HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-04, Page 4" .T:­T—W;7f­-1R"-15 W"11'rWr_WiW._ � Ir ,,-j,,-.---7-71" P%q ,WV - I I , � . 111111w '411"?7-y-7-irlywi - : , "' � VV.1qP!l4rVT­"�_;1" _"rr"�I', , , , - . , . P I I U_�,_,&. ­...., , " "" , W`W­4,Wr9FFfflMT"W.--qM0- - ,,—r--W,­T- � 77 1 77"'W" MPWlq" WF`7","F� . , "W,�,_'", I ,� I � , I �.. , . 'I, �, .. - I , " I . ,�!�W= �. . � 1 . '. 11 ,. . . r., - , . � .V 1, ". I I I I I . 1. � .1 , ­ - . � � . 'r �, '1!... -.7. . I .. I � I I � I I I i I "­ I W""W,3,71 � , .1 I .� , I.- - - I - - .I, I . . �. I 1 � . . � I I . . 11 � . I I I . I I I I I I I I. � .. I I I I , I . :1 .. . I .1 .1 '. I I . I . . I I . � . I � I . I I 1. � , I I " . A I A, �_ �, ._.: . W, r t1ae bal US r , $� oasho", " � I W, e ,0, i'll isena the New Bra to Till, , I subsoriblers fo alice of 1, 97 fo 50 cent _ � . �_ � - I , . -,-.,I-, ;U -1. . . . I I � 1. . . � — ''I-..--"L�;;"--"".;;i;,;�;,;;;�;.;-,.."..". I - .1 1.11. 111.1. . ­ -1" w 11.1 . 111-1- .1 . .1 . I I . I I . . - . — . ---I-,-,- .- -1- � - , .11 I -_-1-1. - ­­­­­ ... ­ .... - .", � 11 I—- - 1. I � I .11 . _11 . I I . 1111111111111111 I - � - . I BURN. , , I . SuMmerblil . The Staveley Matter. I . . , - I I .1111, . East Huron Liberals so long to victory would still rest on the 1 m Routled I EAST -In Clinton. otfMay 28, I lie wife of Mr I � land Cycles I __ ­ houltastaominto of the convention, (Ap-I No:rrEs­XrandMtsW 90,f 'Cho following let�arllaa beau received by ! Honry Hast, of a daughter (still born) . - ,,,,.,, - of Stanley, and Mr James Johluston, 11 I ; 1 . , HISLOF THIS, Cuoics OV THE Ile would give them some wrin the Town Clark; RADITOND-In East Walvanoah, on May 27, The een, I � COVVIINTION V111.1111uly did not know -(laughter) because Goderich Township, spent Sunday i the wife of W. Radford. of a son, QUO'S .1. . . Wbile Ili Toronto last, week we pur- - he had gone through the mill pretty often , with friends here. Some of the boys ,rorouto,127th May, lWel , VINKNEY--in soaforth, oil Way 24, tile Wifu � 4490 for our livery a stock of tboee I of Jobil I'lliketoy, or a daughter. - __ , The Liberals ofE aaTHuron, in the larg- , and generally successfully. He bad been ' aie drilling for the Jubilee Celebration Dear Sir, ' referviave to the stavely . . 4 dUrAted wheels tit a price much low� matter I ma"11.1ily, ilitst; tile utoney will Ile Imi-I , A wagnificeilt specimen of the eat convention in their history, held Friday in public life 40 years out of a 42 years' in Clinton. ver but it id thought there bIlOttill be U ijl'- , SHEMANUfAW -luTtlukoramith,011 May 21, . Otl;ilu we even anticipated. Alintit. how or I'tj.UILItiUII I)r(l ill" Alpt'livu. i the I& IN Of'I hod bill) linjaw, Of It daughter. Color Pri4ter's Art. �`l ij�imber will be placed on the mar afternoon in the town hall, Bruqsels, so- residence in the county. Ifis decision to ' TuE FACTORY. -The quantity of ' vi"it", 'or � " 44 lected Dilr Archibald Hislop, farmer, of ! retire was not ye"arday, but was made milk being sent to the cheesefactolly tiuu of tilt, uivuey tit I hil itiall-l"'c'.1114-111TIat- I IsALTON - At8t, Thomas-oli May 14, tile wife I �� k*'o 4V loss than sideline agents are He had come to here is rapidly increasing. Tile far- ed by the Avt alail hs t -11 A oullut . 1 j Of ILOV (i F 6all,ou Iforiverly of whavii) of a Will.11-114it SQ1110thillgh. (11 A Handsome Pictu �� Grey township. and member of the Hwou at the annual meeting. our ;zlli: ,),,,,,.... 31111 doll. i e to inark �07,jrigfnr them, Thesearenotobeap that there is luore trioney , , , ' . County Coonnoil, to contest the riding in it with some feelings of regret. All the j mers realize fOrW10-11 it to You, I.Itt I write uuw it) Let you '4, ' . *Ue.414, but the best at a lovi price. the next t'rovineial contest. The occasion honors he had received were 'from the peo- in cheese than in butter, and ore act knew how the matter btatulli. MARRIED, I the commemoration of her I L I , � He had never , ing accordingly. The farmers' wives Yourti tru1Z (300IC-301IN81ON-in Goderloh May.26, I , , � was a noteworthy one from the fact that ple %lid were unsolicited. - also realize that they are saved 1. A. (, in,wimm,r, by Rev Jos. H-3go, (Atio, 0ook, of BayRold Line, Most Gracious Majest ' SAPS IN PIANOS. Mr Thomas Gibson, the present reprosenta- canvassed a delegate nor'allowed it to be it lot of . Deputy Atturney-l[jeneral, to blids Lucy Johnstoo, of 0oderich rip. 11 : "I'', J, tive, and the oldest member of the Ontario done in his behalf, and such support unso- , hard work, and get haro ulleh justead, I Dianiond Jubilee. 2114 . I SAINT FAIRFIELD --At Wallaceburg, Oil I , . 0 this a' eason trade in Pianos is q trial, I -) I I � 1. Legislature, has decided to retire at the ex- licited he considered the highein honer, j anti are pleased as well " profited. "VE-THRINARY MHDICAL ASSOCIATION: M%y 17th, J T ,saltit, ofltaL Portugal to bjrkj �M '164 X - . ,_ - . extafore we purchased sorno square piration of his present term. He Gibson higher even than to have been the reoipi- : 8421100L. -The report of the public -The Western Ontario N'ettlijilal-y I Fairfield of Whignain. ��, lialaos, as good as new, at ridiculously . - Nlay Ili its follows: Sr. 4-51. Ml-dical Association will ineet, in Strat,- I CARTER JOYNER- At Ht Ili -tailt 1� ", . . nas rep,.esented the riding coatinuously ant of tile best position that a Government ' school for tuFs Church. I 111 - , ... . I . rices it you want a good square since (Jouloderation, with tile extioption of could give hiiii, Turt4ing to practical - Murphy, F. Oakes, It. Oolclough. Jr. ford in theCity liall'ori tilt, evening of 0,11111,011, on .1111102, ll�' lwv J F. Parke, it. 11. � ive of the ,,lost jilipol � ' ... tic it will pay you be see us at once. a warm t .1 -Al, itilty, 0. Hill, J. '*%'right. "it -d- I Carter, of StalAtiton, to Rude Aniolia, daugWer . . I I one Parliament, and has been in public politics, Ur Gibson paid ribute to J One 8i 11, at 8 OCIOCIL Shal-1). 