HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1907-08-22, Page 1VOL. XXI. flUTUN SESSION Opens Sep', 3rd in all depnrt- ntentsof the CENTRAL BUSi. NESS COLLEGE Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Our catalogue explains our super- iority In equipment, staff, methods and results. You are invited to write for it if inter- ested In the kind of schoolwork which brings hest auroras. Ad- dress W. H, Shaw, Principal. 5o cents worth of Paris Green Has often saved fifty dollars worth of potatoes, But if you've ever raised potatoes, you know more about the wiadom of Paris Greening them than we clan tell you. The only object we have in refer• ring to the subject at all—le to caution you to make sure that you get it fresh. We think we know just about all there Is to ]snow about Paris Green, and ask you to put your trust In what we have for sate 3;; here now, Better get supplied the next time you are in town. 40 cents a pound, WHITE CITY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE Fall Term OPENS SEPT. 2nd This management during the past year trained over two hundred young ladies a n d gentle. m e n a 8200 steno grap h- ers, book- keepers and telegraphers, and placed thein in excellent situations in leading Conn- dian and American cities, Individual I nate n c t ion, Write for catalogue. WINCHAM BUSINESS 'COLLEGE George Spotton, Principal BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDA1yAUGUST 22, 1907. Westfield. Miss Lizzie Hoover, of Brussels, vis- ited at Mr. iMcLarty'e, Mrs. McPherson, of Woodstock, was visiting tier cousin, Mrs. W, H. Camp- bell, Miss Alberta Graham, of Stratford, is the guest of Misses Susie and Mary Dunbar, Miss Annie Ainsley, of Comber, is visiting her cousins, Ihnrna and Belva Campbell, Frank Walsh, who has suffered a severe attack of appendicitis, is slight- ly improved, Mrs. \Urn. Taylor and Mrs. W, Bowles, of Guelph, are viliting their sister, Mrs. T. H. Taylor, Miss Susie Dunbar entertained her young lady friends to a birthday party on Wednesday evening, Don't forget the Harold Jarvis con• cert on Aug, 27th, as it promises to be one of the grandest concerts ever given in Westfield, Miss Clark, who spent her vacation at her home in St, Helens, has again taken charge of her school hese, Will Finglend, of Auburn, has also taken charge of the 6th line school, Mrs. Simpson, of Brantford, who spent the last month with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Wtn, Stackhouse, has retun- ed home. She was accompanied by her grand -daughter, Miss Ada Stackhouse, Rev. A. E. Jones, who spent a couple of weeks at Grand Bend, is ex- pected to take charge of the pulpit on Sunday. Mr, Dainard, of Hamilton, supplied the pulpit during his absence. Wingham. The local dealers have advanced the price of milk to six cents pe quart, Dr. Wm. Agnew, of Dayton, Ohio, is spending a week with his parents in Lower Wingham, Misses Lizzie and Annie Gilchrist are spending their holidays with !lends in London, Chatham and De- troit, J. W. Bone was laid up for a few days in Wingham hospital with pneu- nonia, but we are glad to report trim again behind the counter, Dr. E. S. Coultes, of Philadelphia, las been spending a few week" at the "rental home, Bluevale. He and Mrs. Coultes purpose returning in a ow days, Misses Eva and Della Gi'acey are en- oying a two weeks' lake trip. They eft lest week for Cleveland, where hey joined their uncle who is captain f large boat. A, M. Crawford and Wm, Leppnrd were away last week on an auto tour o Windsor, Essex and other points, 'hey arrived in Essex )about half en lour after the terrible explosion in that own on Saturday, J. A, Morton was representative rom Minerva Encampment of this own ; T. J. Elliott represented Iiin- ardine Encampment and J. F. Groves llarkdale Encampment,; S, A, Ma- uire and Elmer Moore were repre- entatives from Maitland Lodge ; Mrs. W. Dodd and Miss Eh'a Dodd re - resented the local Rebekah Lodge at is Grand Lodge I. 0. 0, F. at Orillia st week, For quality and quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" ' and "Currency" chewing tobaccoes. Big Clothing Sale We are bound to clear out all Sum- mer Goods re- gardless of cost. In Shirts we have about .