HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-21, Page 8y '2, t89` THE CLINTON NEW ERA tit Of � .e 111 • k'1'fl>G2A. , MAX 21, 1897 ZOOM. NOTICES. '� y`Itlldeii..-*Eggggs and roll butter.• Higheet price 1c;,+�4,A2ITELUN BRCS„ Gunton, rugnl, Sults.--'Don't fail to see oar $6.50 odroom 1:114itee—great snap—Broadfoot & Boa. Wwiatcd et Once. -5011 dozen good fresh eggs r which the highest price will be paid at Jae. STILLG1llr 1T.—The Dress outting school at Waverly 13o7e1. Clinton, until Juno first. iecIaiattention paid to girls from the country. Qi1TTLE for Roses Carnations smilax ' N; Flower Plants, All kinds of Flower De- .1nitd4 up on abort 'notice. Prices reason Nowa MOM. ;$0104 SH ascsans.—Mr Jas. Twitchell, WIN JO Ontario agent for the' British oltlmbia Red Cedar Shingle Co.,hand ed',no less than 125 cars of shingles t year,aud so f rr this year has band - 1 about half that quantity. HOUSE SOLD.—The residence on Al- 11ert.St.,..recently occupied by the late 111rs, Harland, has been sold to Alber t Morrell for the sum of $275, We un- devstand that he intends to build thereon, and has, given the contract to 9 Cooper. ACCIDENT.—Wm. East fell into a i'12 foot tank at the mill the othsr day. The tank was empty, and it was thought that he had injured himself • Qerpusly, but beyond being rendered unconscious for '.the time, no injury Was sustained:" .UtICKETERH.—The following is the team which intends to play Forest on the.2!th:—Captain, Mr Terry; James McMurchie, M D. McTa,ggart, Lack -$'ennedy, Jas. Mowson, J, B Hoover, Agnew, J. Miller, jr., W. Trelea- veln,.E. Cantelon, Andrew McGarva; feral umpire, J. P. Doherty; scorer, ll',red Jackson. ,QVEEN'S BIRTHDAY.—Brussels and a xeter seem to be the only places in this neighborhood that are going to ''celebrate.the 24th of May. As the la- erosse.team from Clinton go to Exeter 'anti that day, it is altogether likely that a number of our people will go 4o that place. The town itself will sim- ty-take a holiday. ' acasseE NOTES,—The Degree Team of Cilinton Oddfellows will attenda.Distr ict Lodge at Exeter on the 8thabfaJJune, and exemplify the 2nd degree. The D. D. G. 31., Dr. Shaw, will pay an official visit to Clinton Masonic Lodge this ev- :ening; quite a number are expected tram other lodges, and the Clinton Iuennbers will entertain them to sup- per after the work is done. To LEAVE TowN.— Mrs Whitt has decided on leaving town, and will make hair home in Buffalo,where she has a sister residing, and where she finds a rluch wider field for the pursuit of her rofession. She has lived in Clinton ora considerable length of time, and .feels. keenly the severing of the ties that ave been formed during her residence Here. She expects to leave in about five weeks. ' `'SONS OFENGLAND AND THE DIAMOND tii,.i1BILEE.—Sheffield Lodge No. 83, S.O. -E, Clinton, will have a special service in one ot the churches here on Sunday, ,Toric 20th, and will extend a special in- vitation to all sister societies to join ahem. ` The service will. commence at $0 p. m., and "God Save the Queen" Pili be sung at the same time through- ,* the whole British Empire. „FIRE.—About 10 o'clock on Monday morning the house of Mr W. Murphy, .)ust north of the town, was discovered to 'y: be on fire. It had gained such headway that nothing could be done ”`•tOaave it, and attention was turned towards saying the effects, nearly all which were removed. The origin Q the fire is not known, but is sup- osed to have arisen fronts a defective 1:0 parley. There was an insurance on e house. MINGLE FARE TICKETS.—The Grand runk Railway is offering particularly ood terms for Queen's birthday trav- lleas this year. For a single fare, tick- efs can'be had to any station on the hateand return, good to go on any train Fpn Saturday, May 22nd, or following ays and to return any time up to and' eluding Tuesday, May 25th. For a re and athird, tickets can be had from JC'iday until Tuesday inclusive. (�OLLIsio c. — Saturday evening R. '.Velsli and family narrowly escaped n:accident that might have been un- leasant. Going out in the country to other wild flowers, they bad just ri=ven across the railroad track at the -azyield road, when a horse driven by .Oronyn collided with there. Mr -elsh and one of the children were brown out, but were not hurt, and heashaft of Cronyn's buggy was brok- olI '' The accident was due to Cronyn'e arsre shying. ine'%VXLL APPEAL,—Mr Watterson, a efftber of the G. T. R. legal staff, was t'eaop Tuesday, looking up the assess- eiiPrif'the Company, with the inten- 4 n: ofappealing against it as being o;?high. The statute defines that lieead property shall be assessed at 'wimple lrate ae adjoining property. . the'case of the Q T. R. here, its sesetnent is claimed to be higher an that of the adjoining property, •'ttce the action for reduction, which 111 be. heard at, the Court of Appeal lyi�'ythe 28th inst. itil,NaaW'AY,—On Monday a team of Oka belonging to Mr Reid, of Var- a',. ran away from the neighborhood f the freight shed, and going down he London road, caused a horse driven y .Taeob Diehl, of Stanley, to run toy. The horse was attached to a fit, and running over the common .threw Mr Diehl out on his head; he teasel rendered unconscious, and those vhe.saw the accident thought that he "'was -killed• When he revived it was b band that his head was somewhat cue but beyond this his injuries were of serious. Mr Reid's-horses'enntints-- ar't ,down the road some distance, aiming the buggy somewhat. I(7(itr rm.