HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 3roormompionommmimmolommummoolimirinni
Surely he rid not love her, Lndy
Newtown was thinking, triumphant-
ly, as she looked in through the
wet panes and saw the humiliation
end shame which utsrkerl the utli-
tude of the ;memo! she had believed
her rival, and the insolent scorn of
Vere Stuart's attitude and expres-
alon. She, Alice .Sandys, had not
oi}tly dared to tali in Jove with a
guest in the house of her employ-
ers, but with the tinnee. of the tufo-
tree"; herself; and not only find
she dared to fall in love, but elle
heti dared to set aside all woman-
ly delicacy and refinement, and
sonless her love, Lady Newtown
telt her heart beat high with 'trl-
nntph, Pere ;WAS not to blaute. Ile
had probably thonght It better
to meet this Infatuated crea-
ture and give her a esonp de
grace. She was glad she, hart fol-
lowed him, It was worth *et anx-
ious half hour to her boudoir, worth
her wet walk and termini finery, to
be sure of the fidelity and of the
(affection of the nuul 'hose proml@rsl
Wife oho was, And 1t wile worth (II'
Meet anything, she thought ntj tn--
tively, to Bee the degradation of lite
• Insolent women, who evidently had
thought her lx'nnty omnipotent.
I don't think." went on the mnn'B
C 14I,emeasured toneal'"that I ever
sba any affection -for yot--rlld I .
-.which Jewkt lend you to such n 11e-
1101 pm frie. one you apparently cher-
7•00 'Oo away with you Are you
mad Do you forget. that I am en-
gaged to be married to the mistrtee
0f thiePriory, that In a few weeks tet
latent 1 will he her Imsband?"
o et !" exclaimed the woman to
!whom u' spoke, misting her voice
lentil L tb;vas nhnostv' 11of
n t11 agony.
" Torg t hint l Do i ever forget it
for one brief moment of the tong
and bitter day?"
" You surely appear to do so when
ou suggest a flight vilft you," he
&aid, WItIt a sneer, " Pray, what ,lo
you offer me to compensate for Mete
you expect me to give up ?'' Ile ncklde,l
With 0 little laugh. 'Ao (toilet 1t
wit be hotter for you to leave the
Priory. ]jwooder you ever had the
effrontery to enter it. *But as for
He eltrugget hie shoulders
With n little gesture of tension,
"Take Care," she exclaimed is n
voice which showed that her pat1-�
ease had completely failed bet. "'Peke
enre that Sou do not force ane to tr l
the whole truth, regardless of con-
"Regardless of consequences tot
Miss i andye ? I scarcely think so,"
he replied witty a laugh, and elle
turned from him, wringing her hands,
Ler face full of despair and misery.
Soddenly, before 1(0 could speak
again, she turned to lien once more,
and throwing herself at him feet,
held out two little hands, shaking
like aspens, in passionate suppura-
"Oh, Vere, be merciful," «he said
wildly. "I think my heart edit break
under Its load of Merry t OH, in pity,
let us go away togother--"
Tho words died upon her lips, the
door of the chatiet was flung open
from without, and Lady Newtown,
her lace flushed, her eyes flashing
looking almost beautiful In her indig-
nant scorn, her cloak lalling back
and disclosing ail 11er silken drap-
eries, stood upon the threshold, look-
ing down upon her with supreme con-
The early auhunnai duel was al-
ready gathering, and the Light wee
growing dim, but sufficient daylight
yet lingered to Tight tine gqualne.la,p-
nnese moat and the three people who
occupied It.
The scene was n very strange one,
and ono (Vhieh1 would have puzzled a
looker-on very- considerably, hod
there been anyone to sae it, but the
threa dramatis personae themselves
were tax, much nbsorbcvd to heed its
etrnngeacee, and ite undoubted ten-
dency to malt&Irmmn. Vere Stuart
Met started to Itis feet when the
door had been flung open, and a
su1;41e11 gleam of angry surprise hall
fiumhel into hie dark eyes at eight
of Ludy Newtown etiolating upon the
threshold; but Andres, who had also
seen her, did not rise. A Low and
exceedingly bitter cry escaped her
pale lies, she threw her arms out
upon a pile of cushions 'near her, and
let her head fall forward upon them.
