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The Clinton New Era, 1897-06-04, Page 7
is or e BUTCHER SHOPS. ate,. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY are doing business on the Dash princl• and will supply oar customers with i e best meats at the lowest paying prices FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. The undersigned desires to intimate to the 12w/if Clinton that he has bought •out, Bring business lately conduct- ed y Bros., and will continue the same in the old stand, Huron St., Clinton, where by striot attention to the wants of his customers, he hopes to merit and receive •a fair share of patronage. He will sell for Dash only, and at the lowest prime. Chas. J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wish to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the bneiness. I am is practical butoher; and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very best meats, and a full stock always on hand, and will sell at the Lowest Cash Prides. Bring along your money, and get the meat at the cash price. We will give oredit, but not at cash prides. Please oome and see what you oan do for Cash at R. FITZSIMONS' filmommummer FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange g Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS We have a choice stook of FEED CORN OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, &o Highest market pr,ioe paid for coarse grain, „is"'''r taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed *tore , BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choioe Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - $2,000,000 REST FUND - $1,400,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON, President F. W. THOMAS, Gent Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAVINGS BANE—Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton G. D McTA.GGART. BANKER ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business . transacted. NOTES LI;}COUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL. BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought' J. P. TISDALL, Manager. THE TOWN HALL 'BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRSHOP. James Young, The well known Boot and Shoo Make* has opened a Repair Shop In the Clinton Town Ball and will execute all orders entrusted to his careEottoe and at satisfactory rate. rk a specialty. Give him a call, MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. PM*ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOICRS. Geo. Watt President, Harloek P. 0.; James Broadfoot, Tice -Pres., Seaforth P. 0.; W- J. Shannon. Seoy.Treas., Seaforth P.O.; M. Murdie Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. O. DIRECTORS Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth; M. Murdie, Sea - forth; Geo. Dale, Seaforth; Geo. Watt, Bariock; T. E, Hays, Seaforth; Alex. Gard:nor, Lend - bury; Chas. Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt,McMillan, Soa- orth, and J. Cumings, Egmonvllle. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above Moors adressod to their respective offices. WOOD•fg PH0�7PHdDINl3. The Gregt English Remedy. ELT PUekagea Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently Dare all forma of Nervous Weakness, Emisetona,Sperm. atorrhea, Impotency and all V'eeteof Abuse or ,ttaocaaes, Mental Worry, ee oesatve use Before and After. :1:2b1'4'• Opiumor atm* u- nts, which aeon lead to In' /trinity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 85 years In thousands of asses; 18 the only Reliable and Honest Methane known. Bak druggist for Wood's Phoaphodlner tt he offers some worthless medicine In place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mall Price, one package, =1i six, $5. `One will yleaee, atm wilt Dura Pamphle to free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Cpn- ads by all responsible druggists. For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKIN POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. MCLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - tion of the Heart Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dan3e Female irregularities and General Debility Laboratory, Goderich, Dat, J. M. MoLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON J. C. STEVENSON. —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. • A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluid used Splendid Hearse s Residence over store OPPOSITF TOWN HALL You are cordially invited to attend Sligh's Dress Cutting:School whore drafting cutting and fitting of waists sleeves, all styles, skirts, capes, cloaks, jackets, collars, and all garments belonging to a lady's wardrobe, may bo learned by a new and scien- tific method, that is in advance of any meth( d of dress-cuttingyet invented. The easieetsys- tem to learn—te meet accurate results. Bears no resemblance to any other system. We chal- lenge the world for rapid and accurate drafting of ladies garments. Comparison with any other system invited. Dressmakers will keep up with the times,and