HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 6CURRENT COMMENT
No one would suppose that suet: ,t
staid, matter -of -flirt, sin istirloveta
newspaper as is the New Nos Journal
of Commerce and Commereial Bulletin,
would be easily carried away by a piss-
ing emotion or the excitement attendant
upon the sinking of a war vessel or the
losing of n battle. That being so, it is
all the more surprisiug to observe the
view It takes of the struggle now going
on on the banks of the Yana. 1t sacs :
Murian the period covered 1st the reign
of Queei Victoria, the population of
Russia is calculated to have increaend
from 62,000,000 to 130000,000. This cal-
culation takes no as:count of territories
forming Muscovite protectorates, such as
Moira and Bokhara, which already have
been or must, in the course of nature, be
ultimately incorporated with the protect-
ing power. The area of the Russian Ein-
e already occupies one•nixth of the
surface of the globe, told, consider -
et this empire is an absolute des•
poUom Waled upon the support of an
ignorant, poverty-stricken and bigoted
peasant population; that to the utmost
of its power it represses alike freedom +d
speech and freedom of thought, c 1114
claim to exercise over all its subject,
supreme authority over their properly,
their bodies and souls, Sir Edward 1)i-
cey's metaphor of the moral darkness or
Russia's rule spreading continuously like
a shadow.over the face of the earth, can-
not be told to be an overstrained one.
lint, adds the Bulletin, within less than
three months the shadow has been 1111ti-
ed back, solely by the strength of n pow-
er which Russia despised.not less artier
eatly to the astonishment of her short-
sighted rulers than to that of the greet
powers who tegardcd the Slav- Empire,
On its own chosen ground of conflict. as
practically invulnerable For three ren. %MCI the bunch of Dentine, Bret niee-
turies Russia has been advancing stead- ly' reaes trip grotulhaned, then the
fly across Asia without experiencing one bmnnrchhetecauntdoent7wildh tevhee-rreiacy
Important check; by force mud fraud she or railroad for nhIpment. The plant
has advanced her standard from the l 4.t the same time Is rr 'lose to the
Ural ltfountaine to the Pacific, until a ground. The banana le a erre Prolific
point was reached where dominion over
all Northern Asia seemed within her
grasp. Now, with her armies in retreat
and Port Arthur left to its fate, mu Nutt
:Fork contemporary thinks a limit has
been set to the extent of tenders over
which the shadow of Russian despotisru
will be allowed to rest.
The picture here presented, if a true
one, will not be unpleasant to Britain.
For generations Russia has been regards
ed as a menace to the Empire. India':+
government and policy and armament
have all been planned with the idea that
some. day a gigantic struggle would be
waged between the two powers. Af-
ghanistan and Persia and Thibet and oth-
er buffer states have been coerced or
tnfoled in turn, just as British states.
men believed such action would check-
mate in some way the encroachments of
Russia upon British territory, or that of
neighboring ijtates. The reduction of
R1losie, if Ons to be reduced, frau an
almost ove*helming force to one of see
ondary importance, will have n nutteriai
influence upon the affairs of Britain.
'Rut we are not inclined, just yet, to
take such a sombre view of'Russia'n poet
tion in the East or of its war with Jap-
an. True, the men of the 'Mikado lance
startled the world with their dispiny of
Military genius and almost unparalleled
heroism, but the struggle is just in it,
infancy. Russia Ions not yet had tittle
or opportunity to exert her prodigious Tricks of Young Russians to Avoid Ser.
strength, and, however anxious we may
all be td sec her ambitions crushed, we
must await a little longer the emirs.:
of events, before we can view the mat-
ter through the Bulletin's spectacles.
When Ripened on the Plant It Is Nol
Suitable for rood.
