HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1904-06-09, Page 1ib
Vo?. XVII.
No. 44.
I'raue.-Mr. John Rowland held a
bee t riiwiug seven -Inch file from Blyth
on Tuesday of lest week,...)4 . L. C.
MoDonald is laid up with a sore leg.
Re sot It him while playing football
gad it ie very painful M. P. J.
Iran Milled a meeting last week to try
e to an agreement on the long
water course which runs
his place, and as no agreement
made he has decided to pall on
neer Miss Dora Scott spent
With her perente In Leadbury.
...Mi, Bert Allen, of Blalock, called
friends here last week.. ,.The Misses
in entertained their young friends to
q on Tuesday of this week....
Annie Ferguson visited Hallett
ads last week ... .Mr. J. H. Mc•
* hlin has purchased s handsome
peer from a ggehtlemen in Brussels,,..
t'. Wm. Sboidioe and Mite M. A. Mo.
were merited in Worth, on
slay of Iasi w ek. They have
detente the et jeer duties of life,
the best wiehcftffsof their many
, ea the groom's' ns' Perm on the
randroad .., orebody cern-
101{Melt' pints dyl We wonder
le the ooaee .. ohn McCai-
n' a Kentucktr p now. He
Rea time breaking it in.
BOWL RttoonT.-Below willWound
it'tending of the pupils in 1J.9S. No,
1, Hglbtt and East \caw�iloaii, for
(sy •-8r. IV. olaas-Zelia Dyeri�*ddie
mtklne, Rose Cowan, Lour 1'ierhay,
lis Jacobi'.Jr. IV. ciase.-Kate ` c-
itehee, Alice Yunghlut. Sr. I
"class--CIiff'Piertrey WIIHe.Groos, W -
ley Taman. Jr. III. A class -Le
Otoueh.r, Este Kaoline. -Jr. UI.
1p�IAM-Earl Barr, Terracee norm
]Salve Barr, May Cowan, Jr. II.
ohms -Ella Gloueher, Arthur Tierney.
Pit I1, class-Jalnes Br. Willie'
Wee, Albert Austin, mile Potter,
(Istdwt, Goes. Pt. I. (its='Rather
Miel litichey. Avagette'Atteiatldianti, 28.
-M. (#f,exp IR, Teach.r.
80,400!. itEPo1T.-The following is
' the meteor S.S. No.10,=East Wawa.
Beek, for the month of Mey :-V, close
Annie N100ow1an. ' -Sr. V. . cla%It-
kelle Marshall. Jr. IV; cls. A -Millie
`poli. Janet McGowan; John ;Whorl.
Prod Toll, Sr. III. ohms -Bele Potter,
Herbert Toll, George McGowee Wei-
r McGill. 'Jr. III. class -Maggie Me-
gn. Ilpathselc(lowan, ArclriI Rad -
lin Moi III, John Patterson Sr.
,'oI*ja-Mary lloilowan, Rose P,ttter-
Mon, Walter Mason. Jr, ll, (less -
Charley Toll, Russel Wilson Janet
Patterson, John Cowen. Pt. ti. clam
-.Mon* Potter. Sr, Pt. I. class—Wal-
or McGowan, Orville M'Gowau, Edge r
'Jewell Gladys McGowan, Jr. Pt. 1,
' /1,oneeloY 'Poll, Norman Radford',
m'oil, Martha Wilson,-WIANI
, TNOttettwn,'reacher,
Peen OF Mus. WR. MARSHALL. -
there died in this township on Wed -
headily of last week one of its moil
highly oeteemed and respected residen�k,
it the person of Mrs. W re, Marsha t,
her marl inge was Miss
.}rude and elm born neat' Carle.
, In Lanark county, in 1438,
sheredded until her marriage to
t.' Win, Merebsll, elect of Lanark
ldouety 86 years ago. Soon after mar.
r Ur. and Mrs. Marshall moved to
orris town.hlp eAid settled on lot 10,
R. where they continued to reside
11 two years ago, when they rented
Ir hum CO their eon -iii -taw, Mr. John
M oOsil, and removed to a house on lot
12, oon, 9. dire. Marshall was one of a
family of 11 ekiid'en-seven boys end
`four aerie, of this number one boy and
lie girl* are dead. The other mem-
o of the hunt y aro still living in
nark talon ty, excepts ng Ooun. Thom se
a Reeds, stud Mr. Riuhnrd Code,
,AIvlietioon. Dropsy of the heart,
lob tbpubled her for the past five
4tes the cause of death. Lately
much improved in health and
yo before her death was able to
to iter household duties. Mrs.
all ayes a member of the English
`eh and the mother of six children --
son and five daughters. Death
med four of the children three years
; they all dying within one year,
0 was a sad blow to the another, and
from which she never fully recut?-
ecev, The children who died were Mrs.