^.o dozen left, all patterns and sizes, These are odd lines where the range has been broken and we are going to clear then) out for less than Anything bought at reduced rates not returnable, Men's Fanny Cambric Shirts, cuffs attached or separate, mostly all sizes from 141.2 to 161.2, Shirts tbai were 81.25, now 90o. Regular $1 Shirts now Ole and 75e, Regular 75e Shirts, now 50'. Two special lines, ono with two collars same as shirts separate, the other braces to match ehtrts, These lines were $1 and 75c, we aro now Belling for SSe, Summer Negligee Shirts, with reversible Dollar attached, that we sold from 75e to l $1.50. We are Belling now from 50o to 81. °Duet take a look in our north window and see bargains for yourself. ust such bargains se these on all summer goods, White Vests 75o to $2. ummer Underwear, 500 a suit to $1.25. n'e and Boys' Belts, Hats Caps, Ties, Sox and Shoes. We are eoing to clear out to mite room for Fal Goods. A b•irgain for everybody. Remember we keep the largest and best range of Clothing and Gents Furnishings In town. S.H. cola Mitr tiao#i£ffci ultort:filter o As we have not placed your name on our list to the Publishers' Collecting Ag- ency, we wish to state that Lifter Sept. 1st, 1007, we will hove to do so if the sub- scriptions are not paid up. You will save expenses by calling in and settling at our office, even if it is only a dollar. One dollar scattered over a hundred people means one hundred dollars that we should have. Js edl,y call and help the Editor run a good live news- paper by keeping your own paper pnid in advance, sM Belgrave. John McCsllutn left on Tuesday morning for Saskatoon where one of his sons is residing. The school opened on Monday of this week, The building is a fine one and it credit to the community. The contractors are at work on the construction of an iron bridge just south of Belgrave, on the gravel road at John Campbell's. Rev, Coburn, of Toronto, the blind preacher, lectured in the Methodist church, Belgrave, on Thursday even- ing. The subject was "From child- hood to manhood without sight," Mrs. T. J. Brydges is recovering nicely from her long illness The nurse, Miss King, who attended her for 10 weeks, has gone. It is the hope of her many friends that she will soon be quite strong again and in her usual health, Clinton. The first reading of the Waterworks By-law was read at lest council meet- ing. The voting willl likely take place in January, Bert Bean was ;n to.n on a few days vacation. He is at present man- ager of the job departtnent of the St, Thomas Times, Chas. McKinnon has been offered a position in the Edmonton Collegiate Institate which he is likely to accept. J He is offered $300 in advance of Itis R prosertlsalary. J Geo, Stewart, proprietor of the Waw D erly House suddenly left for parts um .1 known on Tuesday eight of last week leaving sundry unsettled accounts and creditors from whom he is said to have borrowed money. Mr. Heater, of Ber• A lin, holds a mortgage on the contents, J and until he arrives the place is in J charge of Constable Phelan, of Gode- D ricMrh, J Mrs. Brown, of Wingham, who has been in the House of Refuge for some time died on Saturday. Thomas Stur- geon, of Hensall, died on Monday. In both cases the remains were sent to the friends for interment, There are sever- al other inmates who, in the natural order of events, will pass away before long ; one is said to be 106 years of age, There are other who are as abso. lutely helpless as infants, having to be fed, washed and otherwise cared for. John Johnston, who has been en- gaged in the harness -making business h ire for the past 19 years, has sold out and will take life somewhat easier for a time. He has applied himself very closely to business all these years and the steady application is beginning to tell on him, hence his desire for a resr. Wo are pleased to know that he does not contemplate leaving Clinton, /dwell. Zurich iaten celebrating Labor Day and have cha3eenged Hensel! to a tug-of•war, , D. Urquhart is'figdt'ing on putting in machinery in contiebtion with his oatmeal mill to manufactures lit pats. The Odd Fellows are put"ii g to now Plate glass front in the ham ;•s shop which will add very touch to its ap- pearatme turd convenience, ' Arbe't Whiteside, chief of our detec- tive staff, is an authority on flax pull- ing. He st tes that his own record of three-quarters of an acre in nine hours has vet to 1, infringed upon. Three rinks of St. Marys bowlers came to Hensel] `Thursday morning and played a friendly game with three rinks of our bowlers resulting in a vic- tory for the latter by 18 shots, Tho visitors then drove to Exeter. We are pleased to learn that Duncan McEwan, son of Abs,xalcEwan, who was engine driver on the Crows Nest Pass section C. P. R. and whose leg was s0 badly crushed by his eleine as to require amputation just below the knee, has made to good recovery and is expected home in the near future. Norris Council. The Council met according to ad- journment on August 5th ; members all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :— Wm, Thud!. repairs to grader,,. $8 80 Wm, Thuell, work with grader., 10 00 Sawyer & Massey, shell for ce- ment moulds 5 75 Jas. Bird, gravelling 82 35 Jas, Bolger, inspecting on east boundary 7 50 R. E. McKenzie, use of timber„ 2 00 McKinnon Bros,, gravelling on south boundary 71 88 W, A. Logan, inspecting,,,,,,,, 6 00 J. Curring, gravel 15 60 D. Soerville, gravel , 8 110 Wm, Cochrane, work on grater, 1 00 MI J. Snaith, gravel 6 80 Duff & Stewart, work and meter- Wtn. Taylor, gravelling 20199 10 •••••••00 M. Kelly, material and work on bridgem,,.. 