The Clinton New Era, 1897-05-07, Page 84 "r"rIrriT*.'.^p,"." '71F- iinton hritw 1$97, FRIDA7: MAY 7, 1897 LOCAL NOTICES. Ifranted.--hags and roti butter. Highest price tid..-;OAl1TELON BROS., Clinton. J c+Ireent Sults.-Don't fail to see our $0,b0 ..1$etxreonu tiuitts--.seat snap-+groaritoot ,t Box. u4TfiLE for Rosea Carnations smilaxHdeueabnceatouruap ea abort otiPies on • gown Zoom. A,z.EDIOTORIAN. -A t McGill U n l ver- -t*, Muntreal, lest week, Miss Bessie Ross, eldest daughter of Mrs Anna ic- ?kir$ address she also took the dewas cosen to read the gree 'of oK, A., passing with honors, and was the only young lady who did so. 100NC'FRATC'LATORY.- Our authoress nul artist, Clara H. Mountcastle, whose atest poern we ppubiislred in the NEW *)erAofcongratulatorylasvveerlettersd on the furies some from total strangers. It eke acknowledged, by good critics, to be very fine poem. 'TUE COUNTY COUNCIL. -As the •eountyCourt will meet on. the 8th of • dune, and require all the room in the 'Court House, usually occupied by the 'iotxnty Councillors, which adjourned List January to weetat the same time, Warden pox suggests that the County .Council meet on the 31st of May, and atemain in session for the balance of %that week, and it is likely that this twill be done. • INDIA FAnzlrrlt I' IIND,--Additional subscriptions received by the Molsous aiank and forwarded to Ottawa, Mrs Leech, Holmesville, $1; Mrs Elford, lloImesvilie, 25c; Mrs Blackwell, d;'atolmesville, 25c; Mrs Penfold; $1. The Nelsons Bank will receive contribu• -tion to "The Canadian Fund for the •4Qmmemoration of the Queen's Dia- s iY `, .. nondJubilee, by founding The Vic- " r"'' Main Order of Nurses in Canada," aatn(1 Will forward them to Ottawa free .rat charge. .EDUCATIONAL NOTEs.__Messrs Geo. IFS-^, cEwer2, R. B. McLean, R. Douglas, • aauftd Inspectors Robb and Tom met at email- on May 1st, as a board of ar- jitra,tion,o consider the dissolution or alteration of the village of Hensel! 117nioti School Section. The Hay pe- titioners were rept esented, by Lawyer} , •., ollins, Exeter. After hearing arg'u- • 3ments for and against dissolution, the hoard. adjouOr+i�ied, to meet again at 8ensa1l on May7, when the matter will be finally decided. Arbor day is may 7th. • THE " .HAS KEENS." -What is know as Core's Hall will soon be a ;airing of the past, as Mr Core intends itte pull it down, and make use of the i'tnber in the builclin¢ he intends to er- et on the north side of Huron street. In the earlier days of Clinton's exist - 'tree this was the only place for the lisliding of Public, entertainments, for rkOutten meetings, holding of division cofr;ts, etc., but it has not been used r.,',,,•this purpose for a •considerable augur of time. IDATES.-The following are the here of candidates . that hate a - lied to:write for Entrance or Public lchool Leaving at the various examin- >ttOn centres in East Huron: Entrance P.S.L. t[l1antom.118. i 47 Sea/forth .......... .....122...:.... 21 sssels ............ 79. ..... 21 trrilwich............ 30, ....... 14 ;