HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-05, Page 3The "wings of the weld" were n
half 1.1111 011000 10 bear Trim 1 100
for, fol• several weeks past, his lea
:had been filled with groat anxiety.
b .ilea's letting had suddenly cease
.ams though he wrote again and again,
was o er "with the saute result—not in
.cane in reply.
Ile 0'11 not for a moment doubt ire
.con.. Hcy; he know she simply could no
he untrue to him, and he W110 forced t
believe that MI Dalton had discover°
the fact of their correspondence, and ha
takon measures to stop it, in perhaps th
same way that he had before inte'eepte
her flowers,
The passage across the Aalantic war
an 1 ru,,nally Tong one, owing to itnfav
°rabic winds and storms, and he IPA
nearly sok with the delay, and his pa
Bence exhausted, when at last the ves
sol touched her pier, 'and he sprau
ashore like a restless bird escaped fro
its rage,
Two hours later he stood on the step
of 11r. Dalton's residence, his hear
beating With. a strange, una0eountribl
fear of something w000g, though h
kneo' net what,
servant answered his impatient ring
and to his eager inquiry, "Is Miss Dal
ter: at home?" returned a surprised "No
lle then inquired for Mr, Dalton, and
the, reply suddenly stilled his rapid
heart. -beats and drove every shade of col
or from his face and lips.
"No, sir, Mr. Dalton is not at home;
be has been searching for Miss Dalton
ever since her strange disappearance,
the man said.
`St range disappearance! Man1 what
de yeln mean?" gasped Earle, actually
at egeri,,, houath the unexpected blow.
'Elie servant, pitying Ids distress, asked
hint to come in, saying he would tell him
.all about the affair.
He mechanically obeyed, and his heart
nearly died within him as he listened to
the, strange account of her sudden dis-
appearance and protracted absence.
Nothing had been heard of her during
nil that. time beyond what has already
leen related in a previous chapter, al•
tluu;;h almost every one reasoned, from
the account 10111011 the policeman gar of
her encounter with the ruffian on her
return from John Loker's house, that he.
oust have had something to do With it,
since she seemed to possess something
that 11e \vas found to have, and she as
•determined not to relinquish.
The detectives employed to unravel
the mystery could learn nothing;
they woe. baffled at every point. They
would seem to gain a due to her where.
.abouts and that would suddenly lose it
Her fate remained a dark and perplex-
ing mystery and seemed likely to re-
main 00 indefinitely, and it bed created
a great deal of excitement, not enly in
her own city, but n11 'over the State.
At first Earle inclined to think toot
Mr. Dalton himself was criminally eon-
cerned in the affair, remembering as he
did his excesive anger upon disaaveriog
that Edithn had promised to be his wife
and also his insulting lnngla;e, sneers
and sarcasm both to her and him the
day' before his departure for Europe,
But after ho had seen and conversed
with Mr. Felton, Edith's lawyer, he
changed his nein non this point.
d p t l s p r
Mr. Felton asserted that Mr. Dalton
was now traveling in search of her, and
had been unwearied in his offbrts to
find her ever since her disappearance,
He privately infoaned him else that
his business affairs were inextricably in-
volved, and that for n long time he had
been dependent upon Editho's income,
which she had freely and generously
shared with him.
Now, however, since she was of age
and controlled leer property, be would
be cut off from that source of supply
until rano vans found, as lar. Felton had
no right to pay over anything to him t
without her sanction; so it was for his
interest that be exert every effort in I
' his power to find her,
Earle's every interest and though for 0s
himself was now else swallowed up in 1
this great and unexpected trouble t
He 110 longer thought of seeking those
unpunished criminals, or of clearing his
own name from dishonor,
What cared he for any disgrace that
night cling to him, so long ns her fate
remained such a dark mystery, and she,
perhaps, rick and suffering or --dead,
for all any one would ever know.
For a Week he was nearly mad, nei-
ther eating nor sleeping ,but wandering
aimlessly about the streets, peering in-
to every face he met. as if he taped
that by some chance he might meet ler.
