The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-14, Page 7I`n a BUTCHER, SHOPS. XNTRAL BUTCHER SIIOP ORD & MURPHY busintlea on the cash princi. a l I supply our oustomers with t. (pest Meats at the lowest paying prioes tl FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON Business Change. dorsi • ped desires to intimate to ofs ., that he has bought 'sinters lately conduct - Reid Bros., and will continue the same in the old stand, Huron Be, Clinton, where by strict attention to the wants of Ids customers, he hopes to merit and receive fair share of only, andatronage. lae the lowest prime. lsell for oash Chas.J, Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER SHOP I wieb to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the unherand derstand all the branch s of thractical e business. We keep the very best meats, and a full stock always on hand, and will sell at the '!Lowest Caeh Prices.. Brifig along your -money, and get the meat at the cash prioe. We will give credit, but not at cash prices. Please oome and see what you can do for Cash R. FITZSIMONS' FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Produce Exchange Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only eafe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in tate hour and time of need Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special assI One degrees exa stronger --sold by druggists. Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. z, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook CompaWindsor, O tario. Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Can- ada by all responsible druggists. 4. Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS We hOATS, BARLEY, PEAS, e it choice stook of FEED oORN Highest market price paid for coarse grain, or taken in exchange. Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour & Feed store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. „ 'IO pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank To the Madden Yeast Co., London, Ont. t.Ientlemen,—We get quicker and better results trout using Mrs. Madden's Yeast than any other we have used, and highly recommend It. DEAN BROS., Bakers THE MADDEN YEAST CO., LonOen. For Twenty-seven Years t THE CLINTON NEW ER11. A further instalhient of the plans adopted by the government tor in- creasing trade with Great Britain was made public in the evidence given by Prof. Robertson before the eommit.tee of Agriculture. 'Froin his etaternen4 it appeals that during the present sea- son seventeen steamers sailing front the port of Montreal, as Well as several vessels sailing from St. John and Char- lottetown, will be provided with prop- er cold storage facilities. It is the in- tention to appoint inspectors on this side of the Atlantic to supervise the storage arrangements on vessels and at the collecting depots iu Toronto and elsewhere. Commercial agents will be appointed in Great' Britain to take charge of tbe.arrangements for intro- ducing Canadian products not now ex- ported to that country. It is intended to make a thorough attempt to intro- duce Canadian grapes, peaches, pears and other fruits and tomatoes and to market them as Canadian- From the Niagara district, the garden of Ontar- io, -a carload of fruit a week will he shipped in cold storage. An endeavor will also be made to begin a trade in dead meat, some Toronto capitalists having taken the first steps the esp toward establishment of stock yards in that city. This in addition to the in- crease of facilities for sending forward, butter, cheese and other products al- ready exported in quantities. All this will cost money, and in the estimates $100.000 are asked tor the necessary ex- penditures. DUNN!S :!BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST F RiEND LARt;EST SALE IN CANADA. Incorporated by Ant of Parliament 1885 CAPITAL - 82,000,000 REST FUND - $1,400,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON, President F. W. THOMAS, Genl Manager Notes disoriented, Collections made, Drafts tissued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAVINGS BANK—Interest allowed on Sums of 81 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own note, with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREWER, Manage, Clinton MCLEOD'S System RENOVATOR AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. - don of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- ralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dan3e, Female irregularities and General Debility, Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. J. M. McLeod, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON G. D, ItleTAGGA.RT. BYNKER , ALBERT ST., - CLINTON, A general Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest st allowed on deFARRAN & TISDALL. J. H. MY N1IGHBOR TOLD ME ' About Hood's Sarsaparilla and advised me to try it --This is the kind of advertising whi3h gives Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures; that it gives strength, health, vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicine. HOODS PILLS aot easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure eiok head- ache. SIOK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness,Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. A return brought down to the House shows that. the Minister of Justice has shortened the terms of 65 prisoners in the tan months ending April 5.4 In many cases pardon was recommended by the trial Judge because of subse- quent evidence throwing doubt on the guilt of the convicts. In the period covered by the return four murderers sentenced to death had their sentences changed to life imprisonment. ITCHING, BURNING SKIN DISEASES Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scaly Head, Eczema, Barbers' Itch, Ulcers, blotches and all eruptions of the skin. It is soothing and nd acts like magic inthe ware of all baby -yhumors; 350. Sold by Watts & 00. The Still Small Voice Harh1 Dost thou hear a voice within, An earnest pleading tone; That comes thee in saddened -hours, In moments dark and lone? Awake, nor let the spirit flee 'Tis conscience voice that speaks to theee. CLARA H. MoUNTCABTLE, lab *atolls Orators i' W —ON— SHIRTS & SHIRT WAISTS. Beginners Taught. Apply at once 'FRE W ILLIAMS, GREENE & RME ONCO BANKERS, CLINTON, ONT. advances made notess at low rates farmers on their own rates of interest. A general Inte est alloeBueiness aoted. we' on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager. • THE TOWN HALL 11/4 'BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRSHOP: James Young, The wel known Boot and Shoe Maker bas .opened a Repair Shop in the. Clinton Town Hall and will execute ail orders entrusted to his' care on short notice and at satisfactory 4100•06;ralred works all pecialty. Give him IyicIt INFIRE INSURANCE CO J. C. STEYEISQNI —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKERt —AND— EMBALMER. AIFULL LINE OP GOODS Kai In STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluid need Small PW. , Small Dose. Slmali Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Ping. CRUEL SCIATICA. • Incessant Pain-- Tormented-- Racked- - Life Despaired of. John Maraball,Varney P.O., Uo. of C.*rey, writes these strong words: For two years I was completely laid up with sciatica. t dootored wrtbout any permanent relief. 1 had given up hope. A Iriead saw the no- tice of a cure of what seemed a parallel case to mine, by South American Rheuma- tio Cure, and k ,owing my little faith in the effleecy of any remedy, he prooured a bottle himself and brought it,to me. I took it, and to make a lgng story short, it saved my life. In a day or so I was out of bed, and in three days 1 was able to walk to Durbam, a distance of four miles, to pur- chase soother bottle. I am now entirely cured." Sold by Watts & Co. Via 44) so H. C. Barie FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER, Huron St., (SUCCESSOR TO J. W. OHIDLEY) We will always be pleased to have a call from the people of Clinton and surroandiu$ oountry to inspeot our large new stook of up-to-date Furniture, whiab will be sold on thff very smallest living profits. We buy and sell for Cash and defy all competition. We have new styles in • Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Chairs, Parlor Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Mattresses. Butter, Eggs and 'loose Feathers taken as cash for Furniture. UNOEERTAl KING i 'WI Jir CIintUfl It is understood that ex -President Grover Cleveland will ar'yivej in Ottawa next mouth, and will proceed to Thirty -One Mile Lake, up the Gatineau River, for a•couple of weeks' fishing, 0. S. Doan, of Clinton, says not to go en st uffering when ha few boxes of Dr. Chase did for years with e s Ointment will pure you. Dr Chase's Ointment cured Hiram Frey, of Norwood, after suffering ten years with 1i ozema of the leg. Ohase'e Ointment also cured his little girl of Eczema on her fade. A veryglaring case of favoritism was exosed in the House Thursday where Chas. Tupper Hillsou was given the contract for carrying the marls at Amherst between the station and the postofTace without tender at $600 a year. He formed the work out fur $200, and, althrougt be never handled a mail bag in his lite, drew $100 a Year profit on the work. When the new Government carne in the contract was cancelled, and let by public tender at $102. Mr Hinson is a nephew of Sir Chas, Tupper, In a fire which completely destroyed his frame house, Jaynes Fitzgerald, of Hintonburg was cremated. Fifty Brantford bicyclists were fined $2 each for riding on the city sidewalks during the past week. The police cof- fers were enriched by al out $1CO. The twenty-four members of the Northwest Mounted Police, who will go with Premier Laurier to take part in the great jubilee procession in the British metropolis, will embrace na- tives of Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland and Denmark. It is not set- tled yet whether horses will be taken from. Canada. CAN RHUEMATISM BE CURED? The application of Nerviline—nerve pain cure—which possesses swill marvellous pow- er over all nerve pain, goes greatly to prove that it can. Nerviline acts on the nerves, soothes them, drives pain out, and in this way gives relief. Tey it and be ocnvinced. WHAT WE INHERIT " We are not to blame for. We cannot be held responsible tor the dispositions and tendencies which we derive from ancestors, nor are we responsible for the germs of dis- ease which may ma Meet themselves in our blood as a heritage from former genera, tions. 