The Blyth Standard, 1907-09-05, Page 6CURRENT COMMENT Prii.siniis are petitioning for the (' 111 pi1003 teaching 6f ]sniIi,b 111 high eclrials. It in not a wail:uul10I, bat a business movement. 11 is pregnant with meaning and conveys !t lesson tee ulialt learn ',vi111 profit .1n Malian drew and used a knife 111 quarrel in 'Ioento the other day, and Colonel Denison sent him to Penitentiary fur duce (''earn. 'Ilint is an exemplary sentence. The 03)101* should sternly deal with all users or carriers of concealed deadly weapons. e. The people of Ottawa are being swin- dled by farmers who conte to their neat ket and veil them (tandem) Ounces of butter for a pound, and sixty-eight. pounds of potatoes for ninety pounds.= DM people who are so racily swindled as thatdeserve to be victimized. It world be Intuest!ng to learn wily the Toronto milhoritios allowed such coneen las the Banco 1)iot which has Doused so nniieli loco Molina* of that city and ended owner's suicide, to do business The las' strictly forbids duly soot gauiznti0n to open an office as ni "Banking Company," etc., tale; ]orated. lo the united States there is 00111 - plaint that the ltailans, who have in re- cent year, done so much of the hard nkiulnal labor of the country, are going back to the homeland. It is not an or- dinary annual exodus, but such 0 gen. era( movement its to indicate discontent with United States conditions as com- pared with those of Italy. There is a grei.,', cry for this class of Libor by rail- way builders and contractors, and if it i, to be secured 1n these times of ]sigh ost of living wages must rise, 0)00(1011 Science may be a delusion 11,1 /1 snare, and Mrs, Eddy may be un- able to manage her 00111 affairs, but her teaching has taken a deep hold upon many people. :Che London Tribune says that Christian Science is only forty years old, and was first heard of in Great Britain fifteen years ago. At that time the name was unknown in the whole of Europe. To -day the Christian Scientists claim a million votaries and more than WO 01111100s, and point to nearly all the principal countries of the world where their doctrine is taught and their methods of healing practised. In Leaden a high temple or church in being erected for the Scientists w'11ic11 viten completed will accommodate 0 congrega- tion of 0700. Tt is all very well for Roosevelt and iris Attorney -General (o err to excuse themselves for the consequences of their minisr threats against capital by say- ing that the great slumps in the stock 11550 0)0 hurt nobody save tie specula- toro" lint that does not ]endily go down It shakes confidence, credit is based of confidence, and the larger part' of the business of the world is operated on credit. Speculators are in the, market ! one dao' and out of it the next, and 11111 110 readily profit as lose by a decline in values, 1/001100 it is as easy to sell short for o. deeltue as to buy for an advance. la fact sunny speculators prefer the bre, side of the market and work systemati- cally for declines. But, as a writer in a New Yuri: paper points out, the men who are hurt by present conditions are actual investors of small or moderate, means who have saved 0 little stoney 0100 invested it in stocks and bonds pur- ehased and paid for before the official attacks on the great companies began, and who 110)0 (1nd the value of their holdings wasting away from ween to week. They State not the benefit of in- ide information possessed by officials A SA4LLOVJ °STUN roans weak blood, genets] debility, impaired digeltion. No one need hove theca—le long a styli en ecce kat blood and aetve remedy as 16001 11850 Pao 1610860. Tablet: are to be had. They supply the blood with red corpuscles and redtore health, clearing din skin--puniy ne the whole sydtem. They build up brain and muscle, and make life well worth living. 50e. a -box -6 boxes, $2.50. Mira Blood Tonic and Mira Ointment are alto gza&nl for (toot and skin troubles. TRY Mots. At drag,fyei6Ie—orfrom The Chanute Co, of Canada, Lsrsited. Hamilion—Toronto. Climate and Color of Birds. Tho American Museum of Natural His• tory, through Professor Frank 11. Chap- man, o fthc ornithological department, has just reported on an odd effect which climate has hi changing the color of birds. 