There Se a vast nrunwt of ignr-
ance prevailing among inteltlgcnt
people of the north concerning the
growth, prcxtt.etion and marketing
of bananas. Maas poeple imagine
that the nails es In tropical clinics
step out of their hots in t00 early,
Morning and muck end +': t banana.
hest from tae plant the same as
they would oranges and other
fruits. Bananas rtp,'ued on the
plant are nut tsunami: for food and
would be Tory much the
name as the pith which le found
In the northern cornstalk or elder.
Bananas cold le, the United &alno,
even after travelling ",(1110 miles in
a green state, are ecce,- hit negood
as bananas ripened under n tropical
sun. This 1e probably true of no
other export fruit. Time plait of
which bananas la ti- trait Is not a
tree nor le 1t a bush or tine. It Is
simply' a gigantic plant, growing to
a height of from ittieeit to twente
feet. About eighteen feet from the
ground the leaves, oftlmes eight
feet long, come out In a sort of clue -
ter, from the centre of wlitrh springs
a Minch of bananas These do not
grow with the bananas pointingup-
ward, naturally, and if the .tem
grew straight, they wmild hang ex-
actly' an seen 1n' the fruit stores end
grocers' windows. Thi;, howcrer, Is
not the ease ; the stem bends ander
the weight of the fruit and this
brings ft Into directly the oppoolte
position, with the large And or the
stalk up and the Cringes pointing to-
waril the eon.
A word of explanetien cotrerning
00180 banana terms, erten ban-
ana le called a "finger" and each
Of these little clusters nt iingere sur-
rounding a stalk, to called n "hand';'
the quality' and rattle of each bunch
depend upon the number of Mande It
h'ae. Rome may' wonder how the trait
1e cut from the totpi of ,(slant fifteen
feet from the ground. Thr native lab-
orers out the stalk port way no its
height, the weight or the fruit
causes the ntnik to simply bend over
producer of itself and at every clean-
ing of the land it le nerr80tryi 00
cut down many M the youngptnnts,
or "suckers" as they are termed,
In order that them may not become
overcrowded up to a ccrtnln limit;
the fewer rn,eke,s cn a given arra
the larger the taut they wilt pro.
& Oe.
Welland flerchant Restored to
Health by Dodd's Kidney
Doctors and Medicines Failed—Dodd's
kidney Pills F aceeeded—Other Cases
they Jdstseem to Nutt.
Weiland, Ont., Ilayi 110,—(special).
—.1. J. Yukon}, a prominent mer-
ehnnt, of thin elty, In telling his
Irhods of a remarkable cure of a
terrible Kidney Disease by Boddie
Kidney fills. Mr. Yokom's statement
is as follow-.;
"1 -'or Nowa than a vier I had lwen
ailing with Kidneoe Trouble In all
its worst esh iptoms. I had a dis-
tressed feeling in ney heed, little or
no appetite and a feeling of lan-
guor. I lessons greatly, reduced in
"Doctors and medicines tailing to
give me any benefit I became dea-
pondeut, when, bp good luck I chlanc-
tv1 10 try Is'dd's Kidney Party and
from this new, they veined to entt
nmy. r00'. After taking five boxes the
old 111 111lo lied gradually disappear-
ed and I was feeling better than I
had in man, years."
Dodds Kidney, Pill/ suit the case of
every man, woman or child who has
any lora of Kidney Dieeaee. They
always sura and e11re ptlrmanently,
Ask for Millard's and take no Other. I
The mum who knee, Japan was
speaking the other ctnong of its pro-
"\\'e nil know," lin said. "the proverb
about 'more haste, 1 pa=d.' but the
daps put it: `11 in a maty, go round.'