cannot afford to be without this time -saving invention, as it saves time and mo- ney each year. Over 600.000 of these garment cutters have gone into use since their invention Private ven hur n'should outexracg, To t Clntoladi s not miss this chance of perfectingthemselves this important branch of work. en daitill 9 p.m. at WAVERLY HOTEL parlors, for a month CLINTON MARBLE WORKS COOPER'S OLD STAND, Nex to Commercial Hotel. This tilled in the most satisfacto y way Ceme o order tery and granite work a specialty. Prices a reasonable as those of any establishn.ent SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton, ea WANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel in Huron for respon- sible established house, Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and eipenses. Position permanent, Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- velope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. a . LATEST . . American Shoes In the Spring of the year there is danger from negleot of Footwear. Wear Comfortable Boots and Shoes and avoid many ills. We have ex- ceptionally fine lines of Children's. Misses, Ladies me Shoes Men's, Boys' /! �[ as well as a full stook of Trunks, Valises, Harness, Shingles, e t l�l(s, &(,. JAMES TWITCHELL, Victoria Block, Clinton. a THE CLINTON NE if ERA A lot of Paris green was discovered in the cistern at Rev George Honey's residence at Wellandport, the water of which is used for drinking. Peterson, Tait,& Co., who have been awarded the contract for the fast ser- vice, have agreed under their contract to establish a service to St. John with- out any additional subsidy. The Premier will be accompanied on his tour by MadameLaurier, his sec- Tetaryy, Mr Boudreault, Capt. H. A.Bate, Mrs Bate, Miss Bate, and Mrs Edwards. He will probably remain in London until about te fter which he will travel iin France Julnand Belgium, and perhaps in Spain and R- ely, returning to Canada about the end of August and the early part of Sep- tember. This program, of course, is subject to change should affairsat home require his presence. The Kincardine Review (Conservative) earnestly beseeches Mr Whitney, the Oppos- ition leader, to out loose from hie alliances with Sir Charles Topper, so ostentatiouely heralded. The candid rem.rk of our con- temporary is that the old chap is "too un- popular to tie of any servioe to you (Mr Whit- ney) or to us" (the Conservative party) , and therefore ought to be boycotted by the Prov- incial Opposition leader. But Mr Whitney, has already pinned himself to the coat-tails of Sir Chas. Tupper, and has taken his or- ders from him. PRONOUNCEDINCURABLE. — No Case of Catarrh Too Acute, or of Too ;Long Standing but Dr Agnew's Catarrh. al powder Can Allay and Cure—When All Else Fail it Cures—Try it First and Save Experimenting. "Five years ago attacked with caarrhttof as very severe type. We need all known Catarrh cures and treated with moat skilful physicians for over three years, her ease was pronoun- ced ohronio and incurable. Last winter we heard of the wonderful cures effected bottle Dr oured,aandhI Iherew state for -'"•^4`=• Yrawasszciat etsufferers !roan }h11 fra4ful malttry;'that after using two bottles my child was completely cured and I consider it my duty to give my testi- G,or the benefit Ont,like aufferers." Mrs Geo. GravesIngersol, S r s f con- demning the scherne of theoDomin on Government for establishing recipro- cal trade with Great Britain, which hae been received with so great favor in Canada andthe motherland, was voted down by the House of Commons last night by a majority of 34. But a few months ago, Sir Charles was as- suring the country that the Liberal Administration had but a short time to live. The veteran doctor had made up his mind that the Government had galloping consumption, but in this, as in many other instances, he has made a most inaccurate diagnosis, and it is made apparent that the ministry, if it continues to rule on the lines now laid down, will retain the support of the large majority of the electors for many a long day. WHY DUPPES WITIEI FILM) Dr. Chase's Ointment Will Cure Them at a COst of But e0 Cents. Piles, scrofula, eczematic eruptions, scald head, salt rheum and all other annoying and painful skin dieeaeee can be easily cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. " I had protruding piles for ten years," writes H. H. Sulherlaad, com- mercial traveller, of Truro, N,S,; "tried many remediere and ?tad doctors oper- ate. It was no use. Was completely laid up at times. Cache's Ointment was recommended to me by Mr. Brennan, of the Summeraide, P.E.I.; Journal. tried it, and one box completely cured me," Mr. Statia, the editor of the Streets - villa, Ont„ Review, gives this unsolicited teetimonial under date of NOT. 6, 1895: "Half a box of Dr.Chase's Ointment cured my daughter of eczema. That was six montbe ago, and there has since been n T r aprance of the clie Wallace, blacksmith,e of Iroquois, Ont., wag troubled with blind itching piles for 20 years, " I tried every remedy that