'Iwo specimens illustrating this soon discovery have just been mounted and placed 013 exhibition. The rainfall of the Northwest const frond Oregon northward is hcnvier than ,that of any other part of North Am. erica, an annual precipitation of more than one hundred inches being not un- comnlan. Aa the result of the humid ohmage of this region the annuals inhab- iting it are of especially dark or saturat- ed eolor. Among ,birds more than thirty sub- species orclimatic varieties have been found from the Northwest coast. 'Their color characteristics are plainly shown by comparison with their allies of arid regions. As typical examples the song spairons of the Northwest coast aro rich, deep umber in color of the upper surface, white those of the arid Great Basin regions of Arizona, where the rainfall rarely exceeds six or eight inch- es, have the same parts of a light, sandy pink. So' different are these birds, in fact, th, ^, oven to the untrained eye they wo 1 appear to be distinct species, but in •` 'Bin from the range of one to that sing 6 ti other it will be found that the ohafjges in climate encountered are par- allo "thanges in the colors of the songeptys-row. As the climates inter- grade co' do the birds. To -day and Yesterday. There rode to the golden olden Ways A horseman through the town; to And many a gentle staid would gc ,aze From 0 roee-hung casement 1' lyown. Re greeted her; then, quick a She seized her handkerchief And waved until the gallant Was gone; then wept for The autoists, in these ire Around the corner stee ; And ninny 0 gentle Incl d will gaze Prom a window half//• in fear. The scent borne to;ttlrem on the breeze Is not, as then, o't roses; The sniff, their handkerchiefs they seize— And hold thefee to their noses! —Translated else Transatlantic Tales from "Fliegendo Blather," and the larger speculators, and can only sit still and take their losses, not )nosy ing* whether to hold on or let go. They 81111111 to suffer loss and annoyance, And , the influence of the 1111cert5l.h' un a!1 business is bad and imperils the good >'+ This cold -water starch gets ironing -day over t quicker, with less wear on h' the boner's muscles and far less on the starched pieces, Gives a beautiful gloss. Needn't be boiled. .yet cannot stick. It's a starch you'll like, Try It 2o2 An Odious Comparison. "But" protested the space writer, "per- haps you could use this article if I were to boil it down?" "Nothing doing," rejoined the man be- hind the blue pencil. "If you were to take a gallon of water and boil it down to a pint, it would still be water." Teething Babie are saved suffering—and mothers given rest—when one uses Nurses'ndMOther? Treasare Quickly relieves—regulates the bowels — prevents convulsions. Used so years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, tic. 0 bottles, e1.9b. National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 meIro Just as He Said He Would. "Be mine!" he cried, in a voice sur- charged with anguish. "If you refuse are I shall diel" But the heartless girl refused him. 'That waa 00 years ago. Yesterday he died.—Tit Bits. Of course this tines not menu tint 1 W15p laws against abuses should not It. enforced, Far from it. But the 0)1(0" Moll) should be quiet and dignified. with outi- ut heating of tom-toms or threats'; of big stick,. The man who to get r.d of a fen' diseased twigs in his omit Irl would run amuck in it with an axe ruin ing r1 for years to 061110 world be a pour horticulturist. Capital is always (road, and panics are to be avoided. There has been too 111 11011 wordy mar on "capital" and "corporations." Cut out the blas• ter, it is not to making them. live up tothe law. Then a Horse Gets Hurt use Fellows' Leeining's Essence But don't wait until an animal is injured. GET IT NOW—and you have the remedy that CURES all lameness in horses. If your dealer does not handle 0, send 50e. to National Drug & Chemical Ca, Llmtatad, noorntAL Pill "Royal Crus Witch -Hazel Toilet Soap f! The name tells Royal --quality Crown —perfection in making A elge-Beset—soothing, hcahng,re- freshing, beautifying Sags --cleaning A perfect complexion soap, a perfect toilet soap, I00. a cake. 3 calces 15c. t At Druggists Everywhere. esenterresereerersereesteem. A Pawky Hint. "Good evening, Mr. Johnston," said young Brown, who calls to see Edith Johnson nearly every night. "Good evening, my dear fellow," exclaimed old Johnston, genially; "so glad to eco you. do you know you quite take a load oft my mind?" 