Even In her anger and agitation
Lady Newtown could not help think-
ing ttatt the scene was like the scene
out of a play, and feeling a little
elated at her own part therein. The
quaint room In which the shadows
were gathering, the prostrate wo.
mere figure with the beautiful fair
head bowed upon the outstretched
arras, the handsome, picturesque -
looking moo in hie velvet coat, and
the hall -smoked cigar between his
fingers, her own figure, vvhlcla she
could see refreeted in a bamboo
framed mirror opposite which she
stood, In its rich disordered dress,
the heavy cloak falling from her
shoulders and disclosing all tate yel-
low silk and lace beneath. There
Was certainly more than a touch of
melodrama abort the situation, Iter
ladyship thought complacently, with
all a great lady's fondness for a
taste of the stage life which she no-
tedly affect! to look down noon.
The feeling made her manner rn-
then' theatrical as elle advanced ha-
th the room,
Vere Stuart 0x11 rather cold-
ly, subduing a passion of anger which
was rising against the woman who
had condescended to spy upon hint,
"this le rather unexpected. Am I
to believe that you did mo the lion -
or of following met"
LOIS °old, paesioneeal, serene rotes
went to Audree'a side, and bending
pnn0A1 a0(10811 u (11041 Jellwlq aq tenon
whieh would sting to your dying
(eye Lady Newtown, I know you
will nlilinIge not cruelly; but, think
of n0' on ,you ,will, I shall not care
if I en prevent the marriage you
are contemplating. Oh, think, d1
tic -Olive; hr slily; do not marry n.
num 8l0nt whnin you know almost
nothing. A marriage Is for niways,
it ronuot be undone, and-"
e Are you going to listen to this
person's ravings any longer, Bel?"
rather dnmponed Lady \mwtolelnter)4 c i Vere Stuart, with a bored,
little thrills or excitement ; there � euntem.pwou4 air. "I find them
wee a touch of timidity la lice 111.111- 003her monolonoue.,,
oar as 44110 immma1 10 him. ' Ie yen think to gain yam shame -
Forgive me, Care," she said, wetly. fol ends by blackenIng the character
I oouli not help 1t. I found tide af- of my future husband?" Laity \ew'-
ter you li11d left lar -and -oh, dor- town 001,1, Curioaely. "Ton are a
ling, forgive me -mine 1(0! 'Jealousy shim:Mess woman. To -morrow morn -
ht love'" Ing yen shell leave my Louse. Iwish
In love,'" you had never entered It."
:114 0110 spoke she held out the note " 1 will go," Audree said, quietly,
Me Baal' found, bq1' small tt;lwelled "but I have warned gal, This mao,
hated trembling a little as stile offered whom you tenet, and who dcsp!sex
It to hien. At the lova and 1)00410(4 me, knowe that he Is unworthy of
In los voice, Andrei! slowly lifted her your trust, that he lee'
bown.1 tired and turned her face 107 '• Take care 1" Vero Stuart sold,
wards them. Ae her ryes rested upon quietly, ,but with a dangerous flash
them, site saw the look on A nnbe l's in hist dark eyes, " 31y 11 -
lace, and her head sank again. Bence is well-nigh exhau,tetl, 3fhse
"I strppo00 I ought to feel flat- Reedy,. Two can play at that
term," Vere Fall, coldly «till, as lie game, you know, cowl I think
glanced at the paper km held out to (3 cards aro better than yoers.
him. "I am sorry I marmot levelly Thera stay be one or two secrets
feel so, however. Love, In my mind, in your past which you might not
to be terfeet, ought to know 11(4 like divulged. The interior of a
doubt, and you certainly doubted net, prleon would doubtless be a hew '0-
Annabcl, or you would not be here"
''Von expect too much of me;' she '''deuce to M•I0s etelmtn," he added'
rejoined, in the wtme eager, penitent (((1again heavily euphas des the name,
umnn•.1r. "1 imaul this, nal yon could 'Cell Audree s1u'ank back, trembling
not expect me to feel no euritesity. I and cowed. The thought of Altar's
overheard enough," mho added, with ,Mager subdual her at ones, even
as coruhd glottic, at AdurOe'e pros- while her anxiety for Lady Newtown
trate figure, "to know teat the de- (11411oyed toy personal fens she
signs of a scheming woman, anximne might here. She turned away with
to separate us, have (8110(1, nod teat a (!rsneering gestare.
is enough for me at present." "Coat, Bel,' Vera slid calmly, "1
"You overheard enough for that T' lhihk we have been sufficiently pa -
V, t•o Stuart queried quietly, but with tient. ,1 Illus solitude will per-
t -eine disdain he could not quite eon- Imps be beneficial to Hilo lady.'