01 det' Of I of H. t1o)-ut I-, sr, Vllntwi. evelits of the Queen's i - I � Joillistull, 1. Alel till. 2nd- of business ,is follo%% s: Pi esident's lid - I I I L ' & MUS10 life .10 years. The reception accorded hiLn Mr Ila rdy. As a leader, lie said, lie coil- L. Burt, L. � " ON 9 S B 'Heo" ou s LB' .. Gral-vie. 11 dress; report of legislative coultilittee; KNOX-WILl;0,N At tile rosi are shown, as follOWS'- ! 11�� NEWS 1. ULI.N'l O'N doom of the I 4 ; � - was a fitting demonstration of the tionli- sidored lie was not one whit b9hind Sir H. Haves, C. Colbourn, M I brido's Pureiil,, Aubto it, oil Julio 2, by Ile%, Mr i he would say that lie Pt. -,-E. Smith, A. Beacon), C. Blitt I I � Q I Neal, 1. Col � ,eveland C I Li , I.), Clinton dence in which lie is bold by the Liberals Oliver Howat, but ' paper by 1)r. Bowker, Woodstock; Dv. Couzotis, Ali- Albert Knoi,, of lluituti, to Uiy, � 7: `� atdcGeudet%iceh. of the constituency, and li�i short address was up to Sir Oliver as a constitutional Sr. I 11t. -C. Draper. It. . 01 I-, Blident Dr. livils,n), winglialli; Dr. datighter or .�Ir w, D. Wiiwij. I I The Coronation in Westinin � I . . dest acknowiedgm-int of the lion- lawyer, 6ir Oliver as a constitutional . bourn. iv. I Pt. -G. Oakes, M. INIc- Caulphell, Bollill., DI., Chlvk, Goderich; � __ - ____ -.-------- wits it mo I 11ACKEIT KIRKPATRICK--onifity 1,2thl 1 1838. Thu Arebbishop of cantorbury plac- - ors which have been showered upon hial. lawyer had never taken up a con6titutional Lftlikehlan, L. Jot-dan, Dr. Engle, �lilvvrtoll: Dr Ilo(Igill", bt1j�'i'l�,V',s' J `tV I" itig, lot tile resioll. live of the in' ii ;:�� " 11m ,-AtIvertionatuto The oneeting was called to order by Presi- question but he had come out right side up , ___ _ Stratford; Dr. 14',ekert, SebringvIlle; Dr. It . Pli.lLellts"NII. Joho joill htoo flackett, of g the Crown oil thu young Queen's head. ilL I I � Mr Ilardy's mind had not 1 NEWS NOTES. e Ifaot, 0111, to bligh Mary. daulliliji, of Ile - coging a wife - dent A 0. Danies of tile Reform Associa- every time. Gibb, SedfUl-1,11. Alexander Kirlop4hick, of Asliflul( . ; 2. The marriage of IlerMajesty to Prince 4 ilaq.-R A, him b By the time run so much in that direction, but as a The eight-year-old dof,ughter of Wr J. - __ - - , - - - I _... — ROME -Mc(iAVIN At. the resifivi,ce of Albert in St. Junius' Palace, 1840. � tion, shortly after I o'clock. - ' X -,--T B Rumball. -V it, the Wood, Briontfoid, died from being kicked �� _ the delegates had all registered aud ware letilder in the lioutie, its a speaks 1 Am A I ::W L ouilliet to � Ihe bride'. littrelit,. NN iII,,IILkIo, ,,, �Nljt3, *�,,Ijl, MI. � ". .. . rightly seated it was nearly 4 6'clock, and lIouse, though hi,3 speeclieti inight not read I by a horse. , d1TCrfi5XjIXfnt�i, AnareN% Rolue, of c-alq Ick, to bliss Awde Wit- 3. The ( - I'll 1100-11ariall'i Ifiro, '. ' ------ ____ . � - I ... I ved I nominations were at once called for. w,, -ally I Tbeaunounce __ bull At Cuu% ill. �uevn proclaimed Empress of In . -j B - allilsou T'he quito as �11 as Sir Oliver's, Lie genet ment is macto that the wheat ___ - ' ' ___ __ ______ _ at delegates responded with enthusiasm. anti did its well; ]Ili thought lie watj a more tak- ' I'll. .U.1.151j. dia by tho Viceroy, before the ass ; �' lotle-W 1) F.Li r Cl, PIANO FOR SAL ambled ollitnoi­Jacksun liros � crop of th(JULlited States may be 100,000,- Clliuf:�, 1877. . I I in a few minutea the Liattlell Of tifteen men ingi speakor than Sir Oliver, and though : 000 bushels greater than it wits last year. For.,Ido. 14 good L'I'l-ight Ph'i o' I vilrl� Io.\V IsHAW- lit Colborne.00 May 22, Nil-, lialillaki , o'Quillou - couper & co l.y 'Al.l." & )I()( E t agui 811 yCiuskilid D loolittlo. �r #f' - Wil,on . %k- """"" Apply ill sE IV I : Lhnw, earit outside West- , _* were on the liBt:-- perhapt, b,, had not ill(, latter'd polish he ' I 1. I ��. . ,26­Alleii& Mr Robert Woolley, Hamilton, a letter C into" Mar), u It% ill h- 'I (loderiA!Ii, oil May 22. Chri-tui)her ,�. The brilliant pag � 144 alties, --A J liforrish TI.ey were as follows: -W.essrs W, H. had his honeiity, and that covervil a multi- . I McK,AY-it I .. I �� 'Atever- liaoisley & CU I carrier, and his wife and obild were puisou- - -- - -- - ­­­----- MeKay. aged V, years. miuster Abbey, on the occasion of the Ju - "I":: . . Karr, Arch. llislop,'fhos. Gibson, MX.P., tude of sins. its had no doubt that if Xlr t, I ad by eating caniled flah. They recoverod (jlj0I()j,, 1PA101 F01t SALE. DAVIDSON it, J,,oI(iwicjI,,NIH bilee, 1887, ,,,, .4forsato-MrsTflill. ,ilice tit tne next Nlarl,lia L "I , ors--hinies Ca trighvil. Thos. btrachan. X.Y. LiloLean, M.P.P., W. Hardy carried the Pro% under al doctors' care. . ( 25. �,, *. for sule.jasTruitievri A. Irwin, G. F. Blair, Bet nard O'Connell, election his uattle would descend with hon- -_ whe of .Njr Frank, Daviotsoo, age( 5%, year.,,, q6blcyolo-T .Jao.khou, sr A. Dames, illos. McMillan, A, Munroe, or as a popular leader, Certainly he would Mr Nicholas Awrey, Registrar of Went- choict. fit iri,!a itvrv,�. 1 I Ili ilv� froio c1hitoo JtAlll'-Ill %N'11)91"tlli,oli)[4tv2il,llettrl,(Iaugli- ".., 'Ill.tt -21-1 ,-,.I, VIIJILil I -I �!!,. A g.,od Li I)etititifill gilt frame, , or. StLi.lont-AN, .1 E I rig I, s it; lir,,v ,story 1,aid, hirn ,�ixih. ter of Goot go Itaby,ago 4years Price, in ' I �� 11 11 6 oil mills--liMorrisim Dj).'Wilsoti, Win. labititer, Will. AloPur- nover du anything ti,at would disgritoo the worth Co. " *11 from B i It' di - :r,,,, " ll,,I';-, I'll:111n. I, ill iot., I �ao . .