HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-05, Page 8PAGE EIGiit -1'HE BLYT!'_ STANDARD-SFpTEMBi fi 5111, t907. For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health is every way. The .blMree cannot padhtr haws goad health =Ian the Iowe)a areIn prom eoeel. tion, Asluggish 0.et,sa**marl teeepia, b..4 hatt8, caten►"n lasad o.deetoff!Itj 1 Ittr. lit vi=t1,eatpr•eor¢W. The Pandora oven is perfectly ventilated. The air in the oven is constantly being renewed with fresh air drawn through three vents between oven and fire -pot doors, and the cooking oven never smela close and stuffy, a do the majority of range ovens. Food coolteti in it is more healthful, es well as more appetizing and satisfying. If your local Dealer cannot give you complete information about the r'an Jona, write .fuel fur free booklet. ,....,,......,.,0416,11;14..aft P sot shpt. MEC. MX MORAL. tiers Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. ANY even numbered section of Domi• inion Lands in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any per. eon who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the ex- tent ot one•gnarter section 0f 106 acres more or leas, Entry crust be made personally at the local land aloe for the district In which the land le situated. Entry by proxy may, however, be trade on certain con. ditlyoos by the father, mother, son, daugh- ter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader Is required to perform the homestead condittonsunder one of the following plans (1) At least six month's residence upon and cultivation ot the land in each year for three years. (2) It the father (or mother if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity ot the laud entered for the requirements es to real• denes may be satisfied by such person re- slding with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent real• deuce upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may be setts• tied by residence upon said land. Six months' notloe in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent,;r W. CORY Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B, -Unauthorised pubiloatlon of this $d vertisement will not be paid for. Take Rival Herb Tablets for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and for cleauing'the Blood. 200 days treatment g1, 30 days' treatment 25c. For sale at Dr. Milne's Drug Store Wholesale from the RIVAL, HERB AGENCY Kincardine, Ont, ` 1 CANAtBAN pc1Fic ,; pXILW SY' 4'► Ti me Table TO TORONTO C;oderieh Lr. 7.00 a,m, 55,00 p. m. Auburn " 7,25 " 5,25 ' Blyth " 7,36 " 5,30 'Walton " 7,40 " 5.49 " Milverton ` 8,24 " 0,24 80111)ra ' 8.07 " 0,57 " Guelph " 1522 " 7,23 " Toronto Ar, 11,00 " 8.15 " F110M. TORONTO. Toronto Lv. 8,00 a.m. Guelph ..... Ar. 10.10 " Elmira " 10,25 " Milverton " 11.0) " Walton " 11.37 " lllyth " 11.44 " Auburn " 12.40) " Goderleh" 12.30 p.m. 5.50 p. tn. 7,13 " 8.00 0.00 „ 1).10 " 524) „ 9,40 " 11.10 " GRANO IRONIC EM TIME TABLE. LONDON AND WINGHAM BRANCH. so UTa, 0011)11. am pm am pm 8 40 3 30 Wingbam 11 50 7 35 0 93 3 33 Wingbbam Jot, 11 48 7 2.5 0 52 3 44 Relgrave 11 40 7 13 7 00 13 50 Blyth 11 28 7 00 7 14 4 04 Londesboro 11 20 6 52 '7 47 4.233 Clinton 10 15 11 05 635 805 4 30 Bruce9eld 9 58 6 19 8 15 4 47 Klppen 9 50 6 11 8 22 4 52 Email 9 44 0 05 835 5 00 Exeter 930 554 8 46 5 10 Centralia 9 18 5 43 8 50 5 20 Claadeboye 9 00 5 34 9 05 5 34) Luoan Crossing 0 05 5 30 912 5 117 Canfield 8 55 5 25 9 21 5 40 Ilderton 8 45 5 15 9.29 5 54 Ettriok 8 35 5 07 9 35 5 58 Hyde Park Crossing 8 20 5 02 9 87 8 00 Ilyde Park Jot. 41 24 5 00 9 46 8 10 London 8 15 4 50 Connections aro made at Wingham tor all stations on the Palmerston and Kin- cardine braneb. Conneotlons are made at Clinton for all stations on the Buffalo and Goderfch branch, and all stations from Stratford to Toronto. Connections are made at Luoan Crossing for all stations west to Sarnia, Connections are made at London for all stations east and west 011 the msia line. through another set of vents in back end of oven, as shown by ifitls- tration. Pandora I t4 L01M011,TOROnTO,:IONTREAL, }CENltll'EG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, HAMILTON McPherson Bros. Local Agents, The Blyth Show The following is a list of the Special Prizes in addition to the regular list to be offered at the Blyth Show to be held on Monday and Sept. 23 & 24 Tuesday iI�';t4SE?:iEl�B�iSNilif54ai file♦ Jti ♦N 1N iIr N p/.'�.