The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-21, Page 6isor 0011111119 ttie PIeblscite. elegy ion Qf liquor neon waited e tee .rteinier the other day on tern, concerning the plebiscite, and following was the reply to thew:-- renter Laurier said the Govern- wasl bound to have an honest and expression of the people. There a tete erence between temperance le Mated prohibitionists. He wished Ietinction tobe understood. There anyy temperance people who not; desire prohibition. There were y difficulties to be met by the Gov- grttent, • They did not desire an aced - Lc answer, but a fair and p3•actical ewes. As to who the electorate elld be, he' was satisfied that they Auld be the persons who elected the i -(a • Minion Parliament. As to whether elS( ehould he "one man, one vote," Wes not prepared to say. If the vernrnent did that they might be ubjected to the charge of preparing a jeeeial law for a special case. The mat - of vevenue was a very important lght million dollars wiped out at Iree was a serious consideration. It lahtelse met in some way. There were ly�tWQ-`ways suggested, that of rais- tide tariff and that of a direct tax. te;' former co>,tld 'not be adopted by Opvernrnent as the limit of tarta- n from customs had been reached. len the latter must. He believed the tneserance men were willing to pay tWeili'ect tax. They had so stated. A 1 4b; who cast a vote aid was not pre- eered to stand by it was disloyal. The )electors must understand the conse- tteenees. The bill would be framed itheereat care at an early day. The 1estion of compensation was not so portant. Good precedents had been noted and the views of the associa- te:would be carefully considered. *was not prepared to say what the Oteeleeive vote should be, whether it 4hcu1d be a majority of the whole elec- rote, or a majority of the vote cast, ut he admitted that the expression of pinion roust be unmistakable. If the cope expressed their will the Govern- ,ment'would abide by it. The case was rbarrassing. All admitted that the a1P•tnust be strongly supported and i ictly,enforced. Local option in his native Province `Qulehec:had proved a success. The cele were well satisfied with it, and did°not think they would care to tart"with it. True, it was a difficulty i a,ink that even if a province did fiohonnce against it they would have ti•tosubreit to the will of the great maj- ority: Sir Richard Car twright spoke hrledy. He was pleased with all he )1ad heard and admitted that there ere great difficulties, but the Govern- ent would deal with thein and en- esor to do their duty to all classes ps ti. TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL. puke blood is the natural result of 'close confinement in house, schoolroom or seelood is purified by Hood's Sarsaparilla, -wall the disagreeable results of impure Iood disappear with the use of this medi• 'you wish to keep well, keep your blood e with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1'OOD'S PILLS are the best family ca- yrtio and liver medicine. Gentle, relia- sure. .;a How the Parties Stand. The House of Commons is now complete ,*1,218 members, and the political com- 1 Kion is as follows: Liberals.. 124 Conservatives 82 Patrons 4 Independents 3 213 r , The four Patrons are Douglas, East Ae- 1lnhbr ia; Rogers, Frontenac; Tolmie, West ,ruce;- Pettet, Prince Edward Co. The f(;li!Iedependents are Dalton McCarthy,, Ott ;lainicoe; Stubbs, Cardwell; and Lew - Albert, N. B. Liberals thus have a straight party lajority of 42 over the Conservatives, and kee 3e=over all otber parties conbined. ,And °:Patrons and Independents are more eely.to be with the Liberals than against iss n, ` r 'UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST. tNM TLEEN.—I wish to say that Dr. Ye�7rirfsler'g Extract of Wild Strawberry bas ed a wonderful remedy in my family. '•"e@reed not be without it for twice its oreI say it 18 THE ersr(not merely one r ' ; hebest--but the beet) medicine ever tight before the public for summer com- lalnt or diarrhoea, either in children or tzIts. JOHN UNDERHILL, otiose Commissioner, Stratholair, Man, NEWS NOTES. fin.umbrella mender, narned James IMAM, drowned himself by jumping •the canal at Welland. he Hamilton tobacco factory of lease`s:. Geo. E. Tuckett, Son & Co., osed,down on account of dissatisfac- � la:;;with the tariff, sqp ffe.fret division of the present see- on;took place at Ottawa on Mr Da- "n's ilinendment to put lumber and ag- C lltural implements on the free list. lie Government majority was 11I, any