�� - Touching Lilt, ques 8 """ y I fo I' 1,11"I'LF - Ill Willithilill, ,Ila)* 21, Willittin, son '8 - It I., -- � I goodg-Holigens fires sort and Andrew Sloan. Of these all retir- name of a Roforiner. -I ease, all( tv di,i.,. is causing a.rious stoov evilo: with loodel-11 voIl%4-LIit-bVL-s really for shipment, 75c � I I a -.6 -, of Itobt - ULt to, ageu 8 yvay.4. Ii 11 I 0 � , fo too'lilig; 1.111d till tdeltre,i. .,oil tho % .ry Iwst , avolull't-Cooper & 0) I, to h Aololl.g ... )d kol,rillio orvllard� Easy tvrill" 'Y li` -JA 'xx mower ed except XIr Kerr and Ur Ilielup. Most tion of members forgetting their origin, lie approhoi sion to 11' friends, , w. -s -1-lautitad 1,'ros -a he came front. -i ,.IzkN INICKINNE ..Iti"(�,"C()Iltii.oiiT%Iity23t)�,',�litry � . "\ - , Post . , ' - said lie never forgot what The Lc colon Post ya: We arel-equested Foi-htll 10111-tiCtIlIti-S11111"I tUrin, twid p, -)A14 . . tar spare time -H Lgglosoll of them in a few m; nutes allowed them ad 37d - Atin ,arka,,t. relict Of the late Julm liel6nnoy, ,� , I . Ago lot, bale- ­;ealo & I loover vueatcd a unanimous support of the candi- Ile did not believe in a merriber going to to contradict the ruinor that the� 1) LIke of ,riu..'511"Elt, BVIIIII.Vill", 011t- Or ,NIV,� k\ IL.Illiog- ki.ged 77 yours. � :, ', 'as� Fabries-AicKinnon & co date chosen. whoever lie might be, Mr A Parliament simply to be a mere sl&%'e, just Leeds will anceed rho Earl of Aberdeen . as toll Ulintoll. (tilt. -JONES--fil Brlls,ds. May 22nd, Rev Samuel ' ' ,� 1010*01and evoles-(i F Elliersoll - — Clothing safe -Gilroy & Wiseman Hislo,)lst nly opponen',who went toballot was to do what a committee of five or six men Governor- General of Canada. Jones, aged 61) 3'elLI-4 aild 4 IlloottlS. �, NWoQj . -nders for C0111billILti011 or Ce- CApora1­Aii,.LrieILn Tobacco Cc Air W.�J. Kerr, editor of the Brussels Post no better than himself would say. Ile Cook Tc - . - . - . - .1, I I'': ,ifu -efoulik-ge?4­ or jilts. num%lo positiveiy Ile and RE -eve o! Brussels. care that if he thought they were wrong lie John Gennart, aged 45, find Ethel Rook- oill,alr- JKlIdge. A J�Aftl accident occurred on Tbos, Evans' 011111 not hesitate' to press his opinion ey, aged 15, of Walsingham, were arrested .) - - farin, coil. I, tivott, near New starker, on :�Ji�ftvvlil In �Ioit filler 11liedires(Ilky, Mr Ilislon was greeted with applause oil would I at London, oil their way to Port Ilurmi, TVII-11-1-1 Will 11 VVVW\PdI1t lltc�otllvv of if[" ( � 0 IT, P116 MOK -,MRE� ' I �041LII'11'11lie %11'4' Will Hill the I-ChI100111,11bIC for . and lie considered that the -duty of every t Friday. A nutober.of nien were buildiiIi-, . ;�;!�#,bk- at ppea 1-41 lice 1111111 werli. cooling iorward. If the delegates saw fit noting tilt, YoWtAiij. ch i k. tivil, It. ill, Ill L, I, Ili Stitlll­ , � , ;�., meui ber There would probably be events The man is charged with Lbd 'I , - E 'wait I I'#, . -1, q . — o tionihilace hini, lie said, Ito would place 1Y tot, I.All -lilike. lot, I,!.o (,.,­trtl­I,­,' oll " a barn for Mi ,vans. when E , larsh: !',�,'�,t.�,, ", t ( 'I'lill. I'lld troll FH:19 - ovve �lo. Vn,? lood oh the Qarperitur, slipped front the roof and I- I 11, - �, thenexteleotion that could not now be giVI ' CLINTON. [;y 1 , , . . �X I himself in the field. and esteein it a great k. a a ,� ', foreseen, and it wak therefore' essential Rev. 13. F. Austin, for the past V! years ,�. li.:i , i, Lilt :it. ( ol . �,. "llt" """,,',I"t;'j"'1 t`lltOtI1E4rOuIId- It wasill talitlykilled, rk The br-rd that supported lijon oil the roof i�!,��Ii ... � �, �, oil I ita lh,onor, Referrhig to his political creed,)Ir I - 't, A —.- 1" I i I that the party be united and unanimous in Principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, tio-.11-VI-st-Ill'it Ikv oll.''. ot I , .. d -ord with tile ,,an- t Ul-�' t Ili or I liv Lilt It of .1 III,., l,"\v.'. ,r - ,,�;,,,. . _ I sai he wit's in act, I has resigned, and ReQ, It. J. Warner, Ili L , ,��,;,_ I lilt , CW IG, I supporting the nominee of tile oonvelition. lAI1y1..o,`I.!trjto.( nt,,-o,sv.rilY W'l-VIltt­1'- -I- 1,;�. N% as not securely nailed, and gave way. � ;,.,'it ��.`�, _- , t� eral principles of the Ontario Government, ofessor oLmodern languages, has been 11 Mr Gibson then refLrred to the question pr ( .k.NJJ'bI-,'Ij­ CIL-rh, ,..�;�I,:.: - but lie did not agree with.overything the appointed Principal. . ____ ------,--------.. ­ ---------- ------------ In ("hoosillo. a wire .� FRIDAI JUNE 4, 1897 1 wliieli had recently disturbed Toronto, the ?"I , ,� `��`�`.*" , 11 I . had done. It the tilectors swit, him to To- Arr. Charlton, M.P., has been paid 512,- YOUR SPARE, 'rID11" , a m. 1111ying) Spectacles ,-1 I .­__ route, however, lie would accord them a Sunday car vote. Ile introduce I it by , sayin', that it was the first btep ill the re- 500 by the LNew York C'eutrat ItailwiLy foi- All o, Nvollwli to coo.:11,�t 1-1',il�, -, 11 ho.ol""i I I Are . '. 1,e,, , l East Huron Liberals. 'it A I, - y q-0 I e You 9hould be very cautions. Young "�` lapse to barbarism, and lie believLd that injuries sustained in Lilt uccidinit oil 'tlkat �Vork I- �hlr�,I,. wril ioa� Hlo; ..4, * , " __ heatty support so Iong as the) oprItinued �,�;� -;, . , I'V:114­'.!,� ,,, " to do ar, well aqthey had dean; if Lin was not I', - , 't ., 1'. , I .; � , , - I r�, I " 1, -, ;, I ; ". � j., I 7-1__.:,4r, %e,' %, , nit -n don't usually make their choice N'A'�-ii'At the Conventron of Liberiliq ill t1tivstion woulki soon be a live qnFmitioll. flne. Mr Charlton was serioulil\ hurt and ;"' I_.,:tj., - ­ nomintited )'(-� %vaH propired to ,mik till dif. .. I 1.1. lo 6- t" ll� -1:1y. .N,, . w-\:­iI,j,,, 1- I '" ' ��..;?*­�qt Huron last Fl-idity, Archi ' The law allowing Sunday cars had been �Ils riot yet completely reowerM. lo, \1"11, (-.%IwI-i.,I ''. loquir" 1. I ot pi.,io \� vil- f!,oin strangers. Nur shoul.1 the sen. il`,.� , .. . 0 His- forences and work as hard for the ribmince fonrid on an old, ina.ity docoluwnt of the The township of Brooke boasts of ,-I'-- I -I', I. -I I t- P..rlo- ll'. r v q 1. ; - I'. l - -fl, - 1117-1 -0 ', �- ., I— . . . I I , .... d n I I'l t.� - .tl'li ,� W- 1,111; t. V. -j: !.� Ili �,,w, I ".. .. .,�­� , � I siNo people uf Huror buy Spectacles t, - f , re I .� . I - , !