We say, very crudcl,, that •accidents
will happen in the la -t reenlaled fain -
thee,' but the Japaico,, with a view to
making the phrase more picturesque,
say: 'Even a souk,, sometimes falls
from a tree,' The saying abort edged
tools and cut fingers, the people of the
Flowery Kingdom tare thee: '1f one
plays with tiger. 0I1e is likely to have
trouble,' while our 'oil and water, won't
mix' they know as 'visa rant rivet a
nail in a custard.' \Cher' we say 'out
of evil good may 00111e: they say 'the
lotus springs from the nod'
Partington's attempt is in .lapin scat-
tering fog with a fan' 'building bridges
to the clouds' or 'dipping up the ocean
with a shell; And when the person mak.
ing such an attempt has failed the Jap-
anese say that, after all, 'thine own
heart makes tate world, ee_peeeddpilia
The question of a tunnel under the
English Channel to (minutia Britain and
Femme is again revived. It was first
proposed fifty years ago. and since then
the estimated cost has been reiliund
from $50,000,000 to $20,000,000. The cor-
dial relations existing between the two
countries at present have no doubt
prompted its promoters to once more
trot the scheme out, but it is doubtful if
the military authorities on the British
side will take tiny more kindly to it.
There has been a great change in the
drinking habits of OW people mince Con-
federation. They drink much Ices ardent
spirits and wine and more beer. The
figures show gradual and almost steady
progression since 1873. By Live -year
terms the proportion line been:
Spirit.. Beer. Wine.
gals. gals. gals.
1869 .... 1.184 2,2140 (We
l e
1874 .... Lent 3.012 0.308
1870 ..., 1.131 2,209 0.104
1884 .. , . 0.998 2.024 0.117
1889.. . 0.770 3'203 0.097
18u4 .... 0,742 3.722 0.009
1004 .... 0,661 3'1115 0.089
1800 . , .. 0.701 4.31;4 0,185
1001 , ... 0.765 4.737 0.100
0.796 5.102 0.090
0.870 4,712 0096
Perhaps it's because she has no
ket that a woman wears her heat
On iter sleeve.
"The life of a lin-sinn selnat." said
the sage, "is desperutity hood, and ow-
ing to the compulsory serer'' 1nu, there
are all sorts of attempt, made Lc aha,
simple minded peasant to haul the
quicker witted reene1 oficer. .11 a
station in eastern Ilessia, for instance,
a conscript recently pleaded draluess,
and so wouldn't maser nay of the
questions put to him.
"'You can go hums',' said the snr-
genn at bast, In a t"rc low tone
"'Phe fellow jamp it for the door, and
so was caught.
Near 'Moscow a threats; said that the
index and middle 11:cers of his right
hand were joined b: -ether awl could not
be separated. The, dididt, look 0, but
the nnrgeon's stre:,;:h was not great
enough to separate moil, this i at last the
examiner said:
"'flow were your liar's before you
had this accident)'
'"They were this cit,' .,,it liereulcs
—and, to the sneer-, ..i +a,,,, one, he
illustrated by °penia t rnn-
11y as alyhody +I pLin
THE $50.000,000 WORLD'S FAIR,
DLO rice Passenger Agent McDon-
ald, of tee (bans! Trunk Railway,
w,ho irrerenile returned from ht.
LOnik;, !statist that It is hard to
find suttahb• language to describe
tea hung pito le and beauty of the
greatest exe1siticn ever held.
The site (f 1,240 acres, 'being twet
tnilee long earl one mile wide ds cov-
ered+witl. b;autiful buildings, broken
with 4agoo,0, canals, grand courts,
mmnumen te. ,statuary, parks, etc, nil
forming a 1 ictero that woe). be seen
tel In: realized. ;
An chs tilcal railway, calkel the
Intrn,tuuiral, makers It env to get
Wan one part of the grounds t o
tuu)i1 , 'a1(1 follow out the daily
programine, 'len)oylug tan' hour listen -
to 910.u's or other famous bands,
or taking in a lecture or address,
or art gallery.
