HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-08-22, Page 8- 7i'1'd°*1"FSI"F4"F9'�'4rd•$i'l'alit'*a'e"ad'il
The Moors are having tjemoastrations
of the quality of French gunery. It may
have a good effect on them, and they
needed cliseiplilullg badly.
The Northwest settlers are becoming
apprlhensile 'tbotlt`;E1e winted'o fuel eel).
sUly, It is not ttia:early to be giving it
ricdt atteutlon, if sufferingio attelutfon, if suffering is to be
avarced 1441: 0111
Geologist 11ia
in the Yuleen L"
ams itiready yb
the valho of $(
not uarth-iiisltt
JIIItU saga there is yet
40k4,'6ilii gravel of which,
d . 110,eeopo0, gold to
bhp odd $20 is
The Bellerophon.'
(New York Sun.)
The launching of the new Beller')
brings back to the British battle li
famous fighting name. One recall ' the
(stirring story of how the old Bellero Plloll
14 boldly sought out the Revolutio maim
110, with never a thought of s perlor
weight of metal, gnd fought nut the
long odds until her top hampewas car -
no longer
and capture
m and all a.
ce days later
o and help to
When you stop at the f'?+eirau
1 ontenac or any hotel owned
by the C.P.A., or travel in her
Pullmone or Steamers,' you will
ettes increased frb1.,
to 33I:0,72,137 last yen
by and by bttween'y
a little work,
The Serntait aril]5
� footing is 00 075,.•a
about ,4,000,000 of_,tl
freers. The Fretiol
ing consists of 511
'gendarmerie of 0 .
war footing
over 5000"i
t j.
on a pea
and ai,`
a ailed
of cigar -
87 in 1504
of us may
fins for
To Preserve -Rood's Birthplace,
A. meeting convened by the Leyton
Ratepayers' ,Aesoeiation, held at Layton -
stone, has•dceidod to appeal for funds
with which' to secure Lake House estate.
Lake Souse, in which the pont Hood
was born and lived till early manhood,
stands on the confines of Wanstead
Flats, near Leytonstone.
The house and estate have recently
been acquired for building purposes, but
local feeling ie strongly against the pro-
ject, it being felt that the house should
be preserved for the sake of its-aseooia-
tions, while the grounds would make
charming pleasure gardens. --From the
Iondon Daily News.
for to seduring forgivenein' for many
andard Oil wren gs. And the success.
ul investigator should lutve such rewards
and bailors as are usually bestoweil only
on great Warriors and statesmen. , PeT-
liana in some ,more enlightened age we
in it such men es Jenner, Pasteur,
elr ng and other patient investigittorg,
hose work has saved untold lives, will
ndoubtedly find prominent places. We
ope that Dr. Flexner's disemery will
et prove to be dieappointing, Every
uecees nerves the patient scientist to
teeter efforts to conquer cancer, tuber -
taste, pneumonia and the various
ther diseases which have so long slain
their theusands and defied the skill of
the physicians, To no better purpose
could mi :mires devote their money
than to medical research with such an
The extraordinary number of drown-
ing ateidents this season, in spite of all
warnings, is attracting more than usual
ttention end calling forth all kinds of
advice.andwarning, but the list is being
daily lengthened notwithstanding. All
sorts of precautions are snggested. Peo-
ple are tbld to learn to swim, not to
venture beyond their depth unless a0-
companied by n,lboat or other swimmers,
not to bathe when hot or exhausted, or
on a full stomach, not to go into a boat
uttleas they know how to 'manage it,
with a hundred other admonitions. But
the drownings oceur, nevertheless. How
to minimize the easualties should re.
ceive the best attention of all. Many of I
the accidents, no donbt, are due to care.
less handling of boats, changiug scats,
ekylarking, such air rocking the boat,
etc. Persistent condo/Ina:bon, both pub.