%11.11 .Nil t. -e,% - 11 , : was choien as 'he stan. asll,3 would f0rhil"8011' '1'be RufOrn or Ifille of Charles 11. Me GiliLlull recalled hotiaring tile paqt ,40 years, lilt., ii'lit-31,1iltil .1 I I., , from any but an Optician. 11 � 'i_ should be unit6l againbt the couinwil Poe- J Al.j.'y to "IT111.1,111.1z, � ,I,- ,.I . ',� I . bearer for the Corning I(IC31 PILT - how, in the Logislature Ili I,il)-) when the " 171 frame raisings, (I.i log building rais- t -Ai i 1,1.1',t i,N. I ,.,% 2, Jiaoiol- 1, (,0 ", --__-_ We have several hundred dollars invested , 'W . my, slid especially it, the approaching con- � �; A. A� ___ � -,t�,�,,, . I e is a yoling trial) Of llnolluls- �r . - . . � � ­­­­ - , � , street railway bill was biling �,)nsidcretl ga, and has built 53 corner,i ort cf I),-) log -, - . - - ­�- /, -,�. " , / in Tt�it (Imes and Lenzes, and we are !, -�. � No Govvri�rnent could live on its , , test. ' "�/, I �,,,�., 11 eo: ility, "well-in(ol-Ined, it good after NIr A. F. Wood's motion that ilha 'it I ., . "­;'. - past record, and in this flulit the Liberal bui diugs, and ail intlic county of Lsuibtoi,, k'A.101 FOU SALE' /�," ." , 1, "41/ � " � , colitl(tent that we �.-an givu you the . , I . �, ,, L, . '��- - - ,% . - - you require. Satisfaction � , : it er, and will make :1 first-clil"'s re- cars should not run oil Stindav had been --- I � 1 _ I - ­ I I �"_ __., ghtd�ivs 'it i Government will be judged by its perform- � Detroit dispatch says: Ilon. Wilfred ! ; ,,:_ . I i, . sent t've. Hewas the chuiceof the carried by 11 to 35, )Ir .1leruciiih hold add- J,ot 25� ('on.5, Toxi ii,hil, of 111111 it, 11") orl'Vs 1 �!7 - , - ,, .. ,:, I . '�,., anees ill the presei;t and lid proll'iscs for Laurier. or one of Iiis li-titriiantH, will be 11 1, I tmaraiiteei. �,-Y n oil ill(.. hist, ballot, and the oil a tiller to the (Afect that. thov Nvould rilli "S aL.I.L., I ;t.,11.1 -d told it, it gooti �!Wk- it - I ;%It 1, .. ...� I 0 1 j, �'L v nt7 � .. , '� 11, , . thefuture. Mr, flislop closvL1 by sitYing by a vota of thi people, but th`Ls, M r Gill- askudtocuLneto DetrolttOatlel)(I'Lhuhan- ,ioo.v\ (4,11111+kj ;,,,ioi­i::I2iwr­I`Il I ­"TiC � � � .��', . . of linifl I - I .. I IAL I)EPAflt,rAilH,NT � , , . L , � � ..onainath ,n wns illa(le 1111allillioll" oil .11 , ­ , .. . . . . that 1,iberaiiiini had evtercd upon a new queL oftnu Detroit Ilan ufa(�turerti' Club. %%ot,tlI)o-!,. ; "I't.i. :k !�4011 lwlil`m� orvi.iil d 11-�`­ . _-._;�� � -;-.,.�L-�.-..;�� �'.., '.. - Is mo joir. " - Kerr. who wits M I- ri.,Ilt to fee, son co , I .\ I,,, l, V, I * Ur -Ur eritand Reformers have no ! , ntended, bad b��,eii ju3crted attlie to di.'�Ulllail, front tile Canadian slandooint, 011d a �, wi �11, i 1.� ol%%,, � 1'. Tl�t fo I In llaA nt ­ slop's 0 it I HIL (,'0HVt` clwe of tile se%iiion, when it Nvas too late to Cooper's, Bookstore, clilltoll ,�W � Ly oppont'lit. in I , - 1,0111ill'i-0 a gooll That will g i ve you Hutihfaction and .. I., � n- disconraged. The Liberal party had Iwv- ' Nvith !�(­Il It-illtv'I 'I 1w 1�'Ifldillj: " I ton. I t it" riot vot, knowi. wlio*will Ile Live the legal two days' notice. It -had, tile questioil of better trade relations itint, 11 Ii.c. h;tlIl,t1.n,t;Ih,I'­. 'III:, provol'IN" stand till kindsofroads is whatwe U,� I r ad-vocated a siriole reforin that was not I Cawtola. � I, -i, - !�:l !ill ('\1 I)k'IlL ,� �1\ l'! 11-11(1- -'I loiles �. , , ii. I 1, 'is oppo.nent, the 11illill, s ofseveral Con 0 1 iowever, been allowe I to pass, and now lie '1;;,'i' 'ONN'll 01,V. F01, have to offer %ou in the . . rvallvesb(431F inf011uall Illent.jOn0d, ' looked upon it as the time when the cars 'has, Price, LtfariiierresirlitigiiecLrllatii. I' I i In , 1.1111.1111110N FOR SA LE. .",.��.. nilposed hy tilt? Consurvative party, and vet C ,If(, i:,11(:!�I. 1:I*kjj;l:, jjl.,1�1*�I;411(-(l i - — I , y When the Consoirvtttives afterwaxils came burg, is (lead its the result of poison froin fuvilivi, jorlivo !it, it. I I t I Massey-fiarris and the ' 11, prt-111 - . n, 'toll, stroug and well-Illade, - '111� __ , ut vve do not think a limn car I tie pot . I coubt lin,ve be,,n prevented by ti little - potato o' I 1 , Illy tot) I'llill ,�_ y never repealcol one of these. ' potato bugs. Price wits at work Ili his g,;Uil "I'll, Tl��;­ the field wh( (,at) defeat hin. if I lie "'I" po"'er tile thought oil the part of some iuf�rnber, As I M I " T110:4. HILL. ("inlou P. 0. Brantford Red Bird. 1) 1;0 I- W, %V,11 be 101d(!110�11), AJIL)ly ILI .11. ';��:, eformeiii only'do their dirty. I Mr Kerr in,,t with a very cordial rucop- ) A' For one (.f the best Cheap Wheels BUM IA,C01IBE,'.s jewe cry Store, Uintoa , Ir Gibson concluded his voice wag full of patch killing the beetles that were tiovour. ___________:. , ------. __ - --- ... ing the plants. Swarms of bolls liolited A it h f I I,., I '.. �`. , tion frtmi hiq friends when herose to speak. . - '�"�" �" It h ai,l ho had worked with the Liberals cd that lilf was nob the oiilv one who fclt his face and hiqks, Which we I n-,F,EU-'- ST R A Y E I ). I ? ern or in it, a nd it gl it ii c e a t t I i e it ii d i e it en s h o .v- -,. _-, " 91 "(oll i1n. WAL E D, W: cillin -Faills "' t I` . -N-.-'�. tis been di.';C0VL'I ell that in order, 'I" s , t 11 uron for 17 years. DuHng that keetily the sep.-Lra!iow. Ile offt,red theni -guated witd the p(Aaun. Do died ill . Griffiths Leader. , 1, . . .� ' if ERI, pr( . �, __ . ,,�,,4'o make thedelicit ill 1.17v postal dvp ' i - . air . - - , , -1 Y' ,%Iv %%*()cll (�Ij �1, I I i, 1,11,11,111,., fil: I Ili:,-, � I, ,,,I i ,Ito Our Rep.. Shop ., -, I01- time lie had fou�lllt wiLh his paper ill car %A'M. . I his sincere thilniks, aml thruii :It them to great 'go'- I . A �t oflod (xi%v giving niiih came liao 0-c oil- ,, . Is to vivtory. They had ,(,I to Ila', Ill(, hb,!.,.t 1.111('t, it (L.�_jl kjj' ppjI 1- . I ILI, a,,, �,Tnall as I)o.ss -yi*iig the Libera, is in foll blast, and remember that v o,ore of .John Atmilui,. ',*ill (,oil. God, rich ,��,Jtilent appe , ihI,A, t he I the dectors of the riding, for the noble, gen- Tile fruit growers in Egse.