'Indeed, sir t" asked Brown, puzzled, "ITow is that?" "Well, you see," replied the old gentleman, "I have no fear of burglars now. The milkman comce very early in this terrace, and I should think quite a short time should elapse between your leaving and his corning, amt so we are perfectly safe." Brown did not stay longer than I0.30 that night. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. • l All a Mistake. Chicago Tribune—Didn't you tell me the other day that Mrs. Screecher had lost her voice?" "Yes. Hasn't she?" "Not by several octaves. I heard her using it on her husband this morning. She still bas it, and it's worse than ever," see Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. AN EASY LESSON IN ZOOLOGY. MB. CAT. IIee of the family felfdae. He is very charming in his youth. But he speedily develops into "a war- rior bold." With age he very strangely acquires nocturnal habits. By the time he has been fed up to the handsome stage he disappears. From thence affairs of gallantry ren- der him useless as a household joy. He comes home such a wreck that his fond owner hardly recognizes him. Hot milk, mw lean beef and seclusion coax him gradually back to comparative health. But by the time he can again ace out of one eye he achieves an old -sport atti- tude and again limps away on the wee. path. rr o Mange, Prairie acre rhes and every form of inse contagions minutes by Itch nhuman or animals W tfotd's Bataan, Lotion. It never faits. Sold by +druggists. Tainted Money in Churches. There is a "tainted money" of the church, and it is the kind that 0 wheed- led out of people through their 11 pyelitis and their vanities. glen are the worst offender's ir'this rese let. Women will make the little sacrifi.ms that are really great. It was a woman, be it remem- bered, who gave the symbolical mite, But a man who has to have his slo0tn00 and his purse eppeefed to b•.' the thoughts of a' chic'cen pie dinner in the parlor of the church," at a bargain, mho has to be cajoled into laying his offering on the altar by a pretty girl whose fin- ishing coquetry is a stage soubrette's apron, has little religion in his soul. It is the women of a church who devise wondrous schemes for making money in which they do Many things which are personally repugnant to their gentle and refined natures. And these echomce are ell to "work" man when he will not do his straightforward duty in the matter —Plain Dealer. ... Greatness Averred. (Judge's Library,) several years ago a rivalry In lite produc- tion of large bogs sprang up among the far- mers In Kansas. A sign that seldom tailed to attract the attention of passersby rad: "Any one wishing to see the biggest heal to Hassan ee.11 at my farm nal Ingalre a'• Silas Lowe." IL "I thought I must go on suffering from piles' until I died; but Zam•Buk cured me," says Mrs. E. Iteed, of P',eon- bnrg10ui.), and adds:—"I wee no weakened that I could hardly move about and a (Atte work caused me groat agony. Then I bard of this grand halm, stuff am thankful to say that it has cured m0." saw.l.uk n{e,, twee co% burro ba enemacanna, ulcus, 141,4 ) late:, aoru £...t,breamNoah W akin utjcant and all Alit Wlw+nd01erase,. pr,isglnu .ta midrea *1100. 6 Way oraow.aus 0i., roroala a tox"nor CAS. Honesty in Norway and Sweden. Had Abraham Lincoln lived in. Norway or Sweden, probably he would never have keen known to 111 world as "lion - est Abe," because there honesty is so common as to attract no attention. Trav- elers tell us that at the railway rostan- ronts passengers help themselves to Whatever they wish, and then report what they have eaten and pay for the same without any questions being asked. It person's word is always taken, and he is never watched. On the steamboats, af- ter each meal, a wavelet wrltos (100111 i11 a large book what lie has eaten. When ready to go ashore, he calls a wait- ress, who affixes a price to each item, adds up the amount, receives the money and puts it in her pocket. When filled, she gives the money, without orienting, to the stewardess. Instead of malting tins] careless, they are more scrupulous- ly hotest than any other nation in the world, Metaphors From Metals. "It is most amazing," said a metal- lurgist, "how the world relics on metals for its metaphors and similes. "Thus, an orator is silver-tongued or golden -mouthed. An explorer is bronzed by African sums, A resolute chap has an iron will gg 1 lu n A s nrd 11101 '08 with leader feet. An ostrielt has a copper - lined stomach. A millionaire has tin. A swindler is as slippery ns quicksilver. A borrower has brass."