When you odnaider the !mmens-
i1t of the buildings, one alone having
our ^0 acres, of floor space, and
reflect »10t they are flllNI 4ritlt the
eleace t of exhibits from all over
the nvorl', one exhibitor vying with
another to obtain the coveted gold
mednt, It /seems to suggest the
thought of what a'grand opportun-
ity rind an eslueation it 'twII Ibe to
the weeny men and women of our
land to spend a twgek or two tot
51.. Louis this year. Really, 'tto in-
telligent mon, woman or 0hild con
hf?ford to mins this great world's
The 'beautiful electric lighting of
the Pan American exposition, which
few, thought would ever be approach.
est, is entirely eclipsed by this Amm-
eter fair.
One of the, features of the air is
the hnslde Inn, a hotel aecomma(lat-
ivar u0o0, apiendldly run, and at
u',nlseaa,ble mates.
The total expense.; of a trip to
St. Loots, based on noir railway
rates, is within tine reach of all, and
pnnh::te Stop over n Chicago and
othis; points, and the trip is made
qua ply and comfortabiy.
11 Ls the Intention of the Grand
Trunk 'to run throught cora from
commencing June 12t1
Ahereal and Toronto to sit. Louie
1 d aisslh , and t 19
1'Io Cannelinn Trees Association
nero- htnanlmous In their praise of
til' Grand Trunk tend Illinois Cen.
tr',,l route, and with the cxpooitlon.
Keep Minard's Liniment In the House.
li we want to get the habit of hurry
of our brains we must cut ourselves
P patiently and kindly, front the at-
n:esphere of inu•ry about us. The habit
pits so strong a hold on the nerves, and
1- impressed upon them no forcibly as
a steady tendency, that it can be de-
leted by a close observer even in a per-
tt who is lying on a lounge in the full
lief that he is resting. It shows itself
epeclally in the breathing. A wise ath-
'me has said that our normol breathing
-could consist of six breaths to one min•
isle, If the reader will try this rate of
Ireathing, the slownes of it will sun-
rise hint. Six breaths to one nninnie
arm to make the breathing nnnec08snr-
Iy slow, and Met double that Seemo
beet the right number for ordinary
,eoplc; mud the habit of breathing at
:his slower ate is a great help, from a
shysice] standpoint, toward erasing the
widow), to hurry. --Annie 1'c)s(1 ('all,
id Leslie's ninthly for Jose.
...wpm be
Ias1A so Wallsupplied with oas et the tetlowlaa bssess
In Roily "t .nisei," "„oteh' "York,' ";Mammoth," 4w
In Sheets--" Imperial," "Royal," "Regal," Orient," Lo.
New York Presses London Very Closely
for the Honor of First Place.
The recent report by the Antwerp bur -
toe of stati'1ics ou foreign tonnape en-
ttred at the principal pmts of the world
lacing prorrd to be iucom tlete, and for
the ('rated States misleading, the le-
Iarlmeut of couImero end labor has
issued a corrected ettuement on the
same entrjeet. It may be accepted as
slowing the. tonnage, (coastwise trade
rot included) entered at the larger ports
cl the world—ports having a tonnage of
over 1,00,000 tons— during the year
1902, with the exception of the United
States ports, the figures of which are
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1903,
The figures for the United States and
Great Britain are taken from the offi-
cial publication of both countries, while
the greater number of the remainder are
teken from the annual reports of the
United States consuls far 1903, but cov-
ering tonnage figures for 1002:
I(at'g Port. Entered.
L Laindon . .. , . .. —.10,170,023
, .10,170,023
2. New York .......... . 9,063,000
3. Hambm•g 8,089 000
4. Antwerp .... .... .. .. 8,425,121
5. Hong Kong ..,. ,, ,, ., 8,253,591
6. Liverpool .... .. .. .. .. 0,843,200
7. Rotterdam ,...., ,.., 0,546,471
8. Marseilles ..,. ., ,. .... 0,191,833
ft. Genoa .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,596,012
'0. Shanghai .,.. ., ,. ,. ,. 4,726,411
11, Cardiff .... .. .. .. .. 4988,080
12. Cape Town .. , . .. , . .. 4,245,902
13. Tyne Porta ............ 3,615,040
14 Lisbon . . , . , .. , . . , 3,612,051
15. Buenos Ayres .... ,. ., 3,303,643
1e_. Copenhagen .... .. ., .. 3,111,412
17. Hnvnna .... 3,101,115
IS. Algiers ...... .. ...... 3,035,131
1). Havre .. .. ...... ... 3,010,391
20, Bremen .... ... . .. . . . . 2,984,410
2i Boston .. .,.. .. .. .. 22.978.913
The figures for Philadelphia are 1,993,-
922, for New Orleans, 1,561,898, for Bal-
timore, 1,41(1,529, and for San lcranciteo
I bolteve MINARD'$ LINIMENT will
cure every case of Diphtheria.
