HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-21, Page 5Ladies' Belts and ,Blouse . Sets! In Belts we lltb'Ve a Very large line, all the very latest patterns. We have e nice ones with hi- es on. The prices are 15c up. In Blouse Sets we lead, we have just received a half groes, that were bought at a very low price. We can give you a beautiful set for lOcte, collar button, three studs and a niceair of links, , all for only 10i Remem- ber these goods are silver plated. Come and see them. P. S.—Don't forget that we do Engraving in our Sj, Be / store while you wait. Rumball 44%44111' %I% tJeweler, Cli.iton. i, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant ! As the warm weather has now set in we are prepared to give you first class ICE CREAM and COOL DRINKS of all kinds. Fresh and seasonable Fruits, such as Strawberries, Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, Fresh and up-to-date Confectionery. Good Lemons, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. Wedding eakes are still our leading specialty. Janes McClacherty, Clinton • OThING= —Is–Cheap- that *isn't Go041. = Every -Article - sold Dere !MS Our Guarantee with it. it's quite possible once ill 6 !Aide Something will go oonkrary to expecta- tions, but let as know about it, we'll make it right, Mark Twain says "difference of opinion makes a horse race." Quite true. If all thought alike everybody would trade here. But as a matter of fact a good many people are changing their opinion, and buying at this store—doing busi- ness on a Cash basis. One thing is certain, the lion's share of the trade is done here, and possibly is due to oike thffering reliable, up-to-date goods at prides lLadies' Cotton Hose, regular 10o a°'pair, four pairs for 25o Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, very heavy, special, two pairs for 26o Corsets, sizes 19 to 24, Drab Jean 25o Corsets, sizes 19 to 80, Drab Jean, well finished 40o Summer Corsets, Spooled line, worth 65o, for 50e White Handkerchiefs, colored $bcrders, each, lo Table Linen, some more new lines at - 25o All wool Serge Dress Goode, double fold, blue, brown, blk,garnet; a snap 20o Lace Tidy's, very pretty, worth 26c eaoh, bought to sell at two for25o MILLINERY, PARASOLS. New lines of Millinery are arriving every day. Sailor Hats in Black or White, 12io I Sailor Hats in blank or white .. 20o Sailor Hate in black or white, 302 I See the Trimmed Hats, 01.50, 1.75,112 Parasols—new lines at popular prices. "We always keep hustling." McKinnon a Co., Blyth Mrs. Sutherland of Riddel street, Wood- BORN. stock, aged 68 years, attempted suicide by POTTS—In Clinton, on May 18, the wife of swallowing strychnine. She reoovered ,Bert Potts, of a son. with medical aid. GLAIZER—At the Exchange hotel, Dunlop, Tithe wife of Wm, Glazier, of a son. NAIRN n Godericli, on May 15, the wife of Chair A. n of a daughter. MCPH N—Insteter, on 7th suet., the wife of herson,'d4 a daughter. READING—In Wiugham, on the 8th inst., the wife of Councillor Reading, of a daughter, NICHOpII +.41111 raftghttm, on the •tui inst.;tlLu 44 44 :Ius.ta .� $Jminute$ we will detain you. We are posted on Watches, and are doing you a kind - nese when we tell you the BRUSH Selling �ut$ FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stock of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare our prices with those you have been paying and see what you can save by ordering from us. reg. our reg. our price price price price CornStarch,10a.. 7c , Coffee .40o..30c Laundry „ 100.. 7c Lamp Glass,8c..5o Pearline, 10c .. 8o GingerSnapsl0c.. 50 Soap 50....4c Tea 50c ..400 Pickles ....15o..100 BlueRibbon35c .. 25o Extracts... -10e -.8c Tea 25c..20o Yeast Cakes,lOo..80 Seeds per pkt 3o, Salmon ....13c..100 3;j• lb Ralsins....25o Can fled Corn l0o..5o 3} lb Currants .. 