HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-08-29, Page 5be �� SG���nnd ]nnd to hest the« rret tt' lad,�y ri Beware lest thou Hit7p tit. eol,t �`f fo„ , IIJs ht;, forget lits luonu e for - nowt]IIs holy dna, forget His Ivo( shil, felwet 10 love, obey and thonle I Lim, forget to render Him the 0010!00 of thy LESSON XL—SEPT. o, 1907. hands and forget to give ]dint of thy sub- - — Worldliness, luxury nnd t rget- Moses Pleading With Israel,—Deur, 6: fulness of Clod have sapped the spiritual 1-t6, lire irotn :many souls. Whca 1(1011 be- with AliaJane best, because she always the `Tlty'-q'ill-bc-clone' spirit in my heart," the child a1Swe ed, sweetly.' WI. leach thy ehtkh'ee" t' 7.) The tory of the canes ha0 it pemillar 1-s0fna- tion for duld0en, Melte the, truth simple and conilu'eheosive. A child was ((0110)1 whether she wo ld rather stay with Amit Sane oe Aunt glary, both of whom were 1i0(. She said, "0, 1 like to stay (.oma ittistied with 'earthly hiessiogs, is, puts the cakes and tarts on a low shelf, ('on.uu'.utay.-1, Thr, do+' tnt love is difficult s way for the soul to urge its iv1:00, Iran got thou cosily." Tho am oneyiug God (vs. 1.6), 1, Command- to heaven. Which brought thee. -4t many talks to chit?h'ca are like Aunt meets, etc. -11 a distinction is mode be. would be profitable for theta to recall M1001''s cakes, on ahigh shell, Set the ivvee'n (timid cords .then commandments former condition in life, and their calves Ion, The 1,001)01• we° said fu a wonderful dclivelanc0 front kcathch hon- Sunday 001(001 lesson, "Phe extension of must (00 understood to refer to the moral tinge, that they might better lglprecinte divine forgiveness t0 tine 1(0110(1110(11 is law, statutes to the ceremonial haw and the riches of Canaan. potentially nailer nano (lethal,' pot his judgmculs to the ,judicial law, '?. Which cakes too high. 1 romm;ld then—'The speaker is an 1 Christian mother led her little boy aged man, whose venerable head.is coy to a.gniet spot, and, kneeling, Commend- erel with oho snowy white of nearly- six- t err him to GOA. As she ceased praying ieest•ore years, but whose voice is still both 1 1 the child looked into her face, with hap- ':nd toil clear enough to be heard afar try teas in his eys. and said: "Mamma, 'tar." "11o00s exhorts, entreats, wrestles I an 00 glad you told J001(8 my' mune. 'fief) men, that they may be wise and He knows me now, and when I come up rood; thorn is nothing wanting that is to heaven he will say, `Come in, Arthur; uggesttve of ripeness of experience, of your mother told me about you.' (1'pu. fled genuineness of sympathy. He A. 0. 11, ncccemes shepherd again, only now men �.� and ((00)011 and children, more wayward thane any hearts of the field constitute his m0ltltlldilm08 and most trying flock. Read Deuteronomy immediately after ):zadns, and nark the growth of the maw, how his voice is softened, though the fire of his eye is not dimmed; how his tears are multiplied; how intense is his pastoral solicitude for the salvation of Israel." ---Joseph Parker, Days . , . • prolonged—Compare chapters 8: 1; 30: 111:.3,: 10. The person who wastes his life m sin does not live his allotted time. (1 Lrrcaase:mI'htily--Moses saw a great hinge for them if they obeyed(od. 4. Cod is one Lord—Here is the corner- stone 01 the 'Hebrew faith Jehovah is one, this great truth stun ..:mese() to 11 the idolatrous religions �,ee nations k Tumid them; against whirl Doses warns hem so earnestly (v, 14), 5, Thou 'shalt love—flus comprehensive require- ment God calls the first and great com- mandment. And by its side he places the requirement to• love our neighbors as ourselves (Lev. 111: 18). On these two ban„ all the law and. the prophets, Com- pote Matt, 2'2 37,40; .Arad 19o,23 31; Luke 10. 27. The whole significance of the seriptules as ,t. rale of life is em• bodied in these requirements.