The Blyth Standard, 1907-08-29, Page 6. _ 1
''crimps it is the $.8.50 wages to skilled
sawmill amu that help to make lumber
��ildulm Publico;' department ;s
upending $)0,6213 a year in .1.1) e011sin3
the city, and $8,370 111010 in salariee,
printing, etc., That's pushfuhnca'.
a royal jollier and creator of good
feeling hetttcett'lttlera and people» King
Edward cordes off the red ribbon. Let
nobody hnauefortli say that a king needs
be useless.
Johuulesburgis said to have exp'ri-
enced n sever slump, initiation
declining fifty millions ui one year. It
is said that it has been 'overbuilt and
overpeopled, and that nmv many Great
shops 111 the main street, are empty.
A Cleveland Millionaire's New Version
of It.
A reporter was talking to Thomas E.
Harley, the young Cleveland million.
sire who is going to tour the world for
a wife.
"A young man of your means," said the
reporter enviously, "should have no dB.
fteulty in finding a wife, Ile shouldn't
have to tour the world dor ber."
"Oh, shouldn't hot" said Mr. Harley.
"Don't you know that the right kind of
girt doesn't judge a man by lila money?
Money my friend, is tate past thing to
judge anyone by,
"Yes," the young millionaire went on,
"be who judges people by their money is
apt to fare like the Cleveland man who
pve a dollar to °soh of his little sone.
"blow, boys,' said this foolish man,
am going away for et week. Take this
money and see how much you can make
out of ft in my absence, To him that
does the beat Ill giro a fine present'
"On his return at the week's end he
called the boys to him.
"'Well, George, how have you succeed-
ed?' be said to the first
George proudly took two dollars from
"'I have doubled my money, sir; he
------�---" ..said.
\'nneouyer lois ,just sold 5100,000 of "115meBent' Dried the father. 'And
its 51.000,000 four per rent, bonds at 00,otl,. Jeb°' have you dyne hotter still,'
That is a great sncvifice. Compared cep mid, said John, sadly, `I have lost
with the higher price offered about a "Wretched boy,' the father emleimed,
pito 00ro it will melte n loss of $50,000 bow' did yen lose its"
on (110 total as the 1'cstlt Of not selling "1 matched George;, faltered the Ind.
them. Down the St. Lawrence,
through the 1,000 Islands, running the
In obedience to the Imperial decree rapids, peat Montreal, and quaint Que-
reeeully iss11011 ell 1110 opium dens in bee, to the far famed Saginaw river, 800
Cul1tiiu 11010 closed 01: Priddy, to th:t miles of varied sooaery, by boat, with ev-
music of Baud, and the cheering of greet 1 ery oomtort sad oonvontence, flan this
delightful summer outing be Surpaseedt
peeeeeious. L'nl it would be unsafe to rf you aro arranging for your ve-
conclnde that opium sntol mg is at nn cation trip consider this, anti eek your
end among the (t lestinls, But rite_ti- nearest ticket agent or write, H. Foster
d(0 (111 of official toleration of tiro Vice f, I Chaffee, A, G. P. A,, R. & 0, N. Co.,
Toronto, Canada.
et eat gain. 1 ♦ •
'Phe dangers of the "unwritten law"
are illustrated dully in New York, Al-
most every tiny some man or boy is set
upon by a mob and seriously handled
bernuso he is 011511 ¢ted. of pawing spoken
ko e. girl. A man in Harlem, carrying
his IAN u child, was set upon by a mob
and beaten as 0 kidnapper because the
chill cried.
Speed amnia in motorists has become
so great tt curse in England, says a
eabl,, that u monster petition to Parlia-
ment is being signed throughout Groat
1111(1in against reckless and 11(1011011100
o 1) drivers of automobiles. Lines have
been shown to he no deterrent to the
Elwell maniacs, The roads are becoming
too dangerous for horse-drawn vehicles e
or fol persons walking, we are toll. This
pleltire appears to be overdrawn. Brit- b
ish low is not so easily defied. If the
motorists are acting in this fusty punish- '
muni will be meted out to them, without
the aid of petitions to Parliament.