Riverdale. Afro. Reuben Raker,
I believe M'IN\RD'S LINiMENT will
produce growth of hair.
here. Charles Anderson,
Stanley, P. E. 1.
I believe MmN.1RD'S LINIMENT Is
the beet household remedy on earth.
On City, Out. Matthias Foley.
In gathering Ole material for a recent
book, S. R. Ctoekett lived for nearly
three months with a family of smug-
glers on the eastern I'yreean frontier;
he spent a week in a camp of Carlisle,
and with them ran away front the gen-
darmes; he passed three nights with a
permit, who dwelt among the rocks at
the upper end of the Volley of the Ari-
ege; in a fortnight among charcoal burn-
ers he discovered that they were mostly
ex -brigands, and "not so very much 'ex'
either,' as Mr. Crockett says.
La grippe, pneumonia, and influ-
enza ofteu leave a nasty cough
when they're gone.
It is a dangerous thing to neglect.
Curt it with
Cureh Lun
Tonic g
I The cure that is guaranteed by
your druggist.
Prices: 9. C. W eau & Co. 00t
Me. Sac 11 hello N.Y .
To -day Ressia's 140,000,100 and more
of people are comparatively smile and
couteut under despotism. Why) Be-
cause while they are illiterate, ignorant,
degraded, as 0 rule they have enough
to eat and drink. They are, supersti-
tious, it is trim, but religious super-..
Atition is not sufficient to make millions
of people to stimuli; to a government
that engenders starvation through taxa-
tion. Russia's rulers have been shrewd;
they have not tried to make their ignor-
ant, illiterate people intelligent, lint
they have ben careful so to govern that
the people would not rubel, yelling:
b nod. > o dv becomes "Wend d or
1 e a
Nihilist in Russia 090e an educated man,
who in n political enthusiast or is a mem-
ber of the nobility who has become,
through disappointed official ambition
in the army or navy or civil service, a
bitter, vindictive malcontent.—Portland
Aima Tallyrand in her early yoatth
was ]tarried to an officer of the Dutch
East Indies, He divorced her on ac-
count of a love affair with Sir Philip
Francis, who is stymied to have written
those famous letters of Junius. She came
Lack to her native France and married
Tallyrand, the most astute and brilliant
man of a singularly brilliant epoch.
As his wife she one day entertained at
dinner her ex-husband, her ex -lover. the
lawyer who defended her, the lawyer
who prosecuted her and the judge who
pronounced the decree of divorce,
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
Over a Deg's Grave.
On a tombstone at the head of s
grace in one of the dog cemeteries in
Paris is thie ineeription to the memory
of a brave St. Bernard:
lives of forty persons a
by the tortvflrst."
Sunlight Soap will not injure
your blankets or harden them. It
will make. them soft, white and
fleecy. fB
"How rich I'd be," said an umbrella
salesman, "if I had pat'nted the um-
The floorwalker sailed,
'You might as well talk; said he, "of
et patent on swimming or cooking. 001-
brellas appear to lace existed always.
Wherever we excavate—Babylon, None.
ven, Nippur—traces of 11te umbrella are
found. This instrument is coeval with
"It is of Oriental orfgin. The English
didn't begin to use it until 17(10. Shakes-
peare, with all his genius, had no um-
hrela to protect him from the rain. Jon-
as Hanway was the first Englislt um.