McCall, Mrs. Win. Boyle, Mrs.
mum R. Skelton and the only son,
m. James. The ohildfen living are
Nye. John McCel1, of Morris, and Mrs,
al, Rath, of East Wawauoen. The
enerai took p1"ltce on Friday last and
a very large One, Interment was
de in the Union cemetery. Rev. J.
monde, rector of Trinity church,
yth, conducted the funeral services,
A Mtge measure of sympathy Is eetend-
Ato the husband, daughters and other
'tttteeltftttttyes in their bereavement.
Colleen, MHa teca-The council met
a'mitrt of tevisfon on May 80th; all
members present anti eub,cribett the
tit requiryi by statute. Appsels were
and and dlapored of as foilowst-F.
token, complained of being too
assessed, reduced 1100; Thomas
rd, complained of being ton high
eaeeeteld, reduced 8160; Walter YouliI,
*Wed of beim( too high assessed,
hoed; J. J. Elliott, entered tenant
pant t and 2, con. 1; Rea. AVat-
eateted F.S. north half 15, eon. b;
lel Barclay, entered owner lots 12
tS, Beigravei John Stewaft, enter,
Woman's Ned Taste
May be depended upon to Ruide
her in doing just the right thing
at the right time. We depend
upon this good taste for our
Flavoring Extract and
Baking Powder Trade
Since women have discovered that,
we keep high-class goods perfectly
pure and always freak and clean,
they have been moat appreciative
patrons of our efforta to please.
Perhape this ie news to you, Will
sou Dot call at the White City
Pharmacy and (as' our guest) put
these claims to the proof. '10018
and try, ,you need not buy. Your
money back ifiyou wautl ie an the
White City Muth Store
The Quality Store
N.B.-Dont forgot our Violet Cream,
no better made, price 15o.
ed M.F. lot 29, con. 2; 'Thos. *eyeball,
entered tenant south half 27, eon. 9;
Levi Lott entered tenant north half 24,
con. L On motion of Couns. Shaw and
Jackson, the court of revision was then
adjourned to meet agalo on tune 27th
at 10 o'clock a,m..,.Couucil business
was then proceeded with. Minutes of
last regular and one epeeist meeting
were read and pawed. On motion of
'onna. Code and Jackson; 'Chun. Shaw
**instructed, to have a ditch dug on
ei ne between lots 20 and 21, con. 3,
the tone to he put in a melefaatory con-
dition. On 'notion of Metes. Code and
Te Bylaw No, 6, for the purpose of
prbthlg'stook from running at large
111 tido tpunicigel:ite, was read the third
time lgd pawed ttpd the ,Jrk ordered
to hertr'h"printed o0ptee of 9tk same oleo
ed fete heeds of the .pound -keepers of
theettutmleqlpality. On motion of Counk,
3himW4and Code, Conn. Taylor was in-
/41.04e4'4o examine Aldolittp between
lots::25 end 26, con. 4, apt -report at
neet'.m•0tigg respecting the necessity
of a ditell eh said road. On motion Of
Coons. (Ata* and 'latylor, a hylaw was
passed eppoiutingIr. Jones, of Lo -
don, as engineer foil this multi*ipa s
and the tie w'ae hoovered to net y
hint to the effect. By !ewe Nos. 0, 7 and
8 were d read end passed. On me-
tion of uns. Taylor and Shaw, the
(oliowil houndar line appropriations
were m e, providing adjoining muni-
cipalities expend equivalent sums, name-
Iy :-East boundary, $150; West bouu-
dary, 1150 on prairie reed near Wing -
ham and 150 south of Belgrave ; North
boundary, 850 ; South boandary, 650.
On motion of Comm. Shaw end Jackson.
Cones, Taylor and Code were instructed
to have slderoad between lots 5 and 6,
eon. 7, opened oqt, On motion of
'Couns. Taylor tad Code, the reeve was
ktetrneted to heve the bridge At Stone
whop' house and Martin's bridge on let
line pot in a proper •%tate of repair.