1'h010 should be no delay in the ,fork
or reforestation in Canada. This coon -
try has been prodigal 111 its dealings
with its timber and lumber resource,
with the result that some of them have
become exhausted. There tiv,e certafu
species of timber, such as oak and Duo
h0gany, that Canadian manufacturers
have to, import from the States, and
otht r lands are growing actireer, The
Belleville Ontario, the ttlut day, said
"Khat will probably be the last drive of
sew -logs to conte down the river 1, tow'
rueniug lulu the harbor boons here,' and
Lor very many years the waters of
the Moira floated annually to the
saw mills wlii011 fringed it, 110110.
from 'Tweed to Belleville a111 to the
Bay of Quinte, for the giant Vomits
sawing 000eerlts at Trenton, Raker',
luluud, Rossmm0c and Descronto, a
"teeming wealth of saw -logs," which
filled its bed rat times from Belleville
to Cauiftoa; but, year Lr ('0), as 1h
00011(00' has become denuded of its pine
forests, tate number of pieces in the
yearly drive has decreased, the mills
hil0 been closed of removed to other
Maces, and now we see the end of a
great industry, whim) at one time gave
employment to few, if any, loss then n
thousand men in Belleville, including the
mill luulds and those employed on board
Me vessels which carried the lumber
to oilier ports---prineipaly those of ting
'1111ed States. For st hundred years or more thio.
numbering has leen (allied on 0.101120113
.)J' Ice the tiooidcuultt. Neel: (.reek
aped other streams, but now that the for-
csts have been denuded of theft ((0(10it
the lumber ,jucko, and the 1,0.10 ( 1 qrn-
ei'nlly, twill dlstppetir Flom this district.
and Belleville will miss them, for they
brought a certain amount of trade to
the city, but independently 1,f this, tit '
Moira will not look like itself in the
1eeson without the lees tm1 the rafts
Dud the picturesque 111(11(011101.. Rea.
Other districts boobies that wh,h 111
'Moira inns through are being' ceheo tor,
end when that eon'e5 to 515s, many boa-
bcr towns will peso awes altogether, 1111-
11,4,, fire mining industry should take the
place of the liontering.
Some follows can't see n pitcher
without getting thirsty.
Irish Riots and Irish Bacon.
Bacon curers aro usually among Om
moat prosperous firms in Belfast, but
they have had to warn the farmers
throughout the north not to kill any
more pigs until the strikes are settled,
or it is impossible to handle the °arease-
ee. Buainesa has thus beton diverted to
other Irish bacon curing centres, al-
though the majority of farmers have
simply roepitod their pigs and are mak-
ing no attempt to supply the market
Danish bison factories -will thud profit.
Mtnard'e Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Her Dear Friend.
Mrs. Capelounn was at the telephone.
"Hellos" elle said. "Is this' Mrs, Wel-
kinring's house"
"Yes," &messed the voice at the other
nd of the wire.
"Is Mrs. Weiklnring there?'
"No; she hoe gone out driving and will
o gone several home, Who is—"
Here Mrs, Capsicum hung up the
"Verona," she said, "tell William to
have the carriage ready at otos. I am
going to call on Mae, Woikinring,"
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
here is one roof that itavera
hm.-mwo,twill last 109 lu
Guaranteed an rrtung for 2- dears.
This roof saves y "tl` work because its
no easy to put on ( it yourw:f with a
hammer and snips), save you worry
ba aur titer arop -f, , windoroof and
w'ttrite areal the funding a cnvor.
Write u, amt it and hoar alt about
sort ROO1°1? 0 RIGHT. Addraa
The PEDLAR People M.
coatsnesecel Ottawa'tomato Load"r Winnipeg
Cakes and Sausages in Germany.
"Germany is the land of variety in
sausages and sakes," said William
George Bruce. "When I made my visit
to eat at restaurants in practically every
to eat at resturanta in prsotically every
city I came to. I am not stretching it a
bit when I say that in one restaurant in
Dresden there were 200 varieties of eau -
save on the bill of fare.
'The sante holds good of cekes. You
enter a restaurant or a bakery in whish
coffee is eerved. The obliging waiter
will set before you a specially designed
ties aro placed in convenient tiers so
ties are placed in conventient tient so
that you pick out any kind you want
without disarranging the whole.
