HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-06-04, Page 3QUEEN Viet RIA'S National Diamond Jubilee Song. Ant.—"National March," by E. A. Skiatgtiuge, Ou this, our belov'dQueen's Jubilee day, Let Canada's sone and daughters pray That long may our Queen her aoeptre sway. O'er sea and land. Let Scotia from her Highland Alen, And from Lowlen t forest, field and fen, Tune her pibroch for the gallant men, At her Queen's command. $Let Erin's harp with its heartstrings torn Rejoice like the "Sun buret" on this happy morn, t, And the brow of Erin's Queen adorn, With Faith's diadem. Let Albion'e halls with mirth resound, And "India's Doral strand abound" With love that in loyal hearts le found, The Obrletain'e gem• nd now In this year of Jubilee, y God. His graces bestow on thee, y Heaves born inspiration be nation's mean. unset of thy life be calm. fuem'ry of this works a Psalm, When the nation's heart will need a balm, God save our Queen. Goderfch, Ont., Canada. Eloise A. Skimmings DRUGGIST LEMAN SUED, Mrs Mary McDonagh went into Max Leman's drug store at Fifteenth and Locust streets and asked for some med- icine for her child, who was ailing. She called for a well known patent nos- trum, whereupon Mr Leman, who speaks with German accent, said "Ve haffen't god it, butt here es some diffgs vat is chust as soot." " 'Chust as Boot,' is it?' mimicked Mrs McDonaugh. "Well, it isn't 'chust as goof!' the advertisement I read on the billboard said that was what a druggist would say who wanted to make a little bigger profit to himself by palming off some cheap imitation upon his customers. Now I want what I called for or nothing:; 'Chust as goot Hntnp!" Hereupon, says Mrs McDonagh, in her petition for damages filed last week in the circuit court, Mr Leman called her a number of choice names adapted from the German, and thrust her from his store. She had been suf- fering from pneumonia, she alleges, and his treatment causes her to take cold, which resulted in a relapse, and she was unable to leave her bed for several months. The little incident in the drug store occurred January 15. She wants $5000 damages.—Kansas City Times. It Is Important That You Have the Best When it is necessary to have an impor- tant and delicate surgical operation per- formed we call in the very best surgeon. When we have money to put away we de- posit it in the safest and" atrongest bank. When we have home dyeing work to do it is wisdom to use the safest, strongest and fastest dyes. Years of test work and experience prove that Diamond Dyes are the best in the world—the dyes that give the grandest and most satisfactory results. If you are unfortunate enough to be talk- ed into buying the low grade dyes—the imitations that are sold for the sake of Large profits—your goods will certainly be ruined and your money thrown away. See that you dealer gives you theDiamond Dyes when you ask for them. Every package is warranted, so that yon are ful- ly protected against loss. Taxpayers generally will rejoice that the new Government at Ottawa, by judicious management, baa saved a large sum on two contracts entered into by them for the per- formance of public service. By the new contract entered into by them for a fast Canadian -British ocean service, the saving, compared with the terms which the, late Government had agreed to, is8350,000 a year, On the contract for printing bank notes for the Dominion, the saving by the present Government is $150,•000 on the five years' contract. Then, by prudent man- agement, the estimates for running Kings- ton Penitentiary are this year less by $40,- 000 than in the last year of the late Admin- istration. Let the good work go on. The Yorkshire Post, of Leeds, England, says: "Certain manufacturing classes in Canadrt whose business has grown up under a stringent protective tariff may lose there- by; but why should the farmers of Canada, and the laborers, be compelled to support these classes? Canadian manufactures are not profitable to the nation if they are not self-supporting, and to tax the farmers for benefit is as unwise as it would be in this connt.y to put import duties upon food." There's the meat of the matter; a business that is not self-supporting is un • profitable to the country, no matter how much a tariff may enable it to sweat out of the people. The farmer who keeps stook that eat more than they bring him oan do so only by drawing on the fund proda':ed by his profitable ventures; they are a hole in his pocket. So are industries that oan live only behind a high tariff tax. We have no idea, however, that many of the whinerswby perish; if they oan get more tariff pap ill whining they are determined to get it;if