HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-04, Page 5leliai.%
And Ino'ariably Digest
Have you seen our novelties iu
Opals, Diamond and Pearl Jew -
M lery of all kinds'? They are all
may rage this season, and you
find it to your advantage to
my store and inspect
ew and fashionable goods.
Our efforts are to keep at the
head of the procession as re-
gards quality, style and price.
We offer on the latest: London,
Paisiau and New VorkNovelties
at prices as low as you can, get
anywhere for good goods, We
have Diamond Jubilee goods as
low as 5o for a single article.
Jeweler, Clinton.
P. S.—we still have a few of
those 10o. blouse sets left. Ask
any person that bought a set
tiAtoabout the value of 10. cents,
Black DressGoodsi„
C'ongo Black Dress Geod4,
brocaded, very si•ecial,
pretty Whets .. .. 30c
Congo 1311: Heinle' Le boa tit:
Ito; finish, 12 in. wide,
acid piouf. ....... lee
Congo lit (ashulerc serge
goods ,flat will give
every satisfaction. all
wool, very special.,,. . 50e
Congo ,flack Henrietta, in 1
btu or ,let black, as CJ
good a usually, sold at
63e, bll( price In now .. 50e
(•ougo Black `olidwell
lir ishcd anti shakes, a '— bJ:.
beautifulC.,siunle,See o , r_
Neat at terns in figured bIC o .
goods, elegant effects in a-. to
lustre)), etc 50c C p•,02 a
Vi'umake aepeeialtvof111k v...;) OGS R
WK.( in 111 111,1 better qua-
lities; speetal attention
is call, (1 to the linelat.. 7, r �y „ :c
CD °
sal qey�,^a ,.
•D�a g; w
I; O• rd
( QOCes,
ca cc C
131uck 13u'ilatz cloth, splou-
did sty 11 of Fonds, 1111-
ishcd 011 hot sides, enc
side Js Il enrd.111e othor
a silt, finished lleuriet-
ta, price . .. 41,1' =sem.'— O
In pluck Silk (Ivencdite w e ,sry,y
have some null y goods, ��
. :54,}`51•,,lee O F"A C:-.,
Y° The '- (mods we sh •w' + a rA
in still
till LctG•r lines aro p�
marvels of the weavers1 a,
tut, prices . $1 aed $l.2.;
Col'd Dress Goods
Fancy Figured Goods to
popular orders.. 250 and 3Uc
Fancy Mixed effeotb, in
beautiful colorings .. 40o
We always strive to secure
a large variety, as w oll
asst.,ilsh goods to 414'1
at Halt•a•Dollar.
Special lines 111 tweed ef-
fects and Mixtures, co'
blain ao"ds 50c
Shot 1(l bets very stylish
goals 1t,d slake (land•
seine eustunles, 111 411'041-4
lengths, no two UMW OUe
Silk and Linen (foods new
fubrie and makes a very
pro tty dress 75e
Some !'rutty Goody and very
styl14111 in rough Makes80e
Some Elegant Mess htutls
in Iwo, est Shades,.. 850
Dress TrilliMings.
\Ve pay particular attention to
Silk, Chiffon, (limps, and Jet
Trimming by the )tit d and in
the ornament' Tubular Braid
and everything ncees.ary for a
htylish Dress May Le procured
"if you see it in our ad, it's to be
& Co , Myth
akeryi and
"s au a ''tItvz
Goat Lt,obe Found.
Found, on the road het ween Clinton and liay-
dell. a (h at robe, owner can have the saute
on proving prnl•crty and Jtay ngexscw-u)),
G I:1). lit'itN).:'f'l', ; 1 h con. )_4 '411-.•h 'Township.
As the warm weather has now set
In we are prepared to give yen
first class
of all kinds. Fresh and seasonable
Fruits, such as
Stra i'berries,
Pine Apples, Cocoanuts,
Fresh and up•to-dttt.' Confectionery.
Good Lemons, Oranges and Banaifits
always on hand.