"There is another feature of restaur-
ant customs in Germany that struck me
as out of the ordinary. While perhaps
a dozen cakes are set before you to
choose from, you only pay for the exact
number you eat. When you are done
with your luncheon the waiter will count
up what is remaining and °barge you
for the difference." -Milwaukee Sentinel.
Uncle Allen. '
"Once in a while," said Uncle Arlen
Sparks, "you meet a man who is so busy
telkfng about the 'higher life,' the eunl-
vereal brotherhood of man,' and the `gen•
oral uplift' that he never has time to
change his socks."
• •
Some men are so slow that it ie even
doubtful if they go feat asleep.
A girl may have teeth like pearls and
be as dumb as an oyster.
Talks on..
by Mail
THE making
of a Man
Every man has before him a serious
problem in providing for future need.
The thoughtful man must map out
his plan, guided by his bed intelligence,
and Stick to it.
figurigg ea the future it is sefe
to note dol ii one thing --you'll need
4% Compounded Quarterly
A few hundred, or a thousand or
no, reedy to hand incase of emergency,
has been the making of many a man.
You might see an opportunity to
maks a few hundred dollars -if you
had the needful neat egg.
Our booklet E sent free on re-
quest, gives full information on Banking
by Mail at 4 per cent. intetat. Write
for h to -day.
Company Limited
C gi d site teams $2.900,000
The Morning, Not the Evening, the Best
Time, the Watchmanker Says.
"Must people," said the watchmaker,
"wind their watches at night; but it
would be Dotter to wind them in the
"You sec, we are liable to go to bed
at different hours, and so to wind our
watch at irregular intervals; and it is
totter to wind it regularly. Then we aro
more liable to forget to wind out watob
at night than in the morning and so
stay let it run down.
"But we are pretty sure to get up in
the morning at our regular hour, what-
ever the hour at which we went to bed,
and so by winding it the we may in-
sure regularity of winding; and the
watch is brought to mind then, when
we put it on for use, and we are lose
likely to forget to wind it.
"So morning is the beat time to wind a
watch, if you can get yourself into the
habit of winding It then."
From Suspension Bridge, Niagara
Falls, via Lehigh Valley R. R.
August 0th, 30th, and Sept. 0th. Tick-
ets good 10 days. Allow atop -over ab
Philadelphia on going and return trip.
For tickets and further information call
on or write Robt. S. Lewis, Passenger
Agent, 54 King Street East, Toronto,
Do you want a
Painting Book ?
One packet
has a0tuatip
I51100 a btnhal
at ruin
— IIOLD aY —
10e. per paokat, or s packet. Par 250.
will last a whole a.Mee.
Holland Sea Signals
Holland 6eem0 to be pioneering a new
or isva lwhich l
endeccoast lightahipe of doable Utility
to veseels in times of tog. At a point of
the North Sea northeast of Timid Island
ia naoorod the Dutch lightship Eaaks,
which for some days now has been equip-
ped with a novel system of submarine
signele by means of sunken bells. In
fog, snow or hail, or whenever from any
cause the weather is judged "thick"
enough these belle can be !rounded oncs.
every three seconda. The *8ytem has
been installed as a practical working
test, and it the results are deemed to be
good enough it will ire adopted generally
on all Dutch lightships -perhaps also PO
those of Belgium. -From the London
Man% Pauls neratehes and every term er
enataatoae Itch on human or Waite mai
In 10 minute. b7 Wolford'a emitter Lotto.,
li peva, 61161, Baldd 7 druggist&
I The Deserted Doll Speaks.
(Denver Republican.)
The Teddy Bear destroys the Wtlaot N
1 motherhood
othe hood 5 little
girls.-Interview with
She put me away last summer, and told me
she didn't care;
She ,,a• weary of lips like cherries, and pink
cheeks and golden hair;
She had fallen in love, eke whispered, with
a "cute" little Teddy Boar!
Se, IHS wasthneseed coerio 10 the
darkness at her
Oh, the hours I've spent !n longing for the
touch of her baby bandol
For e'en though she loves another, de holds
me in iron bands.
