HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-08-06, Page 4JAQIES mcIIilRCHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, ONT1 R10. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes, No additional security re- quired, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS it Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con- eistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIIII'PED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rotes of intermit. IRA ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale, Route collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Dusinoss Cards. DR. 0. K. LONG, DENTAL SUaSEON. etwethe permoeueee o Dental Surgeons. Ansor to Dr. Jerome. Graduateof boner 1 adnet of Toronto tiniest tiny. Olflce over ee9 Powell's stare, Pretoria bleak, Blyth, Q P. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., Rsllelkor for the Village of Blyth, the Town- gMgOf Grey, the Rowlek Mutual Fire rneuranoe 800 and s Metropolitan bank. Private and bmppanwy money to loan at lowest ratio. Uma MO Standard bank, Brawl'. 1 O. LINDSAY, M.B. i PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. I eeeeaeor to Dr. Ta1L Graduate of the Uni. tame, of Toronto, Member of College of Phy- Selane and Burgeons of Ontario, Formerly of London, Holland and Edlobnrgh,Soutleud, how ed 6y Dr, anTait, dBres dente, teat lately oosn- u/ J. MILNE, 11.0.011. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. NACU., Unlveruity of Trinity college • M.D., '1 Univereity; Fellow of Trinity Medical and of member Collage of Phydsleoe sari arson of Ontario, Loroper for the Money of Huron. OMs, one door north et Ilia pommerelal hotel, Queen street, Blyth, T J, NuOK8THP, BARBRR AND TOBACCONIST. Choke stook of Tobsaooe, Cigars and Pipet on Mand, Agent for the Parisian Stam Laundry, Qnew skeet, Blyth. C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. LAW, Lean and Insttrana Agent. Office, on Quinn Street, blytlt. Orders left at Trig MIR - PAID owes *111 moire prompt attention._- UROF, 6, L. T4UBH, i MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All Made of Speotaotei and Eyeglasses made to order. Omelet attention given to fitting the f yyae., Orden by mall promptly attended to. Bowan of parties using my name as I employ }o travelling agents whatever. Setlefaotlnu 1=21°teed. Eatbliabed 1873. 954 Richmond W., Toronto. rail Term Opens Sept. 1st Scores of Business Colleges hap appijed to ue fn; oar praduaae. 10 sot ale tea. 085 rq their echoole. '!•hie ie the evldeuoe yon aro 1poklug htr am to the beat school to attend. Thnasads of our tarmnr atndenla are aqw to hgeiueso life. Write for oor handsome satlogoe. W. J, ELLIOTT • • PRINCIPAL. Strawberries In Abundance With - SUGAR and JARS ay anything in the Bakery or Grocery line. • Karmel Salt Kept In Stock. (loud Butter and Eggs wanted at either Bash nr trade prices. Also a quantity of Potatoes wanted. WTI STAR BA= R, R. DOUGLAS , . BLYTH (the gtattbarb. er A. E. BRADWIN, Penmen. Vna BLYTH STANDARD,ublished every Thursday morning, is a live fecal news- paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making It • valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or oke United Stated only One Dollar per annum in advance ; 11.50 will be charged If not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and deeply executed. Correspondence of a newsy nature respectfully solicited' THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1908, POPE PIUS R. Cardinal Saito, patriarch of Venice, hes been chosen by the conclave of car- dinals at the vatican to succeed Popo Leo XIII. on the throne of St. Peter. Hie selection is in the nature of a sur- prise to the wise onee, who had counted on Cardinals Rampolla, Oreglia, Col- atro, Vanutelli or Gotti for the choice of the conclave. But in elections for a pope as in other elections the unexpect- ed often happens, and a "dark horse" wins. The struggle bas not been a long one, balloting having begun on Satur- day. Pope Leo's election took place on the second day of the conclave by ac- clamation. But there have been some long struggles. The conclave which elected Piva VIII., in 1829, wasa month and twenty-three days. The elle which elected his predecessor, Leo XII., in 1828, occupied a month and three days. The conclaves of 1891 and 1816 lasted but two days each. The new pope, who takes the title of Pius X., is 08 years of age, a native of Riese, province of Venice, and was created cardinal ten years ago, He ie said to have been identified with uo faction, and is a good administrator and a nlan of great learning and eloquence. His choice is