—Lindsay. Without love God himself becomes but a distant and infinite idol. Love does not 10(100(1; love. speaks its own lan- guage, finds its Own prays creates its • own songs, ..and sets thea to its own music Children can love where Hwy can not understand. Love passes staight through the zee of reason and iseends to the heaven where it was created in the heart of Cod. Parker, Heart .... soul .... might— We may understand • this its a connnn1d to devote all of our•, • lowers to God, The hart is man's 1 Meet nature and is the sent of the r,i'i'c- ,.1 the and e ac motives lir r''es the '(ns' the dont ' 1)1 will. �, 1t incholes "the intellectual, ono- limml and collative facilities." It is "the centre of all moral activity." The soul is "the per8oanlit5, the indi ural existence." The might is "the sunt of the energies" of both body and mind. "Ile that hath this love in his heart has the fotmtaim e of nil virtue: It is to the life. amt source what the melt/Spring is to a watch, what a fountain is to a stream, what the soul is to the body, what the two olive trees of 'l.echnrinh's 1161011.>V,ere 10 the limps they fed. It bull express itself in love 3 ct � 1'- loloun„ to 1.a n ] I The duty of teaching God's wore] to the children (vs. 0-0). 0. these weeds --1 e oienieg with chapter 5. In thine heart—(;o111pare Jet. 11:113. These worth w(r,1 t0 be tmderstoo(l, loved and obeyed. 7. teach them—fit every possible way.' In the faunae, in the Sunday. Reboot, thr(11(11 the public worship of (led. ton- - gcnily—'.l'lere meet be no laxity at this . poral. unto thy children—Children need Ps to be taulght and trained. To neglect either tcaeltiu( or training 10 detrimen- tal. The child is undeveloped—training is acid art of promoting growth. The 011iid 10 ignorant—teaching is the art of forei,bing the mind with the knowledge of things. talk of them -Not lecture 031(1 them, simply talk. The words of God ore to become port of our life, to mingle with our breath.—Parker. The a1 nesphereset the home has a great ef- fect on tit ;Ifs of the child, Good trains in;; and a 1attnly religion are the founda- tion of a strolls Christian character. 8. bind them, etc, Lie Joys applied this injuuc(ion literally. 'lite so-called Id1yb 01101015 ere leather hones with four cont• pa0Ime)110, in which are put four pee- tionr, o1' the law written on parchment. These were bolted to the forehead and the aria by long leather straps, "Butthat Teel meaning of this conunautl is Godo late 81mldd be. in every deed of the bend, in the sight of the eyes, in the plaint of the heal." O. write them—The :Jews take this literally, "Since writings were rasa 011(1 costly, few could possess copier, of the law, of read then if they did. possess thein; this command kept the truths of God ever before the eyes of the people.' The spiritual meaning is t1)11t our homes sed in fact all our pos- sessions should be )ruled in harmony with ,' the, law of God. 111. AVaooiags against idolatry (vs. 10- 15). 10, 11, Which He swore—God had sol- ii./minty' promised to bring then) into Can- aan. To :Harnham-0ert, 13, 14-1 r 15, 10, 18;'22, 17, 18. To 18000--1301). 21, '-:e, 21. To J000b—Gen. 28, 14, Buildest 't—The Israelites were about to leave tents for the 11eme0 of the Ct,ane. who hrcaese of their cxeessive ll>ledness hail forfeited all eight to nem:, In these ver0es We have ''0 11c- '0 of ndvaeciug eivilizatiou" \V'e are ns4mtly appr0prietilg to our own ro0e 1' wliich has been produced by the 1111ght battles and the 10100. 010 et. 0f those who have gone before us. Ile wore lest thou forget the Lord— /. he in 'great beim' bcca1sc of t knees/Ri,� Ever let Wren hear this rostrad, the little one bounded' away light Hie 1 to c, y When the singing merrily. `9L was nfouid of seeing Turkey, the Upsetting of Greece, the 10jt 10 unknown 0(1 (01(11 ei' \\ ( g„ thought the man must be insane, but Break up of China, tris Seeking of Af, fl501010(1. bot Mrs 010 entertained frim arid the smell of the oil of 111veuler is el,,rs unllnnwrt at the glen 'then you grievously disappointed, she said 1 t her ]eW01 3'.