last Wednesday evening. The peeve in the chair and 010) 0)llors 11111. Jollpston, Chet• few and Gerry present, 6linutes of hast regiar meeting, special meetings of Aug, 12th and 300, and Court of Revision for side- walks and crossing on Aug. 30th were read and on Motion by L. Hill seconded by J. H. Chellew were confirmed, It: was moved by Councillor John - sten seconded by N. B. Gerry that the following accounts be paid ;- C, H, Beese for water four w•its,e 16 00 John Stewart, building found- ation for scales on G & G Ry. 80 00 E. Livingston. electric lights,.. 44 55 THE STANDARD, account....... 14 40 John Weymouth, . ".. 48 73 The Gutta Pemba and Rubber Mfg, Co. account ........ ..... 15 05 J. E, Shantz & Co., 18 sidewalk plates 49 10 James Cumming, 8 loads of gravel for G & G scales0 80 Jos, E. 'farnan, 85 cu. yds gravel 62 48 E. Holtzhauer, 5 mos, fireman.,. 4 16 Wm. Heflron, 8 " " 6 37 S. Westlake, salary . 40 50 STANDARD --PAGE Fr B, mond street for 24 cents per sq x; t re foot, The Council to furnish teal; same as last year, It:vas moved by L. Bill seconded by N. B. Gerry that Joseph Carter's tender for sidewalks arid crossing be acceptedit Carried. Moved thy L. Hill seconded by N. B. Gerry .that the, tariff on weigh scales char6Yieg 15 cents for each weigh or twolvhij$l5 for 25 cents ba recinded end kat the tariff be now 10 cents for eac a draft ; a draft of (togs to consist of 14or under, Car• ried, Moved by N. B. Gerry lieconded hy L. Hill that the Chairman of Fire and Light lestrnct E. Livingston that this Council will require the agreement regarding street lights carried out, Curried. Moved by L. Hill seconded by J, Ii, Chellew that we do now ad }jean to meet on Monday evening, 9th inst., at 8 p, m, Carried. tRIERREEI.INEEIKEIR,Fil BASE BALL t" tc EMEItilligrainagrINI Last Saturday afternoon the, Blyth "JapS" drove over to Brussels to play the return nhatoh and succeeded in defeating the home team by a score of' 11-10 and an innings to spare, C. Taman was the umpire, Follow. ing is the lirie•up and score :— Blyth- R o Somers, 21 . . ........... 2 2 Sims, o . 2 2 Coombs, p 1 1 E Me0omneirms cf....,b a L' McCaughey 11 1 8 I \tcCommms it 1 2 Hironacf 0 2 Deuhohn 81, 2 2 J McCunglhey I(1 1 Carried, $824 18 Moved by J. H. Chellew, seconded by L. Hill that By-Iltw No, 7, 1907, as now read three times be passed. Carried. Tenders for building cement side- walks wits received from Joseph Carter as follows :-Drummond street north side from Queen to Mill streets, 121 cents per square foot. Victoria street going east to centre of lot 140 McDonald Sy., for 1oi cents per square foot. Crossing on 11111 street from North side.of 11 18 Brussels.-; R n Henderson 21 2 8 Holmes u.,..;'.......,,,1 11 C Scott p 0 2 Jackson! rl 0 3 Ross lb.,, , .. 1 3 McMillan es .... ... 2 2 Emigh of,,,.,,,... 1 1 Leckie 8h 2 1 W Scott if.., .. 1 11 10 21 Blyth 0 0 6 8 2 0 x-17 Brussels0 0 1 4 4 0 1-10 Promotion Examinations. From Div. 8 to Div, 2—Redelht \fc- Iiouzic (honors), Meryl Gerry (honors), ,clary Milne, Gladys Kernagban, Philip Willows, Eva Henderson, Annie Rob- ertson, From Sr, 2ttd to Jr, 3rd -Elim Coolt (honors), May Robertson, Henry John- ston, Eddie Mains, Leslie MnEtroy, Lelia Burling, Minnie Fawcett, Willie White, Willie Anderson, Mary Potter, Gordon Holizhauer, Recut 13nrr, From class B to class A of 2nd -Tam Murray (honors), Edgar Cowan, Willie Seward, Katie Hltbkirk, Fern° John- ston, Recomtnended-Curry Camp- bell, Elsie Fawcett, Bottle McElroy. From Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th-1,Villie lihlllls, Dorothy Tierney, Lizzie Law. renes, Leila Begley, Rhea Etnigh, iValter Cowan Sr. Ord to Jr. 4th -frank McCaneh• sy, Willie Burling, James Hiroo, Vol. ter Bell. Fall Fairs for 1007. Toronto. London Exeter Seaforth Blyth Ripley Godorich \Vingham Milverton Atwood Brussels Teeswater Aug 20 to Sept 9 Sept 0-14 Sept, 16-17 Sept, 19-20 Sept, 23.21 Sop . 