A000unts were ordered to be paid as
follows: -A. E. Bradwin, publishing
bvtaw and printing ballots, i52,89; A.
Button, lumber, 179.40; 11. B. Alcock,
building culvert, 112; ilchool Sections
Nes. 1 end 9, for nee of echool house at
tweeter, vote, each 18' W., Clark, part
eatery, 640; John Watson, 0eseesor'e
salary, 670; T. S. Brandon, attending
provincial audit, 15'' A. Laidlaw,
D.R.O. f tie, 16 ; R. I'.ewlev, D.R 0.
fees, $0. The council then adjourned to
meet again after court of reviel*n on
June '27th next. -W. CLARK, Clerk.
Second Draft of Stations.
The second draft of the stationing
committee of the London Methodist
eeafereuoe was completed at three
o'clock Tuesday morning, the commit-
tee working all night upon the task of
allocating the various ministers who
were distettfefied with their first eta-
tiona. The report,was laid on the table
at Tuesday' afternoon's meeting and
The circuits on which changes are
made are as foliose, the new stations,
being given in emit dem :-
(Joderich Dist riot -North street, (lisle-
tisle-rich, George N. Haien, B.A.; Wa;top,
R. Smith Baker, a1.A., Alfred Alan ewe,
Exeter District-Elimvill0, Wm. H.
Cooper, Welter Rigsby eupera0uuated;
Birr, Leslie W. Reid, B.D.
Stratford District-'Prowbridg'e. Al-
bert C. 'Tiffin. Herbert E. Killington,
M.A., left without a station at blown
Rev. George Buggin, a former psetor
of Blyth Methodist church, goer from
Avon to Thedford,
Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of Seafortl,goes
to Empress eyelet, Methodi t remelt,
London, in pie. Rev. W. J Ford,
who wee stat there there according 60
the first d
is Dr.
out gr
ns'%p drastic physic. 5efeet
onstipatioe and torpid liver
!100'.+ Pilim of Mandrake and
Rich loose, the bowels with-
paiue. Usti only Pr. Ilion-
, Prim 25c,
DEATH, -Again death has visited us
and this time a bright flower has been
plucked away just in the bloom of life,
Mies Lillian Patterson, third daughter
of Mr. Donald Patterson, county coun-
cillor, has polled away at the early age
of 18 yeast, liijiae was a clever young
lady had s t talent for musio and
sea beloved by all who knew her, She
had ALwttyys been em arently well, until
a fuse eatsggo she became a victim to
that dread 'disease -tuberculosis. The
fatalist did everything to restore her
health. She became a patient *t the
Sanitarium at Gravenhurst for some
time, coming home about it year ago
and since hes lived in a canvas tent.
She elwaye kept a eheerlul counten-
ance, showing her feelings as little as
possible. 41 few weeks ago the dieettse
affeoted lAY brain and she passed away
on Monday morning, The funeral took
place from her father's home in East
\Vawanosh on Wednesday afternoon.
Deep sympathy la extended to the fam-
ily in their late bereavement.
19th annual convention of the Auburtt
Union Sunday School association will
he held in the village on Thursday,
June 10th. Mr. J. A. Jackson, B.A.,
of Toronto. provinciel secretary ; Itev.
A. Ester, of Toronto, and the pastors of
1lie union are eMpected to be present.
The program Is as follows: Forenoon -
Opening exercise and apppointing of
nominating committee; address of w'el-
conte by the president and report of otli-
cere ; " How can we gut the most out of
the convention?' Mr. John Wilson ;
tong service; address by Mr. J. A.
Jackson, B.A. ; election of officers ; col -
lotion and closing exercise, Afternoon
Devetlonal exercise, Rev. J. 0. Dun-
lop�1i.Qed song service by the children ;
'Frionary'1'eaching," Mrs. J. A. Jsek-
soa, Totonte ; open parliament' Bible
class Sabbath school lesson of following
Sunday. taught by Mr. D. E. Munro;
address by Rev, .1. L. Small; ',losing
exeroiee and collect{pn: Evening -Song
service and devotional exercise, Hee. T.
