The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-14, Page 4W. f, ,r�� ! Y' ,� t. V I. , a a * I 0MI 10CNEW",A u I ra 1. I #: 'eCfft}}tu9pd 111 & 1l Payton and Cleveland , �,., The Quebec Elections. Rregby�terial Utllolll r Y Y y during . _ manufsoturers to dealers who bu b the � 1. NE WB NOTE$, 4 carload. 1 ° Sunda afternoon, uritt a heavythan- Foreign (Irop prospects. 4 .0 oven Before . The firskrani ml . Convention of the The Premier, in answer•to Mr Molnne9, , derstorm, lightning struck a barn owned by ' London, may 10. -In the weekly review �J 'T THE PROVINCE GOES LIBERAL. Huron Preabyterial Union of Young said, the Government had fon g E hriam Haas, two miles south of Port 'of the foreign market today,the MyrkLane RE 1 A ts.a °Were we'Sp q position to give you such People's Sociptles was held in Willie office, Q oommunicat ion from theeIm penial E gin, totally destroying it with contents, 'Express comments upon e unfavorable tl gd valcles in Wheals as to -day. church, Clinton, on May 11th; it was (government aeking it the Canadian Gov, including three fine young horses, fourteen cereal weather in England, and adds• -"In ' /,11 MAJORITY -29, resided fiver by Rev, W. M. Martin, ernment intended to accept head of cattle i g A�I l el o.;., V.$Qaded lliauufacturcrs pp gt the provisions . implements, leed,eto, The France the wheat is making little headway. feaxing the inevitable crash in prices I3.A. • The chairman then appointed as of the treaty entered into between Great total loss is $1,700. The barn`"was insured The weather is distinctlyun anis], Frost, a bittainess committee Rev. N. Shaw, Britain and Japan in 1894. The Govern- in the western Assurance Company for in Normandy add Britany have been fie- qre Q10 g us slice after Mice offregu- The Quebec Liberals are jubilant, as Mr John Frazer and Mr Win. Elder to ment had notified the imperial authorities $600• ATTEND A l*rpriees, and cash buyers are getting well they might he, over the result of P quent. In Germany the season is summer . uorpinatte officers and committees for that they did not wish to be bound b the Ata joint vests meeting of St. George's like. The April. rµinfall has been ample, •'"" lie advantage, If you want any wheel 'the Provincial elections, which were next year and to appoint time and treaty. 'The question is rather an Im or- Y and last life has sown ra idl In >�tade we are ina, position to supply held on Tuesday. The Conservatives lace of next meeting. Rev. Mr Muir, P Church, wanton, and St. Johns Church, P _ ••yQA; dlzeot from the factory at less than had a majority of about 22 in the former Pg g' taut one in British Columbia, where the Brussels, held recent! it wasunanimousl g f Y Que Y tris the wheat is extremely forward. Italy rucefleld,.rbported on behalf of the pec ole desire that Canada shall have a free y' and Spain are both expecting many dealers pay for them. House, sod had staved off the elections F decided to ask his Lordship the Bishop o! Pe d P p P g good wheat, ' ?,dding I 1, tr `.$tin rtes and Repairs will satisfy as lou as the could fear in an a executive meeting held in Brucefleld hand, so that i! it becomes necessary to Huron to appoint se his imoumbent 111r The Promise of winter -sown Dorn in Poland, g P on $ rig 22nd. As neither the Preai- restrict Japanese immigration no treat p y yon gal to the people. The result evf- dent'nor Vice President were Y George J. Abey, student of Huron College Russia, Roumania and Bulgaria appears to I "r r' s BICYCLE & 'MUSIO present obligation may stand in the way. The Brit- The dishop hoe acceded to their req asst, be fully up to the average. The spring sow- • entry warranted their feast. The pp and Mr Abey accepted. R � in MAY EHERSON S HOUSE, CLINTON Rev. Mr Muir took the chair, and Mr fah Colombians, therefore, a rove the ac- in sin Russia are in arrears in the chief Q�° elections were bitter] contested, the Martin ay.e an addreat on the rela- tion of the Government. wheat districts north, but the uses] sore- ! C Xeveland Oycls Livery, Clinton school question forming a part of the tion of the Presbyter to the Presby -Mr T. Ouimet warden of the penitentiary age o and Goderich. issue, and the decision of the elector- terial. Mr Elder, Hensall; Revs. Messrs when the notification was. sent out by of St.jVfncent de Paul, reoieved a letter Sat- g f cats has been sown in the east and , 1 ate on this particular part is most sig- Acheson, McLean, Henderson and the Militia Department to the commanders arday from the Department of Justfiee in- centre, and of barley in the south-east. "-p flew �10vertioegz•euts nificant. Out of 73 constituencies the of the corps from which the jubilee contin- If YOU al's W0 will b@' 4 r a Stewart took art in the discussion. 