25o 3 l Sodas -250..20o Hams, Bacon and Long Clear at wholesale prices. Fertilizer for flowers, lawns and gar- dens, 3c lb. Call avid be convinced JAS STEEP & CO., Clinton r is the best Watch for a Cyclist. We have them, ONLY $`z 50 We have also bargains in all Watches, Jewellery, Clocks, Silperwate, ac,. All work entrusted to our care dune by an ex- pert workman, and fully guaranteed, Ea�ale J. Billiscoll$ CLINTON tit tt!!t! tit !!!!!t ttt tit ttt tit tit tttttt ttt tit tit itt ttt IT? tit tit tti ttt tit tt! ttt tit ttt tt! tit ttt ttt tit ttt SELLING. OUT! Since commencing to sell out, our sales have been very successful, we have cleared out a lot of goods at very low prices. people have been well pleased with their bargains, and we shall continue until the stock is , all sold. We have fully decided to retire from busines and bargains in all lines will be given. tt The stock is well assorted and you can save money by buying from us. Come and see a large stock of tit tit It! tit ttt tit It? ttt tt, tit tit Ready-made Clothing tt, At prices never heard of before in Clinton. 111 Dress Goods, Silks, tt! Staples, tit Boots and Shoes tti It! Dress Making and Tailoring Done as usual. ttt f ttt ttt fe 11 l P1uitee1 & Gibbings, CLINTON W1 wife o r A.Nichol of a daughter. STONEHOUSE-1n Belgrave, on theUth inst, the wife of Mr Robt, Stonehouse, of a son. WOODLEY—In Seaforth, on the 8th inst.,, the wife of Livingston Woodley, a daughter. GOY.—ln Turnberry, on 2nd inst,., the wife of John Goy, of a daughter. MARRIED. ALE\ANDER--BENTLY—In the Metlealist church, Blyth, on May 10th, by Rev. Walter Rigsby, Mr. Howard Alexander, of Bcrvie, for- merly of Blyth, to Miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. James Bently, of Blyth. CUMMINGS—BVNSTON—ln Wingham, on thell2th inst„ at the residence of Mr R. llrea- vert brother-in-law of the bride, by Rev G. A. Gilford, Mr J. B. Cummings to Miss Martha Bunston. DIED. • EY RE—In Tuckersmith. on 7th inst., Henry Eyre. aged 71 years ants 7 months. POPPLESTONE—In Exeter; -en loth inst., John Popplestone, aged +`1 .3^ears. 10. PAIN—In Seaforth, on 10th tract., st., the infant so of Mr Peter Spain. FACH—In Tuckersmith, near Bruceliubl, on llth inst., George Fac.h., aged 69 .years. NIVEN=1n Brucefield-on sth'inst. Margar- et Niven,wife of Mr Alex. N iveu, aged 79 years. POT'rEl't—In Holmesville.•oirtlio 15th inst., Matilda Potter, relict of the late Thos. Pottcr, aged tib years. M¢KAY—In Goderich, on May 12, Christo pher McKay. aged 72 years. LEE—In Goderich, on May 15. Grace Kate Lee, sewn 1 daughter of William and Matilda Lee, aged 18 years; and 4 months. STURGEON—At Mugford, Dak. un May 12, Robert Sturgeon., formerly of Clinton, age.5 09 years. NEWS NOTES. Thos. Summers, an inmate of the asylum at Brockville, hanged himself in a cowstable While Alex. Amos of North Kepple, Ont - was talking to his sweetheart on Tuesday, to whom he was to have been married next day, his ride, on which rhe was loaning, was accidently discharged and he was instantly killed. Abraham Ross was arrested in Toronto and taken to Stratford to stand bis trial on -a charge of stealing m, horse and buggy. Ross hired the rig from John Brothers• of Stratford, giving an address that proved to be fictitious, hence the trouble. James Baker,proprieterlof Kanger's cigar store, St. Thomas, is in a dangerous condit- .ion, and his life is in despaired of, all the result of a yoke. Mr Baker went into the cellar to get some eggs, with which to per- petrate a joke, when he fell and severely hurt himself. He is very -low, and his re- covery is doubtful. On Monday, Mrs T. Russell. Brantford, oast her five children into a cistern, with the vowed intention of drowning them. The little ones were rescued by neighbors and were restored to consoiousness with considerable difficulty, while the crazed mother, who is suffering from a religious mania, was taken to the police station, where she hung herself. The verdict of the citizens of Toronto is in favor of a Sunday oar service by a mod- erate but substantial majority. The vote was for 1C,372 against 16,051 majority 321. Such was the announcement made on Sat- urday evening after the ballots had been counted at the conclusion of one of the most exciting contest that has ever taken place in this pity. For weeks the chief, if not the sole, topic of conversation upon the streets, in the clubs, the churches and even in the household, has been the Sunday oar by-law. The struggle has been a severe one, One of the most prominent features of the camp• aign has been the active part taken by the ministers,a Very gr5at majority of whom went into the fight with the greatest vigor and enthusiasm, and in the majority of oases carried the machinery of their church organizations with them. The other aide had a good organization and enjoyed the sup- port of many citizens who occupy the high• est position in the commercial and social world. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected Avery Thursday afternoon Thursday, May 20th, 1897. Wheat spring 0 73 a 0 74 Wheat, fall 0 73 a 0 74 Oats, 0 10 a 0 19 Barley 0 20 a 0 23 Plias .. 038a089 Flour porowt.... 2 00 a 2 ll Butter 0' 10 a 0 12 Eggs per doe 0 7 a 0 8 Hay new, $7; 'old 7 00 a 8 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 25 Wool 0 18 a 0 20 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 0 25 a 25 550 a 550 250 a 250 111 Poe titt?ttttt!tt1!tt?tt!t tit tit ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt tit ttt otatT m°thsY Beed stall '0-' . OE CLINTON !"W ER, wiity 1$07 The Bright Weather Promotes We show this week some very Special lines in WASH GOODS, fine qualities. Organdie Muslins, Choice Patterns. Dimities and Fancy Weaves, Great Variety. Blouses and Fancy Silks, New Designs, Victoria Lawns, 5tin. wide, 411 prices. Spot SprigMuslins S wiss and Scotch. Bicycle Serges, Congo, Black and Navy. French and German Henriettas All Colors. The perspiration season is upon us and it will be a testing time for Black Hosiery Nothing like our Fast Black which we show in Ladies, Misses, Children's .and Men's Light Fabric Underwear, Cotton, Lisle and Silk Fabric Gloves, pure Silk, Taffeta, Lisle, Tans, Black, Browns and Crean. Kid Gloves, 7 different standard makes, 4 button, 4 dome and lacing English and French Laces, Black and Cream and Butter, all widths wiesQhirt�aists Shirt Waists are more popular this season than ever before. Months ago we anticipated the big demand by making extensive purchases of almost every desirable style and quality. The more stylish things are to be seen in fancy Percales from 32in to 40in, best collars to match. Fancy things are now shown in Printed .Muslins, very,pretty designs and colorings. Stripes, spots and figures in washing printed goods are here also in newest Shirt Waists. Repeats in New Lace and Net Curtains have come to hand this week from 50c to $6 GILR.OY & WISEMAN, Clinton Well Satisfied -- - _= When we started Business in Clinton we expected to get a share of the trade, but we are more than satisfied with the share see are getting and at the way our business is increasing. The LARGE STOCK we carry, QUALITY of GOODS and LOW PRICES we are offering our GOODS at has increased and is still increasing Our Business, Space will not permit us to quote prices but we invite you to come and examine our STOCK and get prices. Ulf 1)ERTAKING. In this department we give as good a service as can be secured anywhere and our charges are as low as the lowest. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO J. W. CHIDLEY, Manager. Don't forget %the, old stand, near Fair's:Mill, Clinton. P S—Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral Director) residence. INSECTICIDES - Sulphate of Copper, Highest Grade Paris Green, 25c a lb., Government Standard Pure Hellibore, 25c' a pound Sulphate of Copper is recognized as one of the most powerful inst3oti- oides and the best article for spraying fruit trees. Kills all injuriotrii insects and fungi, thereby developing healthful growth and insuring better fruit. We can give you the lowest price on Sulphate. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. PIANO FOR SALE. A first-class Upright Mahogany Case Wil'dams Piano, almost new, an excellent instrument, for ale on very reasonable terms. Apply at NEW ERA office. 