Conservatives voting with it. • De WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. THE MOST PROMPT, "Pleasant'and Perfect Cure aCoughs, Colds, Asthma, B'ronichitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop - lig cough, Quinsy, Pain in tithe Chest and all Throat, 'Sld>aohiall and Lung Diseases. le healing anti -consumptive virtues if thio' Norway Pine are combined rt`thie medicine with Wild Cherry a etlier' pectoral Herbs and Bal- t to make a true specific for all Of disease originatingf rbm colds. rr'lG'A 213c. and boo. You may get over that sakh`c cold all right, but - it has le l s mark on the mem- branes lining your throat. You are liable to take another cold and the second one will hang on longer than the first. Scott's Emulsion is not an ordinary cough specific, but it is " the ounce of preven- tion." It builds up the system, checks inflammation cnd heals inflamed mem- branes. "Slight " colds never bring serious results when it is promptly taken. Hook .on the subject free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Bell.vill., Oat. - Stole Nearly 1111. Several persons were jokingly talk- ing politics on Tuesday, when a hard- dened Grit remarked to an equally hardened Conservative, "You must admit that the Grits have stolen your preferential trade thunder, and gone one better." "I'll admit more than that," was his reply. "They stole our old policy,they stole the old flag, and all they left us was the old man, and it wouldn't, have made much difference if they had stol- en him too,! The things that people see are inside of them, and not outside. No two people see the same thing exactly alike. One womag may look out at a beautiful landscape and see all the beauty and restfulness and grandness that there is in it. Another one may look out at the same scene and see no- thing. The man who is perfectly well and vigorous enjoys life to the full. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes people well. There isn't anything miraculous about it— it is the most natural thing in the world. It simply puts the digestive or- gans, the stomach, the liver, in perfect or- der, and thereby makes the blood pure and rich. All diseases live and thrive on im- pure blood. Keep a stream of pure, rich red blood flowing into a diseased spot, and the digease will not stay. A man live son rich, pure blood, and disease dyes on it. Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes pure, rich blood. Send 31 cents in one -cent stamps, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., and re- ceive Dr. Pierce's' 1008 page "Common Sense Eedical Adviser," profusely illustra- ted. Poor Greece. 11 Greece has to pay the $20,000,000 that the war has cost Turkey, in addi Lon to her own outlays, she will re alize that the paths of glory leads to the poor house. Her debt is as far back as 1890, according to Henry Clews' Iu vestment Guide, was 8107,300.518,equal to $19per head of her population. and she was in no shape to undertake a war. Greeceis pretty nearly the poorest coun- try in the world: Nobody stays there who can help it, and very few people go there, except travellers, who are look- ing for relics of the ancient civilization and object seriously to that which they find existing. Of the Greeks in the world only one-fourth live in Greece, the others having sought their fortunes elsewhere. There are a good many more Greeks in Turkey than there are in Greece the total number of Greeks in the world beingscatte redtitus:Greece 2,200,000; Turkey in Europe, 3,5(0,000; Asia Minor, 2,000,000; Crete, Cyprus and other islands in the Levant, 400,000. Al- though the surplus of birth over deaths is 44 per cent., the population of Greece in creases at the rate of but 1 per cent. per annum. Not is the coutnry over populated, for its density is only eighty- eight per square mile. There are few immigrants to •Greece, only 2 per cent. being foreign born. The country isnot attractive to one who wants to make his own living. It does not produce enough of anything for its own con- sumption. Even in agriculture the production is inadequate, and this is largely the fault of the Greeks them- selves, for but one-fourth of arable land is cultivated. The inhabitants have to import .100,000 tons of rain and 5,000 tons of meat yearly. The average val- ue of theagricultutal products per acre is only $8.75, compared with $35.50 per acre in Holland. Fisheries are unim- portant. Although Greece has an abun- dance of seacoaet, most of the fish eat 'en are imported, the imports of fish averaging $700,0)0 yearly. And there is also no adequate supply of timber, for, although the forests cover 2,000,000 acres, timber to amount of $1,500,000 per annum is imported. SIOK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Iiistress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. nese, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Paiti in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable. • Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand • Carter's Little Liver Pills. 