came out in vain," he writes, " until I tried Dr, Ghasse's Oint- ment. It was a godsend. One box cured me." All dealers and Edmaneon, Bates & Co., manufacturers, Toronto. Price 60e. Linseed and turpentine are every mo- ther's houreehold remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung affections. Dr. Chase has disguised the taste and made the remedy pleasant to take. Large bottle only 25c. Break Op a Cold In Time• BY USING ii PYNY- PECORAL The Quick Cure for C0UG11.5, COLDS, CROUP, BRON- CHITIS, HOARSENESS, etc. MRs. JOSEPH Nonwicx, of 68 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: yy Pectoral hae never found to rues owed mjselfeta lou gpstandingga cough after several other remxdica had failed. It has also proved an excellent cough curd for my family. I prefer It to any other medicine for Coughs, croup or hoarseness. 11. 0. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher,•N.B„ writes: -As a cure for coughs Pyny-Pectoral le the best Belling medicinal bare; my sus• tamers will have no other.' (' Large Bottle, 25 ata. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lra Proprietors, MONTREAL 01140.010.0004..; (4,4 WANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women, to travel in Huron for roe on- eible established house. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly and expenses, Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- ol opo.., The National, Star Building; OhfLage. rr4)fi. Ilf This old-establishedontiusual andtlose wle ho want anything in our lino can rely on the very best of service (looter. Plants for spring Bedding. Floral Designs for Weddings or Funerals J3t11JJ1iIk3I Nurseries ' Trees, Plants, Shrubs. Paull. and Ornnmental Trees Spruce. Seidel' at Astrachan fine Pr ccs of entire stook very low. All orders promptly filled. John Stewart Estate, B011n,ttet I Am Now. A Changed Man I AM CONVINCED THAT PAINE'S CELERY COM- POUND HAS NO EQUAL _'I --- The Only Medicine That Produces Positive and Permanent Cures The declarations above are made by Mr Charles 0, Holman, 262 King street, West, Hamilton, Ont., a young man known to hundreds in the ambitious city. Mr Holman's deolaratione are honest and from the heart. After a siege of sick- ness and great danger, and failure with other medicines, friends who had been cured by Paine's Celery Compound recom- mended him to use the same life saver and health reatorer. Mr Holman, who had been so often de• oeived, had yet faith to do as he was advised, and a glorious reward was hie. The dangerous cough, his debility, his weakness and depression of spirits that were dragging him to the grave were all banished, and he was made a new man, Be writes about his cure as follows: "In the spring of 1895 I was troubled with a cough, debility, and general de- pression of spirits. During the summer and autumn I used a number of medicines, but received no benefit from them. About the beginning of November I was advised to g nee Paine's Celery Compound. I pro- cured the preparation and began to use it with wonderful benefit. I am now con- vinced after using several bottles of this unequalled medicine, that no other oan compare with it in any respect. •'1 am now a changed man; my health is renewed, depression of spirits ie gone, my appetite is good, and I sleep well. "I will always gladly say a good word for Paine'e Celery Compound." The Dominion Experilme Farm. Ottawa, May 30, 1897,—Throt Eastern 'Ontario, and the prov large, farmers and fruit-growe tivate and annually harvest larg aides of summer and 'early win rieties of apples. Even thou fact is so plainly understood by era that these varieties do not profitable market in Canadian de or carry well enough to allow poi ters daeing them snccessfnlly the foreign market, yet they a duced each year in increased q ties. Probably with the advent o storage, the soft apple. of a quality than the ordinary early ety, may be exported profitabl the meantime, to ascertain the t,ive values of the several varie the early fruit for evaporatin drying purposes, some forty-six were experimented with, by Craig, the Horticulturist of th perimental Farm, last autumn. ing a stated number of pounds of variety, ;,rid subjecting them t process of evaporation through machine for that purpose, the qua of water which was lost in the d operation, and the consequent w of the di ied product which rema were all- carefully and acro noted, The practical redults.of these ex mental investigations revealed fact that, out of a bushel of goods winter a'�ples, the brocess yi from six to seven pounds of eva ted stock; while, on the other han was found that not more than fo five pounds of dried product' whic rnained per bushel, could be ohta from the large majority of the tumn varieties. When the cos producing this article of consump is considered, together with the price which evaporated apples c mand at the present time, one can conclude that the idea of conver the early varieties of summer and tumn apples, by drying the same, a profitable article of commerce purely visionary to say the least, reason