• most refreshing, , • [\Tien hoose is added to house afterward to he/il;atighte', "I have got residents of that vicinity are in terror, rico, ,;he Disappointment of Hungary, 13, Swear by 1110 mune Not servile fear, but r'vere11101 ,ave, is 0njeiucd, This 10as the essential basis of 1lehrcw� worship. The oath iu the name of Je- hovah was equivalent to a solemn ac- knowledgment of belief fit ITim. This conn0 ur(1 is 1101 10 he considered nteon- 01010/10 with wont the Saciotn' cwjoinc in Hatt, 3, 34.—Lindsay. 14, Other gods —11(10O saw that their great de(g'r would be. their desire to be like the hea- then nations around them, which Would lead then into idolatry. 15. A jealous (40(1—Cod will have Ito rival, To soot. ship "other gods (team that they would become an impure people, hc.enese the object(( of their Worship would be he- pure, e - pure. They \would he 110 better then the god, they worshipped. 13y obedienea t0 God we. are nada partaker's of the 101 toe r 111u'e. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. I, 'lice” (vs. 3, 4). 11 1008 Jesus who said, 'Take heed how ye hear". (Luke 8. 18), and "Take heed what ye hear" (Mark 4. 24). At His transfiguration, a voice out of the cloud said "This is 11y beloved Son—hear ye Him" (,Aliatt. 17. 5). hearing is a test of discipleship (John 8. 47). 11 is an evnideuce of spir- ituality (John 18 37), It is 5)110 to be rhea ded with blessing (Prot', 8, 34.) H. "Observe to do" (v. 3). "0, lint we had a grand sermon yesterday," a poor woman who kept a cooler grocery, and had been weep to cheat with seam measures ,said to a lady. "\Vlmre was the text' "Sure, now, and I: don't re- member." '\Vhat dill he talk ukoiu ' hod 0,,01,00 00 impasse, "Well, l'nt'beat but I don't konw." Finally Alr. Reid made n proposal to "Then what makes yott say it was (such submit the disputer.Reito the arbitration of a line sermon?" "It was; indeed, for 1 'lb Ilague tribunal, having the autbori- cmue 1)01«e and burnt' lip all my short to of President Roosevelt and Secretary measures." This poor 10010011 head the Iloo(. to do so. liter n week or two of word and did it, though site could not re- ronside'ation the British ('Government ac - call text or sermon. ceptcd tlw liroposnl, andet1100 the Anleri- IJI. Study the word "love" (v, 5), 11 is oar bovenment proposed that for at - the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5. 221. 'rho other yea', while the natter was tinder bond of perfectness (Go), 1.. 10),'ho fel a01•1itralion, the fisheries should be eon - debtof the ]acv (hoc: 13. The ducted as they were last 3000, under the debt rwe owe one another (Rout 1;1. 0,) same modus rivcudi. The path to walk in (I3pl, 5. 2.) 1.110 .glum has been delay in concluding the to which of faith (1 There. 5. 3). That arrangement. While the British Govern - to which we are to provoke one her. Ma', meat has secured the assent of Sir Rob - Heb; 10. 24).''10 servo one another (Gal ('1,1 Pond. the New'foondland ]''ostler, to 5. 1'3 . To follow after tt(1 T,, elv Tim. 0: 1. lorbt d ] I i • obe•t int the a acciucnt, S) R Love 10 to si fervent (i P(1a' 1, •;y1) will be reluctant to accept the modus Without dissimulation (Root, 12. 81,'In vivendi, (Odell luf opposed strongly last that Spirit (Col. 1.) 8), a In deed aid to season. However, there is little doubt 10111) (1 John 3. 18). Slakes us willing to that the agreement will be.enforcod, and 10)' )10(511 )0' fares for others (1 John 3. that•the f]shei'iea during the 11000 season 70). "Love euffereth ]nig and is kind; beginning next week will be conduetcd love envieth not; lore vauntetlt not ft• on the same m0thods as too Inst. self, is not puffed up, doth not behave ,+— itself wiseeuly, seeketh not her own, is 'PHONE GIRLS STRIKE. not provoked, tlinketh no evil; 00)010etli —� not in iniquity', bat ('0(01 1)0 in 1110 All the Operators at Fort William Have truth; benreth all things, believet:lo -all Gone Out. things, hopeth all things, ettdureth all e aloes'. Love never faileth" (1 Cur, 13, Fort William despatch The, troubi 418),,',01511e, ad th18 love chapter 000013.' day 1¢111011 Ihas existed iu the 100111 tele- ran 101(00; 01(11 1)011 (7od to touch you 7;10(0' aiffe08 here fora couple of uu1utln, to live it. reilched a ctsfs 'at noon to -day, when 11'. Love the Lord thy God with "011. 