—Naw Orleans Trues -Democrat. St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1003. MINARD'S LINIMENT CO., LIMITED. GENTLEMEN, -I was badly kicked by my horse Inst May, and after using sev- eral preparations on my leg nothing would do. My log was black as jet. I was laid up in bed for a fortnight, and could not walk. After using three bot- tles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was perfectly cured, so that I could start on the road. JOS. DIMES, Commereial'Traveller. The Landlady's Mistake. On her first night at a seeable lodgings the visitor found it. Incredltablo It seemed, for the landlady had appeared a neat, cleanly, cautious body. But as the lady visitor know little of her lsmdktdy and nothing of her pro- decossor In the apartment, she decided to mention the matter at breakfast. "I found something in my bedroom," she began, and the landlady Interrupted. "Thea you must Dave brought It with youl" "I am quite euro I didn't," said the visitor, "for I count- ed all mine before I left home. But 1f you Midst tent this soverelge 1s mine, or course---" PARIS ON LOW HEELS. High Heels Now Shunned as Dowdy— Return of Carriages. Low heels are said to be the rage in Paris. At the Grand Prix, declares the Gentlewoman, no one cared to bo so dowdy as to appear in high heels, It was its 0 all the women were Wear- ing a uniform—big hats, striped dresses, broad shoes and low heels! Even hero low heels are becoming Modish. The first to introduce them was the Baroune de Meyer. She for years indeed has been wearing sandal shoes, and, at any rate in the house, no heels whatever. Doctors will be delighted to herald the new style. Another return to nn old fashion is seen ill the fact that carriages are coming in again, and the faster they conte the better, at any rate for vanity's sake. The other afternoon the Princess of Wales was driving up and down the holy in a high barouche. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes an hard, sea, or mammal lumps end blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, eweenoy, stifles, epraine, sore and swollen throat, soughs, etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle. War. ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. •.♦ The Simple Dress in Kansas. Mr. John Davidson, one of t.e oldest and very wealthiest citizens of the city, has never in his life worn a necktie. Every morning in the year he puts on a newly laundered collar, but never a necktie. Re says he does not think he could stand one and cannot see how any man can be comfortable with one on. Mr. Davidson has never owned a pair of gloves either. Ile has worked in all sorts of weather without any covering for Itis hands but that which nature put on them, There was another distinguish. ed man in this State—the late Chief Justice David Martin—who never wore a necktie. While on the Supremo bench there was a reeptlon given to hie honor, and the fact that he appeared without a necktie so shocked Brigadier -General Hughes, of the State militia, that he used it as a campaign argument against his election ten years ago,—Wichita Eagle. "No sale now for any but St. George's Baking Powder Glad of it, too 1 I don't get any more complaints—but lots of compliments. So out with these old liucs." Write The National Drug & Chemical Co. 0f Canada, Limited, for their new free Cook -nook. as Alcohol Fuel Locomotive. While sirall alcoholic motors have been in use fol some time, it is only late- ly that engineering skill has succeeded to constructing a satisfactory alcohol loco. motive. The invention must be looked upon as a boon to Germany, whore about 10,000,000 gallons of alcohol are distilled annually from potatoes alone. From a technical and commercial standpoint the alcohol motor begins to receive more favorable notice, because it short's decided advantages over others— the petroleum motors for instance. The alcohol is changed from its fluid into gaseous form, and after being mixed with atmospheric air is ignited by an electric spark, so that open flame and emoko are avoided.' There is no residua favoring the formation of rust, and the process is absolutely odorless. By and by inebriates may be carried to the police station in automobiles driven by Ring Alcohol. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ♦ 0 How Papa Uses a Knife. "0h, yes. Nuriteh's baby was born with a sliver spoon in its mouth, of course." "We a curious looking child. Takes after its father, doesn't it?" "No, indeed. If it took after its father it would have been born with a silver knife in its month."