HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 44f t1''.cr r"rl"f:-THE DI.YT11 STANDARD—JENE GTU, 1904. Ritchie's June Salo 00 00'YA'0oo000u5'e/_ '�.I0$ • • 00MOM0010 6l $� tt, Ii• t� yd n ti it r K4 - 1�2 i the �!}�#h �#anDarb. �,�#.. �,..::.�:,�;..i;:��,.��'4?�+'��i'S:,.?�ltrT'�ih:�,�n�`tTt,'�'�,:� June Sale For the Month of June we will ofibr extra good bargains, including: Ritchie's 1June Salo some at pc c ial Seepn DRESS ROOQ$ PricSe,, 1.1 . T i{(Intt1UwMilleitsg You may rely on getting goods as we advertise. • A. E. BRADWIN, PUDLI4IRER. a fuel BLYTH STANDARD, published every rhnrudny morning, is a live' cal new• - h 1 paper, &inti has t, large circulation in i dlyIl and surrounding country, making • 1 t a valuable advertising medium. Sub - 0 atriptioi price to any part of Canada or i the United States only One Dollar per annum is advance ; Ell.° will be c.harged J not so paid. Advertising rates on tppiiestion. Joh Printing neatly and tleaply executed. Correspondence of a aewsy nature respectfully solicited. Laditr' Muslin Uudergarments i n,lert;trtnenl nr 2.O Ler vent off rev putts. f ndersLtrt at 2: per fent off regular primes. .1'ialitgoatur at 20 peremit off teenier priees, ,I gown forM Cl ti(0 tl 10I' sI 111na0 Di;uvets for ........ .�', 20e, 'Muslin Drawers for.... Linen Laces The hnlane0 of our stock of Linen Litres, qu51- itie,, ranging in prices from 5c. to 12.ic, per yard. font choice fur, per yard Shoe Display for June Sale. Slipper, L1clndLt¢ Oxfords,, upper:Mid hoots, regular 141.25, $1.5U and $1.75. To clear at per pair. 1.t, i Cotton and Cashmere Hose 10 dozen Cotton Hose, worth :rte. ,Trate sale price 20 dozen Boys' U ilded Cotton Hose. worth 210 told 251. To clear• at 15e, or 2 for... , ..... INEMIIMINW Carpets In this department we have gide a number of Itemuo its, including Tapestry. Ilrussel:; and Wool Carpets, with 5 to 15 yards in each 00e, 7.5e and bye qualities. June sole price .•i: Dross Goods, Black old Colored Al' 1i.A ROA1 IN J ItiCI lilac k aml (1010101 saltines fair 1 1 I;I amines fol 1.20 i h ;odes for.... 70 we, Voiles for....,, 51,,t Basket Cloth for L1 Embroideries June sale pricesin above lines, Lot No, 1--Elulrroideries worth 5r, 0c, 7e, 8e and ne per card, Choice, per yard..,, . Lot 14 1-)))aworth low, 12cand 17e,June dc. pairs, per yard.... .1 ) Table Linens Lavin;; l:opght.n large shipment of Table Linens ai our owl, plices, we will he able to give you extra cd sabers. 7'-111r1: All Linen, trot rh regularly Inc cud Bic, fur t0 Extra good qualities for pm' yur(' Silk altd Lisle Thread Gloves Sntnl l; lot of Silk anti aisle Thread gloves, ,is - mil colors, wort 1 from 25o to 45cl tine sale price, p,.r pair 20 press Gcods Remnants One lot of remount, of Dress goods, new goals. at one -touter .0 regular prices. Our Stock of Staples at Bargain Price, aJ� 0 0 0 (0' f7 0 0 0 t0 10� 0 0 One Priem to Everyone. Casal and Trade Only. ; < Come Early and Cet the First Choice, o% Beaver Block. ALEX. RITCHIE, WiNCHAM e00000/®00o0000eo'00000.e0000000s.:Qos• ®®00o CLEARING SA (DF' P;ni1urc, Widow Shades, Carpels, Pictures, Etc, Our Now Store will 1)e ready for c1'cultuuy next July. In the nlealitinle our Present stock must Le cltslrcd out 1-cord- l e s s of cost. `"there Will be Genuine 11„rtiains in Sideboards, Extension Tables, Iron Beds, Bedroom Sets, Mattresses, Wire Springs, Couches, Parlor Suites and Easy Chairs. CARPETS MUST . G They consist of English, lirus.a'is, 'I.,ilestr',1, :Wools, Unions a; -.of Art S(luar1 . 