HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-08-29, Page 7S
and l ord to laud `then beware'" -1 t the Tl1y wi11-bi done' sprit in my
j ey pt h/y cr, dengue lc t thou fog It the Lor, - hentt'the 01111)1 answered sweetly.rl a fV; +pjo forgot Iles lar, forget Ili: promises ler- 1"I1, leech tiri ehiIdreu" (-V. 7.) The
'et Hos holy dal, forget Hie won nape story of the 110 18 has a peculiar feseina-
forest 1 lute, obey and thank Fares, tion for children, 31dke the truth simple.
forget to render Him the service 01 thy
LESSON XI.—SEPT. r, 1907. hauls and forget to give 13m of thy sett -
stance, 1Forldliucss, luxury nud Ifnget-
Noses Pleading With Israel -Deet, 6: fulness of (rod have sapped the spiritual
n-116 life I1 "many ane souls. \1 bun filen be -
•mum tlisticd with' 10)10 th10 Hessings, w pats tlie cakes and tarts on a low shelf,
on:nwutry.-1, Tho duly of 1°0(01) is difficult for the soul to urge its way where 1 eon get them easily " 'loo
mid obeying God (vs. 1.3), 1, Command- to heaven. V'V'Lich brought thee—=1t ninny talks to chi) 0011 are like Aunt
mento, ate. -11 a distillation is Tondo be. would be profitable for them .to recall
twcon these 100010 leu conmandmelits their former condition' in life, and their
1 wonderful deliverance from heathen bon.
must,me understood to refer to tho moral
3)0, statutes to the ceremonial law and
judgments to the ,judicial law, 2. Which
1 emmila wl then—"Tom speaker is an
aged mn, whose venerable head is cov-
ooerred with the suow,y white of nearly. Sill-
5/1../re, but whose voice is still hotll
;nd e, 111(1 clear enough to be heard afar
1." "looses exhorts, entreats, wrestles
talon men, that they 1110y be wise and
food; there is clothing wanting that ,is
of ripeness of experience, of
(1is pale and genuineness of sympathy. He
bermes shepherd again, only 11000 hien
and women and children, more wayward
than ally 11011810 of the field, constitute
fns nmlltituilinous and most trying flock.
lien] Deuterouottiy immediately • after
'Exodus, and marl; the growth. of the
man; how his voice is softened, though
the fire of his eye is not dimmed: ]low
los tests are Multiplied; how iutonse is
his pastoral solicitude for the salvation
of 1. fel."- Juseplh Parker, Days ...
prolonged—Compare chapters 8: 1; 30:
10 ;: lit. the isieson who wastes his
hf- 10 sin does not live his allotted time,
3, hurcase mightily --looses saw a
get,', iut:mo for them if they obeyed God.
4, t;ed is one Lod—here is the corner-
stone 01 the llebrew faith Jehovah is
ole. This great truth stoo,c;rposed to
the idolatrous religions pie nations
around them; ago hist which \108es warns
hem so earnestly (v, 14), 5, Thou
shalt hive—This comprehensive require-
ment Cod calls the first and great com-
mandment, And by its side he places
the requirement to love our neighbors as
ourselves (Lev, 111: 18), On these two
hang all the law and the prophet9 Com-
pare Matt i 0er10; 310111 18...20;31;
Luke 10; 27. The whole significance of
the scriptures as at. rale of life is em•
bodied in these reyluireolonts.—Lindsay,
\Vithout love God himself becomes out
a distant and infinite idol. Love does
not 1ensou; love. speaks its 00(11 lan-
guage, finds its Own prayers, creates its
own .eo0gs, and sets theme to ars 01'11
nmsie. Children can love where they can
not understand. Love passes straight
through the sone of reason and ascends
to the heaven where it was created in
the heart of God.-1'arleer. n1e01'1
ht- 1)1 e ma '
5(l.] .., might,— y
• this i18 11 e011111111 lid to devote all of our,
powers to God. The hoot is Man's
inner nature and is the seat of the affec-
tions; the desires, tore motives and the
will., It included "the intelleetual, enho-
(tenil and conative fuclilties." It is "the
centro of all moral activity." The soul ie
the personality, the individual existence."