said to bo likely to be welcomed by all parties. WALTON. CONDOLENC IS. --The following is a copy of a resolution forwarded to Mrs. McDonald and family from East Huron Liberal association : Dear Mrs. McDon- ald,--Wo cDon- ald,-Wo desire, on lethal( of the Lib- eral association of the east riding of Huron, of which your late husband hits for many years been an honored MID- her, oorher, to convey to you, and to the mem- bers of your family, our sympathy with yon in the loss drat you have sustained in the death of Mr. McDonald. There are times when human sympathy fails to heal the wound that has been made, we feel that all we can hope for in extend- ing to you the heartfelt sympathy of every Liberal who knew M r. McDonald, ix that by so doing we may in some measure alleviate the grief that natur- ally flow. from the severing of those human tins that hind an honored and loved father and husband to the nlertl- bers of Inc uousehcld. \Ve trust that time, God's great healer, will soothe end finally remove the present pain end leave to each of you only the cherished memory of a loved one, who filling well the place in life in which the Great Master placed him has by so doing given to you one and all the riah legacy of a life of unswerving integrity, warmed by divine lore and overflowing in quiet but loving acts to those who had the privilege and honor of calling him friend, father or husband. Signed on behalf of the aesociatioi by R. N. Due, president; W. M. SINCLAIR, vice- president ; W. 11. KERIi, secretary. NENSALL. Nom.- Misses Carrie and Anna Mc- Arthur are visiting the Misses Grant, of Sombre. They will visit London before their return.... Miss Sarah Johnston, of London, is visiting at lilake....Dr. James McDiarinid hes left town for a vacation....Henoall will hold its civic holiday mt Thursday, August 0th. On this day the Methodist Sunday school picnic will be held at Grand Bend. Itlany will go on the Exeter Masonic excursion to Kincardine. Exeter's holi- day is the same day.... Hensel' has early closing on Mondays, Wednesdays arid Friday, At seven p.m., and the scheme is working well....Miss Mur- dock, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Campbell, of Zurich, for some weeks, is home again, and Mrs. Murdock ie now visiting her daughter. Mr. T. Murdock drove down on Sunday to see them and his little grand -daughter.... A number of the villagers, young and old, began pulling flax last week. It is a good crop. 'Threshing begins this week Mrs. Higgins aid children, of Toronto, returned home on 'Thursday morning last. They came here t'oattend the funeral of Mrs. Simpson of Aurora, which took place at her old home in Brecefield the previous Sunday.... Mr. I. Linderfield has returned to London. after spending a week's holidays at his home here Mrs, W. McKay is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. G. Walker, of Pal- merston Mr. H. Arnold, until recent- ly the junior member of the firm of McArthur d, Co., private bankers, but now of the staff of the Sovereign batik, was transferred to Toronto on Saturday last. The firm sold their business to the Sovereign bank a few weeks ago, and Mr. McArthur was retained here as man- ager. -The first large shipment of cattle took place on 'Tuesday of last week. when 115,000 was paid out. There is any number of fat cattle around, but buyers are scarce. Hogs are staple, and were shipped on Wednesday and Thursday at an advance of 85 cents over the previous week, bringing $5.65.... Miss Cahoon, of St. Marys, is vieiting Miss Stoneman ,... Miss Millie Petty, who is at borne for the holidays from Loudon business college, has been at her old position in Mr. J. W. Ortwein'e store during the holidays of the Misses Ortweiu....Mrs. Cook and children are visiting Mr, and Mrs. E. ltannie....On Wednesday of last week the band had a picnic at Grand Bond. They will attend the Methodist Sunday school picnic at the same place 011 !Thursday of this week.... Although 15 were appointed as a delegation from cannel Presbyterian church to attend the meeting of the presbytery at Clinton on July 28th, 40 people went, and they had a petition from the people of Heiman asking Rev. J. ki, Henderson to reject the call to New Westminster, He will give his answer later... .Miss A. E. Consitt, teacher of S.R. No. 7, Stauley, attended the London Normal school, taking the special course in nature study, domestic science, etc... Rey. E. A. Shaw, of Kippen, will occupy the pulpit of Hen- sel) Methodist clnlrch next Sunday and will administer the sacrament, Sports wtd Pastimes. At the Western Ontario bowling tour- nament, held iu London last week, the representatives of the Clinton club won the Labatt trophy, the association matches and the double,. '!'here were 241 bowlers present at the tournament. The Little Yorks, of Toronto, interme- diate champions in the Eastern football league, played off with Brussels, cham- pions in the Western football league, in Berlin on Monday evening. Score, 7 to 13 in favor of Little Yorks, thus giving them the championehlp of Ontario. The Blyth baseball team was defeated by the Winghain teats at Wingham ou Friday last in a good game of ball by a score of 15 to 13. The following is the summary :- Blyth- R 0 Wingtum- 11 0 Allison, 16 1 8 Kent, lb 3 3 Porterfield ea _ . 