� tit+ In ti ili - - THE - - t �4`i GAY WORLD,811 IFOWiiiitilligiiIMERREENNI To give without offending is an art ; to recuse without offending, a greater art. Luck In holding Hands. He called on her the other night And held her hand, And told her how the world seemed bright And hair and arend. Thuu, with a sudden rush of pluck,. Said : "1Vish. I always had the luck '1'o hold this hand,' Next evening 01 the club he held Another hand He scooped the pot and fairly yelled ; "This beats the band ! Say, fellows, that was nip and tuck -- wish I always had the luck To hold this hand 10 _*- Brief Mention, Reporter -"Now that I have describ- ed your dress and those of your maids, the house decorations and the presents, what 011)011 1. say of the bridegroom when we print the account of the wedding." Bride -elect -"Well, .I suppose his name must go in ; you might say that he was among those present." -4_ A Little Learning. Johnny (after first day at school) "1 learned something today mamma." Mamma (much interested) "W hat is it 7" • Johnny "1 learned to say 'yes ma'am' and 'no m5'am' ! Mamma 'You did 5" Johnny "Yep" -*- Both Expensive, Magpie -''Just think of the money some folks spend on medicine and things to make them web," Micky -''And just think of the money some folks spend on suppers and things to make them sick, _*- Unique Definition. A pupil in a school near Chatham Square, New York city, thus defined the word "spine :" "A epiue is a long, limber hone, Your head sets on one end, and you set on the other, Special Prizes Special by J. Sl. Hamilton, chemist, and da'uggiet, Blyth, for the hest herd of Grade cattle, consisting of two steers anti two females, ono 25 -pound pail ot International Stock Food, valued at 93 75. This prize is given in conjunction with the ono given by the Society for the best herd of ()rade cattle. Sec, 73, Special by J. Sf, Hamilton, chemist and druggist, Blyth, for best herd of Durham cattle, consisting of 1 bull and 2 females, one 25.pound pail of Camnerae Stock hood, valued at 53,75. This prize is given in con- junction with theono giyen by the Society for the best herd of Durham cattle, Sea 41, special prize of Rose Bushes, valued at $2, is offered by, Stone & Wn'1• inglon, Foothill Nurseries, for 10 largest apples, one of each variety, which may be obtained from any source.. Special prizes of $8, 52 and 51 are offered for 5 each et the following 10 varieties of apples, viz., Northern Spy, Nina, Baldwin, Ontario, Rhode Island Greening, Golden Russet, Bendavis, Wagner, Seett-No- Fnrther, Canada Red, which may be obtained from any sonrre, The object of this prize is to collect apples for the purpose of Assisting the county exhibit to be made in Toronto next Novembe, All exhibits in this section, whether awarded a prize or not, are to become the prop- erty of the Secretaryof Blyth Fair, Special prizes aro offered for best business men's displays in the hall, viz ; a -General Store ai.splav 55 00 h -Dry Goods 848118)' .... 5 00 r. -BOOL and Shoe display.... 5 00 d -Grocery display 5 00. e -Furniture display 5 00 f -hardware display 5 00 Exhibits must all be in place' by 3 p. m. on first day, Organ or Piano Conpotitlon In the hall on the first night of the fair to commence at 8,80 sharp, Music teachers and professional players barred, Prizes, 52,00, 91,00 and 50e ; full particulars on application to Music Committee. Special prizes are offered by Frank Metcalf, jeweler, Blyth, of 5250, 51.50 91,00 to the person under 88 years of age who will correctly name the greater number of a set of apples placed tn900 a table, To obtain 1st prize at least 75 per cent must be correctly mimed, and for 2n8 prize 50 per cent, and aril prize 25 per cent. This contest will take place the first night of the fair at eight O'0lo,:k, The object is to encourage the boys and girls to carefully study (ulls, Spee.isl by McMillan 0 Co„ produce merchants, Blytli. Prize of 59.00 to party awarded the greatest number of first prizes for butter as offered by the Society, the butter to become the )property of McMillan & Co. by them paying the market price. J, Leslie Kerr offers The Blyth Standard for year for the host two loaves of hone -made bread ; and The Standard for a year for the hest 5 lbs, of butter, both articles to become his property, Special by Blyth Percheron Associatiol-.T. E, Elis, Manager -for heat colt sired b,' their celebrated stallion, "Gervais," and foaled in 1907 ; 1st, $7 ; 2nd, $5 ; Ord, $3. Special by Wm. Hugill, Constance, for best colt sired by his celebrated stallion, "Hackard," and foaled in 1007: 1st, 865081fni silver sugar and spoon holder valued at 58 ; 2nd, beautiful silver cake basket valued at 56. School Children's Competition This Society