24-25 Sept. 21-26-27 Sept. 20.27 Sept, 26 27 Oct. 1.2 Oct. 0-4 ......,Oct. 8.4 All advertisements must be in this office by Monday noon to insure inser- tion in issue of carnet week, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Vete Act, by Ills Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at Londeshoro, nn the 80th day of September, 1907, at the boar of 10 o'clock 0. m., to hear and determine the several ar,mplalnte of errors and omissions lu the Vetere' List of the Municipality of Hallett for 1901 Al) persons having business at the court aro required to attend at the said time and place. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of the said Manielpallty. Dated this 11111 day of Sept., 1907. PUBLIC NOTICE. Take notice that In accordance with the petition of ratepayers of Manchester Po. lies Village and under Clause A of Sob - section 1 of Section 832 of the Consult. dated Municipal Act of 1903, the MMuniol• pal Council of the Township of Hutlett will, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, proceed to pass a bylaw for the purpose of buying a roadway for the said Pulloe Village to the station house of the Guelph and Coderioh Railway in the Township of liuilett as described In the said petition. THOS. MoMILLAN, Reeve. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. Hallett, Sept. lith, 1007. ete V,C Grand Openings , on Friday and Saturday j Sept. 20th & 2 I st .9116,•••••••• .6•10,01.00MIONYINNIMNONOMPOMMOMP , c uR. atLxLaLirom us a 'C Miss Porter, of Lindsay Miss Brown, of Shelburne ti * Miss Naegele, of Auburn * >t, r......_.,.... _ tit. * iii. . nc.. LADIES :-- We invite you to our Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday. Sept, loth and 21st, 1907. We will have special novelties to exhibit this year and will be pleased to have you visit our show rooms on the above dates. • Yours well-disposed, POPLESTONE & GARDINER. Millinery Apprentices Wanted for this season. POPLESTONE & CARDINER Successors to McKINNON & CO. * e r 10101.=1,1•11.11T .111.4001. TABLES AND CHAIRS Extension Tables, 5 legs, very strong, will seat from 12 to 16 men, prices $7.50, $8.5o and $lo. Dining Chairs, high backs, large seats, 5oc, 6oc, 85c and $t, Leather Seat Diners, polished oak, at $2, $2,50 and $3 each. Come and see the goods. J. H. CHELLEW CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS A FULL LINT; or--- F're8h °Traceries —ALWAYS ON HAND. Meats of different kinds, Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLOR - - BLYTH SEND in your coupons. You can never tell how close you will come to getting the prize till time Fall Fait' is over. CANADIAN PAcIFic MORE Farm Laborers WANTED I0 THE NORTHWEST. Eatra bunion lam Tuohy September 17th @ Gorng QQ Additional *P I Z Trip *P l 8 for return From all Ontario stations. 0, H, Foster, D. P. A., C. 1'. R., Toronto. Tickets and full Inforrnatlon J. MoI1UPCiIlE • AGENT • BLYTR. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy; Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. h has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been presaihed by phy- sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for ora physician summoned. h only coati a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW.