HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1897-05-21, Page 3d
Ill Memory of S. S. Hibbert
Who died April lith, nen
Dearest on all this earth to mo
Can it be we had so sggoon to part;
TruAlae' death and
stilled were
faithful heart.
Yes I read it in the whiteness
deaarreeyees k have d lost tebrow; rightnees,
Ah, those orbs are sightless now.
Freed from eve and pain and sioknese,
Blessed change for one like thee,
Who has entered heaven with gladness
But thy loss on earth is grief to me.
Yes, Pll miss thy voice to cheer me,
Through life's short uncertain day;
I may sigh and you not hear me,
Weep and you not Booth my tears away.
But Pll meet thee love, I'll meet thee,
Thou who wart my joy and pride,
ed I know that you will greet me
I am eafely o'er the tide.
When we meet we'll part no never,
Sorrow care and trouble will there be over,
We will dwell with the Lord forever
And praise him ever more.
Composed by R. GtenvIE.
Hugh John to Lead
A Winnipeg telegram says :—Rum-
ors coming from Ottawa regarding
Hugh John Macdonald as the prospec-
tive leader of. the Conservatives in
the Dominion arena are not taken ser-
iously by his friends here. Some say
that If the party cannot find a leader
c with more ability it had better dis-
He is a genial, gentlemanly fellow,
but lacks force and ability. Again and
again, on public platforms in this city,
he has been like a child in the hands
of local men like Isaac Campbell and
Jos. Mat i in.
White High John is very popular
and highly esteemed for • his personal
qualities, ni, warmest friends do not
dream of him as possessing qualifica-
tions to go into the Dominion House
at the head of the Opposition.
A seat has not yet been .found for
Mr Macdonald in the Local House.
The probability is that outside of a
Catholic constituency he would find
difficullty in securing a seat, because of
his attitude in favor of • Separate
Medical Statistics Prove that Eighty out
of Every Hundred are Tainted with
Are you one of the eighty? Foul breath,
pain over the eyes, dropping in the throat
and headaches denote it. Have you these
symptoms? Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
der never disappoints in a pure.
"For years I was a victim of chronic
catarrh. ] had tried all kinds of cures,
and had been treated by numbers of physi-
cians, but no cure was effected until 1 had
' procured and used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder. The first application gave me
instant relief, and in an incredibly abort
time I was absolutely cured from this dis-
tressing and disgusting malady." James
Headley, Dundee,, N. Y. Soid by Watts
& Cc.
An Ingenious Idea
There is a certain genius in one of
our Western towns who will doubtless
never lose any of his worldly posses-
sions if it depends on his wit to retain
them. His entry into the town, and a
subsequent method he employed to
secure redress from a grocer who had
outrageously imposed upon-hitn by sel-
ling hiiii a lot of sugar mixed with lime
sufficiently testify to his ability in
such matters. The impurity of the
sugar was hardly perseptible at first,
but when put into use it quickly show-
ed its inferiority. The next day an ad-
vertisement appeared in the town pa-
per that read somewhat as follows:
"Should the grocer who for his pro-
' fitslinjudiciously mixed apound of lime,
with a few pounds of sugar, and lately
gold it to a customer, not send to that
person at once the pound of sugar he
cheated him of, his name would be dis-
closed to the newspapers." To which
advertisement he affixed his name and
The morning hardly passed before a
pound of sugar arrived, followed in
quick succession by seven more, all
from different sources, which plainly
showed a distressing want of honesty
among,the grocers of the town.
It is not related whether the coffee,
teat and vahrous other articles were ex-
amined by the genius in the hopes ot a
similar condition and a like reward;
but the presumption is that no time
was lost in ascertaining if such a pod=
sibility actually existed. — Harper's
Round Table.
Listowel, Sept. 22nd, 1896.
Edmaneon, Bates & Co:,
Gentlemen,—I have pleasure in paying
that Dr. Chase's Ointment, Pills .and Ca-
tarrh Cnre and Linseed and Turpentine
are selling well, and are giving every satis-
faction. Many of my customers have
spoken highly in their praise. Yours truly,
Harper's Weekly during May will con-
tain many features of particular interest
in point of text and illustration. The cele-
bration of Grant day in New York will be
thoronghly described by pen and penoil,
the new Navy will be discussed by Lieut.