11 00 M. Felly, plank and work on El- lison drain 31 00 W. H. Kerr, printing Cole drain by-laws . . 25 00 W. H. Herr, part printing con- tract 20 00 Smith, grayel 3 81, Aper, gravel , 6 52 . Johnston, gravel 5 80 Breckenridge, grayel 8 ri0 . as. Peacock, gravel 9 24 \V. Taylor, gravel ..... • 1 08 Wm, Hoy, gravel 18 Wm, Corbett, drawing gravel,., 6 00 lex, Cloakey, gravel 8 45 ohn McLean, use of scraper..., 75 ohn Salter, use of scraper 75 , Irvine, gravel... „ ... ...... 7 08 as. Cruickshank, gravel , 7 80 W. J. Henderson, use of scraper 50 , McCulloch, drawing tile and putting in culvert 11 75 S Walker, utidorbrushing and repairing culverts 17 00 R. J. Nesbit, drawing gravel,,,, 8 00 C. Rouse, shovelling gravel 4 00 J. Scott, shovelling gravel 2 00 A. Smith, shovelling gravel 2 00 Geo Taylor, gravel 2 45 Robt, Craig, gravel 3 85 J. H. VatiCamp, gravel 4 56 East Wawanosl, work with the grader 6 00 S. Jordan, filling Clegg's bridge, 21 00 Taylor & VanNorutan, material and work on bridge (21'25 Ches. Garinies, tile cr'ossing,,,,, 7 76 G. T. R. Co„ freight on moulds, 1 12 Jas. Crbicksbank, making tile,,, 84 10 J. Young, cement 7 85 3, Latimer, digging ditch 3 00 J. Peacock, drawing tile and gravel ,,,, 2 50 'Vm,'I'horuton, moving cement moulds,,,,,,,, 3 00 Wm Riley, putting in two cul- verts.... ,,,, 5 75 A Shaw, gravel 2 00 Thos. Russell, gravel and•work8 00 Wm Cook, team work on grader 11 00 P Kelly, gravel and damage..., 6 28 W. 11.'Knox, gravel and damage 9 72 It. McMprray, gravel and grav- elling', 53 07 Jas. Bolger, lumber and work1 41, C. Pollard, gravel and work 7 70 A. Pollird, gravel..,, ..... 13 85 D. Richardson, shovelling grayel 1 2e Geo, Jagkson, gravel,,..,,,,.... 3 07 Jas, Farquharson, gravel 4 88 R, Youlil, gravelling on west boundary 05 50 It. Crelg, gravel on west bona• dary 7 84 R. You'll, work on grader 10 00 R, Youill, gravelling on 9i 1 line, 29 70 R. Brown, inspecting gravel..,, 95 John Hopper, cleaning roadway, 14 50 H. Hopper, repairing culvert,.., 1 00 Joseph Miller, tile drain 4 50 C. Gam iss, assistance on drain7 25 D. H. Campbell, work on bridge 3 00 The Court .of iRevision en the Cole brain By-law ting"opened and the by- law was tread, ' but -00 80 appeals were entered it Was limited by Mt'. Shaw and seconded hy,11'1r. Campbell, that rho Court of Revision he closed and that the by-law as )bow read the third :time be filially passed, -Carried, Afore Northwest Excursions. C. P. It. Meets Rash of Homeeeekors. The homeseeke's' excursions run to Winnipeg and the North-West pro- vinces by the Canadian Pacific are al- most too well known to need description, Thousands of Ontario people have paid a visit to rho golden )vest this summer, away from house for sixty days if need be, at a cost ridiculously low in con petition with the wealth of experience gained. Round-trip tickets are still on sale from all Ontario stations, rates ranging from 832 to Winnipeg to 042 50 to Edmonton. The next excursion leaves Toronto, Tuesday, August 27, after that the dates are Sept. 10 and 24, October 8 and 22. The October ex- cursions are a new departure this year, end promise to be successful, the sup- ply of people "going west" being seem- ingly inexhaustible, Tourist sleeping cars aro roti on each excursion, berths In which can be reserved at small ad- ditional cost. 'These cars afford every travelling comfort, appreciated especi- ally by ladies and children, Berths must be secured early through local C. P. 11, agent, who will he glad to rnlsh pamphlets and full information garding these excursions. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency," "Bolls" and ''Stag" chewing tobaccoes, in big plugs, Quality always the sante. GIDLEyrfue ES la Y T H The Court 0l Revision on the Ewan Drain By -haw was then opened, but as no appeals were entered it was moved. by ,Nr. Taylor and seconded by Mr. McCutcheon,that the Court of Revi- sion be closed and the by-law as now read the third time be finally passed.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded. by Mr. Taylor, that the Reeve and Treasurer he instrnc'ed to borrow $1000 to meet current expenses.—Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet 00 Sept, 211d at 10 o'clock a, In, W Clark, Clerk, HARVEST HELP WANTED WEST O. P. R. [Iona $12 Excursion to wlnnlpeg. Upwards of 20,000 mon are wanted in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to assist in harvesting, and to meet the demand to some extent the Canadian Pacific has arranged to ruin lett/ fate farm laborers' excursion. Len vine. dates are Aug. 27, 80 and Sopt, 4, Ad- vertisement in another column gives territory and further particulars. From all Ontario station one.wa,y tickets will be sold to Winnipeg at 812. Alen are! engaged at Winnipeg wi