The Blyth Standard, 1903-08-06, Page 8i£
ent for Sale.
The undersigned keeps in etock
all kinds of (`euteet, including
QNianston and Portland.
Cement Building Dud Flooriug a
epeelalty. —_
Going to England
This Summer ?
l t so take passage by the
Best fine from Canada.
Sail every Thursday during
the summer from Montreal
direct to Liverpool.
Sato Boats, Pine Staterooms
and Courteous Attendance.
Call at THE STANDARD otIioe or write
for circular and rater.
/Ea,T - - - BLYTH
L BpT DF ♦ Rims Sreay.—At the vil-
lage store the other night the queetion
VMS asked by one of the many who
Dome there to get their mail matter and
indulge in the friendly gossip of the
neighborhood, it the migratory birds
Mitt come over every spring weepy the
nests that they had used the previous
year, or if they build new ones? The
imbeot of conversation was the extra-
ordinary number of birds of all kinds
that ham been hero this eummer, and
pueetlon was asked our olid f'riend
ses (tont the woolen mill, who ie known
Ind near es an authority on birds,
be is quite a naturalist in his way
and front tong experience in their habits
Mas ppeerfectly competent to answer the
question. ” Well, boys," he remarked,
I can vouch for it that some birds do
MT* bask and occulty the same nests
atter year, bet I am not re certain
all the varieties do the same thing,
n ay as p sons three or four years
t p a small keg un the top of a
pole 10 As to induce some of them to
soots sad nest there and in due time a
S rest little pair of wrens found it out,
brought* lot of nesting material together
' And started houeekeeping They raised
two if not three broods, then went *way
lathe fall, for you know they are migra-
tg'y bide and do not stay during the
w etsr months. Well, after '+sing my
guests for three yore in succession,
Early last spring a pair of sparrows
Mound out their cozy quarters, for the
Wrens had not yet returned, and doaid-
' tor appropriate
dawithoui their that they
ty little friends were not disposed to
{��p'ee•empted by those burly eparrowe,
witAout some resistance. Already they
Mad brought a lot of coarse building
Materiel into the keg when ono tine
writing those sparrows found out that
fay Ostia wrens had a prior right, and
*Ina commenced a battle royal for the
wnership of the site. The only en-
trant* was through a small hole about
One end a half inches across and as soon
:Cent MOO it STRI1151
as the sparrows were away the wrens
would pop in and pull out all the long
strewn end feathers that the sparrows
had brought, This state of things was
kept up for several days until finally
the sperrowe allowed the trhite feather
and left the wrend to ttndleputed posses-
sion. It was of nu uee for the sparrows
to try to catch the wrens, for they were
too nimble end could dodge may too
fest for any sparrow to be able to keep
up with them. They are there now
end as happy a pair of writes as Gall he
found anywhere and I think are rearing
their second brood. The eparrowe ueyer
returned, for when they found out that
the wrens had the befit of it they left
them alone. Oh yes! I can answer affir-
matively that some varieties of birds
occupy their old nests season after sea-
son, with some little repairs, of course,
and not only have I the proof of the
wrens, hut a lovely pair of orioles have
occupied the same nest in an elm tree
near my bedroom window for several
years, but I do not think they bring out
more than one brood every year, fur
they leave us very early in the fall. I
was almost going to forget telling you
that when my little wrens found out
that they had the best of the sparrows
they started a jubilee of song with the
male bird perched upon a limb near by,
singing to the full extent of his little
throat. 'Then to make the victory the
surer they brought in a lot of twigs
and sticks to barricade the entrance of
their little castle, leaving just the tiniest
little hole that none but a email bird like
the wren could enter in. 'Talk about
instinct! Why! there was more than
instinct in this instance, for it 'Mowed a
considerable amount of reasoniug."