The might is "te stun of the energies
of Loth body and miner "Ile that loath
this love in his heart has the fountain
source o4 all virtue. It is to the life.
what the mainspring is to a watch, what,
a intonate 15 to a stream, what the soul
is 10 the holy, what:the tvvo olive trees
of ''/,urhm'iab's visiei.tve'e to the lamps
they fed. It will express itself in love
to nsui.."- Pcloubet,
The duty of teaching Cod's word
to the children (vs. O-9). 0, these word's
le;inning with chapter 5. In thine
heart—Compare Jer, 31:33. 'These words
w1', -:y to be understood, lbved and obeyed.
'. teach them -11i :every possible way.
In the bbua, in the Sundays school,
tlucmgll the public worship of God. 101.1
"cutiv--There 1nuat be no laxity at this
pioint. unto t113' children—Children need
to be taught and trained. To neglect
either teaching 01
i n ' training is detrjmen-
t b The child is undeveloped—training
is ,olio art of promoting growth. 'Che
ch@l is ignorant—teaching is the art of
turni'ling tiro mind with the knowledge
of things, talk of them -Not lecture
niron them, simply talk, The words of
God are to become part of our life, to
mingle with our breath.—Parker. The
alnwst lover -::d the hone has a great ef-
feet on alt alfa of the child, Good train-
ing and 0 amity religion are the founda-
tion of 0 strong Christian character. 8.
bind them, etc,—The Jews applied this
injunction literally. The so-called pr
adories are leather boxes with four come
p0rinomts, in which are put four po-
tions of the law written on parchment,
These. were bound to the forehead and
arm by long leather straps, "But 'the
ren( mannthat
mottling of this conunaud is t a
God's law should be in every deed of
Land, in the sight of the eyes, in the
plans of the lend." 0. write them—The
,den's take this literally. "Since writings
were rare and costly, few could possess
copies of the law, or read then if they
did possess them; this command kept the
truths of God ever before 310 eyes of
the people," The spiritual meaning is
that our hones and in fact all our pos-
sessions should be Puled in harmony with
the, law of God,
111. Warnings .against idolatry ova, 10-
111, 11, Which Ile swore—God hail sol-
tuinl' promised to bring them into Can -
tem To Abraham -Gen, 13, 14411 15,
', 18, 18; 22, 17, 18. To hone Gen. 23,
21. 'To Jacob—Con. 28, 14. Buildest
,t—The Israelites were about to leave
tents for the 110110rs of the C11000-
, who Ireausc of their e0eessiv'0
willelness had forfeited all rigout to
rem:, le these verses we. have "a pie-
r° of advancing civilisation." We arc
hstu1tly pmrpriatingnto 0110, Own tuhse
10111011 s •en j'Oduced e
1 fought battles and the laborions ef-
fthose who have: gone before us.
are lest thou forget the Lard—
will he lm went', danger because of
end c'omprehensiv'e. A child 0(000 tasked
whether she would rather stay with
-lent 31100 or Aunt .thug, both of whoa)
were kind. She. .said, "0, I like to stay
with Aunt Jane hest, because she always
llry's cakes, on it high shelf. Set the
cakes low. The teacher who said in a
Sunday school lesson, 'Ile extension of
doge, that they might better appreciate divine forgiveness to the impenitent is
the fiches: of Cannan. potential rather tuna 011)01," pot his
1a, Swear by Ibis 1101ne—Nut servile
fear, hat reverential awe, is enjoined,
This WAS the essential basis. of Hebrew
worship, The oath ht the name of Jo -
hovel) was equivalent to a solemn as-
1:nou'ledgment of belief in Mini, ''his
command is net to be considered incon-
sistent) with what tie.saviou0 eljoins in
Hatt, 3, 34.—Lindsay, 74, Other gods
—Moses saw 11011 their great danger
would he their desire to he like the he,,•
tlieir natfj0)1 around them,-w'hieh would
lead them into idolatry. 15. A jealous
God God will have no rival To w'oi'-
3 ! , 'other gods" meant that they would
become anjhpurepeople, becaase the
ubjeets of their worship vtomtit be bo-
ners:, would be 110 better thou
the gods they worshipped. 131' obedience
10 tied we are made partaters of the
Ilii tele
cakes too high.