�L t�xpect a g000 P"Tol _ LIMIP 1*(,I' ;Ill"' �IIWIIIIY of L'Ood ('"til "'ool I N�, To, n -flip oil .)hty I'l. Ally) vl"4�,Il proving 1.1-0- ' , "', -ernment, allowpd it ]at -'arro�v, Conservative, wil a -mberric *a1i'llulknolactlo ,,:ill lZind, of -e guftra:.tc; till �oiz work. el _ ' -gf, nuin deter ted Thos. I -I ,,,, M01ate Go% - erous, utisolicite&support they had givei crop of pears, plums, cherries stri that N% �!­_ Il!LVQ kit -lot.l. perly itialpaving v%cD�11'VIWII (;tk(. lilt, amLy. , '.. 1 tile L , - " �­`ber of tinpaid a,,counts t () ;wcuniWatt-, 0,11 didate for the Dondii'on Jloufw� Tho. Ill 11frilit gELjj­ally,,but tho di8itial i.arry tile Ittri,tst t,'took of supplies of - * - l . , k�f,,�i.P'�' a a s Huron had startwi him. !le hoped that Ili future, ad in and s a 8 (.I , I I any hou, a in thu c:julity. We ]lave ., . ,)Vli\' MAUQUIS"Ifolintsvillo. .��`I`r'aiid made no aplitopriation whatever Couscry tivc Of Ea- t BED DL,kNliE'TS ,., the past, the nominee of that Convention prediction made carlier in the scaton as to - . - . ___ — _ R P,- - ' , t", I Xor them The aniotint (if Ihpse:jc_ an Opposition ptpet, with a bonus of 5300, would carry the banner of Reform to vic- peaches is likely to be realized, Tile cold FL N \ N 1-' , 1, S juat Pdrind it Volcanizer to Our shOr THOROI;RED (S',T0'%C1,Z1"orSAL-E �2;""-�4�,,��i.,�-,­. - $700,(9)0,,and the its a penalty for his working against tlr �d the buds, and ' STucliING YARN an(] now are prepared to Ito all kinds — ,,�unts to�als nearl.� tory its lie had done. (Loud applatim) wave it; said to have killL " ' y T,�_%J�El)S AN D of repairing oil rubber goods. I 'C,��­Preqent Grevernmel'it. bas to pl,oviolt, Farrow. Ur Karr concluded b asking , � , ' . For sale, a Iiiii1ted titimber of Shorthorn Bull li, . i � Oil the first bal,ot, Mr Ilis!op lia.1 a rua- sonic of the largest growers will not have a � . ' Calves, rAirigink froto 8 to 11 inonth- old. Also �, 11, to;- Their pltyrnc tit. jority of the delegates, and when tile result bushel, .16, V, . Eor the support of the delegates, and had a HOUSE' BLANKLT6. . P`��. I I . - I soiiw lit -it, rq ana Cmvs, la citif, All of these ,� - — . hope that his political life would be as hon -o, five front - ��' ,`� " was announced, it n�s received with a loud Tuesday evening, an elderly man, und(Ir All good'. g1larantevd, to he pill Kro by joiliurtod 4toe?k, are clr�ico aijitnaIR, and klg, 41 eat as tholt qf the present member, honest ,,jjo(jtjv I: f .11 . -joio work �t 11. 14. BROWN cv. I will Ile -la tit riRmonabit, pri as. J_N0 AVERY, ��, � The London c0i'lle.1411,011dellt of ill(, cheer, then Mr Kerr spranu to his f,!et and the ,,influence" was taken to police be�d- , . ptLjj,00;jk(, �k ,l I (,it I- -g:!"., -olo ;I lli�:all-*V (,;tit . C �� - Tom Gibson, moved that the nomination be insde unan- quartLrlittitTorouto. Byllo'clockhe 11 I lally, l,v(ql11,­�Ioi1,LC fl �,;,`,r,,;�.41qew York Tribuin, say,,: -�)Ir Laurier's wills nPvo,Ittlthv Nlar',et, cli tire I Po,t Office, or on the prIlinise4, Loi,don ' h.L%'V 111�il'L'Ulll L41 (101 Will houle ),VILIl thell) ' road, ilear Clinton. _�' . � PEI?lz[-N'8 BLOCK, Clinton . I , SX,`Rk' III. MORRISON, Auburu P.O. , tariff proposals have beell hailed in MR McLi.,AN, M. P. P. finous, and the applause which greeted the sober enough to be taken upt3taira. NN"hen �_, ___ __ - - -.-- _­ . _­___ ______ __.._____ - f�'A motion allowed a united party for the next he start,�d to overhaul his cash it wits foond I - - IRI -NI, ngland its t lie best tesLitiloily of the ' asure at ap - - �� Mr MeLp.an expressed his ple --------------- .__­______ ____ � MVI.� ervZt lo a .111 patriodt-m which as the cOlItesb- that he bad 6220 in bills, a check -for �500, J,p, pearing before what he described - P. X, , and a bank book allowing 51 1,000. Ito was ,`Aj',--.-?�*,t)bLe jabile year has called out froill largest convontion of E,ast Huron Liberals ,_ V.- - � t .0 -1 . I Londesboro sent tollis hotalin a cabafter anjidnionition BENNILIER WORAEN MILL ---rTTT:M rT W 0 -A-- J-'S----- 't,'­4he worl . ide (,Ili �re, Wbat over .it. -4 . lie It .d ever seen, and lie had seen a great , " -� . __ kl,�; �-511` changes inay Ile required by the Iiii- inany. Ile thanked tile delegates for plan, fl,'NTEr-L,.r,i,i\.)ili:.NZT.-OtI Fl-idayaftel'- to be more careful. V�� � - AstUsUal I 011111 he prelml,ed An porchmo Wcol — __­ kg,�,.,perialtreatiea with -,he most -favored- Ing him in nomination, but if Le was to 110011, )LI Ileelstill Ii, jilbilee en tert aill The crop bulletin issued by the Manitoba all h(, hi;,ho,t roarkos privi- for cik,h, Or Mill . � �'.!,�'. e ,j,,..,,... nation clAirse, nothing will te (lone to be a candidate anywhere he would stick to Inent, will b 11 I in the school .NO. 8, and Northwestern RAilway shows a mo9l; cx(-IF;Ijjgo IU)' 111) IIliII,l;IIIUIIIVLd al'IiClt'�. All' ,­ti,� ,� , . scourage the aspir,alion of the Doni. tile old ship, South ITtiron, if it would it,- per regulations to that effect. All satofactory state of affairs with the farmers ,.,,�. I IN ,tuck of ii�,, ,"..", inion �t 'Ganada. to lea(I the wav to- the Ili rents and a.ny other Ill iends of There it; a la:rge increase of 8`1`0(31'�. I N G YA 'N Some Specialties. , ^ �� ,.�!, I "' 155o,;', - stick to him. Ilis pariiamentary exper- along the line. R NS, C;cqdy = Mades &,���,,� d I erial federation, ,Nlr Latir- ience, be continued, justified him in saying the school ave coi,dially invited to be a year, and riot less than I I 0 ItS E B LA N li LTS, �,reag , over last ,i, ­war nip, � " ,,��-.'*' jer will be a hero among the colonial that tha position 'was riot by any rneans a 'present. and enjoy the proceedin9d of 1.) per cent of the wheat is already well tit), i , I r-.,,�,_,.,, . ' I ". N and The (',Anti- 1'LANN P,LS, Fast Black Cottonflose �_Iy,.,Ic, premiers next inonlill, . bed of roses. Whatever honor there was in the afternoon. and two ,weelog ahead of last 3ear. The .) . I . 