,I. 'That was fortunate, other- "She shun leave lite Priory to-
whee I suppose, nothing would have morrow," Bet said, bursting into an-
dndwe•nt yon 10 believe that I, your gt-y teats. "Lady Lascellee must
p'romietel husband, Was not carrying have deceived Lnc shamefully. Ilow
oil all intrigue with your stepson's Blare Aho recommend such a crea-
500:: roma. Again I can scarcely say twee m,
dull 1 feel flattered, Annabel." "It fes not Indy Lngcelles who bas
"You meet forgive me, I could pot deceived you," Vete Stuart repelled,
help it," 44110 wild, again, tremulous- with n, rather peculiar emile- ]t le
Ir. "1 saw how she had boon en- she, perhaps, who hast been decelced.
deavoring to attract you, I guesaod lila 0)0 now, my dnrlln hocon-
t't,1at nl ,vele time or other you had g'"
sect before, and else had endeavored to tinned, ,banging his tune to deep
win mi.I did not know that she
181 tenderness; "your things are'.
%could floor to such means as these. quite damp, and I cable; let you
OL, Vel- '!orgtre me if you coo, 1 rum: any further risk of taking cold. I
am eorrp t mtstrueted you, but I am I only hope tulle very mutual ex -
glad I came, since It Lae proved to c!ton:ent end annoyance will not
net how garel and trite you are. if mtkc you ill."
1 1!11 tared you Ir,3 I mig!11 have He drew his band through hie arm
irk ell you ult+ta•It1,ou tr 'Dig to find and lut•ned toward tho. door, mare-
tu{ty wrapping her cloak about her.
As they Fero !.bout to leave the
chatted, Audree started forwartl,and
caught at the folds of Lady News
tow'n's dross. Bel shrieked and clung
to het. lover oa r wftl �e,tur;• , f LI -
1 tL I, S 1 M-
"leer your own sake, hear me," An-
dres erlcd pn0010/lately, "If yon want
to (801(1)0 misery and shame--"
" _et telexed we Lanl,1 welt to
04mi:et. volt," Vero sold angrily. an
he fore:hl;, loosed her hand from
Ludy Newtown et dress 11 Ild pushed
her away. " Upon my word, Ile(,,
ih'ulc your governess is out of her.
" Oh, yes, let us cont) away," *oh
lee the terrified woman, clinging to
les nem. "016 Vera, take me nw'aee
or I 411011 die of ft'ight. Shy is mod,
she must be mad.'' , .
" I and net mad. For your own Fake
listen to ate," Audree Implouv1 : but
her words fell uneheled. Vere Soviet
had drawn Lady leew'to(d out of tea'
summer -Mouser, and she was 1,'11
alone la the darkling rano, with cite
silence broken only by the fulling
thin beating against Its tweet/ewe
rd 11001111 high roof, '
As she realized that she 11(11 staked
Iver last throw and had lost, 1t low
nevi tee mcd:lig bitter cry 104.10e from
out tee truth' Mine well like Gui7-
'4eres, 'JealOa4y In love. "
"Tler.'a, I e}oppoue all I cnn s0 V la
Paws on, Wy quern, fo ,g(411,'" Le
111i3wt rm1t1- ,. wltli a fifth '401111',
la1 10011 Ii *ire taeat•t,J1'• doairierd end
,hslike-ll t 'Wellman he had asked
nllftinY'�t1 an Intense dislike.
"Al.. I theughbs you would forgive
c." she. *tel, 3mlllug.1 was NO
'yl' ,Lets, Vere," aha added, In a low
;o1 . "It wise no muc1, a5 I could
dd to keep lryeelf front fainting tehen
1 conal that ;V'erse'd creature's note.
.Cal tide terrible walk through the
f;lin !"
'•1 ant 4trai,l the latter will have
to be repeated, unless you wall, here
Mete I return to tem house and send
n carriag0,' h' (aid, et:lntles "It lo
raining gape le mile slid."
"Oh, no, do not 1 •are me! De you
think I 00)111 dere stay here alone
with 1mr 4" elle emit, glancing at
Audra e's recumbent figure with pre-
temc;ed °freight. "I will go with you.
1 don't 1111 ad 111•' rain."
"And your pretty yellow gown ?"
110 san%, smiling nail 11)811 ming a ten-
derness he was far from feeling.
"Oh, It le Oren y el:oilt," she / n-
ee -marl, with the supreme Indiffer-
ence Of a rich woman. "It dors not
matter In the Icnst. Are you ready,
Vitro, or have you anything father
to way to tide person ?'
Shit glanced contemetwousiy at
Altlree's bowed hend : ! he girl had
not moved, elm lay thee atilt and
mOtt0111 `-e, like one time whom Zile
had fled.
