HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-08-22, Page 5AUGUST 22TR, e aroarimrrigni,) 02,703DEmom r4%Til THE RIGHT HOUSE �r21 A RELIAi3LE STORE WI'PIi VdOItT1TY GOODS ON SALE „;i1 AT MODERATE PIUONS FOR OASIL AND FARM PRODUOR, NEW vNTES Received our firstshipment oF Nev Mantles , Our Assortment will surpass all we ever had before. The Ladies' Coats this season are beautiful, stylish and attractive Ycti'll notice the loose.fitting coat in three -c carter, seven -eighth and full length. Among cur assortment you will find several lines of Black Coats which are very fashionable this season. These coats are perfectly made, three•gnarter and seven - eighth length, beautifully trimmed, collars either notch or flat effect, loose back, full skirt. Do not fail to sen these lines. We are also showing several other lines in favorite colors, In Children's Mantles we 1110 showing some beautiful lines, 'Phe colors displayed are admitodly favorites, in warm shades of cardinal, green also light and dark greys, royal, navy and fawn. We also have a complete line in Velvet and Bear Cloth Coats selling at the lowest possible prices. For a good black dress buy Priestley's Dress G-oods (Highest prides paid for Farm Produce. E. BENDER, BLYTH vim, r .ry t 7 �; rtra 1 �rva 4 t;:t�t>C:SY. ( r�rr v. ra t� r ry rr� .� ,v,� y���� �{ i SI }}�( t �tf:::t�24 d6 �t€,., r•.,....:a Sit�Cx:€i{6lXi�:iiti �i�:iii�l� ,2.t(:rt •`C3: t.:.CY.9Ci.r ,..�� .. r r<„it NEWS AROUND TOWN ave r�r a rr.nr� v+rt � t �j(���r[�t7���i€�vl :�Ci' 7�J.��>•hJ.rLJS7lJv�� uir�ii; 1 r �.r �rrC irN n� r . Tito rural schools re -opened on Monday. SEND in your coapon and try for a free paper. The Public School will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. LAST Saturday E. Watson shipped two ears of cattle to Toronto by the C. P. 1t, I.awT week Art, Sims had a finger on his hand split open, so he is en- joying enforced holidays, Tan Clinton News -Record says :— The fife and drum bad has been engaged to play at Blyth Fall Fair. p 1x 40 ythe ll wa of years s a e rices n paper have fallen 100 per cent, ow- ing to the cheapened process of manataeture. THE Fall Fair will soon be here. Get your space 10 THE STANDARD so the people will see your bargains before they come to the Fair, A PPLE buyers state that the crop will be a big one in Western On- tario. The growers may have a different story to tell, however. LAST week while playing baseball over at the park Philip Willows had his shoulder dislocated by running into another player. He will enjoy a holiday for sometime. IT is probable that Thanksgiving Day this year will bo the last'Thurs- day in October. Before the date is set by the Government a deputation from the Commercial Travellers' Association will be heard with re- spect to their request that Thanks. giving Day he on a Monday, FniE,—Lust Thursday evening about 6,15 the fire bell startled the people of this town, The fire was at the home of N. B. Gerry, owing to a coal oil stove leaking. No damage was done except to the stove. The fire gave Mrs, Gerry and children quite a scare. Ir is semi -officially announced that the naunes of the new ministers for the Dominion Cabinet will not be made publie until August 25th when Earl Grey returns to Ottawa, and possibly not until after he returns from 'Toronto, where he goes to open the fair, THE renowned tenor singer, Har- old Jarvis, of Detroit, will give u concert in the Westfield Methodist church on the evening of August 27th, Miss L. Troy, of Detroit Coto servatory of Music, will be pianist and a rich musical treat is expected. The entertainment is under the aus- pices of the Westfield choir, SETILINo up tune is drawing near, and if you wish to collect your bills easily get your bill heads printed, This class of work is neat- ly and cheaply executed at this office. We have in stock different sizes and shapes of bill heads and statements. Our commercial print- ing is neat, correct and in accord- ance with the prevailing styles, 'The best is the cheapest,” WHEN