1 forming that officer that he was suspended I y Liberals carried 51, giving them a ma-' gent is dhosen, a note was added to the ef- tvro Prospects in Manitoba. leased to show OU r . A' t,egst---N Robson orIt o Rev. Mr FIX' not being pr esent, eat that beards were not worn in the Brit- of his functions until further notice. An P P I p 3, Ca'Aolost-New Era j Y f 29 -in the Honse. In Montreal, Rev. Mr Henderson took his place and f investigation has been going on for some j •'".GMs te-A J Morrish out of 6 seats, the Liberals carried 5. ave an address on the Constitution ish army. This was regarded as an official days set, He is a brother of Hon. J. A. The Northern Pacific crop reports last r our line of suitable ifts :Clpggfng-P B Crrewe The new Premier, Mr Marchand, is of the Pre byterial; discussion follow- intimation that the men chosen should be (l; Ymet, Judge of the out rt of Appeal, issued show that seeding in all parts of Man- g �!s's you -Ooo er K Co essTJlVieholson spoken of by the Montreal papers, as a , beardless, and this course is being taken in ► Rev. Wm. Cochrane D, D., one of the finish not affected b the reoent floods is ed by Rev. Mr 'Stewart, Mr I+razer, g g 1111 Goods E " ` #ipyalo-H L Brown man of untarnished character and ex- Rev, 1$, Ache on, Rev. Mr Anderson, choosing the men. Now comes the ditlioal- ed. The acres a is much lar er than Ever thin ill 3' 11 e4la s_Be sl3 y &Cc cellent abilities. Miss Wilson, Rev, Mr Graham. Rev. tyc Among the offibers chosen by the Pre• brightest and most original minds in the last year, and the condition of the round ''' The chief amen the slain was Pre- mier to accompany him to England is Col. Presbyterian Church, and a power in the ie excellent, only requiring a couple days' ,Ever thin ? s ,-- .. nary -Mies Howson g N. Shaw then reported on behalf of Tisdale y General Assembly, has p Everything in I' dnC China Oaxvete-Mclinnon & Co mier Flynn himself, who.. had sepia' the Business Committee ,that the of- , who wears a ver fine beard. Now 36th Y, just Dom feted "his rain to make the crops particularly bri ght ; ., y .�tg�'gWo1des-d E Hovey sented Gaspe for twenty years, and they say that for consistency's sake• the year of his pasturage in Brantford. It N al's. .>eit9etled-Broadfoot &Box ficers reeentlp appointed by the Pres- Y ie a long term, bur Dr. Cochrane knows how =i { Marcil sag] Dun by 7112. Mr Charles colonel will have to sacrifice his beard, The Sixteen persona, all steerage paeaengerr, +%nsil,age corn -W G• Perrin bytery be continued for the next year, to kee hie mind fresh and race Xiip; Rose -Wilson & Allin Y g ,journalist of Mont viz: -Hon. Preis, Moderator of Presby- talk of the lobbies is all against the laying P receptive, and loot their lives on the ate Leona, which :$ s,wanted 7as'Pwitehell real, who made"a great reputation as a ° ' ti y down of one rule for the men and another his popularity as a preacher and as a pastor left New York on Saturda for Galveston Evl r3 t11in�+ il) I;�OkS• "`' tery; Pras ,Rgv, ( Fletcher, ]homes Y on ' r:; Jlp. lxtg eyes -Allen 5 Wilson speaker anon the last Dominion for the officers. Perhaps, however, it is a increases with his yeg�ra, May he live to and returned with a fire in her hold. The +r -nIltgi4xiaan shoos -J Twitnhell road; gat Vice Pres., 111r D, McTavish, celebrate his diamond jubilee as a leader in acacia a aesen era were coned bets raenshoe—T.lackson,sr , campaign, ha the convage to enter Clinton; 2nd Vice Prez. Miss Me(xoty- joke, and a dispensation may be accused i g p g F, 11 kinds of ade-W 1) Nair Co the lists against the Premier, and the either from the Premier or the Militia De- the church whose interests he has done so decks, and the heroe t3amea drove sen I �lll' stock 1S Up-to-date u,�$ an, Blyth: Hee. Sec., ]Miss G. Elder much to forward. back l - ,7AD OIL elurtment-Coon Bros latest returns show that he is elected partment. those who attempted to rescue them. ( and full aSS01'teCl. a�1p cal departments Cooper Co or th; Cor. See.. NIr W. Elder. [-Ten- y + +'lwlnyeyltybaldrig—Jas AlcClacherty by a majority of six. ]\ext on the list call; Teens., Mt• T. Forsyth, Kippers; The Dominion financial statement for Tuesday at Edgely, in the Township of ' t, eather stuffs -Gilroy & Wiseman of de feated is Hon, Louis Beaubien, Ertecutive Coin., Miss Bella ' Filson, April sbowa the receipts for April to have Vaughan, Mr Joseph Burkholder, an old F rH4 IVlinister of A ii • ( yr,ci . 1 . •4•lrunges"of ads. Inst positively be g culture, who is at least Cxodeiicl5; Meseta S. Pupl.