A Christian mother led her little boy
to 0,gniet spot, and, kneeling, commend-
ed him to GO 1. As she ()cased praying
the child looked into her flier, with hap-
py tears in his eys, and said: "Mamas,
I anis so glad i01) told Jesus my namme.
TIo knows me now, and when I come 1111
to heav'e'n be will say, 'Comte in, Arthur;
your mother told are about you.
A. C. 11,
1'12ACTICAL APPLICATIONS, Negotiations in London Have Reached
I. hear'' (vs. 3, 4). 11 sus Jesus whoan Impasse --Probable That, Pending
0,006 STOLEN.
OEF]E1Y OF THE KIND Roosevelt's Datermilncil Opposition
Pouches Syolen From Train While- en
Route `,rum Denver to Chicago and
Omaha i` the Burlington Railway.
Omaha, Neh.;+,Atfg. 2ti,—The biggest
robbery of the tri\ited States moils Over
pulled off 0cmu'r'(1 between Donee
1111(1 (1)nahlt loot 1'ho isduy;.night, whin
the^c 1l,1(3h ne„iat )'ed pouch)., two
of whi011 wits; '3 '$ 50,0110, were
stolen lio))) the Bu linbgton lalilroad
fast mail train bet4Ve tn. 3)'mver and
Although'ttlhe i h'bbery oueur-
('hic:n ' o.
red on 11:010dal eight,;the-tics of it
ono'; leaked out to -day.
'to -da' every postal inspector Attil .'e-
meet service mar in the 0112110'\6e+ti is
w'arking on the case,
'Thursday nig
ht seven 0101191 regis-
tered pouches w000 sent from the Den-
ver postoffic'i to the depot for the
Ilnrhl +ton fast mail train. These
were receipted for by the mail clerk,
When the train reached 111'Cook, Neb.,
11 1108 fouud`thaf.three of the pouches
were 7missing. One of the missing
pouches was destined to 0111011a, an.
Otho' to Chicago, and. the third w00
:n1 emirty for Lincoln, 'Ile shipment
is said to aggregate more than :250,-
009. .
As soon as the 1080 11'1)8 d18covered
the inspectors were notified and a
search begun, Yesterday a dozen Secret
Seri ice 111i'n, who were in Omaha, were
0vor, nag on the ease, The lhnil crew
handling the 01issing pinches were ex-
amined, but exonerated themselves,
It is the opinion of the inspectors
that, the mail employees fn collusion
with the thieves _simply dropped, the
missing seeks vvlfen they were being
lnonsforred from the. wagons to the
train, that. the thieves were beneath
the ear• end nulling the sacks beneath
the traim got on the opposite 'side a0a
esreektel t,way with the mail seeks,
The lnn,rn,aon last train leaves De,
ver at night, and 10 the darkness they
could ensile escape with their booty. It
is the biggest robbery the United States
marl has ever sustained,
• r
said, "'Poke Beed Trow ye hear"' (Luke a Decision, Modus Vivendi of Last
8. 18), and "'lake heed what ye Beau'" Year Will Continue in Force..
(Mark 4, 24 . At Histram fi *ora tion
1 ) s g a r
a. voice out of the cloud said, "flits is London, au . 29. --The Nevvfcnimillnnd'
-ley beloved Son—hear ye Hum" {Mutt. fie ,.i..m dispute will nndeubtedlp he
17. d), Hearing is a test 0f iljscipleshjp taken to The Hague tribunal as a result
(010,1111 S. 47). 1t is an tidooeo of spin- of the negotiations conducted iu Loudon
Morality (Jelin 18.3i),, Lt is 0)110 to be between the Foreign Office and the Ant-
rhvvarded with Messing (1100, S. 31.) mien)) ambassador, Whitelaw Reid. Both
11, 'Observe to do"(v. 3), 0, but the, Foreign Office and the Embassy
we had a grand sermon yesterday," a mountain diplomatic reserve, but it has
poor woman who kept a corner 90000ry, peen learned fl'e t unqucstimrable sources
and and been wont to cheat with scarfs that the long correspondence made it
measures, said to a hely. "Where was 00.0)1 that their contentions could not be
the text 1" " rue, now, and l: don't re- harmonised and that the negotiations
mange',' 'What did he talk about?' 'lent reached an oupassc,
"Well, Pm bent but I don't ddonw." Finally -ler, paid made n proposal to
"Then wheat makes yott say it wits such submit the dispute to the aa'b}l001100 of
a fine sermon?" "It was; indeed, for 1 sub Ilngme tribunal, having the author-
res." and burnt' 010 all my short ty of President Roosevelt and Secretary
nleasu'es,' This poor woman heard the hoot. to do so, after a week or two of
word and did it, though she could not re- consideration the British Government nc-
call text or sernron, cepted the proposal, and then the Arrieri-
hI, Study the word "lore" (v, 5), 1( is can Government proposed that for an -
the fruit of the Spirit (Gal, o, 22), TIs other year, while the spatter awes tinder
bond of perfectness (Col, 3, 14), The fill ,arbitration; the fisheries should be con-
fillhng of the law (tom. 13. 10), Ti ducted as they were loot year, under the
debt we owe one another (Rom. 13, 0.) sin,' ramulus vivendi.