'Va '� Aian conti � . . . R 41, nf�jvnt will he received vvith Cc 14", Washill- Ties !,X­`,1;s"- it there was tic money in it. With 86 soft NOTES. -The Pr�sbyterians art, hav- rainfall is till that uld be desired up to YWEEDS antl r17) I We al-egIvIng solne eXtril, Values �,_,,n.,,,�.,p:lpu ar en levV IL 1111111 It i . 1�i,' " I t losinsill. cou4titn 'ney and a surety of election it ing I ' lug tot, tile inanse date. BE41) BLANKET,; Four Fold Collars, in Ready Made CloLhing. Wehave L, � circuillstalici-S co . would be all right, lint with a life anti death v e I I '101*1 T ie �%Ivthodist are having, it Goo. Ileroid, the original boy tramp, was 25C INin Decatur, ind , the 'other day. llenistitcheil .1lantlIfs. 1,i � If the iniected with I � �,., battle every four yearsi, with all additional new fonnd;ttion t,) one of the par�son- lie left i,:now voin Jilvlo' illd, gual tit, (v(d I I Ill 11 11 fav Illred I... j..."., ontlis ago of J10NI bi VLEF(A->- atill frev from ,hotlo� of own as low as $4, - i 11 �� �,� isini-sal of the Kin ' ston l3o"t- d iger of a pr9test, tic, sometimes fo I t that age verandas and ILIbO offier vepairs to St. Louis it ' ne years and eight in lv,y d-crillto n. — , I Men's Suits d . ­ s4erareililas stated, thenthe Gov- .4'aiinm worth trying. lint stilithere the building, ,Nlr It. Bowcock and 2111, oil a wager of 55,0L)U that he would walk '-1" . I it w ,,� - Wool %,.;,..,.,��, ,, III, ' as inade a. inistake in this I 11 ten years and earn �5,000 ". I)OII*c forget, I sJjRJI IIAY CA,111 for Some Better ones at . . . $8. . , ., was honor in it. and especialiv in East Geo. Cuckerline ,ire iltll)1'4)villg ill G.-),000 miles i tit the l.i9Iw-,t*I)I10u it, 'Ili IIIIII-1,Ct. Seamless Caslinle're Sox . .1 "i t 1� - - Shantion was Huron. There w as strength ind power livalth. There Ili it by -1aw to In eve t on bia travels. He has two nioliths left to 'l 75C 1;,ille ,,_ql,�VW lilt,, They art- rill worth inore t1inn we . * . - , _ rtion ar instanc(. Mt alge in Hill ett, b I t I It complete hi�; journey, and bas earne,`1 44,6S2. to il"Iss 11.11 �; fj 6 I 111 13 1 1 Ali. I , ,ound of bving ' I running ;it 1, 'king. ond oil, th . "�,z 1� - erantinaled oil the go onong-li in that convention to elect any man cattib Ifenin"lltir-May 28. ISVI. flid ('st, prices will " , ]d for the pe fgwi vulc(l of' his (lit- he was nominated. Turning to Provin for ,ill that, ill(, ,(., were alm"t forty Ile has crede , -,, ��. - I I I ntials for rivarlyall theciticF4 I �,o,,, . _ Linen Culy-.,. . '011 -arl3. We , ­� . not la -t long. C I, I, � .. � ,, W - __ .. __._____ __ __ --- - . �;V`�­Ir­, I 81 A his s,u , vo-,4sot is said to be t xN o most ly one and t wo yv�l r old, on . - . . I ��­ I - head, be Ila,; visited and carrif,3 voucholI (6r till . ." cial politics. Mr McLean first paid Iiis res -,-- — I it", I" special aLteritioll to the ��'�� '�.',`,��:�6 ars older. If thi., is the cas-e, it is . Every STUDE,"�%*T MW fti('1141 1.1-0 giving , pects to tilt? leader of the Oppositioll. Mr Ihv strevt here it few finies last, week. tl-,e money lie has earned. During bis trav I Ir -0i., `­ - 4S-0�,. inst lice vvilcl e good 1tidgment. has Whitney, lie said, was a very 'title gentle- I . �_Ilvep vva,�hiifg has coninjunced lif-re. els lie has visited forLy-fntll' States still olic Suit Ulf(lorwom., M.� I . - - - - C7 ��� .� I - " 4. _ - , ( C "I i.1-1;0 . -.--.. � 1, a, � .X"* ,rh (- (.It,, Ili. nt, inat). There wm s no doubt lie ip it gont:e- ScIloor., --.he following is the li,)',- Territory. On theco�npietion of jli�ekmr- .-, ; � _). , * ­��_ a Onkred clothilur Dep"t ­, , een di4.-pIaN I , . Oc ,ft Felt lint, Nvo nrike it it hobby and can guar- �T. , r _:.�___,�., �',,J, *� � -. good ol)jection 0 till, T1:::novqI of ('Ill. man of considert0liv ability, and a mill, of or- Itoll for S.S. Na. 8, tlidlet,t, lor the r1ey lid will engage iti b'l.iinesie in St, Luuis - . - ".:_ ., , ­, �! 1, . ,,',�, _( .. , ". " , . C)Z, ,,��­, ( ,iencot. - "itel"r , 1-41 ( , , / " '. Evc-1,111,fli�", kraces. ILI I Itlp pelfeel, satisfaction. We I -911, ployees ,,�'ho %,,(J,n,(,�,i,,i,,,,,ll,,, or agaiir,�t riot. very great politi ;al expel But it) morith or ,Nlay:­Sklnior DOI)AVIII)VIlt with tile Money be liasl Saved, (!��,-" " - _jc,�_ I , I L -e ;dt the latest novelties in k`�,�,,� whoin other c � l, a slistaillvd, Mr I P -;. Lpaving-Olveltta Iiiighaill, Ada It: % W I " , tile coming coiit(,st, said I A IcLean, .,' _�/ � .zA,, - - but I her e is rO4 131-igilIL111, Sr. Ith-Alice I,rwi'(,IIQ(1, The Loindon, 14,lighind, E-01 e, ill it.8 s,rRATFORI), ONT o.'s", ) 'A' t'O" ('I,:il icis"I w1l"ll"' whidi will probably Ile tbi, most bitter ai.d w(linall S igggan ,'-�tdt, �SPRIING SUITINGS. -rivince since - littest it'sne E�a:,­;--� I FI ('111 it I la] I )r ;P ,.-,�I.,;, -these guound- do'i4j it ('Xis, l alld wilel e ;. I point ofvi(�w,colt)iii;ilJli,eriii(,i,,iiielj()t ()Ili, work ne%erlitil- toinht(­ tIt-tildc"t-s ' ;, I irtrolly fought in this pi Con- ,Nlitinie Lyon, John Jelyrtly. ,Jr.. till , it ion, it will not tie ',\Ir Whitney that. Ahe*! fit, 111(ilig, I'llaina, DI-lict-, P',ppy` - --��*.`:T the &ftc'l' aPPAi"LlIll'"t (!,ill Ile c;t1lo`(1 in folder t $1 sl)ecild Value. , W4DRSTEDS and SERGES. .�:�,� asarille'very interesting pertionages; lit'vall.'o O's thoroligh. prilclic;.j. ilp(lo-datc �;:-,r. �,: question, So Cole, Zt.11i , ial Black , . - ,stgainlit. If J"ITIVY. '. 31'(I�Lila I. t. -3, ar) aCV 0or graflumo, %i.N%.,,N -,t jo,4( oNi \1 I N it , 11, -chool Don't. forget our spec , the Liberal.i will have to battle i ,��* �,:'.; it were they would lip vornparatively stift . Whitley. Jr. 3vd-K;LrI )Vi ken, Clara Ilear f "o lo('al $I I Id co"l Illol 1")I' AND INDI CI. OTIII R., *I(l CONII We -liti,-Iled \\'�,lil�.;144,tlt.� lortlo-Torol.to�wi­l olji-�ry. � Worstivol Suit to order At $20 , . . "'I'h(` If Mr Whiltri-y werp. Plected lie would pr(.