Electric Clock at Berlin Enjoys a Unique
This is said to bo the electric clock
in the basement of the Berlin Observe.
tory, which wee installed by Professor
Foereter to 1865. It was inclosed in an
Dir -tight glass cylinder, and has fre-
quently run for periods of two or three
months with an average daily deviation
of only 15.1000 of a second.
Yet astronomers are not satisfied even
with this, and efforts are made continu-
ally to secure ideal conditions for clock
by keeping it not only in an air -tight
case, but in an underground vault where
neither change¢ of temperature nor of
barometric pressure shall over Went 11.
Carterhall, Nfld.
Minard'e Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sir•s;-Witile in ties country last
summer I was badly bitten by mosqui-
toes, so badly that I thought I would be
disfigured for a couple or weeks. I was
advised to try your Liniment to allay
the irritation and did r0. The effect was
more than I expected, a few applications
completely curing the irritation, and
ppreventinngg the bites from becoming sore,
MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good
article to keep off the mosquitoes,
Yours truly,
W. A. V. R.
if my rival watt only haadeome I would
never shed a tear,
But ugh, that horrid monster, that never
would let come near.
Oh, the thought of that near and her High-
ness 1e driving me mad, I fear.
But I hope tome bright, bright morning, the
will turn to her love of old,
And the Teddy Bear's place wit be taken by
her dolly's head of gold;
And the Sala of her loving Highness will
my waiting arms enfold!
• •
Sandpile Morality,
The eandpile for the small child, the
playground for the middle-sized ahild,ths
athletic field tor the boy, folk dancing
end social ceremonial life for the boy and
the girl in the teens, wholesome means
of social relationships during adult life
-these are fundamental conditions with-
out which democracy cannot continue,
because upon them rests the development
of that self-control which is related to an
appreciation of the needs of the rest of
the group and of the corporate conscience,
which 18 rendered necessary by the com-
plex, Interdependence of modem lb.--
1fe.-Charities and the Commons.
A pretty maid
Upon the bench;
A man declares
Sbe is a poach;
The parson makes
Them man and wife;
Behold the pear
Of marc!ed ate.
Tho apple of her We
Is Jerry.
While she becomes
Htn b lekieberry.
But now they fight.'
Alas, 'tis true;
It was a lemon
That each drew...
It's FREE.
Ask your mother to
send us her name and
address and we'll *end
you one of these splendid
Painting Books with. the
colors all ready to use.
We'll also send aquarter-
pound package of Cellu-
loid Starch for your
mother to try next ironing
Tis Brasdord ShrohW mlt%Limitat
6acd«d. Canada air
Fair and Unfair Burials,
The jurisdictional dieputo between the
woodworkers' and the carpenters' union
has reached the coffiu industry, and
there ie coneidereble doubt in a union
mania mind as to what style of a coffin
to purchaeo in order to secure the pro-
perly labeled union, article. Even the
Union Burial Assoeilition, organized es-
pecially to decide thio matter, is at a
loss to decide the natter and is selling
caskets bearing the label of the carpen-
ters' union, which the wood workers de- '.
clare to bo non-union.
The carpenters claim the exclusive
right to place their labels on caskets and
the woodworkers declare if a man is her-
bed in a coffin bearing ouch a label he
goes to his last resting place to remain
through all eternity in an "unfair" orti-
ole. The Chicago Federation of Labor
has been asked to appoint a eommitttee
to pass upon the merits of the. diopute.-
Chiango Chronicle.
The Show Window Catechism.
A 010thing firm 1n an Illinois town endeav-
ors to attraot attention to Omit by ;moms
to its show window each week a quettoty
for the best answer to which 1t awards a
of collecting your claim( againstou t a manila and
you found hls pocket -book, 005leinin8 the
amount of money he owed you, what would
you do with it?" Possibly such posers W-
thrush passers-by106 thstorehand buy 0(010.0.
0(111, the item' might get 80me vahaside 1.
formation U it should try this query lama
time: "If we eel a hundred dollen,' worth
of goods In a wekk by this kind of advertis-
ing, bow many hundred dollars' worth could
we cell by devoting the eattje quantity of gra7
matter to the preparation at entertaining and
inotruotive newspaper 'ado'?"