At night he was like 001E0 restless, tinged
lion, helplessly shut in by the darkness,
as it were, and behind its bars, against
which he constantly fretted and fumed,
until, with the first sign of dawn, he n
could return to his van search. b
But at the end of a week he began to lfc
of realize the uselessness of his present
r, 000rse and then determined to settle
it down to some methodical plan Upon
which to work.
d, He resolved that he would visit every
it town, village, and haanlet in the State
e and the 1 failing lie would search every
other State In the Union in the sane
r way.
t 0'f course this would entail upon him
o a life-long search, and the detectives
d told him ho would only have his labor.
d for his pains—that he would never find
e her in that way. They bell to the belief
d that she was -either In that very city,
or else in one of the adjoining, cities,
s and within easy reach of the great me-
. trepans, and they declared that they
s sahoald confine their efforts to those
Earle wrote something of all this to
g Paul Tressalia, begging hint to remain
111 and rule. at Wycliffe until his return,
even though it should not be for a long
s time, and then he began his weary
L search,
e It would be wearisome in the extreme
e to follow hint, step by step, through the
long weeks that followed and during
which In spared neither himself no his
' money. 1 -le grew pale, thin and nervous
and disheartened too, as the time went
by, and be seemed no nearer the accom-
plishment of his object than at the very
"What shall I do?" he wrote, almost
1e, despair, to \I J 01ton from a distant
101'11,. '1 0.10 m oy distracted for all
my efforts aro vain, I have ill tenyiewe I
' ally' number of detectives in different
cities, sand no two advise the 011100 made
of procedure, and have advanced so
many plans and theories that i am dike
a ship far out et sea, with -out either run -
der of 001il. 1 suffer continually the
tc,rturl of the rack, There is no nesth
for enc, ,old there will be, 110 charm in
life for me until I find my lent one
Can you give me any hope? Has any
0110 been rlisco'ored? Telegraph me
instantly if there is a single a•ay of
„Poon fellow !" the lawyer sighed, ns
he folded the letter after reading it; "it
11, a hard case. It is a most trying case,
amt mo 011,3 0011 tell dhow it will east
1 am almost inclined to thank the girl
is dead, 11e roused, else, with her 0030-
101 1011 gond natural keenness, it seems as
if she nowt have found some way of
giving us a hint of her whereabouts it'
she is detained anywhere against her
Bet he covkl only telegraph to Earle:
"Xo elite has yet been 'discovered."
And" the weary love resumed his 5(1-1
quest by himself,
Bat poor, frail ht'1sanity cannot en-
due o ylything; there is a point be-
yond which tired nature refasos to go;
and at last, 10on almost to a shadow,
Earle fat that he must do something
to 00001111 ii s strength, -or arc would gnro
out entirely. A fever seemed to 'be
burning m lois veins, drying his blood
trot p lntiu,iing bis ant; hes appetite
failed him, his stea t'l0asletrnlgihim;
and he 11(00' 00 1010)105 :w011 writable
that tit sly ltest noise stntllecl Trim
painfully,the least oppo�3ition or distils.
pcintmcnt'tried him almost beyond em
"I a n going
be sig., I
to .l. a
day, 001011 he 10as nea+ly prostrated, rd
looking at his than trembling lands.
"This anxiety and ceaseless search a -e
fast 'rearing me out, I most Test, or
I shall die, and then who will find my'
Edina 1"
Longing for the sight of :00100 familiar
face, and h -oiling that Mr. Felton might l -a
by this fair -be able to give him n. "chop
of eormfort," he returned with all speed
to the city whence he land started, 11
Arriving ie. the °Minig, some unac-
-00)11mble repugnance to :repairing to
he hotel where he usually stopped, and
rhes he I ad before ,pent so miry rest-
050,miserable nights, seized him, and.
ailing a 000.011, he gave the nano of a
nailer, but no less )espeotablo house,
dented in an quiet street, and las driven
h thea•.:
Ile sought the eterlt mud asked for ra
room. sl
iD it happened, the hotel that week tl
was overF oyhn, lvitli transient visitors, 111
and at first the 'clerk told him that sr
there was not a room to be had in the
h o1so, .,: n
"Yen an.lit 'manage some lyey' 00 ac-
commodate me, for I (1111 too- weary' end ed
ill to Move another stop," Earle sad,; 1,
01.d indeed his looks did not -belie his ha
words. it
The el rk went to consult with one of
111e proprietors, and then returned, say- it
Ing they iveuld giro Trim a room m ft
which to`,510mp that night, if he did not n.