1 4 Hammond, It _ 4 9 MaArter, 91, 1 4 Moors, 8b........ 4 0 Stewart, rl 9 2 Pearson, p Ib, _ 0 6 Money, 3b 1 4 Armour, e 0 8 D. Somers, a..... 9 3 Lookeridge, If1 2 R. Ilowor, If. _. 1 4 Walsh, 90 p1 3 MoMlllan, el 3 0 Rattenbury, rf... 2 1 Douglas, p1 3 Holmes, or 0 6 Small, of )397 1594 By InnMp- B l yy t h 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 4-18 Wlugham 9 0 0 1 9 8 4 3•--15 Struck out -By Douglas, 9; by Parson, 1; b Welsh, 3. Umpire -Mr. T. J. McLean. Husband vs. Wife. Now it is tho man's turn. Here is Judge Tuley, of Chicago, who when called on to grant a man a divorce on the grontld of his wife's cruelty, refused, and ordered him to protect himself : "You say that your wife struck you. Why didn't you slap her jaw? If you wont protect yourself when your wife attacks you, you cant expect a court to give, you a decree on the ground of cruelty." " I dont think it is a man's duty to strike hack at his wife," said Kroll, "A man is not bound to allow a woman to strike him," declared Judge Tuley. " Besides, a woman is supposed to belong to the weaker sex." Now, Mr. Henpeck, there's your cue, Prompted Doer Destroy crops. .1 new problem appears to be develop - gni in the Now England States invol- ving the question, what shall we do with the deer;? A farmer in Richmond, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, has jest made complaint to the town that his crops have been seriously damaged by a herd of deer and has made a de- mand for reimbursolnent. The result will he awaited with some interest, for it will, apparently, establish a prece- dent, The deer are constantly appear- ing in places where a few years ago they were only a memory of primitive days. Eters as for south as primitive complaints of ravers by these beautiful bu t irresponsilple creatures are inereasiig. A farmer might poss- ibly escape with a slight penalty for shooting a neighbor's cow for breaking into his preserves and damaging his crops, but should he attempt to protect himself in a similar way against the deer, to which fences are mere play- things, no plea of extenuating circum- stances would be em ertained, The deer belong to the wilderness, and when they desert their reservations end make frequent forays into the meadows and corn fields of civilijation, some method of reprisal must he concealed that will enable the farmer to at least obtain fresh venison in exchange for damaged crops. -The volunteer firemen of Ontario are itl Convention at Trenton, -Mr, James Grant ranger of Viotoria park, London, fs dead, sged 62. -'The militia department is sending out training instructors for oadet corps. -Mr, Anthony Dancer, of Waterloo, is dead from the effects of a fall, He was 711 years old. -Mr. Frank Logan, contractor, of Thorndale, who while engaged at work missed his footing and fell from a barn to the ground, is dead, • -A Grand Trunk freight train col, lided with a switching engine at Forest on Tuesday, and a had wreck was caused. No one was injured. -Twenty-seven mechanics who came to Stratford from Scotland with over 100 others this spring were hired by a Kan- sas City manufacturing concern. The remainder aro not disposed to leave, be- ing more than satisfied with Canada. -The splendid farm belonging to the estate of the late R. B. Ross, wag offered for sale at Wilson's hotel, Brucefield, on Tuesday of last week. There was quite a large turn out of people present and bidding was quite brisk. The farm, however, was not mold. The highest bid obtained was 110 100, and the upset price being acme 14011 in advance of this, a sale was not tnade, although the expectation was that it would probably be sold by private sale before long, es there aro several who are anxious to get it if an agreement can be made in re- spect of price, Coat Lost. Between IPyth and his home, 8th tine of Mor- se, about two weeks ago, by Richard Pratt, Jr., a sat. Finder will please lave at Miss Prstt's, Blyth. 