-•A speaia1'meeting of the Outsell `*ad hek on Tuesday evening. cfly •to lay out more work for the re, mach ne, the work previously de - upon. having been completed. It deckled to proceed with the grad - of other streets, under the direction f the 'Street Committee. The Clerk .ea a corninunication from the Seere- rr of the -Underwriters' Association, Icing to be allowed to give a false riff of fire so as to test the fire ap- lances, and which had been refused Y1 Vtwo,oecasions, The Council agreed eouiid a false alarm of fire, if -done After l'Di.in., and allow any test of the lle: lees desired, and the Clerk will iistrtict the Association. QUITE A JOURNEY.—An organ was shipped from the Doherty Factory this week, which undergoes quite a journey before it finally arrives at its destination. It is intended for a party at Vermillion, on the Peace River; it goes by boat and rail to Edmonton, then takes a two -weeks trip on an open boat, and is afterwards carted 175 miles overland. Its purchaser will ap- preciate it after be gets it. TEMPERANCE NOTES.—H. B. Chant has been elected to represent the Clin- ton Lodge at the meeting ot the Grand Lodge in Toronto. The lodge here is prospering and is one of the strongest in the section, if not in this district. The District Meeting takes place at Londesboro on Monday; the delegates are Mr Wes, Moore and wife; A. Powne, D. Stevenson, Miss L. Miller- and Mise M. Goodwin. PERMANENT RESIDENT.—The Stan- dard Life Assurance Co., of which Mr D. L. Macpherson is local agent, has a peanted as Inspector for this district Mr Geo. F. Hobart, their late city ag• ent in Ottawa. Former inspectors have made their headquarters in Strat- ford, but Mr Hobart is so well pleased with the amount of business he has al- ready secured here, and also with the appearance of Clinton as a place of re- sidence, that he will permanently lo- cate here. Mrs Hobart will join him in a few weeks. SERIOUS AOCIDENT.—On Saturday evening as Mr Arthur Couch was driy- ing along Ontario street with his wife, the latter met with a serious accident, caused by the horse running away. In passing a lead of hay in front of Mr James Smith's residence the horse shied, and in endeavoring to pull it up one of the lines "snapped. The horse ran towards Mr Conch's residence, and fearing that she would be thrown out, Mrs Couch jumped, landing on the hard edge of the boulevard, and going over on her aukle. She has been in in- tense pain ever since, and it cannot yet be told whether the ankle has sus- tained injury beyond a severe bruise or not. At any rate she will be con- fined to her room for several weeks be- fore she is again able to use her foot. BURGLARS,—It is a long time since Clinton has experienced any burglar- ies, but two private houses were visit- ed on Monday night, and the robber or robbers secured about $0 or $7 for their night's work. The house of Mr Alex. Ewing, Huron St., was entered, and every room on the lower floor ransack- ed, burned matches being discovered all over this part of the house, and in some of the drawers that were opened, pieces of matches were also found, showing that some time had been spent here; about $6 was secured here, The house of Miss E. Stevenson was also en- tered, and the dining room ransacked, only about $1 being secured. At this place one of the boarders, who had been out late, came in and noticed a light in the dining room, but paid no attention to it, thinking some member of the" household was up. In both houses the thief helped himself to re- fieshments. Entrance was effected in each case by forcing up a window. FooT-BALL•—On Monday evening the Collegiate foot -ball team journey- ed to Goderich to play a friendly match with a club from that town. The play during the first half tiine was somewhat ragged, and at the end the score stood one to one. In the second half the boys wakened up and score d four goals in rapid succession, tben they slackened off and Goderich again scored; the score at the end of the game thus standing 5 to 2 in favor of Clinton. Our boys goto Seaforth next Satur'lay afternoon to compete for the Rough Cup. Special railwayrates will be secured, so that all wishing can go on the t hree train and return on the six for 35 cents. As many as can should avail themselves of this cheap trs on toivictory dthus while theyencourage In rot,revelry and rout pursue the foot -ball plays' Whether they lose or win, we predict that the boys will acquit themselves in a manner creditable alike to them- selves, to their Collegiate and to the manly form of recreation in which they engage. NOTES.