HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-09-05, Page 1VOL, XXI. A SITUATION ata good salary acetate every graduate of THE CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Experience proves this positively. ]Enter any time. Cate- logues free, Write W. 11, Shaw, Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Sts„ Toronto, Canada. We have a quick delivery We think it no trouble at all to send you your prescription to compound It with ouroharaoterlotic pains --then to hurry the medicine to your home. Lot us know. Call on os and we will attend to the rest. We're striving to have this about the most useful store you know of any. where. Useful In fact—not theory. Helpfully useful, A place where everybody Is all the Hine welopme—the year round. A pleasure to prove It. WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Gregg Shorthand Taught by graduate of John R. Gregg, the author, Commercial Department gets down to bed -rock foundation of mod srn bust - nese principles, Graduates pieced In good situations. Day students attend night classes free. Write for catalogue. Fall term opens September 2nd, W1NCHAM DIMNESS COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal Belgrave. Millinery apprentices wanted. Apply to Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth, Anniversary services will be hold in Trinity Church on Sunday, September 22nd at 10 a. m, and 7 pp, in. Mrs. F. McCrea, formerly of Bel - grave, has graduated as nurse at the hospital, Springfield, Illinois, L. 3, Williams hos mored into the house lately vacated by Jas, Nichol who occupies the house of the late D. Bark l e{ Richard Stonehouse, who has been lying very ill at his son's in Dungannon is improving and will 1'Oiunl to his home here. The iron brides with cement top, just south of Belgrave. is completed, Mr. Sandie was the contractor, and Jae, Taylor the inspector. It is a very good structure, BLYTH, ONTARIO, TEURSDAi, Morris. Millinery apprentices wanted, Apply to Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth, On Monday of this week the town shipCouncil met in the Hall, Jo. Coultas, 8rd lines, threshed 20 acres of peas, which turned out 80 bushels to the ac e, A good working horse belonging to John, Speir, 4th line, had to be killed owing to injury received from another animal in the field, The marriage of Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Michie, to James D. Grasb,v, both well known residents of Sunshine locality was very happily performed on Wednesday morning of thls week at 11 a, m. They will con- tinue to reside in Morris on Mr, Grasby's fine farm, bth line, East Wawanosh. Millinery apprentices wanted, Apply to Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth, Bert, Traylor was the guest of Wing - ham frit nds recently, It, and Mrs, Reid, of Wiugham, Sunday with 5th line friends, Mr, L'ingland of No. 113 Suhoo]at- tended the reunion at Goderich, Dr, Albert McDowell, of Michigan, is visiting ander the parental roof at pre Son t. Harry Craig purchased a new separa- tor and intends doing first class thresh• ing as usual, Auburn. Millinery appeIIuces wanted, Apply to Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth, Mise Pearl Doustedt was the first passenger from Auburn to Goderich oil the new C. P. R. Roy Stalker, who has been making cheeee at Ste ey Creek, is home with u broken collar bone, The breaking of a planer in J. Young's mill caused the closing dawn of the mill for about two weeks, Henry Lawlor returned from Sault Ste, Marie. He reports lots of rain there and that the crops are looking web, We are glad t0 learn that Mr, Mule roe is doing so well in the Clinton hospital 11upt Airs, Munroe 5111)1' 10 come home, This is a sue sign that lir Munro is out of danger. An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays, Big Clothing Sale cost price. We are bound to clear out all Sum- mer Goods re- gardless of cost. in Shirts we have about 20 dozen left,; all patterns and sizes. These are odd lines where the range has been broken and we are going to clear them out for less than Anything bought at reduced rates not returnable, Men'eFaney Cambric Shirts, news attached or separate, mostly ail sizes from 141.2 to 1131'2, Shirts that were 51,25, now OOc. Regular $1 Shirts now Ole and 75c. Regular 75o Shirts, now 50o. Two special lines, one with two collars same as shirts separate, the other braces to match shirts. These lines were $1 and 750, we are now selling for 55e. Summer Negligee Shirts, with reversible collar attached, that we sold from 750 to Wo are selling now from 50e ton Just take a look In our north window and see bargains for yourself. Just such bargains as these on all summer goods, White Vests 75e to $2. Summer