arranging for your farm smelt sale make it a point to have Your hills printed at TAE STANDARD office. Your bills will be attractive. ly printed, and with every sale bill printed at this office you will receive free a notice of this sale in this paper which is read every week by hundreds of people in this locality and makes your sale known to many who may never have the opportun ity of seeing your bills. BUTTS BOWLERS WON. — Foul' rinks of bowlers from Clinton drove up to Blyth on Monday afternoon to have a friendly game with the home club. Blyth won out by a score of 14 shots, Following are names of the players and scores :— Clinton Blyth Dr, Shaw G, Powell J. Wiseman J, M. Hamilton J. Fair Dr, Long W. W. Ferran J Carter skip ,,,,,,...,12 skip ,,,, ,,,. 24 Clinton —000510200000000004-12 Blyth —221002012112229210-24 BLYTH Fall Fair Sept. 23rd and READ the C. P. R. advertisements 24th. QUITE a few were at Seaforth last Friday attepdtng the sports. LEAVE year order for job work at THE STANDARD office, Very best in type, paper and workmanship, MARKET REPORT,— Wheat 85-85 ; Barley 40-40 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 74-75 ; Butter 16-17 ; Eggs 16-17. THE juniors of Wingham and Blyth had a game of baseball yester- day afternoon as we were at press: Trull particulars next issue. DaRito the past week Geo. Ed- wards & Son, of Brussels, hays been drilling a well at Dr. Perdue's barn, 'I'he,p struck eighty feet of water at a depth of 133 feet. 'i he Dr, should have a good supply now. LOST.—Last Saturday driving be- tween the home of Gen Bowes on the boundary, on the Bullock side - road and down the 13th to T'loody's sideroad, a gold band bracelet with 36 little stones on the bask, Finder will kindly leave it at '('ne STAN. DA::D;13iee: Sultahte reward offered THE person who •took the steel square from the barn of H. MOQuar• tie certainly aught to arrange'a race with Li'ngbuat, for the gait he went down Dinsley street early Monday morning with the dogs after hint world make Longboat, look ,white. Mr, M.oQuarrie asks the gentleman to return his property at once, A SUCCESS -Last Wednesday even• ing the Ladies' Aid of Si, Andrew's Church held their annual garden party oh the church lawn and it was u deeidect success. Supper was ser- ved nod Outran had pau'takee of it. a t; od program was given, It wits expected that the Clinton Orchestra would have been present but they hacked out at the last moment. The following took part in the pregralii : • Gromap1) 1 'selections by Mr. Wal- lace, of Dosnybroeit : flute and hr- ;,", .11r'ssrs. A deism! awl Everett and ,flies Ella Anderson ; reeiiatluns in this issue and also about the Guelph Fair on page 1, Wissex & HUNTER, of Brussels, have erected a beautiful monument Wm, Fen. over the grave of the fat' wick. THE stores will be cies Day. Just keep this in allow the store keepers e ees a holiday for a day. LAST Wednesday and 'tiursday evenings Gospel Temperance ser- vices were held in the Methodist church, The speaker was Henry Barney, from the states. HAVE you settled your subscrip. tjon yet? You have only till the first of Sept and then the Collection Agency gets your account and ex- penses are added. Hurry up. PRaF. O'Bantw, phenologist, who has been at Clinton for some time, leaves for 'I'eeswater on Monday where bo will stay a few weeks, Qum: a few from here attended the football game in Brussels on Tuesday evening between the Green River team and Brussels in the finals for the Ontario Cup. Brussels won by a score of 3.0, 'I'Ite return game will be played in Markham on Friday evening. THE School Trustees of Blyth have engaged ,foe Stalker, of Luckuow, as principal of our public school. Mr. Stalker is so well known to the people he will need no introduction as he was raised in this v He hos been it successful teacher at Lueknow and the Board no doubt feel that they have secured a good sucoesser to Principal Jno, Hartley. n Labor d and ploy. We the, wife Wawa TANDARD—PAGE FIV * ***********************- 100 N '%+CUFF'n******* ********10 e Jackets Auburn. icsday morning of this week 'it of Annie Dawson, beloved Geo, W. Dawson, of West lost), took its flight, De- ceased had been a sufferer from that dread d isease tuberculosis and had been u;Iwell since last Christinas. He mail 'n name was Annie Dam keld and wpbs married to iter now bereft hushdl1nd la years ago. No children Webs born. Sheleaaves to mourn her loss;) sides b husband, one brother Ale ,who, eslir.is near Dungannon. 