Removekall hard, soft or calloused lumps
end blemishes front horses, blood spsvtn,
curbs, splints, ringbone, money, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle, War.
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cara
ever known. Sold by druggiate.
Very Serious. t
Shortly atter two o'clock one b11
winter morning a pbyotelau drove tout ml
In answer to telephone cal Oa Rh
rival the Donn whohad summoned him said
"Doctor, I ain't 1n any eartlsular
but somehow en other Pve got a
that death 4 nigh."
The doofor felt the man's puke, end listen
ad to his heart.
"Have yen made your wig?" he
The moa turned pale.
"Why, no, doctor. At my age -oh, dot, t
ain't true, is It? It 000'1 be true"—
"Who's your lawyer?"
"Higginbotham, but" --
"Thea you'd better send for him at once.
Thepatient, white and trembling, went t,
the 'phone.
Who's your pastor?" continued the doe
"The Rev Kellogg M, Brown," nimbi
the patient, "But, doctor, you think"-- .
"Send for Dim immediately. Your father
too, should be summoned; also your"
"Say, doctor, do you really think I'm go.
Inc to diet" The mea began to blubber
The doctor looked at Dim bard.
"No, I don't," he replied, grimly. "There'll
uothleg at all the matter with you. But I'0
hate to be the only man you've made a lool.
of on a night like this."
teluediesetna all skin ad blood diseases-Ecmma,
Sall Rheum, Sore% Pilo. Constipation. indigapon
cad other ranks of impure Mood. They col cat
flit came and destroy the evil condition.
d41'ra OOtarnt soars sed heels all diu,ued skin
Miro Blood !osis sad Miro Tablets amazethedbed
and invigorate stomach, herr, kidneys ant doeeli.
Omtmeat and Tablets„ each 50e. Blood
Teaks, $l. At drug -stores- or from The
Genies' Co. of Canada, Limited, Hamilton -
(From the Philistine.)
The selfish wish to govern is osteo mis-
taken for a holy anal In the cause of ha-
Give us this day our dally work, and we'll
egrrt our bread; also we'll pay our railroad
tares. and no longer evade our taxes.
01erg7me0 are allowed to ride on railroad§
on a deed's ticket, not because they take
up tto Tosco or a child, but boeouee they bare
childish minds.
tidy old friend Bastrts Potterer says that .
whets there 1e a quiet wedding, the (massy on '
woos 4 ta appropriate gift for the brtd ,
The Wok sea be bound In lavender, ,pr not, 1
na tlr 4608 may be.
are like a namable peer men, no matter
how much money you have, or It's a toxo- ,
motor ataxia for you. and the out college
for yaw children. •
Sostadall'a Spavin Coro
POar000 Smelt,
N.0., March 3 436.
jam uslog your
Spavin Cure and ata
any there it notlaua
to be compared with
it^ Where Masoral.
and a0
Lamce sa
$r a bottle --e for Oa, Oar great both-.
'•Treatise m the -Those "-fra trout
desists or a!
Ir. IL I. MOM 00. Bataa?aIli, itrass0 ILIA
Same Kind of a Cat.
Ethel, aged 8, had euecoeded In making
her dog stand up on his hind lege, but
her efforts to make the eel do likowi*e
resulted in the little girl getting a bad
scratch, whereupon she exclaimed, "You
d -n eat."
Her horrified mother, who overheard
her, punished her severely; but, not dis-
heartened, Ethel the next morning again
endeavored to induce puss to emulate
the dog, and again ebe felt the force of
her feline claws. "Ton---" the angry
child began, when he mother said warn-
"Well," she continued, "you are just
the same kind of a cat yon were yodel. -
de y." -Judge.
Spanking docs not cure children of
bed-wetting. Tltere ie a constitutional
cause for tide trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will
send free to any mother her successful
home treatment, with full instructions.
Send no money but write her to -day it
your children trouble you in this way.
Don't blame the child, the chances are
It can't help It This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
Revolutionized Smelting.