B. Couplend ; address by Rev. A. Euler,
Toronto; address, • Mr. J. A. Jackson,
B.A,; closing execise. The union
choir, Auburn, will assist at the fore-
noon session and the Smiths Hill choir
in the afternoon and evening. 1
Nyres,--Mise Abram;fBetgrave,
was the guest of Mise Edl{Sy'mington
for the last two weeks Mies Maud
Feegnson is visiting Irimogp3 near Wier -
ton at present....ttav; Mrs IdeLennen,
of Kippee, preached a verydropromoive
eormou p "'The lap-to'dat tearer"to
the pie of Knox church here ten
"$mmnday'litftenioon lest, takftig for his
text " How Shall We Eeygpo if
Neglect So Great a Selvat
AteW chopper has been put vt (tri
Mill and is now 10 gond, rap l order,
.,Mr. T. Lawlor is ndtf improving
very mash in health we ate sorrry to
say .....Mt. Walter Moore has putfhased
a tome boat and will' launch it on the
rime thisWeek Mr. Arthur Ferguson
oleo has hi/, boat on the river. The
youth of od town Intend to enjoy the
balmy lu'eezee of tho \laitlend this sum-
mer ....AIM McMullin told daughters,
and M r, and Mrs. Davison, of Luoknow,
spent Solidity with relatives here...,
Gtr, Duff and Mise Sturdy, of Daum -
non, visited friends Ilene on Sunday....
Rev. '1'. B. Couplaud is attending con-
ference this week ....l(ev, J: L. Small
took Rev, 31r, McLennan's' work at
Kippen 011 Sunday... .Rumor says
wedding belle will soon be rioting.,,.
Mr, George Dawson hid the misfortune
to 5 a
home N valuable lte Orr and y last.
While it wee out in the fleld it jumped
over a wire fence and broke itO neck.
1111th Connell.
' he regular wonthly meeting of Blyth
council was held in Industry hall on
Tuesday ec,snin . The members pres-
ent were 1lreve Sloan Cecn. McElroy,
Coun. Milne, Conn. liletoslf and Coun.
ofregular meeting
'lino, s the hist g
were rt tut and confirmed.
Giles Stuthers moved, %eeonded by
Coun. Milne, that the following ac-
counts be paid :-GrendTrunk Railway
Cil., rent of weigh scelee site one year,
$-'; R, Livingston, electric light for
1l40,1)11.25; N.11 Young. five months'
salsry as t umieipnl clerk, express, pos-
tage and stntlouery, 821.87: George
White, drawing tire engine and discing
snow, 81.73; Tee Soermeeu, printing
_••••••• •••••••••• ••••••t
Bennett, Dottie Cowan, Nina 'Seeley,
and advertising, We; Alex. Elder, ex-
penses to Goderich, rt provincial audi.
tr, 82; J. J. Henden -on & Son, cement
tile, $119.tiO' James Barr, salary for
May, 822; Municipal World, implies,
15.85 ; Grand Trunk Railway Co., freight
on Ole, $7. -Carried,
A petition was presented, signed by a
large number of merchants, eektng the
council to pass a byline regulating the
closing of all places of liminess et seven
o'clock every evening, except Wednes-
day and Saturday evenings' and even -
lege preceeding holidays.
Coon, McElroy moved, Wended by
Coon,lMettsalf, chat we,scoept the
prayer of the petitioners, agethat a by-
law be prepared confirming the same,
the hylaw to become operative on July
1st time -Canted.
Mr, N. H. Young tendered his emig.
nation as village clerk. The resign*.
tion viae accepted on motion of Coune.
Metcalf and Milne,
Coun. Milne moved, seconded by
Capital, all paid up, $2,000,00o. Reserve, $t,700,000.
Total Assets, over $22,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued.
General Banking I3usiness Transacted.
Sum* of t anti upwards received and interest allowed
compounded half yearly.
Coun, Metcalf, that we appoint Mr.
Alex Elder clerk at a salary of 150 per 1"'ri ,rl -r0 n r,
annum, and that a bylaw be prepared ,. ';ag`, yay�monaaj yp" ;
confirming the same. --Gamed.
Coun. Metcalf moved, seconded by
Coun. McElroy, that Mrs. Myles Young
be given the privilege of cutting down
a tree in front of her residents -0 on King
street. -Carried.
Council then adjourned, 01 motion of
Conus, Mothers and McRlr y, to meet
again on Monday eveulog,. aloe 18th.
East Wawanoah Carries t Bylaw.