and: n little noise now anti Mem, and tit
y another day there mould probnmly Ili
better aecornmodations for him, ul
hath nnhnd niathima* so that 1
have a bed on wliehl to rest," the tired
traveller said, 1)0101 relieved by the nr
"1 idled have to give you one (t t
suite of 050 urs hired by 0 lady end tie
daughter.1t r deserved far her -on,
who oce aslauuliy visits her and remains
art night. Lie went many .,hs :norm ing; and, as he probably will not let t, r'1
to -night, you an bavet that '1001;' c
plainest -the clerk.
"11111 not the. madam ohjeet1" Earle
asked, instinctively' recoiling from the
lien of iu any nay incommoding a lady,
"0h, no; 100 have done the same thing,
whir 1100 consent, once or twice before
when the .house 1100 been full' was the
confident and reassuring reply,
"-111 tight; I ant ready to occupy stat
0100, Earle sail, rising, and anxious to
be at rest.
The. clerk 11031 101011 before leading the
"I night perhaps to tell you, sir," he
began "Hurt mmdan's daughter is an in-
valid—she io a little cracked," he added,
tbueh]ug his forehead significantly,
"lord sometimes takes on a little durit
the night, 1 thought ,you ought to be
told this, so that if ,you were disturbed
you might know the cause and not bo
r.a' nieOl."
"The door between the rooms can be
locked of course? 1141011 asked.
"Oh yes; madam keeps it locked on
her side, and there is also a bolt upon
the other' side. The young lady is per-
fectly harmless, only her brother inform-
ed me that when the spells comae upon
her she moans constantly, as if' in lis-
tless, and 1h0y 001110 00 mostly in the
night. Ste may not disturb you at all,
"1 shall not mind it, now that you
have told 0)0 this; it might have alis-
tubed ore otherwise," Earle answered,
as he weevily tanned to follow' his guide.
'Cake,, the elevator, they were borne
into the fourth storey, and he was
shown into a room at the top of the
It was a long, rather 001(01 room
coi]fortnbly furnished, and having tyvu
doors to it, one leading into the hall,
the other into the roan adjoining, There
wail 0 transom oar both doors, and
through the one leading into the others
of the suite 1-x1;0 00,11 see a dim light,
but nil was perfectly quiet -within,
7A' looked to see that the belt was
perfectly fast in its socket, and then
wing his neighbors no further thought,
he hastily disrobed, and 1)0011ed out,
crept into had.
11,' almost instantly fell into a pro-
found and dee:U less slumber,
How long' he slept thus he. could not
have, told, but he was suddenly awaken.
ed (luring time night by a•los', sobbing
noise proceeding froth the room -on his
Arousing so suddenly, and being con.
sequently somewhat confused,' it seemed
to him at first as if some one -had enllod
his name,
Iia sat erect in bed and listened. •
•al woe silence for a few moments,
then he heard the toes of n nen speak;
hoe as if in muter, and the same low solo
bing instantly began again,. while a
sweet mice seemed pleading for some-
'Then he beard the man's voice some- , all
what louder, sad speaking impatiently, a
as if he lmcl commanded some one to do lin
something, 11111 had not been obeyed,
It was followed, as before, by the low in
sobbing, and a faint, heart -broken moan• tai
io t.ml made Earle Wayne feel very to
"There is snnething wrong going on in war
there," he muttered to himself. " The are
clerk said the man could not rcturn,he'e sto
to•night;. but it seems he has, and I np
don't like the sound of things at all." wh
He arose and went softly to the. door lY
which led into the other apartment.
It was a very thiel:, solid door, and Are
prevented his hearing distinctly anything ab
011101 00110 said.
He bunt his heal to the keyhole, but wb
e0r1 than 001)111 only eatcl1 the sound of ly
1 o t
uld retch a word occasionally,
to enough to give hint any idea
quire of the conversation curried
1' )3 e;
-1 f eh; a as he heard that low sobbing
nom fid,. gently triol to move the tran-
b>I71 till mote.
I #110111;1 n trill but nit grated n little
on 1110 woodwork. lie waited a moment,
awl 1ldea made another effort, and it
moved just enoug?, to admit n line of
light at. the bottom. Then he could hear
ate h0
1 P y ).
A elan scented to be asking the
strangest al iestions of some one.