>leston, I$xe- been $4 483,540, an increase se compared and highly esteemed resi:ent, was out in' Leads 'Vin p p �[t�)rifled fir not later ]Lan Wednesday, 300 behind My, Bisson in Beauharnois• with the same month aurin the previous the fields ploughing and apparently in ro- lIl BaslDessflf � ken+; R. Fdlock, Blake; J. Foote, Bruce' g p rt)i'ciwlse we'will not be responsible for Hon. M. F. Hackett, had a narrow es- 4 year of bust health. His son at the other end of RR uu 1)hg" uppent aace tlint week. cape in Stanstead his previous ma ori- Raga: J. Lttw.on, Dunlop; J. I'r.tizet, Y $1,843,000, of which increase the coo �11 S Uooli + auetoe oontributed$'215,000, and the excise the field observed him leaning over the il11 11 P 1 Bayfield: Rev, N. Shaw, Lgmunclville. CE�/•7- a n `� tyr of 600 having been reduced to 73. Ae for tints and 'place of meeting the $1,240,000. There is a slight decrease in Plough and hastened to him, but when he 'qL � i " lion, Thomas Chapais, another, •Nlinia- ex enditure for the month as eom ared with arrived lifewaa extinct, llsath was caused g � Pj' CLINTON. . I. + �D��f committee thou ht it better to leave P L��2�.11 '''i'A'R•V Tr ter, could not he defeated. because he that for the society to decider The last year, For the ten months of the fiscal Probably by heart failure. lie was in his , k is a member of the upper House. meeting then decided to meet next year expired the total receipts on account of 66th your, and was born on the farm on STRATFORD, ONT -____- . i FRIDAY, MAY 14 1897 A factor in the election was the gen- year on the last Tuesday of May, and consolidated fund amount to $31,934,721 as which he died. IIia father was also 'born _ 1. r era] desire for improvements in the ay to the place of meeting it was re_ as compared with $'39,974,688 for the Dor- on the same farm in 1800. WE FILL iIEADS with Practical {aewlad a ��"" r J� ;' ' syst.eru of education. The people of I feired• to the conunittee to receive responding period in ,1b96,or an increase in Major H. McNamara, a veteran of the . -+ �• : f "' 'The Goderich Post -Office. Quebec ate tired of those which Arch- , The lea.][❑ Commercial Fchoo] in Canada to- lT� i� su Hstioos frons sucicaiea as to'where round figures of 2,000,000. The expendi- Fenian army whish invaded Caoada fn 18G6 day htno beautiful college ` f �'Y -- bishop Langevin wanted to retain in " ture for the same o ege r•uorns; excellent tical ,• —, , �, To.our mind.a strongpoint in the ev- Manitoba. Their can be no doubt to rola next' place of meeting, and period shows an increase and agairrin 1870 a, d who was later prom- teekchers, moderate rates, studont, assi,ted to 0 executive to decide. Sonne discn;:sion of $800,000, leaving a net betterment for anent in the Invincibles, the Clan-na-Gael goad positions; enjoy, splendid reputation for i]j _dance relating to the Goderich post- about that: Premier Flynn tried to. then took place about doing away with the ten months amounting to $3,828,000 and kindred Irish societies, killed himself dopuGiar work; enter any time. Write for cls- 1 I, rp liceinvesti investigation, apparently unfav- meet the demand by increasing the cigars, De illi �1 PP Y the billeting system; it was decided to '1'ha total net debt of the Domini8u on the last Friday night at lienees City, rather a null U UU g money grant to elementary schools, leave the matter of enterlaintnent to 30th of +pail was $254,205,U(10,a decrease than be sued fora twentydollarsdebt. .in� nxlle to the postmaster, is the circum- but this was not a radical measure to aurin the month of over $2,000,000. acquaintance �V. J. Elliott,Principal halree that some of the businessmen suit the Rouges of uebal 'and so the th'e executive and the Endeavorers of g quaintance who had loaned him money I al Y the Bice of meeting. Rev, Mr Me- On rho 22nd of A rig 1896, Lad Abor- threatened arrest if it were not paid, Me. w gaining prominence among the people, and voted against, him. P g' p y I we have boon plcau•d with the results of our p! =y�eermngly had not confidence in the Late returns' chow that Dor. Flynn I{enwe, missionary from Honan,China, sen, accompanied by Captain Sinclair, A. Namara had deen unable to secure work tests. '!'here is no Kilos, work in our tlttiiig, as ir"" a' then addessed the meetin and could not meet the demand. everything we do ns bused on the ecicutiRc y""'. j�loetal department to mail theirletters may not be personally defeated. fi C., was driving up the bank of the Gat- I knowledge of rho Kias,es needed. Remember At the evening meeting RPV. D1r ineau to see the river, which was then to Rev. Mr Salton, of St, Thomas, met with • N'C tCSF, fr'eC sed ChaT;C y'Un it CUkWen ih!C juice 'a#; the post t the, but felt compelled e Stewart, Clinton, resided. After de- flood. The water had overflowed upon the y afternoon, He for Glasses if .oil need thein. li iiaihthem at the station. We may be @hutch e'himes P a painful accident Frida71 y �� •nAL-9p I , i Y votional exercises Rev. N. Shaw, in road, and with but little warning the her- was driving along one of the main streote P plunged. Y with a ono man, when the