HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT -414E BLYTH STANDA 4• a M1 B user:-.. _.- :... t - _ / :..I°. .. .;,, . •. • ,, fi E " lCRIUROBIE LINKER. NLIIAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, til, 401'1`MHO.. BY-LAW NO. 3, MOUNTED, &tie Notes a specialty. A'lvanrPa made to farmer* ou their own Peter, No additional security re• quirts!. E#TREST ON DEPOSITS at Curreltt gates We offer every accommodation con- sistent with rate and conservative banking principles, MID PRIVATE FUNDS to loan ou Real Estate at lower retell of interest, I<&L ESTATE an Persons wishing tea Sall will do well to tattoo their property on Our list for sole, Ratite collected. IIYEYANCINO Of all kindspromptliy attended to. IfVO'l resent the leading Fire and L(fe Assurance companies, and r'e- epiotfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to 8 P.N. 44,, CANADIAN PACIFIC ATLANTIC SERVICE ROYAL , MAIL STEAMERS Roll every* week between Montreal and iQaebao mei ldver1 00( and Moot donna t e mounter reason, and between et. John end IAm epuoi and l4d.to' during the wluter wawa, Th. following steamships enmprlee the Beet t-I.ake hi me ,e, 1..0, Chuuplalo. Lake Michigan, 1.... Inci, Lake Manitoba, Mesa ruse, Mt ameba, Moute.*,e, Muuttma and Monmouth. • RATE" DP PASSAGE -First stain, 000 led 4pwatd4; sound cabin, 037.80; thud seWa, eta. 999 fife Boats, Fine Staterooms and Courteous Attendance. COQ Call at Tote STANDARD office or write for circular and rates. A. E. BRAOW1N • Timm BLYTH AGhti Business Cards. A B MACI)ONALD, HARRIS TR A,.*OLICI'l'OR, NOTARX, ETC. t*e0►Mor to 0. F. Bielr, °Mee over Staod,rd Sub, B,imt tutee*. ,bow dor M.t oWLIMn I)a0UDFOOT, HAYS & nag, ' Laaaa5BR14, SOLICITOR*, NOTARIES ePUBLIC, 87 C. hose formerly orOupied 4.y /towers, Holt. Oalertoh, 0.3. W. Peewit ot, 1t -U .1 . Rays, 44 F. Nair. 1904. TOw sMp of Hullett )It. ss a, 4.ONO, DENTAL. SUaOEON. 1arow er to Dr. 'J roma. Orndnate of the .441 0 dress of Dental Surgeons, An •uo0or to of 1orento Uetve .irv. Oaten over Yowell'e Mem, tinter a Woak, lily tb. A Bylaw to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Town- ship of Hullett to the amount of $4000, for the purpose' of granting a bonus to the Guelph unction Railway Company in aid of the said Railway. WRERffA the t;ualph Junction RAilwey ' nt propose to extend ire IMO of Had ytrum the eityof Guelph to the Town' of (uderlcll and in the 0044464 0 anOb fxter:.tool will construct their reiISeer through or neer the loot' - (ion of the said Township which is here- inafter mors perticalarly described. AND WHPEAS the said portion of thessid Towaebir is ilite rer,t4r1Irk sec ru'• Ing the said eoustructlou of the said Railway and a 00tition of the free- holders resideftt in the said portion of Hullett shall he taken on this bylaw at the said Township and beim* duly' glntll- the following times Med 1111* h that is tied velprs entitled to vote epee the by- R p law tinder %b. Municipal Act, duly to say, or Friday, the 39th 'ley of signed 111 aae 'dftna:e wall the 401x1 act, April, INH. commencing et the hem of yer's Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is s Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops failing, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. "My hair was costar as` tenthly. Ives almost afraid to comb it. But Ay.rb Heir Vigor promptly etc pad the taint ,and 1110 rHtorud the 0114 e. it. or." Ma., E. G, Y. warm, Iandtng, N. J, /1.00 a bowls. r. a. Mesa o0., All druflea. al'r.a .ge for yagi • Poor Hair has been presented to the (mulled cf the said 'lbwnehip expressing their desire to aid the said Railway by granting e Manus of $10Q8 upon the 40;4140 and con- ditions heratua(ter set out, AND WHEREAS it is advisable that the said