011 the gills 011171050( on erne switch Ohm heart" (v. 5), Love hint under- herd w'01 Dat 0u strike- The crisi8 st:uulin,glr;' nplireciatiwdy, ca0astly was brought od by the appointment of with surrendered will and tender sensi- rhiss Oto Hudson, 01 1)000000, hIlIlo lo, Hilly and all the powers of vont bein;;, t(' be chief operator. This y0neg lady 1 divided 8010100 counts for little, ,1, Il. ,tailed f,uu1 tha Static 11 L wa11),nud Jagncs says: "During 0)0 Franco-l'rtts- the city gioto,(1iuuy of whom hnry (vork- sinn war, 1 had ieue experience illus- (01 in (1).' phut since its inceptuu, untur tralivo of this principle. Logically I was 'illy objected to being put under 0 new- comer, c'w• (0) roc side of the Germane, believing come ,,nd especially nue trent 0 foreign them tight, Sympathetically I 101)0 011 conty. the side of Fra100, for reasons 1 could Liueuw0 employed by the city will but vaguely define. I had 0 Germ0n aka, it is said, go out in sympathy to - head but a,French dheart, Ht v01)1 1 re- night, std it lucks as if the civic tele- m(nstr0ted with my heart for its pe'- phelt" phial will be oempletely tied up verse sympathy with the French. When. m 0 very short time. over the news came. of a reverse to the The appoiatmeut of Miss Hudson over French, my heart was pained while my the local girls, while it 1s the direct 1,00( sided with the Germans. 1lv heat; mitt's(' of 11 stoilte, is yet, 01dy' one of was right. I would have joined the army the runny krcv10us (11)1011 the gill, say of the Genua ns, Would I not have made they have araii01 the Superintendent. a good soldier? I could have truthfully sin:r, 'Pm glad I'm in this army: But THANKSGIVING DAY if Oen. -Moltke had known lay heart, weep) 1)0 have trusted mc? Now, 1)n the Ottawa, Aug. 20 --'rho Canadian .11,11111 - army of the Lord some of us hove hearts fn0tnrers' Association has forwarded to that are not true. The heart has aye- the Government, through Secretary \rur- patLiee that wander away to the 0011(100 ray, a resolution endorsing the request of the allies. So God cannot trust us el the Commercial Travellers' A8socia- with much power, nor use us for Itis tions that Thanksgiving Day this year glory. But perfect love makes the heitrt be held an a 1[ondty instead of Thurs- day. to (';ml and to his kingdom," day. It is pointed out that 51on(ay is a V. Notice the. little pronoun (v. n)• male convenient day for those who wish Von are commanded to love God, not as to travel home for the day, and that an did Adam before he fell, not its did the interruption of business of the middle of onsets who never sinned, not as did 51soo}• the week is uuesirnble. IIon Mr. Scott, who sat et his feet, not as did John the Secretary of State, In uplyvng to the 1,00Uul disciple, not as did fatal the request, noted that it is t1) custom, both greed scholar, not as did John Knox, in Great Britain and the - nited States, whose love for souls broke out i1 the and has heretofore Leen the elision) in agonizing cry, "Give me Scotland, or I Canaan, to have Thanksgiving ])aye on a diel" but 104411 thine heart, 000011111g Tkusdny, However, he. promised that after a God but just known, with thy the Government would carefully 1005)1er soul, so long deal in trespasses Mid 'sills, the matter at en early Ante, with thy might, which may seen but we el (less. fray him to enlarge thy CHASED EY NAKED MAN, heel 1, uplift thy soul, and increase thy • strength, until all men seeing thy love Belleville .Ladies Badly Frightened—lin- shall ]:now that ye are his disciples In- known Wears a Mask, dead (John 13:34). Belleville, Aug. 20.—A nun in a state V'1. 