horse ran away. ]aofng more importance on this than I Rev. Mr Pocock will a ain reach in absence of Miss Elder, Rec. Sec., read sea fan ed into a hole almost twenty feet young GOOI'EI{ C� CO., C]il1toll �., +r SY@ should, but taking the evidence at the Baptist church next Sunday. His the minutes of the afternoon meeting, deep. The lives of the party were in great The young man, who was driving, lost con- , ata, ace value, it is certainly a very un- subject for the evening will be "The Rev. Mr Shaw then gave an address peril, but Captain Sinclair succeeded in teol of the horse, and Rev. Mr Salton, in F desirable state of affairs. The public imminent return of the Lord an incen-' on" "Tire plan of study:" discussion rescuing her Excellency, and, with the help order to save himself, jumped out of the I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOXt$.. F v; snatgt have confidence in the absolute five to watchfulness and bol living." followed b Mr Cxibson, Blyth, Revs, of the people of tine neighborhood, convey- g g "t, et4recy and security of the postal au , Y g e Messrs Stewart, Anderson, ed her to m lace of safety. The horses Pavement, receiving thrown ugly tu h I Sr.n kn'rF.`r>ro:ns,a-ill be received hvthecouu• b6 :.'ilgorities; and there must be some rea_ Capt. Cockerill takes charge of the ' P y b o y gashes nn oil oPtul!ett ftp to t aturdeiy, .liay 29th, at 1 P. 5,, e Army work in Ridgetown on May 1.3; Acheson, Kippen, Miss Wilson, Clip- were drowned. In memory of the event his face and arms. The driver was thrown xy m., tot the buildinK oP a BridKc aces the Tait- 8on for any other slate of feeling, It he is succeeded b Capt. Ehsarel, who ton, gave an excellent address oh •Lord and Lady Aberdeen and Cal t cin Sin- from the rik against a post, when the horse I I �� r 1, - I land on side roar] :i and G, con. -t, co be tiut,hed �•14t � '.,Cams el be taken for granted that Mr Y P ' "Wh Christian Endeavorers should clair decided to lace a bell iu the belfry of turned into Ridout street, but received no /;%1 r. t and ready for use as a hi �*lawny on or before the '`7 Cam bell Will lose his position, and takes charge on May 13th. Grand I y P 1 istdayotAugust,lbfta. t'lunsau,deperifncatione P • 1 welcome meetings all day next Sun- take an interest in missions." Rev, Mr the Church at Gatineau Point near the serious injuries..'' % • \ can be soca at the'1'ownsh;p Clerk, Office Lon- , ere is considertble loco excitement da 11 a.m. 3 Muir Brucefleld_.• y m. and 8 m. gave to address on sot where the accident took place. The dcsbora. the lowest [cadet not necessarily ac. �r�ir,,+as to who shall get it. We do not pre- p' P "The spiritual life of Endeavorers." bell was blessed or: Sunday in the presence frKhat the Pa ars Sa cepted. r, r •tend to know who are aspirants for it, Rev E. J. Harris, late of Clinton, is The gathering was well attended and of Lord and Lad Aberdeen, Mr. and Ma- P y That will give .you, satisfaction and i -, 7olIN BI1IGaAM, Reeve to c r 3rUr do we presume to know the par- already feeling the beneficial effects of Y -- stand all kinds of roads is Must we , -' +n the treatment for his a es' at the Sani- shows how the Endeavor movement is dame Laurier; Speaker Pelletier and a large 'Toronto Sentinel, Conservative: --Canada have to offer you in the Soda Fountain To ` 1 r cicalas claims of those who may be Y progressing. number of the prominent people of thecae- has risen more in the estimation of Britain P Sale at t looking after it but we believe that D. tarium at Clifton Springs, N. Y. He > �31Z+ 4illicuddy, whose Warne is mention- has accepted the unanimous Ball of the ital. The vicinity ct the church was crowd• in the six days since Mr Fielding introduced Massey=Harris and the it Rai<r'aill. • +. b' ed, the occasion being in the nature of a his budget with preferential trade in it than Brantford Red Bird. t' [ ,r- a candidate, hat, very strong Baptist three reh at Orleans+, N. om Cl f- East Huron Liberals. fete, The various church societies of the she did in six yearn of unfriendly British For one cf the beat Chea Wheels Fi st Cost X300, f6ri11 1,1-1 t= claims, from a party standpoint. He aced but thteg miles distant from Clif- - Sell fox P �7F Cash. parish were present in regalia, and in front tariff. see the l ', �Rbi'xs certainly dune heroic work for the ton Springs, The Nominating Convention t.o Ge- of the church was a great arch of evergreens Dartmouth Atlantic Weekly, Conserve• _ 1: , erala, although we have thought The following' is extracted from the lect acandidate to represent the Liberal through which their Excellencies passed on tive; --"The new tariff, over which so much Oxriffiths Leader. Intendingpurchasers t e can inspect the serine and ';.,his pen was sometimes dipped in.gall minutes of the F, bruary meeting of