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L7 5SON 11,—SEPT. 7, 1907.
The Death Of Moss.—Deet 34: 1-12
Cc.ne.0 131V. -I Moses viewing the
heel (vs, 1.1j, 1. Went up—Dioses went
rp---ehold tum climbing the mountains!
:Going up, 11,:; Aaron, to die. A good
000 1:11,,W0 bow to die. 1. A good man's
life i:, ort ascent, 2. A good wnt's death
is ue sweat. Plains of Moab—The level
plain cu e
h b0 Jordan where Israel
t 5F t vhc
wvas enc uupu] Nebo... ,Pisgah l Isiah
was a r /1g3 of the mountain system east
.of the nh.tc Sea aid Jordan; Nebo was
one of the s,mntits of this range.—Lind-
sey. Bee biaghaly a spur projecting
west wee 1,isfee. high, n is al- 3086 !, , nd
me, west certainly tainly Moses' outlook.—Peloubet.
Of Gilead, mato Dan—This was the land
011 the 0141 of the Jordan that was to
:,be possessed by tribes of Reuben and
Gad aura the half tribe of Manasseh 2.
All 1 up11tnli—.hoses also viewed the land
which was on the west of the Jordan.
Paphtali was to have a possession on
the northern border of Canaan, the posses•
sions of Ephraim and Manasseh were in
the centre, while Judah was to occupy
the sonthern part of the land. hi Christ's
time the three grand divisions on the
west of Palestine were Galileo on the
north, S81113101 in the centre, and Judea
en the south. ,Unto the utmost sea—The
.iiediterraneen Sem bl referring to
3, 'rite sottli--Praha y
the region south of Canaan proper, to-
ward the desert. Valley of Jericho—His
view was from the southern slopes of
Lebanon southward, until his eye rested
upon the city immediately before him.
Jericho was known as "the city of palm
trees." 'Goat Not definitely located, but
probably near the southern extremity of
the. Dead Sea. 4. Unto Abraham, etc.—
Geu, 12: 7; 201 3, 4;28: 13.15. '1'o sec it
—The atmosphere of that country is very
clear and the sight is carried a long die-
talce. Moses had no miraculous power
of vision imparted to him, "The pano-
rama described here may be seen by any
ira'arlle0," "Ile could not enter the pin• Chicago Educator Proposes Starts
eased land on earth, but God gave slmitoa I ling Plan to Settle Race Question.
vision of its glories from Pisgah 1,
showing him that he had accomplihsed his Chicago, Sept. 2.—Shall the white race
week, that his life had been successful. iute-utamry with the negro ee shall the
Shalt not go over—See Num. 20: 8.13. blacks be permitted to rule the Southern
Tn l'Ieribah when the people needed water States in which they are numerous?
the Lord told Dioses to speak to the rock, These startling alternatives suggest -
but instead of doing as directed he smote on former services, mit passionate en• ed as solutions of the negro question by
it twice. He also spoke unadvisedly treaty to have the sentence reversed,'ap- galaxy of faithful ones, with the four- Ppol. %ueblia, of the University of Chi -
with his lipe, calling the people "rebels," pont in the spirit of this great inn, fold words, By faith" (Heb. 11; 23.28), cage, in at address delivered et the,
and he failed to acknowledge God in the
When it had first been ann011000d to A. C. M. chapel exercises of the School of Edu-
miracle. The Lord immediately told � Moses that he should not enter the pro- �" C/1 11011 to -day, have caused a profound
Moses and Aaron that they would not be raised hod, he besought time Lord that BARTEL'S REWARD UNPAID. d'if'ference of opinion at `the Midway
permitted to enter Canaan. School,
or ee rogation are the
H. The death and burial of .Moses Government Still Holds Sum Offered for"Intermarriageg'
(vs, 5.8). His Recapture, only possible remedies for the 11100 gees -
5. Servant of the Lord—This is a cute tion," said Prof, Zueblin, "Either give
r at dignity; Dioses had been min-
now Toronto, Sept. 2.—The reward of $300 the negroes. the right to rule in the dis•
of g eoffered by the Government for the re- trios where they are most numerous or
eptly useful, "It was more his hmior
to to the servant of the Lord than ter I is no such word as disappointment, ]f capture of J3 ' o r) Bartels, the Mamie.- b1ca1: down the barriers of race by inte'-
Aid 100 never henceforth read of the
murmurings and the .rebellious spirit
which had so often broken forth against
Moses fu the desert (Josh, 24 31)