pursuant to mijournment on July 2let;
members all present. Minutes of June
meeting read and confirmed, Deben-
tures were ordered to be signed for pay-
ment of the following accounts' ; —Muni-
cipal World, co.lector's roll for 1203,
order book on treasurer and express,
charges, $2.10 ; George O. Naylor, gravel
and damages, $8.39; George Wallace,
gravel, $2.17 ; John Redmond, er., grav-
el and day of man shovelling, $4 ; Alfred
B. Carr, gravel, $5,11 ; Choice Camp-
bell, gravel, $2119 Alex. Morton, gravel,
flt.89; David A. Dunbar, gravel, 12.24;
George Daley, gravel, $8.08; Robert
Shiell, sr., gravel, 12.45 ; Elieha Walker,
gravel, $2.78 ; Andrew Carrie, envoi,
12.21, and cutting hill, $8.75; John
Ansley, gravel, ISA; John McDowell,
repairing bridge and planking, $68 ,•
dames Young, repairing bridge, $9, and
gravelling, 140.70 ; Cyrus Scott, cleaning
out culvert, 50e: Robert McBurney, at -
Modesto on rod grader, 82.60 ; George
1V bite, operating townehip grader, Stitt,
and gravelling, $22.62; Hugh McKin-
non, grevelling, $100.18; Wm. P. Hal -
latent, furnishing Initterial and putting
in culvert, $2 ; Wm, Bennett, repeiring
railing on bridge, $3.50 ; James Mar-
shall, engineer, feee per Ferguson &
Ruddy's award, $17.50; John Mirwood,
sr., drawing Ole and building culvert,
Ing; Thome Aguew, gravelling, $20;
Thotnas Black, inspecting gravelling,
44,50. The treasurer reported catih on
hand at de*, $799.81. Resolved, that
Mr. Meneies be authorized to rebuild the
northern culvert °piloting lot 90, sideline
80 and 40, oon. 9, and that the southern
culvert on seine sideline at lot 40 be
closed up. Council then adjourned till
August 20th next.
CHURCH NOTE& —Communion services
were held last Sundity at Kinburn and
Londeeboro. Good congregations were
present at both gervices. Five persons
were received into full communion with
the church through the router services.
The quarterly board meeting on Monday
was poorly attended owing to busy
times. The (thumb tinanoes are in good
shape. Mr. J osepli Garrett wag appoint-
ed to attend financial dietrict meeting,
which will he held at Londesboro in the
early part of September.
Women and men who suffer from
weak back or pain in the lumbar
region shonld take ST. JAMES WA-
VERS, Which pOSSeSS remarkable cura-
tive influence on functional derange-
ments of the kidneys, and exert
bpecial tonic action on the whole
urinary system.
ST. JAMES WAFERS cure bladder
troubles and pains of micturition,
helping the flow of urine and clear-
ing it from any sediment. ST. ,JAMITA
WA VEIN are also a potent sexual
ST. JAMES WAFIRS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"nestles of St. Oates 'Wafers
Cannot be overestimated. In the
Most obetinated casino, Wove
and urinary trouble, they here
rendered me remarkable sums.
Dr. Charles It. Powell,
St./amp' Wafer: arena a nerd
we awl the _formula sosrs report,
Where dealers are not selling the
celpt of ee at the Canadian
Wafers. tiz are mailed ulnae re.
branch 1..,James Wafers Ce.,11111
St. Whines it., tileatiost
Looe4n.—Meeere, Lott & Sturdy, who
have conducted a Livery business hero
for the pant 18 veare„have disposed of
their livery andtbus line to Messrs. Case
sale & Carr.... Mr. F. U. Sperling le a
very encceskful fieherman. One day
Met week he visited a neighboring trout
stream and landed a beautyy, 14 inches
long and weighing I pounda....In the
storm of Turwday night of last week
ligbtnlug etrdek a high peeler tree in
front of the house of Mr. G. A. Flippen,
Lower Wingham. splitting the tree Gu
feet down and throwing the bark and
limbs over the house. The occupants
were greatly alarmed and had a narrow
eecapu, but no one was injured .... The
new iron bridge at Lower Wingham is
completed and it is a very creditable
structure.... Bell's furniture factory has
been closed for a few days owing to
some repairs being ntede....Our towns-
man, Mr. D. E. McDonald, has received
an offer from the Bonny Briar Bush
Theatrical Co., of New York, to travel
with then[ during the coming season
and set as piper for the company at a
good salary. The engagement would
take Mr, McDonald away from home
from September Int to May fat and he
has not yet make up his mind as to
whether he will aocept the offer, It Is a
greet honor to have such e well-known
company that travels all over the United
States and Canada, ask our townsman
to accompany them.
