HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-12, Page 4Tt PAGE Fogg -. THE BUT dAS.McMURCHIE1 BANKER, d GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. 'MYTH, ONT. 0/0 i 3#tt #ctttbtxrb.1 J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER. NOBS DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS it Cuttfint Rates We offer every acooutmodation eon. sietent with sate and conservative banking principles. ONLIVITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of Interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Renta collected. CONVEYANCING Ot all kinds promptly attended to. INSORANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect- fully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to o P.M. Business Bards. A. B, MACDONALD, - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, to, Sue. censor to G. F. Blair, Ottlee over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels, Soltoltor for Metro. politau Bank. FROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Rte. Offices—Those formerly uocuppied by Messrs, Cameron and Bolt, Goderich. W. Proudfont, /C.C. ; B. C. Hays, G. F. Blair. G. F. LONG, L.D.S., I1,L1.8. Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Toronto University, OGloe over James Cutt'e store, Pretoria block, Blyth. Al Auburn every Monday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, W. 3, MILNE, M.D,C.M. Pbyelolen and Surgeon. M.D.C,M., Unt• varsity of Trinity College; M.D., queen's Uatversity; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cor• oner for the County of Huron. Office. one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. F. S. SCOTT' BRUSSELS, ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tan STANDAttn, Myth, Blyth Livery AND Sale Stables • 00 00 00 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. to ao w (00 et First -close Horses and Btgs for hire at. reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Commercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. LING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, 11'E TEACH TELEGRAPIIY 4a1 trattord, ` �, r.r We have three department., Camntpr. Ota), Shorthand and Telopraphl, We employ the heat tea:hers that money can hire. Oar courses are thorough and p •a. • tloal and we assist worthy students to positions. Those whe wbh to set a money-makiug education should get the heat. Write for nor new eataen.tue and get particulars. This Is the beet time ct rest to enter our closer, ELL/077 & McLACNLAN, Princips/o. r brv. 7.74edsa THURSDAY, SEPT. 12. 1907 People We Know Mr. P'S. Scott, of Brussels, was in town on Monday. Mr. A, W. Robinson was a visitor at Toronto lost week. Mrs. T.J.'fIackstep returned from e pleesnnt visit at Toronto, Miss Kate Barr, et' Goderich, was holidaying in town last week. Dr. Chisholm, 11. P., of Wingham, was in town on Itloeday of this week, Mr. D. Chink, of Gnderieh, was renewing old friendships in Blyth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQunrrio and daughter, left this week for theft home in the West, Master Harold lIaskett, of Mark. dale, is making a prolonged vlsi' with his mutt, Mrs, Myles Young. Miss I'torence Somers is holiday- ing this week, hiss Verne Bennett. is relieving her at tate -Telephone office. Mr. Flugh McQuarrie has been under the doctor's care during the past week. His old friends in town hope that he will soon be around again. ' Mr. W. Ii._ Kerr and Mr, John Ballantyne, of Brussels, were here on Fridey helping to 111050 THE STAnD.ttw to its new quarters and set up the big press, The many friends of Mr. E. C. Wilford will be sorry to hear that he is in the Toronto General Hospital suffering from nn attack of Typhoid fever. We are glad to hear, how - every, that it isa light attack, Mrs, Wilford left last Thursday morning for Toronto and is at the. bedside of iter son. Mr. Wilford's many friends wits wish him a speedy recovery, Mrs. Wilford returned homeTuesdny evening as Ed. was getting along as well as could be expected, .; STANDAID-SE,RTEMEER 12TH, agcy. Miss Amy Elder arrived home I Coderioh D lstrlot Meeting. on 'Puesda,y it m her visit, Mr, Miller and his daughter 'Miss MIller, of Buffalo, are the gue ss of Mr. henry Plaetzer, Mr, and Mrs. James M. TBrhOr, of Flint, Mich„ ase gueatat the a'esi• denceof Mr, Geos„ lying this week. Mr, and Mrs. 13. Gerry and Mr, Chas, Rn',all and daughter. Miss Maggie,' of Brussels. were visttore with' Mr. and Mrs. N. 13. Gerry on Wednesday. Last Saturday evening Dr. and Rohr. Sloan arrived home from their trip up through the northern part of Ontario. By their looks they did not miss many meals while on their travels, Westfield. ,his, and Mrs. Howatt, of Colborne, visited Wm. and Mrs. Howatt lust Wednesday. Geo. flowatt, of Witigham, visited his sots, Wm. Howatt, this week. Mrs. Thos. Tubb, of Colborne, is ;trying with Mrs. Wm, Tebb at preset] 1, Threshing Is the order of the day, .hey report the crops rather light, The Cradle. CBAwrORD,-1n Toronto, nn Sept. 7th, the wife of Win. Crawford (formerly of Blyth) of a eon. Brussels Monument Works We buy by the earioad direct from the quarks. Get our prloae. We employ no agents, WiLSON; & HUNTER BRUSSELS— ONTARIO. ROBERT:'; 11. GARNISS BLUECALE — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at THE STANDARD office, Blyth, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON TIIEOLOGICAL BUILDING, On Sunday morning last Rev. W. H. Maclnnes eectipied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church and laid before the congregation the claims of Queen's University, Kingston, The Presbyterian church of Canada has assumed control of the arts and theological colleges in connection with Queen's and is seeking