—Catholic Standard. 4 - The fellow who prides himself upon being a sharp man may really be a sharper. ISSUE NO. 36, 1907. riessawasasessamesiselasseeetreaseemiseesow WILSON'S PLY PADS Every packet will kill more filo* than 300 shoots of sticky paper — SOLD BY -- DRUGGISTS, COWS Aso GENERAL STORES 100. per packet, or packets for 280 will last a wholo Beason. The Literary Man's Chickens; An Lndiana man tells of the efforts of an author belonging to the Iloosier school of historical novelists to put in his leisure time as a "hen farmer" in that State. The literary person's venture afforded his agricultural neighbors no end of amusement.Durfug his first year the amateur far- mer discovered that all his little °ltlek- ene, which were confined in coops, were languishing at the point of death, The novelist went over his "ben literature" to locate the cause of the trouble, but to no avail. Finally he called upon an old ebap named Rawlins, to' whom he put the question: "What do you suppose is the matter with those chickens?" "Well, I donne," said Rawlins. "What do you feed 'em?" "Feed theml" exclaimed the novelist - farmer, "why, I don't feed them any- thing " Then how'd you s'pose they was a- goin' to live?" "I presumed," replied the literary per- son, "that rho old hens had milk enough for them nous"—From Lippincott': Mag.noise. ri f5Selaltv`_iA lar' q1 ROOF RIGH NOW R 1 4t' There is ono roof that saves 'notary because 11 will last 100 years. Guaranteed in writing for 25 yeas. "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL S Fl INGLES This roof saves you work because its so easy to put on (do it yourself with a hemmer and snips), and save you worry because they fireproof. windproof and weatherproof the building they cover, Write us about It and hear all about soy: I10051N0 RIGHT. Address The PEDLAR People t;IV OlbawaltonteolGnaws Toronto Iondon Wlotnpog Evened Matters Up. Assistant—This quarter that girl gave you is bird The Fortune Tellor--She's got nothing on me at that. The fortune I told her was bad, too. .♦ Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. o.♦ Breadwinner in a Way. (Waahinator. Herald.) "Yessir, 1 helps support a largo family." "You old fraud, you're not married." "But I patronizes a saloonkeeper wet 1s,'' Proof Positive. Mrs. Perry thoughfuily regarded the pack- age the mold had lust brought la, and then remarked to her husband that she had meant to buy a mauve broche. "What did you get?" be asked. "Pink louisine." Tim husband could not quite conceal a significant smile, end Mrs. Perry went on hurriedly: "I know what you are thinking, Joe—tbe.t I don't know my own mind. But I can prove that I do. "Did you ever know me to go to a gro- cery and bring away a can of peaches in- stead of a bar of soap? Certainly not!" alio concluded, triumphantly.—Youth's Com- I union. S 10 ATLANTIC CITY S 10 From Suspension Bridge, Niagara 'I' Fags, via Lehigh Valley R. R. August 0th, 3010, and Sept. eth. Tick- ets good 15 days. Allow stopover at Philadelphia on going and return trip. For tickets and further information call on or write Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, 54 Ring Sheet East, Toronto, Ont. `there all else oils USE Kendall's Spin Cure Bone Spavin, Ringbone( Splint, Blood and Bog Spavin, Tboroughpin, Curb, Capped Bock, especially if of long standing and obstinate—will not yield to ordinary liniments or blisters. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is an extraordinary remedy that gives extraordinary results. It cures old, stubborn cases that many tames veterinaries have given up—takes away every sign of lameness—does not scar or kill the hair --anti leaves the home sound and smooth. Sanas, Mau, Sept. '06 "I have used Kendall's Spavin Cure for so 'mart,. and It saver failed me once." JOHN MerlINNA. Write for noted book "Treatise On The diose"—something worth}, knowing on every page. Sent free. Kendall's Savin Care is cold by dealms dverywh0re at 01. a bottle -0 for 05. .53 as. 0. J. KENDALL CO., - • ENOBBVIo FALL:, VERMONT. U.S A. ,stseasiteseatetwouranwassemor We Hail From Hull and Want Grocers and Ail Other Users Everywhere to see that they are fully stocked with EDDY'S' self -opening, square bottom Paper Bags liffIMORMAIRIMISEOMMIRCEI the strongest and most perfect bags made II Always Everywhere In Canada