3argainki in Window Shades, Pictures, Baer Carriages, Desks, Sewing :\htc;f;illes asci many other useful ;trtiel(s, it costs money to remove these ,1. .1 to Mother store. We *till give our customers the sL moue in ahs' ,lpe of reduced i1Cp. COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. n H. CHELLEW BLYTH i CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LIST The Standard Ot4l1Oo fheStandIliolul to t cal \V'uek h Herdltl .... ... ... ... . 15 'Tile Standard mid Non liern Mess- enger 125 The Standard and Siemens' Maga- 1 40 '1121e14:8(01'uniard and Weekly Adver• (leer 1 00 111.. tit du • Weekly 1V't- ai td ata t 1 t ((00 1 tie the Sttuldnr(1 and \\ eekl,y (;lotto1 lis The Standardand PalrutyIf i'ald and \Veekly Sten',....,., ,'.,.,. 1 7) The Standard and Weekly Mail :old }yuy, re. 1 7) The Standard and Hamilton Semi - Weekly Times emi•Weekly'l'imes 175 The Stacdard and Weekly Free Press . ,. „ ........ .... . 1 75 Vie Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun ,...,. , ,. ''' 1 75 The Stai,aara 11 1 1LIIIlilt011 Twice -,-Week Spectator 1 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star.,.,,,,, 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily News , 1 8) The Standard and Toronto Sun- day Wol Id 2 00 The Standard and Farmer's Ad- vocate 2 25 The Sta dnrd and Daily Adver- tiser 2 50 [ha Standard and livening Free Press 2 75 '1 he Standard and Toronto Daily World .t„ .,.. s 00 ,The Standard and Hamilton Daily Spectator__ ....... ..... .. 8 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Times 8 I .Y.. The Stamford and Daily \Vi?nesa 8 The Standard Rad Daily free Pres. 11 The StaOdard and Evening Globo 8 'J'he Standard and' Evening Mail and Fmpiro 8 The Standard and Scientilic American ..., . .... . ... '1'1(05tnnderdand Daily \Leland Ettipire . 4 20 Standard and Daily Globe.,, 4 25 \\'e can get you' any 0(0'15?(aper or l0i,,,.iue pnhlished.' Srnd all anbsel'iptinns direct to T STA NI)ARD, IILY'l'H, OFT. TIICIISDAY. JUNE n, 1901, WHAT GOVERNMENTS EXPEND. Gatement l'onapllod by 4145 U.N. Depart- ment of Commerce and Labor. The 1)'pu'inlent of Commerce and Labor of the l:ni)ed Slates, has congdled 0 statement., Irma which the following table is constructed, showing the per capita of govern- ment expenditlres in 'leading couu- t0ics of the world: Expen- per Population. 11tu000. capital 7seono 430,241,001 $:tO:01 1,772,01) 102,148,0W '37.04 ^-1,04 17.x0 57.40 17.3', tbn ut ries. Now Zealand A uetralla Polled King - than .. 41,1011,0(1507,79(1,0x1 France ,,,i:1112,IMM) 1l*0,25l,0041 Rrlghmt 0,004,010 111.:01,(x, 1 'ue'agunr )3),0x1 11.01)1481 Austria -thin gary 45,40),00) 64 7,000,100 Argentina 4,7144,IM4 1 .70,7,o0 Cuba ... 1,5711,1100 111,010,00) Netherlands ,,, 11,414711in R1.404,100 Port goal ., .. 5,429,00' 112,1711,104( 5pldu Rijn 8,161 1911 NJ11 txel tiw •den 5,110.000 '19,:19:1.000 It edau It nplre,59,5J41x1I 001(2:20)04 t nicola 5,457,000 United Sluice 10,072,000 (1R1,321,0 81 17.04 12.0'4 12.40 11.4!1 11.01 1010 4,54 J.4) 4.3'4 7,07 The showing of the depart nienCs statistics, condensed into a nutshell, is that in practirall3 etcry round)' in the world, excepting china and India, with their teeming popula- t. ions the per capita of Government expenditures is greater than in the United States. 