The path to walk in (Epi. 5. 2,) The there has been delay in concluding the
companion of faith (1 These. 5. S). That arrangement, While the British Govern -
to which we are to provoke one another• meat has secured the assent of Sir Rob -
Heb; 10, 24). To servo one :mother (Gal. ,,rt Bond, the Newfoundland 1'0(10101', to
6. 13). To follow after (1 Tim. 0: '111, the agreement, Sir Robert undoubtedly
Love is.to,be fervent (I Pale' 1. ''.f2)• will he reluctant to accept the modus
\I'ithont dissinmlation Colum, 12, 0),'In vivendi, which 11C,, opposed strongly last,
the Spirit (CAI, 1. 8), In deed and in season. However, there is little doubt
truth (I John 3, 18), Makes us willing t0 that the,ngrcwmemt will be. enforced, and
lay down -our live for others (1 John 3• that'tho fisheries during the new season
10). "Love suffereth long and is kind; beginning next week will be conducted
lova envieth not; love vmmteth not it- 00 1110 same methods as the last.
self, is not puffed up, dote not behave -- itself unseemly, unseemly, seeketh not her own, is
not provoked, 1ltiuketh no evil; rejoieotlt
not 10 iniquity, but rejoiceth in the
1011311; beaten' all things, b01(010 tis all
thing's, hopeth all things, el,dureth all
things. Love never fnilet 1" (1 Cur. 13:
4 9), Read this love chapter every day
on your leme5 ,and ask Clod to teach you
to live it.
1V'. love the Lord thy God with "all
thins heart' (v. 5), Love drier under-
standingly,; appreciatively, earnestly,
with .,iu'reulered will and tender sensi-
bility and all the powers of your being.
A divided scrvlee counts for little, J. R.
lagiles says: "During the Fronto -Trus
shah ws, 1 had longe experience illus-
trative of this principle. Logically I was
on the side of the Germans, believing
thea right Sympathetically I was on
the side of Franee, for reasons I could
Mit vaguely define. I had a German
head but a,Freoch heart, In vain I re-
monstrated with my heart for its per-
verse sympathy with the French, Whom
ever 'the news cameof a reverse to the.
French, my heart was pained while 103
bead sided with the Germans. My head
was right. I would have joined the army
of tine Germns, Would I not have made
a good soldier? I could have truthfully
sung, '1'm glad I'm in this army: But
if Gen. Moltke had known my heart,
u mild he have trusted me? Now, in to
army of the Lord some of 110 have hearts
that are mot true. The heart 10)0 sym-
pathies that wander away to the armies
of the allies. So clod cannot trust us
with numb power, nor use us for his
glory. But perfect love makes the heart
loyal to Cod and to his kingdom,"
1'. Notice the little pronoun (v. n).
Yon are commanded to love God, not as
dal Adam heroic he fell, not as dad the
angels who 1110(000 sinned, not as did Mary
who sat at, his feet, not as did John the
beloved disciple, not as did Paul the
grant scholar, not as did John IKnox,
whose love for souls broke out in the
agonizing cry, "Give 100 Scotland, or 1
die!" but with thine heart, reaching
after a God but just known, with thy
soul, so long dead in trespasses and 'sins,
0t ell thy might, which may seem but
weakness. Wray bins to enlarge thy
Melt uplift thy soul, and increase thy
strength, until all men seeing thy love
shall know that ye are his disciples in-
deed (John 13:34).