Underwear, 500 a suit to 51.25. Men's and Boys' Belts, Hate, Caps, Ties, Sox and Shoes. We are going to clear out to mike room for Fall Goods. A bargain for everybody. Remember we keep the largest and best range of Clothing and Gents Furnishings in town. S. A. GIDLEY B L 'V" T H MAI Our Voota£firr xnitorribtr As we have not pieced your name on our list to the Publishers' Collecting Ag - enc' v va wish 1 f0 state lt0 tJ , IILY after Sept. 16, 1907, we will have to do so if the sub- scriptions are not paid up. You will save expenses by calling in and settling nt our office, oven if it is only a dollar. One dollar scattered over a hundred people means one hundred dollars that we should have, Kindly call and help the Editor run a good live news. paper by keeping your own paper paid in advance. lieer•f® CANADIAN.. PACIFIC ADDITIONAL HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS '1'o 'WINNIPEG and all loofnts In the NORTH = WEST Special 'rrnlns Leave Toronto TUESDAY, AUC. 27 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY, SEP. 24 TUESDAY, OCT. 8 TUESDAY, OCT. 22 Return second-class tickets from Blyth 01 very low ra100, rouging from W in- mipeg 582, to Edmonton $42.50. Good for sixty days. TOIIHISO SLEEPING CARS on each excur•lon. Comfortable berths at email extra cost. Obtain free pan. phlet, rates and full information from J: MrMmchle Agent His tb,or from U. B, Footer, 1S,P.A„ 4,P,II,, Toronto, Westfield. Millinery apprentices wanted. Apply a to POples1011e & Gardiner, Blyth,0 Roland Vincent spent Labor Day t ;APT +'MBER 5, 1907. No. 3. Hs,p tt. The Hullett Council met on Monday, August 20th, for the purpose of levy- ing the rates and other business. 1,1,ntn- bers present were Reeve Mclllillem and Couns. Hill, Churchill, Leiper and Barr, Tho usual by-law for levying the taxes was read and passed. For coun ty purposes the sum required is $1188 50, including a school grant of 5382 which will be payable and apportioned to the public school sections in Decem- ber, and for township purposes n rate of 4 mills on the dollar will be neces- sary, exclusive of debenture rates. At the last meeting of the council a committee was appointed consisting of the Reeve, Coun, Churchill aid the Clerk to consider and examine the standing by-laws of the township and report to the council which was done, and the same .committee was re -ap- pointed and empowered to proceed with the revision and correction of said by laws and have therm submitted to the council as revised before being pub- lished, A petition was presented by C. How- son and John Arthur asking the coun- cil to purchase a road allowance to d from the northwest angle of lot 44, boundarydf Hullett and Wawa - nosh, to the G. & G. railway station, and make over the swine when ratified to the Manchester police village, The said petition was accepted and the Reeve and Clerk were instructed to take the proper steps to carry out the wishes of the petitioners on condition that the necessary funds be provided by the police village when required. A few eccoumtsiwere p ssod and set• tied and the couecil adjourned until Sept. 80th at 1,30 p. m, James Campbell, Clerk, GIANT TRIHLBTS "Currency," "Bobs'' and "Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs. Quality always thelsame, The Western Fair. The attractions at the Western Pair, London, Ont,, this year promise to sur- pass anything ever presented at arty previous exhibition. Knabenshne, the world aeronaut, will make daily ascensions with his airship. The airship will also be on exhibition at all times during the fair, The Toronto Pigeon Fancier's' Association will start a race from in front of the grand stand on Wednesday afternoon when it is expected that about four or five hun- dred pigeons will be liberated in their start for home, The dog show will be something new to Western Fair visit• of s, Apdale's animals will perform twice daily before the grand stand ; they show ,alinost human intelligence and no one should miss seeing them. W pita & LoMert, the Les Aribos rind II the others liner he seen to be ,ppre- lated. 