not, they will get along very well and at less cost to their neighbors. PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR Cures in twenty-four hours. This is the testimony of tens of thousands who have used it. Putnam's ants speedily, without pain, and removes oorns in twenty-four hours. Dr. Blanchard, a prominent Winnipeg physican, was sandbagged by footpads, but not serionsly injured. The assailants escaped. With the starting of the Sunday cars in Toronto, the Niagara Navigation Company will, it is said, inaugurate a Sunday boat service between Toronto and Lewiston. The law. while it prohibits boats running betweeu two points in Canada, permits their running between a Canadian port and aport in a foreign country. W. Hudson, of Preston, a commercial traveller, was in Ingersoll on Friday. He prove from Woodstaok, and tied his horse in front of the Daly House. The wind blew a little paper bag in front of the horse 'which took fright, and, getting fres from bridle, it dashed down King street at a o Thames. The horse dashed side walk and through the plate ront of, Robinson Bros.' grocery store, smashing several fine sets of china- ware, to the value of $75. The total dam- age to the boggy will ho about $10. Two of the veranda supports wore twisted out . f place and the roof damaged. Several arrow rsa)pce occurred. Ono lady who aw the horse coming while on the cross- ing sought refuge in the store and had no sooner got inside than the horse crashed through the window. '1kn flee `J nt rolln, '�' G of faof sa < overt' of ee�:, ,! .�; .GfG ria pranper. THE CLINTON NEW ERA luno -4, Young Lochinvar who, accord ,\`story, r'e lug to away with .. Ibride, did n love her Lie r t, : V o t'e u , • than a C sand hone husbandsof the press.., day icve the:- wiy ,. No novelist could invent a story 2f trite` mag1i devotion than -the "humble ee �P romance" revealed by the following letter from Mr. Ham Chant, of all Haskell Avenue, Dallas, Texas. 'About fourteen or fifteen months ago I oras working with a gan of men and happened to say to one of them, ' I it will not rain as I have a big washing to o for the children.' The men daid, ' What it the tastier with yam wife?' ' ' For years any wills hal been steering from whet the doctors called protapsus of uterus. she was nervus, had cold hands and feet, patpsta. tion, headache, backache, constipation, a disc. pgrreeeable dratite. She gionn;t,, with bearing down pains; no ap• I am only a laborerso wasgalnways in debt with the doctors, and alt for no good, as none did her an good. we beat: to think that she was never going to get well." I told this man what the doctors said was the matter with her," and he said " did ypu ever hear of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription?' ^ ' I told him no, but I had tried so many patent medicines that I was tired of them all, and besides I did not have enough money to pay the doctor and the drug store. He said if I would get two or three bottles and try them, and if it dM not do my wife any good that he would pay for the med- icine. I went to the drug store (Mr. Clawber's on Elm Street), and bought a bottle. The first anbut the third seemsecond ed to work like a charm. effectt seem to have much Shehas taken in all about thirteen bottles and she is to- day as stout and healthy as any woman in the United States. This is not the ouly case. When- ever 1 hear tell of any woman who is sick in the neighborhood I just send the book and paper that is wrapped around every,bottleand that does the business. I am no longer bothered about doing mdo it all in one ay anandd never seemsfor rtired ife can or out of spirits now." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Cure consti- pation, promptly and permanently. R Friend's eold eomfort. The Toronto Telegram, an Tnpependent Conservative paper, does not see mach hope for the success of Mr Whitney as a leader in a crusade in which 51r W. R. Meredith and Mr Marter signally failed. Our contem.• porary says: "It would be easy to please extreme Cone servatives with the flattering falsehood that Mr Whitney is particularly well equipped for the work of wrecking the Ontario Gov eminent. The nnprejadiced observer can - pot possibly see wherein Mr Whitney is particularly well equipped for such arduous work. Nor oan the unprejudiced observer see the wisdom of bringing Sir Chas. Tup- per or Hon. Geo. E. Foster into the Provin- cial fight. At the present time it is diffi- cult to see whatthe Conservatives can hope to gain in provincial politics by awakening party enthusiam. Party enthusiasm is hard to awaken, and when all there is of it is a- wake it- is not strong enough, to turn Hon. A. S. Hardy