HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 5JttNE 9Tfl, i904 --THE BLYTH STANi)A}:R-PAci. I'n'fo, LOGS WANTED Highest prices paid for all kinds of Logs. Custom Sawing promptly attended to and every satisfaction guaranteed. S. -W. COLWELL, Lot a!, Con. 3, East Wawanosh - - BLYTH, 9NT. BLYTH MEAT MARKET Fresh Meats and Fish IN SEASON. T. JONES & CO. Blyth Meat Market, Queen Street. WANTED Any quantity of - Roll Butter, Eggs, THE RIGHT HOUSE A REL/ABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES FOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE. Plain and Figured Muslins \Vo have in steel: complete ranges of Swiss Dress Mns- inls, India Linens, Victoria Lawns, Egyptian Otgttndics, Alor- cerized Vestings-in plait] and figured, Figured Muslins- open stripes in bled: and white, ;Filched end Lnthroidered Apron LawnS at popular prices. Lawn and Muslin Embroideries \Vee have some excellent values in this line Itnti Int end. less variety to choose front. Hosiery hi robs line we carry all lines in Cotton and Cashmere Hosiery, and at rock bottut' prices. Tho Kind of Suits You Want We are showing a line range of Summer Suits Suits that int well, look well, hold their shape and wear well, Over'alls and Top Shirts Sce our 11 speeiills " we. carry in these lines. Overalls, two seams, reinforced and hemmed throughout, and Proof Hinck Shirts. Boots and Shoes We sett McPherson Shoes -Shoes that fit and wear well. E. BENDER, BLYTH S(.ucco�ssor to S. Herrington. ��1��t�,y� ******71x**.1c *** ******** *etc Dried Apples and Poultry. --- --11r, laid ,Alec, ,T. P. ''fries spent Wednesday with Inicknow friends. -Miss Clara 11104011 tee returned home tiller a L440 weeks' visit ill 'To - 01110. -Mise Edna berry, of filen, New York, is visiting with her uncle, Mr. ,lrthta hto Iuf. -.Nits. McLaughlin has returned porno froma y tsit with 1 aide xt,loa Uwtanu. Muitkirk and T4 or. ---lluriug the present week Mr. John t it oho shipped three cars of hay to Walker vital and is at present bustling ve cars more for shipment to New ork. -- i)r..1). T. Smith, of Omer, Miehi- nu, isetmentling it week with friends ill igly nod itlefty, Dr. Smith went to (hoer olj''Par ago rid during that time. at, worked" up a large and It14t'a- tha practice, We are plea ad t0 knout (se that ,ii mooting lr i 01 HtooteioH, ,-The T01'0111) Globe will rejebrete its ilft►mond jubilee'e oe Saturday, ,Ione 5t1, by an excursion n1;d dinner pt rlington begich for all thusml,loyt0',, Xsemployeen, shareholders and 1111 1vlto were soba utters during the first year of puhltl an,h. On `,enol lye Daly Sud, a special edition of the Globe ronugeir tredve of the occasion will be Issued. andLar,bert )'tingle art. Ill 0111, 1,00. As it prelimiti it c the 610110 IS just now hers df the re1,inent, frorn Merit; inshtllina{ the large,;t and most np-to- A gerdaia Ilam, Meier ,int• ;utsinrs date, press ever crested in this province. the Le lea' Aid society of S'rnNgaeu rejoices at Litese evi- Grain checks paid before and nater bank hours. M°MILL'RN & CO. Oinsley Street Dlyth TOWN TOPICS. --Mr. John Wilford. is itt Picton tit peek attending tlie,Or4t)tgetirand Lod of Britiek North emt9•lcs. life, J. ji. C�t ellAw is 4t pMeant pon ,1uct ug f c('tt itlg sale of furniture. µin4 a 6ha ties; Narl)mm, pictures, rite, Head hit ittrgt Me. in this issue. -Messrs, Watson tt h niigh kllipped tt car of hogs ,f rt>;u Blyth to pet l on Monday, and tile. frottl L.tndtS�yo tU the semi) destination tip. salmi dtbjr, m -Thu villa for Hie Gu ill J1ltetibn� railway and the Ghelph and (¢-oderieyle Yal a have passed the railway compS !OROS of the Canadian :,,nate wtthoitt enlentiment. --The Bard Hurni. regiment, Met gene to LOndotl fur Melo mimed training,. 