J. D. Jerrold Kelley, and an extensive il-
lustration will be given of all the ships.
Other subjects of importance to be treated
will be the celebration of the Bi -centennial
of Trinity Church, New York, the Centen-
nial Exposition at Nashville, Tenn., the
Greco -Turkish War, and the prerent con-
dition of Cuba.
• 0 0 • 0
ed 11 00•••
Relief for
•-- •
• DEBILITY. the benefits of this •
• article are most manifest. •
By the ald or Tho "D. & 1." Emulsion, r have got
• rid of a hacking cough which had troubled mo rot •
over • year end hapYs ggained considerably in
• weight, Lir
thla Ernlslon 6o well I was glad •
when rho limo came around to take it.
• T. n, WINO LAM, 0,&,Montreal •
50e. and 111 Der Bottle
0 • • • • • • • • • • •
MunIon's : Omen
Is only What Ought to Be
Expected From
Upright in Everything—Alwaye Keeping
Faith with the People, and, above all,
Curing Them of Their Ille-..Why would
not Success Follow?
Mr James Shaw, 20 Avenue Place,' To-
ronto, says "1 was troubled;for a number
of years with a very severe form of dye•
pepsia and kidney disease. I began Mun-
yon's treatment a few weeks ago and I olin
gladly say I experienced the greatest relief.
The Dyspepsia 'Cure has indeed worked
wonders. I have no hoeitanoy in teoom-
mending these remedies."
Munyon's Rheumetio Care seldom fails
to relieve in one to three hours, and cures
in a few days. Price 25c.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
cures all forme of indigestion and atomaoh
-troubles. • Price 25o.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs,
night sweats, allays soreness and speedily
heals the lungs. Price 25c.
Munyon'e Kidney Cure speedily cures
pains in the back, lions or groins, and all.
forms of kidney disease. Price 25c.
Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness
and builds up the system. Price 26c.
Munyon's Headache Cure stope headache
in three minutes. Price 25.
Munyon'e Pile Ointment positively cures
all forms of piles. Price 25o
Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all im-
purities of the blood. Pride 25o.
Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon
to all women.
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail.
The Catarrh Cure—price 25c—eradicates
the disease from the system, and the Ca•
tarrh Tablets—price 25c.—oleanse and Beal
the parts,
Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in
three minutes, and cure permanently.
Price $1.
Munyon'e Vitalizer restores lost vigor.
Price $1. •
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists. Mostly 25c a vial,
Personal lettere to Prof. Munyon, 11 and
13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with free
medical advice for any disease.
Queen Victoria's Diamond
In its --June number the Ladies'
Home Journal will celebrate the Dia-
mond Jubilee in a way distinctly its
own. In an article by William George
Jordan, entitled "What Victoria Has
Seen," the reader will be taken on the
British throne, and the marvellous
panorama of Lhe world's history for
sixty years will pass before hien. He
will at a glance see the progress in art,
science, invention, music, education;
the great social reforms, the growth
of nations and the advance of civiliza-
tion. The whole story of the world's
progress of the longest reign in Eng-
lish history will be vividly presented.
Mr J. B. Laing, the newly appointed
Provincial Municipal Auditor, has al-
ready assumed his duties. His office
is now in the Parliament buildings.
Just what you need if you are troubled
by aching corns. Putnam's Painless Corn
Extractor ants in this way, it makes no
sore spots, ants speedily, removing the
worst corn in twenty-four hours. Putnam's
Corn Extractor, the only sure corn cure.
John Chambers, aged about 60, for-
merly Pi incipal of the Walkerton Pub-
lic school,and captain of a volunteer
company, was last Thursday commit-
ted to jail as a vagrant. Chambers
has a first class certificate, and was a,
very successful teacher. He gave up
teaching several years ago and became
Town Clerk, conveyancer and instr-
ance agent, but gradually his business
fell away and hebecanie entirely desti-
tute. He asked to be committed, and
said there was nothing for him but the
jail or the river.
-''(iu[t into the Darkness.
if,rhat mother would tuna her rm.,
daughter sit
alone urpr,.-
tected into ...;
stormy night,
Yet many loving
mothers alio.-
their dangliter',
who are -just coin-
ing into the time
o, womanhood,
to proceed with.
out proper care
and advice all un-
protected and
alone into the
perils of this crit -
teal period.
Young women
at this time often
suffer from irreg-
ularity and weak-
ness which may
afterwards d e -
velop into dan-
gerous disease
and fill their
whole lives with
It is a mother's
'duty not to pass over such matters in
silence, but to promote her daughter's
womanly health and regularity by every
'reasonable means.
These delicate ailments are easily over-
come in their early stages by judicious self -
treatment without any need of the obnox-
ious examinations which doctors uniformly
insist upon, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion is a positive specific for all diseases of
the feminine organism.
It restores perfect health and regularity
to the special functions, and vital 'vigor to
the nerve -centres. It is the only medicine
of its kind devised for this one purpose by
an educated, experienced physician.
During nearly 30 years as chief consult-
ing physician of the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., Dr,
Pierce has acquired an enviable reputation.
His medicines are everywhere recognized
as standard remedies. +itis "Golden Med-
ical Discovery " alternated with' the "Fa-
vorite Prescription " constitutes a thorough
and scientific course of treatment for weak
and impoverished conditions of the blood.
A headache is a sym tofu of Constipation.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets eure constipa.
tion, promptly and permanently. They do
not gripe. Druggists sell them,
The High Tariff Wall.
Mr Erastus Whelan, of New York, re-
sponded to the topic "Better Relations
with Canada" at the Chamber of Commerce
dinner,Detroit,last Monday night, Among
other things he said: "In full view of both
sides ot the border line, 4,000 miles long,
in faoe of a depression unequalled in uni-
versality, severity and duration, the Gov-
ernments on both sides are intently engag-
ed in building higher than ever the tariff
wall. They are time destroying about the
only chances there is of the revival of com-
merce or an outlet"for produote and maun-
features. Cutting the continent commer-
cially in two, this tariff is Hire a barbed
wire fence over which one ,brother cannot
trade with another without paying tribute
beyond the cost of prodnotion—for both
British North America comprising the great.
er half of the continent, now alone offers
room for expansion. There are no new ter-
ritories within the Union into whioh the
eurpine population can expand. The em-
ployment of emigration, and the opport-
unity for development of natural resources
to a degree far in exoeee of that hitherto
realized, are now possible only in the north-
ern half of the continent. Beolanee another
political system revel's in that region ought
to be no barrier to oommeroial expansion
in that direction, That the people of Can-
ada are favorable to the closest relation-
ship to this country is evinced by the fact
that its new Government has already shown
itself ready to meet overtures by which this
country can practically be united. An-
nexation is unnecessary, undesirable, and
impossible. Canada is today more loyal
to Great Britain than ever before. That
the basis for the commercial bargain with
Canada could be easily discerned by a com-
mission of commercial men seems entirely
possible, and no feature in the career of
either Government would be so poqular se
that which would create a commission with
this object in view,"
Grief and Worry
A well and favorably known lady of
Mitchell gives an account of her sufferings:
"Grief at the death of near and dear re-
latives a few years ago caused nervous
trouble and general debility. Prior to that
time 1 was in excellent health, qnite stout
and very strong. With my said bereave-
ments I became excessively nervous, my
appetite failed, I lost flesh and strength
and my mind and nerves were in such a
state that I found it almost impossible to
compose myself to sleep. When I did drop
into slumber I would wake up in a short
time trembling violently and in a cold per-
spiration, and could not get to sleep again
that night. My memory became clouded
and fickle. I had great pain through my
temples, and my heart frequently seemed
to stop its pulsations. Then again I had
fainting spells spells so that niy friends
thought I was hypochondriac. Fortun-
ately I procured a box of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve pills from itir 5. A. Hodge the
well-known druggist of this place and com-
menced taking them last spring. To my
gratitude they performed a complete cure.
My appetite is now good. I have gained
in flesh, health and strength, and feel sheer•
ful and happy. I sleep well and have now
no trouble with my heart or nerves what.
ever. These pills are a great cure for heart
and nerve troubles as well as a splendid
tonic for the entire system, and I am very
glad to recommend them to all sufferers
from similarcomplaints. (Signed) Miss W.
Misseschmid, Mitchell,Ont.
Laxa Liver Pills cure constipation,
biliousness, and sick headache; 25c.
Next year will occur the 250th anniver-
sary of the adoption by the British Parlia-
ment of the Westminster Confession and
Catechism, and a celebration of this event
in which Presbyterians all over the world
join, will probably be held in Philadelphia.
The May number of the Canadian -`Home
Journal (Toronto) comes to us with a sug-
gestion of apple bloesoms and spring flow-
ers. Among other things it contains an
entertaining article on "The Rise and Fall
of the May Pole" by Thomas Swift; an
editorial on the Amenian.
getAt Napanee John F. Troy, the Kingston
convict who confessed the murder of Angus
M.;Leod four years ago, was convicted of
murder, after making in the witness box a
sensational eonfeasion. Everett Williams,
a farmer, charged with manslaughter, caus-
ing the death of a lad named Frank Tyner
by causing him to be given condition pow•
dere in liquor, was found not guilty.
Mr 13. F. Wood, of Easton, Pa., was a
great sufferer from organic heart disease.
He never expected to be well again, but as
Dr. Agnew's Care for the Heart was his
-good angel, and he lives to -day to tell it to
others, hear him:—"I was for fifteen years
a great sufferer from heart disease, had
smotheringspells, palpitation, pain in left
aide and swelled ankles. Twenty physi-
cians treated me, but I got no relief. I
used Dr. Agnew's Cnre for the Heart. One
dose relieved me inside of 30 minutes. Se-
veral bottles cured me." Sold by Watts
& Co.
On Thursday an elderly woman call-
ed Mrs Plant, of con. 6, Fottwasago, 25
miles north of Barrie, was kicked by a
colt belonging to her son-in.law, Mr
Spearn; she received ' internal injuries
and died iu an hour.
"Ten out of a dozen are invalids," says
a recent medical authority. At least eight
out of these ten, it is safe to allow, are snf-
fering from some form of blood disease,
which a persistent use of Ayer's Sarsapa-
rilla would be sure to oure. Then don't be
an invalid.
he residents of Pelee Island have
been suffering from a plague of rats for
some time, and nothing that was done
seemed to afford any relief. They
fairly over -ran the place. A few days
ago a number of farmers started out
to rid the neighborhood of the pests.
After a day's hard work 1100 ratb were
killed, but the executioners were ex-
hausted, and declare that in future a
new method would have to he invent-
ed to ]till off the rats, and the farmers
are afraid that unless drastic measures
are adopted the 1897 crops will be ser-
iously damaged. The rabbiis, too, are
also breeding faster than they can be
killed off, and meantime they are im-
proving their opportunity by dest.roy-
ingas many plum trees as they can.
On Bois Blanc Islands rats have be-
come a common sigrlit, and as an exper-
iment the authorities on the island are
advertising for cats, with which they
believe they can keep the rats from in-
creasing too tapidly.
The fax•
asfeteroIFLX-E ,.
04v 8
For Hundreds of Thousands
of Dollars
He Finds in. Paine's Celery
Compound a New Life
In one of our large Canadian pities there
resides one of Canada's merohant princes
who can at any moment write hie cheque
for hundreds of thoneands of dollars.
Some time ago this merohant prince was
a very siok man. Liver troubles, headache
and insomnia were fast pulling down a
strong physioal frame. Dootore bestowed
great oare and attention on their wealthy
patient, but no cure Dame to cheer him; in
fact no perceptible benefit was felt after
months of treatment.
A voyage to the south of Europe was
then undertaken. and weeks were spent at
one of the most famcu r watering planes,
but no change for the better was expert
ended. Returning home, the merohant
prince received a visit from his faithful
pastor, who strongly urged the use of
Paine's Celery Compound, a medicine that
bad some yeas before cured a member of
his family. The good advice of the min-
isterial friend was promptly taken, the
great healing oompound was used, with
the result that in five weeks the sick man
and bis family were overjoyed with proofs
of recovery and new health. , Restful
sleep was restored, digestion was improved
and a brighter look came into his eyes and
face. After four months' careful use of
Paine'e Celery Compound and proper diet-
ing, every deadly and treacherous symp-
tom of disease had vanished, and the mer-
ohant prince was a new man.
What a wondrous and happy proof of
the life-saving virtues of Paine's Celery
Compound. Surely the Statement ie pow-
erful enough to lift all poor end helpless
sufferers from the dark pit of despair.
This story of a true cure was related by
an intimate friend of the cured man, who
gave permission to refer to it publicly
without giving the name of the once dying
Export Butter Trade.
In codsideration of the fact that the
38,000,004) people who cotnpose the pop -
illation of the United Kingdom are the
greatest butter eaters in the world,
and that in addition to what they make
for theulsel ves, they have' imported dur-
ing the Last six years an average of
269,843,519 pounds of pure butter an-
nually, fot which they have pail an av-
erage of $62,302,777, the United States
are waking up to the value of the Br'i'tish
butter market as an outlet fot their sur-
plus snake, ,and atee taking steps to ex-
tend I rade in that direction. There is
a lesson here, too, for Canadian butter
rankers, and it is to be hoped that the
increased facilities pr ovidecl by the Gov-
ernrnentfor shipping butter to (treat
Britain will be availed of to the fullest.
extent duringthecorning season of nav-
igation, and in order to do this it will
be necessary to 'make weekly or fort-
nightly shipments in order to place the
but ter in the English market in the
fre.heet and primest style. This is the
only way to make a success of out ex-
port butter trade, and it is by following
the method of regular shipments at stat-
ed intervals, that the littie Kingdom of
Denmark has acquired such a promin-
ent position as an exporter of $29,000,-
000to$:30,000,000of butter toGreat Brit-
ain every year. With the latest im-
proved cold storage facilities by rail
and ocean carriers, Canadian butter
makers should bein as good a position
as Denmark for supplying the English
people with choice fresh butter.
Ili the well established fact,, says the
Trade Bulletin, the Canadian maksrs
produce fully as good an article in the
shape of creamery butter, as Denmark
can turn out; but I,be transportation
facilities on land;and sea were not as
good as they will be during the present
season. In order to increase our export
trade in butter, the goods must go fcr-
ward as early as possible atter they are
churned and packed. It is all very well
to say that butter can be kept in refrig-
erators for aconsiderablelength of time
without having its freshness impaired
in the least; but it isknownfromexper-
ience that butter may retain its sweet-
ness for months if property cared for
but not its freshness, as this latter pro-
perty cannot be preserved by storing
It in refrigerators beyond acertain per-
iod, as it is of too perishable a nature.
Hence the importance of marketing
butter immediately after its manufact-
ure, in order to get it into consumption
before its fresh rosy flavor has left it.
The vast possibilities which the Brit-
ish market opens up for Canadian but-
ter makers have been repeatedly refer-
red to in these columna, and now that
there is a reasonable prospect of Can-
ada securing a trade in the British
market that may some day equal its
cheese trade, no opportunity should be
lost to make the most of it.
That Great pain cure. 'Used externally
cures rheumatism, swellings, sprains, bruie-
ea, stiffness, pain and sorenes of every des-
oription. Internally used it cures croup,
colds, sore throats hoarseness,astbma,bron-
chitie, quinsy, etc. Price 25c, all druggists.
A new swindle is being perpetrated upon
the farmers throughout Michigan. A man
drives up to the farmer's home with a car-
riage and in a hurried manner announces
that he is a messenger from some near by
telegraph offioe, and says that he has a tele-
gram announcing the death of a friend. He
seouras $2.50 or $3 in payment of expense
of delivery, and leaves immediately before
the'farmer realizes that the alleged person
whose death is announced in the dispatch is
no relative of his, and that it is only anoth-
er little scheme to fleece the farmer.
Same Liberal Majorities.
The sweeping nature of the Liberal
victory in Quebec is exemplified by the
fact that about one-half the seate car-
ried by supporters of Hon. Mr Mar-
chand were won by majorities of over
300, several by utaaorittids of over 1,000.
here is a partial list of big Liberal ma-
Begot .361
Hochelaga 574
Levis 900
Diumt fond , 371
Beauharnoie 300
Mississquoi 300
Quebec, East 957
Quebec (St. Sauveur) ... 1,385
St. Johns ' 8817
St. Hyacinthe 848
Brome 350
Temiscouata 500
Chateaguay 500
Bellechasee 4b0
Montreal (St. Louis) 615
Montreal (St, James) 779
Montreal (hit, Marys) 914
Quebec (county)1,000
Quebec (Center400
Bonaventure 400
Maskinonge 345
Two Mountains 500
Vaudreuil 337
Arthabas nt
Ottawa (county) 493
Scrofula often shows itself in early life,
and is characterized by swellings, aboessee,
hip diseases, etc. Consumption is sorofula
of the langs. In this clams of diseases
Scott's Emulsion is unquestionably the
moat reliable medicine.
The members of the W. F. M. Society of
the Preabsytertan Church should be satisfied
with the report of the Annual Meeting given
ip last week's Canadian Presbyterian.' It
extends to ',early five pages, end affords a
comprehensive view of what app -ars to have
been the beat meeting of this highly success-
ful society held in the twenty-one years of
its existence. The Canadian Presbyterian
Is a well-conducted journal, and merits the
large circulation it enjoys. In its pages
will be found contributions nn many inter-
esting topics from the foremost ministers
and laymen of the denomination The
publishers offer The Presbyterian till 31st
December next for one dollar.
For Over Thirty Years!
"Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty
years have kept me in good health,
never having had a sick day in all that
time, Before I was twenty I suffered
almost continually—as a result of con-
stipation—from dyspepsia, headaches,
neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive
diseases. When I became convinced
that nine -tenths of my troubles were
caused by constipation, I began the use
of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac-
tory results, never having a single
attack that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife, who had been an
invalid for years, also began to use
Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no-
ticed that nearly all their ailments were
preceded by constipation, and I soon
bad the pleasure of knowing that with
children as with parents, Ayer's Pills,
if taken in season, avert all danger of
sickness."—l3. WxrrSTEIN, Byron, Ill.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System.
Price do cents per Bot, or 6 for aa.go. At
Druggists, or Mailed on Receipt of Price by
T. MIL,BURN & CO., Toronto.
'B�omiller llrs8?i 8
Trees, Plants, Shrubs.
This old -established and reliable business is
being continued as usual, and those who want
anything in our lino can rely on the very best
of service
Choice Planis for Spring Bedding.
Floral Designs for Wcddiugs or Funerals
Fruit and Oruamontal Trues
Spruce. Scotch at Astrachan Pile
Pr Des of entire stook very low.
Alt orders promptly filled.
John Stewart Estate, Benmiller
nnulumumnlununmlunnnntnnn+nusmnninti mrumnim mind'''
AVege fable PreparationforAs-
similatingtheFoodand uta -
ting the Stomachs alldBowe et
�li'1ANIS o4(.H1L]nc1:N
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
ness and R st. 3ontains neither
m,Morphine nor Mineral.
J syneIOldA-.SAM1712P/7T2IM
litaiwkin Sead
fu 415;40eaae
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish -
mess and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
elI1 `fLfeiGP/
At b mon ,11.s q,l,d
35,DosEs. 5Clc*rrs°
Oastorla is put up in one -size bottles oni"
is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyonpla1
you anything else on the plea or promise;
is "jest as good" and "will answer every.
pose," See that you get 0 -A -S -T -O:.,,
Tho fan- Lir
elgnatnre ` e
The partnership existing:betweenJ. McMurray and H: Wiltse has been.
dissolved, and the business will be carried on by the undersigned, who•_'
will be pleased to receive the support of all old ouotomers,:and as many;,`':
new ones as may find it to their interest to give him a trial. All goods :•;.
to be found in a first rate Grocery, as good and cheap as any, will be
kept in stock.
Bargains for a few days in Dinner,;'
Tea and Toilet Sets. Cash for Eggs.
Rady for Business
The Clinton Family Groceease
Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Family Grocer'
Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c. We guarantee our values to be the very bet t
the market. TEAS a specialty. Telma Cash or Produce.
SHEPPARD & B EACO M, Opposi enCombe Blocx', Cii
Vliy Don't You LSE A FOU TAIN
We Handle the Celebrated Lapham's Rival. It . has
Slotted Capillary Feed Piece, therefore will not flood.,-
or drop ink.
Do not -allow Dealers to press upon you lines "just as goo,
but get the best.
If your Stationer does not handle it write us and will send*`v
our reduced Price List.
The Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., . `roron
,Inuit 1111.1 r
.,,,,rat C 3
MRS. JOHN CASH. My husband has bden-
troubled with dyspepsia
and finds Ripans Tabules
the only. relief. Re has
been troubled with
gestion for the past .0
teed years.