747 CLiNTON 101W ERA IMARD STUDY IN SUII00L. BRINGS ON A SEVERE ATTACK OF ST. VITUS DANCE, A Young Girl's Life for a Time Made Mis- erable—Gould not use her Hands and Found it Difficult to walk—Health Res- tored. From the Napanee Express. Nervousness is the frequent cause of much misery and suffering. One of the ef- fects of this breaking np of the nerves, par- tioularly among young people, being ohorea or St. Vitus dance. A correspondent tells of a young lady at Selby who was badly afflicted with this trouble. He says:—"I never saw anyone suffering so badly before from nervous disorder. She was violently jerking and twitching all the time, and could not use her right band at all. Any- thing she would try to pick up with this hand would instantly fall. When she would attempt to walk, her limbs would twist and turn, the ankle often doubling down and throwing her, Lately I heard that she had been oured but doubted thetruth of the statement and went out to see her. The statement proved quite true, and believing that a recital of the facts of the case would be of advantage to some one who might be similarly suffering, I asked permission to make them known, which was readily grant- ed. The young lady is Miss II. M. Gonyou, a general favor 1 to among her acquaintances, and it is thought that tier trouble, as is not infrequently the case, was brought on by bard study in school. Miss Gonyou gave the following statement;—"All through the fall of 1894 I had been feeling unwell. I did not speak to anyone about it, for I was going to school and was afraid if I said any- thing about it to my parents they would keep me at hone. I kept getting worse and at last grew so nervou+ that I could not hold my pencil. My right side was affected most, though the trouble seemed to go through my whole system. In January I was so bad that I had to discontinue going to school, and I was constantly growing worse. I could not use my hands, because I would let everything drop, and frequently when I attempted to walk, I'would fall. My brother had been ailing for a time and was then using Dr Williams' Pink Pills and getting better, so I thought as they were helping him so much they would be a good medicine for me. Before the first box was done I was feeling much better. and, after using the Pink Pills for about a montb,my health was fully restored. It is not more than a year since I discontinued the use of the pills, and I.have net had the slightest trace of the malady since. I am satisfied Dr Williams' Pink Pills saved me from a life of misery, and 1 would strongly recom- mend tbem for nervous troubles. Dr Williams Pink Pills create new blood, build up the nerves, and thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cured after all other medicines bad failed, thus establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of mod- ern medical science. The genuine Pink Pills are sold orly in boxes, bearing in full trade mark, "Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect yourself from im- positicn by refusing any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. NEWS NOTES. The Bishop of Huron leaves for Eng- land on June 19th. Two negro girls suspected of poison- ing a fancily were lynched near Hunts- ville, Ala. It is reported that British agents have been sent to Buenos Ayres to buy. cavalry horses. One of the beet evidences that Ayer's Hair Vigor is an article of exceptional merit is the fact that the, demand for it is constantly increasing. No one who uses this incomparable dressing ever thinks of trying any other preparation for the hair, Wesley Warren, a farm laborer near Oxer:den, wasetruck.by lightning, his clothing torn off, and it is feared he is fatally injured. A deputation of the License Holders' Association is in Ottawa to urge on the Ministry that only persons entitled to vote for members of Parliament be allowed a voice in the forthcoming ple- biscite. • A Brooklyn man sued another for $30,0[0 for alienating the affections of his wife. After hearing a mass of tes- timony, principally discreditable to the plaintiff, a verdict was given for the defendant. The court then not only ordered that the complaining hus- band pay all the costs of the suit, but fined him $100 for his impudence in bringing it. At Long Range. "I've just expressed my opinion of Snobscua, and told him in plain terms what I think of his contemptible mean- ness." ' `Snotison's a pretty dangerous man to talk to that way. I suppose you are ready to back your opinion. " "I am," said the infuriated man as he sealed the letter and wrote Snobson'e name on the envelope.