Melia maker,
"Now, what you might do would le
to patent some new sort of umbrella—
some rain shield huilt on better linea
We have proof that the umbrella has
existed 10.00 years, and yet in all that
time it has not once been improved.
Consider it. It is by no means perfect.
It turns inside out readily, end it only
protects the head and shoulders from
the rain, Change all that. Mice un
an umbrella that is ncnmplete raja
shield.' Then you will become a million-
Mlaard's Liniment is used by Physicians
Imposing on Good Nature.
(London Globe.)
Ata musical meet last week a singer
was requested by an exlremely Sedate
looking individual to oblige with the
Japanese national anthem. It was ex-
plained to hint by the serious one that
the tune was the same ea the British
rational anthem, ami that all he had
to do was to pronounce the Japanese
words provided for hint on a sheet Of
paper, precisely as they were spell&
leordingly up rose the willing warb-
ler and burst out with the following
O wa to fu Vont;
A fu lymn.
Pher are only pulled unity roars of de-
lighted' laughter from conttm» ng the
coufeswion, There was not encs- ve.
Cot.oltpt)o AN4) RETURN.
Pia Union Pacific 'every day trona
Juno 1st to tiafrtclnbar 30th, inclus-
ive, with final return Ittait October
81st, 1004, from; Wt. L0t110, $2&00,
Chicago 8.90.00, with eoeruponding-
ly low rates from! other pulp re.
Be sure your tlaket rends (tier this
Inqulro of Gr A. Herrig, G. ere
108 Park 81dg., Pittsburg, 1'a.
The skipper of the tramp steamer
Humping 1(iliy wap engagi -g a naw
crew. "What's your name'!" he said to
the foremost applicant. "Giuseppe Cain -
oiled," replied the man. "Eyetalian1"
"Pecs, sir." "Very good; step to one
side And yours?" he went on to the
next. A. 0. Iva) lkenof." "Hessian 1"
"Polish, sore." "Right; step alongside
of Ycwseppy. Next nun?" "1Villielm
'Ltvillnnguz1. "(Sermon?" ",Ia." "Very
good. Over you go. Next 1" "Manoel
°lit-10iu. I Portuguese seaman, senhor."
"Step over then, Mauciwel. Next 1"
",c h Thalia
n sir,"R
"'hnt .""John
Thompson, sir." "What in th-thunder
—what the --what nationality)" scream-
ed the horrified shipmaster. "English,
sir," replied the man. For a fail half
minute the unhappy skipper stood
speechless, his countenanee turning from
purple to orange, and from orange to
grey: and then with a gurgling gasp of
"English, by gran!" he tottered, stag-
gered, and fell prone upon the ground.
—Liverpool Doily Post,
Let the
They can de it
easily and quickly 7j
with the
New Century
Washing Machine.
Five minutes work will thor-
oughly clean a tubful of clothes—
no handling of the garments or
rubbing on the board necessary.
Your dealer can get it for you
or we will send you a booklet fully
describing it,
(Buffalo Commercial.)
'Dad; said little Reginald, "what ie
a bucket 811091"
"A bucket shop, Inv son," said the
father, feelingly, "a bucket shop is a
modern cooperage establishment tin which
n man tak a barrel and brings back
the bung•11 s.
, ieQ
bliss Sul
papa's con.
with the
ddating the Patent.
to Inter -Mountain.)
ba—Ilov did you setae
ise—Threatened to e.
qc id he refused.
ISSUE NO, `24 1904.
!11 rs. w'Insi"w•'s Soothing Syrup .beald
always Its used !or Children Teething. 10
eooths thn child, softens t he gums, enrea atall
colic and Ix the hest remedy for Morrtltea.