17018.-431m Tena Sprung entertain-
ed number of lier young lady Mende
one day last week ....Mem. R. M. Cum-
mings and Mrs. W. Cumminge, of Wal-
ton, were visiting in the village the
beginning of the week Mies Sadie
Carter is visiting in ililverton this
week—. Mies Ada Kennedy, daughter
of Rev. J. Kennedy, of iondesboro, is
spending a few days here— . Mrs. Duck-
worth, of Toronto, end Mr. Longstaff,
of Wotan, were gueste at Mr. J. Fer-
guson's on Sunday... Mis,s Maggie King
and Miss Erma Symington are Abating
friends in Detroit—. Miss Cerrie Law-
lor left for Detroit this week.... Miss
Minnie Dobie, who has been dressmak-
ing here, has given up her shop and
will start in Blyth.... Rumor says we
are to have a now millinery entablish-
mint here....The Auburn Old Maids
will have their annual picnic on Thum
day at Bayfield this year ... . Mr. Henry
Youngblut, of Zurich, spent Sunday at
Fothergill, of West field, called on friends
here Sunday evening.... Mr. George
Lemp has commenced the cement work
for hie new house. His new shop is
almost cotnpleted. Thom new additions
ere quite an improvement to our town.
Dr. Welter Turnbull and Miss Kane,
of Goderich, palmed through the Oleo
on Saturday on thoir way to Milverton.
....Mies Hannah Mole is visiting her
sister at Clinton this week Miss Cora
Ferguson has retuned from Nile where
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
was in -Dungannon lest week,
FATAL ACCIDENT. ---A Meet dretrese.
ing end fatal aceident happened on the
farm of Mr.. Win. Anderson, lot 29,
con. 5, McKillop, on Thursdey morn-
ing of last week, when her second son,
John, a boy of 15 years of age, was
ahnost instantly killed. Tire eiretun-
stances] surrounding the accident are
particularly sad. The lad was taking a
10Itd of rails to the back field of the
farm, and while going down a hill the
homes started to trot, and being unable
to stop them, they Noon started into a
run, and the unfortunate lad was thrown
off, and the back wheel was suppoised
to have posed over him, etnashlug the
base of the skull. Swedes this, he re-
ceived several scalp wounds. Ilis
mother end little brother, who were
&flowing behind on foot, were eye-
witnesses of the lamentftble affair. Mr.
James C. Henderson, who was working'
in one of the fields tense by, also saw the
accident and hurried to the relief of the
unfortunate boy, but hy that time life
was extinct, death having apparently
beeu inetantaneous. Dr. McGinnis Was
imtnediately sent for, hut could do
nothing for the lad. The sad affair is a
most severe blow to the widowed
mother, as she has not only, lot a good
and dutiful son, but one of her ohief
supporte has been removed. John was
an induatrions and hard working boy,
He was most highly thought of by the
neighbors, and the sincerest sympathy
of all will be extended to the bereaved
mother and friends.
COUNCIL Id iorriso.—The council met
on July 25th, members all present.
Minium; of last meeting read and oon-
firmed. A petition Was presented by
Win. Richardson, asking for $250 as
compensation for injuries received by
Philip Potter, calmed by a traction
engine breaking through the Widgeon
bike shore road, Ashfield. On motion of
Messrs. &others and Kickley, no action
wax taken. Chequo were issued for the
following amounts: F. Ross, gravel,
1248; II:Chambers, shovelling gravel,
11.50, and burying lamb, 25e; James
Robb, shovelliug gravel, 75c; Wm.
Kempton, tilling old well, $2 ; B. Buch-
anan, repairing culvert, 12 ; Thomas
Todd, plank, 02.20; John Kilpatrink,
work on grader and repairing„ ;
Patrick Moran, work on grader with
team, $4; James Ohrs,r gravel and
tweeting, 112.51 ; Willis, gravel,
$89,88; Joseph Kilpatrick, gravelling,
$99.53; Wm. Richardson, gravelling,
833.46; F. Hayden, inspecting, 115; Ed.
Johnston, cement culvert, $49,25 ; Janus
Henderson, cement tile, 828 85; R. me.