—Exchange. All Ho Asked. "And do yon really want to be my son P ." asked the widow Mullinsof young Spndds, who had asked for her daugh- ter's hand. "I can't say that I do," replied the teuthfnl suitor. "I want to be Helen's husband." The anniversaries of victories won in the Crimean war are never forgotten by Florence Nightingale. in spite of her 70 years and her broken health. She al- ways sends a message to the veterans of the Crimea'and at Christmas time she never foils to send some token of re- membrance to the workers in the in- stitution for trained nurses, which she founded at St. Thomas' Hospital not long after the close of the war. eeRRESPONDENeE. The New ERA rs not responsible in any way fsr opinions expressed under this bead. Should be abolished. To the Editor of the New Era : Srn.—I would like to call the attention of our esteemed member for West Huron, Mr Cameron, to what I cell little better tbap a bare -faded robbery, perpetrated under en Aot of Parliament, and called the Weights and Measures Aot. It abstracts money from the honest tradesmen of the country, without giving any value therefor. When the Inepeotor recently paid a visit to our town, one citizen had to pay 118, although his resales were all right. The town itself paid $6 in fees for being told that its wales were correot. Other citizens bad to pay $2 to $3 for having the inepeotor look at their scales, and one of the charges made ie I6o for cartage of the Inspector's utensile from one door to another, not over 80 feet. Ie it right for honest business men to be re= quired to pay a penalty for having their weights and measures right? 11 the soales were out of order it would be different. A dishonest trader can cheat if he is so dispos- ed, even if his measures are correct, but he would soon be found out, and would lose hie trade. Yours, W, 0, SEARLE. ACCUSED OF SWINDLING To the Editor of the New Era. DEAR Sia.—The "News -Record" of yoar town has recently published an item in its columna concerning the Canada Banner Co., which company they call a "fraud," and accuse them of swindling the printers, and also of obtaining the goodwill of hotel men for "ads." that are almost worthless. In reply to that item, will you kindly al- low us to say through your oolumns that when the Canada Banner Co, were in Clin- ton Mr Todd, proprietor of the.News•Rc- cord, spoke in high terms of the scheme, even volunteering to help obtain "ads." in Goderich. Payment was made to Mrs Todd for the printing done for Clinton, al° thonth the work was unsatisfactory, but Mrs Todd promised if the Company would send them the printing to do for Godericb; she would see that the fault did not occur again, The work was sent from Goderich, and the same fault occurred again, along with miespelt names, etc. The Company did not feel justified in paying a second time for bad work, for which they (the Company) had to bear the blame. The Company nan show, and have shown, prin- ter's receipts from all parts of Ontario, where they have had work don.. In speak- ing of the lady, Mr Todd fails to discern be- tween business ability and "cheek," as he calls it. The Company wro•e Mr Todd, ERYS1PELA.S CURED. GENTLEMEN.—In the spring of 1893 I was taken with erysipelas ,jn the face, which left me in a very bad State of health, but having taken one hottle of Burdock Blood Bitters I can (telly say that it cured me. You are at liberty to refer anyone to me for further particulars as regards this won- derful medicine. JAS. S. CROCKER, South Farmington, Annapolis, N. S. A representative of the Associated Mess had an interview with the" Rev, Sjoblom of the American Baptist Mission on the upper Congo, who has just returned to London. He said "When I left in February, matters in the Upper Congo were as bad as ever. The commission which.the King of the Belgians appointed to enquire into the atrocities committed, the victims be- ing natives. has had no result. The officials