for this is easily explain and the recent experiments of Craig have clearly demonstrated fact. The summer and autumn ap is soft in texture, and contains a greater percentage of water in its sues than do the keeping varlet The larger percentage of -water me a correspondingly smaller amoun dried product; and that is the ex difference between the profitable a losing transaction in the business drying apples. The manufacture evaporated apples is, at the pres time, a very extensively worked dustry in the State of New York, one county alone, last season, no 1 than 30,000,000 pounds of diied app were manufactured; the product, p bably, of from six to eight millions bushels. Apples which were used manufacturing this article, did not n the glower more than eighteen twenty-five cents per bushel, givi outside figures. A point then f frust -growers to consider is the nec sity of increasing the number and v riety of the winter apple, and al whether it will not repay them plant new orchards of such trees bear more largely of the keeping sort and where large numbers of trees a set, which hear crops of soft sumrn fruit, to introduce the winter kind h top grafting. It may also be remar ed that. a soft summer variety is n nearly i suitable for cider -making a the winter kinds, on account of the containing a much less percentage o sugar than the latter variety. There is a very marked differenc according to Mr, Craig, between th evaporated product, and the old-fash ioned dried apple. In drying apple in the old-fashioned way, the wate was gradually withdrawn by the pro cess, and no change took place in th composition of the fruit. In the cas of evaporated apple, it is subjected a temperature ranging from 212 to 54 deg. of heat. The reason why the frui does not scorch at tbishightemperatur is because the process of evaporatio is a cooling one and the air immediate- ly surrounding the apple, and close t it, is considerably cooler than that o the evaporating chamber generally. Subjecting the: prepared parts of the apple to this temperature has the effect of cogulating the aibumeaoids of the fruit, In this form they are practically sterilized, which accounts for evapor- ated keeping -SO bench better: than the ordinary dried product, into he a small store room rticulturalist Wt' ch had beeen ushered n etnecially constructed so that by a sys- tem of ventilation. planned by himself, this chamber maintained, at all times an even, dry atmosphere. Here he was experimenting upon the 'Cphili bilities of ketons. .Aping ples are chier flyrerent the ubjec condi- tions. ntal experiment, although grapes and other fruits figure largely upon the shelves. One half of the samples of each variety of apples were wrapped in tissue paper, and the remainder of the specimens were expcsed to the atmosphere. This experiment was duplicated in another room in the cellar, which possessed the same degree of temperature as the first chamber referred to, but having this important distinction, that the at- mosphere of the cellar room was changed with a greater percentage of moisture. The tests indicated that the varieties contained in the cool, dry chamber became shrivelled and lost in plumpness as compared with those in the cold, but moisted cellar. The effect of the tissue paper wrap- pings was most noticeable in the dry chamber than in the moisted room, the results clearly demonstrating that dryness was not conducive to the pre- servation of the fruits experimented .upon. In respect to keeping apples, several fine varieties were shown me. Among these keepers, and one which most for- cibly struck my fancy,` as well as tic- kled my palate, was a medium sized russet of regular form, with the char- acteristic rich, buff -colored coat, pecu- liar to that family of apples. The one I sampled combined, in a remarkable pegree, the rich, melting juices of the pear with the aromatic sprightli- ness of the apple. It is known under the name of Swazis Pomrne Grise, and it belongs tai the family known in pomological circles as the Pomme Grise tribe, whose name is practically a synonym for high quality and deli- cate flowers. This apple, Mr Craig thinks, should be more widely grown for desert and home uses. its tree is moderately hardy, and has been fairly productive at the Central Experiment- al Farm. The apple is also one of the beat of keepers, ighout ince at re cul - e quan- ter va- gh the row- nd a mand, of ex - upon re pro- uaq tl- f cold better vari- y. In rela- ties of g and kinds Pr of. e Ex- Tak- each o the the ntity rying eight ined, rately peri - the ound eluded pora- d, it ur or h re- ined au - t of tion low om- but ting au - into , is The ed, Mr the ple far tis- ies. ans t of act nd of of ent in - In ess les ro- of in et to ng Or es- a - e0 to as 6; re er of e, t0 0 0 CASTOR IA For infants and Children. Tho far - dm! lo sign/acre Of ? to oa �� +� � wallaGT IA PA 57.11 SERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. At all Druggists.. Price 6o cents per Box, or 3 for $i.go. Sent by Mail on receipt of price. T. MILFBURN £c CO., Toronto. ae•••••••.