52tf 2 •• S -e••••••• -"Now••••••••- -- :: J. A. ANDERSON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. To make a long story short this store is full of bargains from end to end. Muslins, Dress Goods, Light Summer Goods, Etc., at greatly reduced prices to clear. MILLINERY Special bargains in leading shapes of Ready- to-wear Hats, Novelties in American Straws, Flowers, Chiffons, Veillings ; also a few nice trim- med Hats. All will be sold at a sacraflce. Wo have added CROCKERY to our already large stook. Come and see, It will pay you, J. A. ANDERSON e• _._•••••••• Blyth. i£ i 1 1 1 J 1 ass►••••••••`. REDUCED PRICES On all Summer Goods for August, 1903 . . . Extra Pine White Shirt ";Waists.. u u u " ,t n d u Ladies' Black Satana Shirt Waists 4, n n n Ladies' Umbrella Parasols n u n 4, r, u u a Men's Fancy Straw hate u u u u Ladles' Sailors and Fancy Straws Reduced from 52.25 t0 51.63 " 2.00 to 1.49 1.50 to 1.15 1.00 to .79 .75 to .58 2.00 to 1.49 1.75 to 1.39 1.50 to 1.15 2.75 to I'.10 2,50 $0 1.98 2,25 to 1.00 2.00 so 1.50 1.50 to 1.15 1.25 to 1.00 ,75 to .59 .50 to .39 1.25 to .90 1.00 to ,79 .75 to ,55 .50 to .39 .50 to .29 .40 to .25 r, u 1' If n 4 4 4 Great reductions in Muslins, Prints and all Wash Goods, The aim is to get rki of every bit of surplus stock nr oddments hefore Sep, Wilber 1st. These prices are for cash, or Butter and Eggs at gash pripoe. S. HERRINGTON, ets BLYTH. Eggs, 14c. 100 tubs Ratter wanted BLYTH MARKETS. weekly. GEO. E. KING, Wing,mm. Blyth, August 5.-Wbest , 70n to 73e. Barley, ilk to 430. Pole, 580 to Ole. OEs, 850 to 310. !'goo, lta to 19c. Rutter, 13-.' to too. I noose; ba to ale. Hide,, 5n to 90. Hey, 95 to 57. Lard, Ise to 14o. Pork, e7 toed. Flour, 0110 to 440, CANADIAN. PACIFIC' FARM LABORERS WANTED EARA LABORERS' EXCURSIONS SECOND CLASS Will be run to stations on Can. Pao. In Mani- toba and Aasinlboia, West, South-west end North -wet of Winnipeg as far as MOOSE JAW, ESTAVAN AND YORKTON $10 On Atgast ISth from Nations In Ontario, Main Line of strand Trunk Toronto to Sarnia,and stations North (except North of CardwelJot. and North of Toronto on North Bay Motion). One-way tlokea to Winnipeg only will be sold, with a oertleoete sanding the trip, before August Stet, without additional 00.1, to other polies in Manitoba and Aeelnibole as above. It Mathews engage as farm laborer. at Winul• peg, provided such farm laborer, will work not Wu than 80 days at harveetmt, and products ardente to that diem, they will be returned to original starting point at $18, on or before November 8015,1908. Tickets not god oa "Imperial Limited," For further particnlare and Cokete apply to nearest railway snout. A. N. NOTMAN, Asst. Oen. Pala Agent, TORONTO, Wagoner Fxteneioa Ladder Dont be bothered with theoember- some, old•taWoned kind; it deem not pay. One Man Can Easily Handle a Waggoner. If you want a ladder for any pur- pose ask for our illustrated oats - logos. Ito free. WAGGONER (ADDER CO., LTD, Log4pp, Canada. House For Sale. A eomforable brick bottle and four lots aim sen in Ell, with good frame stable and a oytn. Der of fruit trees. This pyyrorllt•py rea rrftYy is situated on of Blyth. Convenient Mosley street from n Mess flop poet oMfoe, churches .pd school. leo six lots west ut and adjolotag the Blyth D sk yard. For further eurticular. apply to Ms undersigned. N. H. YOUNG. Siff Faris For Sale. The undersigned offers hie farm, lot 9 and s4 10, con. 13, Hallett, oontalaing imams, for sale on reaonable terms On the plaes Is a stony and a halt fratpe house with stone eellar; v - Ing house, barns, shed, and all nimessary out. buildings; two Wall orebade; never Mento spring creek and never falling tell; oaterlt; leo sone oleered, 10 bore, bush. One tulle B d a quarter from church, .enobool and post n t or full particulars apply to R. H. Ex, B yM, Ont, 47tf VOTERS' LIST, 1903. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAC! OF BLYTH COUNTY OF HURON. Notice to hereby given that 1 have trans. mated or delivered to the persona meat oue4 in Seotlons 8 and 9 of The Ontario Voters' LIE Act, the copies required by said motions to ore so transmitted or delivered of the 11E0, dude pursuant to aid Act, of all persons appearlp g b the last revised A.wsement Roll of the'4524 Municipality at to Elections foed r Memota n keesaid Legislative Assembly and at Manlolpe) E1,.. alone, and that the said List was Ors{ passu at my ogles at Blyth en the tweetteik dfy of July, 1907, and remaino then for Inspection. Electors are a11d upon to stamina We eye List, and 1f any omlaloaa o, as)1 oW ere found therein, to ate Immediate Inge to have the said errors oonected to law. patod tans SAAL'day of Jnly'07 Clerk of Br.