IV. The distracter of Moses (vs. 10-12).
10. not like matte Alose Joslnna
130 tilled with the epuit �ik' practical
wndom, but was not like Moses gifted
with power to wort: signs and miracles,
to found a kingdom and create. a nation.
Niue, except 300118, equalled Moses. in
oifioi01 dignity, holy character and inti•
mate friendship with God. Moses knew
Gori and freely and familiarly conversed
with him,lieu. Com, "L1 whatever
light we view this extraordinary matt,
o y pronounced in these inspired
the cul 1
b} L
-e. will n 5 rose' list." face to face—
11 7
Showing the close relationship that ex•
fisted between them, 11, 12. here is a
refet'enea bo the wonders wrought at the
hexad of alloses in Egypt and during the
web• agreat
ern esa life. Dlosus we... 11
eral, a great statesman, a great law•
giver, a great prophet, a great triter,
great ie eletractor.
The life of Dioses was divided auto
three important and strongly markee
periods, of forty years each. He spoilt
forty years in the house of Pharaoh,
forty years "at the backside of the des-
sert,' and forty years in the wilder-
ness. And from the river's brio]: where
h0 lay a helpless babe to ,he top 'Z''
Mount Pisgah in company' with his Lord
gazing spot the fair inheritance of
Israel witlt eye undimmed, what e are-
markahlo life, what an eventful history
0'119 his, His life is to ue an example of
the power and influence of,
I. A godly than. "Moses the servant of
the Lord" (v. 5.) It was Moses' near-
ness to God, the closeness of Ids fellow-
ship, the completeness of his comuuun-
ion, which made hint great as the agent
of mirste lou power and of prophetic ut-
terance; and which enabled him to die
as heroically a• he had lived; to leave
180)01 with the sono faith in God with
which he had led them through the wild-
erness; and to see the land of promise
flout the top of Pisgah as though it
were already the laud of poesesio11
What we Wray' wisely seek then for our-
selves is not the responsibility of Moses'
'leadership, nor the glory of his visions
nor the sublime di„ amity of Ids death,
Lit his nearness to God, hi the ehadew
of which cluster all other epirihtel gifts
IT, A sttlnoissive non, "The lord said
..thou shalt not go over" (v. 1), lfoses
bowed to the decision of that joshes
which he knew cold net act wrong. No
testiness, no murmuring no expatiating
abated" (v. 7.) 'A.�B. Simpson says:
I house of insufficiency and a real fail.
ore of our 01011 eesoures is the way'' to
t od's strength. But many' say, '1 um
nut sufficient," who fail to add, `ottt
sufficiency is of God, who hath alio
trade es able.' ;Merely to feel our help-
lesenesa is not enough, 000 must put 011
his strength, we must apply for and ap-
propriate his living power. 11 c must
treat 11111 as if he were it real, present,
available and all sufficient helper, and
rely fully upon hint."
IV. A representative man, "No man
knoweth of his sepulchre" (v. 0,) Dioses
is the Old Testament saint who relire-
nillustratesthose who are to be
Bente and
raised front the dead at the coining -of
the Lord.