are indisposed to act on mis- sionary evidence, and only a few cases of barbarit y were punished. The ini- quitous rubber traffic continues. When the natives are unable to obtain rubber the State troops burn the villages, murder the natives and cut off their hands, which are afterward smoked and sent to the state officia,ls. Parts of the Equatoisville district rre in a state of open warfare." OVERWORK —INDUCED — Nervous Prostration .Complete Recovery by the Dee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Oome years ago, as a result of toe close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de- cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and tvrenty -five to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best el health, a fact whieh we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla,. I believe my chil- dren would have been father] e1113 to -day had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparatiok I cannot say too mneh."-11. 0. ITursoie, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's 19.tzE-Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. *lardy Will Walt. The rumor that Hon. A. S. Hardy will be influenced by the avalanches In Nova; Scotia and Quebec, and being on an election at once has little to support it. The members of the Cabinet scout the idea. and say, that the story is a sur- mise, and that the ,Government con- fident that ft can carry the country any day it wishes. There is no doubt that the subject has been considered,. and considered seriously. The organizers have been looking about the counti y all the time. There is one oreat objection to bring. ing on an election now, which will pro- bably be insurmountable; that is, that thd lists have not been revised,and can- not be until after another session of Parliament. It will be impossible to have an election until after the lists have been revised. On this point the Toronto Star says:— eThe result in Quebec is not a happy augury -for Mr Whitney's tour of Ont. ;trio in June. It is good betting that Mr Hardy and his colleagues will enjoy their summer fishing without fear that the Opposition will steal away the province's affections during their ab - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. ford, Ont., says; "From personal experi- ence I recodernendeMilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills -for irervousnese and general weakness of the system, and can say with- out doubt they are the best medicine I ever used." The Conservatives of East Kent nom. inated E. Alex. Mason, of Wabash, o contest the county in their interest at the next Provincial election. HAYE YOU CATARRH ? But One Sure Remedy—Obtaln It for 25 Cents, niower Included, and be Cured. Catarrh es a disagreeable and of- fensive disease. It mitially results from a cold and often ends iu consumption and death.. The one effective remedy - /0 far dieeovered for it is Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Physicians fated to cure Geo. Belfrey, toll -gate keeper, Holland Landing road. Chase's Catarrh Cure did it. "it • One box cured William Kitt\ aw and two boxes James T. Stoddar , both of West Gwillimbury. Division Court Clerk Joel Rogers, Rob- ert J. Hoover and Geo. Teetylor, all of Beeton, voluntarily certify to the effi- cacy of Chase's Catarrh Cure. J. W. Jennison, of Gilford, spent nearly $300 on doctors, but found no permanent relief until he tried a 25 -cent box of Miss Dwyer, of Alliston, got rid of a cold in the head in 12 hours. Henry R. Niaholls, 176 Rectory street, London, tried a box with excellent ef- Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure is for sale by any dealer, or by EcImanson, Rates & Co., Toronto. Piece 25 cents including blower. Coughs, ea& and brouchital troubles reeedlder cured by the lateet discovery, Qbetee's Llinseed and Turpentine. Pleas- ant and easy to take. 25 cents. Almost a Miracle OTTAWA, SEPT. OTH, 1896. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd.' Ottawa. GENTLEHEN,-1 hardly knew how best to express my appremation of your valuable rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, and has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism for the past two years; was so bad at times that he had to be carried about on a mat tress; was attended by two city doctors ap- parently without the slightest benefit; spent 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home with no marked improvment; took three bottles of a Homeopathic remedy now being extensivly advertised, which did not relieve. in the least. 