111(10 God's Nord "lin thin', heart" of entire nudity has on two occasions 1(v. in David suit, "Thy word haveiI clut0ed and badly frightened two lades against in mine heart, that 1 might not sin within the past reels. All the mon wears against that' (Tsai. 119; 11,) A little is it mask over Inc face, 100st night he girl longed to join a pimiic party, I3o' chased a ,young Indy' residing a sltort mother felt it (('11)01 not to let her. When (listnne0 west of the cit}, and in goad Sesie came, with her request, the mother daylight, The l'onine's screams attract - sad, "No, Susie ilea', you cannot got" ed the neighbors, when the unknown She had expected to see a sorrowful 1110- 10811 got away. Just a week ago the appointment in her daughter's face, but same lady's sister wa10.0111 sed by 0 man dressed in underclothing. haunts are or the Marshall road. It is TO THE HAGUE. 'NEWFOUNDLAND DISPUTE TO BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION. Negotiations in London Have Reached an Impasse—•Probable That, Pending a Decision, ModusVivendiof Last Year Will Contin-ae in Force. London, Aug. 20 -The Newfi«mdland' fisher dispute will nndottbledly be ta10011 to The Hague tribunal as a result of the negotiations conducted in London hetwcel the Foreign Office and the Am- erican Aaba'=actor, 1V'hitelaw hold. Both the Foreign Office and the Embassy maintain diplomatic reserve, but it hen been learned from unquestionable sources (3m1 the long correspondence made it seem that then' coutentiens could not b' ha'n,01001d end that the negotiations I;IGGES 6,000 STOLEN. ROLT1ERY OF THE I{IND ER PULLED OFF, Fetiches Solea From Train While- en Route ';roc Denver to Chicago and Omaha i' the Burlington Railway. \ Omaha, N- 'be 031)f'. 20.—Tile biggest k robbery of the i)i\ited States moils ever ruled off oeerrrd between Denver and Omaha last 'flue today night, ten tire; tlroaoh iobistt yed p eehes. two of which (entai id '$200,010, wore stolen from the ]B ` linngton Tailroadt fast mail train iet(Ve Denver and Chicago. Although 't4is 'bbey 00e111 rod on Thursday eight, th6:-,'3os of it only leaked nut tad;ty. To -day every postalinspocto'ad se• ctt.t service Haul in the entire AVrete, is working on the case, Thursday night seven through regis- tered pouches wore sent from the Don- ner postoffne'' to the depot for the Burlington fast 0(1111 train, These were reeeipted for by the mail clerk, When the train reached M'Cook, Neb., it wets touu111001.three of the pouches were 1missing, One of the missing pouches w 0111(1 05 (10,ta1- o Omaha, other to Chicago, and the third was au empty for Lincoln. '1'11e shipment ns said to n gregete more than x250 000. As soon as the loss was discovered the inspectors were notified and a search begun Yesterday a dozen Secret Se11.ee mon, who were in Omaha, wero working on the ease, The mail Brew 110ndliin f the missing pooches weed ex- amined, bot exonerated themselves, It. is the opinion of the inspectors that the mail employees in collusion with •the thieves _81nlply dropped the missing sacks when they were being 1)11o'farred froth the. wagons to the, train; that the thieves were beneath the ea', end milling the sacks beneath the train, got on the opposite side 000 sneaked ''fray with the retial s"erre, The 131:0311000 fast train irate% Dem ter at night, mal in the darkness they could easily escape with their booty. It is the b>_ eeot robbery the united States mail hos ever sustained, FOURTH TIME. Bryan in a Railway Wreck But Escaped Unhurt. Chicago, Aug, 20. —A despatch from 1' - t'n ut says; Villa , Bel/Mae, Ill ty As \ Mose 115)1)1 a(1jested his neck tic and Meshed the chele', frmn his trousers, after 01)100(1111(1'safcly from a wreck near hare yesterday, on the Chicago & North. western road, he reflectively murmured; "Four,' PRESIDENT TALKS. Roosevelt's Determined Opposition to Dishonest Trust Methods. 