Party in the next election for the Otn- their way into the lurch. talk has been expended, has been brought Our Repair Shop learn all parlicu!ars qy dppiying at i . "' ;.too deep But no one can deny his the official board of the Ontario Street tario'=Legislat.nre will be held in the C. A. NAllxs:S, `,ti d down and it goes without question as being is in full blast, and remember that General Grocery stare, Godcrichh, ,k ,Zeal an fidelity to the party. church: -Moved by A. Armstrong, sec- Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, May the most brilliant budget for man ' ended by D. Tiplady, that a cot dial in- 28th, at 1 p. in. NEWS NOTES. Preferentiai duties in favor of Grea Britain carry ears, that wthe largest stock of supplies of HIGH CLASS POULTRY Reform Conventions. vitation be extended to Rev W. J. Meetings to elect delegates for above %` Robert ill bring thousands of votes tithe Liberal any house in the aunty. We have EGGS FOR HATCHING s11 -- Ford to remain with us the third year Convention will' be held on Wednes- Bradyy fell under the saw at the party. If the Conservatives had adopted just added a Vulcanizer to our sh6f The Liberals of South Huron, as con- as the pastor of our church. Carried. day, 26 instant, at 7 to., when - Huntsville Lumbering Co.'s mill and was English Red Caps; noted for their great F. P such a tariff policy and left the Manitoba and now are prepared to do all kinds g8• ,i-,,,, , toted for local purposes, will meet On Thorsda avenin of last week delegates from each sub -division will cut to pieces. - producnnKgnaiitics, and having nosnperior,also Y g school question alone, it would have been in of repairing on rubber goods. a good table fowl. cine oC rho above safe c,b an convention at Hensall on Friday, the official board meeting of Ratten- be chosen. The Chairmen of Hallett Mrs Margaret Plunket of Ottawa commit- power today. But there is a tide in polit- winners at Now York, London,'roronto E 1. ne 11th, for the purpose of electing bury St. Methodist church was held, div:sion, and place where meetings will ted suicide by banging herself with a clothes ical parties which taken at the flood leads for satin 13 for $1.50. Cornish Indian game, �y a Candidate and preparing for the next The report of the me bership for the be held are as follows :- line to the stairway of her residence. on to victory. The Conservatives did not H• L. I;�►®wN CO.Ck;ng of tale fowl, also Poon layers. ]roosters Froviucial campaign. vent showed ti steady and 1`0. 1' -Gear e Ste henson, Iiinlrurn; weighing 10 to 11 abs; hens , to s pounds. Eggs j, gratifying g ' P Major Hinton, agent of the Phoenix In_ realize there was a tide until it swamped o osite the lrarket, per sc tirof,• $2. �6'ilt Kuar mtec s, torr hatch: " The Liberals of !Vest Huron will increase. The various branches of the No, 2-Gdo. Watt., Harlock sch. house; them. Their opportunity is gone. The PVRRIN'S BLOCK, Clinton tyAIJ'01:R COATS, Ilex nus, Clinton Ont No. 3-D. ShannahanJr.,Se school ; surance Company, Montreal, and tato Maj- �*^ f hold a convention at Dungannon on church work indicated progression on 1 s or of the Sixth Eusiliera was struck b a opportunity of the Liberals has come, and =a ,,,the 21st of May, for the purpose of or- all linea, the attendance at thedifierent No, 4 -Baht. Scott, at Londesboro; Y the have embraced it. The present tariff P P train and killed. Y srfl tganizatiun. It is several years since a spi'vices being gratifyin ly larger. The will suit all moderate men of both parties t +auieetin was held, and a good attend finances are in good shape, and the Canadian floor ie now being sought for and its maul independent tone will win ---�• T� ' 1 'W"�„- J �. +" members are talkin of im rovfn the S in South Africa. The first shi ment Y' P + ,141t,l, ,:, CI is nuked fur, g p . UNNLIx NO LOSs.-Un the way, out P goes friends who are lovers of liberty and im- present edifice. Rev: Mr. Mil! and from Hamb'dr to &ew York, from Kewatir, byway of New Yorrc, next unity.., Hen Mr Fielding has made The Liberals of East Huron, as rep- Y+ was g ,fire week. No better flour is now on the mark- a place for in the histor of this , i, `46- ehtmg "th'e Local House, will meet irlviterl back for his second year, it be- broke out in the hold of The steamship P Y WE ARI. SELLING tln l. Brut��ssels on May 28th, to select a 'nggenerally acknowledged that he had H. H. Meier. and a large portion of tl:e et• country, and has done much to consolidate f" 1yCandfdate, s Gibson 28th. signified a done good work in every respect since cargo was destroyed before the fire: Mr 111. J. Gordon, barrister, Ottawa, bas and strengthen the empire." l �e r g g assuming this charge. was of under control. Among the entered a claim of two cents against the Toronto world, Conservative; -There is 1 IE ead = a�es 1" x r his intention of retiring. g g • g onl one h Y r i, yv :. . _ The annual meeting of the Ontario portion destroyed was a shipment of colporatiori. It is for half a pound of Y ape for the Conservative party gloves coming out fr•om..Gerinan for niilsused in repairing the sidewalk in front and that is in thorough reconstruction, It r ,., QuebcC has settled the school goes- St. Sabbath $drool was held on Mon -Messrs Hod ens Bros., Clinton. 