•••eij RIF IC5 ,�sas of neuralgic and emu= in: rxeiu,L+rd • .w eery much plxaswi- with (Ad .ern,,5e, maul TSrly,ntvesa of Ito nppllavttnn.--t{3.,ty_t„avyasti 7i.n, t;t•D., Hotel OYtor,D Ha,iun �, d . [Bnthol Ylastt,m In r:crwtsalA e,a,Da9 mf,m,scvlar rheumatism, ,w,lfn,r,sr .rnas esw act it rare almaatlnBtnntm,d pmfnxsemy.-rrfin(, 0. -J• I. LOeae If. U , WnBhlndPnn. i7.G:. It Cures Sciatica, Y,arnl,-rt;o, Neu- ralgia , Patna In Back or ore died,ra, or � any liittsettlat- Painsa Pit F}ice Davis dl+inwrenae+�{t,,,�� due• I Sole Preprieturs,. %tserr�.." • a 7 hare prescribed MxntbolYhertae isea,,m mbar rife I -e mw 1 8 • • • - mow••• -•a. It 41411 THE . PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Soiatioa, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of Spurious Invitations. WANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel for responsible ©stab. !shed house, In seitpayable$15 weekly and opens. Salary permanent self-addressed ggidvvelopeThe National, Star Buidng, Chicago, WOOD and prepared YARD dere or either Coal ors Wood on sltiott lnotice r Olt -ora left at Hf'i & Joyner s Peed Store will be promp.ly attenodd to. Juno 44004 E Dario FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER, Huron St., Cli t4 ' (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. CHIDLEY) We will always be pleased to have a oalffrom the people of Clinton and aurvo.1141*11 country to inspect our large new stook of up-to-date Furniture, which will be sold Olt .Ib very smallest living profits. We buy and sell for Cash and defy all competition, .;,7 We have new styles in • Bedroom Suites,. Parlor Suites,, Dining Chaim, Parlor (,hairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Mattresses. Butter, Eggs and Goose Feathers taken as Dash for Furniture. UNDERTAKING Our Undertaking Department is oomplete with the finest outfit in this part of Ohl',",',.` county. We are becoming well known by the very low prices we charge for splendid service we give; don't forget this 'when it is necessary to consult an dertaker. All Sunday and night calls answered from residence, Huron Street H. C. BAR,LETT, Clinton THE TEST Or TIME Is the best teat of the merits of an article. Soap is in daily nee. Any Soak• that etande this daily test for years must be good. There must be something to it. Cooper's Soap • Has stood the test for nearly three years; today it's sale is larger ;that' ever' for no)ther reason than that it beat pleases and satisfies the users of soap, • WOOL SOAP—Have you ever used Wool Soap%for washing flannels 7 :Hot `. water, blueing and shrinkage of goods disgensed,with. We }}aye it, OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 2$ The Up-to-date Cash,Grocery, Don't Forget us When in need, of LAWN MOWERS RAKES & HOES SPRAY PUMPS BUILDING PAPER We are in a position to SPADES & SHOVELS POULTRY NETTING WINDOW GLASS WIRE & CUT STEEL NAILS supply at very close figures HARLNDBROS,, Stoves, Hardware, &G Clinton House Cleaning Season The' above trying time has arrived, and to aid in the work you need Brooms, Brushes, Soap, Whiting, Window Blinds, Carpet, Felt that is moth -proof, Wall Paper, Paint, Tanks and a variety of other articles, all of whioh you can procure from us of the "Best Quality." BOOTS and SHOES—Oar stock has been replenished with a lot of "Dandies ' GROCERIES—This stook is always supplied with the very beet of goods. We would advise our customers to buy lightly of Sugar as prices are every way like - lye in the t. Compaon and inspection et lower, the oinvited. care sTry o larus for best valueee Highest price for Produce , ADAMS' EMPORIUM, � c ^ DAMS' i-.D^AM , LONDESBORO ti TEA Hub Grocery To-dayTea was sold in we can give England ardandy n the for 25ear c. In 17for 72 it was denounced ed as a slow poison, but. now it is considered as soothing to the nerves, and you will find it so if yon try some of our Ceylon, Darjelling, Ben Hur or Japan. G LfU. SWA.>r..�.4W, Clinton, C1into.n Sash,Door a Bli n.dFactor S. S. COOPER - - . General Builder and PROPRIETOR, Contractor. This faotory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates forjand build all Class- es of buildings on short notioe and on the closest prices. All work is supervis- ed rn a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- t.''"'• terior and exterior material, Lumber Lath, Shingles, . Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agent for the Celebrated GRA'ffILL SCHOOL DESK, mannfaotezetf' at Waterloo. Call andket prime and estimates before placing your orders - 111 _`�� 'mow//.'i/fA'�+ --• •-•.•_T- "Ar--iLtocrat"-,-- The shape for slender feet and stylish dress. Straight sided American. type, with high, stiff, moderately full, box toe. A man -of -fashion shoe. Laced—Buttoned—Congress—Oxford. Black, Tan, Seal Brown, Carmine or Wine Color. Half sizes 5 to x r. Widths A. to E. Goodyear Welt. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00. Stamped on sole. CATALOGUC Fats "The Slater Shoe." -1V.TAYLOK & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR CLINTON