portion of rite said Township of Hullett should grant the said bonne of $1000 to the mild Railway Company and in order thereto it will he necessary to tame debentures 0f the TOWIIRhIp Of Hullett for the sum of 51000 as herein- after provided ;which is the amount of the debt Intended to he created by this bylaw) the proeerels of the said deben- tures to be applixlto the "aid purpose mud to no other, ANi) WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said deblrntureg at one time and to make the principal of the said debt and interest the:eon repayable by ,early t+umsduring the period of twenty years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of Ruch respeetivc amounts that the aggre- gate amount I )able 111 each year for principal and intermit in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as poesihle equal to the amount so payable In each of rh* other nineteen year's of OM said .\ ND WHEREAS the total amount required by the Municipal Act to h* raised annually by specie! rate upon the said portion of the 4.0id'I'ownshi p here- inafter defined, for paling the maid debt and intermit as herenlafter provided is 1291.93.' AND WEERFAS the amount of the whole rateable properly of the Town - RAP bf illulktt according to the last revis4(1 atlieuslpeet 1'011(% 51.91)8,01, and the arnonntdf ;the whole rateable prop- erty' of the 064 portion of the said 'Y(ewnehip ktehrdi041 10 the Met revised aeseismentroll is *1,22ipd73. AND WREl1K.lSthe amount of the existing dsbeurnte deht of the said Msnicipality Is 1'545, of which no pert of thio pprinelppnl orintereat is in arrears. THE1tEFt1RL the Municipal Craned of the ration of the Township of Rnllett IR 1e as follows, - nine o'clock in lite forenoon and con- tinuing till five *clock in the,afteruoon of the snored* by the following Deputy Returning ears:- PoItiuq ivlsion No. 2, at Sebool house No, ftariook; by James watt, D.R.O. Polling Division No.4, at Foresters' hall, l.ondosboro, by R. 4a41ms, 1).14.0. Polling Division No. 9, inoluding that I 6 I tt t,.lt of Polling Division No. from 1, Its 20, Cons. 8 and 9, to Ifote 30, Cons. 1; and 9, inclusive, et Township hall, 1i. Braithwaite, D.R.O. Poltl(q Division No, 7, et School bootee No, 9, by John Fingland, D.R Q. (10) On Sstnrday, the 23rd 'fey of April, 141n1, the Reeve of the said Town- ship shell attend et the council (bam- hera ell 11 o'clock In the forenoon to .I1'.oint persons to attend at the vedette polling places mforemid end at the final summing up of the vote. by the Clerk on belieft of the persona Interested in and proepotlug or opposing the peeving of this bylaw reepeettvely, (11i The Clerk of the Council of the said Township shell attend at his office et ekvon o'clock in the forrnoou of Satnr,ley, the 8Ut11 day of Apri),190*, to sum tee the nutetter of votes for and RCaif Pt IIID bylaw, i • Da,od at the Council Chambers in the Tea ntbi p of Ifullett, the 89th day of Marsch, 1994; iTO RitT 9313RhI. Reeve, Man CAMPBELL, Clerk. N(YI'ICE.-The Above is a 4raeipy of a B0)HW pawned by the ?Municipal Council of the Township of Hallett on the lath day of May, A.1). 1901, and all peraoms are hereby requested to take notice that anyone desirous of applyinu to hate Ouch Bylaw, or en part thereof, itemised, mutat make his epplicetiot for Ihle Nevem-. to trate Righ'Cor,rt of 30.• Lice within throe '0(011ths'text after the publloation 01 (1hie Notice 011(•44 a week l4r three sucoessiV0 week* in the news - (1) A bot 01 81000 ie hereby granted paper called THE BI,rrtt STANDARD, or by the said 'tion of the avid Town- bei w ll helot) late to be heard in that ship of Hullett which iot hereinafter de. helml' " fined, to the Guelph ,i unction Railway ,JAMES CAMPBELL, CwIte. Company in aid of the said railway told lsay 8(1)th, If104; f,ir the purpose et assisting the exten• ,ry. ., ,_.e.e ,. • w .fon thereof to the said Town of Gude- rich, thl'o rough or near the said portion of H. N/, TAYLoR 0, LINDSAY, Y.D. the said Town hip, ('dl For the purpose of raising the saidg Y,i, l Py OM BTEICI.IN AND SURGEON. 