'Messrs T 11 McArter, Ilobrt Sloan of ¢ > b A drew's church will be held on theehut .li grounds dn i'ridey evening, Julep 21tb, The Wingham band will be in attend- ahee, • --Mrs. John Cgtxting died nt her homti, rut 1, cun,,t(, Morris, on 'Tuesday night. Skto tons in her L"'tri year and had been sick fora long )eqs with cnn- eumfition. A husband and a jittle girl three yoars old are left to glolrti. The funeral will take pence tlrllf.lThurpdav) ef,ernoon to the Union cemetery. '1'u the sorrowing husband we extend our sympathy. -the annual garden pert undor the empires of the A.Y.P A. of Tr;nity church will be held ori the 'church grounds on Friday evening of next week. Lunch will be served front pix to 8,80 o'clock, and les cream, fruit runt confectionery will he served from a tent. Music, will he furnished during the evening by the 3Nttinghaal b anal, 'Che young itidteo of tl}:o A,Y.P.A. Will appear in Gypsy costumes. Tbc ad- mission Will be 16 cents for adults told In cents for ohildren. -A grand union pteniv will be hall in 1''erquhar'agrove, 4th colt. of Ilnllett, on Thursday of next week. The pro - loom will start et 10 o'clock in the morning. The first feature on the pro- gram will be the races for boys, girls Anel men Dinner will Conittiet ee at 11,45, after which the tug -of -tear will take place. The captains for the tug- of•war will re Messrs. Joseph ltey• Holds and Patrick Quigley, aril 1)r. Rhea, of Clinton, will be the referee, The program for the rest of the after- noon will be taken tip with various amusements and darning Supper Will he served at 4,80 o'clock, There will be n voting contest between Mies hose O'Connor, of Morris, and Miss Minnie Reynolds, of Hullett, for a gold watch. Some excellent music will he furnished during the day by the Clinton hand. Everybody welcome. Anyone under the influence of liquor will not be allow- ed on the grounds. Conveyances will leave the Blyth liveries early in the forenoon Inc the picnic grounds; the fare for the round trip t will lie 25 cents. A STUDY OF OLD AGE t t h the feet that, l the blood is Reveals usuelly thin and lacking in the strength- ening properties of young folks' blood. 1f you want to fill your blood with the fire of youth, build up your strength, restore yelp' nerves, jest use I'errozoae. Its the most potent tonic known and will renew the flickering flare of an aged life by imparting nottrtshmeht to enfeebled organ,. 