1'1'010(114m n, Ail I ' a ;. p0 --n'resi- de nt 100,-1 eh, 1i the 1(11)'"1 c f an ad- Une„n id ('(1111)01X11 (0011) the Pilgrim Fathers, Suitt: "Dieing the 10(.,,01 'rou- ble will, the stock market 1 have re - (Weed countless requests and suggestions, public and private, that I should say or do something to ease the sitnnition. There is n world-wide finnneial disturb- ance. Put jt (111(3' well be that the de - tel titillation of the Government in w1)ieh , gentlemen, it will not waver, to punish rennin malefactors of great wealth, has been responsible for something of the troubles at least to the extent of hav- ing mused raying;mused these men to ecarbine to bring about as much 11101040) stress as (boy possibly can in order todiscredit the policy of the Government, to(' there- by to 0000('0 a reversal of that policy, so that they may” '0j0y the fruits of their own evil -doing. Once for all, let me say that as far as I an) concerned, and for the eighteen months of n1y ad• ministration, that remain, thele 01,11 lin no change ithe policy are have steadily pan sued, Mo let-up in the effort to 801'e the honest ohs -cm -000e of the law, for'1 vegetal this contest as nue to determine who 0111th rule this Government;—the people through their Governmental agents, 01' 11 few ruthless and determined Hien, whose wealth makes them particu- larly formidable, beams" the, bide be- hind ehind tin breastworks of corporate 01, garization. Thea drawing out his diary, he noted down the location and the date, with tiaese 100140: "Fourth time a wreck has occurred on 111y various journeys to speak at. the Rockford Chautauqua. Where is the silver lining?" With words of encouragement the train crew and other passengers, who 1111 escaped uninjured, Mo'. Bryan joined the line of refugees who wended their way up tine track for more that a mile and half. At Belvidere lir. Bryan took a trolley car, and made the Chautauqua grounds behind schedule time. The wreck was caused by the baggage 000 :inking ,r1 open switch. WAGE FOR OLD MEN. Resolution to Have Undesirable Strike- breakers Hounded is Lost. DEFIED THE COMM\IISSION, Mr, Moncrieff Refuses to Name Cor- respondent. Wtnnineg, Aug. 20.—The session of the beef commission this morning was one of the most interesting yet held. The fact that Mr. J. Moncrie10, managing editor of The Tribune, appeared, charged with con- tempt for refusing 10 divulge the mane of a correspondent who had written a letter 1u that .paper, making positive charges against firms supposed to be leaders of too combine, gave added interest 10 the proceed- ings, as thecotumissloners had previously stated their intention to cammlt ohm to (all If he did not give the commission the M- 7011010100 desired. Mr. Moncrieff not only refused to give up the name, but submitted that Mr. Hag - gait, tho legal adviser of the eonuutsetal, was also the lawyer of the leading firm 1)n the alleged combine, He affirmed that the letter in question was written by a but- cher, who feared that if Itis name was made public he would bo crushed out of business (1n revengo by the combine. The commission; after consideration, decided not to commit the offending newspaper man, ELIMINATE EXAMINATIONS, Teuton, N.J., Aug =The Stade 1'edci•n- lion of Labor was called upon to -day to consider a resolution nlstruo0000 the legis- lative committee to seek the passage of a hill vrhh.h would maim it the duly of chiefs of police to Investigate the characters and records of stlp,e'l00Q1ltets, a..(1 err ease these should be found to be bad, to order them immediately to lenvo the titles !n which they : wire working - The resolution had same sutperters, but wn.s lost after .one of the delegates sold that unless the law were made broad enough to include all workingmen, It would he spe- cial legislation and therefore u eoustitu banal. When this view of the case was bre- seated the enthusiasm was lessened settee- ab ly, Another resolution was designated to bring about a condition under whien am; loy(^rs Should not be allowed to discriminate against aged worknmen simply 001011se they could not work as- fast as younger men This wab. untended by the committee by rear vanendtng that all affiliated orge.nizahons adopt a supers ((unnoted wage list fitting a rate for old men, In that farm It was .passed. • at* WANTS HIS LIFE. Police Just in Time to Save Negro From Hanging, Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 2u.