out. The true hope of victory over the Liberal Government would be in the leader who could appeal to public opin- ion outside the party, and in an Oppoaition which could point to facts illustrating its fitness for. Government. It does not appear that Mr Whitney is such a leader, nor have his followers yet impressed the province with a sense of their fitness for the respon- sibilities which now burden the Ontario Government." This is certainly ;cid comfort, corning as it does from a professional friend. Manitoba Mention. Miami, Man. The Doan Kidney Pilla Co„ Toronto, Ont.: Geptlemen,—I got a box of your kidney Pills from a Miami Drug Store, determined to give them a chance to cure me of the kid- ney complaint, from which I have suffered for some time, and which has become so bad latterly that I could:scarcely endure it. I may say that it resulted from a fall that I received some months back. After using several kidney pine and cures of different kinds, but without receiving any benefit, therefore I am pleased to testify to the great benefit1 have received from Doan's Kidney Pills I have used only one box up to this date, and the change in my condition is so great that I cannot refrain from recom- mending therm to any person afflicted as I have been, or troubled with any kidney dis- order, for I believe that if they would cure me they would cure almost any case. I will be able to resume -my farts work now, as usual, and it is not the lightest work either. I am, sirs, Youre gratefully, ALEXANDER FRASER, Miami, Man. Laxa Liver Pills cures constipation, bil- iouenese, and sick headache; 25c. A person may lie about the age of a horse when selling him and still the con- tract for sale will hold good at least was the opinion of the Judge of Wellington county at the Division Court in Guelph the other day when a case was brought up is which a farmer was sued for the amount due on a horse that he had bought. The defence showed that tie horse was older than he was represented to be and in con- sequen ce thought the contract should be nullified. Judge Jamieson gave judgment for the full amount of olairn and costs, pointing out that the horse being older than represented did not invalidate the contract. CURES COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. PRICE 25c. OR 5 FOR $1.00 FOR SALE RV ALL DRUGGISTS M MUNYOi 'S REMED1ES With Llilunyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies you can doctor and CURE YOURSELF No Guess work—No experi- menting—No big Doctors' Bills—Each Remedy has plain directions, so there can be no mistake A separate cure for each dis- ease—at all druggists -215 cents a bottle Mr Hardman, Bathhurst St„ County York, Ontario, Bays:—"I suffere d for six years witb a large and painful nicer on the leg. I tried many things, but all unsao- oessfuliy. I was induced to begin the nee of Munyon's Remedies and they were a perfect success in every way. I give this testimonial with the hope that others may see it and be benefitted." Munyon's Rheumatio Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cures in a few days. Price 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively ourea all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. Price 25o. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Prioe 26o. Mnnyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speeoily heals the lungs. Price 2Fo. Munyon'a Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, lious or groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness and builds up the system. Price 25c. Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache in three minutes. Price 25. Munyon's,Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price 25o Munyon's Bloed Cure eradicates all im- purities of the blood. Price 25o. !Runyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure—price 25c—eradicates the disease from the system, and the Ca- tarrh Tablets—price 25c.—oleanse and heal the parts. Munyon'a Asthma Remedies relieve in throe minutes, and cure permanently. Price $1. Mnnyon's Vitalizer restores lost vigor. Price $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists. Mostly 25o a vial, Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 11 and 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free medical advice for any disease. POULTRY DOTES. There is no food that will make hens lay like meat. Bones, cut up, are excellent, but they are all the better if they have meat ad- hering to them. Ii the hens fail to lay, shut off the grain, get someoheap lean meat or liver and feed it once a day, in the morn- ing, allow one pound of meat to ten hens. At night the ordinary ration may be given, bat omit the