'But we are responsible if we allow these germs to develop into serious diseas- es which will impair cur usefulness and de- stroy our happiness. We are responsible if we transmit to onr descendants the dis- ease germs which it is posssble for ns to eradioate by theme of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. This medicine has power to make riob. red blood and es- tablish perfect health in plree of nisease. Last week closed the remarkable lives of Mr and Mrs Duncan Graham, of the Township of Mara. The former breathed his last on Monday, and on Wednesday his partner in life followed him. The former had completed the century mark, 100 years, the latter 102 years, having lived together for up- wards of 75 years. PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN FROM PETERBORO CURED OF ECZEMA. Mr Thos Gladman, bock -keeper for Ad- am Hall, Esq.,stove and tinware dealer, Peterboro', writes the following facts:— "Ilave been troubled for nine years with Eczema on my leg, and at times the itch- ing was something terrible; tried many eminent doctors and was pronounced in- curable. I had given up hopes of ever be- ing cured when 1 was recommended by Mr Madill, druggist, to try a box of Dr Chase's Ointment, and I am happy to testify that after using two boxes 1: am completely cured. PILL POINTS Dr. Agnew'e Liver Pills are a purely vege- table compound --A scientifically stu- died formula—The after effects of the Medicine have been given as much eons deration as the im- mediate results Not 60 with many of the ancient formnlas --Painful purgers and no healing pow- ers—Think of these points The Canada Presbytei fan says that the total contributions received during the year just eniied for the schemes of the Presbyterian Church will be found to be, considerably sin excess of any preceeding year. , Splendid Hearse • Residence over store OPPOSITE ,TOWN HALL -WANTED — SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel for responsible estab- 'shed house, in Huron. Salary 8780, payable $lo weekly and expenses. Position permanent Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en- velope. The,National, Star Building, Chicago. Wanted . Men and Women who can work hard talking and writinsix hoursa week and will be content withyten dollarfor six das weekly., Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont. RM & ISOLATED LI AIWD N PROPERTY OFFICERS. eo. Watt President, Harloek P. O.; James I?oadfoot, Vico-Pres., Seaforth P. O.; W. 3 nspector of losses, Sealorth p P.O.; M. Murdio E DIRTORS O Sea- Murdio, M. t Seaforth; s. B roe dfoo Jas. Dale, �eatorth• Geo. Watt, gaflocea. T. E. gays, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, bury; Chas. Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, S1pPen• souses. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt, McMitlan, Sea - forth, and .1. Comings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- gaat other baldness will be promptly attended to .sdree ed to theirorespecttivof the Micas. vo officers You are cordially invited to attend Slight's Dress Cutting School whore drafting cutting and fitting of waists sleeves, all styles, skirts, capes, cloaks, jackets. collars, and all garments belonging to a lady's wardrobe, may be learn.d by a now and mien - tithe method, that is in advance of any meth. d of dross -cutting yet invented. The easiestsys- tom to learn—the most accurate results. Beare no resemblance trleny other system. We chal- lenge the world for rapid and accurate drafting of i adies garments. Comparison with any other system invited. Dressmakers will keep up with the times,and cannot afford to bo without this time -saving invention, as it saves time and mo- ney each year. Over 600,000 of these garment ei„cural have gone tro no tters ivtsinto whoinvention wth out extra charge, Tho Clinton ladies should not miss thisthan ceof perfecting themselves in this important branch of work. Open daily till 9 p.m. et WAVERLY HOTEL parlors, for a month AGENTS "The Beat Popular Life of Her Malest'Y I have ever seen," writes Lort' Lorne about "Queen Vfotorial- Sales unprecedented Easy to make five dot - lams daily. Big commission. Outfit free to canvassers. TIfR BRADLEY.GARRETSON CO., Toronto. e CURE - BILIOUSNESS ° CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE AND ALL LIVER TROUBLES,_ pYHY-PECTh1 Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short ilmr. It's a sci• ., cnttftc certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. McCOMnsn & Soil, iSouchette, Que., report to a totter that Pyn •Pectoral Hued Mrs. tubes,candalso chronic G. oOomU r of na tong -standing cold. MR. 1-I. fuTTv, Chemist, yes Yong° St., Toronto, writes: 1 •' As a general cough and lung syrup Vynk. t uabfa mostInvaluables preparation. Pectoral f sem ns who to all t on the utmost satisfaction has g the mo of to spoken ,nn having t cn vs' tried 1 have manynil no. hoists due or from 01 Sung, in ' prrnr 1 S e taste. Ila sale with e h 111, 0, wonderful, and to the mato. Itsnoonwith mnluta1110 Won4 1111 and I can always recommend it as a safe and reliable cough medicine." Large Bottle, els et.. DAVIS bt f,AW1UsNCE CO., LTU. 5010 1'ropriators MONTREAL. Our Undertaking Department is complete with the finest outfit in this part of the county. , We are becoming well known by the very low prioes we obarge for the splendid service we give; don't forget this when it ie necessary to oonsult an Un- dertaker. All Sunday and night °elle answered from residence, Huron Street 11. O. BARLEETT, Clinton THE TEST OF TIME A GREAT OPPORTUNITY! We give away, absolutely free of cost, for a limited time only, The People's Common Sense Medioal Adviser, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the In- valid's Hotel and Surgical Institute, a book of 1008 large pages, profusely illustrated, bound in strong paper covers, to any one sending 31 Cents in one -cent stamps, to cov- er .;est of mailing only. Over 080,000 cop- ies of this complete family Doctor Book al- ready sold en cloth binding at regular prioe of $1,50. World's Dispensary sledioal As- sociation, Buffalo, N. Y. The Orange Sentinel says:—We con- gratulate the Government on its pre- ferential trade policy"; that "With a P licy, it looks f he Lanrier Cabinff and an - et might (o ant on a reasonable term of office'; and 'that "Canada has risen more in the estimation of Britain in the the six days since Mr. Fielding in- troduced his budget with preferential trade in it than she did in six years of unfriendly British tariff." HEALTHY STOMACHI Happy Man! —Nothing Experimental Ab- out Using the Great South American Nervine—What it Has Done For Thousands it can do for You. Here are• Strong Words From a Reliable Business Man --Read Them. I have been a great sufferer from indiges tion and dyspepsia. I tried many remedies but obtained very little relief, I saw South American Nervine advertised, and conclud- ed to give it a trial, and I must say I con- sider it the very best medicine I have ever used. I obtained great relief from the first few doses. I have only used two bottles, and am happy to say it has made a new man of me. I strongly recommend it to fellow-sufferers.—C. PEARCE, chant, Forest, Ont. Sold by Watts goodsy m & Co. The Oceanic Phosphate Company has chartered the schooner Louisa D., which has started in search for an is- land I located reputed be n some maps aslsoutheast ouano f Hawaiian Islands, in latitude 16degrees north, longtitude I37 degrees west. For years sailors have tried in vain to lo- cate the island and •last year the pro- jeitors of the present search sent the schooner Moonlight to discover the treasure, but the captain lost his hear- ings. The Island is named simply New with Island. The schooner is equipped provisions and gear to last 8 months. If you must nee medicine, look for the most pleasant, safest and surest to take. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are supreme in cases of Sick Headache, Biliousness, Sal- low skin, constipation, eta. 40 doses, 20o. THE LITTLE WIDOW. She Is cunning, sonwtintes witty; 1•'ree 11ud easy, but not bold: Like an apple, ripe and I101iow— Not too young lull not 100 old; Half inviting, half repellant. Now advancing rad 111w shy; There is mischief In her laughter, There Is danger lu h,•r eye. She has stud 101 110011111 nature, She is schooled in every art; She has taken her diploma As the mistress of the boort: She CaO tell 111e'vtry 111(1111 1.11C Whoa to sigh and \,11,•11 to smile 011, a mold Is sonlei11111 eh:lrtuing., ltut a widow all the while! At1! "old fore -ills," nearly fifty. 1Vbo are plotting, 111(1) and wise; Ye "ActonIses" of twenty With the love light in your eyes! You may ptttetlke all the lessons ' Taught by (cupid since the fall, But I know 0 Jittle widow, Who tarn win aetl fool you all. The Poet of the Sierras. Joaquin Miler was, among other things in his adventurous youth, a pio- neer of California In '49 ; and his home to -day, is on the heights of Oakland, in that Slate, overlooking the Golden Gate. TIM famous bard .returned toiedhe there in 1390, after a long civi- lization of the effete east, and acgirirtel 1000 acres in the thetbarr rt is to foot -hay, ills for a mere song— his own virile "aSongs of ut the the Siierras." of one of Ha set abrut reclaiming this upland dessert, and to- day it literally blossoms tike the rose. Of late he has cultivated acpane e poets and olive trees. ° In ibis he has planted whole rows and thick- ,.+ts of violets and La France roses, so that the place Is a wilderness of bloom. When Ellen 'Terry and Benny Irving visited Miller at his home last year he badthe whole h ct house from the ay by which tne actress approached the gate strewn with rosets..e purest water Copious springs of o in the world have been struck on the heights since they carne into Joaquin Miller's possession, and the property would easily sell for .