8010 with interst. twenty debentures s to Dr. Tait.' phobia', of ibo Un/• of the e*ld Township of Hallett to thy AGENT FOR THE reroute, Member ott.Coll-ge of Yee, tiitlount of 1051.:13 each shall he issued CANADIAN T R MOTOR CO. d Sera*o4e ofDutsdn, Form tily of r Rabthud es- 054e r wit.uu two years after the passing of , ty T,ARIO wtk- pgland • d Edinunr*h tfglae and .••stesons., feet lately 0040. y fa,Tait, 44(1144. J. MILNE, M.1).C.Id. .a 70Telel .; AND SURGEON. tlirivereity of Tynity Coheir; M.1)„ tt t versify ; relies of Trinity Mauled watcher Ootlsge oI Phystsian, uut4444,' Counter for the Otte of the u,so oC Hyt T. is ECCIIBTEP, RAaaIS AND TOBACCONIST. Choke stank of 10441. o0, Clears 'mellow! em bawl. Mout for the budded Item Let udrl, Qum Mem, With. .• i HAMILTON, _- _• A'IITIONRRR AND YALUATp$. T,* 4 toga and loaireuae Aaeme. Ma, on mss irrew,al 0th Ordre . left et Tits A. paam Awlwlh ,Inman, prompt *ttemnou, *01, 5.1.. TAUS*, menu CUBING OPTICIAN AND EYE BPIIOIALIRT, An klada of Speeteelee and Ryeglss•e made 1Wed.e. Rpe Aar attention riven to fitting 14e ft4. .Article by mail p4omp1y atend.d W. Me of nasties uslms my name.* I employ luInthns agenN whatever. 4etteleotieu { ,ep 1, Ratebt...bed 1165. 164 Rlebmoad test W., Toronto. HURL HHOLD• DYES This. Dyes will 4te wool, Oottow talk, rater fa.s0.1 000.14 'n ono bash ...lag one aha *4400.1.114 treo•1 imPr'vvd Rre 111 the *rota 'fry. 44.04.00" AU Helen at J, M. R/Y!Lro0'e, (1yt4,9*. A. 0. U. W. this hylawr each of wheal debenture shall lie clotted on the day of the issue thereof, and shall he payable in 110nrern five years erthill twenty years thee. cher et the hulk of lfamiltou in Ito yflof ,411,. (8)1aee Eaoh(31of +ho Raid debentures ehnll be signed by the Reeve of the sail Township or by some other (84'o'u authorized by bylaw to sign the ewe and by the I Ieasurer thereof, and the Clerk .hail 4411 ten thereto the oorporice seal of the M lunciprality. (41 The Paid debentures shell hear in. tenet 'at the rate of four per tectum yet „num payal le yearly at the said b,uik on the SPA lav of December in 00h year during the cOrreltcy thereof. de' 5) Inning o currency of 'the lid ntures 11,1r, shall Iw raised'anu,,,Al ly by special Its upon 011 the rate,* property lying within the portion of the MMunieipatity described as follow.•-- 4mM%; all thea portion of the .aid, Township 01 Hallett west of the linea line and inowil as the I+iaitlana li(0ky 4.11 01 tttaetth, MI, I nh. 14th, 11th, 18th and 14tH said rLlwn- ohip, that alai 01 4 4m, the pp•.00e of paying the amount doe each oitlthe said yearn for principal ,and iuteresgin repent of 71,0 said debt, (0) The Council of the said 01upicip}I- Ity ,halt pay to the said euiipeuy 010 said bootie so soon as t ha said Railway is rnyrpleted :11111 ready for 04atration. (q) it0vid,•d Ihat the said hone. shall he conditional upon the e101(tion end ICIRltltena'tce lea the *aid Company of a station house about one mile irool the boundary line between the o nehip.i of Huget3 end West 04awfnosh rest of the River Maitland, nho station houses Rt rho V4Uage of Bly 11, and within 0110• half tulle of 11, present. plte of I he pOot office in the Pillage of Waltou iu the said County of Huron. (8) 'This brlawehall rake effect on the dAy`of 41144 r,n.s3ing t leeaof, (9).The tote* of (*4 eUotore of tiro *aid pertiou ,(1 the ktlfd Toa.okhip of Wirth lode*, No, Anetent Order et United 1*km•n, newt., in the Workmen hell, ane WeII. up the lest Fr aro is eery wettAL M. O m. Voltam brethren ao enrdloaaltty'40' aI..' 0. 