'Tia yea think 4411', ix lu n condition
to h•'ctr any more 4" he asked coldly.
"1 really dont know-. What 1.'1 elle
lying there for?" replied Lady New-
town, dlsdnhnf111y. "Is she pretend-
ing to faint 4" I
There was not a touch of womanly
lefty or tenderness in her manner as
clue looked clown at the 1u•ost•ate fig -
tire, there waft nothing but Vin.'t^live
triumph and ;corn. Vere Stuart,
hardened as 11e was, Telt a swift
thrill of repulsion at the ignoble Joy
welch one gently nurtured woman
coup, feel at another's woe.
"Perham; she ham fainted," he Raid,
quietly. Wicked women, woolen as
(, prayed as elle, have nerves.; 10
times". tine, aro weak-minded (101)
to LAnt. Shall I 44r) 11 she is con -
ac toes, or will you?" he asked, coolly.
elf /else is ill we had bettor send
ower her, put her hand upon her
shoulder. A long shudder ran through
the prostrate figure, and she drew
But Ler touch, light a0 It wee, heel
loused Audree; she raised her head
ileal drugged herself to her feet. Slit.
haul failed with Vere; would it Is.
possible. to emceed with Lady New-
town 'ales wondered feeble'. It was
n carioca hope, and there was but
little shame of Its 441(100448, bill It
must be trill.
'Von are not ill," Lady Newtown
Said coldly. "You eau return to tee
"I am not i11, bet' I mist speak to
you," .Auslt0e said, dceplrat(ly.
"Tots can have °tient.to say to
nee that 1 care to " Was Ibe dle-
tlalnf111 answer.
"But voa.mq ar me,' Audree
sake paesiOnatel so passionately
that Lady tow❑,rn r^tenecalled
11,8 1f 81Jn frightened.
thy, I wiO'rot but see" Om girl went
mr tvith a dreary _(11511, "aIthouah tt
little wound welch wont, soon heal
" I have fa!led" ,4v' s.0 I, wildly'.
"01, Matra it, me 1 !taco faucet.
She well not laelleve mu, .Hutt he -tits le
menthe; e; on that promise which has
already cut the 1i1 • 111115 0038 of my
ere and (lilt It ;viol shame."
Sha threw up 114.1' :arms above her
head with a gesture of despair, and
began pacing tip and down the Ift-
tie room, thrc•olll,g her Wray through
I110 bnmleio 1(1 4,1uro and heaps of
cushions me c1 1110ae.v, for she Ind
ao machete,. se of doing so. l'res-
ently the 1,40! of her soul reach,(
hbr body; see flung oft her cloak
and tote :rndy the 1000 about her
thrent, slit felt oppressed, stifling
in the 511 tiering dnrknuee. .Ind yet
u ehia wind two blowing and the
r11!, 4411 still falling, beating against
the wlnal(W pules and resounding;
t high roof. r
lean 0t
11 g What conal 411
de 1 elle nest leave the Prior;,' one
the following tiny. She had been
every cited In the country needs,
r 4400(4) time or other, a Medicine to
correct the Idle Incident to child-
hood. if Baby's Own Tablet are,
kept in the house and 0cctteionalty
given to the little ones they- will pre-
sent Meese and make the little once
ragged, 44troi,g land cheerful. Meth -
tire slimed insist on having this med-
icine because LL contains no opiate
,a' harmful drug, and children take
the Tablete as readily as they take
sandy. If you leave a neighbor 10110
ae used the Tablets eek her and
she will tell you what splendid sat-
isfaction they give. (fere le what
one mother, 7tir@. Wm. Sinclair, Heb-
ron, N. D., gays; 'I have used Baby's
Own Tablets with so much satlefnc-
lion that I do not feel safe when
i have not gat, a boa In the hour.
I am sure that our mothers ,rill ls'
quite as well pleased with 110111."