V. A typical roan. "A prophet" (v.
10.) ",noses also was a type of Christ,
110 imperfect one, of course, but as such
n great features of
he shows foal the two 0 t
Christ's work for us. Like Christ, Moses
died for the sake of his people, and on
account of their sin; and like Christ,
God raised him from the dead and ex-
alted him on high;"
1'1. A lamented man. "'Phe children of
Israel wept for hoses" (v. 8.) Moses liv-
ed so that he was missed, A newspaper
tells how a traveller in Norway cause
to a village early one morning and was
struck by the air of glomi which per-
vaded the streets. Unable to speak the
language, he could not ask the cause,
and concluded that some sickness or
financial trouble had befallen the come
enmity.' As the day wore on, the houses
were closed, shop windows were covered,
and all business ceased. It was death
then. Presently he saw the people
gathering for the funeral. 'There were
the village officials, the noblemen front
the neighboring chateau, and apparently
every' mat, woman and child in the' vi:•
Inge, ".it must be some dignitary of the
church or eelne county official," ho
though 4
t. . s hech'
stood d t t
t o watching the
crowds passing down the little reeky
street, he plight sight of the free of an
ncqueinttnee. Ile beckoned to him;
"The town has lost some great mag-
nate, appaeeetly9" "Ah, no; it is only
a mole;; maiden that is dead. No; she
is not beautiful, nor rich, but oh, such a
p e:omit gio, monsieur!,. All the world
seems darker now that she is dead n
Vii. A remembered ratan. Israel ..
del as the Lord commanded Moses" (v,
1) Many times in the Old Testament,
Moses' name is mentioned, and he is
honored in the New Testament, in the
of An Alleged Wholesale
'{ealer in New York.
Thousands of These Cares Sold All
n the Continent.
Prisoner Receives Commutation of
Sentence Without Comment.
Mot Unconcerned Man in Prison
When Announcement Was Mahe.
Ove ('anon City, Col., Sept 2. ---Moved no
more than a stone, save for a faint
:mile that played over his face, Andrew
Johnson, condemned to die on tateh al•
lows a ti t he
t the -tato penitentiary to t
murder of Mandell Ltsbie at Lamar,
yesterday noon. received the word from
H'atelen Cleghoru that he had been
given his life by acting Governor
Harter, and that he would expiate his
J 1
(Time, not by his death, but by life im-
prisonment, 1Io did not event stay
"ChinkY ou."
With the sane stolid indifference that
has characterized the man's demeanor
since his arrest, conviction wad, incar-
ceration 1 the. State penitentiary,
Johnson yesterday received the views that
meant his life, and his possible freedom
niter ,years of service, in the sante
Haunter as he would have received a
s!mm10118 to breakfast. Ile stood in
tete shadow of death, trot not a word
Oldhe utter, not a syllable of thanks,
not 011 opinion did le• venture. Johnson
nes the tenet cemented of ell in the
announcement flint he had been
entailed from death. Warden Oleg•
here congratulated 'aim when; he told
hire of ids good fortune, but 30511600
rli'l no 111000 than take the warden's
hand in a mechanical sort of Way, ani
sullenly he was led hast: to his cell.
Ile has refused spiritual omeolntiou
of every sort. When the chaplain of
the prison came to ilim Johnson would
tells with 111111 freely. AVith other spir-
wil about
n o m • e 11 u
b ode. ntual advisors he has conversed 1
• o anything except the object of their
Philadelphia, i .pt. 2.—Charged by
United Sr
res c
epimters with the,
wholesale selling o.
Gustavo P. ]tug, o . ',his city, who trad
ed under tit name 410th! 1', C. Novelty
Co., was alre5103 toSdayaftnd held in bail
for trial, The arrest of ung is regarded
important ire 'et made
p ea, ,
t9 t11e'lll ha
""beC't Ullllle
� crusade erinat �. 4.
in the u, J
The ease was brought to the a tentien
of the authorities by a resident of lite!,
N. Y., who received a swnole series'of
It is said that the no -lore of the cards
led hint to complain and the arrest of
Zang followed. After he had been taken
into custody Lang's place of 1)1'011105s was
searched, The officials claim that in
eddition to hundreds of the obscene
earls, abundant evidence in the wavy of
orders shipped to individuals and Brine
throughout the country was discovered.