1CRuIn,, Y. W. T, J, Hr 'r, Wlndmfli Manufacturer All Sires of Pipe, fittings anq Grinder Plates kepi in Nock PUMPS, TANKS and TROUGH furnished an short notice. Repairing nrnulplly attended to, All Work Guaranteed. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATEiTS TRADE MARae Desmons ` COPen:GMTS &C. nu .." n1 01 all ptinn ons olnhw i dfree dow0 ,004444 00 le• n nw probnblr pl,lentl ble. ('„nlmmlirn• 110'11y ,nnndout bei, ih0uthock on Versate sent ((kite neem? Ar nen ring patten'. P iu feken through Mun.t ,tc Co. receive freer e, w(0O8( obese, (4 (440 Scientific Rinericati. A hEeadsNIy nCnll0ul01121 1 • enlalon 1, I0 s 41. )i`wrnianyll. nlTeewerrsvreyMe.st AAAA10nr; fns dwe,, Newt! ", 0 4,' TYnthtngtgt, ENOU1tAN8L Now much the heart may beer, aid yet ee► bfel How mucakh the Seib Mee Mutter, and Mot 1 quesuuu much It any pita or ache Of Mau or body beluga our end mum pleat Death chooses 4411 own time; 1111 that It sworn. All erne may be borne. We shrink and shudder at the surgeoa'a Suite, Each nerve recoiling from the cruel steel Whose edge seems searchiug for the gap's* 11111 Ilfe, Yet to our Sense -the bitter pangs reveal, That still, although the trembling desk W tofu. This also can be borne. We see a sorrow rising In our way. And try to dee tram the approaching 111 We seek some small escape; we weep *44 But pray: the blow Calls, then our haute are at Nat that thelll; pals is of Its sherp.eu gbot% But that tt cda be borne, W'o Wind our lite about another UN We hold It dose',dearer than out dwel Anal It taints and all. la deathly *trite, Leaving us atnnned, and stricken, ani alone; But ab! we do not die with thew we m00rn,-- 1441. also can be borne, Beheld we live Wens all things,-temMe. Mint, Bereavement, pain; all grief and mlsetT, Alt woe end sorrow; UN indict* its worst On soul and body, --Ant we cannot die. Though we be sick, and tlred, end faint ani *ern, Lo, UI things ran be hornet -Eilulwth Akers biles, '.:.I r` i. :.+.'(I sat.''.. .ya,+ :,+'• • ''i .; ,'. , ,';'w'i'g •. Sudden summer. The Impatient wild flowers have come rushing and crowding to greet their friends atter a protracted te- iteratlon, says Thu Toronto tiiobe. Spring wag so long unkind that they grew impatient under her restraints, and now, with the first rolaxe4tion, they have hurtled forth to display ybe protpakp of their charms. The. impressed order aitd decorum of the debutante bas boon cast aside is their spontaue0us haste for reeutotte tion. We leek for the hepatica to. raise its weeny flower stenos from, among the surviving bunched of last season's leaves and display it. dos. Ilcate tints of pink, mimic, or blue long before the single leaf of the bloodroot unfold front the whit flowers It clasps anti guards with tette der care. Wo expect the triu ism to remain modestly folded awaiting her turn, and the dog -tooth violet to he fonteet with the faintest suggestion of its delicately mottled leaven, '1'he Wring beauty, too, though among the earliest, is generally tootedlj to await its due order, and th. t t ing arbutus, reclining coati!, pm the loaves and litter of the pMtt yhar.,, may open its hidden 'butla at' any titneo according to the whitulf and fancies of the season. But now. the favorites have all come forth at, on0e,•' tfOdlng Out Wind Breakers. The toreetry branch of the, Depart. plait of the Interior in sending ' out; a edlieg trees this spring 'to eves one, thousand farmers in htanitobe. and. the Territories, to be planted as wind -bre tot•n for the sheltering of crops In the open prairies. This is about twice rho number that were, dietril>;ted last season. Tho varie- ties'' chosen are