- Nek,on. A vela :jt. -Ii. it ill kvilig th,in ail(i N%v ci,n ,ziii,.ry �oo � �'-',%` - The London Advertk"'sav"' ge attelidar,ce, very few of t1will have the so * . At ,r' or, li-fi %� ith u., will 1- proloptly fill".1 , ,�&',:,. "� C aLlse OT being even good-looking. Boil, , . ", ;-�. retirement, of All, Thns. Gilos(;n, NI - 13- I'- bub)y condii.ot rho affairs of tl-e country fi r E,. PIIAIII, Pt-incil)-fil. You want the best. We have it. ­;0i'llu-tioll gultrillit -tl 1� i j";,, . I � , . . ��,, I.., - from tho repre'st-Iltation of E:t-.t Ituron Primary Department- Jr. 3rd-Lillit in .11r Laurier the fair r,ex iniiy find . . , , ",;,.; ,,� It tiMP at IvaRt honestly. - 31+4 ­the statt their I)eat, itleal of acolonial statesman. Write for Circular,; ' A. J. IR01111011',ly, C1111toll il'�!, �i�, .ends it inost important i-poell ill tit(' ment had gone forth tlAt Mr Whitney wi ; 131-o%vii, NVIllie Lyon, Allie Cr4w ford. A. -1. jj(?jtjtjsjj, (lijilti)II. i (. ) "histiory of that Ridlng. .Ill- (;ibqorI has lOokin'g to tilt, D0IoiIiI0TI'0PI,O8ition, Top. He. 2nd-Harvy Riley, Howard Brims- He Ishand.soniol,lias a fascinating.man- W. J. Elliott, Principal � �,,�:,.,� net,, and the inost tilagnet Ic vVeli I tillig- _. ".�,',' - 41) (if the 1,2 yeli r�4 l,leanor Mains. Jr. 2nd- Hua, - __ ---------.- .-----.--- - - - I , been. in ptiblic life for per, Foster, anti those 'gzmtleman whom don, I F��.�,!�� " that he has been it rt-ident. of I lie thenountry hall discanied:lithuy arelhe Lyon, ,Nlyitle Phillips,, 11'em-I AndlIeWs. inable. lie is known it) Canada 'Its - 11 - _______ � ,,-, Fkol'%�, 'county, ant] he could ieniain inuinlwi gentlemen to whom Nir Whitney',vois look. Sr. fit. 211LI -EA her Jounieso :t nZ 'Lauri. ­r the S I Iver -ton g ued.' I ant __­ __ - - .. � �?�.w , n, N aftaid Londonj sociely -,�ill do its tit'st ubilee (;elflation I �' ," as long its lie livpd, if it(- ('It- ,", bol ill ing for assistancrl. These ware'the gentle- Crawfovd, Flossy Jandeson a,nd Ito( , P,,��,.�,,� to spoil Alr Laurier." j ��,.�.�� " bis'old age he se(lks t hill. rest froin I ill-- inc,n who ])ad pls�dged their assistance to Bell. Jr. PG 2nd -Willie Lev, Frank I � ..... . ,.;,11�,, moil to which he is ent it led, and so he Mr Whitney, and wlicm the Reformers Garrett, Georp Snell. Sr. Ilt. 1-11. For a number of years it has been tile I " Go " His successor will be IN1 r ,utfld have*to fight. The prosent Domin- Crawford, Alinniv COle. Jr. Pt. I - practice to permit United States cattle to �. �., �: stands aside. - : 'g, ,,.� ,� AM , �,,, Rohl)je 1,;twson, I I es IN"" F .. Arebiblild Ilislop, it teprv�vvt.;Lfivefar very little for Nova �,(Icie Ste vonson, 1j. Ile brought into tile Northwest Tf-rritori yaav JE Allso 4% " irl - ion Oppo,iftion vared . �, ason (D Ja% 15 %JV A AL 9 ,� "; , -hit), and It ro-A,pocted Scotia or Quebec, Lint they did care for NVilken. ,ramet-Ernanual Lyon, .11. for tile summer months. They bavO been 4 jacl "'i. wer of G ve I low I Is I It -1111 �� " ;!­',;' juember of Humn 0 paying a small "'i, ,*, I 'lilt 'Councils will) Ontario. They wanted to use it as I, base 0arret.1-, Minnie Snell, Average tit- fed on the prairies, after �, P!, (,,i, ­� I I I It . I 'v' '" u e 4n'si­ . I lws._ I I I 1_41�1 "N' ) ��j I I I Re2.9 � k,;.�, 1, , ""' 1"' "' 1;,�-' was nominated try the Lil)el'alb Of QIL of operations Ili order to regain the Do- tendance, 17-J. 0. 11.111K, Assistant, duty, and returned tothe United Statesin , "' 0. � 'L . , I ] 11"Riding, at their recent convention, INIr the full, free of duty, T� ere is a r.rospect 0 L I RN T ED N 9, 1, 1, .1, . . minion and they wanted to tvie the stir- (Froin an ocuri.Acti it corroillondont) VA.", C1, I NTO N, , IC Hislop is in every sells(- qualified to plud in'the Ontario treasury for a cam- that this practice will now be pu , ,;,.��.� . NoTFS.-Ill, Robt. Bowcock, who d fba, f'.'Irop t"ho - 0 " - ., trepresenttbeRidii)gintbeLf�git4litttir(,. paignhind. Were the Liberals goingto hits 1)ee.n seriously Ill for It long t itne, is When the matter was discusse House a Tuesday.June 229 'w_� ""- ' ,,�,'. -. it those men to go in and get the sur- agricultvral committee of the of 11;AQ l! V� , porm slowly recoyerin We are sot rk t a 91%A ;,��,,�. 9. Cortimons, the other day,Mr McMullen, M. el 0 , �! . -i, . Hon.Wilfrid'jjaurier started for England plus which the Reformers have judiciously I I " learn that �Nlr Gen. Willininu, intends I ' hoes " t_' n Thursday, to take part Ili the Jubilee gathered np during the last 25 years? They P., contended that there wereplenty of cat- A Festive occasion, Ve lie B .(,) 0 t S 111114W W, S � � , P.`d` 4olebration, and Sir Richard Ctkrtwrigi,t c id not 3are for the interests of Ontario, � w. leaving for England in a few days-. he tic to stock these ranches in Ontario and �,,Y�11_`l '* ! will Ile inuch riliqed here. Mr Bow- I� ; ' A Joyous I)ay, . . r .r "vr I I --- - ­ "anada and that holders 11 1� WILL lean the Uommons during Dole rerna n- but they did want a campaign itind ot, er prov ­ l 41'. 1� . der of the session, Whatever Sir Richard and that surpIns would niake a very fine cock, of Tot -onto, brother of ,Nlr Bow- of ranches might well be asked to encour� A Magnificent Program. ll,l e Want to make Tile 11101IL11 0 ' 8y n J 8 i;�o-l' does is well done. fund with which to fiaht the next Dominion cock, of this place, is at, present, visit- age the fattening of Uanadian cattle rather for $iloe scililig, With such a fiim up-to-date st " hit; friends rtround here. Mr Chas. ,,��_, , 11, ". orals of Ontario than rival animals from the other side of ti, ,,, � . elections. The Lib would Parades of' 'A. . 