1''errozone fortifies weak syatenm, feeds the blood, brain and nerves with new life, Try Ferro- T i 111 tY zone, Price 50e per box. BL dentes of its con; empa'ery''s prosperity, -Mr. Harold L. Edmonds, account- ant of the Merlin branch of the Hank of Commerce; and eldest son of $eve and Mars, J. Edmonds, of 13iVth, was mar- ried vestrultev itiertioola iu Sherhoartie street Methodist church, Toronto, to Miss Louise. Nine Mullins, oldest ilaugh- ter of Al r, and Mrs. II. A.' 5101;ins, for- merly of Winnipeg. The 'cereltiotny was tierformed by %j,ev, 1)r. Cleaver, pastor of the church, The newlytnerried'cooplo left Toronto by jttle 5.20 train for Buffa- lo, taking the "boat to Chiesgo, and vieiyiug the St. Louis exposition, On their return they will reside in Bmliu, where a pretty (tome awaits the bride. NOT Ie IT COST TEN DOLLARS A bottle woeld I be without Poison's Ncriiline, writer{ J. A. Roth, a farmer living near 'fldtitol, Ont, fierviline is the later household liniment I know. Wo use it for stomach troubles, indiges- tion, headache and summer complaint, 1 know of nothing better to take in hot water to break sip a cold. or to rub on for rheumatism or neuralgia. Tvery farmer should keep a feu bottles of Nervlline handy and have smaller doc- tor biljtt. Lenge bottles '2go at drug- glsts, Tills hot weather why bother cookit:g SUNDAE' DINNER when you can buy one pt'epared o1 t ROBERTSON CRJCERY Sa1urdau, June 11th, Ham, Tongue and Corned Beef. Frush Choice Baking. )Ill Headquarters for Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, Etc, A full supply of Fresh Groceries on band, Ladies and Cent lotnen - Whim y'on COIIIe t0 town shopping Just sten IMO the restaurant and take luneh, Ice Cream, Strawberries and Cream, Soft Drinks. CO E ANi) SAMPLE 'c4T,M. ROBERTSON MONEY to 425,000. Notice to Credi)ors. In the Matter of the Estero or SAatitil. CA Lblvlal,l., late of the 'Village of Ardent, in h1 County of Huron, Deceased. Notice 1n hereby !ven pnreestt to 141 0, 1HH7,(op- 110, that nt millers and °there hay Ing realms eoait , to .,.Aare of the rad Nanta 1 ('Alia 11, who dud o .n• about the CAAI day of May, 1904, are retch,-:.nv ur before the 20,1) day of June, NPI, to taxi I., post or deliver to Meows. UtolInxon A; t treow. , t the Town of Ooderldtt In the County ei Il o, "o, no Whore for the exact]. tors of the paid esbt=r, 11 .-Ir etatetian sod Hurt memea, uddrex, e, n01 .I, nertptlonn, the toll mu, timdars of their t, the statement of their accounts mart ec Jo., ,10 of the eeourain's (It at yt hold by them. And turt-er tit ' ,,,r -,.n shot after such last mentl00ed darn tl,'„. I nzl tutor, wilt proceed 1) dtetilhnto 1ho iho Incest/0d, among lire ppnrll•i .multi t ter,. '1 heying resold only 40 too etaimt of „In,': they shall then have entice, and tont W,•, -„ , 0,,eutoro ,,ill not be liable for the acid n„ • „r aey part thereof to any per,mt or pen. u. •1 W110110 otuima no tint shalt not Have b„mu n,,,(ved by then, at the time of such di„ tti,•nh bated the t i day of I,,00, 1901, O1C1;1,N''n5 R (lAnl4CW, Sol:Mora f 1r D. F. M.. n w . and IIONty Lawr,on, r.xerute,t. 440 L�4AL4 II '1'FtNnh t&', n i.,,,;.sad t1 the ender. •nlgnud mud tt, oe'..1 ' l ander for Hodew 11 Prenkwat't," .ill bre•at ,his Oben until Monday, July 4, hal, 'r1 ivaiy, for MI5 con- ntrt etlon of n lireaktret, r tiodPnch. County of Huron, (Int., neu.,n,we 1 t pian an„ npacilt- eatioa 10 he encu nt io . ^a'a of 1(. A tire), Enq„engineer iu churq„„I arbour works, On. lauu, Cnnfederetion t,i6, 1- mdi.g, Toronto, nn applirxtlon 1, the Po, it, Aur tf 0oderich, Um, and a1O,e Depart,,-,;, u( I'uhiic Wutka, Ott wa Tentler4 11,1,1 nut h0 , , 6 i 'ad LLalexe utnd0 ou it'll 11ant , 101111 ru(l