Yon can get the Tablete ttruuge 'env
d11lggtet or by mall Pt 2z, ,vats a
town anti rather t'tnrarl01 bat alio box by writing Ow Dr. 41'1116lmz
was ee tee ser4f a''ltd,' Lady New Moo co. 8a'ocltVUtei Ontt
4+4++++++.4+++++++4,++++++++++++++.0++++++++,00++ !TH
.44++++++++++++40+++4+++++++++++++++4+++++++„0+4++ Sammons, Lynch and Lewan-
dowsk to be Hanged,
ge ,
In the °burse of an el lie , before the
lielst'In-h"rleeiau A se, 'f Amer-
ica, 1'rof, 11. 11. Igen anti:,ci„
Aer7rulhlrel ('millet, tee,. t'lluevs:
Pi1•st, we have found 1I ' , Hee lb,l-
etahn F riesians) in on ere el the
Collo;; , 101ere 1u keep '4% 01' 481( e
breeds for iu'tructum,,l it , 1>es, for
our students, 11 healthy se 1 thrifty
breed of cattle. We are r,. , , ed, owing
to our roe:liar uuluustm1 . to leap
representatives of the di'1 1-..i breeds,
and we find the Holstein- healthy,
thrifty breed, and I e,ln.i l,1 ;, ,,t a very
strong point. Now, we lint •. salt some
Needs do trot seem to 11.r tt t H.tt strong
constitution, that thrift. 1h.. inherent
quality wheel! always melee is. ;a ready
for their menta, rued re., 1, 14: almost
anything which may emit ut et 1 eon-
sider that n rely 41 nn! pies and 1
believe that the breedeN lnisteiu
etittlwould be matin;; a n, Prions
mistake if they last sight of 1•. t vigor
mud thrift ,old health and , ''-notion
which is now so important point
a()oug this 1,01 (71 barest t r etre
"Then We flint in ten. expsve, that
the calves ere sh'on'e awl doers.
i have never kneem ie m-,'1'ie1F'e
with them n snit to came wese, 01(1 1,
calf teat required nursing. ent , e Hod
01ddlht_(, and requited any eers atten-
tion. WCithont exteptn n they 1', , ,nM0
11101).1 and are good tears. red in two
or three weeks lye e,n put tl _t a skits
milk, and seen begin te ire! tees, leen
Ind arts, and they begin le tetea right
from the siert. Now. ether 0.,1008 do
seem 1„ thrice In the .0e.
that iv why 1 like the 13e1-.
bcenls1 their eaves are tl.;,
from the start."
'Them another strong n..
1loh,te1ns is their size. Thr,
ver. Now, same people say
n detriment in the dairy bu
if you can get 11 small cow t s .0 ,
amount of work, she dors tee
mash feed, mrd that she e r "nig •
milk or butter or rbeese note .4
ally, becmtse she is of eMall, e e„11.
I will tell you: 14e have look. tee
matter pretty carefully, nil' : ud
that the di1Tercnre In the 1 diel i -
esteemed by a large cote a ,nae
one, for the 11roduetion of a , I L1 ,I
tity of milk or butter, is Int le.
rough food, the cheap food, le I e
a Pow he a large one or a stn r
will require just nhont a cert . :1'8 )4)
of concentrated teed, anti 111
ferenee 111 the food which 15 0. , ! y the
large and small cot's is in eset,_
rough, bulky food. and not 1
centrales. We find that a et New -
about eight pounds of Wren) -0 11
'mend of fat she produces in t' nil4,
"The next strong point of 11.e1
steins is that they ere regal
Nee have found in mar exne
elect' less trouble in eettim , n,
breed regularly, cows of this 1 1. than
cows belonging to other breed. I vee
very seldom have any difcult% si tent
reepeot (with Ilolstetns), eWe
which eometime5 gives the de,: e'en a
great deal of annoyance." S ,:,tete.
G. W. Clemons, fi ••,11,
dismissed ignominously 11141111st •d.
She ball failed, utterly lied e 0-
petele, 1(1 effecting the sa-
tIon 0118 1uendeavoredl leb.)
about. Lady Newh,wak 'ea' had
but been lncreesed Iry hr, , aionsy
and her penitence. Aviva 111,'Wthat
she, could not tell all the fall, that
she must ce4011110 Ler ar40satioas to
gc•t(er1htdes, and Lai teerefore they
;mule be disregal,144,11110148g1( and treated
with oclntenet. she had only dao
harm, she 111,1 lest Her Lome, and
she trust leave tum Ioy whom she
loved and who 1111,d her, and 1810
grief in 1 her !see witted perhaps In-
jure hie Malta
11 was not all her fault, she thought
utast rides- ; eireum44laimee had ben
4o tuacl! ❑gaited her. She might
h:Jve 811(38! a1 tl,u l'rdemy, p-'acere',
if not hippy, mita her rel, (0, fat❑
sof 1(1 11', lend come, 411 ye toe Vere
Stuart. nepenrance to ler Keno.