1t es nut to IA overlooked, how- ever, that the fret is by no means a demonstration onstration that the people of that land carry a smaller tax -burden then their brethren of other na- tions, governmental systems differ. ;float foreign Uovcrt,mente have ju- risdiction over many things that full outside of the jurisdiction of the na- tional Government of the 'United States. This is the result of the constitutional apportionment of milk—Cr and responsibility between the Federal government and the SI na0 ilovernln nta. In (seat Britain no, rad of matters aro within the Pur- view of the National government which in the United States belong to the Government of States, to the government, of cities, or to the Gov- ernment of counties. For thio reasons, the figirce thus officially brought together are enter= taining rather than practically 1n1 - portant. To Repair Itavag-s of lice. The Trutt Ilivl11inn, I)ttawa, say's that if the tree girdled by Mico is only ono or two years old, it will bo better to replant- li older "hridg-• Mg” the wound by 060010 of scions of last year's growth may bo resort- ed to, These should be, about three inches longer than the width of the girdled section and the ends should be cut to a wedge shape. 'J'hen with a sharp, narrow dniacl or other 01111- ilar tool, slanting Incisions should he made into the new wood abov$ and below the wound, beginning near the edge of the hark, extending about an inch In length and penetrating but little (site the wood. The scions should lit nicely into these incision0 and he held in place by their own elasticity. Each end should then be uevered with a small pore of graft- ing wax. 'J'Itree or four 8010111; will be sufficient 'tor a tree less than six inches in diameter. If the' rough outer bark has been removed `all around the tree, but Some of the new wood or growing layer still' remttins fresh, the tree may oftad be saved by keeping the the, new. wood moist till growth be- gins. This can be done by covering the wound with grafting wax or a mixture of clay and cow manure', equal parts, If thc.n•ound in low, a heap of earth will often be sufficient. "flow did he break himself of the habit 01 drinking'?" "!le didn't. it broke hilt," THE WORST x11451. After piles have existed for a long tinleand passed 1lrougil different stages, the suffering is Illtelttie—pule, arhing. throbbing tumors form, filled to burst - mg with black blond. Symptoms indicating other troubles 00 may appear to a thoroughly pileUnlet: person, 00 This is when Hem—]toil, the only 03 internal, tb0 Duly absolute pile 0111e, brings the results that has mado its 2) (ante. 25 It will cure the most stubborn casein existence fwd a howled guarantee to 25 that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at the drug store, 50 For sale at J. M. Hamilton'.. Ie6v rn • MARKETS. Riv)h, Ju.e 8. 'rhea', 101 Oo tea Itarlev, 490 W 42c ,e (0 an ago, Oata, Yea to toe, 004-, 1x. 0' nn 0, ',. 11,, to lea, Palates. (00 to r•IM. 16. 