"Pout nnrtre is Ellen Wood?" ho heard
him say-, in 1i hocking tote.
"Yes Ellen Wood," came the reply,
in 0 p10 1111 51 Voice that ,nate Earle's
hair at once stir 1 011 01d.
"Yon are sun ,you noun is Ellen
Wood?" "zl t
"Yes 1111011 Wood-‘, in the same tone
as before.
"Where wore vont born?"
"In Texas."
"Who is your fatter?„
"Judge Allen Wood,"
"\Plerc is he now 1" t,
"He is dead."
"Who is this woman?"
"She is wry—another," with a shod.
dering accent on the last word.
And I ant your brother, am I not?"
"Nu -o, oh!" a gasping voice uttered,
with a moan, between each word,
"You ain't over fond of me, I see,"
the amen returned, with a low, mocking
laugh, "You've got your lesson pretty
well learned, though, and if any one
should ask you any questions to -mor-
row when you go out to take the air—
ns you 10001 do for the sake of your
health—you'll know how to sewer thew.
Now take that ring from your finger
and give it to me," he commanded, stern-
"I can't, I can't!" moaned the plaintive
"Cores your obstinacy and my Lack
of power!" he growled. "Now tell 010
there that paper is—quickl"
"No, no, nog no, no, no!"
-And immediately the sobbing and the
moaning were resumed, but in a way
that seemed to show that the speaker's
strength wa0 almost "exltanstedh
The man 0)1,005 a fearful oath, and
then Earle heard another voice—a wo.
"It's of no use, Tom—your power is
not strong enough to make her tell that,
and you are wearing her. out; she can't
stand this kind of thing much longer,"
"I'll 11000)' let her go until she does
tell me," he answered, fiercely, with an-
other oath. "If I was sure" ho added,
"that it was hid in that house, I'd- go
and burn it down to -night and then let
her go, I'm sick and tired of the whole
"Better let her go anyway, and run
the risk." said his con; anton; "yyou
will soon kill her nt this rate•'
".Dead noel tell not tales," lie ans-
wered, moodily; "hut the risk is too
great, for if that paper contains a des-
o•iption of lite, I'm a marked man as
long as I live." '
Earle now ventured to push the tran-
som a little more.
It was clear of the wood -work nmv,
and swung quite easily and noiselessly,
so that he could get a good view of the
room and be saw a sight that mode his
art stand still with horror, while an
Host superhuman effort alone prevent-
s sharp cry of agony escaping his
Upon a bed in the corner opposite him
v Erlitha Dalton. She was as white as
e counterpane covering he s
p eel g rand )1a.ted
a mere skeleton.
She erns sobbing in a nervous, excited
y, her thin white hands clasped upon
r hearing breast, her eyes wild 111111
in a e
rig" and fixed in a fascinated ,
burly, repulsive-lookingelan,
o stood by the bedside scowling fierce -
upon her.
By lois side there also stool n nicely
aced. rather prc-posseseiog wouan of
out fifty-five.
Their backs were toward the door
ere Earle was stationed, consequent -
they had seen nothing of the almost
seless movement of that transom be-
d them.
man awl women eon -vermin; in low
ones, without distinguishing a word,
The sobbing hal ceased fora moment,
tit, at a n500010on apparently addressed
to as third party, It immediately began
:1 cold sweet gathered upon Earle
W'ayne's forehead
The sounds affected him as are had
never, been effected before, He longed
to know What t piece of wickedness—for
wickedness he was convinced it was—
was being enacted within those walls at
that time of the night,
A faint light from the other roman
none into his from the transom, so
int lie could distinguish every object
it. He glanced up at the light, a
Olden thought striating him.
The transom, of course, was glazed,
ul he had no doubt that it vvas fasten.
upon the other side, bat possibly he
1 1 t beau a little moo distknetiy if ho
oiled get lip to it, and it Would do no
rel for him to investigate awl sec if
was fastened.