11 r, . I'll Hereafter postal packages of EL Value Of fight the battle, and lie believed that they awford, who had tile nrisfoitune to the lines. as, we now have we're prepare(l fora busy moi X' �,', ., -a I . --b.0c. or less will be delivered at the homo; got �i,oi foot badly scalded sorne -d ine � . �4' ,_"�, �, of those to,whom they are addressed, ilere. WOold come out victorious'. Theybavemen IlrD.Day,awell-known farmerof Er- Florsemen, Boys' Brigade, "' in the Ontario Parliament who have been agn, is able to be around again, The Bicyclists, Societies, Tf you buy your Shoes from its ` ��:�'­` tofore they were impounded by the Customs service in the Methodist church next amosa, met with an untimely death Friday Oil i, �11� 1, . ,and 9. trip to the Custom House and the there 25 years and against whom no word evening. No purchased a binder in Rook- Firemen, &c. �'I'�, , Sabbath morning will be conducted hy To �' t f 16 few cents duty was necessary. of scandal bad ever bpen uttered. Refer- -ar, who re- Superb and Grotesque Floats, will be sure to get the �righ_ -y es. , ­?�,,l , psymen o Mor 2MPdd, and in the evening by Air wood, and he and his son, Oso, 01% i I I. I ring briefly to the new Premier, Mr Me- idea on the farm with hisparents, drove to Acrobatic Performance, � ��,�_ "� ,T,jje world moves. - Stevens, Mr Robt. SanderAoin, out, po- 81 'lea 9way, to bring it Pithiletic Games, �"�� �"�'�,�� *-, Sir Chas. Tupper says be will cot go to Lean said that they had regretted the de pular young butcher, is doing an enter- the village. a few mi all, Our prices thisseason fire les:� than ally previous %.,:*,,,�.,�Y`o London until after the Jubilee fetes, but parture of the grand old man, but ltr Hardy prisin business. Air Alvin B. Brog- home, They were seated on the platform Drill Oompetition, Baseb I , .Will delay his trip till July. �Vas able to take his place, was able to trend - ,l, ,; �'. He vrill thus I Toronto, is of the binder, and when going !through a Lacrosse and Football Matches, - .."".1 , 1, 2 in his footistens add he believed lie would I at present visiti. 9 - _11- - and almost at home some- ,us- m- lRaces Tua of War I snow hisdisgustwitliCanadiansart escape I d - I "it , , � f - - Irig � .. '� tbeapectacleof Sir Wilfred Laurier bask- sumed thing frightens conduct tile affairs of the Province as bon- un er the parental roor. ivIr L. It am. 5, t" i. ;�,,�',�, ha n, after a short, illness, has re " it The, nifiny Nobby Shoes th,it are seeii on the ly, as economically and as well as his I d the horses and they sproing ' Band 0oneerts, � , �, ing in the amiles of British favor. A brav- list his st,ndiesittilbe Collegiate. Theques- forward, The platform of the binder fell to I Electric Entertainment, .: "l, . streets of Clilitoi-i are nearly all from our store, , , P I-jectio with the the front on the horses, pitching both mail ;�'. � 1. redecessor haddons. (Applause.) Fireworks, &c. Z�11'-_., � ,ifir man wonld have seen the performance Lion drawer in con 11 , 1.�,.�! �,,� . 4�rough. MR GIB14ON Epworth Letigne last week wits very out, Mr Day, sen., fell on the road and and the wearms have uot paid too intich for thern. � /,�, - �, .1 . i , . - When Mr Gibson came forward he was intet eating, the questions being most the wheels went over his left side, crushing The Citizens extenda hearty invitation . ilt1'A�. . Sir Chas. Tupper Is superlatively posi� near the region of the haart. to you to assist in celebrating this -',"", - ivethat tIbe Canadian minimum schedule received with loud cheers, which continued ably anSwelied by the astor, Rev Air the ribs in # �, ,', :�'wlll havo� to be extended to Belgium and for some moments. The veteran member Andrews. Mr Wirn. Y Garrett, of The son waspitelled on the tongue, anti see- memorable day. Wewillipri3sentapro- We Study th(i Shoe Trade, we study your I . - London, spent the 24th with friends ured a foothold and managed to, get the gram that has never been equalled. interests. A call is always appreciated. ,1 dermany if given to Britain under the fav after expressing his pleapare tit meetln� eo. horses under control, When he tied them For particulars see small bills. , , � bied-nation treaty of the mother country such rL large convention, said he felt a little here. Messrs Geo. Martin and G �' `,' *Jth those countries, That is Britain's more comfortable than he had at some Hezzlewood paid a flying visit to Lon. up and went back to 13ok after his father "When we do it; we do it well." l ,� ', he found him I Ing an theroad, quite son- . - flault, not CanadoIls. The Dominion has =us ones. Proceedin he said he don last week. Mrs R. Adams 16 on d6i2b iftsfiart, which is more than it did when V a few words o0ladvice tothe the sick list this week. The founda- sibles but unah?a to move. He died before Mayor Holmes, J.P. Doherty, , tu c I k sOrn & J& n. cunto. k... , '� Sit'Charlea I ,,ve ve to be. tion of Mir Campbell's house is laid and a physician arrived, and about two hours J I chso !, ", , andhils colleagues were in pow - candidate, whoever be would pro ow ready for the brick. layers. after the accident. ehairman Secy. , ;�. 10*4oronto Star. He hoped that the banner he bad carried Is n . . . ..� , _ . . .� , I . � .� I . I ''I''. � ;�.. �, '_ I . I I . , "� , 7 , I � , I . . I I . . I . 11 . . . . . , I . . I t. , .. I . l I .. 11 I 1� I I o . I , I = -1 . � - � . � . . I I � �. I fo � I I I � . 11 I . ., . � . I � . � . .. . ; �, 1� . I I I . . I . . I I I � �, .; - ,,, , . � , 1. � . 1 1 i I . I I . I . I I I ., I � . I � . .. � .� I . . I I � I � I . . I . I I A, , . I . . � � :.. I . � � .. 4 . , 4 I . I � .. I., A. L� ; ' ' ' ' : ' � — . I I ' � . I - � I I � I I I I I I ..I . . .. I .. I I ­ � . ,� I I . ., . ,. I . � � I , __ , 1. I .1 . � I . I ­ .. - I -.1, . I r .. ,� ! , � I . . . � ., I I 11 I .. I . . 11 � I . . . ,� �. : � , I I , . . : � I . . � , I I I ,. I . . I I . . I ,l-, ­ , � - - ­ _11-_._.-- � . . I I . I I I I I I . I . . . I I � � At, , , I . .� I 1.1%, �,, � � '. :.�, - � ,� � I �', l�l ; . , , . . I 11 I - 1,� kwl_"_111.1� I - A� . , � 11 � . .. I �_, ., ., , �. .,: . � .� I z I I I , . I I I il 1" , � , ­���� ....... , I'll, . 11.1 I I I � I . I � . , - . , _1_1_L__A_AWh A_.;­,�­_.��, A,_..,.�, ,.�­�Jkii.L. I � I .... � �_ ,� A... " ..." _.L_ ­A A­LA4_:._ " , 'Alfat,tit , I I- . ��L '. , sliljttj;.,� * .�k ., �Aivi"Agg, A� _L1. '.A1--- I . '.., .Lt.* ,lamku,iih� ­_��,, a , - Q�_".