—The frame house on Albert street, owned by Mr Wm. Cantelon, has been raised and moved back, with other improvements; John Stephenson doing the work. The mother of Mrs Ireland, Mrs Hays, Seaforth, was ac- cidentally killed on Saturday, by a steer knocking her over. The floor- ing of the verandah to Spooner's hotel having given way, it has been Replaced and the building otherwise improved. A McKillop correspondent says:—"C. Hoare, of Clinton, has disposed of a few more of his piano dulcimers to parties here; his instruments are good and have given the best of satisfaction. Mr Gorrell has given an order to Seale & Hoover for a handsome monument to be erected to the memory of h;s late wife; this. flan is doing the monument trade of this section, as they deserve to. The Presbyterian church at Lucan, which has been undergoing repairs, was re -opened on Sunday, with a Mon- day evening entertainment; one of the singers at this entertainment was Mrs J. B. Hoover, of town. C. E. Know- les, who came to Clinton with the idea of buying out a business here, has in- vested in a similar business at Guelph. Dr. A. Switzer is at present looking after the practise of Dr. Ross, of Blyth, during the latter's absence. A num- ber of names of young men have been •submitted to the town clerk, as per- sons entitled to be put on the Voters' List; some of them are qualified voters and should be added to the list, but it is said a number are not qualified, be- ing under age. The Court of Revisiur, will hold its first session on the even- ing of Wednesday next, 26th. Mr W. Moffat, who has been spending the winter here, has returned to Manito- ba. Hiram Hill has the contract for addition to the house of Mr Eph Butt, on the base line. Mrs Mills, who is od- cupying her own house on Joseph St., has given a contract to S. 8. Cooper for a new vestibule. MrFred Jackson has been under the weather for seve- ral days, but is getting better. W. J. Ross, assistant book-keeper at the Or- gan Factory, is riding an,elegant Yale wheel; he's very enthusiastic just now, but it will curtail his liberty somewhat. The regular meetingof the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs Biddlc- comhe, on Tuesday, May 26th—not Thursday, as originally intended; Miss Fisher, Wingham, will be present to' confer with' the Union on impof'tant ,business. The wife of Mr B. Cole ex- pects to leave Detroit hospital tomor- row. The wife of Mr Sam. Wilson is recovering nicely from her late illness, and expects to be able to leave her room in a few days. MAY 24 Queen's Birthday June Queen's Jubilee o Patr lOtl C ilolidays CLINTON is making preparations to celebrate Jubilee Day, June 22nd, with a monster demonstration that will be worth coming miles to see. We have gathered a great assortment of the leading Jubilee Novelties for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear, and our stock of these lines is one of the most complete you'll find oyal Purple Is the correct color for Gentlemen's Neck- wear, either plain or mixed with other shades. It's the Jubilee shade and we show it in BOW TIES, -STRING TIES, FOUR-IN-HANDS, KNOTS, at 25c, 35c and 50e. • Jubilee5ailors Just received this week some of the nobbiest Sailor Hats for Ladies that have been shown this season. Special among them is "The Jubilee." This shape is be- coming and promises to be very popular. Two Qualities, 90c $l. Royal Standards, Canadian Ensigns, Union Jacks and Jubilee' ' a S fast colors and printed on a gond quality of cottonspecial Jubilee designs for demonstration purposes, all . Holiday Wantaii/es A few special prices on things you may want for Monday. Ladies' Gloves, pure silk, imported direct from Germany:by ourselves, black or cream Ladies' Fine Blouses in linen effects, newest sleeves, White Linen detach -250 able Collars, extra value at Ladies' fine American Muslin Blouses, newest style, fast colors, in a variety of patterns, detachable Collars, Ladies fine black Cotton Hose,Gerrnan make,stainless, double heel and toe 15c 1.15 and 1.25 Ladies' fine Cotton Hose, 40 guage, extra double sole, extra high spliced German make and sta Ladies' heel, 'Cashmere Hose, plain orinless ribbed ye 25c 25c *1 I4ODr.js BROS., A Corset Bargain A new make at a bargain price. Long waist, 5 hook, made from strong, durable lean, satin stypes, 4 side steels, a perfect fitting and comfortable corset, drab or fawn. You'll pap 75c lots of places for no better. Special price 55c The DRY GOODS PALACE;, CLINTON milmemisominammommumminmesimanr Next Jriday & aturday And next «'eek we will make a big display of our Cloth:ng and FUi'iiishing Stock, comprising a big lot of the latest