HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-08-06, Page 1OL. XVI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1903. NO. w get ennui meeting of the shareholders of the Bank of Hamilton was the heed office of thebankin Hamilton on June 16th. Oa behalf of the tr wdin May Remaly, aly,190vicepresident, eubmltted,the following report for :- lenge at credit of profit end loss account, May Met, 1902, was, ,8 44,789.84 olltedor the year ended May 80th, 1808, after deduocing charges • taanegement ana mating prevision for. bed and doubtful debts, , 885,8119,20 J $!80,182.04 soh have been declared ; 5 per cent paid December iet,19029100,000.00 6 per cent paid June 111,'1908 100,0112,00 8200,000.00 reserve fund from profits $100, x.00 to rebate on current bale discounted6,'' 1.00 e amount written of bank premises, etc, , nt 6,000,0- 110,000.00 810,000.00 profit and loss carried forward 1170,129,04 tors have to report with great regret the death of the Hon. A. T. Wood,. long a valued and efcient member of the board. Ur. John 8. Hen- , P., was chosen to fill the vacancy thus oreatedt qyy le my last official sot as president of the bank, ae it is to be tot- resigeation as a director, a position which I have occupied since the ergs n of the bank, filling the odium, first of vice-president and then of pnwidettt during that long period of over 80 years I have watched with much Date t the rise end progress of the bank from Its small beginnings shrenl lie ale tamer of uninterrupted prosppeerCity to its present large propot- ded sphere of influence. In retiring, 1 desire to thank the share - eft repeated meths of undideuwand I feel proud to be able to Ma7r rs of the bank in the satisfactory co,ndition discbeed by the report. June eth, 1908. y'; 't JOHN STUART, President. GENERAL STATEMENT. LIAR TO T11 In eitbulation t,:, footrest,..... 9D8 interest. 178 test dy; epotitera 1 20 tae te ether blanks In Camas sed the United Stater ; 16,ef�,14 e ase to spats of the bank in (isea4 Britain., , . 822,788.75 n Ho. 8l= payable JtMMiet,100a ,... 8100,000.00 r dividends unpaid,...,,.., 119,W 100,110.00 TO TON $IAai11040111I. �,s* efts pelt up 44000,00000 eat% 1,700 000,00 t rservad for rebate of ingrest 0 cutient bills { aced M 80,000.00 ., ° d profitstwaeDs4'1orreltrd ..,.., 70,122.00 ^"""-- -8.$$0,142,04 821,960,698.64 reeiht,,,...,...,. ....,-;.,....$ Satant sow 1,911I 475 00 r .+ km ; nt ea mouthy for 100,000.00 esti etbir banks 484,940.57 etherintake In Censda and the 11.9788,186.19 government, maiden!, railwaytitles 188 ex i ort esti, on negotiable teourities2 2,,889,84$.47 ----.r 7,877,418,79 and advaeoee current, d41,89b:92 std• tto.,mane (eetimtpbd lost provided for) 64 429,02 i, OAtoe uraftrtre, tales, oto 608094 01 slur tiles bank premises), mortgaw, eta 49091.29 tit included under forepaw heads . 46,980.12 New Pope Fleeted. ' Rome, August 4. --Cardinal Meech! secretary of apostolic briefs, announced to the crowd assembled before St. Peter's that Cardinal Sarto bad been elected d pf ae, a that he had taken the name The troops ou duty immediately lined up on the plena and presented srw. At 10 mimosa atter 12 o'olook this afternoon Pope Pius X. appeared inside the balcony of the basilica and blesss4 the populace amid the acclamations of the enormous orowd assembled upon the piesse. Pope Pius X. hes expressed his desire not to dissolve the conclave until this evening, Itis supposed that the oar- dlnele, will, therefore, remain In their present geartere until about 7 p.m. He was sleeted on the seventh ballot, after three days and a half of deliberti- tion. It was reported yesterday that when Cardinal Sarto received the good wishes of hisfriends he replied, smilingly ; "Ah no; 1 ptiroheeed • return ticket when I lett Viola.,, While Prince Chigi, the master of the enclave, was drawing up the Moist aotot the election and acoeptanceof the new pope, the latter, surrounded by his 