3The of,his door, P g was reconstruction that The world urged CHEM' day a ening, The election of officers fit m will be t no loss, as their oods four years ago, when things began to take That'Binds �#adn• resulteld as follows: -Superintendent, g The first portion of the jubilee procession ` D. Tiplady; Assistant Superintendent, were covered b'y insurance, and new in London on June 22, will consist of the an ominous' look, Bot that advise was It ie the some old story, everybody claims he Dominion revenue was over one P lines ordered to take the lace of those ignored. Ever since the defeat in June last to be selling Jacob Taylor; Sec. -!'seas., Ralph Ti P colonial Premiers, escorted by thsrepresen• the red.men E were since the res onn Ju chars- g goods chsap, but there is an pp destroyed. P y p old saying, "If you believe all you read you 'x�yllion d'ol'lars more last April than rt lady, As. -Sees., ,B. J. Gibbinga and G Y tatives of the colonial corps. Canada will Men of cod taste with and without „ iwii:s'for the same month of 1896. Evi- W Way; Librarian, Thos, Walker; take the lead. for made a virtue of devising opposition to g might as well try to eat all you see, You As. Librarians, John Carter Amoy TRIFLES' --What a roan breaks most the Liberals; they were engaged in that means, to this Men's Furnishing will be convinced if you call at our store, �deli.tly the finances of the country At the frequently when he falls off his bicycle Anglican Synod meeting in Win- business when the Nova Scotia elections store, is made up of good quality that there is truth and nothing but the "il ,�i'.dtirish under Liberal rule. Castle and E. G. Carter; Chorister, H. 'is one of the commandments. Clean nipeg, Archbishop Machray stated that he came on; they were in that business when ' truth in the statement we make a Israel; Pianist, Miss Couch. The re- tip. Plant' shade trees, Tobacco has would vote against prohibition in the pleb- the Quebec elections were on, The result right prices and courteous treatment bout the ports of the Sec. -Trees. showed the �• ieoite Ready-to-wear Clothes. home of the papers argue as if the riz. Use wide tireb on your waggon. , believing that the scriptures regard in each case has been a Liberal sweep, we don't offer yon something for a., school to be in a prosperous condition, House-cleanin t jpiCinciplet of the N. P. were to be per- both numerically and financial) This g is the order of the day. wine as s good gift of God. Instead of talking of fighting the Liberals, nothing; we don't believe you'd take Boj'S' SI11tS we1•C $� for {.5U 40- ' ft about the 25th Y• Now, for the home stretch on the Conservatives had better set themselves at , etllal to this country. It tVae never year o£ Mr Ti lad a The total number of settlers from Jr� cc �O P Y midsummer exams. So fair as pears, Ontario for Manitoba and the west. the work of seriously reconstructing their it if we did; yon d be auspicious about Boys' Suits were �. ,, , . service, as supermtendetlt,, which is, pastry and to devising a �Pto intended, and Oanada i growin plwuF, cherries, and all the smaller leaving Toronto on the weekly excur g progressive plat- the quality. What we do offer oa the be possible testimonial as to his fruits are concerned, there never all- cions which ran £tom March 2 to A til form. The men wbo brought ,,bout all the Y The same discount governs all the ' �Awaq ftom the idea of a "prolective' fitness therefor. p s , tariff as distinguished from "revenue" pealed to be ft better promise of an 27, was 2,39i1 -about double the number late disasters moat retire: The Conservat- is the best the market affords. Cor- Boys' and Men's Suite. '�8tifi. The latter will for some years Z�hg Ottawa papers contain lengthy abundant crop than there is for this of last year•, ive policy and the Conservative rank and rent styles, full value and satisfae- Many rate be;necessary. and highly eulogistic reports concern- Year• A proclamation has been issued. file are all right, but many of the leaders Our $20 Black Worsted to Order ing the induction of Rev, D. M. Ram- by the Governor-General, appointing Wm. Dickson, who has been Gov- need to stand aside, Relonstruction is the tion. Let as furnish your furnishings is a leader. r "'The Brussels Post Says: -"Few coup- Say into the pastorate of Knox church Tuesday, June 22nd, as a day