A French inventor claims to have
wrought a revolution in the /melting of
copper, and practical 'smelters are owning
all the way from America to study the
process. Instead of costly furnaces, elec-
trleity applied to tanks, and it fa as.
sorted that ore can be thus reduced to
97 per cent. pure copper at about 75
cents a ton.
What You Don't See in Edinburgh.
There is one thing that always disap-
points the visitor to Edinburgh, and that le
d Scotsmen te absence uin kilts -or
aAkilts. It you meet
queen City an trof the Forth Iting a kilin awill be e 81
mistake to oupPoco that he Is the Laird of
0110 1 or some other equally famous High-
land chieftain. He la nothing of the sort. As
a matter of foot, h4 0am0 10 Iiodgkins, and
ha bs employed dunglopesenor mone 01 bone
oar licking up ri
DrM of
Disensteln a Rttshelmer on the shady tide
of Lothbury avenue, D. C,
Another t0 make les la supposingwhieli rthatrtthe "good
people of Scotland talk Scotch. I shall never
forget my surprhee on the occaelon of my
!,rat vlait to Edinburgh when a policemen
at the corner of Frederick atraet, to whsm 1
remarked pleasantly that It was "brew, brient
nicht the nicht, whatoffer,' told ins to push
off and atop asking hen oonuodrunas. Scotch -
mon do not a0 a rule talk at all. They pos-
t grOee Iknow a elle "amod
t silence
dDonald who
lives In Perthshire. In whose society 1 have
sometimes spent whole days stalking the
elusive stag without his ever vouchsafing n
single remark of any kind. I remonstrated
with hire once pointing out that such silence
as his almost amouatmi to tactiturnity. He
promised to try and cultivate a certain meat-
wa of garruitty, and atter we bad walked
goose the heather for five hours, during
which time 1 .00014 ese that his brain was
working feverishly, he euddenly turned to me
and exclaimed, "Ton's a Marti!' earthquake
they had In Jamaica?' atter which striking
effort he relapsed once more Into Me ha-
bitual attitude of reeteotful
dos 'ration
The theory that it is never too late
to mend is very comforting to thoee who
aro in no hurry to begin.
Miaard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
• .•
Advice They Heed.
"Yea; I'm going abroad at once. 1
gotta go."
"Oh, you mustn't let the doctors scare
T got this from a lawyer." -Washing-
ton Herald,
Nersa' & Mothers' Tram
--mom reliable maker f r haby
Used ever i0gyaw...�First corpesr rd
by Dr. P. E. Mark it1655.
Makes Baby Strong
Restores the Ws opus le pelta
heahh. Gives mod 6169. tithed
reran to spit= or raker_ 11416;1801)1040.µNaaeaalDthtogbCkee sICC&Lidt:S.
Cheerful Hint.
Among the presents lately showered
upon a Maryland bride was one that wm'>
the gift of an elderly Iady of the night'
borhood with whom both bride and
groom were prime favorites.
Some years ago the dear old soul
accumulated a supply of cardboard mot-
toes, which she worked and had framed
and on which she never failed to droit":
with the greatest freedom as occasion
In cheerful reds and blues, suspended
by a cord t)f the same colors over ttif,, x,
table on which the other presents were
grouped, hung the motto:
"Fight on; fight aver."- Women
Home Companion.
Minard'a Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Slept With His Fathers.
A certain typo of story, having the
sudden and terse conclusion to a direct
statement, has been claimed as purely
American, says Marshall P. Wilder.
For instance: "Willie donee loaded and
fired a cannon yesterday. The funeral
will be held to -morrow."
But the truth le, it is older than Amer-
ica; it is very venerable. If you will
turn to the twelfth and thirteenth verses
of the sixteenth chapter of II, Chronicles
you will find these words:
"And Asa in the thirty and ninth year
of his reign was diseased In his feet,
until his disease was exceedingly great;
yet in his disease he sought not to the
Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa
slept with his fathers."
Toilet Papers
Are the VERY BEST values going. WE invite eomperleon se regards
QUALITY and QUANTITY et paper supplied. Compare by actual oast /
the number of sheets in the so-called cheaper papers with the Eddy make/
sad you will find that you get more for the same money in Eddy's. IJ
Always Everywhere in Canada, Ask for