liely and privately, of such behavior,
should bring abeut a lessening in the
number of this kind of accidents, while
1011011 might be done by boat owners and
wiser heads to reduce the tilitnber of the
other clase of accidenta, .Boat owners
hould be reasonably sure that their
, are seaworthy, and that none but
die competent are allowed to take
charge of them, Boats should not be
taken out when a storm is brewmg, nor
should.they be allowed to be overloaded.
is sometimes the ease in these
catastrophes that the good awitniner is
drowned, In eases of capsizing the non-
swimmer, if he ean get hold, clings to
the upturned boat until relief comes, but
the swimmer often depends upon his
ability to reach safety by his 010n exer-
tions. He strikes out for the shore,
which he never reaches, being overcome
by cramps and sinking to the bottom.
The lesson is one of caution. That can-
not be too well learned, Don't take fool-
ish risks. Don't imperil others. Don't
be to sure of your skill or streugth or
endurance. And 0 you are not a good
sWimmer never tempt those more help-
lesa than yourself into deep water. Pro.
posals for laws and government super-
vision have been made, Intt no govern-
ment can put every pleasure -seeker by
every stream and lake in charge of a
connniesioner. We must time common
sense and caution.
Accidents to your horses
may happen at any moment,
ou'r READY for emergencies.
Tidy a bottle of
For Larnentss In Horses
Only 50e. a bottle—and saves
dollars worth of time by curing
lameness of every description,
At dealers, or from 12
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
Proper Punishment Planned,
First smell boy—I'm goin' ter git
Second small boy—How yer goin' ter.
First small boy. When de circus comes
along I'm goin' ter say I don't care ter
"Is Willie still paying attention to
"Did he jilt her?"
"No; le married her."—Punoh.
Talks on..
by Mail
ment for Women
There am the thro enentials of a
perfect investment for careful women
YOUI money should be placed where
it is beyond all doubt secure.
'You should receive the highest po-
sit& rate of interest cousineut with
such security..
You should be able to plate yew
had on your money at any moment,
4% Compounded Quarterly
Our system of Banking by Mail
fully meets all those requirements.
YOUrmorley deposited ia Oaf Savings
Department torday tan be withdraw"
whets requited. with 4 po cent. intend
for every day depotited.
If your savings new Tield 3
per cent. you eau receive ene-
mas) by deposit* with the UldOl.
Trust Company
Our booklet E
quest,eires full information on
by Mail at 4 per not Isla
for it to -day.
tied away and she could fig
in the spring aening, yetis
had no etomakto aloe:
the crippple. So hel`
taunto to play ht 1fart
in the glorious first of d
win Lord Howe's victor '.
When one thinks of .Nelson and the
Nilo, memory conjures up another view
of the Bellerophon/booming away port
and starboard w! h crash of•metal and
riven wood gwi cheers of bullies. At
Trafalgar alshe Bellerophon led the leo
column o1, Collingwood's flagship. Tho
fleeing, uorsican surrendered to this same
The new Bellerophon is to bo a revised
and better Dreadnought, and site richly
deserves every implement of war to fit
her to live up to the brave traditions
that cluster rich and warm about the
fighting fame of the old "Bully Ruf•
From Suspension Bridge, Niagara
Falls, via Lehigh Valley R. R.
August Oth, 306, and Sept. Oth. Tick -
eta good 15 days. Allow stopover at
Philadelphia on going and return trip.
For tickets and further information call
on or write Robt. 5, Lewis, Passenger
Agent, 54 King Street East, Toronto,
A Feast of the Simple Life.
Blessed and simple above all conjuga-
tions is this of berriea and milkl Have
you ever eaten a big bowl of fresh inilkt
It should be warm from tho cow, then
filled just one-third full pf dead ripe
blackberries, and another third of farm.
made bread. What a terrible thing it is
to live away from the farm. The best
city loaf lute a conventional smell, and
then it looks just like every other city
loaf . But in the farmer'a kitchen the
dough is kneaded by Gladys' inspiring
anus, and I tell you that into that dough
she pute something beside oxygen; it ia
her own healthy soul—sick souls and
folk heartsore ought never to touch our
food. And the milk, it is not that white
liquid which yuu pour out of big tin
cans, and label milk; but it is that which
bubbles in the pail, and in which the
cream comes rushing to the top.—Froni
"We Go Berrying," by E. P, Powell it
the Outing Magazine for August.