Voting took piece in the oh and of
Eaet Wawanosh on Seturde last on a
bylaw to grant *3000 to the 'tP.11. for
the purchase of the right of wt.y for the
proppoused extension from Guelph to
Goderich. The result of the polling
was as follows: -
yen Against
McGowan's echool 71 87
Pelle' school ft t 88
Jefferson's houuo ,,..,,.., A 6
, 124 80
Majority for the bylaw,,. 44
Possible vote, 261; required vote, 87 ;
rmajority over required vote, 37.
1)Ivlsl• ncourt.
His honor Judge Holt hell tfh'ision
court in Blyth on Monday of Met week,
when the following cases wore dt}tposed
of: -
Jame% Hill Estate vs. Robinson &
Henderson.--,iudgutent, for plaintiff.
G. R. Blair for plaintiff ; A B. Idaodon-
aldor defeitdau.
Robert J, Cockerline et al va. John
Scott, -Judgment reser( id, 0. F.
Blair for plaiutiff ; A. 13, Macdonald for
defende n t.
Jaime' Barr, primary creditor, vs. E.
Livingston, printery debtor, and James
Barr, garnishee. -Judgment with costs
against the primary creditor; garnishee
summons dismissed. Tula eetiln Was
i tried et the last division court held 1n
Blyth, when judgment was reserved,
Blyth Public, Settee' Board.
The regular monthly meeting of Blyth
public school board was held in Industry
hall on Friday eveni'lg, The nremlere
present were Chairmen SIcCo 0? ns,
Secretary Plummer, Trustee Cowan,
Trustee Bradwin and Trustee Mato
M,inutee of the lest regular meeting
were rend laid confirmed.
Princit sl Summers presented the fol•
lowin report for May :-Div, No, 1-
Na " oo roll, 18; average attendance,
37; gregate attpndatee, 950, Div,
No. Names on roll, 98; %elve}n a1.
tenda re, 26; aggregate attendance.
529. Div. No. 9 -Names on roll, 5i1:
average ettendauee, b2; aggregate M-
tendance, 1031, Div. No, 4 -Names on
roll, 47 ; average al treidance, 40; aggre-
gate attendance, 787. Fees collected.
'l'rraatee Bradwin moved, seconded by
Traipse Wetlanfe that thH following
account re geld -J. 51. Hamilton, eup-
pdhem foe libortory, $18.85.- Carried.
The beard then adjourned.
..._-- .,.e...
Myth Publle School Iteport.
Following is the report of Blyth pub-
lic 8811001 for the month of May :-
1Y1v. No, 1. -Jr. Lea vinlr class -Carrie
Slater, Nettie Stewart. Edith Jenkins
and Joseph Bell equal, Donald McLean.
Annie Cowen, Jr. Leaving Pet, Gloss
Albert Cole, Ella T0ylnr and Annie.
Stuart equal, Retort Brown, Cecil Vail,
Florence Somers.
33INDR E3 • Div. No. 2, -Sr. IV, elaee--Verna
• TWITVEs... •
\e arc sole agents in
m ham
for the Ontario Government S
Pure Manilla, alt tent to the ib tato
Manilla, alio fast to then) I1 o i
Farmers' Sp>bisi, sea feet to the 11,110 •
Veneers' Spools', eat feet to the 11 tole ,Wa
Each package eontaius00llis, of •
Twine, with a two-bosjiel grain •
nag *1111 three rope halters with •
Reaps and rings. Every Wiper.
enteed. Freight paid to your
nearest elation. Orders trust be
in by 4ile 15th. •
Sri LE M ti 'S s
leillheleARE. AVIN(IHAel. 2
•••••l°•••••e••es. • e•►•e•
Er ea Strnhere, Fred Jarksou, Fannie
Mason, John Potter, Willie Watson.
Jr. IV. clam -480h Barr, Lizzie Cru' -
ter. Jessie Rhone, Icon Scott, Annie)
Bell, Andrew ('combs, Edythe billy.