d 1 of elaned With the actual t ea t i, i t rel h r, 1, r. x. An aerupti t ell. qua oe a r.. PI towed bank, pay. ableuthu",d-, 01 1Iu, H,,;.ae6le the .tliu,nter he N ori,, kr tin, 11,0teand dulure IettNavl, 1101,4 11,001111 3,1 01,01 tem lar. The .0)11'11110 x111 bo farl„ited -1 he party tendering dt-den„ the ( 0111.et OP 1,01 10 come's,. the cin;, routrneleI 100, nm, will be returned 1,1 Ca", of s t n iteceptal 110 t l ,ler, 1 he Unl , t ihaw 11,1t laud itself to accept the lowest, or brti tuoi. - Ity orrIbr, I Pitt 11. OF,LIN 4v, LOAN nuc,,, Ary, 1lepasnnenL , f Public work+, Bonne, Juno 1.11, 44b Seaunaprr, n,se,tim; 111x adveutinen,ent with, ut su hill from lbs Dranuto"i, Will u ,t bo p,l i ter at. \V'0 have the above nniunt of priv,I f 111111,, 10 bit 011 teal estate mortgage, tg,', lit 41 and 5 Per Cent. PALED I010hFtic4 ,./1 bussed 10 the under. Eitay termsof repayment, arid costs of ,tgnad sod celw Mel ''Tender MMT pew loan niodera r, Ap ,; ' to °Mee, 11'iupbu y,. nut_ " will be received 3L thi, 1 y otter, until 5t,odho, duce 15, lent, luolustva,y, 'nr the eon .rrucuou of It Pont Oiii,e Buildleg et Winehom,elut. Plane mrd metrification ten be sca0 1011 t. owe e t tn,,uer oho bird of thte Department and on eppliosatou 10 Wm N lobo Aon, 13,q, Wlugtmm, Out. Persona tendering are noticed that tender,' 0v 11 not In umehtarnd nuloas tirade on the renter] f nu, xnpphed, and signed with their nettle, ,i-unvm, Mach turd 1 tut ba acovnpmliod by an accepted Glenne 011 a chartered h.lnk, 11 de elm: floe 611, 0 the order of thetreble e Pdmet'o or Public Nbr• 0, equal to ten per Cent (10 1 ct r,1 the amount t tbo tender, "blob will learnt std the party 1 d' t, `tar ntta 0 , t' ,,vont) cerin it p to .10 so, dr it he fall to ' , Io!o the rat , ttncte i 1 r, If the la 1r, rte 1111b e tender aaul tl ul al t e l Un not n t sur ted' lbs Dona. not bind i -ilea to accept tito tower , l.) wade nyrtd,x (-Eh7NAs, Seeretcry. Department of public Works, Ottawa, Jnn•, 1, 1001, Na Newspapers lu.ertiog 1110 ndvettia.mt nt wlah• put authm'ay from the Dapartmnal, Wt:1 not b0 VOA trim. Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, Bar1•itters, Etc., (rodecich, Ont, -Mfessi' , \\'m. Johnston and 11'111, Smith shipped two cars of hogs to To- ronto t it'1 ne1d4 y. -Mr, Wm. Einigh flat sold itis resi- dence on Linsley street to Colin Allotting Code, of Morrie, wl+n nt ,dsaoiling his htrin and retiring op 'Myth. The price paid was $:1'to cash, -A local union meet in r of the socie- ties of Epwort m j„e'vette n;qd Christian Endeavor will he held in the kettle, routs of the, hlgtli l're,by1synth church on Monday evening, Juno Ilith, at eight o'clock. -Miss Grace Edmonds, elder daugh- ter of )jev, nal lits. J. Edmonds, of Hly'th, was quietly married in Sarnia ou ahty 23th to Mr. Ptulk ,1, Smith, of Toronto, 1tev, Canoe Davip, rector of St, geor'ge's church, Sarnia, was tate officiating clergyman. -A lolition was prosrtllnd to ltivth eonitpil`pit'I'u,..day evening from a ma- jority of Our business uten asking for an early elosing bylaw. '1'ha rounr,I1 com- plied with the prt 1, of the petitioners and a bylaw wilt he t,repated and be- come operative on dilly 1st next. -One of the host meetings of the ((j'.