White Powder on Nntmegs,
"Brush that white powder off the nut, -
mega before you begin to grate .'em,"
said the bartender sternly to the young
"But that's the bloom, ain't it?" re-
monstrated the lad.
"Blooml" sneered the bartender. "No,
sir; it le oyeter shell powder. The na-
tives as soon as they gather the nutmeg
roll it in a powder of ground oyster
shells and that protects it, on its long
voyage to market, from the weevils,
The weevils, otherwise, would eat it up.
"But the powder hats served its turn
now, so brush it off."—Providence
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
German Doctor's Remarkable Aptitude
With Rowe of Figures.
Profeasor Max Dessoir, of Berlin Uni-
versity, recently Introduced to his elates
in psychology Dr. Ruckle. Ile told the
students that the doctor was a genius
at figures, but was not to be looked
upon a,s in the same class with "light-
ning calculators," who give public exhibi-
tions, because Dr. Ruckle appeared be-
fore the etudents only to demonstrate
what welbdirected application could ac-
complish. Ile began by asking that 103
figures be placed in a row, making one
great sum Then he studied the lino for
about five minutes, and In that time
memorized the combination ao perfectly
that he wrote the figures from first to
last and from last to first rapidly and
without an error, Difficult pronileme in
cube and aquare root, intermit and com-
pound interest were solved in an in-
credibly short time, always correctly and
without the aid of paper or peacil. Af-
ter an exhibition which caused wonder
the. etudents applauded vigorously knd
ktheinatieal genius, as a further
of his remarkaeble mernorY, re.
d backward the 100 fignees which
been 0'0 hi Oen diseourse
Maul's wa.
_Capital end IdeserVe.
That StyyRoofed
The strongest wind that ever blew ca u't
rip away a roof covered with self-locking
Rain can't pet through tt in 25 years
(guaranteed to writing for that long—good
for a century,
really)—fire can't bother such
a roof—proofa dint all the elements—the
chwgpest GOOD roof there is.
Write us and we'll show you why it
costs least to roof right. Just address
.e6 red
The PEDLAR People fravi.
aebawn meanest Ottawa 'tomb) Landon wannpeg
Real Ransome.
During one of his many campaigns, "Pri-
vate" John Allen stopped at a crossroads
store. Wbile ho was exchanging uewe with
the proprietor, an old darkey from one of
the plantations came in. When 'his purchase
of ' mlddllu' an' meal' had been wrapped
UP, hestarted out. At the door he paused.
"Got any Ghees, boast" he asked.
"Why, yes," said the clerk, pointing to
a freshly opened can et axle grease on the
counter. "nos jest opened."
The darkey looked at 1t hungarlly. "How
Much?" he asked.
"Give 1t to him for ten cents and throw
1n the crackers," said Mr. Alien.
"All right," said tee clerk, filling a bag
of crackers. "Here you are."
The darkey laid a greasy dime on the
counter, picked uptee box end the bag,
and going out seated himself In the shade
of a cotton bale. when he had finished the
crackers he ran his Hagar around the box
and gave 1t a good long lick. In a few
moments ho put on his hat and started for
Ms mule. As he passed the store Mr. Allen
hailed him.
Well, Jerry, what did you think of that
The old darkey scratched hid head, than
he said: "I tell you de truf, Mars John,
dem crackers wua all right, but dat wuz de
raazomest cheese I over eel"
seams exhaustion, palpitation of the heat.
variable appetite, sour mama gad othortihorclos
caused by bad blood or overaMIL
Don t negle4 yourself. Clear the poison out
of your body—by taring blirkflood,Tante. • —
Everi detail of silinairafairit'd
supervised by eapetiesoed alumina. ?We from
the pumit and best iagredients on theme efolive
formula elated by modem 'deuce. $4 shoal°.