grain. It is a great mistake to suppose that a simple tonic gives strength; it only stimu- lates the stomach to renewed action. To impart real strength, the blood must be purified and enriched, and tbis can only be done by such a standard alterative as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, When grass is just coming it will be an advantage to use a little salt in the ground grain food, but only enough for a seasoning. Too much salt is detrimental, creating thirst and leading to inflammation of the bowels. This is due to the drain on the body of its fluids, the birds being unable to drink suf fioient water to connteraot the effects of an overdose of salt. The buff color has been introduced among Plymouth Rocks, Leghornsand Wyandottes as well as among Cocbins, and it is a fav- orite oolor, as the birds present a uniform appearance and do not show the effects of dirt on the plumage as plainly as when the color is white. The buff breeds are not fully established and the specimens are true i a every point. They are not perhaps sup- erior as layers over other birds, but are fully equal in hardiness and other respeots. SATISFACTORY RESULTS So says Dr. Curlett, an old and honored practioner, in Belleville, Ontario, who writes:—"For Wasting Diseases and scro- fula I have used Scott's Emulsion with the most satisfactory results." Plitthlr J. H- Eno, in Northwestern Farmer, gives the following: "Take one pound of quassia chips, steep in 2 or 3 pel,ils of water, and wash the animals all over.- This must be done on a warm day. It is perfectly harmless and a sure death to lice, I have never had to wash horses or cows but once, as it kills all nits as well as lice. 1 have dipped ghickens in the water with good re- sults. These chips can be got at any drug store for from fifteen to thirty cents per pound." ATARR!I Mrs. Dobell, of London, Ont., Cured for 26 Gen18 Doctors Could Help, but Couldn't Cure— Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Released the Prisoner, and To -day She is as Well as Ever -She Says it is a Great Remedy "Yes, I am Mrs. Dobell," said a comely, pleasant -faced woman at her home on Horton Street to a News reporter to -day, "and I will very gladly tell you what you want to know. About three years ago my husband was very ill, and I bad frequently occasion to rise in the night and go for a doctor or to the druggist. In my hurry I often neglected to properly clothe myself, and contracted several heavy colds, which turned at last to chronic catarrh. I tried doctors, who helped me, but did not cure me, and several special catarrh medicines. I was relieved but not cured. I was suffering intolerably when Mr. Shull recommended the to try CHASE'S CATARRH CURE, and it began at once to help, and in about two months had entirely cured me. I cannot speak too hi''hly of this remarkable medicine, and cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers from catarrh." The blower included is agreat help to sufferers. T1\ O BOTTLES CURE PIMPLES. Gentlemen,—For a long time 1 had pimples breaking out all over my fade. 1 was told about B.13.B,, and started its use. After takiug one bottle 1 was nitwit better, and the second bottle made a ootnplete ours. I have rocomended it to others of my friends, and they ha ie found it uni- formly eatIstituto ry• a, F. BEST. Whitcbread, Ont. WIND J4MMING DAYS AN OLD MARINER'S TALES OF BRAV- ERY IN WRECK. etas Sty !Honor as a Sailor, I Won't Leave You," Said the Captain too Swede Sailor. Bravery and pathos In the Soo Businetta of the O1d r1aps. "Baba" he said. "You have a lot to learn, young malt. You have as =oh sentiment in your construction as Chia stick I carry. "The idea of a y+outb like you trying to tell me that there is as much bravery and pathoe attached to seafaring now as there was when 1 were master of a wind jammer! You rIxA ably believe that yon are correct in year statement; but, man alive, you are mekPng a fool of yourself. Here in these days you have lifeboats big and stout euongh to carry an army of men. Von have steam to manipulate the falls, patent davits to swing clear. No lowering away by hands and no get- ting them back aver the side with every pound of flesh eedulling. New fangled gone for throwing a life line, rafts tha go to pieces in the first chop of sea, cook jackets that need no instructiohat cards, but which go on like a man's vest; pumps .that are rusty for want of use, seamless p and dozens of other inventions in these days. Where were s? they in the otd time "Let..me tell yon something. I don't say but that theme are malty brave and gallant mariners in the business now. But the old shipwreck meant more in the matter of Lite taking than