One firm hi New York, it is said, or-
dered 22,000 cards, seliile there were
other orders ranging from 100 to 8,000.
- The postal authorities say Lung is' a
wholesaler, and has agencies in many
titles, It is understood he has other
employees who are known as "road
agents," and whose business it is to go
to the smaller towns and take orders,
which are filled direct from this city, It
is expected that several outer arrests
he Haight "go over aid see the good
land." But the Lord bade him speak no
more of this natter, aid Moses became
sAeut, osquiescent and obedient, hoses
made this disappointment read God's am
pointme)t. To 911011 a non as the there
be king in Jeshm•um" "No one can be he signals a ear and misses it, lie thanks 0nee brewer, who escaped from ensiesdou.ag0,
the servant of the Lord who does"God. "Plie steps of a good man are Did• has not 'et been mild. Hon. Mr. Bo's' lni18 1lississippi or South Caroli010
called t ble y 1 fee insta 00. Let the black men rude
said yesterday that as soon as the props these States. That does not necessarily
or 511/1200 came forward and proved their memthat all the white men must be
driven out, but that the black men,
Julio are in the nemerical majority,
must be given the power to which
their Votes entitle them,
"By segregation I do not meat the
placing of the colored race in a place
where no white men can intrude, but
I mean to allow the negro to have a
voice in the settlement of affairs. The
not conquer the world, who is no a
to overcome all things."—Lindsay, Died
—There is a mystery in eomwction with
the death and burial of Dioses; there
are some who think he was immediately
translated. Note, 1, The best must die,
2. They any Ole when apparently great-
ly nneeded., 3. They will die when and
where Clod decrees. Acmrdua" o to the
word—Literally, at the moult of Je-
hovah, Some of the rubbing interpret it.
By a kiss of Jehovah, The Jerusalem
Targum expressly explains it, according
to the sentence of the decree of Jehovah,
—Wiled. Com, The greatest men are but
insiranemts in God's hands, and he can
lay them aside whenever he chooses.
N000 are indispensable to him, 'This
should, 1. Cause ns to see our own little-
ness. 2, Dispel our fears for the future
of the 01111001). 0. Ile buried him—That is,
God buried him. "This is an ]louor no hu-
man being ever received besides Liar.
Erma Judo 0 it appears that 'Michael,
the archangel, WOO employed of this
occasion, and that Satan disputed the
matte' with him."—Clarke. No man
knoweth—The spot' was not marked; had
it been it might have become the object
of idolatrous worship. 1011000 oonjec-
tures regarding its location are valueless..
7. An hundred and twenty—The life
of Moses was divided into three periods
of forty yca•s each. 1. He was in Egypt
forty years, 2. 1n lfidian forty yea's.
3. For forty yours he led the people of
Gal io tbc;r wanderings, as they jour-
neyed tmvard Cannan. Not dint —Moses
did act die of disease. He was young
even in old age
8. Wept—The people were. 1. Bereav-
ed by a mysterious event. 2. Punished
for ingratitude. 3. Taught by a wise pro-
eirlenee,'1'hirty days—Seven days wee the
usual period of mourning, int for per -
0011s of position and eminence it was ex-
tended to thirty. See Num, 2)). 20.
Ill Joshua, the successor of Dioses (v,
0. Joshua—'Che original name, Oshen
(Alin. 13:8), which had been, according
to eastern usage, changed, like those of
Abram and 0"areli (Gen. 17:511), into
,lelioshua or Joshua, that is, God's sal-
vation, 1109 significant of the services
lie was to render, and typified those of
a greater tinvior (Heb. 4:8.-0., P. 3o
M. spirit of wisdom—IIe possessed other
gift; and graces also, but wisdom is
mentioned as being most necessary for
the government to which he was now
call H.—Benson. laid his hands—See
N1101 27:18-23, The tool hal directed
Yeses to invest Joshua with authority.