offers the following prizes tor writing : fa) For children under 10 years of age, let, 50c ; 2nd, 210. (b) For children ander 18 years of age, 1st, 50c ; 2nd, 25c, (c) For children ander 16 years of age, 1st, 59c ; 2nd, 25c, .Each competitor trust be under the age stated on the 28rd day of • September, and must have attended school 111 least 60 days in 1907. Age and attendance to be certified to by teacher on the back of the paper. Following t0 be wt'1"utetl in each class :- 065 A-1 Write each small and capital letter of the alphabet once, 2 Make the nine digits once. 3 Make a drawing of an animal or bird, 866 0-1 Write this address on an envelope : Nears, Jones and Gates, Home Office, Company's Building, 14 King St. West, Toronto, Ont, Draw a map of the County of Huron, marking main towns and vil- lages with railroads, Multiply 974025 by 4900. 2 3 867 0--1 2 3 Write short may of 15 linessubaekt;1 `A Boy's or Girl's Experi- ence. Draw a map of British North America, marldllg the countries. Slake a tree hand drawiag'et your school. -.- Tho world is but a fleeting show, '1`hinrs are not what they seem ; The 5.111183101 girl looks cool you know - But nee needs lots of ice cream. Your Eyes Trouble You? Then come to London and haven pair of glasses made that will µtit you perfectly. Do not trust the care of your eyes to inexperienced opticians and traveling fakirs. Our specialists have made the care of eyes their specialty for over 13 years, end every lens prescribed by them is ground in our own lahora• tory, thereby insuring perfection and tasking mistakes impossible. Appointment by mail or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS, 237 Dundee Street • • • Lamdos, Oat. Open Deily 6.30 to 6.00. Open Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, r,ac to 10,014 CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Standard 61 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 05 The Standard and Weekly Wit - n944 1 (10 The Standard and Weekly Olobo 1 85 The Standard and Pam011 Herald AIM Weekly Star ...... .... 1 70 The Standard and weekly Mail and Empire t 65 The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly Titres 1 80 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1. 80 The Standard and 'reroute Week- ly Sun,,,,.•,. ......... 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -weep Spectator._ ,... t 80 Tim Standard and Toronto Daily Stara 2 25 The Standard nd Toronto Daily News .......... 2 25 The Standard and Farmer's Advo cats 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World .,.•,...•••••• ..,.,. 325 The Standard and Daily Freo Prean 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Eire 3 50 m The standard and Daily Maii Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe.,, 4 50 send all subscriptions direct to . THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT, Did it ever strikeyou That an easy way to receive The Standard for one year free is to cut out the coupon and mail or bring it to our office. We offer The Standard free to any'" paid up subscriber who can guess nearest the total number of people who pay admission to Blyth's Big Fall Fair to be held on September 23rd and 24th. All the coupons must be in before. Saturday at six p.m , Sept. 21St, 1907, or they will not be counted. 'fhe person coming second will receive The Standard for six months, Everybody who sends in a coupon must be a paid up subscriber or it will not count. The total number who paid admission last year was 2156, and in 1905 the total number was 2355. The surest way will be to send in your coupon every week. The first coupon that comes nearest the number will .r secure the paper. CUT THIS OUT immummemismi FOR THE FREE STANDARD I think the total number who will pay admission to Blyth's Big Fair this year will be Don't mark here Name Postoffice This contest is open to all our paid up sub- scribers, whether in the Manitoba, Ontario or our postoffice lists. The Standard r will be sent for the balance of year to all New Subscribers, in Canada only, for We want 400 New Subscribers and this will be easy if the parents send The Standard to their Children in the Northwest and other points. Figure it up and see what the postage will amount to if you send it yourself. The Standard is the only thoroughly in- dependent paper in Huron County and the circulation is increasing steadily since last September. Do you wish to reach the people? This is the first consideration of advertiser. The next is what locality to cove The homes in Blyt surrounding countr, are reached each week by our