of "gene- cruor of Goderich jail for the past 20 ver g veers L Y present duty in hand. ' dies in the Dominion are represented in that city, As most of our readers sal thanksgiving and rejoicing on ac- , las resigned, owing to the fa- — p know, Mr Ramsay is anolr3Huron boy, count of the diamond jubilee." The firmitiesof age and increasing years. BORN. A J MORRISH, Clinton. l •,,,hy`'better men in the Commons than who received some of his early train NEW ERA gives the news, Rhubarb He is 78 years old, and came from Scot- BRONF,R-In Seaforth, on May 5, the wife of A. J. HOLL011 AY, Clinton. ing at Clinton Collegiate. Dr. Me- pie is on the program. Did land in 1831. John Broiler, of a son. 111"Duron. Dr. Macdonald, from the East g g you pay Bessie Je ain �idiilg, with his clear-headed presen- Donald, M:P„ was one of the s eskers Your subscri tion to the NEw ERA yet? p gs, the six-year-old adopted GANNETT -fn Wingbam, or Sunday, May 2 at the induction services, and said:- Itis reported by the farmers that fall daughter of Mre Jane tannings, near Yark- Mrs Wm. Gannett, of•a danghter. 4ation of facts; John McMillan, in the CHISHOLM-In Leeburn, on May 9th, the I B6(ith, in his stalwart contending for I have known Mr Ramsey since he wheat never looked better at this time er, while sitting cry a hoz wound her apron- y was four years of a e and him wife of the ear than it duet now, and grass strings around her neck and then tied them wife of Mr. Jae. Chiaho m, of a eon. tllare'righta was the farmer; and M. C. q DANCEY-In Goderich, on May rd fDanleton, representing West Huron, since she was two. Mr Ramsay had is making a very rapid growth. to the limb of a tree. The child fell asleep, y 9, the wife of ' been a pupil in hfe school, and Dnp of fell off the box and was strangled to death, L. E. Dancey, barrister, of n sari, Jackson'& the sharp, incisive lawyer, make a trio the smartest. The MARRIED."Icounty Should be proud of." Y would esteem Mrs The death is announced of two prominent Jackson� A, Ramsay when they became better ac- OTTAIMI� NOTES. ladies of Toronto -Mrs Catharine ieatoli McDONALD-ALLEN-At the residence of the bride, Stanley on Maq 12 by Rev. W. s The Seaforth Expositor Says: -"It is quainted. • — Ewart, and Mrs F. W. Camderland, mother Graham Rev. J, A, lifoDonaa of Varna, to ' r EPWORTH LEAGUR ANNIVERSARY.— Thos. Clappison, of Hamilton, has been of Barlow Cumberland. Both were promi- Annie Alan. CLINTON' riCtifleently rumored that Mr M. C, Cam- appointed assistant ins eo The L+ighth Anniversary of the Urga- PP p for of Caetome nently connected with numerous charitable MASON-DAVIS-At the Methodist parson ,, et>r . M. P. for West Huron, is shortly nization of the Epworth League wilt for Ontario, and philanthropic institutions. ago,.Londeaboro, on Thursday, May 6, by the , `Y' 'be a ointed Lieutenant -Governor be ostiverved in connection with the The O osi ion is fadin awe Between Asad Lome is that of Goo. Jackson, town Ada no IeAlio h o 's r W.J. Mason. to Mise • ! PP PP 1 g Y• { League of Ratteirbtiry street Methodist "the election oonrtc, the bye -elections and line, Eaphemia. On Monday one of his MaCALLUM-HAMILTON-Attberesidence *ztD'•%i10 Northwest Territories, in place church next Sunda and Monde the old fields there are only a few of them little daughters died, and on Tuesday ono: of clic bride's mother, on Ma 6, by the Rev J. n e OO ts& h ,iii').Ar C, H, McIntosh, the present in- by special exercises, y y' g Y Des The following ra left. The latest depparture is Dr. Montague, ther died, both havin di htheria orae xoter, to Mrs M. J, , ioddibent, who is no good'for the posit: the rograrn: Sunrise prayer meeting wbo lefi on Saturda night for British Col. One was 8 and the other 11 years old. Bob Hamilton, of Fullarton ' of > ii01u, and who is giving his attention g Y g g Sun ay morning, Ito 8, led by Mr Geo. um!bia. He will not return this session, ohildren were interred m the.same hour in BELL -CATLING -In Clinton, on the 5th We Want to make the month Of' Ma a bigone + t�geT.y to gold minorg speculations in Rorke assisted by Junior League choir. and, it is said, makes no secret of the foot the Presbyterian Cemcifary. Rev.A.wilaon fust,., by Rev. w,J, Ford, Robt.A. Bell, ofGode• d y s. I1'itleh Columbia. Mr Cameron would Public service at I1 a, m,; sermon to that he iv firma of olitice. rich, to Florence, daughter of Mr James Cat- for Shoe selling, with such a fine up -to -(late StoC1C t ke an admirable Lieutenant-Gover- P conducted the service. ling. hung people. by • Rev a T. Scott Mr. McMullen'' bill to as We now have we're prepared for a busy month- 1tldr and,this would be a very fitting yyt, Thomas. Sunda afternoon at 3 of MAIR-BAKER-At the residence of the S Y provide for the Nbtioes have been issued to Profs. Ft•ee- 11, J ith in