Ia chapter 31:7, 8, 'Moses gives him a
brief and impressive charge, hearkened
—They submitted themselves respectful-
ly to Joshua, because God had appointed
him its their leader by the band of
Moses. "A new generation had now
00i6e1, who had been trained in the wil-
derness under Moses' innnediato supe'in-
tende ee, The old refraetory genera-
• tion, brought up amid the idolatry and
ungodliness of Egypt, had passed away.
The discipline of the wilderness had had
its intended effect upon their successors.
eyed of the Lord" How does he know but
In the next car he shall tale there may
be' a half discouraged soul, who, looking
into his quiet face, may see there the
possibility of peaceful living in Jens, If
he misses an ocean steamer, he takes it
ars an intimation of the will of God.
How does he know but that the steeper
may ho lost and all on board perish, If
he loses money it is surely for the best.
"All things work together 'for ,geed."
It might have proved a snare.
III. A well non, "Moses 0116 a hut- negro should have something to say
deed tout tweety years old when he flied; board and tuition fees by the ante of about the Government that rules over
his eye 0001101 01111, nor ids natural force queen bees she raises. 1 in."
claire to the money it would be paid. 11
is understood that the reward world be
speedily claimed, but the parties inter-
ested are reluctant to have their minus
made public.
Bartels; it will be remembered, map -
ed froth Osgood! Hall during the course
of extradition proceedings,
Miss Flora McIntyre, sophomore in
Berkeley university, California, pays her
C!.afs Shingled
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted away.
Either roof will cost
you about the same in
money at the start.
But the " Oshawa" -
shingled roof will be
" ally ; and wind-proof—
actually ; and lightning, -
proof —positively.
ightningproof—positively. That's the hundred -year roof.
And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be
weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter-century—from
now till Nineteen -
Thirty -Two.
Guaranteed in writing
for 25 years—and you
needn't ever paint it,
even 1 That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would your
mill -man say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years ? He certainly would make remarks
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that catches a loose shingle—
whoosh 1 es half your shingled roof
Yet cedar shingles cost you just
about the price of these guaranteed
"Oshawa'Shingles-28-guago tough-
ened steel,. double galvanized—good
for a century, guaranteed rn writing till 1932,—fire-
and-wind-and-weather-proof and lightning -proof.
Pour. -dollars -and -a -half' a square buys "Oshawa"
Galvanized Steel Shingles
—ten feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles — how does it
strike you?
And you can put on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Shingles yourself,
easily, — with no tools but a claw -hammer and
snips. Simplest thing you know—can't get 'em on
Oawa" Shingles lock on all four sides—whole roof
is practically ons sheet of double -galvanized steel, that
never needs painting.
"Oshawa" Galvanized Steel
Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
don't overlook that. Guar-
anteed in writing, over the
seal of a company with a
quarter -million capital,—
uaranteed in plain
gbh, without any ifs
or buts, for 25 long
That's the argument in
a nutshell—cost the same
as wood - shingles; fire -proof, water- proof, rust-
proof, lightning - proof ; easier to put on ; and
GUARANTEED. That's the "Oshawa ' proposition !
Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we'll tell
You exactly what it will cost to roof
it with less work and for less money.
Plenty of facts that concern your
pocket -book come to you as soon as
you ask for our free book, "Roofing
Right." A post card will do to
ask on.
1111111111 111110 al
over £oto the next township. Why don't you ask now?
861 The Pedlar People
521.3 Craig St W. 11 Colborne St 323 Susses St GI Dundu SC 76 Lombard St 61.5 Ponder St.
visits. This has been ifs attitude
th:'onglmut, null even up to yesterday
he has dodined to receive spirituel ad-
vice. Ile 1111130 here May 0, and since
has been Wholly indifferent to his fate.
His nerve, prison' officials says, 10118 the
most remarkable of any death prisoner
ever in the penitentiary.
Uses Principle of the Ordinary Hotbed
—Says Light Rays of Sun Can be
Made to Yield Temperature of Soo
or 40o Degrees.