$75,000 to -day, were he minded so to dispose of it. Ho is not. He intends to live and eventu- ally die there; for, as he has truly Bald, "It is a life among the srlitudes that tinges a man's alms with sentiment and gives to his soul a light that sordid ambition etcher drives away or makes impossible."—Leslie' et 'Weekly. A Great Scholar. Antonio Mabllabech•l, the famous notFlorentine was remark a.ble only for the amount b unt and variety ot his knowledge, for he e accurately' c urateor sixty different° languages, hie incessant labors as a student and librarian. "He us u al lyweee whole night in SilldY,andn ex �v AtI'a. rest a demanded m nature u to d n at Iva s chair servedOld. and an ouch VA' a c fa threadbare cloak for a coverlet." 1 Is the best test of the merits of an article. Soap is in daily use. Any Sosl that stands tbie daily test for years must be good. There must be something to it. Cooper's Soap4 • Has stood tbo test for nearly three years; to -day it's sale is larger than ever for no ther reason than that it best pleases and satisfies the users of soap. . WOOL SOAbeeVegfoddieeatflannels :Rot- water, tY wa,olungand shrinkage of poed with. We have it. OGLE COOPER & CO., Phone. 23 The Up-to-date Cash.Grocery. Don't Forget us When in need of LANI• N MOWERS RAKES & HOES SPRAY PUMPS BUILDING PAPER SPADES & SHOVELS POULTRY NETTING WINDOW GLASS WIRE & £I7r STEEL NAILS We are in a position to supply at very close figures IIARLND BROS. Tho hoe eimSle iiguinie 1,44,4 manor, Rack -Ache. Face -Ache, Sciatic Palos, Picat•al)4im Pains. rain lie 1100 Ride, etc. Promptly Renevell and Cured by The "D.&L." Menthol Plaster Having used your D. B k Menthol Plaster for severe pain in the back and Turmag°, I nnheattatine&r recommend sumo ns' n rae. acre and pule nasals—A. tfact, ey Oo I.APoOTC.Eudtit. nt. Price ave. DAVI �prl-E Len. t� s, MooNNTREM. Stoves, Hardware, &e Clinton. House Cleaning Season The above trying time has arrived, and to aid in the work you need Brooms, Brushes, Soap, Whiting, Window Blinds, Carpet, Felt that is moth -proof, Wall Paper, Paint, Tacks and,a variety of other articles, all of which you can procure from us of the "Best Quality." BOOTS and SHOES—Our stock has been replenished with a lot of"Dandies" GROCERIES —This stook is always supplied with the very best of goods. We would advise our customers to buy lightly of Sugar as prices are every way like- ly to get lower, the stocks' are so large in the markets. Comparison and inspection invited. Try us for best valve. Highest price for Produce ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS LONDESBORO Almost a Miracle Ai Hub Grocery Tea was Bold in England in tbe year 1660 for 60 shillings per pound. Today we can give you a dandy for 25c. In 1772 it was denounced as -a slow poieon, but now it is considered as soothing to the nerves, and you will find it so if you try some of our Ceylon, Darjelling, Beni Hur Japan. or ()Unto Clinton. Sash,D�cr1 Blind Factor OTTAWA, SEPT. 9TH, 1896. To the Phrenoline Medicine Co., Ltd. Ottawa. GENTLEMEN, -1 eciation ofharleyourw oW aluable expressbeat to my app rheumatic remedy, Pbrenolfne. My son Gordon, who is 9 years old, and has been a sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism for the past twd yore; was eo bad at timee that be had to be carried about on a mat - trees; was attended by two city doctors ap- parently without the slightest benefit; spent 10 days at Caledonia Springs, came home with Ito marked improvment; took three bottles of a.Homeopathic remedy now being extensivly advertised, which did not reliupeve in the least. 1 was beginning to give all bope of his recovery, when by mentioned o case to friend advised me to give Phrenoline who strongly trial. 1 did so, with the result that when my boy bad taken only half a bottle he wart l like ride and ' to ableto get onhis bicycle block. the o other b dpi certainly around feel that 1 cannot Bay too much in praise of yonr medicine, and shall do all I eau to make known its value to others. Yours very sincerely, (Signed,) REUBEN CLARK, Sold in Clinton only by Allen & Wilson. S. S. COOPER - - - PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, and has the very latest improved ma-. obinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice.PWe carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates forland build all .class es of buildings:on short notice and on the closest prices. Ail work is supervfee ; ed in a meohanioaltway and Batisfa:aion guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior n terior and exterior material. , Lumber Lath, Shingles,.]Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etat Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufaotntetr at Waterloo. Call andiget prices and estimates before planing your orders*:. A thin, ofoy fibre food fluid; which sinks into the pores leaving a velvety burnishing film outside. Rub this friction coat a little, and 101-- a brilliant, lasting, lustre dawns through it. Neither varnish, turpentine nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in-- JAMIE( SHOE VousM W.TAYLOR & SONS, SOLE AGENTS FOR? CLI.N o