At citugertores—or from The Chemist; Co. of
Canada, Limited, Hamilton—Toronto. WitA
Mho Tablet awl Oirobeend—a trio for lueUh.
Getting at the Root.
While visiting the South recently a trav-
°ter chanced upon resident of a sleepy
Mallet ln Alabama;
"Ayea you a, native of this towel" asked
the traveler.
"Am I a what?" languidly asked the one
"Are you a native of the town?"
"I asked you whether you wore a native
of the Place 7"
M tibia Junottuo there appeared at the
open door of the cabin the mem'e wife, tali,
sallow and gaunt Atka. a careful survey
of the questionm, sho said:
"Ain't you got no sense, Bill? lie moans
wee yo' Mirth' heali when you wes born, or
wns you' born before yea' begun 'loin' berth.
Now answer him."—Succers.
Removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
ourba, splints, ringbone, sweeney,
sprains, erre and swollen throat, coughs,
ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Ours
ever known. Sold by druggists.
Something of a Comet on the Way.
Those of tut who live three years or so
longer may expect to see a comet com.
pared with which our present visitant
la ecarcely worth mentioning,
Thia wonder of the skies is "Halley's
Comet,'' whidt, after its mighty circuit
through space, has for centuries paid us
regular visits at an interval of about
seventy-five year% On its last appear.
awe, in Pd35, its brilliant disc and flam-
ing tail, spanning the heavens like an
emit of fire, created the greatest excite,
Another remarkable comet of the last
century was that of 181 1, which for see -
oral weeks blazed brilliantly in the
northern sky. Thia comet, which was
credited with a tail 200,000,000 miles
long, more than long enough to encircle
tha earth 8,000 Hums, narrowly escaped
a collision with the sun, only 32,600
miles separating their surfaces.
The comet of 1861 was chiefly temark-
able for the fact that the earth passed—
without any one being a whit the worse
—through Rs tall.—Westminater Ga-
Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form ot
canteens Itch on human or animals cured
la 80 Wotford's Sanitary LoUon.
'Kaffir Enterprise.
A Kaffir headman in the Umtata die.
ilia of Cape Colony bought an American
broom 'and noticing that several of the
fibres 'had seed‘pods attached he sowed
the teed, and nOW has a quantity of
Mom corn under cultivation and grow-
ing well, The Conservator of Forests
for the colony reports that this native
has originated what may be developed
into an important industry—London
Daily Mail.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
"Fine feathers don't rnake fine birds,"
guoth the Wise Guy. "Right you are,"
assented the Simple Mug. "When a fel-
low is a jay n11 the feathers in the world
won't disguise hitn."
By Its Use Sea -Water is Made
A well-known Austrian engineer, M.
Pfister, is stated to have discovered a
remarkable property of the trunks of
trees, mately that of retuning the salt
of sea -water that was filtered through
the trunk in the direction of the fibres,
says The Railway Review. He has
consequently constructed an apparatus
designed to utilize this property in ob-
taining potable water for the use of
ships' crews,
This apnratus consists of a pump,
which sucks up the sea -water into a
reservoir, and then forces it into the
filter formed by the tree trunk.
As soon as the prcasute reaches 1.5
to 2.5 atmospheres the water is seen, at
the end of rom one to three minutes,
according to the kind of the wood used, t
make its exit from the other extremity
of the trunk, at first in drops and then
in fine streams, the water thus filtered
being potable, freed, in fact, from every
article of the nseal snline taste which
is such a drawbacks to water obtained
in the ordinary manner.
I bought a horse with a supposedly in.
curable ringbone for $30. Cured him with
61,00 worth of MINARD'S LINIMENT
and sold him for $85.00. Profit on Lini-
ment, $54.00,
Hotelkeoper, St. Phillippe, Que.
A Scientific Opinion.