the ship- wreck of today does. Did you ever hear toll of a sailor of the old school trying to get into a boat before the passengers were out off danger•? You needn't say you have, because you have not. Why, the only once who ever attempt any- thing of that kind u:e stokers and fire- men and rowdies who have the impu- dence to ca11 themselves sailors. "I muiemltsr the case of a shore loafer named Holmes, who tried a shenanigan like that, He wets afterward tried in the United States circuit court at Philadel- phia and was convicted of manslaughter. Hie was one of 80 shipwrecked persons who took to the long boat, which was greatly overloaded and constantly in clangor off sinking. Well, this beach rat Holmes and scans more of Abraham's men threw ovorboarrcl 16 passengers, twt of whom were women, to' lighten the boat. The court held that a sailor is boaud by law, if necessary, to sacrifice his life be save khWittlife of passengera Furthermore the court held that while two saikme might struggle with each Waxer bar the possession of the same h plank wir± mold save but one, if a passenger cone on the plank even the law df neoesafty would not justify the sailors in takteg ft barn him. , Von do not think of that law! Well, it is the law of Gbd. It is also the law of duty. "Did yon ever hear at the case of N' Captain atmsot of the ship Aider? He was a good sailor and a gallant master and Do matter what many may think, it is possible to be both. His ship foun- dered, but he refused to be taken off. wine be Do you know e refused to bo taken off? There was en injured man on board, and while the old timbers wore going trader to pieces der bis very feet he knelt down and said to the man: " 'I won't leave yon, lad. On my honor as a smiler I won't.' "On his hauler as a sailor he would not leave him. Have you ever heard of anything more touchingly honest? Cap- tain Nutria= waist down with his ship, but managed tb bold on to his man and to get to the bottom of an upturned boat, fromwtiit".li they were afterward rescued. It was a month or so after thatf when a townsman asked Captain Nut - man what the name of the rescued man was. "' Why, I never inquired,' he said. 'Ho just 11t1t ad articles in the regular way. I may have heard it then, but I do not know it now. Heaves a Swede, that's all I know of him. ' "The friend shook his head in eaton- ishinent a& be impaired: "'What' A Swede? Take all that chance for a S idef "Wl y, yes, aretrfora.Gwede. I didn't care whether' he was a Swede or a Laplander. lib was a good sailor and would htrve dmime me for me had things been meowed." " "Nor is that ail. young man. There was a ehilk about 1846, but the name of the errift thus escaped my mem- ory. The crew book to one boat, which was overcrowded. A noble Newfound- land,. the pet•' the ship, swam along- side the boat. All the men turned their eyes sadly twain him. but they know there was no a�ocan for 'him in that boat. Tho captain lewd that dog better than ho loved hid life, and he stood up in the boat LIS he totik d his coat and said': oan " 'I nc see biro die like thin Give him ray rtece in the boat. I oan hold on to tike plank, and he cannot.' "There was a chorus of dissent, and one of the sailors struck the brute over the head with the Wade of an oar, while another pulled his shgath knife. " `Don't burl hurt,' said the captain kindly, but firmly. " 'Order him away, then,' growled several of the men. 'Ho will swamp us all.' "Tire captain hesitated a minute, waved his arvn in the air and said, 'Back, Prieto!' and the faithful brute swam hack in the direction in which the vessel had disappeared beneath the surface. Where do you find such paeflos iu the sea Waimea,: now? Dive tee the olu ?,: 1 or every tame." Alel he hobbled up Beaver street an ill street,-- 1'r t� `-,,,1, 7(1: i1 and Express. eanadlan Butter In England. During the season of 11396-97 the sbip- ;rents of Australian and New Zealand but ter to Great Britain aggregated 460,000 paokages, against 388,000 for the previous year, showing an inorease of 72,000 pack- ages, Thia is more than double the amount shipped from Canada, despite the fact that the distance from Australia to England is more than three times that from Canada to England. The price real. ized in London varied from 23 to 18 Deets. The present year ought to witness a large inorease in the'Canadianshipment to Great Britain. There is no reason why Canada should not export ten times the amount sent from the Antipodes. The United Statue Government is also bens on captur- ing a share of the British butter trade. The Agricultural Department ie at the present time engaged in practical experi- ments with a view to getting a foothold