New York, Sept. 2.—The World has
received the following from Pluldelphie
By using the prhtciplc of the 00utmon
hotbed, by w111011 181111C118,.gr9W fresh
vegetables its the dead of tinter,
Frank Shumitn, chemist, thinks he has
solved the old problem of moiitating time
sun's heat into power. 11e now has an
engine running that gels its power from
the sal. Shuman, who 1s the inventor of
the concrete file used m skyscraper con-
struction and of the wire' glass says his
machine will revolutionize 1110 motive
power of the world.
On the Shuman property in 'fanny
there is a wooden box 00 by 80 feet
seta into the ground. it is covered
with a double top of ordinary hot-
house glass with a ore -inch air spate be-
tweeu the btyers. 'Instead of bcin, filled
with greets it is filled with coiled iron
pipes, painted black. These pipes, filled
,with ether, connect with a small upright
engine. The ether is converted to vapor
in the big box, passes through the engine
developing three and it halt horsepower,
thence into a condenser and back agdin
to the hot -box. No fol is used; the
heat of the sat convert.; the liquid into
11 1010,
The light rays of the sun in this lati-
tude, Shemin says, can yield a 10'
10 rata e of about ;1511 or 400 deirreN.
The revs penetrate the double.
cover and aro absorbed and converted
into holt rot's by the dark metallic stir-
enee of the pipes. The air space pre-
vents the heat from escaping, and
whatever i,: in the pipes will boil. 1f
thine is water in the pipec it will be
turned into steam, and that steam can
be n ed to run at uigtlte, which is just
what is being done here.
m -r
Our .Heavenly Father, we thank 'Three
that in lifo's pilgrimage Thou dust guide
us by Thy cuuneel end by the living
Spirit of truth, And 100 Omsk Thee
that, at the end of the rout, there stands
the heavenly home where weary ones
will find a iveiceme and a place of rest.
Grant, 0 most merciful Fthem that at
t m 'Zion with songs and
last we may come to 1
everlasting joy upon Dur hoists. And
grant that, even now, we may wall:
as those who have been redeemed, so
that others may take knowledge ,of its
and may ' be led both by our wards and
our behaviour to ,jonrncy with us to-
ward the laud of promise, Yelp us all
through life to follow Jesus, that in eters
nity we may dwelllwith flim. Amen,
Keynote of the Psalms,
The one lesson which 100 need to learn
above everything else is to have cont•
p10tc confidence in God. This leads us
to the centre 01 things, brings us into
alliance with the, plan of God, saves us
from being overwhelmed by mysteries
10118011 we cannot, but which IIe does, un-
derstand, and prevents us frim being
discouraged by the imitations, accidents
tical afflictions of life, The keynote of
tin 1 satins is confidence in God, and the
same aright be said of all Scripture.
Confidence in God will add much to the
happiness of life. 1t will stake to ell 1111
In the midst of trouble. It was this that
enabled Paul to staid calmly eo rho
deck of that hulk which was being
driven up and down in Adria, and say
to hie companions in peril; because the
angel of Cod had assured hint of God's
presence and proteotior, "lvherofore,
sirs, be of good cheer; for 1 believe ({oil,
that it shall be even as it Vvas told me."
it will give us joy, for our joy will be ie
God, not in the circumstances of the mo-
ment. It will give es success, for 100 will
not try to 1vmk in our own strength, but
will let God wort: through us, It will
give 118 heaven on earth, for a foretaste
of heaven comes to him who trusts in
the Lord with all his heart, end lees
not on his own uudm'staudino.—Advance.
Explosion in S -Cent Theatre Sends
Audience into Panic.
Denver,Sept. :.fire in the audi-
torium 00 a ;,cent theatre sent the audi-
enee into t panic yesterday and caused
to:eitemeul among the guests of the
Alarhhun hotel next door. in the fren-
'ii d desire to escape 00010001 tor0 their
c e thcs ,end children 0010 t',ngiled.
No one was seriously injured.