'T le funeral will take place on Trxlay afternoon from her late residence 26, con. 1. The service will be dgndueted by the deceased's pastor, Rei, W. II, Hart- ley. Interment will we n1 de at Bali's cemetery, the Base liver A SUCCESSFUL SouotL,—The Cen- tral Busitese College, of Stratford, which has an advertisement appear- ing elsewhere in these columns is without doubt one of the most sue. cessful business training schools in the province, It is well and favor. ably latnwu for the thoroughness '1' its work and fur the success of its by Ellis' onlay Spicer, "1 Brantford ; students. The seheol 15 now send solus by Mrs. Small mod Dave' 14e- ing out its 21st 1111110111 catalogue, Gail ; address by Rev. S, Anderson nn "79ne Model husband"; .Organ instrumental, Miss Elder. The pro. coeds amounted to over eighty four dollars and would likely have been more had the evening been a warm one, Morris yA, Mr. Albert Cole, of East Orange, N. J., is home for his holidays. Mrs. A. Brett and Mrs, II. 0. Walker, of Toronto, are spending a few weeks with Miss Kate Gras`uy. Ex.Cuanty Councillor Wm.Ishister had the misfortune to Iejtu'e his collar hone. His many friends hope to soon see him all right again. This week Jae, Jackson, of this township, purchased the 100 acre farm of. Mrs. Janes Brown on the 13th of liullett, It is said be made a good bargain. Miss Edith Stewart, of liullett, and I;liss Kate trashy returned home lase, week front a very pleasant visit to friends in Windsor and Chatham, and we would advise anyone inter. ested in a commercial, shorthand or telegraphy education to write the college for tltis free catalogue, The fall term, we believe, commences on Tuesday, Sept, 3rd KIND WORT/S.—On Monday of this BUTTER week the Eiller received a letter BUT fy-ER & EGGS from Fred Caning, of British Col umbia, enclosing 51 to keep his ..,i2 Aavor� sjcio paper paid in advance. He says : "Please find enclosed one dollar for a as make n specialty or 'handling a year's subscription to your paper, t,. due,51,11' he high,',' , xh I look 1101' 'i'riE STANDARD just as I ,„ , 13 T,.. . :.nr - or . t1' a letter from home. Wishing IV t 1 I-.0 „.v , u, I, �TANDA1111 long years of pros - oat priced nelurt, yo 0tl.ewtwee. perity, I am yours truly, Fred Cuming." This is certainly a change Goan okeolrs paid after banking hams at our , L..re. 01..1 Brussels. Garr, Backer, of Chatham, Is visit- ing at his home, J. I3, Cameron is home from his trip to the West. Robert Work, of St. Catharines, is holidaying at his home here. Jae. Jones took in the Old Boys' reunion et Milton last week, Mrs. W. Jackson and Miss Elsie, of Toronto, are visiting at H. L, Jackson's. Rev. Fred Hunter is here from Illinois on a visit to his mother Mfrs. Alex. Hunter. Miss Nessie Kay andHelen Kay, of Stratford, are visiting with W. 11. and Mrs. Kerr. Miss Jean McLaughlin returned home from a visit to Fort William on Monday afternoon, Brussels Bowlers' won the trophy at Mount Forest winning the last game by 27 to 10, A big crowd was in town Tues- day night attending the Football match between Green River and Brussels. McLaren, ford, was here on tending the funeral Ferguson. ! MILLAN & CO. Insley street Blyth from some of nor good, dear readers who were owing for a couple of years ani the Collection Agency got after then. in some of their letters you could smell smoke, each excursion, M. P., of Strat Wednesday at - of the late Mrs, Londesboro. Miss Lawrence, of Welland, is the guest of friends here. John Melville is this week putting a fresh coat of paint on Mrs, W