1s almost ns necessary at bread; nothing
cheap .boat it lint the price: 0 genuine And
reliable "frl'nd" to an agent; ht¢ eammta-
oioa; credit gird]; freight paid, NO ex•
pertence neee,earo. A - •ry profitable dl•
version for Noire home. The .1. 1.. Nichols
Co., Limited, Toronto. Mention tills paper,
BRUSH & Co,,
Matrimonial Advertisement in India.
(Lahore Tribune.)
Wanted ---A suitable match for an
I tradhi girl, 14 years of ege, who has
passed the middle standard examina-
tion in Ilindi, and also knows Urdu,
Sanskrit and 1(45glish, The match shoul
he well educated, with handsome pay oro,
income, should eonunnnicate his
fancily history and other partioulara.Y
Application. from Dakltuan and Khat•
will also be considered. Appl,' to
euro of postmaster, Bern. Ghaz ''ha
$100 REWARD,
The readers of this paper will be p
learn that t here ie levet one dread. ' looayW*
that science has basal able to cure nail
stages and that Is Catarrh, Hall's Cajal
Cure is the only tposult d Otto' now quo
the met h•al fraternity. catarrh, being a cons
eL(Wl00101! dlwvNr, MyutraN n cuntlututlole
t tramp. Null's ('4 l rrh Cure 1s auk011 le
tremens, acthig directly upon the blond and'
Myron, surfaces of the system, th'I•eby dea-
troyyung the touadation of the dlsensn, slid
giving the patient etrongth by building np,
the conatttntinn aid aatlttangnat pre 10(1,110
Its •.cork . The proprietor, h IveN"ranch troth
to its curative powers 11101 they offer One
Hundred Dollars tor any Clow U4',tt11falls to.
cure. Send for fist ortestimeeints.
Address F. ,I. CHEM.' & CO., Toledo, 0.
ao14.b ail druggist.. -Sc.
Take -all's Fatally Pills for constipation.
"The othtr afternoon," said a doctor,
"1 called to ace a patient, And, much 10 -
ms entisft :tion, I found hint sleeping
soundly. I sat by his bed, felt his pulse
without disturbing him, and waited for
him to awaken. After a few minutes,
a dealer's cart, with discordant ringing
bells, turned into the street, and as,
their first tones reached ate my patient
opened his eves.
"'Doctor,' he snid, `I'm glad to see -
cot, nail 00.2 11y' glad that you woko
ate, for f have been tortured by a most
distrilssing dream that must have lasted
for several hours. I dreamed that 1
was nick, as I ant, and that my boy
came into the room with a string of
most horribly sounding bells and rang
them in cm• ears, while I hadn't the•
power to 10010 or speak to him. I nnf-
fered tortures for whalappeared to be.
Interminable time, and 1'11 so glad you -
woke me."
r Service
The consensus of opinion is that
the New 'York Central la the cor-
rect line to New, Ydrk, Boston and
pointe east. Your Ricket agent will
tell you all Innout It.
After middle age the average woman
begins to care more for women than she•
does for men. tier allegiance undergoes
n psychie change, icer eyes are opened,
her ,judgment cleared, and she learns to
aepprcctate her Own sex fully. The char-
Aett'vistics that seemed to her hate-
ful frailties long ago, are defended now
as their poetic distinctions. She sees ilt
every girl the fair mirage of her own,
youth; in the pathetic cine worn face of
the young matron; the gentle heroism
of her other years; in the mother of a
grown family her own eueen days when
sons and daughters suddenly grew tall
and proclaimed her. And for them alt she
has a chastened affinity. Men have pass-
ed out of her calculations. They are the
things with whom she failed or succeed-
ed, from lover and husband down to her
youngest son. And, however much she
remains dependent upon her, she is no
longer elated to them in the same way.
She has survivtst them and returned to
lilt Ottn.
Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to
wash woolens and dannela,—you'll like
it 32
Thomas Moore was always in love. If
one looks through hie poems one may
find the names of some sixteen different
women to whom he swore eternal fidel-
It ie characteristic of the human race
that the men and women are generally
running after each other,