Ilo brought the centre table and put
softly down by the dot He then took
blonket from his lied and covered the
sr'ble top, set a chair upon this, and
en noiselessly mounting upon that by
o aid of another, be found himself
it level wit the transom
To his intense satisfaction, he discov-
ered that it was not fastened; it was
tightly closed, but it yielded beneath his
cautious touch, and he knee if he could
open it ever so little without attracting1
the attention of the occupants of the
other room, he could 011 1013' himself re-
garding the nature of the proceedings
there, -
While he stood there waiting for as
favorable opportunity to push the tran-
som open, a neighboring clock struck the
hour of two.
"Unless the young 11dy has been taken
ddenl,)' sick, I and satisfied that nnis-
101 of sown) kind is brewing," he said
himself, and resolving not to leave
post until he les had ascertained
004$000" 000& 00001000000000
Simply the visible sign thatbaby's tiny bones $
are not forming rapidly enough.
Lack of nourishment is the cause. $
Scoffs Emulsion nourishes baby's
entire system. Stimulates and makes bone.
Exactly what baby needs.
'x000 0000000000004 *00
It tool: 011 the farce of Earle's will to
control his intense excitement ns he
looked upon the scene ,just fezetabed.
Never in itis life had he felt so dizzy
and faint as he did at that moment,
while a weakening, sickening tremor per-
vaded every nerve in his body.
"Bette' let her alone now, Ton, and
don't come there ogain for a week, Let
her got a little strength before you ex-
ert your power over her again," the
woman said in reply to the man's' last
"Che weaker she is the les will she
will have he muttered.
"1Ter will is 00 strong that you will
nevr move .her to tell what you want
to know; and you do not vv -ant to kill
her, I know."
\o," he a.clanitted, with a scowl.
She will do nhopst anything, you tell
her, eseelit to reveal what mill Nave
that one person; that seems to be an
instinct which nothing can 00081000, and
viiia na,gnetie force is not sufficient to
nyercomr, it"
Ytiu do not need to tell Hie that," he
,1 Doled.
"S1 -ell L yvnnt you to let her alone
for a while; I don't want her dying on
0 hands," returned tfie woman, with
11, 00.100.
(To be continued:)
Sometime, when all Ilfe's lessons have been
And sun and stars forevermore have set,
The things which our weak judgments here
have spurned,
The things o'er which we grieved with
lesketi wet
\4 I11 flash before us, out of life's dark n!;ht,
As soars shine most In deeper tints of Blue:
And we shall see how all God's plans are
Ana hew what seemed reproof was love
moat true.
whether he was right or not.
He found he could hear more plainly i
we shall so- ; how, w'bile we' Crown and
God's moms go of j s hest for you and me;
low, when we calbd''lye heodbd' not our cry,
Dr. Wiilia(ns Pink Pails Bring Back
the blow of health by Making
New b ood,
To 1111 into perfect womanhood,
growing girl Hurst carefully guard he
health L u1css the blood is kept rich
and pare headaches,backaches and fro
qunlat dizzy spells will troithlo her. She
will always he. ailing, .old may slip into
a deadly decline, Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills area nevet''failing remedy in build-
ing up the blood. Just a short time ago
the reported of L'Avenlr da Nord had the
following cases brought to his notice:
In tlo town of St. Jerome, Que., there
is an orphan asylum under the care of
those zealous workers --the Grey Nuns,
In this house Dr• Williams' Pink Wills aro
constantly used. For some months two
of the young girls in the. home were
of flirted with anaemia. The symptoms
in both cases were very much alike, They
were botlt pale, lost 011 energy, 0nd'•were
subject to headache and dizziness; Dr."
Wi11i0ms' Pink Pills were taken and soon
there was an iluprevenent in their' eon
d1t,on. The color returned to 'rhelr
cheeks; their' appetite improved34511(10.00
aches ceased. and soon good hoaltltttoolc
the place of despondency. What" N1 r,
Williams' Pink Pills have doe for tlfpso
two orphans—Marie Lavoie and DOslna
1;00010S—they will do for others.