ofl? to a lou active and use P• appointment of a commission of three in- sbaw, Da Waddel and Duval, and Ca t. bride's father, by the Rev. J, Edgge, on the 12th j�y� g+ m,, mites meeting --special program by specters of the civil service, with the object Wurtelle,yof the Royal Military College Emma re doegdaughttir (Aon Mr RiblirtHakor� all `"'�" �If11.111 I%politicalcareer. Elear, hear! members of the eague, and ten min If Oli buy OUr Shoes from Us OU ute addresses by Rev C. T. Scott and of securing a more economically managed Staff, Kingston, that their services will be of Godorioh township, y y y' alt$ London News expresses the op- the pastor Rev R, Millyard; the entire and efficient public service, was withdrawn, dispensed with after June 30th. This is SHdDDiCK-BRUMBLx-At the rosidondo Will be sal'@ t0 get the right St 1@S. Congregationd ' of but Mr MOM ellen gave notice that he would not due to any complaints or inefficiency, nP the brtdo'e father, B:ulrett, on May 12 by Re . y -t _, n that right or left-handedness ist d and young) are ex- reintroduce the bill and press it to a divi- but to the foot that b the changed coarse J. A. Hamilton, Thomas Shaddiot Mles Et"i c �iiY. a matter of education, and that pectad to often] this meeting. Sun• sion next session unless effective means ead reduced fees the by the the tau ht beth Ann, daughter or Sri Brambly. day evening at 7 p. m., sermon by Rev P 1 Y g Our !'ices thisseason are les3 than any previous season. a Gh#ldfen are left tl choose, they will C. T. Scott. Monday even in at 8 were taken to purge the civil service of the have been dispensed with. DIED, p 1. M., special music b ), p' unneoeAeaty officers in it. . WEBB-In Gorrio,pon Apiii 28 at the real- , llilt;8ither hands. This is not always p P y the Epworth According to the London Daily News donco of his sister, Mrs Geo. $orton, Alex, The man League choir, assisted by members of The Liberal'mernbers from Manitoba attd, from St. Petersburg, a terrible crime, a re- welsh, of Toronto, aged 29 yea and 4 months, y Nobbp. Shoes that are S@@n On the radii. r? ,. know of a case where a child the Ontario St.7� eague; address on "so- the Northwest are pressing upon the Gov-' suit of enperstition, baa been committed at - _ . - -_ f�f �Qry tender age manifested a ten- cial unit " b 1Kev C.T. Scott. A car- ernment fd have the present eyeterri of vel- KELLY -In Tuekeremitb, on May 8, Mat; streets of Clinton are n�arr a�l fl'Om OUI -store • '��i#lfuy to ase its left hand. Neither Of p Y Y nation of agricultural irn 1 Tirespol, in the Government of l�hereon, Chow Belly, eldest son of lir Peter Iie11q, aged Y , dial invitation is extended to the young g p ements imiiortea .Where are a number of hermitages,inbabited 15 years. to months and 27 days. and the wearers have oat pard too much for them. d XSut^etits were left ed, and they peolile of all churches to come and from the United States abolished, and per- by Adwr•ians. Recently seventeen of the MoEWEN-In Turnberry, on May 4, Jamea Wit t!t d to many devices to break the near this masterly ad cess. The So- mit of the inivoices of the exporters being hermits disappeared, and it was believed McEwen, aged 82 years, 9 months. .. l t�f'ttic a habit, finally giving ft up ciety expects liberal col't�ctionson Sun- accepted as the correct amount on which td' 'they had emigrated in fear•. of the in"t end• BATES -In Goderich, on May 7, Thomas tilln r b, and allowing thechildto day afternoon and Monday evenin dolleotdnty, %his would have the effect of in d P Bat6a, raged 78 years and 9 months. �e study t�1e Shoe Trade, we Stud OUl•f1o, oe band, which it seemed to g' sli htl rednoin the rine g day of judgment. But hermit named � y y The church will be beautifully decota- ,slightly g' price of mowers and Hrowalind, has confessed that he walled VAN EVERY -In Mirtneapolif. on April 29 interests. A call is always appreciated. f4 'r;tll'a11y, , , . ted with flags, flowers and bunting, binders to the Canadian farmers. Mr, them up alive in response to their earnest T. H. Von Every, fotmorly otPGodorioh, ngod 3d. , and the members of the LeAgue are Fibl'Aing has promised to look into the mat- entreaties, that they might receive the mar• years' tlo b4V of ootntnunfe&ovd and other mat putting forth every effort to make the. ter and ascertain if the valuation was not tis crown. The police examined the spot WIL80N-in Hallett, on May 9 Elizabeth � c S ;.y.r 11 ,u'ftlladbidcdlgcarriedovdruntilneatireek. g above the q y Y P wife of Mr. John Wilson, connoiitori aged hd r7® ��r�1c,�s��;. Clinto�l �A meetin s a success, price charged b the 1merican and verified hie oonfeasion, years and 9 months. ' LY,I 11 Ir :V' ' i n F+: :u - , . .c' iC _' � rt �r , 11 t.. _, . . s Y '' . .. • .,/11 ..r .:r r ' l • _.. ,'E,.... S, •I �I�t�I�iYy "��N4.. '