'riends disappee. into a small room neer the eat e altar, where be donned the whits robes of leis ofloe. Plus X. was +twisted by his conolavtet, who first knelt and kissed his master's heed and thus received the first "pa- tella bos lessing given by Pius X. When he was robed, the seoretary of the conclave, Monsignor Merry Del Val, kneeling, offered him the papal white eap, amidst breathless silence. He did not follow the precedent created by Pope Leo, who declined to give his red cap to the master of eeremonles; but, with a slight smile, Marto took the white cap, placed it calmly on his head and drop- ped the red one lightly on the head of Monsignor Merry Del Val, amidst a murmur of approval. This is taken aa a certain intimation that the happy res olplsnt is soon to he raised to the car- dtuelayt. As the new pontiff stepped from be- hind the altar, the only touch of Dolor about him being his red and gold shoes, he really owned the embodiment of his holy allots Els . Igoe " was pale and clearly soifened by emotion. He paused e moment u be came before the expec- tant oerdinsis, then seated himself on the throne with a hurried movement, ae hough he had suddenly grown weak, is beck was to the altar, and he was throned to receive the ao-called " flet fence" of the car$inals, They came forward, one by one, some calm and annul others sober and non eommit- tel lie still others found considerable MSc ty in concealing their disappoint - meat. All kissed hie hand and toot while he ealu each on the cheek with the kiss of peace, Then ail broke into the Te Daum with such effect that scarcely an eye wel dry. Pius X then rose and in a voice at firs tremulous, but gradually becoming full sed dent, administered the papal egelite to all of the members of the college. It was received with and uncovered heads. shaman's ring not yet having , a new one, designed by the Oreglia, was placed on the re as a symbol of renewed evidence that the Catholic ace more a sovereign head. himself with becoming ave no outward sign of 's, the supreme moment is 88 years of age. ' and Health. son when the perapir- r are chances of serious by swallowing hastily of lee water. The hot- nd the more hurried the greater the temptation to verage and the greeter the 1ata11 n, hoh, May 80th, 1908. adoption of the rpt Mr. Ramsay poluted out Mist the profits tis sof • very gt'attfying end aadstsetory eheraeter•, madder- of asfder- t Mtludedhalso tolthe laarge i as well iF those of term. 91,. yeer,n¢ nottiastssofoop�rlidenoeonthe patoofthe publ� banks H.,l ouraarolo the retirement from the board et )1r. John Stuart, .ween *rides upon he sloes the organisation of the bank in id attention to the fact at a later stage a resolution bearing on the be submitted. ,btDay concluded by of moving the adoption the report, which was oli-, George Roach, and' tarried. , r. Rwt i then sekeit Mr. Turnbull tit read the agreement entered into tit tits k and Mr. John Stearn which provider -tor a retiring allowance ba year, tgiysbIe'menthly in adunes,14r life, sad then moved that the not of June nth, t9W, between the blank of Haoditen and Mr. Stuart, the 711bleat, be oennrmstl by the shareholdetie. r at Rendr% tee an original and perhaps the 1ergart sharehoidei, seo- aletion, width was carred unatiamewly. +treaisoved by kir. Samuel Barker, M.P., uoottdgd)fr, Eduard Mar- di., Chet the tluake of this meeting be glomto tom! of tits bank irnokks during the year, model intrlied unanhaoaeiy, sad Mr. Rsmaey eetarned thanks for the Wad. TUB eiThrft Arranesavap by Mr. Wm, Ilunadrie, attended by Mr. David Maid, that Ike thanks be girth to Ibe gourd manager, aatdatatt tWal manner, ju• and Okr taws 01 the , kw the efdoteat performance of 9. is mitts' tbls resolution, refer WA* a its fest eft. u&Rowe, and thought that they tri •M well paid. Tlq lactic: uhaaitgou,ly, s ; This h ing and ddangar large q ter the drinker the coons danger fir" npleasant results. Water cooled too near the freezing point, if drunkat all In the hot season, should he sipped slowly and allowed time to absorb some of the animal heat to that tit will not enter the stomach at a shill - temperature. Used in this way it is teful and free from danger; gulped n it imperils health. Capital, all paid up, $2,000,000. Reserve, $1,700,000. Total Assets, over $22,000,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL 'MANAGER. BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. • General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly.. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. rilt7 0410,1,ttlf • .fm., fgrtAtirpokt rmm -9 THE CREAT CASH STORE Tremendous Mid -Summer Never before have we given the buying Public such a grand opportunity of securing bargains as during this sale. Below we quote you a few of the prices; Men's Fine Straw Hots, worth 91, for 50o. Men's Fine Straw Hats, worth 50o, for 25c. Men's and Boys' Straw flat,, worth 25c, for 40o. Men's White Wash Vesta, worth 91, for 50e, Men's Summer Coats, worth 91,50, for 91. Men's Sommer Coats, worth $1, for 50a Dien's Summer Underwear, 40o, 45o and 600, your choice for 25e, 400 yards Dress Goods, worth 25e, fbr 15o. Ladies' Wrappers, worth $1, for 950. Lathes' Wrappers, worth 91.50, for $1;15. Ladies' Wrappers, worth 91.75, for 91.25. Musline, Print, and Ready-made Blotlees at sweeping redua Mons. We are selling Fruit Jars very cheap. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods, If you want your home taken let us knew and we will be on the spot. LIFE-SIZE W Done in the very *test styles dont pay until satisfied, , T. B. MCAYRTER And ice for cooling purposes should not be put into the water used for drink- ing -at least not unless it 1s beyond suspicion of containing deleterious stet - ter, which is seldom the condition of the ice of commerce. When water coolers with an ice compartment separated from the liquid to be 000led are not available a shall pall set In a larger ono the intervening space being puked with ice, will serve every purpose. This is easily done, and it is a mamma of safety which should not be neglected, Dont imagine that the germs of dioses, ere destroyed by tho freezing process; they ere too tenacious of iiia to be so 'idly got rid of. The typhoid germ Mande both high and low temperatures that would be fatal to any bigh animal *pulsation, and than gets in itsdeadly work on the unsuspecting or opreba water drinker who ingests it. Aud there are others. ,p Ililo Uauida or Pet The late Lord Dufferin, at ,he wee 0 overnor•general,epok! of Oanadp ollowe:- ver has any people beat endowed wl anoGkj; , birthright, or (fie with promo:el ee rer;(ster W toyer gift God h a given qac lottod within the borders of y mp1 �terel' torics, It b frac sire fM tt+sics your lives are cert is oherseterissd by ruder features than thou displayed in lower latitudes ,and within more tun• ward stretching sands, but the north bseewer been the items of liberty, indus- try, and valor; leis true you are not so rich as wme other communities, but the happiness of a people does not so much 4Nsnd upon tate accumulation of wealth uypott itaequable distribution. Iu. many of the wealthiest nations of Europe thousands nen scarcely obtain their deny bread, and though Canada is by no means a nation of millionaire* there is not amongst ns an agricultural hotseetatd, between the Atipntio an the Paoifio, whero content and plenty de not reign, and in a thousand looaltt the earth is bursting with the mins7a wealth which only requires imp, transportation to develop. -Mr. Thomas Bennett, sr., a well•t do farmer, living on the Roeleap 11 e Biddulph township, aged 70 -,tare from the rack of a hay w tie oft �f day evening, striking heavy ou his 1 shoulder, without parent eario injury. During the • t his conduio became alarming , . *el at earlybueed awtde see wn'ups -Tan Slain A • it Into t and is OM entire