All the Operators at Fort William Have
Gone Out.
Fort William despatch 'Phe trouble
Which has existed in the local tele-
phone MMus here for a couple of months
repelled at crista at noon today, when
all the girls employed on the switch
board went out 00 strike. The crisis
was brought of by the sppohttau'ut of
Miss Oro Hudson, of Decatur, 111liuois,
to be chief operator. This young Lady
arrived from the States list week, and
the city 0;16, 01011y of 1+11010 have w'urk-
ed in the plant since its inception, imtur-
ally objected to being put 1111(101' a rnu'-
00nfer,;tall especially one from 0 (0101 u
Linemen employed by the city will
also,11 is said, go out in sympathy to-
night, and it looks as it the civic tele-
phone pinna will he eouydetely, tied up
in a very short time.
The appointment of -hiss Hodson over
rho local girls, while it is the direct
cause of ehe strike, 10 yet only one of
the many m:eh:18 whit!, the girls s
J b s, 'fly
they have araiest the Superintendent.
Tl. 11ide (hod's word "in thine heart"
(v. 6,) David said, "Thy word have I
35.1 10 aline heart, that I might not sin
against thee" (Psa. 110; 11.) A little
girl longed to join a picnic party. Hcr
mother felt it wise not to let her, When
Susie came, with her request, the mother
said, "No, Susie dear, you cannot go,"
She had expected to see a sorrowful dis-
appointmentin her daughter's face, but
ti fos1erity, efiver let men Lehr tills instead, the little one bounded away
f caution `bewarei' When the singing merrily. `I was afraid of ((dog (100nt0 are or the Mnrohall fond. It is
on,, is unknown at the door—ilea you grievously disappointed," she said thought the num must be insane, but
When house is added to house afterward to herUnbglater, `Y have got residents of that vicinity are iu terror,
Bryan in a Railway Wreck But
Escaped Unhurt.
to Dishois1si Frust 1\?et11ods.
t'roviucatown, A„t:•'L.
Aing. 26.--i'rfsi-
d0ut lea, ,'v ed t, n the 1)n1'se 01 an ad-
dre,:: iu 100)0) 1iou with the Pilgrim
I'uthus, s lid: "During the e,,cut Ham-
lin: with the steer: market 1 hove re-
ceived ()10100, ss requests and suggestions,
public and private, that 1 should say
or do something to ease the sit lift 11011,
TIo•rr venrld-wide financial dj•torb-
once. Fut 11 1101y well be that the de -
lei mdnation of the Government in which,
gentlemen, it will not waver, to punish
,-crinin malefactors of great wealth, has
been responsible for something of the
troubles, at least to the extent of hav-
ing eaused
ing;eansed these men to combine, to
bring about as much finaneial stress as
they possibly can in order to discredit
the policy of the Government, ,mit there-
by to ecieur0 a reversal of that policy,
so diet they may enjoy the irons of
their own evuJ•dong. Onee for all, let
tatesay that as far as.1 ton concerned,
and for the eighteen months of my ad-
ministration that remain. there 1011 be
no change in the policy we have steadily
pursued, no let -tip in the effort to secure
the honest observance of the law, for 1
111;1r,1 this contest as one to de'.ermiue
velm shall rule this Governments—tire
people through their Governmental
agents, 01' a few ruthless and determined
1110111, whose wealth makes them particu-
larly formidable, because they hide be-
hind the breastworks of corporate or-
Chicago, Aug. 26.-,A despatch from
P,el0idor, Ill, says: As William Je11-
0ing0 Bryan adjusted his rrecit tie and
finished the cinders from his truttscrs,
after eme0gL1g'safely from a wreck neat'
hero yesterday, of the Chicago & North.
westerntuftal, he reflectively murmured:
Then drawing out his diary, he noted
down the location and the date, with
these, words: "10550th time a wreck has
occurred 011 111y various journeys to
spank at the Rockford Chautauqua.
O'hdre is the silver lining?”
With words of encouragement the
train crew and other passengers, who
all escaped uninjured, Mr. Bryan joined
the iine of rettlgecs 0110 wended their
way up the track fur more than a mile
and a half,
1t Belvidere Mr, 130300 took a trolley
caa, and made the Chautauqua grounds
bchhxt sched115 time.