for American butter in the British markets. The American Government is shipping the fanciest brands that oan be had, and• send. ing them forward in as perfeotly fresh con- dition as possible, and at regular intervals. Canada will have iota of competition in the British butter market, but there is no rea- son why she cannot make as good a reputa- tion for her butter as she has made for her cheese. We have exoelled the United States in the production of the latter arti- cle. Why should we not be equally suc- cessful in regard to butter? Our success will depend on systematizing the batter business as we have systematizedoar cheese industry. A SUMMER SPECIFIC, Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoeal dysentery cramps, collo. summer com- plaint, canker of the mouth and all bowel complaints of children or adults. It is a a won'tt soothing, effectual and never failing medi- a cine, which gives Immediate relief and speedily effects a cure. o y( r:ttg mnrinnr dived int() Vljlllam Julian Hawthorn, who was Bent from New York to India to describe the scenes of the famine and the bubonic plague, said yesterday: "I spent only 30 days in India, a fortnight in Bombay and a fortnight in the famine district, among the native vii- lages, millions of Hindus and Bengalese died from starvation, and the Government figures represent one-sixth of the actual deaths from the plague." TURNING GRAY AND THREATENED WITH BALDNESS rho Danger is Averted by Using ,s . VICOR "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that 1 was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop- ped the hair from falling out, stimu- lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of ,A } er's medicines to my friends."—Mrs. H. M. IIAIaIIT, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARED DY DR.!. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., 0. S. A. Avers Barsapartita Itemoues .Pimples. iff F F Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING. OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. kftkk§k, wastilnoseis lasts elenWleetlimittalll tteati , t OU flI{ops AVegetablePrepararttonforAs- similatingtheFoodand uIa- ti>:g 1h&Stomachs andho of Psomotes Digestion,Clleerftd- aess apd Rest -Contains neither m,Morphine nor Maeral. OT NARV OTIO. Sea- annt• • 4aisssn Sear q. ou•d Jida • 'sir ApelfectRemedy fc)rConstipa- tion, Sour.Stomac3t,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feveristt- ness:andLOssiOF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of NEW -YORK, At;b ncion:ihs 0cl 3,5D, E XACTT0PY O)^ WR1APPEB, trecee THAT III lY FAC -SIMILE* ur SIGNATU ---OF— IH ON THE- WRAPPT OF EVERY BOTTLE OE CASTOR j Oaetorta is put up in one -size bottles onlyr' '' le Rot sold in balk, Donit allow anyone to you anything else on the plea or promise that is "just as good" and "will answer every pose." Jan See that you get 0-A-S-T-0-11+I.d, The mac- sl,S simtlo/J of grakP iTt Business Chige. The partnership•existingibetween J. McMurray and H. Wiltse has been diesrolved, and the business will be carried on by the undersigned, who will be pleased to receive the support of all old cuetomers,'and as many new ones as may find it to their interest to give him a trial. All goods to ba found in a'L•ret rate Grocery, as good and cheap as any, will he. kept in stock. Bal line for a few days in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. Cash for Eggs. H. VVILTSE, CLINTON, Phone 46 "if Rady for Business SHEYPAIU) QCs BEACOM The Clinton Family Grocery, Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Groceries; Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c. We guarantee oar values to be the very best he the market. TEAS a specialty. Telma Cash or Produce. SHEPPARD & BEACOM Ontario Street, Opposite Combo Block, clink. VJh Don't You [S8 A FD NFAIN PE THE SAVE TIME AND TEMPER We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. It has Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will riot floojd no or drop ink. Do not allow Dealers to press upon you lines "just as good,. but get the best. IT4APYAiM'S RIVAL If your Stationer does not handle it write us and will send you our reduced Price List. the Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., £oronto 1 '1 '`. Jiiyi� :an mriA1.1,-,n Sena; Co., London, Ont. •+i' „,.•m. we got nnloher and hotter results from \f;ulit r,'n Want. time any other .ro have ... •1! ,k 11 r,-.v•mn'rnd 11.. DEAN KILOS., ushers THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London• MRs. JOHN CASH. My husband has been troubled with dyspepsia and finds Ripans Tabules the only .relief. He has been troubled with indi- gestion for the past fif- teen years.