Wedding Bakes are still our leading;
• James McClaeherty, Clinton
We are now offering our entire -tock of :lents
and Groceries at Cost. Compare e our pri004
with those you have been p l; l',;: earl see what
you tan save by ordering from its.
reg. our rug, our
price price p ice price
CornStarch,10o.. 7c Coffee .. . 40o..30c
Laundry „ 10o.. 7c Lamp Glass,hc..Sc
Pearline, 10c.. Se GingerSnapslOc..50
Soap, 5c. .4c Tea 50x..400
Pickles ....15c..100 BlueRtbbon35c..25o
Extracts ....11c..8c Tea 25c. 20o
'Yeast Cakes 10c..8c Seeds per pkt ' 3e
Salmon ....13c..100 3i ib Helaine... , 25c
Canned Cornl0c..Sc 3?; lb Currants .. 25c
31b So(1as' .25c, ' 20c
Hams, Bacon and Long Clear at wholesale
prices. Fertilizer for flowers, 1(twes and gar-
dens, 3c Ib. ('all and be convinced
J.t1S STEEP (t CO., Clinton
"1 0 ;fir s
t The ill
in and
Also Blouse Sets, Belts,
Belt fills, (.'ut1' Links
and the latest in all kinds
of Jew•elery.
In o111' Repair Trade
our 'Watchmaker is giv-
ing the hest of satisfac-
tion as all A 1 workman
SAV 44041,
teM rte err errrrr err rte M r err M,Pr err ,
MSince commencing to sell out, our sales have been
errvery successful, we have cleared Out a lot of goods
roil at very low prices, people have been well pleased
with their bargains, and we shall continue until
M r ��®
the stock is all seld. We have fully decided to
retire from busine$ and bargains in all lines will be , l r
��® f;ivell. 117
rot The stock is well assorted and you can save money te
r+ by buying from us. Come and see a large stock of l r t
ter Ready-made Clothing r!
err err
art Dress Goods, Silks, ter
M staples, ter
,1!t Boots and Shoes ter
Corrected "very'I'her8'lay att,rnoun
Thursda)., June 3rd, 1897.
Wheat spring 0 130 a 0 71
Wheat, fail 0 00 a 0 71
Oats, l) 18 a 0 t0
Barley 0 20 a 0 ;10
Peas 0 3,1 a 0 10,
!''lour per cwt '2 00 a''2 15
Butter 0 9 a 0 10
gggsper dor -. 0 7 0 0 7
flay new, $7; old 7 110 a 8 011
Sheeepskins , .0 25 a 0 '25
Wool , . 0 10a 0 17
No, 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Potatoes 0 25 a 25
C,lovcr Seed, retail i 50 a 5 50
Timothy Sled '? 50 a'2 50
MONTItEat, LI\'1:s'TC)(aiV-\I(K. i"
Cattle—Cable reports slow the English
market was weaker to -day; a private cable
queue' Canadian steers at 51,d in Liverpool
and 11 in Glasgow, with the markets com-
pletely glutt((1. There were about 55(1 head
of butetlere cattle, offered fur sale at the
east -end abattoir Jlondev. The butchers
were out in full fprce, and trad.: was goad,
with the prices lirm all around, especially
1'':r smell stuff,: dr (he, Nic•holsa.0 bought
20 head of prime bee% es at 11,c ,ler lb:pretty
go -.)d stuck sold al f'r,n, 3 c to lc do; 00411 -
mon animals at from 'L%.e to :ijc, and the
leaner beasts at abta.t 21e per !b. Soule
of the best calves were bought up before
reaching this market: among these was a
lot of four good calves, which brought $20.
Common veale sold at from $2 to ?4 each,
Shippers are paying leper lb.for good large
sheep, but choice sheep bring from 3,l to -t.}
per lb. Lambs sold today at from $2,25
to ?5 each, very few brining over „-4 each.
Fat bogs sell at about 51 per lb. Stare
hogs sold at from $1 to $7 each, and young
pigs at from $l to $3 each.
More than 3,000 immigrants arrived in
Winnipeg during May. This is regarded as
a most satisfactory record.
George Beggs, a Kingston man, employ-
ed in a drug store at Syracuse, poisoned
himself because his sweetheart discarded
James McKenzie, a ton -year -l -1d Dundas
boy, is dead. He was bitten by a dog about
ten days ago and it is thought that he died
from rabies. '
Mr James Murray., an old and respected
farmer, of Ellice township, fell dead at
Scl>ringville, Out, on Thursday, of heart
disease. lie was 85 years of age.
N Wi!lis of London Tfow'nship,was en-
gaged to marry Mr Scafe of ttidkotown,
Just,brfore the day named for the wedding
f ilo y ounu lady disappeared, Int it now turns
out that a former lover, .lir Batchelor of
PerHamilton, Beard of the engagement, tele-
graphed to the young lady and gut her to
marry him.