quick -growing end: oy;.s0 that three rare' growth. s `foliar seven or eight toot int, height.' A now farm is being started' at Indian Head especially for that aultivatio_n of these troy , and s It.lte lit. Il mian' a1,00s well-to-do s bettit rto fil r farmer, 01 Manitoba, for the beet result/ in tree -growing In ASsinlbola. The Forestry Department has, tak- en special measures to safeguard the timber in Western 'Canada. Fire no- tices are now being scattered' by the nucleon's Bey Company up almost to the Arctic Circle, and the railway companies have given their hearty co;opor4tion in thin; work of pro - serving the forest wealth frahl de- struction. Special officers are de- tailed to two that where new lines are in course of construction the workmen take ey11 due care to put 0 out their camp tire they ae h y Ymo0e from one location to another. Mines Rad Changed. Toronto, In the olden days, bad but two police stations; 'those In Court street and 1n Yonge street, near Elm. The projected increase' in the personnel of the force calls to mind a case wherein Capt. Prince, the chief of thirty years ago, figured. He was walking up Yonge street ops night 'when he heard a trenten- dtius row going 011 in the highway, Copt. Prince, who was as game 0s a bull terrier, sprinted up the street and found 'that the trouble was oc- casioned by'a woman, who Was argue Ing strenuously with a policeman, "'fake that Woman in!" said the breathless chief. 1 "No. sir; 1 won't," answered tho Constable. The captain was breathless with rage. Finally he gasped: "Why?" "preens° sho'a my Wife, sir; You see, I've been on the force only thro' months, and she is hollering Nota I don't go to bed at the same as 1 did on the farm in Beques And that policeman got no psi- mind.-1brQnnto,, Wa. Photographs&rpetr Mem OItttetti• Br. Charpcntiee In onnmunlcn- tion before the Pari , Academy ot Helena's described an thterosting dis- covery as to the pnity of photo- graphing ntescular lenity norvoue ac- tivity on a plate,,e0Vered with a layer of platin epadgptare of bacteria. Nervous aenaatlbne an,i fytp pions and muscular efforts are R4 •, on the plata an duce e fluorescence, a for t the action' 0 .. heett a of the itiOt 1:'n SPRING WANTS Our stock is full and well assorted for Spring Wants. SPECIALS WORTHY OF MENTION: COTTON HOSIERY -complete stook, ribbed and plain, all elem. LACE CURTAINS -Large range, sell for 21e, DOc, 11, 51.25 and $2;16 per pair. OVERALLS and SMOCKS --sella from 50c up.. VICTORIA. LAWNS -all prices, excellent value, PRINTS -sold here at old prices, no advance. CARPETS, LINOLEUMS and OIL CLOTHS, BUTTER, EGOS and POTATOES WANTED. W. T. RIDDELL GENERAL MERCHANT .' AUBURN :0 14,4• • lilk.s"t e:sterl;s:teelyes. i 1"►,. i,a's, fhe i i't.: ;., MEN'S DISEASES There is seldom a day that we are not consulted to regard to a condition that, N we were to have seen it in Its early stages, the sufferer would have been relieved, cured saved considerable expense, This we consider is due to lack of knowledge on the the doctor who has prevloualy treated the caw therefore weary to you, if you ars feting from any disease or condition peculiar to Hien, or if you have been a victim and been dimapohated in not getting n permanent cure elsewhere, we would ask that yes come to our office for personal examination or write us for a Question Slant for Moa. Treatment, We wit explain to you OUR 64ST1M OF TRRATMKNT, which we heyq originated end developedafter our whole tile's experience In the treatment of special diseases of men. We will give you, FRtili OF CHARON, an honest and scientific opinion of your case, If we find you ore incurable we will honestly tell you w. If we find your eros curable: we will give you a written guarantee to cute yen