The wreck was caused by the baggage
ear taking all open switch.
Ottilwa,.1ug. 20,—'Che C'ouoalian Mann,
Mamas' Association has forwarded to
the Government, through Secretary Mur-
ray, a resolution endorsing the request
of the Corium ix:lel Travellers" Associa-
tions that Thanksgiving Day this year
be -held on a Monde.); instead of Thurs-
day. It is pointed out that Monday is a
more eonvenie)t day for those who wish
to travel lane for the day, nud that au
interruption of business in the middle of
the weer: i0 '0,100 nablc. Ilon, 71,'. Scott,
Secretary of State, in replying to the
request, noted that it is the custom, both
in Great Britain and the United States,
and has heretofore been the custom in
Canada, to have Thanksgiving Day on a
I.bnhsdny, however, he• promised that
the Government would 00000fu11,y consider
the Matte' a1 en early date;
Belleville .Ladies Badly Frightened-3ln-
known Wears a Mask,
llelleville, Aug, 20,—A man in a state
of entire nudity has on two occasions
chased and badly frightened two ]allies
within the past week. All the 10011 weir's
is 0 mast: over his lac, least night he
chased a ,young Indy residing a short
distance west of the city, and in broad
daylight, The veom!n's screams attract-
ed the neighbors, when the uuknowu
Mall got away. Just a week ago the
same lady's sister was:chased by a m1111
dressed }d light underclothing, lois
Resolution to Have Undesirable Strike-
breakers Hounded is Lost,
'rentor, N.J., Aug 2 =The State 1 (0(1 -
tlon of Labor was called upon to -day to
consider a resolution instructing the legis-
lative committee to seek the passage of a
Lill 0.111sh would make It the duly of 011 Ids
of police to int 0rgafe the ohmmeters and
records of slriAs Lrc'.;cre, end in este Basso
should be found to be bad, to order them
immediately to leave the cities Is which
they 10110 working.
The resolution bad some supporters, but
was lost after ;one of the delegates said
that unless the law were,made. brood enough
to include al! workingmen, It would be spe-
cial legislation and therefore unree 1tu-
tlonal. When this view of the case was pre-
sented the enthusiasm was lessened notice-
Another resolution was designated m loon;
about a condition under whlen creamy (res
should not be allowed to(Baffin-tins to against
aged workmen simply because th ey could not
wont as fast as younger men This was
amended by the committee by recommending
that nil affiliated organizations adopt a super-
annuated wage list fixing a rate for ofd men,
In that forth It was .passed.
• -•0- --
Police Just in Time to Save Negro From
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 23.—Charles Hooper,
a negro, who says be cones from New 0001),
was nearly lynched in Clark street. In rho
hill district this afternoon. He was beaten
and clubbed, and lust aboutthe time he
was to be "strung up" 0 detail 00 pollee
with revolvers rescued and landed Hooper In
a cell at the Centre Avenue Station, Hooper,
it is charged, got into 0 flat at No 1221
Clark street, occupied by dors. Cara Adams,
who was away, but her two daughters, 11
and 14 years, respectively, were in aha
house. "If you scream I'll kill you," 13op-
er bellowed as he threw his arms mound the
older girt, The other child screamed orad
nelgbbors rushed to the apartment. Hooper
escaped over a roof, followed by a crowd,
the girls leading the Gorse, and finally picked
Hooper out from a crowd of negraea. Doth
girls said Hooper was the man and Ila
crowd got Hooper. The m rival of the police
was fortunate,
There Shall Be No Night There.
A crystal sea embai ted by m00015010 blue,
Ships slowly drlitdug, lulu phantom coves;
A burning orb of glowing m-(mson hue,
Dropping from stgnt beneath the fall/1110g
A dusky eurtalb drawn by anaecn: bend
Bright stare appearing with their laughing
A drearily whisper floating 0'00 the land,
And unto man, Is born- a restful night,
A. rippling stream of living waters deep,
A tiny craft ,propelled by spirit breath
Filed c301111s closing in a peaceful sleep,
Upon the bosmu of the angel Death;
A galley curtain 0010idy drawn aside,
The flashing glory of an endless ray;
A. vision of the pleasures that abide,'
And unto man is born 0 perfect Say.