The publishers of the Montreal Star are
? T. brivenngirieng nutd twogrand ma,photuoifiugraentphiJcubih'port'e rasou
r f
,,,,.Queen Victoria, 2200, said by every one
who has seen it to be by long odds the finest
, thing brought out in connection with the
jubilee, Tbc Star has also had executed a Lawn
grand Canadian Jubilee Siedal, beautifully
Toedesigned and struck. These two souvenirs
by the Star will melte Canada talked about {.
the world over. Happy indeed should those, +," :: overs
be who secoripthese twb treasures.
Our Big 4W -.
Ready Made
msz MI
ng Sale
Begins n Ja)T
For the past three years vie have held twice in each year a great
Bargain Clothing Sale, one in first week in June, the other in
first week of December, when the people are offered first quali-
ty Clothing in Men's, Yout'h's Boys' and Child's Sults at one quar-
ter off regular prices, which means they buy at less prices than
we did.
We have told you for some time that we are going out of the
Clothing business as we want the room for other lines, and this
is one reason for giving you this sale at the present time.
E want every man, old and young, to come out and attend
our mammoth Celebration of 60 years rein of our belov-
led Queen, on June 22nd, and in order to appear neat and respect-
able in, the .crowd. of well dressed people, who certainly will be
here on that day, you will find no other place in the county
where suits of stylish Clothing c 9,11 be obtai - epi. for so small a
pricg as here. Don't forget this fact.
� % 9 inr.
1a I t , gti v \ ``` A, M
\Vhen we started Business in Clinton we expected to get a share of the
trade, but we are More than satisfied with the share we etre getting and at
the way our business is increasing, The LARGE STOCK we carry,
QUALITY of GOODS and LOW PRICES we are offering our GOODS at
has increased and ie. still increasing Our Busiuee-4, Spade will not permit
us to quote prices but we invite you to come and examine our STOCK and
get prices.
In this ,lepertment we gave as good a service as can be secured anywhere
and our .charges are as low as the lowest.
J. W. t'1111I)LE'",' Manager.
Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's,i\lill, Clinton.
P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Ch'dley's, (Funeral
Director) residence,
To keep your lawn looking
beautiful if ,you have the
latest tiling in
At p'rices never heard of before
in Clinton.
npi xic Dress 11lakirn; and Tailoring Done as usual. err
ita err
err ter
t r Plumsteel & Gibbings, pter
tit CLINTON 1rr
lrr err
tttt?tt!tt!fftt? err ter err arttererrerrttttarart
a ieac 1G�
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A cutting way is a habit our
Lawn Mowers have, and a
cutting way 13 our habit of ti
reducing prices on
JUBILEE HO 141,T is a most exquisite perfume, sold by the..:;
ounce; Manufactured by John Taylor & Co. Also•a fu11
line of `tent's Iieckse('ker, Seely and French Perfulnea_'
Barbed Wire, Cut and Wire Nails, Paints, Oils, Screen
Doors and Windows, Milk Cans, Poultry Netting' all
sizes up to (► feet in width, Paris Green, Calcined
Plaster, Thorold Cement, (ttc.
We have pleased thousands, we can please you. . Try its,
E[ARL AND BROS Store( Haut ware, t1.e
Sulphate of Copper, Highest Grade
Paris Green, 25c a lb., Government Standard
Pure Hellibore, 25c a pound
Sulphate of Copper is recognized as one of the afoot powerful insecti-
cides and the beet article for spraying fruit trees. Kills all Injurious
insects and fungi, thereby developing healthful growth and insuring
better fruit. We oat give you the lout price on Sulphate. ,
J. E. Ho V EY. a
Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton.
We e'11N't to have hot weather; are you prepal'ed,fd
it? If not, We would like to show you the natty fabs
ries we have secured in
3liislius, Japanese Crepes,
Crinkle Cloths, Linenelt.es, Ihniities
lend°other light, airy goods that have n suggestion 0$
comfort, anti a stylish appearance. a
LACE !MITTS—I31a('1:, 14111 acid black witil colored ernbroider>t°''rl
ed back.
HOSIER—Warrlulte d fast dye, black, tall,
VESTS—Ladle 'and Children's \'('its, quarter sleeve, hi
and.Ilow neck, from 5c to' ;0c
Screen Doors
Are a good investment; they not only contribute to youit, '
personal comfort, but just think how much nicer tht ;;
walls anti ceilings of your house will be if you refus6`t
admission to the pestiforous fly. Our prices make the ii;;
easy to by. <l
Rave you placed an order for "TIIE JUBILEE GLOBE,
if not, please let us have it. The supply is limited aucl_''
you are sure to want one.
'iiia". L. Ouimette, Londesboro