'Inhere will he first•elass music hroughout the entire week- by excel- lent bands. Tlie program each even- ing will he concluded by e grand dis- "Sie p17e, ge o1of fiOihreltre-Itoteltrs," closing with the Special arrangements have been made with all Canadian railways and some of the lines in Michigan for're- duced rates front Sept. 7th to 1611h'in- elusive. Reserved seats will be for sale for the grand stand on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.l0th, 11th, 12th, Mail orders for the same will be'attend- ed to, Programs, prize P.Sts"and all infor- mation given by applying to the Secre- tary, General Offices, Loddon, Ont. with his parents here Mrs, 1t,msay, of Bad Axe, :Michigan, is v,sitiugher son, David Ramsay. Mess Alla Staekh0use tray returned frbm Brantford after a month's yisit with relatives, Gordon Wightman arrived from Manitoba last week to resume his Stud- ies at Goderich Collegiate Institute, Wm, Stackhouse, who disposed of both of his fine farms to A, Hardistyy, expects to move to Blyth next March. Dr. A. S. McDowell, of Bayport, Michigan, was visiting relatives here for a few days, also attending the Strang Re -union at Goderich, . Airs, Robert Taylor, of St, Helens, and his Meter, Miss 0, McClinton, have returned home from Shakeepeare where they visited friends, „ Mrs. J. N. Campbell, who paid a lengthy visit to frlendein Comber and Leamington, lots returned home. She is accompanied by her little grand- daughter, Mies Vel'le Ainsley. The Harold Jarvis concert in the Westfield church, under the auspices of the church choir, was a grand Succors. Almost the entire community turned out beside musical people from Luck - now, Whitechurch, Wingham, Bel - grave, Blyth, Clinton Goderich, Au- burn, Donnybrook and St. Helens, so that at an early hour the church was crowded to the doors, some being obliged to stand. With the assistance of Miss L. Troy, of Detroit, as accom- panist and in some piano selections, and Miss Harrison as reader, the en- tire concert lasting two hours, was given by Mr. Jarvis, Mr, Jarvis was in fine condition, the expression of good hutnor and enthusiasm and he capti- vated the audience with his first num- ber and as his selections varying from clessical oratorio to dainty Scotch and Irish ballade were rendered, the en- thusiasm arose and the enchores were loud and long, compelling Mr, Jarvis to return even to a third and fourth time. Although Air, Jarvis announced his seventeenth selection as the closing number the audience compelled hint to again respond which he did by sing- ing the "Glory Song," the audience rising to their feet and joining him in the chorus giving a delightful closing to such a grand evening's entertain- ment. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $114. The choir is to be congratulated on their enterprise in bringing Mr. Jarvis to Westfield, —Subscribe for Tino STANDARD, For quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes, We have just received another large consignment of elegant Dinner ___Sets We have 25 sets to choose from ranging in price from $6.60 Up. GASH FOR ALL BINDS OF PIIODUCE JAMES CUTT FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3rd It pays to attend the arlrott Business COZZe Toronto, Ont. Corner Yonge and Alexander The school that ranks that in me rhi o t.0 nese, Popularity andgenuine ., attendance is greater, more studentii'$l' planed In positions and at better si than in any previous year. Write„ for handsome catalogue. 'W, J. Elliott, Priij CENTRAL TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SEPT. 17-18-19 The Best After Harvest gel ay NEARLY $5000.00 IN Speeding Wed. a 2.46 class...,,,,,,,,; 2.19 class 2.16 class 2.25 class f'.t .' ,,.150' Single Railway F 00, good going p. m. trains, Sept, 10, gobto return Sept. 21. H. LOCKWOOD, Pres. WM. LAIDLAW, Sec., I3ox 1407. IZES r Big .Offer 0 all new subscribers from . . now on , . THE STANDARD will be sent till Jan. ist, 19o8 ;for the small sum of 25c Subscribe Now The only way to start a Savings Account Is to start it. Good inten. tions do not bear interest—neither does idle money. The Bank of Hamilton pays interest at high- est current rate, compounded quarterly. ELY1:H liKANCH T. W. SCOTT, AGENT EXCURSION TO OOERICH l(Ue�j11 THURS., SEPT. 12, 1907 Official Opening of the Guelph & Goderich Railway eg Three Spacial Trains from, Uuelpil r AMONG ME ATTRACTIONS ARRANGED FOR THE ENTER- TAINMENT 01? VISITORS ARE TRIPS UPON LAKE HURON / .4° GREYHOUND (/r ON THE BIG NEW STEEL STEAMER OG THE WHITE STAR LINE—Capacity 300o People This magnificent steamer comes to Goderich by arrangement of the Guelph h fwd Goderich hlnsical Societies to help make the day a pleasant one, and will give three trips on the lake during the day. On the first trip the Greyhound will leave the dock shortly after the arrival of the trains from Guelph. The Guelph Band will furnish music for the afternoon trip and the 33rd Regiment Band, of Goderich, for the evening trip. For time of trains leaving see railway, advertising and don't forget the last train will leave Goderich 11 p, m., upon return of the steamer from the MOONLIGHT TRIP 1/•'"Tho Greyhound will run an excursion from. Detroit to Goderich and return, leaving Detroit Wednesday morning, Sep- temberllth, and returning leaving Goderich Saturday, Sepbem- be• t4th at noon, after the arrival of morning trains from Guelph and Stratford,