or refund you your tamaey,; -YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED -- Ws ours NERVOUS DEBILITY, VANI00OILE,STRICTURES, BLOOD and SKIN diseases, PROSTATIO troubles, BLADDER, KIDNEY and URINA*Y diseases. Qua0ioa Lid Sent Free for Home Treatment. CONSULTATION FARE. DR.Pi & CO.NNEY S 290 Wood• ward, Ave., ♦ D.troll. tll9eh. 4444.44++++444++++++++++1444444.144444 Groceries and Fruits a W wish ' o y that; roc• have its Illi Cilia be 'naught. ., r. V i, { (-titya t to 2.,'5.,..:4lbeTor 25c, (lite lea' 41by fat 25ot 'ppa er 'l`•; ,•7lbs. for Pic. l easetittt , i s 34 Ins, for 260, 1(F ib". (}attatt 1': & COI. lialeieg Powder, in 4 tart seat4r 1... fitly 30e.. A great many other beautiful varieties vitt!' equal as cheap. SEI; OUR CIfINA AND GLASSWARE n (, Beauti(n1 %rumblers " ,.,,4tb A dozen. leliy Muga .... r .. 890 4. do;Vn. INV tier Sete, 97 pie. as t,.,po,7i stir P (according to finality an RUM r ti# pieties). Xmas and Wedding Present., Is full a lite,01 Ca< c/ceties 5 WANTED. -Any enantity of Butter, Ruaa'pntf Dried Applwe, for whled wR always pay the highest price, either in cash or trade• PRETORIA BLYTH GEO. POWELL BLOCK K It G *re dent 1440 Kut K&l1 k.,K K&K K&M it&h SINFUL I S IN YOUTH MAKE PIER US, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. *ad folly In youth, overexertion of mlad and body tint and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future happtnese of t edged prom Isla young matt. Some fade mad wither et am early age, at the bloes m01 ilthood, wklle others an forced to Agit oat a weary, fruiting and melancholy existence. Others maid. moray dui fled go solace or comfort than. The victims are foetid laatt station of 1118 -the farm the office, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the profesaloae. NerangabRRy all Nal*}11 wesks.11 are guaranteed cured by oar Mer Mpthel gemmed 0, M Pop. Yon ran no risk I8 years In Detroit. Bank security. CURED Mt ELSE fAILED. N teats end witted utilise lemma "1 am years of age teed married. When yoga( 1 110 a gay life. a lyl0dbcraionaand later eacustemade trouble tor me, I became weak and nervous, Myktdneysbecame afteett.d and 1 1 rigbt'a Disease, Married Life was anutleacto lead / my „ • me unhappy. I tried everything -aft failed 4411 4 toot t . eat from re. Kennedy is Keret.. Theis Mew etime t me up mentally, physically and sexaally, I feel and act flee a man la eve aspect. They treated me ate years ago. The are honest, skilful and res' • bio financially, so why patronise Quack. aid FAN» when yen can be cured by table doctors.' -W. A. Belton. THE RESULT o Igor* COM Ca. ' l' OR 10 Ptr. Camille Fiee s free-OIUHe BO fill MI TII1*, Dr ennedy Kergan, ' D. *. 'N t K&K K&K K&K K&i-( is&K K., K K r7' NY CALLS 1 3LYTH LIVERY LMA from bndne,. 011119 and liana OR. pinned in von positions each year by cue '((1) 4 I i 1 11 1 tra' ork" • hie aahnol etude tar (1.10 hlaheot end best in heotuew edaentlun lu Canada today, Maly Wetness n'11, ". etup101/ oar gr1444.1.1 se te,ubere. We have sen, a of uppllautao0afroa. other copes., Ask to we thorn the day von enter. theille►aae amigo now. Catalogue tees. 'N. J. ,$'LLIOTT - - PRINCIPAL, pie and Lot Far of Iota No. 1 '- y urea]. on hoe die 44, rth. Then,, off tp tree, ► yno nils. ten nt and beret Imam. obo!ne atrawborrie,, a t never fading sonar, ale dr flut40r partiealare b 1 oadeaero P.O., o. 0. i• C. K, Ma- t in the a teems of hull a Arse *art and dJiv le It get and SRLE STR3LES O 0000500 Jr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. • 00 ell 000 Firat-o;acs Horses and Riga for hire at reasonable rales. Beat of accommodation to Com- meroiel Traveller. sad others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery *labia. • LIM AND QUEEN STREETS, matte,