The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-14, Page 5aOr • THE "./' TIN FI. 1M! N NEWER Ladies' elts and Blouse Sets Its we have a very e, all the very terns. We have some nice ones with bi- cycles on. The prices are 15c up. In Blouse Sets we lead, we have just received a half gross, that were .bought at a very low price. We can give you a beautiful set for loots, collar button, three studs and a nice pair of links, all for only 10c. Remem- ber these goods are silver plated, Come and see them. P. S.—Don't forget that we do Engraving in our store while you wait. $J. B. umbal-1 tJeweler, tal.iton. i, Novelty Bakery and Restaurant As the warm weather has now set in we are prepared to give you fi ret class ICE CREAM ' and COOL DRINKS of all kinds. Fresh and seasonable Fruits, such as Strawberries, Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, 'Fresh and up-to-date Confectionery. Good Lemons, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. Wedding Cakes are still our leading specialty. Janes McClaclierty, Clinton Selling Out FOR CASH. We are now offering our entire stock of Meats and Groceries at Cost. Compare our prices with those you have been paving and see what you can save by ordering from us. reg. our reg. our price price price price CornStarch,10c..7c Coffee ....40c.. 30c Laundry ,, 10o.. 7c Pearline, IGo.. 8c Soap 50....4c Pjckles 15e ..10c Extracts....10c..80 Yeast Cakes, loo . . 8o Salmbn13c..10c Canned Cornl0o..5c 3 l Sodas 25o..20c Lamp Glass,8c..5c GingerSnapsloc..50 Tea 50c ..40c B1ueRrbbon35c..25o Tea 25c 20o Seeda per pkt 30 37l lb Ra'sins....25a 3i Ib Currants..25c Flame, Bacon and Long Clear at wholesale prices. Fertilizer for flowers, lawns and gar- dens, 3c1b. Call and be convinced JAS STEEP c& CO., Clinton arpets st urtains At this season Carpets and Curtains come to the front. We have been preparing for some timeaaed are now in shape for showing some good valves in the above. We would like to show you a line of Hemp Carpets at 12io another at 20o, one at 25o, we feel confident it will give you satisfaction. In Union Carpets we would like to show you whatweoan do at 35o, 40o, 50o. We have an excellent line of Wool Carpets at 60o, 75c and 90o. HEMP CARPETS UNION CARPETS WOOL CARPETS LACE We make a hobby of Lace Curtains. During the past two weeks we have opened up 250 pairs, prices ranging from 25o a pair to 57 a pair. The 25o line is 2a yards long, the 500 line 3 yards long, the 75o line 3i garde long and good width, the $1 line 3i yards long and 60 inches wide. Different patterns. Spe- cial prices are also $1.35, $1.50, 361.75 and $2. You will find our Curtain stook complete.. MI LLINERY and The Millinery and Dress Goods departments have DRESS GOODS been particularly busy. We would rather miss a sale than give a lady a hat or bonnet that does not become her. Millinery seems lower this season. Competent judges tell us that the range of Dress Goods we are showing at 50c is unsurpassed in the county. Never has our trade been better than this season and people keep on coming and baying in a way that indicates they appreciate our values. McKinnon & Co. Blyth CURTAINS O n Faturday William, son of the late CLINTON MARKETS Thomas Jordan, Bt. Thomas, died from ; Corrected every Thursday afternoon lockjaw, A week ago a rusty nail ran into I Thursday, Ma y 13th, 1897. his knee. The lad was in his fifth year, Wheat spring .. 0 73 a 0 74 ! Wheat,fall Oats, Barley , Peas Flour per cwt Butter jEggs per doz Just a . minutes we will detain you. We are posted on Watches, and are doing you a kind- ness when we tell you the BRUSH is the best Watch for a Cyclist. We have theist, ONLY $`, 50 We have also bargains in all Watches, Jewellery, Clocks, Silyerwate, &c. All work entrusted to our care done by an ex- pert Workwan, and fully guaranteed, Estate J. Ifilocomln CLINTON ��� ttrtrttttntmttt ttt m tt! ttt 111 SELUNG OU.P ill IT! IT? It! It! It! I!! ir! !TT ttt Ready-made Clothing ir1 TT ` At prices never heard of before in Clinton. 111 1t1 Dress Goods, Silks,. 111 Staples, ttt M Boots and Shoes 111 ltt 11t 1.11 Dress Making and . Tailoring Done as usual. 111 ttt 111 t11 ttt It! Plumsteel & Gibbins, ' ttt ttCLTNTON ttt tt � ttt ItttrIttlft!MtIttt ttt tt? ttt 1ttttrt?tttrttttttttt Since commencing to sell out, our sales have been very successful, we have cleared out a lot of goods at very low prices, people have been well pleased with their bargains, and we shall continue until the stock is all sold. We have fully decided to r etire from busines arid bargains in all lines will be given. -The stock is well assorted and you can save money by buying from us. Come and see a large stock of II! ttt ttt ttt tt! tt? ttt t11 073 a 074 0 19 a 0 19 020a023 038 a 039 200 a 215 0 9 a 0 9 0 7a0g8 Hay new, $7; old 7 00 a 8 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 25 Wool 0 18 a 0 20 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Potatoes 0 25 a 25 Clover Seed, retail 5 50 a 5 50 Timothy Seed .. 