Sr. M. class Muriel Chellew, t Tara i
Copp, Roy 80 , 1.5510 Hill (Lose Blown
Russel Deo hr .n, Melvin Nivinos '.ohl'r
Wanless, i; 'go Leith, Bern,rd 1',i-
Diy, No .;.-Intermediate :II, rlase-
Rey Iho tern, Henry 99 11, Grace
Stowe Lillie Wartime, r,nunaLeith,
Fronk audio 1ner, Alber Somers, Eva
Cann te11. John Emig,, Myrtle Nicol,
I'car, Er! nest on. .Jr. ILI. class -Lela
Vorence Tatman, Natter Cowen,
Hazel 1 . tient, Willie Maine, Evev Ile -
Connotes A ]gar 11 •ley, Btanl t .1.11e1-
'1011 ,, 10Ill '. 1' rtret. tiny imiclt. 1,..t tie
t106Dur,il v Tier -
4 nay, ,Jendie Voss to Ithot Enugh,
Lerz.e ldtepgbur, , ter N ..us, AVilh0
Another large consignment of•Rcady-made
Spring and
Summer Suits ,
fur men and boys just passed into stock and will he rushed out
ut astunlsltingly low prices. It will pay you to sec our
for men and boys before buying elsewhere. In our
Boot and Shoe Department
von will find values that cannot be behtsa. We have still
some big bargaitis i0
It will be to i,tnr advantage to see they \'o have an
immense rangc
ul "e A
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Blouses
in the latest New `"ark styles. They lit perfectly and
well. Also an immense range of
Ladies' Wrappers and Whitewea
to chnnse from, In our
Millinery Department
you will find all the newest and most up-to-date goods in the
market and von con depend upon getting the best of satisfac-
tion at a moderate pl'1ee.
Any Quantity if Butter and Eggs Taken in Ext'lionge ror Goods.
l poun+.lf' rimy fi i,,A^"�
Burling. Jr. II, class -Lora Wett-
laufer, George Burling. Ren Brad win,
Willie Copp, Oscar Ross„lames H irons,
cJaflee 51cConunins, Philp \Villovrs,
Ruelel Gidley. Ella Watt la lifer.
Div. No, 4. -II, class --Norman Holtz -
hitter, Dora Bar, Alex. Butler, llode-
1.Jitt Tynan, Alva Faw•ett, Roguie
Caner, Deila MacKenzie, Era llenrler-
skt. Po. II. chose -Deese McLaughlin,
yilnry Milne, Willie White, Mary' Pot -
,,Sr. Pt. I. clout -Merle Itch y. Mena
1nmie 1'i 10001?, Milton Bradwin,
tains. Jr. I't. 1. luso—AVillie
WIIAT IS 1 tTARtiti'
1t % intlammntion of 't lc' 1(00118
liuia hethroat, hronohieIethesand
nasal gas excited bt - rms that
can o0 lestroyed by fr u;rnnt 1 (11'
ing (,e' , uoue which a breathed
u. ct to % at of the diet a td has
10.cr y)et e dt to care 1",:",art to
it absot0le„ eertatn to rare, Ce -
1 1 10aone alit yeast
e l,iVOS s; sfacrion,
1 -offered f{{��lr nae%1 Hata, h so badly
th.0 I coufwit hM(,sane thr"u.1? my'
nnsrril%, ori ,,W11?, . of \leri-
deu. I ns.d isr: 1 1„r a 1010
minnas'kand wit
kite r It.t 1' 1 11 1
e h ,.t like
short time.”
Iwo utootile
Derangement of the etotnnch is no
sponsihle for tench sickness and suffer-
ing. Every organ of the body depends
upon the btnntaell for ire nntrlmonr and
strength. If the stomach le not work-
ing right the blood carries to the hems
heart, nerves and kidnoy tissue impel. -
feet nutrition. They become weak end
unable to perform their work -become
clogged, diseased, and throw out their
distress symptoms. Now you mey get
Stimulative, temporary relief by the
taking of rl kidney, live]', nerve or heel
Kiefer/es but the sans., remains. 'rhe
Stomach is at fault, end so l0ug es it
keeps toedhig the blood with impurity
-waste, so bolsi wilt the blood trans-
port and depoeat *Imam breeding ele-
ments in the weak places. When yon
feel sick help the etnmech firer. A well
stomach means a. well body. Anti -Pill,
the Great Solent Treatment, him now
discovery that has a nit*vellous ins
fluence in correcting system ailments.
Address, \Vilaou-Fy'le Coo liiegatil
Falls, Ont., for free safe*. itrgtttor
size, a month's tre.Itthent, Beate as'
drnggis:s, 1 '01010by3,3,l tr Iii