She avis p(lwor18s , belied hail and
foot, she thought lette 1,01 Per owe
sin of dq.eptlon tett lie elle had
eyed sh,r elle 0 iu,, to the I'riory
totem at fid minu', lama and ron-
deutned her t' silence. It 'wee
a tc0111111' 14411lon. The tra-
gedy -of her life scented ton
much for her strength as thea'
tlwmght0 1'rr8441 !won her 1 a low
p.s„ionate Dry broke from her, n
VI 'ike 1"1 it of n chained niton{
which could not net itself fee, t.a,l
see flung liereed face downward
upot: the 'ouch' like !nt woeste,1
utterly 111 the battle of !Ifs, na(10110
an tldespalrtr.g.
llennwidle, through the falling
resit Lady New tow',1 and 1.1o• (1:i
were meking 1la'!r way to tine hoose,
Vete devoting cell his en,rgiee to
4400thing hits (heiress mad agita-
tion. eothlltg could snrpese his ten-
dernese, and the ('1(01 l of hie man-
ner lend never been greater, al-
though he 1y88 full of anger and
vexation, and no email degree of
anxiety teetotal 101(1 this Jaeger.
"Curse the women," h' was think-
ing, 08 he woe hack Bel's smiles
with tender little )p('e)'lts) a:u1
fond reproaches for her Jealousy
::00 nr'su•ust. "1111 is hail enoo,l,
hilt two 111 il 1111DI's glume are
u,,fc to rein it."
Ile lens, 110we0(1•, entirely smeces4-
f!1 in restoring Pete: temenlnlidy,
end her Ino, was radiant when they
eettelied the mite door by which elm
Mel left the house. Ile!• vanity,
which w, a one of her strongest
points, or perhaps one of her weak-
est, wan ilattteral by her victory
torr _ludree, and see wan quite
reedy to believe the almost eetra-
lagent protestations which Vere
uttered in that soft ❑ nehte1 voice
of hie, hes eye looking tenderly
lute hers meanwhile.
"And now', my darling, run away,
and .get orf those damp gau'mente,'1
he amid, when they stood in the cor-
ridor into 01111011 the door opened. "1
cennOt have you taking cold, and I
am very much afraid you will (10 80.
'Pell Barker to bring you come tea
:and put it thigh of eognee in it, and
keep warm by your dreesing-room
fire until dinner. Please renuuls'r
that yon are n very precious piece
of property, rind that you belong to
a', and newt be taken care oi."
See !Reglad lightly, ,s they passed:
on into the great 1H J. A bit nmlm,
crossing It, stopped 1 : sight of them,
and, half hesitating de be cine, ad-
vanced to his 81(i0t's,s8. He 40118 100
well trained a sweetie to show the
amortise he felt . t his lady's disor-
dered drese, ere 'led with moisture,
and tittle mildly «hoes.
"What to It elle asked, erneloue-
1y "Am I w�mtetl, Fisher 1'
"I beg yore pardon, my Indy: mem,
Evans os loolrng to yon a little
wail' ago. ni th'nk 8110 w,Lnted to
tell you, me rely. that Kr Irian Les -
((41)1g1 had urrlvtd."
t'fIAPTI•:it XXXlimI..
.sir Brian Lretrang's unexpect01
orrtval came neon 1',„ amort with
the ddenn0sof a thunderelup,
AIM bid
e Wee NO dnmbfottudeJ that
It wile a wonder Lndy %vasa
did not
h c .9 1 st ,
to o t Lot
perceive ut
tete was, asking eager quest a :t1
to Sir Brian's arrival, anti , ,ere
lie 4.11II, and she did not noise, :ea -
thing o(1usunl in her lot t! s es-
pe1(riteee. When she turned 1e II 4,1
he had recovered lila usual sealed,
graceful composure, and his teem.
might cosily be attributed et tie
unplea@a;;t quart. d'heure th-y bud
passed lin the chalet.
Sir Brian was 'with hie I, , 1Et,,
the footman believes, u, etre
wright had been downdtalrs
he arrived, and hut taken Sir reel
to his lordship, who woe ;mete
delighted, Fisher had heard.
"I not so glad;" Lady \rtyttotr
eftk] eagel'ty, 08 mile 11)111
"81r Brian, Is
Vere. You will like Lu:. I
la v
to only
seen n him once
since that dreadful basins s nt
Woodhnye,e, flow charmed t rsula
will bet"
PlIti he Continued.)