hitley's house. Mrs. Richard Adams left on Mon- day for a trip to Chicago to visit her daughter Mrs. Boyd Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Leckie return - id after spending the past three weeks with friends in Hamilton. Moses Brown and family intends the beginning of the week to move onto his farm which joins the vil- lage. Miss Currie left Monday for her home in Toronto after speeding t past month as a guest at the par soilage. The people of this locality were shucked on Wednesday evening last to hear of the death of Mrs. W. H. Moon, She ;vas getting tea ready, and feeling faint asked her daughter to help her to a lounge and call a doctor, This she dial, but she had expired before any assistance could be rendered her. Deceased was a woman held in the very highest esteem, a member of the Methodist church, and leaves a son and dau- ghter'to :mourn her unexpected death, - Mrs. Moon was 46 years, 4 months and 20 days oltt, The funeral took place from u%lltte residence, Lot .19, Con, LQ, gi}d pro- ceededto the .,Londeshoro fpothetery on Friday afternoon r. \V tirahwm D. B. McKinnon W, Ha lined 0. E, McTaggart N, Bali E. Mason 1 B, Hoover A. W. Sloan skip 24 skip. , 15 Clinton—122021002050219101-24 Blyth —000100280408000020-15 G. W. McTaggart F. McPherson J, Bunter S. L. Gidley W. Jackson Dr. Milne J. L. Courtice F, Anderson skip.. 9 skip.,....27 Clinton—00011v2000410000— 9 Blyth —221004041900412102-27 J. Weiss J. Coombs J. Johnson F. Everett T. Jackson W. Reid A. E, Leppins C. H. Beese ship,,,,.,.. 2t skip,. 14 Clinton—1012t101290125t1010-21 Blyth — 020000100080009201--14 Total, Clinton 110, Blyth 80. Purchase tickets for Toronto Exhibition Harvesters' Excursions at Town Ticket Office. J. Me11u'ehie, Agent, Office open evening and morning before We received on Monday too of our New Jackets for fill and winter. We advise you to see these goods, as at the prices we purpose marking theta they will be sold quickly to intending pur- chasers, Note --We have no jackets left from last year. Nothing but new ones to exhibit, from $5 upwards. 1.11000111101.00111.11.0.1, 42 Pieces New re Flannelettes i We can sell you from our stock of Flannelettes all the Flannelette you will want at last year's t, prices. We doubt if there are many merchants who can give you this privilege. Come and buy from us Flannelettes at per yard 5c, 6c, 7C, 8c, cjc, roc. 100 lbs. of Canadia Our Yarns are all scoured.' "and thoroughly cleaned and can give you the beat Yarns made in Canada at last year's prices, 55c„4,44,66C a ':pound. 200 Pa' Lace At per pair 25c, 350, 400, 45c, 5oc, 6oc, 75c, 514 85c, qac and 95c, 4 CASII PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. * POPLESTONE & GARDINER i * Successors to McKINNON & CO. * * ***************** ******* '' TABLES AND CHAIRS Extension Tables, 5 legs, very strong, wilt seat from I2 to 16 men, prices $7.50, $8.50 and $lo. Dining Chairs, high backs, large seats, sot:, 6oc, 85c and $t, Leather Seat Diners, polished oak, at $2; $2.50 and $3 each. Come and see the goods.. J. H. C'HELLEW CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS 7 '‘ 7 01nts. —in Hallett op Wednesday, ',gust ,loth, elle Alice, loved .wife Mood ed 46 "Year sf, 41' Months and A FULL LINE OF--- F'resb. Croce it?ies --ALWAYS ON RA.NI), Meats of different kinds. Salt in barrels and bags. Five Star Manitoba Flour and Choice Family. A. TAYLOR BLYTH NADIAN • PACIFIC EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO FOR THE EXHIBITION MO Fare $3.35 Law Rates $2.50 DAILY SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS MONDAY, AUGUST 26 TO SATURDAY, SEPT, 7 AUGUST 27, 29 AND 31 INCLUSIVE SEPT. 3 AND 5 ALL TICKETS GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL TUESDAY. SEPT. 10 SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE 7. DAwsi Ili -West 1Wt4'wanosh,, 014 Wednesday August 21st, Aftr1'' beloved wife of Georg(0, Dawson,, `,aged 91 year months and 16 days, or free copy of official program and timetable jcllurcie, C. P. R. figent, BIgtn