1,,, Sar Hsy,►S to$7 10•=000 tie 1 ,oro. Flour, 4:.10 to e264, —Circnlnt Mil (Dante in advertSing— THE STANDARD hes it. —Messes. 1'1 in. Cudtinre rt, Son are shipping hay from 'Myth station to Liverpool. 'I r. Thomas Hill, Late of the Lon- desboro hotel, has purchased the Ex -I chance 11o1e1 in Willow,. —The Presbyterian general assembly on '1'nesdo ' Ivor ,lug hy a unanimous vote decided to appoint a committee to confer with cmntoil !Pell 1 (r',1 the .11el1w- diat, COncre2ctintiiii or other churches nu the suhl:.t of rh:u•ch 011(01, ALWAYS TO THE FRONT Just to hand a full assortment of the Celebrated Crompton Corsets in all the newest designs---..,.tt. A large and complete range of Ladies' Hosiery, See TWO PAiR FOR 25c extra value—a real snap. Our Printf, and Blouse (Loafs are well wortlty of considera- tion. A large and beautiful range at old prices. A flesh stock of Parasols and I?n►Urelht.o. We are clearing out several lines of Dress Goods at n sacrifice, 80o Goods for 40o. 50o Goods for 350. 25o Goods for 18c. iSc Goods for 10o. A splendid (hue to buy MILLINERY }}rd •71.7 Lai i{. ti. t�C or Blyth. i• especially in lived,; -to-wets' )tilts, A. ANDERSON Slaughter Sale . 0 0 0 0 (0 1 I 0 ?4� iso 0 J. S•. Golden Blyth t•. 1•; X50; f0411.'A.fVOk''.0�0.0'iL/I®►i'liflt.:0e00�J; 0:®0• ®TJ',l4 OF Boots and Shoes The Greatest Sale of the Iiz}d Ever Inaugurated in Blyth. J1. 11roken lines of Shoes, ranging 111 price from $1 O to ,9:3 per Clair, will be sold for $1 per p;rc to cleat'. The stock c0115816 ttf szot g aunt lx'i'GRD EU AND TOE SLIPPERS The bargains we, offer to shoe ).avers W1tce never heard of before. L`ee'ry Shoe. is ;altistie, and atu;ictiye, Dunt wait till tomorrow to see our Slam bargains, bait come today and get the first choice of sizes and styles. Ton save front 1 Pc to 02 on every parr of Shoes you buy from us during this great sale, Buy now. You can buy 11 good Trytlk or Valise from us. OM' stock of Groceries is always fresh. . i 0 T•'t --Pre C:,tooNn pos1-1(11re Ih'lylrt -, nae 1' 111'0 11'4'01( 1 10 111x`{, (a 111' 0 ,Ill 1 111 1010-1 11 1 011 10 16, 0E11ou'n xo Lollu,ol wrth Mr. lieunetb 11 0 ,t l r is p0at- Stock tock Foo d muster, It tosiutatedi;luhtiieldwaal HOWSON' • • • ••• • • • • • • • • 16 • • I• • • • • • • 1 • • • • $1.00 Round Trip GODERICH to DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Return Thursday, lune 23 00:0(40,5 (i,RVNet1ND Two Days in Detroit E, $, Ayer, Elm Agent Tle Seeolel Nlxmcalm, Tarin will leave 5101V Pt 1%40, lordWmtnu 740aw '1 Dredoy. June )let, •' From ato000 0I,, Wingla11, one., take mnttiing train, Juno. 2let, toolootatno at ("hotrod 1; 42 e w ) watt 00,61 0)p for Ooder )1. hpocia1Train Irav„vflodu- rinh for tllnlvu anti wxy x 111tintlx ao 000 ti'otd and Wwgnan1 0u nrnval 0, 1(0,(001' ou 'fatuous), 1.i;ht. Goderich Band Moonlight 8 P.M., Monday, June 20 Leave Goderich for Detroit, 8.89 a,m„'Tuesday, Jute 21s1. 1([11'URN 'r0 OOD9IICIi Leave Detroit for (Ioderiell, two p.m., Thursday, Jnae 2ttrd. 01000814 TO 1)11T11(010 Leave ( oderieh for Detroit, R.30 a.m., I1'id1,'; line 21th. AllCanada 1 Ono. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WHITE STAR LINE •• Takes the Icati in the prod uc- tion of Milk, Cheese, !;litter, Poultry and Egg's... It contain§ no harmful drugs. Safe to feed (very day as a tonic, rest ora: tit's:, ;