There le a certain cooking school in
the loop district where every day in the
week large clams of girls convene for
inetruction in the gentle art of raising
the dough.
Last week a class of thirty rather lin.
practical girls, as most of them are, was
studying the doughnut acientifically.
Ono of the dullest pupils in the class,
who never oeuld learn to boil water with-
out burning it, was rather inattentive
while the teacher was lecturing on "sink-
Yhinking to catch her and administer
a rebuke on her inattention, the teacher
suddenly broke off and asked: "Mos
Smith, which is the healthiest part of
the doughnutf
Miss Smid, straightened up, flushed ,
up, stood 11 and replied: "Why—why,
the hole, I cieve,"—From the Chicago
Record -He a.
--and all demerit
and bowel disorders.
Maker puny babies
C I C g I di! ro 'cu °i! a; dals
for it—
Nurses' NA Mothers' Treasure
?Weed Duts te Chemical 6., Limited
ea Meseest
Beat Him One Way.
Aa Mark Twain and a friend were
chatting al the summer home of the
humorist, Quarry Farm, near Elmira,
New York, the convereation turned to
the wealth of John D. Rockefeller.
"Juet think of it, Sam," said the
guest, "he has more dollars than there
aro hairs in that vigorous old thatch of
"That'a nothing," replied Mr. Clemens,
"I have more dollars than he has hairs
in his head."—Succesa Magazine.
ISSUE IVU. 31=, 1907.
& tves A. Lot'"
of ''other
'The starch that needn't
be cooked., that won't
stick..thatgives a bril-
liant gloss with almost
no iron-effort•.isn't
that the starch you
ought to have them
use on your clothes?
Buy it by nalno.,
your dealer sells it,
The Actress Was Superstitious,
There is a charming young actress who
numbers among her friends a well known
clubman of Washington. During her re-
cent engagement in dm Notional Capital,
says the Lippincott's Magazine, the
player was lamenting to her admirer the
fact that she was getting thinner and.
"Oh, not at all!" cane from the gallant
clubman, who knew the lady's detesta-
tion of too loan a figure. "On the oon;"
trary, I assure you, you're as plump as
a partridge."
The young woman surveyed him for a
moment through narrowed eyes. "Aro
you paying me a compliment, or are you
making game of me?" she asked.
Kill Mum all.
No Mead fllos
lying about
whom usod as
too. par packet, or 3 packets tor stitalk„
will last wholo season.
An Aberdeen' Step
Mrs. Tamson," said an, Aberdeens41.
grocer to one of his, cuatomens,
entered the shop with herhasket
farm produce. "The; thing 'that
(last wek wee almotitoeM plume Short 'Ou
every pound." "L' mirrie isteniehed at
that,' replied the fanfier's Wife,
Mewelinela'rd7suLlitlin'ilesnu;a:CUre::: Plotel?2,1"er•
Pertinent cittety.
Ethel — "Mamma, what 'makes the
lady dress all in blackt" '
Mamma ---"Because 10113'6 sister o
Chicago News. •
People who are Mt
talte things as they
are CURED—leaving the honse sound as • dollar—by
No matter what yon have tried—nor how may veterinarian have
retied—net wwwnsa,vs 6PAVIN CURE, est it as directed and 01 edit
Novas Damn bra nors.Zr.o., sem. 23 JOG.
" am treating two horses—one with Spavin—the Other.
with Poll Rvit. I can ming Kendall's Spavin re and most say
I fled my horse. much improved. I have used many nunedies
$1. a bottle -0 fora. Our "Treatise On 'I'he Norse' 'kit giso. rine owny
a hint as to hew to keep horses tree from blemishes and lamenesi V7tite
for free cony.
Toilet Pa ers
Are Um VERT BEST values going. WE intits comparison is
ouArzrY and QUANTITY of paper supplied. Compare by actual
the number of sheets in the so-called eheapex papers with the Eddy msfaok
and you will find that you get nom for the same money In Eddy's'. ,9
Always Everywhere in Canada, Ask for \