to raise an endowment fund. of $500,000. The university has grown materially these last 30 years, in fact from 130 pupils in '77 to 1139 pupils in 1907. In 1887 an endowment of $200,000 was rnlsed, hut the growth of the university necessitates a further endowment. Mr. Mac - fence is one of the financial agents and hos rnet with signitl success in Bruce County and iu some of the places in North Huron. The endowment has reached the sum of $300,000 atthe present date and on the comple- tion of another one hundred thousand, Andrew Carnegie will contribute the remaining hundred thousand, The agent is canvassing in Blyth, Auburn tied vicinity during this week, ONTARII). HALL. The financial meeting of the Gode. rich District or the Methodist Church was held in Ontario St. Church, Clinton, on Tuesday of this week, The following ministerial and lay members were present r—Revs. G. N. Bazett, B. A., (chairman), Reuben Millyard, Wln. J. Jolliffe, 13. C. L., Josias Greene, Wesley E, Kerr, David Rogers, Henry D. Newcombe, George Buggin, Thomas J, Snow- don, S. A. Anderson (fin. -see.), Wm. A, Smith, C. R. Durrant, Albert E. Jones, bfeesrs. A. J. Tynditll, A. Hooper, Wm, Crooke, Jesse Grey, John Young. The chairman, Rev. G. N. Hazen, of Goderich, presided. The meeting, was opened with de- votional exercises condneted by Revs. W, E, Kerr, J. Greene and D. Rogers. With the exception of the follow. ing places missionary meetings were left to local nrrangewents :—Dec. 8th—Seaforth, Rev. C. R. Durrant ; Benmiller, Walton and Iiolmesvlile, Rev, O. Rogers ; Blyth, Rev, A. E. Jones ; Dungannon, Rev, 0, R. Dar. rant ; Nov, 10th --Auburn, Rev, 0. N, Hazen. Moved by W. E. Kerr, seconded by Thos. J, Snowdon, that the edu- cational meetings be left to local arrangements. Carried. Moved by W. J. Joii & that the temperance, prohibition and moral reform meetings be left to local ar- rangements, the secretary to notify absent members to this effect. Cur- ried. Moved by 8, A. Anderson, sec - Gutted by D. Rogers, that Rev. R. Millyarcl and J, H. Millian together with the chairman of the district be a committee to visit weak circuits with the view of increasing minis terial support, thus relieving as far as possible the sustentntion fund of our church, Carried. The following resolution was in- troduced by Rev. W. J. Jo111tTe and supported by' Rev. R. Millyard, 'whereas our annual conference has very heartily passed a resolution endorsing the forward movement of the educational society which means an enlarged income, be it resolved that we, the members of this finan- Bial district meeting, fully appreclat- fag this work of the suciety promise to do our best to Increase the funds in harmony with the request of the secretary of education. In accordance with the above re. solution it Is to be hoped that every circuit and station on the district will do its utmost to raise the follow• ing suggested amounts :—Goderich, North Sc. $100, Victoria St, $35 ; Clinton, Wesley $60, Ontario St, $$50 ; Senforth $50, Holn;esvitle 825, Blyth $31, Dungannon $30, Nile $31, Bentniller $22, Auburn $35, Walton $16, Londesboro $30, Bay. field $18, Varna $26, In harmony with the action taken at the last General Conference to pay off the batance still due on the Union Church Retie fAnd duringthe present Quadrenfum and furthermore hi accord with the decision of our last annual conference held In Goderich to raise our appropriation during the present conference year— lt was moved by Mr. Jolliffe, sec. crated by Mr, Kerr, that we accept the amounts apportioned to our diff. erect circuits and receommettd our quarterly boards to aequteae ii't the same and that an effort be made to raise the whole, amount before the close of the year. Following are the amounts to be raised :—Godo. rich; North St, $22.,80 Victoria SL $14.25 ; Clinton, Wesley $19, Cn. tnriu St. 817.86 ; Seaforth $19, Hol. mesvllle $12.35, Blyth 814.25, Dun. gannon $14.25, Nile $12.65, Ben - miller $11.40. Auburn $14.25, Wal ton $10 26, Londesboro $15.67, Bay. field $10.45, Varna 812.35. Moved by Mr. Snowdon, seconded by Mr, Rogers, that in consideration of the very distinct benefits to be derived from the local option law and the very gratifying reports from localities where It is now in operation convincing us that it Is successfully enforced, though we de. sire to express our greet regret that the incubus of the 3.5 majority de- mand exists snaking it exceedingly difficult to secure the passage of the law, in communities which are es- sentially antagonistic to the liquor traffic in their midst, we, in this dis. trict meeting, desire to express our entire confidence in the local option law and heartily 'commend it to the most liesrty sympathy, eo•operation sold loyal support of our penple in the coming contests in eonstituences where such campaigns may in the future be carried on. Subscribe for TRE STANDARD. —Subscribe for THE STANDARD. e ol..1"✓..Y`'s, + sooi1V.:e a s5lkrffi(f�A<)7fiSs arll Millinery & Dress Goods You are invited to visit our display of Trimmed Hats, New Fall Suitings and Waist Goods on FRIDAY • AND SATURDAY September 20 and 2i J. A. ANDERSON t,��`7(}(Y��[)(Y(/��')(1�3 L(�)(,')�%��]Yj���J(,(//!���T�,,��,)YI'(�)tJ)(/�Ii�)( ��/i�� �Y.T4�lC• •A�1►..t!!4lSela( rMU.o�15"�Y a e�)ell➢!!J< This Clearing Sale will be contin- ued on from Saturday till further notice. Everything must go. tit This is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR— the best Bread, Cake and Pastry Flour — the best all round flour in the world. Just try it once. Look for Otis trademark on every bag or barrel you buy. All fine Blended Flours— milled of Ontario Fall and Manitoba. Spring wheats—have it. "Made in Ontario" Subscribe for The Standard.