I)r. Williams' Pink Pills 'lake
Strong Healthy Rosy-Che:k,d
"I trail attacked wit=, ni,l''' 1-
eills,° 50y8 11144 'Fablota eel 1 -
!,oat, daughter of air, Charlet- 14ram-
tioat, a prosperous farmer of t, .aur
'lulu, lame., "end while tilo dec-
eit. who attended me cured mi, 01-1
trouble it left behind after
launi welch it 40eated almost 4.11.mes
slide to recover. 1 grow mai. ,,rd
eery male; my appetite wail I,.'.'. I
mitered at liaise front severe _,
aches, and the least exertion cit
n„' completely worn out. I tI'ic' -ct-
nvl remedies, but instead of owing'
heater I was gradually erea'g
averse. Any work abo ttse
left tie weak and dispirited, NM 1
felt almost like giving up. Ai ' is
time u friend who had used Dr 11i1-
1(1utie' Pink Pills with. much b 1., til
41rougly urged 1410 to give 11 a 1t
101,1, I got a box, and as I ,Ii-' not
feel any better when I had or
then,. 1 would have given that' lip
but [nr the fn.ct that my, friend) 1, 'ail
that one box was not a fair .,i:,1.
I L1 decided to continuels
a ae
of t'..e pills, and by the timeI lad
take,, three boxes I Lound my wali-
ng improving. 1 used 1.5i,t
boxes in all, end by the time I blot
taken them all my old-time hw:a11
had returned, my appetite had .110
Proeies I had gained in weight ,nod
U,e gists of health had retnrnei to
1(1y fn, e. I cannot too 4trongly l-
emon, ne Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
1111 pal' and weak girls."
(loot loot is nu nb8olute neces-
sity, au tie only way to
Npply of rice,, red, etc ,Itli-
giving *oil is to take Dr. Wlotee e
Pink Ville. Every ,lone helps to u' -ah-.
new bio 'll, and to drive front thm sys-
tem ane', trouble as anaemia, lure
euidnoss,- neurnleit, dy8gepsla, ,!,,,;-
natisnl ice Veen can get thee- 1,7
null( ml : ea . a box, or, six 1 a,
for '.'U, y e tilting the Dr. ma
7101.mee "'.., Brockville, Ont,
!fere Des n feta proverbs and any,,
ourrent o, ,'111 the Japanese;
Bee -a.,. i b 1/411101 woman as -0
110111d 'i „ 1 pepper,
:A wif,', • mgne, three inches long. "eu
kill a mei -ix let high.
114d,biu) ,It int' a wound is nee,
Meth L' nary.
111„0,• w le knots the ropes do r
Habit has mote weight than ins'ne
The anniversary les stet Leen ie.
!rated in Ilrain o1 tee dm' when, in
164 the old Ira forIiil41g any oho to
em_Le In the street: was repss,4e4.
Must Expiate Their Crimes
on the Gallows June 11.
One is 18 and Another 19
Years of Age,
( hielige, .lune 0. ---Three cend,nuled
maidev 1, will he lunged in the county
tail oil Friday, Jane 17, bete Veil I 11 114
0101 S p. 111. They are James 6:unurons,
,lotto l.yuel1 mud Pmol: Lewa.n(owski.
lame aid saeinwtie remitted murder as
,hhu. and Lewandoliski killed his wifo
Lc cutting her throat. 110 attempted to
loll himself in the 0+(1(10 manta, out the
doctors 'aved itis life, 1.awendeeel,i
made a statement to the court through
au interpreter after he 1104 bre: sent-
aneed, ((1uutms and 1.7-703! Ind 114.thing to 8010ny'.San
1'he sentencing of Lewend,w>1.1 follow-
ed ,remnant in support of a wotlea for,
new trial by Attorney ,I. Sullivan, whet,
set up time allegation tat there load been
eu'me in the in iruetiona given to the
jury, The typewritten iIaruetion(
were produetel in toilet std alloy Judge
teary Mel read them carefelly he ruled
that there had been no errors turd that
tee verdict of the jars must 51,1101
/All 11 presented n pitiable ap-
pe.uunce• as 15, arms, to address the court
Bi-, hair had been tut from his head. but
lust ling hear„ beard had not been touch -
rd. Ills 11100 10115 pith, and he tretn-
"Plank Lewandowski have you nny-
thing to ul' why the indict of the jury
shon1,1 net be carried into execution and
;thy cru 8hofdd not die upon the gal -
lee's -•• asked the court.
ireend0w'ki gazed helplessly nixed
hLu. H0 i0 1(10!11' to speak English, but
an interpreter ens 5eeured and with his
aid theytnat was informed that the cos
damned prioeuer desired to make a
"1 eanot underetnnd what ell 11114 is
01)0111," said the ernulenmu1 mat, -I
tried to _,ti -I' the law by cutting my
ova floret .nal lean 011110114 to dee. but
they went 4111 got doctors who saved
'w ate•: y s u' are e.