—Charles Hooper, a negro, who says he comas from New Yorlr, was nearly lynched in Chat street 1)1 the hill district this afternoon. He was beaten and clubbed, and just aboutthe time he wa0 to he "strung 0)" 0 detail of pollee with revolvers rescued and landed Hooper In a cell at the Centre Avenue Station Hooper, it is charged, got 'into a flat at No. 1226 Clark street, occupied by Mrs. Cora Adams Who sons away, but her two daughters, 11 and 14 years, respectively, were In oho hoose. "If you scream 1')] hill you," Hoop- er bellowed as he threw his arms around the older girl, The other wind screamed and neighbors rushed to the apartment. Hooper escaped over n roof, followed by a crowd, the girls lending the chase, and finally picked Hooper out froa3 a crowd of negrees. Both girls said Hooper was the man .and, the crowd got Hooper. The arrival of the pellce Was fortunate. •-• COBALT CAMP. Silver Leaf Adopts Striking Miners' Plans Under Consideration for Ontario Schools Tend That Way. Toronto. Aug, 20.—Dr,' John Sentry Soperinte ilent of Pdocation, stated ,yes- tetl v th;1t nn3 changes in the courses of st. ode for the Public or High Schools of the Province to he Made within the next few mouths would not in any way distad, the sehools. Pupils and •teachers st them could easily atilt elves to the al- terations. It was intimated tint 001" end plans were being considered for in- troduction into the schools next Septem- ber. It will be seven 00 eight years before these are in full dpe')tion. They teed, Arr. Smith remarked, toward the elimination of written examinations, 684 A black waiter was going upstairs at a restaurant carrying t) dish upon Which 005 a roast turkey. He slipped on the edge of a step a11d fell. Ilew were five countries represented? The Downfall of There Shall Be No Night There, A. crystal sca enrboukW by mountains blue,. Ships slowly drifting. into phantom caves; A burning orb of glowing crimson hue, Dropping from sight beneath the foaming waves, A rhnd,y curtain drawn by unseen band Bright stars appearing with their laughing light; A dreamy whisper floating o'er the feud, And unto man, to bora a restful night. A rippling swam of living waters deep, A tiny craft ,propelled. by spirit breath; Fired eyelids (lasing in a peaceful sleep, Upon the bosom of the angel Death; A gauzy curtain Quickly drawn aside, The flashing glory of an endless ray; A vtston of the pleasures that abide, And unto man is barn a perfect day, , Ile brave and strong' Th10 Ilfe is but the night, Our joys but et000 to light us on the way; Resplendent brightness lurks just owe of sight, Where ransomed souls ((aide In while ar- ray, Death Is but day; tits. day to be with God, 'T1s day to see Hisface and hear His voice, The body bide* Its tithe beneath the sod; Day cane 1t forth with spirits to rejoice. Prayer. Almighty nlul thrice 110ly God, hum- ( bly ;cud reverently Nee approach '1 y 10(030 Scat, \1'e are Thy subjects, 0 great King, 011d we have rebo]led+against Time; we are '1'h} children, 0 loving Father, and we have disobeyed and ;sieved Thee. 00'e have no hope but in Thy mercy. No light shines upon 0111• adarkness wave through the door which 'hon host opened. We bless Thee, most merciful Father, that Thou hast ap- pointed for us 0 great High Priest, who has offered to' ',8 an eternal sacrifice, even the S0crfice of 111msclf. 'We bless Thee that He ever lit tie to make inter- ecoeien for us and that He is able '10 any.+ to the uttermost.' Grant that through' His blood we may obtain the forgiveness of sin, nett through His grace may be enabled to consecrate our- sel1es.tr, the se: vice of Cod our Saviour, Amen; Schedule, Coablt Dospateh:—To-day 010 Sliver Leaf mine opened uplagain. Work will be done by contract at union hours and by union men. About twenty 01011 arc now employed. The Silver Leaf was one of the minds wlildl slgned the mine -owners' schedule. To -day the Cobalt Halon, in the 0000010 of Robt, Roadhouse, Hobt. Kearns, Arthur L. Botly, Jas McGuire, 04werd O'Bryno, Woo. Hewitt and John Hopper, was served With stnnmenses to attend at Osgeede Hall on Thursday. They will be chargedwith violating the inlmlctfon granted to the tlut- folo mines Roadhouse, Dotty and McGuire ore called upon to appear on Saturday be- fore '1'bos. J. Bourke, local lteglstrnr of the High Court of