'THOROBRED STOCHfor.SALE For sale, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull Calves, ranging from 8 to 11 months old. Also some Heifers and Oowe, io calf, All of these are by imported stock are choice animals and will he sold at reasonable prices, JNO AVERY, Clinton Post Office, or on the premises, London road, near Clinton. MONTREAL CATTLE ItIARKETS A cable received by W. G. Elliott from Liver- pool to day said that Canadian steers sold at 541d, There were apout 550 head of butchers' rattle, 400 calves, 120 sheep and 150 spring lambs o Fared for sate at the Haat End Abattoir to- day. The.butchers were present in largo num bons and trade was fair, with the prices ruling at abort the same rates as on Thursday. A car- load of superior steers were bought for ship- ment to Great Britain at $4.55 per 100 lbs; prime butchers' stock sold at from 4§e to 4o and pretty veld animals at from5lc to nearly 40 per ib; common rough half -fatted beasts sold at from 21c to 3c and some of the old loan cows world not bring over 2o lb. Calves sold at from $1 to $5 each, hut there were no extra veale on the market. Shippers aro paying about 4c per lb for good largo 'h,,epand the butchers pay from 310 to 4iic per Ib for the others.1 Mr. Bonrasea bought seven good shod at 85 each and 28 spring lambs at an average of 84 each. Some of the lambs were rather small and would scarcely bring over $2 oych. Fat hogs sell at from Sc to *per lb. Store hogs bring from 83 to $7 each, according to size, and small pigs sell at from 81 to $2.50 each. Joseph Ranine, at one time a Baleen -keep- er in Montreal, was arrested ab Rouse's Point on Saturday on a charge of murder- ing Loon Mailloux near that plaoe last winter. . STRAYED. A spotted cow giving milk came into the en- closure of John Marquis, 7th con. Goderich Township on May ist. Any person proving pro- perty and paying ppaway. xMARQUIS, Holmesv lle. Removal of Night Soil. The undersigned' will undertake the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets, on short notice, and at reasonable rates. All re- fuge removed out of town. ROBT. MENNEL. EnsilageSeed Corn for Sale. Two cars of White Ensilage seed Corn and 1 car of yellow; alro sood Peas, Barley, Oats and feeding corn. Drive right to warehouse at railway station. W. G. PERRIN. NOTICSE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Conn - cis of Hallett up to Saturday May 29th, at 1 p. m. for the buildingMait- land on aide road andf6 con. 4,o for be the and ready for use as a highway on or before the 1St day of August, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen at the TOWnahip CIerk s Office Lon' dosboro, The lowest tender not necessarily ao- cepted. JOHN BRIGHAM, Reeve COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP Or HULLETT. Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Township of Hallett will bo held in Hill's Hall, Londesboro, on baturday the 29th day of May, 1897, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur- pose of hearing and correcting all complaints against or errors on the Assessment Roll of the present year. All interested parties aro re- quested is attend at JAMaEiSd Cmo and ppAMPBELL e clerk of Municipality of Hallett. Bullett, May 10th, 1897. WWWksir, The Latest 1 JUBILEE VIOLET is a most exquisite perfume, sold by the,f ounce; manufactured by John Taylor & Co. Also a .full,. line of Stern's Recksecker, Seely and French Perfumes CQMBE'S DRUG Stor oods in Demand, We find a demand just now for Barb Wire, Long handled Shovels, Manure Forks Screen Doors, Window Screens, Ready Mixed Paints, Alabastine, Yellow Ochre, Whitill Paris Green, M. S. S. Corn, Garden Seeds, Curtain Poles, Roller Blinds, Lace Curtains, Art Muslin Hosiery and Gloves, Prints and Dress Goods, Laces and Dress Trimmings. Do you Dinner Set at $4, $5, , want a nice: $6.50 or $8.50 PRINTED TOILET SETS 6 pieces $1.75, 10 pieces $2 "GOOD NEWS" GLASSWARE A new pattern—Sets, Berry -Dishes, Jugs, Salver y Comforts: This is a bea'itiful glassware very dies We have put in stock a full line of Dr Chase's Remedies, w. we sell with a guarantee. If you derive no benefit the medicine We cheerfully refund the price. W. L. Ouimette, Londesboro