2 50 a 2 50 MONTREAL CATTLE MARKETS There were about 700 head of butchers' cattle; 450 calves, 50 sheep, 1211 spring Iambs and 30 store hogs and pigs for sale at the east end abattoir to -day ; the butch- ers were present in large numbers, but trade was rather slow for some, as the butchers were holding for a reduction of the prices, and they su ;needed to'some ex- tent in reducing the price of common stuff, but prime cattle sold at at out the same rates as they did last week; about 50 cattle, chiefly large, fat cows, were bought by shippers at from 3(c to 4o per ib; prime butchers' cattle sold at from 4c to 4.?c per lb; pretty good stock sold at from 3c to 3;c, a^d the con -mon dry cows and hard look- ing bulls at from 2c to 2c per Ib. Turkey's expenses in the war with Greece are estimated at 1;5,000,000, which Greece will pay as an indemnity in annual install- ments guaranteed by the Thessalian reve- nues. Nov AarextioinentO. EnsilageSeed Corn for Sale. Tw'o cars of White Ensilage seed Corn and l car of yellow; taro seed Peas, Barley, Oats and feeding corn. Drive right to warehouse at railway station. W. G. I'EItRIN. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF HULLE'1'T, Take notice that n Court of Revision for the Township of Hulletl will be in Hill's Hal', Londesboro, ou aaturday the 29th day of May, 1897, commencing at 2 o'clock,p. m. forthe pur- pose of hearing and correcting all complaints against or errors on the Assessment Roll of the present year. All interested parties are re- quested is attend at the said'tltne arid place. ,JAMES CAMPBELL, clerk of Municipality of Hullott. Hullett, May 10th, 1897. THE IMPORTED COACH STALLION MOSS ROSE. Monday, May 10th, will leave his own stable, Huron Road, Goderich T'p and proceed by way of Beomillcr to E. P. Robinson's, Colborne, for noon; then to A. Culbert's, con. 4, Ashfield, for night. Tuesday to Rich. Trumley's, Ashfield, for noon, then to Jas. Agar's, West Wawanosh, for night. Wednesday by way of St. Helens to Neil Smith's, 10th con., for noon, then to ltobt, Scott's, 10th con., for night. Thursday to John Ellis', 5th con. Wawanosh, for noon, then to McCaughey's Hotel, Blyth,'for one hour, then to John Gtowser's, Boundary line, for night. Friday to Watt. Murphy's 13th con.. Hallett, for noon, then to W. H. Weymouth's for night. Saturday to Jas. VanEgmond's Hallett, for noon, then to Belt's Hotel, Clinton from 2 to 4; then to his stable. WILSON estA'LLIN, Props. .. LATEST . , American Shoes In the Spring of the year there is danger from neglect of Footwear. Wear Comfortable Boots and Shoes and avoid many ills. We have ex- ceptionally fine lines of ,Children's. • Misses, Ladies me Shoes Men's, Boys' as well as a full stock of . Trunks, Valises, Harness, Shingles, &C. JAMES TWITCHELL, Victoria Block, Clinton. Y�41�Y4Y4Y'dYkYY Our Taik This Week /S TO BEABOUT _.__.__ of Wiather Stuffs I11 ' We begin the season with choice line of what is new and popular and we think the values are as good as will be found anywhere, possibly better. IRST are Organdie's, most of you know these are, the latest and most popular things for hot weather, very pretty in effect and fast colors. Thin, cool and cheap. - SECOND are Fancy Muslims. These are among some of the prettiest things made for the hot season. We have them at all prices, all colorings and mixtures, and we tested the fastness of the colors with soap. THIRD are the prize takers for stylish effect and dust proof qualities. 'These are the Grass Linen effects in spots, tape stripe and crossbars, and are all fast colors and at the very small price of 1214c. These are the leaders in hot weather materials. a, FOURTH are Pine Apple Tissues, Bengaline -s; Grenadines, Colored and Fancy Lawns, Satin Striped Cambrics, Washing Crepons, Zephyrs, Fine Scotc y Fancy Ginghams, India Linen Lawns. We want you to see these goods. firIL "O i, 8ir :;; ISEMAN, For the balance of this month WE WILL OFFER '1'O CASH PURCHASERS Beautiful Decorated Dinner Sets, Handsome Toilet Sets, Chin, Tea Sets, . . Fancy hand painted Chinaware Call and sa'fisfy yourself that this is a bona fide offer. Having bought Sugars since the decline in price we'll give our customers the benefit. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. At Cost and Under. N. ROBSON'S, Clinton. Well Satisfetl When we started Business in Clinton we expected to get a share of the trade, but we are more than satisfied with the share we are getting and at the way our business is increasing. The LARGE STOCK we carry, QUALITY of GOODS and LOW PRICES we are offering our GOODS at has increased and is still inereaeing Oar Business. Space will not permit us to quote prices but we invite you to come and examine our STOCK and get pricee. UNDERTAKING. In this department we give as good a service as can be secured anywhere and our charges are as low as the Lowest. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO J. W. CHIDLEV, Manager. Don't forget the old stand, near Fair's:Mill, Clinton. P S—Night and Sunday`oalle attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral Director) residence. INSECTICIDES gm Sulphate of Copper, Highest Grade Paris Green, 25c a ib., Government Standard Pure Hellibore, 25c a pound Sulphate of Copper is recognized as one of the most powerful insecti- cides and the beet article for spraying fruit trees. Kills all injurious insects and fungi, thereby developing healthful growth and insuring better fruit. We can give you the lowest price on Sulphate. , J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Fred Hartman, of Clarksburg, while otit PASTURAGE. bioyoling, ran into a rig on Friday, and sus- tained such injuries that he died therefrom. PIANO FOR TALE. A first-olaes Upright Mahogany Case Williams Piano, almost new, an excel tent Instrument, for ale on very reasonable terms. Apply at NEW ERA office. STRAYED. A spotted cow giving milk came Into the en- s osure of John Marquis, 7th con. Goderich Township on May let. Any person proving pro- perty and paher away. ying HN pMARQUISses can �Flolmesville Removal a Night Soil. Tho undersigned will undertake the removal of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets, on shortriotioo, and at reasonable rates. All re- fuse removed out of town. RO$T. MICNNI L. Undersigned has good pasturo farm on the Huron Road, Hullott, close to town, and can ac- commodate either stook or horses; no wire fen- ces to injure animals, running stream through fields. hatee reasonable. Apply to EDWARD JONES, Hullott. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE Per sale 12 choice Shorthorns, 10 being fe- males and h 2 males. They range from one to seven years of age, and are all thorobreds of tbo best strain—registered and eligible for registra- tion, any of them fit tor show purposes. Will be sold right. JAMES SNELt . Haynes•Bartin Stook Farm, Reflect, Clinton P.U. THOROBRED STOCK for SALE For sato, a limited number of Shorthorn Bull Calves ranging from 8 to 11 months old. Also some Heifers and Cows, In calf. Al) of those are by impel ted steels,aro choice animals• and will be sold at reasonale prices, JNO AVLRY, Clinton Post 011lco, or on the promises, London road, near Clinton. linton ilk,BA)wwcw The Latest JUBILEE VIOLET. is a most exquisite perfume, sold by the ounce; manufactured by John Taylor & Co. Also a full °: line of Stern's Recksecker, Seely and French Perfumes- COMB K' S DRUG StO1 ea 500 HOUSEKEEPERS WANTED To take notice that our Spring Stock is arriving daily. BABY CARRIA,G- ES, ART GOODS, WINDOW SHADES, SEWING MACHINES, and the largest stock of furniture in Huron County. We sell up-to-date sideboards: with glass, 50.50; Fancy Bedroom Sets, 20x24, Glass, $$.00; Large Extension, Tables, $4.00; Highback Rockers, $1.00. LT. H. 011311I EIw . JE31iY-'172-r ,-he laboring Ma TheThoughtfui Man, TheSaving Man Who has the expense of maintaining a family realize the importance of saving on the necessities of life, an right here comes our stronghold with shrewd people, Buying and selling for Cash enables us to sell man' lines of goods at lower prices than we could if we bought and sold on time. Just now we are selling large quantities of Wall Paper. Prices commence at 13a a roll, and run pp the scale at 50, 7o, 8o, loo and 120. Pretty colorings and designs and,the bust value at each price. Ready Mixed Paints in all the desirable colors, eaSil applied and warranted to give satisfaction. Alabasti for wall coating—several tints. SEEDS Are you careful and partionlar in buying seeds? A few cents a pound may be'all t110 difference between what will produce a good crop and what will be a feature. For twenty years we have handled Fiyld and Garden Seeds put up by this ono firm, and during all that time they have given entire satisfaction. We are now.eelling the beat Mangold Wortzel Heed at 12o -- certainly a low pride. There are cheaper coeds in the market, but beware of them. W. L. Ouimette, Londesborc . ,4