The secret of Dr Williams' 1'in1f. Pills
in curia anaemia hes in their power ito
make new, rich, red blood. Tilde is Why
they strike straiRa at the root of all
common ailments like headache, side -
aches and backaches, rheumatism, nem
ralgia, indigestion, ennead), St. Vitus -
dance, puts] paralysis lord the special
ailments that affhet a!most every wo•
man and growing girl, Dr, Williams'
Pink fills are sold iky all medicine deal-
ers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a
box or sixboxes for 1112,50 from the Da'.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Some Distinguished Performers Upon the
Instrument—Its Antiquity,
The jelshu'p hes been a familiar in-
strument under that name In tltrs island
for some 41)0 years,and is itself of much
greater antiquity, 10 ) S'aottn r witch
toil in 15'11 it was affirmed says the
the London (lobe, that a girl 11010(1 Du1A
can played "mom a small (loupe called
a jewstrumpe," before the unholy. fra-
ternity of witches 00 the occasion of
their invading a church; whereupon His
Scottish Majesty, before Idiom and his
Council the trial took place, called upon
the girl to play before ham a dance
upon her "tramper" which she nceord-
ingly did,
Several writers of voyages and 1.10 -
els of tM Elizabethan 00 0 mento f l o w
harps, With hatch(1S 'Hives, beads aged
the like, as suitable wares to be taken
for purposes of barter with the Amer-
ican Indians and Other uncivilized peo-
ples, Sir Walter Raleigh mentions that
0 jewslhup would purchase two bons,
which seems a fairly profitable rate of
Tho jeWsharp his had its I'adorw.
sly. The tote Clnule Godfrey f'1eiand;
best known to famo a imus Breltnuua0,
fn his "Memoirs," recalling his student
flays in Germany, mentions at certain
Dr. Kerner, who perforated on the sin-
gle and double jowshorp• 1h. lieruer,
says Leland, "from this - most mlpronl•
05rllg instrument drew' airs of such ex-.
gtusite b arty' that one could not have
been more astonished had be heard the
swat tones of Grisi drawn from a cit
by twisting its tail"
More extraordinary even than the per-
formances of Lamed, Dr. Kerner were
those given stole 80 yea00 0g0 ill Loll -
(Ifni by 1a compatriot of his named De
lenstein. The- bite Professor Charles
Tomlinson, witimg in 1803, ave his
own recollection of some of Eaten -
stein's feats This performer, he wrote,
"excited:.Wonder and delight by com-
bining as many as 16 jeleshaips, inclu(1.
ing two octaves, in one frnnme, aid lir
managed to shift them in his mouth
0 rapidly as to produce what was called
fury musk, A performance at the Royal
Institution ]ad to his being invited to
evening parties.'' Ono can hardly ima-
gine a performance on the jowaharp as
010 of the attractions at the Meseta day
!loyal Institution.
But the ,jewsh5rp has gone clown in
the world. It is no longer played upon
at the Royal Institution; no modern Dr.
Burney composes music for it; nor will
it as an article of barter purchase a
single hen.
' Driving a City to Cleanliness.
If ore may judge front vn(10)10'striking
symptoms, the ambitions of 33 tine ha:n
etre seeking ,l new outlet..�1
icler records Its a p00lcularl ijtoticeable
fart that in the large restaurants) until
recently patronized exclusively'; by the
n ale Sex, ladles are now 50011 ill consider-
able numbers, and it is solemnly affirm•
ed that 1100 wearing clothes of Bond
est cut 110yr:' become numerous its the
streets. The. other day a would-be vis-
itor to the local Hippodrome was actu-
ally refused _admission 011 the ground
that he was collarless, and a gootideal of
en0i0us correspondence followed in cer-
tain of 1110 Binuringh0w 1ewspnpers. A
campaign oil behalf 1>f public cleanliness
has been started in the press, and a mul-
titude of strange expre'0r011 001 coal.
plaints have found expression. One agi-
tator against dirt warts facilities pro-
vided to enable, tram, car conductors to
exhibit clean hauls an the ears, and the
demand is made that no workman shed)
be allowed to leave a factory without
washing his face and 'tid -'ing himself
up generally," A revollttionary� proposal
that has h ought mach sarcasm i >on its
au titer is that mechanics wearingdirty
clothes shall )wadi in the roadway, so as
not to endanger the costume, of more
elegantly dressed pedestrians.—Westmin-
ster Gazette.
Stopping the Car.
( reread Witness.)