(1. extension campaign wee meld on f lip rah and 7(la eouc.r'>i.,us of East \Va- n'nno,h hast Thursday evening, 'I'Iw' meeting was m have Peen heid in Fells' sohool house, but 110iug to the night being warm and sultry It was thought best t o holo rite in"'ting in thtl open air, Mr, Henry E.hvards, who lives near the school, very kindly offered his large driving house fo the °seeofthe meeting, and a, she building Was lege mid tory the Olier Offeraccepte d, 'Purl sneakers W010 1101. L N. Lewis, mayor of (lode - rich 7 lod -rich• Ali .114x, Sounder,, president of the ftotleH'it board of trade, and Itete Joseph fllintt. ll111011 a Noumea. Novo yon tri:d our 25c regi° Tea Its,, W Inner --1'„ Bi;CDDtt, 1.itf ANri a \\'owl \Ve ale pi:‘; I,,- to 22c as to duality. -(I, E. KtNu, 15'iugham. 'tsar¢ Fora perfect fitting Corset buy° IL (W A. 1{ahtt I[ip,-E. Pdtxti v ' WAxti tt -Car of Bloom -25o tubs by 1uu'.lottl. EFgo. 1110 tIade; 19r• cash, -0 E. 11'uighllpr, 121f Fall in lute, for a bra k dress, Boy Priest l yes libttek Uttss (owls, ---I;, Iir; nt n, 1Stf '1 IIE CRADLE. 11:4 'MtiR,-In Myth, on June 2n1, the wits of Mr. Wm fia',i,rk, t t a sun. T 11 II AL 1'.111. At Y , et ,ara0n• CARTER-tPIt.1,. to May Mby 1 -It { age 14nL .Ix on May Will, b, He.v'r We. itiv Cuxeua, Mr IWm 100,0,9 Uartur 10 M01(1 Mary 5 tan Platt.. both of Hlyth. $D11oeoti A117I t t d. --At Shirbnurna strnet Meth'Jlet church, Torottt 1, nn .111,e 8111, hr ]rev Dr. (leaver, Mr Harold 1, tl itiondt, of lei 110, e!,1. et 000 of Lev. and Alva .1, Yd.. Limb's, of Hlytu, to Lo 1st 'nee, eldest dan,hter of Mr. and Mr, 1{ A. Mullins, for- merly of Winnipeg. AN ectere N HI 0b A tr i, of lite •`ly t lea n e M 6 Idtdo parents, a ❑ May 01,1i, by Ray Il 01 1,0ei, brother ,f too 1 rldn, Tar Daniel Ma tioa an t, Isabella old,, -t daughter of Mr end Mra Tb„mes nose, all Of Bust Wawa. tsMITH-F,DMtNDt.--At enrols, on May 24th, by It. v. Canon Davis, Mr. F, link J. smith, of soronto, to (!race Muriel, older daughter of ]rev, end Mrs. J. Edmonds, dI IDyth, TOE 'ro)IB. 01;141Nn in Monts, on Juno 7:h the John 1AlAi l 6aged 28 ,oars, 1 menti n ml dN day ' weans -tett ut V0/0i1110(11`. ow 5110.1,1 MIM I lira° l'ati 0 1„1, OW, 1 18 7,n,d Ong umntli , RUB THUNK IV:TN em EXCURSION TO T1iti MODEL FARM, GUELPH SaturdaU, dine htn, '14 Cu,lrrthe au,501' of the L•'ar1., rti lu utu.e, of 1loran cowl' . TIMI T.1111,111 AND FARM. dpec'el bn.0esTiAdult 1'1014 (at nil ,I me P'e re fere firaltrieh 7 4o u.,t, 11111 eta Al )20 101 I9ohuos rho &beton,,._ aro „ el 20 4,1 Heaforth..- _...'105 " P1 1.5 11110 St,13 tuns r.. - 42 w Ul 15 '00 1101.110 - .4 51 " el 101 le Special) t mtr,llie 7 15 d el 1 ane Exeter.. 7 n1 " $1 95I. ) Deuanll 7 40 " r I Ul 'A Mille, i 3,,, " fl, ' 1 a1 lira ,fed n 101 ' ' nt ell 41'0 2:,gout loovx `N lgii'nre,-.7 0 1 1 17,5 0,5 7t17tb.. 51'te ,, l,oud,al r .7 a " el 20 110 Connectlnd e..1 ttliuton with ap.c:ala LAI W Goderleil /1,1111( en treiia Arnvo GU 1111'11- 11 a.m. Tteion int, leave (luel h at 530 p nt T,ekete well 1 Ill fill gutty oil novo me-. valid to rotor uu r lir uta ` tinned tram., , u u t Muaduy, June I ;th. June it tit is the last Ilan of GUELPH'S HORS 11 slJo\\t and this rxrnrsion will aff ed au excellent opportunity to sae it, The new Monro 'rid hulling+ t,'e thio thud r . P� ,tomes, to salanaa iini manual r.t dnwg P101 ii unto tOotty 10111,1 -go have 6;00 c nt,'1,1 du, iup the 11. tt ct.ur, 1,410,11 nu C10111 ,1 an. adds lunnl Inte.e,t , , 11000 101,0 hexa 1 111 at the mole), Fan , , u prevtona occasiunx, Only Excw ,ion from Huron County. this Farm Model F ,ear, to the a 1 t I y The Inlet trip, 10 0010' 09110e01)tnt• Agr10n1W1 x ' 111rge rue 1 ueontut, hire p,q,.. In ethunl .r wl,ry ala .Iau1 being h 0,r ern axm thiu,u f 11 le lees tlrl ,, 1, -Will 1,, Iw1uanmt yetlehl Ample •iu ammnu,od.rt ion In being provide, DO NOT MISS 1T. n. moDonald Chas. M. Hays 1'. strict l'asxeurer I"n. Geher.1l 110na'•ar, ltont,esl :1 ,t1 ,•Irl 1111'''ingof Bl,:l ,1 Ln held iu ti f;ramp h. .1 'Peers dere everting he ))1I Ify1 )yJ 4 U]�7 iii 1)� i L (al ppb Mckinnon & Co. Myth.( Hot Weather Goods... This w(ok we show a flee assortment of New Goods, suit,tlilt, for the hot weather, at rock bottom prices, in the following new and up-to-date goods :0 1_, Mack (' l'etlani,l. and til. Fancy Linen s, for dresses or waists, in fancy silk stripes, vol y sty l h ds, et 3uc and Huc, Blank tad ('' l'oilrs, iu a good range of colors, for decries or waists, d mtid 111, Ladies' Blatt I',a Hose, very special, 1 pairs for 25. Ladies' Heavy P1a in or Ribbed c'etton Hose, regahu' 1, brie for 25e, Alen's Cotton Sox, (one and brown mixed, I pair for 23e. Men's Heavy Wool ,pox, worth 18c, 2 pair for L'ovs' Heavy 1GLheil Cotton Ilose at 1'oc, 2no tend 2uc, Ladies' Fine llerhlsdorf Black Cotton Hose, with natural tco„1 fet't, tilt)oerreet t11 ag for hot wool r at 25c.Ask to see Out' lieu' 11',Iterproof Cotes, 1110111 Printed \lustins, in striven mid neral design,, in a great range of culore, at iici, roc, 1643 1111(1 2:0c, \V -titre Ntustins, in stripes mei sfmts, at r,,, '1t, 111,•, 1,w ttnd'2i01. 11' him Lawns, du inches wide, very special, et toe, I:0. and 20(„ 1.'1,11,11 Orel:adios, in a fun rn nee of cra/itica. iu 61,1ak turd wl i', at 11:, 1u0, 20c, 250 and '15 , 1 r,. lull,, linens, in white end black, at lOr, 01•.•, lac, 2(0 and 23c, Black .11u'lius, in plain and fatter open etripes, eery special at itre, '%.tit' and 25e. \Itr1 grized \matings, in whits and color,, ei3lieh goods at ISi; Yoe, :fie el)(1 514', ;, in stripes, checks and floral patterns, at 50e, 764 4 ,. n !(1 c :nnon & Co. 111, 131yth. We Are (Headquarters For 1tratchcs, Clu. Ili, cweluy, 11t01c5 and Stationery. V. know, it. Everyl o1n1v- clow. If you get it from Metcalf's it is good. Ss,' 11ur new \Vetch, it will interest you. FRANK METCALF JI',ATli,ER 1ST) YLyTH STATIONER [VI eel fe .,S.H.GIDLEY,. 1 too In till we tit vett ,'nt Ger the hot weather. We have an ,'sura nice line i.t;nuuu,v'Shirk, lit test Anleriean makes, This is the tines to sel,o l 1,111' SI puu' ILtr„ IVe have sortie Dobbs' shapes this Ill,. 01 y are hard 10 heat, We also httve :nl eta -Hess vtn'iety 1 !leo', and 1iny;' Pelts -no man to, lntgt. 1'e1. the sizes- 1 would pay y'nt to t:Ike a licit at our Vaney Ilreicr0, Ther .1rr 1 very ot'ivc.ar. For Working SIlirta ter (vcrvdsy , 1�,tI' lt"utcI1-1s ccittIv a new line nn h104, of pure lin• ° u, n1I w,':u nu, in ell e.,burs and pertains, find when Its n f'rsr't t , lei 110 01,,,W von the now line i,t' Men's l'''ire S1,,.:, They ,ate All tiuudye'tr welt raid the newest shapes, S. I1. C .-II L. ETY POPULAR CLCT`'ilN%x HOU3E . . . BLYTH eI PA