Ile bravo and strong! This life is but the
Our joys but stats to light us on the way;
Replendent brightness larks lust out of
Where ransomed Souls abide In while as-
Dea h but day; 'Us da to be with God
'T1s day to sol HieCtato d hoar His voice,
The body Wm its time beneath the sod;
Day calls It forth AIM spirits to rejoice,
Mr. Moncrieff Refuses to Name Cor-
Winnipeg, Aug. 24.—The session of the
beef commissien this morning was one of
the most .interesting yet held- The fact
that Mr. J. Monerist!, managing editor of
The Tribune, appeared, charged with con-
tempt for refusing to dlvulgo the name of
a correspondent who 1103 written a letter
in that .paper, tusking positive charges
against firms supposed to be leaders of the
combine, gave added Interest to the proceed -
tags, as thecommissioners had preciously
stated their intention to commit 11011 to jail
If he did not give the commission the in-
formation desired.
Mr. Moncrief not only refused to give
up the name, but submitted that Mr. Hag -
gait, tho legal adviser of the eonmulssioa.
sus also the lawyer of the leading limn
in the alleged combine. He affirmed that
the letter in question wax written by a but-
cher, who feared that If his name was made
public be would bo crushed out of business
to revenge, by the combine. Tho commission:
otter consideration, deckled not to commit
the offending newspaper Man,
Pians Under Consideration for Ontario
Schools Tend That Way.
Toronto. Aug. 20,-])r,' John Seath,
Super'inte'ndent of 1'sdocatjon, stated 300'
te r d v 1 110 allchanges 101 the courses
of stints' for the Public on high Schools
of the Province to he made within the
nest fete months would not in any way
disturb the. schools, .Pupils lutd teachers
could easily adjust themselves to the al-
terations. It was intimated that sev-
eral plans trete 11010g considered for in-
troduction into the schools next Septen-
her. It will be 50000 or eight years
twine these are in full operation. They
tend, lar. heath remarked, toward the
elimination of written examinations,
A black waiter was going upstairs at
a restaurant olnrying a dish upon whieh
vv01 a roast turkey-. He slipped on the
edge of a step and fell. Iiow were five
countries represented? The Downfall of
Turkey, the Upsetting of Grcrce, the
Break up of China, the Socking of Af-
rica, the Disappointment (4 Hungary.
Almighty and thrice holy God, tena-
bly' aro( reverently we approach Thy
101(3 seat. We ore Thy subjects, 0
great King, and we have rebellcdeagainst
Thee; we are Thy children, 0 loving
Father, and we have disobeyed and
91001(1 1'he.e, A1'c have no logo bat in
Thy mercy. No light shines upon our
darkness save through the door which
Then hast opened, We bless Theo, most
merciful Father, that Thou hast ap-
pointed for us a great High Priest, i
1(04 offered to' its all eteina1 saeriliee,
(Wen thee saerifi o of Illmsclf. We bless
Thee that Ile ever lives to mike inter-
cession for tis and that 11e is able 'to
5010 to the nttertuose.' Grant that
though' His blood we may obtain the
forgiveness of sin, and through His
gine( may he enabled to consecrate oar -
selves: to the se: vice of God our Saviour,
Angels' Words,
Arise ;tune flee into Egypt. Matt 3:1:!.
We think of angels praising, and laden
with benefits for man, They also speak
weighty words; it is well that we Mk ; •
:Mise from false security and dreams
of ease. "Flet Thee art precious.
Thou, is danger, there is also refuge.
The manger contained the infant, born
to rrdconr Thy body contains a soul.,
most pleeron:, 1110 Riving are oft the
traek hunting for precious life. 'Play soul
is comparatively innocent as well as pre.
cion;, but evil draweth neat to darken,
to pollute, to degrade, to destroy, Fleet
Stay not in ,all the plain, lest thou be
ovcrttkcn and dest•roycd.
There )most he deeislov courage, ohed-
icn0e, 100 a power more entity', mere
deadly than Herod, seeks to capture and
Arise and sing lnld put a (10011ul cour-
age on, for n day is coming When angels'
words will be heard again. "They are
dead which sought the young child's
Pause and ask who lives the longest?