...end n f t ,II m ufT n,„ . 11
got t, die mi,how ,wd • ,es rt of all. 011
I10. rallea - 1) is ,aura and I ramlot
14,408.laad is "
•lu 1;;' t ,uy tlxod ,lune 17 ns the date
fie the ,xnution. 710 ',teenier wits
Get led hark to his cell.
.fudge Smith had had the 0418(5 of
i.1 nth stool Sammonm tinder considerate 11
fm two we(k8, urgwnte01 ea moti'n f .r
new trials Lacing been heard ,fav 1.1.
Hugh Reilly, aeconiplice of the condemn -
al murderers, was also in the ointment,
od his ecntrncr, nv 11x0,1 by the jnh•y,
ate amt eluwg0,1. He will sere n We
1t(01 ill the ((0llelltial1.
'fine three eri'oners sat elle by side
funi'flie e art. Judge Sinit11madethe
as brief as pn,8ile. li(i'v
rya 1111 to t tm be eonteneed. Ills homer
loll the prisoner that there were no
tee,' gammas 100 40 04105 him a new
triol Anil that the low proeidrd death
ler nnrrdHrre
''ll,e lay: met lee 8vengel." said his
hen,r. "0 demands that 0 nutelerer be
t living
s,nt nerd to Meth. 11Lether I it ,!
de oh 'r 1)11(01-)! ise. 1 eel 1101 ceailgo
t1 , socket of the jury in your case, nod
the Neatest of the till•, .011t,'ncirig you to
(81 iemment for lift is swstainrtl.11
L,i'Ic geemcd iinonilecrile,1 as he tank
In sct, and S:o,1'(n(, who lookod like
a meta bleb seen"' bey, ;vas next railed.
anise, meth spoke mere lui1,10 to ilio!.
He tele hint that lets willed that
sigh wen as he be 'et to death, The
-entente of Lvneh topmost, and then
the tenet after iixina t110 dat0 of the
ex,violet], order, -1 tin prisoners removed
to the ,jail.
I ,
�� n s's Sand Lcn,h 1 4 orsl111.
,anon u a 1
Both prisoners. teprei1ly Sammons, ate
peer 10 he vt,01tral years younger. Thew
rennet ein1,unted that the ease w'1114
he oairied to the Supreme Caere Asi ,;
4rtattt State. .ltterooy- Frank ;'row
said hr wnuit gq,ose u14 un,c, ! t eut145'.
sal tr resets' t3,' findnl� 0l' cart 1(1111
'chs same fur ;site h ed yo•nr_ ban':`,
(1,0e,(owlet ttitttui I tot the 0111111 it:
)lar is. Ionc..te I o.ts ,:no of mens ,'
penile I . 16,,0 ('(porn'! iu Iona,
(1011 u;_'I1. Pearl' in the evening the
,lieu )dd up and 1'e1r1 01415'I earner,
}la pert shyest. Rr-ides rrlie'bu1 1(1111
'i hi� naw-} end ,101-; r0hu161e, the
elates scveuly leer hint. They then
went into Barrett'-.,, nun and proceeded
t�, spam' girl of lee Hoary' they had
'.' n flout 1.1trm•r. 'ratty rentable,' i(t
ter eila"en 1 ! we, lam'. ellen one 1100W
1 n 1 elo a url, I „Hilo it 1)1180 to Bar
lir:, 1 ere 1' I him to throw tin
1 r- hoot• dud •111 Wait 1' being robbed.
)1, rap'r1 'f n r,-yeher Shot, followed
4r grooms, nln,ete'1 the attention ei
u ns
11)0)141r., Cha haws. 141443
115(1,,' nal , ,,, , I C' hu'ff ly9ne d ausd
m,n the ler. 'Flee rens the hold-up of
11leumaa N ndlitte• re1 the ,abs seem
-h Hti»e 1 serest0 I oils' Mii, u. 01 the
Iesei0 serene et 'eerie stat',), wen
10 e
:1;,'..hav 1110111.
heivo)1 w kn In ed with his will' and
rt'mthirlen 4t 5.e slant vise!. where
hr et''ue, was r"ninlitte'1 lei. 24, 1904,
Cie is is 01,110 "{J need his wife wee 62
c rya ofd- Hsi W' -t lealsa(),1 died and
m;u ri I
1, c.,
none'.n 4 ,e -I., 1'
i iu 'land. Site
11x,1 goon,' oil ',er r'ui!dren claim
it was w get poa,w'iee el it that he
marled her.