The trouble was cutscd by a blit in
the moving pietttre 01001111)e vat1 ung tire
lei rm nn overheated arc light. The ma-
we3 dieeedy over the exit, which
added to the dangor. A peculiar coin -
e p lines: was t:0 fact that the pictures
being shown on the canvas were an
imitated reproduction of the Iroquois
'Cheatle fire in Chicago,
lm an effort to extinguish the flame,
without calling out the Hee department
Lcwie Marcus, operator of the machine,
and J. I McKelvie, manager of the
hence, were barn} burned. Their e.1
tempts were futile. The woodwork
e,mght fire and threatened a serious
TIP fire was accompanied by 00 ex-
plosion of chemicals used in connection
with tine exhibition, that 0110)7,1' threw
An Elegy of the Seas,
Extending for several miles in nmid-
channcl, of the southeastern coast of 8
England, is -one of those deathtraps of
1110 sea which, all down the centuries;
has front ties to time with never abat-
ing, inexorable ruthlessness, claimed as
its prey and engaged in its unsatiable
maw, many a gallant ship, many a home-
coming bark Catlett with the produce of
tropic climes, or many it coasting craft
leaking for port. Here is one, a very
tiling of fair beauty and grace, a fairy
of the seas, proudly ploughing the foam-
ing waves, and endowed as it were with
sentient life. But in a moment, no toc-
sin knell to warn her of her danger, no
flashing li h()replenish her' no
light to
breakers ahead with their forewarning
menace, she strikes a great submerged
bank of those eve' shifting, ever treach-
erous, quicksands; and in a 1110111001 the
beautiful gazelle of the sea is gripped
hard in a deadly embrace, every spas-
modic throb only. engulfing her yet dep-
0r and deeper in the rapacious clasp of
her captor; may ]arch, as tate buffeting
waves cruelly strike her, and strike her,
on her quarter, only forcing her yet
father down old down into the sunken
deadly abysm.
Now her aleck is submerged, soar to be
swallowed ftp in the yielding quicksand;
now, slowly but surely, as hor weight,
with the falling tide, presses more and
more heavily down into the sands, her
bulwarks, thou her nests, thein her
yards, one after the other disappear;
until perhaps nothing is left visible but
her topmasts, which act as a »musing to
other ships until the shift of the sands
is indicated by a innoy with clanging
boll, which mournfully-, as is Braes and
falls with the waves, sounds a dolorous,
moaning knell over the sepmtmrel
beauty of time oe000 inhumed beneath, in
that watery charnel house.
And there in that fatal and hidden
snare of the sea lie also hundreds, aye,
perhaps thousands of gallant barques;
Dante driven there by storm and tem-
pest; some fogbound and helpless; souse
misled by the shifting of the sands. And,
alas, too, as many of these victims of
the quicksands carried down with then
into a watery grave those who had made
them for a time their home, the long ter
miles of 811114 'tarp must be a vast nc•
0)050115; the last resting place of thou-
sands suddenly arrested in the very
prune of life without warning, seue-
timee, it must be fea ed, wholly unpre-
pared for the dread summons.
And there trust those whitened
lie, 11061, at the sound of the o1"huigels
trumpet, the son S1111 II give up .her dead.
''het shall they all appear before the
Great Judge: they who in their cart -11 -
life served and obeyed their Cod, and
whose evil deeds were obliterated from
the 110eord in virtue of the Redeemer's
11 101011110111, receiving a ,joyful welcome
into the (colas of 57007'; they who wil-
fully forgot Nino, or refused to obey
receiving the dread sentence of con-
temrtion.—]ly tt Barker.
"i have -seen 1151 father go, my mother
10 dying and Mop 1 shall coon go my-
self." said a tearful judgment debtor
at S.1ethiwak County Court, London, on
the 188 b ult. "If you have it bright hope."
said Judge Willis, "yon may wish that.
But 'how unreal we ell are. Ave talk
Marcus front the platform Reside the about the glories of the cbmiug state,
machine.and yet are loth to go."