Jubilee Novelties purchased by our Mr W. Jackson, on a special tour this week among the markets. Jubilee Derby Ties, Jubilee Bow Ties, Jubilee Knot Ties, Jubilee Lombard Ties, Jubilee Silk and Cambric Handkdrehf's We also show the biggest range to be found in this part of the county in everything a Bicycle Wider needs, in Sweaters, in Caps, in Gloves in Belts. ' We also keep a big range in Summer Underwear from 50c a suit up. We are also offering some special prices to make this month the banner selling month in the history of our establishment and we are going to accomplish our object. Buy all you need for the spring and summer right now and take advantage of a good -assortment 11 at special prices. Next month we begin to prepare for next season's trade. Just now we are:devoting all our time to your interest and what you need. If you' wear a Readymade Suit come and see our great If you wear a Readymade pair of Pants come in and see our great .. If you wear an Ordered Suit come in and see our big range at If Ion wear an Ordered4Pair of Pants see our big range at If you want the right thing in a IIat see what we have from.:..... If you want the right thing in a Colored Shirt, we have them from If you wan,a bargain in a stylish Collar, see ours at three for If you want a bargain in a pair of Black Hose, see ours at two pairs fo ave You been Initiated? Into our order of doing business. Our rules fix fair prices for all our goods, and the most inexperience takes no risk here when making selections of which the buyer has no knowledge, either as regards quality or price. The Password That admits us to the purse of the prudent and in- telligent buyer is reliable goods and reliable prices. A good evidence of this is found in the purse we are now making a specialty of at 30 cents, in several shapes, styles and colors, some with silver corners. The too frequent illusion about low prices, by which true economy is lost is not known at our store. We respectfully ask for the favor of your inspection. The W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best iinusual =Bargains W. TAYLOR & SONS We have and together with t a lot of Tan anumber of otheorodsin sabout half of regularthe geodregular nlwe willebave them on sale SI1'rURDAY Morning. May 22nd, wben yon may expect the best Bargains in Footwear you ever got. Read :oare- fully the following quotations : 10pairs Men's Tan Laced Boots 15 pairs Men's Tan Laced Boots.... 5 pairs Men's Tan Laced Boots $300for $200 2 50 for 1 75 200 for 125 1 40 55 1 25 for- 1 00 1 50 for 1 25 25 pairs Ladies' Tan Buttoned Boots........ 2 00 for 4 12 pairs Children's to 8 Tan Buttoned Boots 85 for 20 pairs Boys' Tan Oxfords- ....... 30 pairs Men's Tan Oxfords ,. If you don't like Tan Shoes we have some great snaps in Black ,Goods as well. Wm. Taylor & Sons CLINTON. Summer Millinery ... $5 Suit ...... 5Oc up 25c r.. 25e Ii you want a bargain in a Girl's Straw Sailor Hat, see ours at 5 for $1 If you want a bargain in a Working Shirt, see ours at.... 25c If you have a boy who wants a new Suit, see ours at $2 ..... ,.., .......... 40c If you have a boy who wants a pair of Knee Pants, see ours at If you have a boy who wants a new Straw Hat, fancy band, see ours at 25c If you want to see an up-to-date stock of Clothing and Furnishings, come and see ours J sOBros., The Famous Clothiers, and Furnishers, Clintons Ont P S ---If you want a good time on June 22, come to Clinton's big Celebration. We are now prepared to supply all your needs in White Straw Hats, Fancy Braids, Chiffons, and Lace Hats. Never before we believe have we had such a range of styles to show you. Shipments of Hats and Trimmings received this week makes- our as- sortment complete in every- particular. veryparticular. • In '1'rinimed goods we show .a large variety of fine Chips, pedal Straws, Tuscan and Leg- horn, besides all the nov- elties of the season in Sai- lors, walking and cycling Hats. We give a; special discount of 5 per cent on all purchases of Millinery Ladies' Cotton Vests= HOSIERY. Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose, two pairs for 25o. Oar Tip Top Line Black Cotton Hose, 15e a pair. Oar 20o line is the best value in the trade, real 40 gnage spliced heels and toes, double sole and stainless dye. For 26c, our 25o silk finish, real Maoo 40 guageigh spliced beel and sole, the latest sanitary stainless dye. Ladies' Lisle Hose, feet black, high spliced heel and toe, nothing like them at the price, 25e. Boy's Heavy Ribbed Hose, fast black at 20o and 25o, Boy's Fine Ribbed Hose in black and tau with double knee, 10c to 25c. Children's Plain fast blank Hose at 10o to 20o. We have a fine assortm't of these from 5c to 35c. Parasols A Parasol is a good pro- tection in rainy weather and in sunshine to keep off old Sol's rays. We have them to suit both in quality and price. W H F3EESL" Y y& CO The Ladies Favorite Establishment; Clinton