''ho old 1tory is being repeated of 1
r almost killed by passing behind the
car h1 land left and getting run over by'
a ca' passing on the other track. The
almost killed cases ere innumerable. This
should never be treated as justifiable
homicide. When n car stops it is pre-
sumable that people are 10111ng off, and
that Quetta 11 of there wvdl desire to cross
the street behind the car. Those who
cross can have no 110rnillg of a car
goingthe other way, but the driver of
that car should know that he is likely
to run Orel'somebody' if he has his car
out of control, In England fast running
past a eau' that i, standing still is stria 4ly
forbidden, This hind of accident is ole
of the innumerable arguments against
our absurd systemic of stopping the cars
before instead of after crossing the
sheets, 11' the cars dumped their pas•
singers at regular crossings, the conning
ear would naturally' be on the lookout.
Our systema of getting on and off away
fret the crossing has everything against
it, 0nd not n single argument in its
favor. 11 is distracting to people 1100001??
or bicycling on the cross street, who
cannot possbily' know wvhat a ear at n.
crossi10 is going to do, whereas, if it
)vas certain to cross the street anyway,
it would lie a simple nutter to time
themselves 0,coldingl3.
A Wonderful Sight.
(New York Sun.)
Talne used to wonder if France would ever
show the traveller a scene such as be had
witnessed in England—aa anarchist orator
denouncing Queen Victoria- In the foulest
terms, and two policemen by his side to
protect him against the fury of the mob,
Canada's Trades Dispute Act
Canada has some laws which, if they
be enforced, make it rather expensive to
strike in sympathy with the grievances
of other people. There is what is known
as the Trades Dispute Act. It provides
that no snap judgment shall be taken by
capital or labor (01 the people, and that
notice of tabor disputes or intended
strikes or lock -outs shall be given to the
authorities at Ottawa, the seat of the
Federal )3ooernment. Those striking in
violation of the laws are subject to an
individul fine of from 1010 to $50 a day
for every day they recuse to work, while
unlawful lock -outs are punished by $1,-
000 fine.
This la), like most others, does not
execute itself, The authorities Will take
n0 notice of its violation unless coil•
plaint is made by somebody, but any per-
son, corporation or municipal body 01(01
make complaint and 5111- 1119 11111 do pro -
Ho1, this lav operates (0 ate not hi,
fw,llctLhitt ]t appears to rest upon the
ilea that the public has Some rights
which ought to be respected by both
parties to a labor dispute. A long strike
or lock -out may bring the greatest priva-
tions to the workingmen and immense
pec100111'3' losses to both employer and
employees. Many of the shorter disputes
however, like the telegraphers' strike up
to date, 000 chiefly notable Inc the em-
barrassment and loss snstoined by people
who arc not parties to the controversy.
It is safe to say that an overwhelming
majority of the public desire to see the
telegraphers, and all other employees,
paid a living wage, and worked during
reasonable hours. But they also desire
to see employers and employees engaged
in the operation of public utilities set•
ding their eantro'e'si°s without threity-
ing the greatest burdens and the great-
est losses on people who have aro sort
of couneetion with or responsibility for
the disputes. The Canadian law is, at
least, an effort in this direction. If it
is wrong it is not likely to survive, but,
at all events, there ought to be some
the iinnocent.
Wnayl of ending controversies with-
out inflicting rrrep•u•nblo Mutingupon
' Louisville Courier-Jour-
Eating Carrots for the Complexion.
It's a dull day when a new fad in food
isn't thrust upon a ling -suffering world,
and the latest is corm eating. If 0 010'
111(111 would have clear, fresh complex-
ion, sacs the theorist responsible for the
ides, she nut t eat n caw 000001 every
day. Ilo's no vegetarian, so lie doesn't
forbid 1 he eating of meat, at tliongh le
does voudcnn the eating of "certain of
(allot messes .11ot food," In n school just
outside Boston, which is noted for its
)netts girls, 111 pupils are expected to
eat 0 cera duh, just as they might.
eat nm ening.' or au apple, and they
dont melee the slightest protest either.
lint then, 10110 woman wouldn't suffer
to bo beaad 1(10!? --Now York Press,
Nest Thing.
Visitor (at penitentiary -)—"This is
Tankers' Row,' isn't it?"
Attendant—"No; you've just passed
that This is 'Trust hfognatee' Row,'"
Smallpox has cost Toronto $5,215 so
far this year.