Mond men or bac, grlt00 on Herod? '('here
is only one answer. A maw in at fervid
prayer meeting cried, "Lord, kill the
devil." It seemed shocking; onaalm re-
flection we coneludcd that this is what
the Lord is doing every day,
"The nicked live mit out half their
days, the triumph of the wicked is short,
Longa last enemy that shrill be destroyed
is death," lie overturns systems of in-
iquity and brings in tltc right to reign.
'thee is the wrath of tiro 1, eh. It is
often. expressed le words, for He fights
with the words of His mouth; end de-
stroys with the brightness of His rising.
The most Welcome sound on the shores
of 'the heavenly Canaan will be "They
are dead which sought the young' child's,
Blessed words of the angels,
H. T. .Villas.
Laeaunsville, Ont.
Silver Leaf Adopts Striking Miners'
Coablt Dospateti—To-day the Silver Leos
mine opened uptagaln. work will be done by
contract at union beers and by unlmn 11100
About twenty may are now employed. The
Silver Leaf was one of the mines which
signed the mine -owners' schedule.
To -day rho Cobalt Linton, In the persons
of Robt, Roadhouse, flobt, Kearns, Arthur
L. Hotly, Jas McGuire, Edward O'Bryne,
Wm. Dewitt and John Hopper, w110 served
with salmnens0s to attend at Gsgeode Halt
on Thursday. They will 10 chargedwith
violating the injunction granted In the 'huf-
fa'.o mines, Roadhouse, Dolly and 3,10(10100
fire called upon to appear on Saturday be-
fore 'Phos, 1. Bourke, lout Registrar et
the High Court of Justice, at lbe Prospect
Hotel, Cobalt, to be cross-oo)mnIed 110 wit-
nesses on the pendingmotion to continue the
• -
Three Women Injured 0111 a Street Car
at Montreal.
Montreal, Aug. 20,—A fuse blowing
out on a street ear to -day caused a anal-
her of w'oine n to jump. Asa result tree
of them 500.0 }njmle,i. lits, (ititton,'
St 1bouo1, was hurled 10 the pavement
and sustained a bad scalp wound Mrs,
Orton, St. Dominique „tu ort, 0wal a 10
thrown to the pavement with mach
force. She escaped with Moises and
n severe shaking op.
The third women veal. ladled up 111 all
(10000sci0u0 condition, Der right leg
was 00111tred, and irlood was ((zing
from her 10011111 and cal,. Het' skull 161.1
Precious Faith.
It is "precious faith," costly in itself;
,priceless the blessings it brings. And
how does it bring them? Not by any
virtue or worthiness of its own. There
is not merit in feint; how can there be
when it (suites Simply trusting the trust-
worthy? is there anything virtuous in
the. fact 111111 Ove hove "fled for refuge:'
and have found safety in the cleft of
the I ode? No, faith is not in the least
u. rec,.m:nend)tion of goodness before
God. It is the: clasp on the life -belt
when the mon is drowning; the rest of
the rescued in the arms that bear him
to the shore; the standing in pence be-
hind the shield which our champion
presents to the. foe, 11 is the Hey 1ppo-
site ,if merit; it is our recourse to 11100-
c,v' By just because it is all this, it
is 'precien5' in the blessiegs it bring:.
Cowper calls faith "the blooit receiving
(00101'." So it is, and it is the ''10(.e}0-
ing grace" also for all tilt circle ori the
blessings of Cod in Chest, purchased
for us with His blood, stored rip for ns
in 1(1, fullness, oiveye01 to ns by His
Spirit, t leu .h, there this "precious
faith" that do so, not by contrnuilly
looking, nttle faith and as it were pull-
ing it up to ,e' if it is growing, Do
so rather by often looking' at its object,
and by continually putting faith into
use •ns you meet each reality of life,
relying upon ]rim. Ily faith Jesus
('11016t leeoulcs, 1101 only nn outside
filet, but en inw'ar'd pourer to make all
things new, in you and so around,—Dr.
'Po keep flies from worrying, n sick
person put e drop of oil of lavender 0n
:the hair or the pillow of the invalid, 'Ile
above leis beeeu lrid with great (twee .
fractured; but hopes are entertained for end tl e mei] of the oil of lavender la
her recovery. 100101 refreshing.