Justice, at the Prospect Hotel, Cobalt, to be 0001s -examined as wit- nesses on the pending/notion to continue the in(unetion, Angels' Words. ,Arise.,.1uu1 flee into Egypt. Matt 11113. We think of angels praising, aad laden with benefits for man, They also speak weighty words; it is well 16111 we (01)' hrcd. Arise from false security and dreams of east 'flee." Thor out precious. Thee is danger, there is also refuge. The manger contained the infant, born to redeem, Thy body contains a soul most punous, murderers are on the track hunting for precious life. Thy .soul is comparatively innocent as well as pre. Mons, but evil drawetii near to darkee, to pollute, to degrade, to destroy,. ]'Ice! Stay not in all tie plain, lest thou be r overtaken and destroyed. There 1nu(t he decision, courage, Moot - ;once, for a power more crafty, more deadly than Herod, seeks to capture and destroy. Arise and sing and put a cheerful cour- age en, fon a day is conning when angels' word., will be heard again."They are dead which sought the young child's Pause and ask who lives the longest? (loud men or bad, grace or Herod? 'there is only one answer. A mean in a fervid playa faceting cried, "Lord, hill the devil." It seemed shocking; on enlm re- flection we concluded that this is what the Lord is doing. every day. "'rhe wicked live not out half their days, the triumph of the wicked is short, tine last enemy that shall be, destroyed he death." He overturns systems of in- iquity and brings in the right to reign. There is the wrath of the Lamb. It is often e&1 essed in words, for He fights with the words of His mouth; and de- stroys with the brightness of His rising. The most welcome sound on the snores of 'the heavenly Canaan will be 'They are dead which sought the young ('1111(1'0 1i1e." Blessed words of the angels, 11. '1'. )tiller. Lieunsville, Onto THE FUSE BLEW OUT. Three Women Injured on a Street Car at Montreal, Montreal, Aug. 20.—A fuse blowing out on 0 street ear today caused a owns bar of women to lump. As a result three of them mem mj11Ted. 341,.' P,ritton,' St. Henri, was hurled to the pavement and sustained 11 bad scalp wound. -Airs, Osten, St. Dominique street, was also thrown to the pavement with much fore,. She escaped with bruises and a severe shorn Ik mit. The third 10010011 was picked up in tin tnewnsei(ms condition, Het right leg was fractured, end blood was oozing from her 11011 aol ears. Her skull was Precious Faith. It is "precious faith," costly in itself; priceless in the blessings it brings. And how does it brim them? Not by any viotmo or wm'thieess of its own. There is loot merit in faith; how can there be when it comes Simply Hoisting the trust- wrtby'i Is there anything virtuotte 111 t110 fact that we hove "fled for refuge:' and 11,1(1' found Safety in the cleft of the Both? No, faith is not in the least u-c,.m uendafio) of goodness before Gaol. It is the clasp on the life -belt when the mala is drowning; the rest of the resoled hi the arms that bear hien to the shore; the standing in pence be- hind the shield which out champion presorts to the foe. 11 i, the very oppo- site of merit; it is our recourse to mem c;l. .Iry just because it is all this, it. is ''precious' in the blessings it brings. Cowper calls faith"the blood receiving glace. So 11 )o, and it is the receiv- fag grace' also for all the circle of the blessings of God in Theist, purcl1,5ed for ns with Ilio blood, stored tap for hs in His fulhuss, omit -eyed to us 0(0 ills Spirit. /lowish, there this precious faith." lint do se, oot by ,ontinually looking at the faith and ns i1 1(000 poll-- ing it up to see if it is knowing, Do SO rather by oft. c) looking at its object, and by 00Mi:wally patting faith into ase, as y00 meet cac11 reality of life, relying upon itim. By faith Jesus Christ becomes, not only an outside fact, but ar inward power to make all things new, in y+,e and so around,—Dr. lfo0le, To keep flies from worrying a sick person put a drop of oil of lavender nn the hair or the pillow of the invalid. The obey( Ion; 1100011 Irad with great siecess,