Whinney, drawing tile, Ill ; Thomas
Smith, cleaning drain, 17; D. Ruther-
ford, repairing and building culvert,
$9.50; Ed. Johnston, gravelling, 151.116;
James Robb, inspecting, $7.50 ; Wm.
repairing culvert, $1,50; R,
Dottie, gravelling, 110 .50; J. Shielda
Inspecting, NM; Win. Hunter, in -
speeding, $1.25 ; A. Hiles, inspecting and
tile, 15.28; John R. Webster, gravelling
1180.81 ; itetrlok Moran, posting and
Sunshine Furnace
No need to worry about coal strikes if your home is heated
with a "Sunshine" Furnace.
By placing our patented wood grate over the coal grates it will
burn wood or coke and give as perfect Natisfaction as with cog—
nise saves starting a ooal fire in spring and fall when a wood fire will
take the chill off the house in a few minutes.
Feed -doors are double and extra large—will admit rough chunks.
Radiator is made of heavy steel plate and encircle' the dome
in moll a way that it leaves a wide space between the two for the
oiroulation of air and gins an immense radiating surface.
The "Sunshine" is the only Canadian heater which will burn
coal, coke or wood with entire satisfaction.
Sold by all tsterprisIng Dealers. Seeklet Free.
Extension Tallies and Dining -Room Chairs
' During tho harvest and threshing season a good Extension Table is a neeessary article, WO
have several designs, all good strong tables, which will accommodate iroui 10 to SO men. Also
an y number of Dinimproow Chaim Prices low.
Goods Delivered to Any Part of the County,
Before the 1st of July, to fill an order already
placed with us for
6000 Boxes and Tubs
of Good Dairy Butter
Pv. Also we mot have 5900 dozen Eggs weekly to fill our orders, for
which we will pay the
We vvonld ask the makers of butter not to wilt the butter hervey
Rt4 the heavy salted butter always has to Bell itt reduOeti price,
Make the butter so as to bring the top price and you will be the
gainer in the end.
Weak, Nervous, Diseased Men.
Thousands of Yee", dad Middle Aga Atm are annually swept to a premature grave
through early Indiscretions and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional /Good
Diemen have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have
von any of the following symptoms; Nervous and Despondent.; Tired in Morning;
No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable,. Eyes mar;
Simples on the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Itee114111; Harfard Looklagi
Blotches; Sore Throat; flair Lome; Pains In the Body; Sunken
Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustf el and Leek of Energy and Strength.
Our NM Afrthod Trralare.1 will build you up mentally, physically
and sexually. Curer Guaranteed or no Pay.
Kt -No Names Used Without Written Coneents
T. P. EMERSON hae a Narrow Esca
"I live on a farm. At school I learned an earThabit,_ which
weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. amity Doctors
Golden Monitor,' edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell Into my
hands. I learned the truth and cam.. Self abuse had sapped my
vitality. I took the Jim Mihail TreaMtmi and was cured. My friends think I Wks
cured of Consumption. I have mut them many_ patients, all of whom were cured,
Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood."
Getellatlos fru, leeks Free. WOG for deettlee lissk for Home Treatment.
ing cedar pipe, $5 ; John Webster, in -
stinting, $t 87; Wm. Stewart, pipe and
cutting hill, $175; John Kilpatrick,
cement culvert, 121 ; Wm. Burrows,
grsvelling, 622.82; Wm. McMillan,
drain, 82 ; M. Dalton, repairing culvert
and buryingsbeep, et ; Thome Murphy,
iuepecting, 85; John Dalton, plaek and
covering culvert, V; Con. Keefe, repair-
ing culvert, $1.50; Florence McCarthy,
towing statute labor teems, 80; P.
Holmes, sewer pipe, 11,80. Council ad-
journed to meet again on August 22tid.
Anyone sending a sketch and descalption may
quickly ascertain our °pinto:, free whether au
invention le probably patentable. Commune&
[Ions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
aent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patente taken throuuh Munn Co. receive
Mt settee, without clomp, 10 the
entitle American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest cir-
culation or any Reielltlae journal. Tenni, fa a
Pr If FePIG8i 519193 adW7tliYI:1 !Puri! r
A. 0. U. W.
Blvth lodge, No.14 Ancient Order of United
Workmen, meets in the Workmen hall, Milne
block, on the end and eth Thursday In every
month, at eight pan. Visiting brethren am
cordially invitee. N. Collura, W.M. T. J. Hera.
0 CC 00 00 0
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
First-class Horses and Rigs for
hire at reasonable rates.
Best of aocommodation to Cone
mercial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery staWe,