1 was beginning to give up all hope of his recovery, when by chance mentioned the case to frlend who strongly advised me to give Phrenoline a trial. I did so, with the result that when my boy had taken only half a bottle be was able to get on to his bicycle end ride like any other boy around the block. much in praise of your medicine, and shall do all I can to make known He value to others. Yours very sincerely, (Signed,) REUBEN CLARK. Sold in Clinton only by Allen & Opraiors Walltcd SHIRTS & SHIRT WAISTS. Beginners Taught. Apply at onoe THE WILLIAMS, GREENE & ROME CO BERLIN, ONT. Clinton Planing M ill. DRY KILN'. The aubseraber, having the every:latest im- proved machinery and employing the most skilled workmen is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reaaonable rates and on the shortest no- tioe. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G. T. R. STATION, wANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN ,v or women, to travel In RIuron for respon- sible estabaehed house. salary MO, payable Sie weekly and expenses. Position permanent, Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en - elope. The National. Star Building, Chicago. IMPORTANT NOTICE to all on nerseof Buggies. Democrats or Iron Axle Waggons. Having bought a "LITTLE GEM" Axle Cutter, whereby axles are out and boxing set back to the shoulder, making the same just as good as new, I will be glad to per- form anywork in this diredtion, I GUARANTEE ALL WORK satisfao. tory, or no pay. Those who have had work done, speak in the highest terms of it.— Come and see the machine and get pricea ALBERT SEELEY, BlaoksIith and General Repairer, Leal ie Carriage Shop, ()linton. OLD CHUM For the balance of this month WE WILL OFFER TO CASH PURCHASERS Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, Handsome ofoilet Sets, . China Tea Sets, . . Fancy hand painted Chinaware At Cost and Under. Call and satisfy yourself that this is a bona fide offer. Having bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers the benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. 500 HOUSEKEEPELS WANTED To take notice that our Spring Stock is arriving daily. BABY CARRIAG- ES, ART GOODS, WINDOW' SHADES, SEWING MACHINES, and the - largest stock of furniture in Huron County. We sell up-to-date sideboards. with glass, $0.50; Fancy Bedroom Sets, 20x24, Glass, $8.00 ; Large Extension Tables, $4.00; Highback Rockers, $1.00. Special Bargains TEAS ! TEAS 1 CEYLON, ASSA.M and JAPANS.' 8 pounds good Young Hyson Tea for $1. Just to hand, 1 car 1 No. 1 Granulated, Coffee and Raws in barrels, one SUGARS ! SUGARS! SUGARS! Montreal Sugar . hundred pounds and dollare, at special prices. We keep the best Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China assorted stock of Wed- and Lamps. 25 per cent less than regular price. ding Presents in Huron. Call end see our goods and get prices.'e FRESH SEEDS—Timothy; Red and Alsike Cluver, Turnip and Mengel. Cash paid for good Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, - Clinton NOW IS TOUR CHANCE FOR ring Clothing Having purchased a large, up-to-date stock of Worsted and Tweed Suitings and Trouserings for the spring trade. at a very low price, we are prepared to give the gentlemen of Clinton and vicinity Ordered Clothing cheaper than has ever yet been offered here. Suits to Order Irom $10 up. Our $13.50, $15 and $10 Suits are Leaders. We use nothing but first-class trimmings. ROBT. COATS & SON THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER CARRIAGES AND WAGGONS We Keep in Stock and make to order Carriage& and Waggons of all kinds. F. RUMBALL, - CLINTON WANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN " or women to travel for responsible estab- ished house, in Huron. Salary 8780, payable 516 weekly and expenses. Position permanent Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- velope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. Wanted Men and Women who can work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for six day a week, andewill be content with ten dollars weekly. NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. MAT STAMPING The undereigned is prepared to do all kinds 11( of stamping for Mate, Persian Rugs and arti- cles of like nature. Work done promptly and at reasonable rates. MRS A.WORTHINGTON Huron Street, WOOD and COAL YARD Wat, WHEATLEY is prepared to 1111 all or. 1 -lers tor either Coal or Wood on short notice,— Order. left at WI & Joyner s Feed Store win bo